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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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22 minutes ago, Ahpheng said:



JUST WAIT NEXT WEEK... pdnim will be surprised us with the sweet wed and beautiful first night... pry...pry..pry...:dissapointed:

@Ahpeng, may drama god granted our. Wish..:blush:

We have just 4 episode left with all the problem surrounding, i wish MDBC, team can smoothly resolve the plot with best excute like always.

With thick scedule they have, still get maintine such good quality drama is rare, hence MDBC team never fail to amazed us every week , and the twist is unpridictable..i love it...

MDBC is Daebak....awesome.. 



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14 hours ago, NRGchick said:

Don't shoot me but defending the CP here. 

He is in pain from losing Ra On and like any wounded person he snapped at HY. Who happens to intrude in a private place with memories for him and Ra On. Yes, HY does not know the significance of the place, however I don't see how he would expend the time to explain to her what the place means to him. 

She is also trying to make the best of the situation and is reaching out to the CP. Unfortunately you are talking to a wounded bear/CP who as Eunuch Jang mentioned is different and works himself hard every day and night.  

HY knows (pretty much at the same time as YS with Ra On) that one may be physically near but mentally and emotionally distant. So it's a futile love for both YS and HY.

I found both the 2nd leads annoying in last night's episode. They were q selfish and opportunistic. I was happy with how both the main leads responded to their "unwanted" ones. 

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17 hours ago, moodypie said:

Bracelet or no bracelet...they will still be together...hehe.

Notice, CP still wearing his bracelet. He won't...definitely won't let go. 

Love his expression...a mixture of anger, longing, missing her...and finally the hug...so much feel to this scene. 

Yes i particularly like the shot right after he hugged her. his jaw was still set as if he was angry, but his eyes shifted and it went from angry to worry, relief, and "where-have-you-been"...

and if you can try and catch his expression from the side profile full body shot at the moment he embraced her--you can barely see it but that expression slayed me!!! can't describe it go watch it!!

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15 minutes ago, babysiew said:

I love love love this part. CP's face expression tells it all. No words needed. 


Arent we all glad that there was "no choice" but to cast PBG in the role of CP? :D

If there were other choices, we would not have known he can handle a saguek so well, it is indeed a blessing for MDBC and the viewers that they got him as the lead 

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21 minutes ago, babysiew said:

YS is the Premier's grandson. He does not need to hide. RO is a rebel's daughter. She is also a woman who is pretending to be eunuch. So it is not fair to say that HY is kept in the dark. YS and RO are different status. if RO has status like YS, why would CP kept her in the dark? I think he would proudly announce to the world that RO is his woman. 

In ep 14, HY some sort guessed that CP lost his the woman he loved. She mentioned that if she sees you like this, she will say the same thing. Wouldnt that meant she know there is something wrong between CP and the woman she loved? 

I am sorry. I dont think CP is rude. That garden belongs to CP. Same goes to that library. Without permission, nobody is supposed to enter. Dont u think she has intruded his privacy? And he already made known that he doesnt welcome her in his private space. How many times she has barged into his private space without notice? How much can a man tolerate? If someone barged into my private space not once but twice, I would have jumped and clawed like a mean cat. I think CP is a perfect gentleman for only telling her dont come to this garden anymore. 

I dont like all third wheels. Period. YS and HY. All be gone! :P 



When I said HY was kept in the dark, I mean she doesn't get to see first hand how much LY loves RO and vice versa. Whereas YS can clearly see what LY means to RO...he was there everytime RO cries for LY, and yet he's still sticking around, holding onto a sliver of hope that she will run to him after her breakup with LY.


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16 minutes ago, yoohoo84 said:


I totally see your point but the fact is he's always been that way toward HY, cold/distant or borderline rude. I love that he was upfront about his feelings and didn't string her along, but I wanted to see him being the gentleman that I know he is, not just to RO but to all girls, especially to one who doesn't mean him harm. 


CP is not a gentleman to all girls. He only opens up himself to RO. Besides, from the scene i feel that CP has been trying his best to deal with HY in business tone. He needed to be alone to heal his wound and he could not then she interrupted at the wrong timing. Sigh...... i feels sorry for HY but she can't expect a wounded lion that will bite anytime be considerate enough to smile and escort her out the cave and say goodbye sweetly. 


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3 minutes ago, yoohoo84 said:


When I said HY was kept in the dark, I mean she doesn't get to see first hand how much LY loves RO and vice versa. Whereas YS can clearly see what LY means to RO...he was there everytime RO cries for LY, and yet he's still sticking around, holding onto a sliver of hope that she will run to him after her breakup with LY.


blame it to the circumstances. but for me, when a man tells u that he already has someone he loves in his heart, I dont need the man to show me how much he loves his woman. That sentence alone would have painted a very good picture 

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3 minutes ago, tianaa said:

this is too hard to handle iam trying but whenever i think of minister Kim128.gif and his evil schemes am worried  i have high hope for Yoon-sung image.gifto confront his  harabuji 




actually i worry that he will be killed coz he knows to much..........

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10 minutes ago, Jillia said:

I think some might misunderstand Lee Yeong as a character. Before he met Ra On he was known to be the rude crown prince who is almost more a beast than a man. People in the palace are scared of him or at least have a huge amount of respect for him because if not they're getting yelled at or like Eunuch Sung in episode 2 kicked out of the Crown Prince's palace.

He was never interested in women before and we saw him being rude to the dancer in episode 4 as well. Yelling at her.

Being with Ra On made him more human and he had the perfect balance between being an authority as the regent and being very gentle with Ra On and his servants.

He was the perfect gentleman to Ha Yeon before but now with Ra On gone the beast is back. There is no reason for him to be gentle and nice when he is in deep pain. No matter if Ha Yeon can sense his sadness or not. He might regret treating Ha Yeon the way he did but he has a point in telling her not intrude his privacy and the places in the palace which remind him of Ra On. (And again: WHERE are the guards and servants to stop unwelcomed visitors? Like in other dramas?)


Lol, thanks for the reminder. I'm so in love with the LY post-RO that I forgot about the LY pre-RO! 

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