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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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4 hours ago, Chewy Hoe said:

so all those people who won the tickets are not going to see our gang masters at baeksang? I mean someone has to represent our gang right? 

This is a earnest question really 


I'm definitely going ^_^ (booked my plane tickets and hotel already). I also ordered a banner featuring our SongSong Couple :wub: 

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@angieknows : cool, u got the clearance from work! And I can feels yr excitement aldy...do enjoy urself thr n hopefully u might even bump into SJK or SHK or even bttr, both of them together..hahaha...do rmb to feed us here with live feed during Bakseang nite with lots of pics ya...

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33 minutes ago, ~*kYo*~ said:


I'm definitely going ^_^ (booked my plane tickets and hotel already). I also ordered a banner featuring our SongSong Couple :wub: 

You are so lucky! How I wish I'm one of the winners. I will pray for a safe and enjoyable journey for you and angieknows. 

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1 hour ago, ~*kYo*~ said:


I'm definitely going ^_^ (booked my plane tickets and hotel already). I also ordered a banner featuring our SongSong Couple :wub: 


Banner is great! Have you pm Angie to meet up there? I was just telling her to meet you! Do arrange something ya. It's great meeting another SS shipper and she is from the states too! Woohoo excited already!

Can you imagine a star studded ceremony besides seeing our OTP you probably see the entire Korean A-listers at the event and please don't forget to go to watch the red carpet if able to because you might just get lucky shaking their hands!! 

Those who have won besides the 2 who are confirmed going, please do not miss this chance of a lifetime. It's not Everyday you get to see that many Korean stars live in the flesh 

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Lucky Fan Gets 'Descendants Of The Sun' Song Joong Ki's Voice As An Alarm Ringtone


Descendants of the Sun' actor Song Joong Ki was filmed recording his own voice as an alarm ringtone for one of his female fans during his tour.

Watch the Facebook video posted in one of his official page SongSong Couple.

Translation: This is Big Boss. Miss, hurryup and get up! I'm Jong Ki, hurry up and get up! Have a nice day! I love you! Haven't you got upt? Hurry up and get up now!"

As of writing the post garnered 112k views, 2,074 shares and more than 6k likes.

Lot of Song Joong Ki's fans were jealous and wanted to have a copy of that recording too posting comments on the same page.

"That is the lucky fan.. Could you share with me too? Any kind soul?
Big Boss.. I need your sweet voice badly to start my day... plsssss," one Facebook user named Suzy Moe posted.



ME: OMG... If given a chance... I want his ILOVEYOUsssss and IMISSYOUsssss to wake me up!

Here's the voice recording for those who haven't heard it.



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3 hours ago, angieknows said:

Okay ... I can't possibly do this over PM as the list keeps growing ... Guys, please read the message from @thepixies in the previous page! Let's just move on from the topic of his possible habit. This has gone on for too many pages already, and as has been suggested, some of us have already edited our comments. It's Baeksang season, so, let's make this thread as positive as possible! 

And, and, and ... I can't believe I'm really going! LOL. Thank you to all who sent out positive vibes so that I can get clearance from work and get my week off to attend Baeksang! 

My Korean friend has another friend, who'll be my personal tour guide, and she already emailed me a list of activities to do. Haha. I think they might be more excited than I am! It looks I might take a tour of MBC and/or KBS. My friend's friend actually used to work for jTBC and was even invited to Baeksang a few years ago :D So, she has connections! Since everyone sent out positive thoughts and prayers, why don't you all pray and hope that I get to meet SJK and/or SHK, too! :D Let's make it happen! Hahaha.



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Angie’s Korea Tour Plan


 (June 1~7,2016)




1. 궁투어 Palace Tour 


-경복궁 (Kyung-bok Palace)


 This is the biggest palace in Korea, where kings and queens in Cho-seon dynasty used to dwell.




-서울시립미술관 (Seoul Museum of Art)


(경복궁 옆문으로 나오면 바로 건너편에 미술관이 위치함)


 It's located right across from the Kyung-Bok Palace, so we can visit here after looking around the palace.




-삼청동길 (Sam-Chung-Dong Road)


(아기자기한 소품구경)


 On this street, you can see stalls selling cute accessories, clothing shops, and hand bag stores. Nice to look around for shopping fashion items and cute little things.. 




-창덕궁(Chang-Deok Palace)


This is a palace located to the east of the Kyung-bok Palace. Established in Cho-seon dynasty and there's a loyal garden (secret garden) inside. There is Buk-chon Hanok village around this palace.




*추천맛집:삼청수제비,북창동칼국수(만두도 추천^^),커피빈스(아이스크림와플 추천)


*restaurant recommendation : Sam-chung sujebi, Bukchangdong Kalguksu, Coffee beans café(ice cream waffle)




2. Hong Dae Tour (near Hongdae subway station) 홍대투어


-라이더코스 (Rickshaw course)


(13:00~22:00까지 운영, 30분에 10,000/2인인지 확인 필요,코스:커피프린스거리,상상마당,홍대놀이터)


You can ride on a rickshaw to go around the Hongdae area.  It runs from 13pm~22pm and costs about $10. (1 person, 30 mins) The rickshaw passes by Coffee-prince st., Sang-sang madang, Hongdae playgroundetc)




-길거리 버스킹 관람가능 (Busking performance)


Hongdae area is famous as it's artistic atmosphere. Musicians perform and artists sell arts and crafts on the street. There are some famous jazz bars in this neighborhood.




난타공연(홍대공연장) (Nanta concert hall)




You can see Nanta performance here. A ticket costs about $20.50 per person. Advanced reservation is required.




*추천맛집: 조폭떡볶이,오자와(가츠동전문),풍월(오코노미야끼전문),파스타그라피(피자,파스타전문)


*Restaurants : Jo-pok Dduckbokki, Ojawa(gatzuding), Pungwal(Okonomiyaki), Pasta graphi(italian restaurant)




3.이태원~남산투어 (Itaewon~Namsan Tour)


-이태원 (Itaewon)


(녹사평역을 출발해 리움미술관 방면 걸으며 구경)


You can do some sightseeing in this area by walking from Noksapyung station to Lium Art Gallery.




-리움미술관 (Lium Art Gallery)




This is a modern art museum run by Samsung. We need to check the exhibition and when it is closed.




-골목 맛집 (Local restaurants)


There are lots of restaurants for ethnic dishes.




-남산타워(Namsan Tower)


(이태원에서 노란버스02,03,05?? 중에 하나가 남산타워앞까지 간다네^^)


타워위에서 김수현과 사진도 한방ㅋㅋ(타워엘리베이터는 비싸니 굳이 갈필요는 없음.. 자물쇠 많이 있는 곳에서 경치만 감상해도 좋음^^)


You can take yellow buses 02,03,05 in Itaewon to get to the Namsan tower. In the tower, there is a place with lots of locks appeared in the Korean drama. You can enjoy looking down at Seoul city too.




*추천맛집: 이태원은 이름이 생각안남..(이건 곧 알아보겠음..)


남산쪽은 남산돈까스(1978년 어쩌고 써있는집이 나름 원조임..)


*Resraurants : Namsan pork cutlet, and need to find more.






4.시티투어버스 (City Bus Tour)


이건 코스를 보고 밤에 야경을 보는것도 좋을 듯.. 밤이 덜 막히고 시원하니깐^^


낮에 끊어둔 표하나로 주요 관광지를 다 볼수 있고 계속 내렸다가 탔다가 할수있어 혼자 여행하는 날 하루정도는 이것만타고 관광해볼만함^^


This bus tour is especially good for looking at the night view of the city since there's less traffic. With one ticket, you can look around major tour spots getting on and off as many times as you want. It's good way to get a glimpse of the cityscape for a day.






5.방송국 투어 (TV Broadcasting studio Tour)


-MBC상암견학(입장료 18,000, 어른도 체험하기 좋게 잘 구성해놓은듯, 1시간30분 소요.)


MBC studio tour : A ticket costs about $15.38. Takes about 1 hr 30 mins. Nice and well-organized tour.




-KBS견학홀(무료,예약제인데 상암에 비해 체험은 다소 떨어지는듯해도 태양의 후예 때문에 기대감이 있긴함^^)


KBS studio tour : It's free and reservation is required. Not as good as MBC tour but it can be more exciting if you're a fan of DOTS. J 




6.한강소풍(Hangang river picnic)


이건 밤에 추천하는 코스인데 한강 어디든 돗자리만 펴고 앉음 치킨과 맥주를 배달해주는 문화체험가능..ㅋㅋ


There's a Hangang Park along side the river. Evening is recommended for visiting here.(fewer people) J We can bring a mat and parasol to sit(lie) on the grass and have Chicken and beer delivered J




I'm sorry if this feels like bragging ... but I'm just excited! And I'll try to have a present for everyone here while I'm there! 

@hclover96 and @lynne22 Thank you for the @star1 video of SHK! Gorgeous woman!



take me with you to the KBS tour pretty please!

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Omg unnie yayyy!! You're going to meet them!!:bawling: @angieknows @~*kYo*~ Idk why I'm getting excited to here! :P hope you guys have a great fun in Korea! The street foods are super yummy I'm telling you (I've been there before hehe). And if I'm not mistaken KBS building is in yeouido(you can see han river too!) so hopefully you can take a photo with SJK standee:wub: I'm also wishing you both a safe flight! Have fun!!xxx

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Haven't finished back reading yet but I do check in soompi everyday on our SS. Sry if its late but I just wanted to say congratz again to all the SS shippers who won tix to the Baeksang award even though most couldn't attend. I'm not even surprised that its all SS lovers that won it. Why? Just look at how active and # of votes we put in every second of the day. No one is as hardcore believer as us lol. Heck they probably intentionally let all of SS shipper win so we can show our full support when S2 attend the award and announce their r/s*delulu mode again* hehe. 

@angieknows& @~*kYo*~-yay I'm so glad you guys were able to work around your schedule to show support and go attend the award on behalf of all of us. :D Sending over some love to both of ya!



Aside from that, here's the update for both iqiyi & baeksang votes:

Iqiyi: woot woot both hit 2 mil already!:w00t:

宋仲基 - 2593625

宋慧乔 - 2008520




keep it up fellow shipmates! Only a week away until we can finally stop from all the endless mission games we have to play to earn pts :blink:

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I am reporting from...... Seoul........Its beautiful! Busy but beautiful.....   

It's been a busy couple of weeks to say the least and I have been unable to go through the thread like I normally do, so I have missed a number of my favorite posters! I'd like to thank the ones who have kindly filled me in on any newsworthy moments. It's been great to still be connected to the thread in someway despite not being able to post. So again Thank you so much it means a lot and you know who you are! 

There is a number of things to be excited about!

EDITED: My apologies due to sensitivity of issue. :) Contuining my support for SJK and SHK as always

There is a trend that SS has been able to piece together when it comes to SJK being away on FM's and SHK's movements on her IG. As a shipper I will believe that BOTH are sending each other a secret message to each other. The supporters of whom are able to decipher the possible connections, All I can say is BRAVO!!! It makes the feeling that despite being away from each other they know that one another is in constant support. This one particular FM wasn't overflowing with spazz tactic SS news but it doesn't take much for a believer such as we to feel what is brewing and strengthening between SHK AND SJK. We are only 3 months and counting from the release of DOTS and I couldn't be more delighted as to how much the love and support has grown for SS from media to the increasing fanbase. Of course SHK and SJK have noticed as well or I wouldn't think they would have the confidence to display their close friendship to the world from selfies to Mrs.Lee, to favorite cartoon, to an influence in the brand Hermes (I really think it wasn't for her but the thought she may have had a hand in his gift giving gives me more hope to what I wish for the both of them) Life has truly worked in their favor and I can only see many more things to be revealed by them but it will take time and I have all the time I'm the world to support all their career decisions and last but not least their close relationship

I am more than elated about the possibility of the attendance of our couple at the 52nd Annual Baeksang Art Awards. I feel that so many good things could happen between them if they do decide to attend. Possibly some major eye contact, aura of protection perhaps, feeling of pure bliss being next to each other, a display of support and endless admiration for each other, if we're lucky and the gods are shining down on us we will get skinship! and the list goes on. I am counting down the days! I have not stopped voting so I hope everyone has not done so either. We are at the final stretch and it's amazing what the fans of SJK, SHK, and SS as one can accomplish. I can confidently say WE DID IT! Now I hope both win in their respecting categories and achieve the level of accomplishment they are striving for and what we as fans believe they deserve! 

I hope to visit this thread again before my trip is over, I'm trying to make my rounds to the previous SS spots but currently have yet to do so. I'm crossing my fingers that I will be able to get the chance to share my photos to everyone.  

Please keep the positive vibes and I can't wait to share with you all. 

P.S. I really hope to be able to backtrack the thread properly, but until then thank you to whomever has been updating! And to the silent readers, I know your supporting them through your own means so THANK YOU TO EVERYONE 

Cr: @stargazer187 I hope you don't mind I repost, this is one of my favorite moments it gives me the FEELS and so much more 

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^ One more for Mr S's cf folder. This was for Korean Tourism.


Congrats to all the awesome Shippers who won tix and are going to Baeksang. Woohoo! 

And also, I can't help but follow @Chewy Hoe's post with one of my favourite OSTs....Hey, if we are gonna join a gang of troll busters, let it be this gang - in Armani suits, no less:


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Does anyone already post this here?

Song Joong Ki Says He Has No Plans To Take A Break From Acting

Song Joong Ki Says He Has No Plans To Take A Break From Acting

Actor Song Joong Ki beams with passion for acting in an interview with Vogue Korea.

On May 23, the fashion magazine posted a cut from their photoshoot with Song Joong Ki on their Instagram.

The actor can be seen looking chic and dashing in the black-and-white photo, exuding charisma just by gazing at the camera.

Song Joong Ki tells Vogue Korea, “I hit 30 while I was in the military. Looking back, my 20s were spent acting, so when I entered my 30s, I became really hungry for it.”

He stresses just how much he missed his job and says, “I can’t tell you how much I wanted to act then. I still feel that way now. I’m not tired, and I don’t even want to take a break. I’ve rested from acting enough when I was in the military.”

The rest of his interview and the photos from Song Joong Ki’s Hong Kong noir themed pictorial come out on Vogue Korea’s June issue entitled “Fantastic Man.


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Gyaaaa I'm so so so happy and excited to know that @angieknows unnie and @~*kYo*~ can make it to the event :w00t: wish you a wonderful journey and we will send you virtual power to meet surprising happiness in South Korea wohoo xD, can't wait to be updated more information from you and to those who haven't confirmed the attendance, paili paili it's one in a million chance of your life, don't miss it :P I'm saving single penny to have a trip to SK next year, being under the same sky and breath the same air with our OTP will be precious gift to me ^_^

And so happy to see you around @lovely_skham_stv, good luck on your work and comeback soon to us, I miss your writing already :rolleyes:

Thank you @Chellsee for feeding us with loads of beautiful pics and news, let me join you in spreading the visual blissfulness :rolleyes:



Credit as labelled.

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