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[Drama 2016] My Son in Law's Woman 내 사위의 여자 M-F 8:28am KST

Ldy Gmerm

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The last 2 episodes were a bit slow....we need something to pick things back up....did you see how HT MIL almost saw the family photo....I really really hate when they make characters almost see something....they are like right in front of them but they cant see them please.

Without subs im not sure of what was said but I think JY gave PSK the ultimatum of marriage or release HT

Also I think JY was killing two birds with one stone: he told HT MIL about that witness tape to turn her against both HT and PSK ( JY said HT said he was giving up on trying to find the hit and run driver) now before his MIL believe that she should have asked HT first she knows JY is upset with HT for stealing his fiance

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On 1/6/2016 at 5:40 AM, Triton823 said:

I just see a redux of Princess Aurora!? Anyone remember that drama? The husband's mother did everything in her power to get the woman out of the way!? Also the title is very disturbing to me!


Hello Everybody, I'm coming in I'll pick up tomorrow evening is there a chatroom ? 

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I just typed a huge post and it was eaten.. not retyping.. 

All I can say now is it seems PSK has decided to save HT by sacrificing herself to marry the crazy man JY. 


Good to see you back.. no chat for this drama, I did not make one for it. 

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Quite frankly I dont like HT MIL she is phony.......she have that soft voice and seem timid but I have not forgot what she said and did to HT she is a hypocrite and was just plain nasty.....

Her behavior to keep HT with her talking about how he is like a son to her yet she didnt want him to meet anyone wouldnt try to set him up on blind dates.....she is selfish now she dont want to lose him like she want to keep him for herself why else would you keep a very young man tied to you through your dead daughter knowing he deserves to meet someone new and fall in love and marry.

Well one ill spoken word from JY and what happened to he is just like a son.......her attitude did a 180 why should she be heartbroken even if he did say he was giving up on finding the hit and run driver and moving on with his life....finding the driver wont bring his wife back in fact that is what has kept him from moving on ....to find someone new and fall in love again....I can see HT MIL nasty personality is going to come out again soon...she did well hiding it the last 3yrs because HT was living how she wanted him to.

And in all those lectures I didnt know she was hiding the fact that she had been married before or that she had a daughter besides the two she claim as step daughters....I remember during her interview the person did ask her if marriage to the girls stepfather was her 1st marriage and she said yes.

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i don'r  know  if  it's  naivete  or  plain  stupidity  on sookyung  and  hyuntae  to think  tat the latter's  woes  are  not  related  to  their  relationship.the  ceo  and  director  are  against  them and they  don't  think it  has nothing  to  do  with  that.  they  are  not  thinking,  they  are  not planning,  they're al ittle  slow. not  to  think of  the  bigger  picture.

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14 hours ago, Brenda Capers said:

Quite frankly I dont like HT MIL she is phony.......she have that soft voice and seem timid but I have not forgot what she said and did to HT she is a hypocrite and was just plain nasty.....

Her behavior to keep HT with her talking about how he is like a son to her yet she didnt want him to meet anyone wouldnt try to set him up on blind dates.....she is selfish now she dont want to lose him like she want to keep him for herself why else would you keep a very young man tied to you through your dead daughter knowing he deserves to meet someone new and fall in love and marry.

Well one ill spoken word from JY and what happened to he is just like a son.......her attitude did a 180 why should she be heartbroken even if he did say he was giving up on finding the hit and run driver and moving on with his life....finding the driver wont bring his wife back in fact that is what has kept him from moving on ....to find someone new and fall in love again....I can see HT MIL nasty personality is going to come out again soon...she did well hiding it the last 3yrs because HT was living how she wanted him to.

And in all those lectures I didnt know she was hiding the fact that she had been married before or that she had a daughter besides the two she claim as step daughters....I remember during her interview the person did ask her if marriage to the girls stepfather was her 1st marriage and she said yes.

You are Right that is also my opinion. 

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@Brenda Capers

I agree with you on JS. She's a bitter woman who has had two children taken away from her but has taken her lost out on HT. . He had every right to want to move on. HT chose the present and didn't want to live in the past anymore. Now he has lost even that. and to top it off she's being distant and cold. 

JY thinks he's won but what has he really won. A woman who is only with him to save the man she loves. He only gets her through blackmail. PSK will never love him and there's nothing he can do to make that happen. 

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Oh the pitfalls of daily  drama, thanks for all the update seems like PSK agree to marry the Monster, not really sure if she will go go through with it as most of you  had said she could be the runaway bride.

Have a nice week to all:blush:

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The way I see it is JS treated HT the same way she was treated by PHT's nasty mother. Had he not fought for his son she would have taken that child from him when she had no rights to do so.  Now... She is trying to put HT out per the subs because he chose PSK over finding out who killed his wife. That again is wrong as this man knows it will not bring her back and also JY has no real evidence (at this moment) of who committed the crime. Given who's son he is she should have known better (and wondered why HT has had so many issues and why JY suddenly wanted to see her about something that has nothing to do with him.)  but I see her as a very selfish woman. 

Now she has gone in his bedroom and taken down his photo's of him and his wife when she has no right to do that either. She can be angry (although it is not rational) but she has no right to stop him from not wanting to continue on to look for the person that killed his wife if it only hurts him to hold on to it. 

JS has become very bitter over the loss of her two daughters. Well her pay back is in a. everyone finding out she had been married before and kicked out. b. that she had a child. c. that her actions in trying to find this child has open a can of worms. d. That the child she has been searching for has been right under her nose married to her son in law. 

JS will have to deal with not only her ill treatment of HT when I bet it is found out he is the missing son of PHT's friend. But that her own daughter has been that close to her and she mistreated her all because of her anger about her step daughters death. The real issues come with having to deal with PHT as the person that hurt and ultimately killed HT's wife and her step daughter. 

Payback is coming for JS. There is nothing better then being nasty to someone only to find out its a long lost child you have been searching for. 

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1 hour ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

The way I see it is JS treated HT the same way she was treated by PHT's nasty mother. Had he not fought for his son she would have taken that child from him when she had no rights to do so.  Now... She is trying to put HT out per the subs because he chose PSK over finding out who killed his wife. That again is wrong as this man knows it will not bring her back and also JY has no real evidence (at this moment) of who committed the crime. Given who's son he is she should have known better (and wondered why HT has has so many issues and why JY suddenly wanted to see her about something that has nothing to do with him.)  but I see her as a very selfish woman. 

Now she has gone in his bedroom and taken down his photo's of him and his wife when she has no right to do that either. She can be angry (although it is not rational) but she has no right to stop him from not wanting to continue on to look for the person that killed his wife if it only hurts him to hold on to it. 

JS has become very bitter over the loss of her two daughters. Well her pay back is in a. everyone finding out she had been married before and kicked out. b. that she had a child. c. that her actions in trying to find this child has open a can of worms. d. That the child she has been searching for has been right under her nose married to her son in law. 

JS will have to deal with not only her ill treatment of HT when I bet it is found out he is the missing son of PHT's friend. But that her own daughter has been that close to her and she mistreated her all because of her anger about her step daughters death. The real issues come with having to deal with PHT as the person that hurt and ultimately killed HT's wife and her step daughter. 

Payback is coming for JS. There is nothing better then being nasty to someone only to find out its a long lost child you have been searching for. 

so.....  so ....... so ...... so...... true..........my exact thoughts too!!@!

I just couldnt bring myself to type it all.........ooh and lets not forget she also blamed him for her daughter death cause they married against her wishes......and remember JS MIL kicked her out because she said she caused all their calamity...bankruptcy...husband going to prison.....loss of business...etc.

Reading your comment just makes my blood boil.....its just exactly what I wanted to say and what I was fussing about this morning...I even wanted to make a remark about how her face looks(not a good one) but I remembered the caution about commenting on the actors looks so I wont. (prude...prune)

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Video for Episode 43:



HT comes in after drinking and being dumped to talks to JS who wants him to leave because he gave up finding out who killed his wife to be with PSK. Honestly it is his right to do that. Finding out or believing that JY could even provide that information when no one else has was foolish on JS's part and she will regret this later. 

The thing about this is what will happen later when her dirty laundry comes out at having been married before and having a child. Then what about finding out it was her ex husband who hurt her pregnant step daughter resulting in her death. How will she look HT in the face then?

JY is all happy about a marriage that is not going to happen. He honestly thinks he finally got PSK? No wonder he goes nuts he is deluded and his bubble is going to be burst. 

HT and his buddy corner the man that JY hired to frame him perhaps and HT is able to get into the man's phone and they hear JY's voice as the person who set it all up and HT is surprised (Not sure why he is.. ) The guy manages to either get away or be let go. 

HT goes to the company and confronts JY perhaps but frankly HT has nothing to stop this wedding from going on. JY is cocky. 

HT drags PSK out and perhaps suspects something is not right but she tells him she does not love him anymore hurting him (rolling eyes.) and walks away from him standing fast to saving him by sacrificing herself. 

The next day PSK looks like she is going to a firing squad although her dress was beautiful. JY is all smiles and happy thinking he finally got what he wanted but how are you happy to know you had to blackmail a woman to marry you? JY gets a call from the guy that set up HT but he does not answer (he should have taken that call to find out HT knows).

(Let me just say that JY and his mom are so very shady. They have a wedding and his father is not there. No one even knows the woman is still married let alone her husband is alive somewhere or not out of the country (whatever lie they told) she really is embarrassed by this man. He finds out about the wedding and shows up and she is trying to get him away before PSK's parents see him and asks questions. This is how I know her meddling in JS's affairs over her past marriage and possibly exposing it and finding out PSK is her daughter will bring about her own dirty laundry coming out over this man and where she really came from.)

Meanwhile HT is with his son who comes in and HT some how sees the owl from PSK's phone (that use to belong to his wife right?) and asks his son about how he got this and his son tells him that his Noona (PSK) came to see him and told him what she said to him giving him that owl charm as she hugged him and possibly cried too. At that point HT realizes that PSK is prolly marrying JY to help or protect him. Ht grabs his coat and runs out making a call catching a taxi to hurry to the wedding hall. 

We see JY escorting PSK down the hall to the door. And HT making it to the wedding hall trying to find PSK. 


JY and PSK walk into the hall. JY's mom is at JS's house destroying furniture having a fit over HT ruining that wedding I bet and JS has no clue what is going on. JY is all smiles going down the aisle while PSK looks like a zombie going to her death. (Not a happy bride at all.) JY's mom is still causing a rukus at JS's house. PHT stands up shocked as the crowd exclaims (guess HT found PSK and crashed that wedding.) JY is angry at someone over their letting HT do this to him I guess. JS goes into HT's room and looks around. JY outside his house or PSK's upset. PSK at home in bed. JY being creepy lurking outside. PSK in bed with HT holding hands saying sorry in the voice over. PSK at the river looking at HT maybe. HT with his son tucking him in. JY having a melt down. PSK crying right after HT drags her out of the wedding and HT say something to her. 


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube. 

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@Ldy Gmerm Thank you for the recap.

Hahaha ..I can't wait to see the chaos that ensues in the next episode. JY was acting smug and cocky, so sure that everything was going according to plan and it will just end up blowing up in his face. I wish SK had revealed that he was behind the last incident with HT otherwise things would not have gone out of hand and well...we wouldn't have a drama lol. With this latest development, JY will lose it and begin to show his true colors to SK's family. I hope they are ready because SK has repeatedly warned them that JY is not the perfect man they think he is. 

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Everyone will get the blame for this blow out except where the blame really lies with PHT and his family and JY and his mother. Had JY Let go of PSK when she told him many times she did not want to marry him or love him or when she told him she loved another man none of this would have happen. Had his mother stopped trying to get that connection to that family by buying up stock and blackmailing PSK and did the right thing by her son and told him to let go it does not seem the girl wants him none of this would have happen. 

But mostly had her parents listened to PSK when she told them that she did not love JY or want to marry him and that they need to be cautious perhaps of him and his mother none of what happen would have. These elders and JY were all greedy and cared not for PSK's well being and did not question why after protesting and fighting would she all of a sudden consent to a wedding so fast. PHT, his mother and his foolish wife will indeed pay for this. 


PHT and his wife and mother deserve what is coming because they should have distant themselves from JY and his mother. PHT should have also paid more attention on who was buying up stock in that company. Now JY and his mother have either the same amount or more stock in the company then they do and they were trying to push PSK to marry JY to save that company when it has been JY all along creating problems. 

They are not going to be ready for the real JY because they have been so use to seeing his mild mannered fake serial killer persona that when they do see the real him it will come as a huge surprise to them. When he takes the company, or kicks out PHT or ruins it to make them pay for what PSK did to him then and only then will they get it. The kicker is PSK's brother as well getting a dose of how JY really sees him and thinks of him. But oh well they all did not listen to or pay attention to PSK and her silent cry for help and support.

Chat room for live broadcast..for those that would like to chat while watching.. here is the link.. Hopefully all of you that are interested are able to access the site. It is free..


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Hi everyone :)

This is my first time on this thread and actually watching a daily drama. I have tried to watch other daily dramas (ongoing and completed ones) but I never had the patients for them.  After a long search I have finally found one that I like, I just finished watching 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43. It was a perfect time for me to have a break (lool even though it wasn't an intentional break) I mean imagine watching and waiting to see when HT was going to come out of jail. Sadly I have to wait for ep 44 now (I never watch the raw coz it’s not as exciting as it being subbed).


I agree with all of your comments especially when it comes to HT MIL. I can't stand that she had many chances to confess about her first marriage but she never spoke out not even to her own (step)daughter. I don’t understand how she still haven’t even told her, why keep it a secret from her while you are looking for your biological daughter. I think the fact that she’s looking for her would make this secret coming out more complicated between them.

I'm waiting so badly for that episode where the girl JY spent the night with to show up and tell everybody- it would more fun if she turns up pregnant lool- what they did. It would be pointless to have filmed those scenes if she doesn't show up, I mean seriously what was the point?

OMG at this scene below HT MIL just drove me mad. I mean she replaced her first husband and filed that damn VOID she is on about (with TWO daughters).






I found this sooo funny lool!



PS: Sorry don't remember how to use spoiler, its been a while since I have used it :))) 


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