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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Honestly, I am at the point where nice guys are what makes me attractive to them and in all-to me- that isn't junghwan. This is the guy who refuses to say she is pretty but instead the prettier of the ugliest like what kinda bs is that. I also wanna head back to the point that older husband doesn't call her ugly but instead says she is a bit cute. 

I don't see junghwan doing that even when old . He would probably say the pretty  of the old or something 

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I always feel like laughing when JH fans say the future hubby is the carbon copy of JH. I just can't see it. The tone and the way they talk is different. 

And I would like to think that whoever this couple ends up, I hope there is still romance left after almost 30 years of marriage. Adult DS called her husband to come over when she heard it's the first snow, won't it be sweet if this old couple stood by the window, her in his arms as they gazed at the snow together?  Of cos this is BTS private mushy stuff so the interviewer won't be recording...  ( like the time when Taek's dad told him he loved him, off the records)...  

It will be beautiful to grow old with your soulmate, someone who completes you, and not be bickering constantly in old age hahaha


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Oh and to share an insight as to why Taek does substance abuse and smokes ( please don't think it's fashionable or cool to do either, young ones)... 

I played baduk when I was mad about this Manga Hikaru no go some years back... I wasn't that good but i loved it and I played the whole day,for a few weeks ... You know what happens at night?  Even while I slept I still saw the black and white baduk formations... I kid you not... It was like I was sleeping but my mind couldn't rest and I kept seeing them... 

So imagine if this went on for years and years and he was doing it at a competitive level... The pressure and the mental torture should not be mocked and we while we should not condone at the way it's being managed, we should empathise... 

Just my humble opinion... 

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Annyeong Chingus! Taek is really similar with his dad in so many ways;) I hope in the time jump they'll show us that he's actually as strong as a bear like his dad! it would be very funny hehehe and swooooon worthy! maybe then DS and the rest of us will see him in a new light- a man;)


Team TK all the way!:heart:

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28 minutes ago, st4rdust said:

Oh and to share an insight as to why Taek does substance abuse and smokes ( please don't think it's fashionable or cool to do either, young ones)... 

I played baduk when I was mad about this Manga Hikaru no go some years back... I wasn't that good but i loved it and I played the whole day,for a few weeks ... You know what happens at night?  Even while I slept I still saw the black and white baduk formations... I kid you not... It was like I was sleeping but my mind couldn't rest and I kept seeing them... 

So imagine if this went on for years and years and he was doing it at a competitive level... The pressure and the mental torture should not be mocked and we while we should not condone at the way it's being managed, we should empathise... 

Just my humble opinion... 

Oh I can understand this...

I am a programmer. There are periods when the mind runs codes and algorithms, looking for possible alternatives, more elegant and beautiful solutions, over and over, at every waking moment. I just can not switch off to the point of physical exhaustion... pulling all-niters and then crashing off on the weekend is normal, in my book... So I need distractions on holidays, K-dramas...

1 hour ago, st4rdust said:

I always feel like laughing when JH fans say the future hubby is the carbon copy of JH. I just can't see it. The tone and the way they talk is different. 


Maybe someone should point out that adult DS does not look like young DS that much... More soft-spoken, elegant and lady-like. Young DS is a tomboy...

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@allegramente the joke is DS resembles Lee mi yeon when she is young, so it's cheeky to cast the actual current Lee mi yeon to play the adult...  Some JH shippers say she is JH's fav so that's why they will end up together... Which is... Like saying marrying based on looks.. How shallow lol


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Hi all! Has anyone seen all 3 Reply series? Can share your analysis of the underlying theme of nature of love between the previous OTPs? 

I have only watched R94 and R88, and it seems that the writer's notion of true love is one that is based on inseperable bonds built over time. I remember in R94, Trash and NJ had become so much a part of each other's lives that they had this unspoken under standing of each other. It's like, to the writer, true love is like the air that you breathe, that comes so naturally that u do not notice, but you cannot imagine living without. And looking at R88, it seems to head in the same direction too. This is why TK and DS gives me the same vibes as R94. The writer clearly does not believe in love at first sight (not for the otp at least) or the grand gestures of love. 

Maybe i shd go watch R97 to tide over this 2 weeks....arrrghh, it's so hard! 



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@st4rdust Yeah. It should be seen as such:  a cheeky joke... *enter variations III of goatie in C minor...*

To me, this huge change of demeanour highlights another point that supports the DS/TK ship: they grow and they influence each other. Taek's calm and collected nature may have rubbed off on DS, and vice versa with DS's talkative and straightforward ways. More so in DS's case, in my opinion.

Imagine, if she married into the Kim's boisterous and "crazy" (yet charming) family.... Older DS could be almost like her old (younger) self..

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On 12/27/2015 at 11:33 PM, Meliere said:



I just love all your posts. 



Me too.

I love everyone in here!

Let's all hang out under Taek's blanket.

Not in a byuntae-way of course.

I'll make the ramyun. I'll even put eggs in it.


So I watch R88 with my husband. (He is Team Taek, too. One of us! One of us!) Anyway, we watched the KBS Entertainment awards last night, and Park Bo-gum won an award for his MC work on Music Bank. (I didn't know he did that, so that was neat.)

His acceptance speech was so charming and articulate. And after watching it, my husband said, "Wow, he can talk!" Ha ha.

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20 minutes ago, allegramente said:

@st4rdust Yeah. It should be seen as such:  a cheeky joke... *enter variations III of goatie in C minor...*

To me, this huge change of demeanour highlights another point that supports the DS/TK ship: they grow and they influence each other. Taek's calm and collected nature may have rubbed off on DS, and vice versa with DS's talkative and straightforward ways. More so in DS's case, in my opinion.

Imagine, if she married into the Kim's boisterous and "crazy" (yet charming) family.... Older DS could be almost like her old (younger) self..

 Yes agree on that @allegramente ! ^^ 

and only Pds showing that DS is the one teaching TK to curse??why DS? Why not DR?

and also it's like these 2 (DS/TK) have these regular conversation/that haven't show but just emphasizing that they really regularly talking to each other,for instance that TK lend money again, why DS knew it,they don't show the scene that TK told it to DS. it's like they updating each other ,telling random stories to each other whenever they have chance, which parallel in 2015 couple, becoz when the first snow became their topic, and she's surprise that Husband know, what she ask to husband is like (how did you know? did I told you that?) where it's like they are really closed sharing some stuff like that, not because husband and wife, but like the way DS to Taek and Taek to DS sharing what's happening to each other..

I don't know if what I'm telling make sense!hahahaha^^ 

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1 hour ago, st4rdust said:

Oh and to share an insight as to why Taek does substance abuse and smokes ( please don't think it's fashionable or cool to do either, young ones)... 

I played baduk when I was mad about this Manga Hikaru no go some years back... I wasn't that good but i loved it and I played the whole day,for a few weeks ... You know what happens at night?  Even while I slept I still saw the black and white baduk formations... I kid you not... It was like I was sleeping but my mind couldn't rest and I kept seeing them... 

So imagine if this went on for years and years and he was doing it at a competitive level... The pressure and the mental torture should not be mocked and we while we should not condone at the way it's being managed, we should empathise... 

Just my humble opinion... 


Hi all, a long time lurker here.. I lurked around since beginning of this thread..

But your post called me out.. I was crazy about the same manga few years back and try to learn go/baduk just to understand the story line better.. so I totally could understand the black and white stones imagination even when you're sleeping..lol..since I'm not a genius as our Choi Taek-6-dan, I gave up the game..

Btw, I enjoy reading all the posts in this thread... come rain, shine, storms, thunder..whatever, this ship wont go down.. it's because for me, the most important thing is the journey not the destination.. it's great if we arrive safely at our destination but why should we waste our beautiful journey just because we cant see our destination yet... so to my fellow seatmates, sit back, relax.. and enjoy the journey ^^


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46 minutes ago, allegramente said:

 *enter variations III of goatie in C minor...*


*flips table* *breathes into a paper bag* LOL why is everyone so witty and smart?! I just noticed your username is allegramente (lol, sloooow of me). I'm doing a vivace agitato in F# major right now. 

46 minutes ago, allegramente said:

To me, this huge change of demeanour highlights another point that supports the DS/TK ship: they grow and they influence each other. Taek's calm and collected nature may have rubbed off on DS, and vice versa with DS's talkative and straightforward ways. More so in DS's case, in my opinion.

Imagine, if she married into the Kim's boisterous and "crazy" (yet charming) family.... Older DS could be almost like her old (younger) self..


O. M. G. I find this so cute. Writer / drama gods, plz make it happen. *throws bananas at the sky*

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I was chatting randomly with my friend that if Taek went on lee man sae's radio show and confess his feelings to DS will be like THE BEST THING ever.

Ok I can think of a few other best things lol like smooches in the first snow...but... Lol 

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33 minutes ago, st4rdust said:

I was chatting randomly with my friend that if Taek went on lee moon sae's radio show and confess his feelings to DS will be like THE BEST THING ever.

26 minutes ago, st4rdust said:

Sorry... This must be when things are heading into fan fic territory lol

BABE BABE BABE, this is actually ... not entirely implausible. REMEMBER EPISODE 6? 


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I read on DC about which character suits which houses in Harry Potter. hahaha. I thought that's interesting!

For me I think Taek suits Slytherin the most since he is a character that is full of surprises.

Junghwan suits Ravenclaw because he is always shown to be the studious kind.

Sunwoo seems to suit Gryffindor because of his bravery to go after the girl he likes no matter what.

Deoksun and Dongryong seems to suit Hufflepuff the most.

Wait, is this the hidden color theory?? hahahaha XD

and cool someone on DC made this:


Yup, he is definitely Slytherin. And I was sorted into Slytherin too on Pottermore so yay! haha

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