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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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19 minutes ago, valsava said:

sukbin  I begrudge him and condone him.. OMG were talking about a man that knew his heart went to another when his wife was alive and had wifes approval to have her and yet he did noithing have her with him he could have taken a second wife before wife died but didn't.. Then he still didn't do anything after wife died and she was passed off to the kIng still he did nothing to secure her to him.. He still did nothing after she became a court lady to try and secure her to him and let WS get favor from the King before him to have her to be his person.. Then he even went as far as to tell her he will ask the King to marry her after he has given her to WS wow what a procrastinator and all he could think of all this is happening to Hs is because she's around WS the very WS that's always there when he should be.. So yes I begrudge him.. LOL Let him save his family and keep saving them at the end of the night they can't keep him warm and another woman won't be the person he really wants or have in his heart..

@sukbin Ask who is the better choice for the throne well dear hold that thought I need to cook and I'll get back at you on this one of whom my choice will be and why..

@valsava Dear, I think you got it wrong again. I think those are meant for another @SukBin Cheers. :P

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One thing needed to be said. Acting wise for ep 11, all were good. Ljk was always good. So no brainer there.

But iu pull it off this time. Khn as the thorn prince between family and love. 

Lady oh grace. 

The rest of the princes were good too, even detestable 9th.

Any chance 10th was not in any of the scene to avoid a lack of acting? He's not too bad, but not that good either.

For the ep to bring out so many reactions. The acting need to be commended. 

Fighting #moonlovers

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1 hour ago, solelylurking said:

To those of you who feels disappointed by Wook in eps 11, I'm sorry, but you must know it by now that he is the villain in this drama. I repeat. WOOK IS THE VILLAIN a.k.a the bad guy. 

If he is not failing her, if he's not sacrificing his love for HS now and went ahead with his ambition, if he's not turning back from her and went ahead to accompany her in the rain, when will you think HS move on from him and fall in love with Wang So? In the year 2016?


Some of us are holding out for the misguided circumstantial coward villain title. I mean he is under the threat of his entire Clan of Hae being wiped out, this includes the cousins of cousin's dry cleaner's dog. But, 4th is supposed to be the heroic circumstantial super-villain for more than half of the series, that HS is supposed to spend some episodes trying to get way from. You gotta admit with the body count 4th has racked up so far by circumstance, 8th and his sad face (or 'I farted face' as my co-watching man claims) has some catching up to do. 

I'll add, for those who are disappointed in 8th by ep 11, be ready to be disappointed in just about all the male characters.

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Yoooo FINALLY the sub is here!

I have one important question and asking for your opinion!

When I read all the history and some articles, it stated that WANG MOO will be the second king after taejo ( which is i believe maybe he will take HAESOO back or allow so to marry HAESOO ) and the THIRD king will be WANG YO ( which is i believe he won't be on his throne for a long time since you could see 6 minutes preview where wang yo face looked shocked and being murdered ).

but.. WHY? WAE?

In the 12 preview there is a clip when WANG SO and WANG WOOK were fighting over the throne ? It should be WANG MOO who will be the next king. Don't you think it's too fast ?


I will be waiting for your opinion guys!


Anyway.. try to understand wang WOOK situation with a lot of burdens that he must carry. Wook received a lot of love from his family even tho QUEEN YO give a lot of pain to them and HIS MOTHER LOVE THEIR CHILD. In the other side WANG SO didn't received love from his family for a long of time and HAESOO is the one who gave love to him. So, i think it's normal since WANG SO don't have so much thing to lose over HAESOO. 


Do you think throwing your beloved mom that protect and love you since you were a child over a girl will be fair ? 

 I pity him so much. 

It's good that this episode will turn our eyes and heart strikingly over WANG SO, but i think i still believe that WOOK is a good guy. Just my opinion guys lol lol STILL WAITING FOR SO SOO LOVEY DOVEY moment!! ( i don't know when tho but... lol)

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2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I don't know if So is the better man but I do know this...

He is the RIGHT man.

Because he is willing to do whatever it takes.


Yes, we dun have to fall in love with the best man, we don't have to marry the best man.

We just need the right man.:wub:


I woke up to another additional 10 pages to read!

I really love the prison dialogue scene, I can reach that over n over again.

There is one line that I really want to confirm. When HS says that WS is hopeless. That was the SBS one sub, in the Chinese version it was Wu Yao Ke Jiu meaning there is no hope for you. But this morning, I saw another english sub it says I don't know what to do with you and when i try to listen to the korean words with my minimal korean, that seems to fit.

Please help verify, thanks! 

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3 minutes ago, shae said:

Some of us are holding out for the misguided circumstantial coward villain title. I mean he is under the threat of his entire Clan of Hae being wiped out, this includes the cousins of cousin's dry cleaner's dog. But, 4th is supposed to be the heroic circumstantial super-villain for more than half of the series, that HS is supposed to spend some episodes trying to get way from. You gotta admit with the body count 4th has racked up so far by circumstance, 8th and his sad face (or 'I farted face' as my co-watching man claims) has some catching up to do. 

I'll add, for those who are disappointed in 8th by ep 11, be ready to be disappointed in just about all the male characters.

@shaeWook had no other choice but to protect his family and his entire households. He had to abandoned soo. Cant blame a guy for that.

But i believe he could've done something about it. Not then but before.

If he actually gathered enough power to block the queen's previous attack. If he actualy did something while still married to lady hae and her powerful family then. If he can control yeon hwa.

If he let his intention towards soo more open to the rest of the world early on, maybe so would back off? Or he could've married soo much earlier and none of this would happened.

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I am just gonna pop by for awhile to just say the more i watch the show, as much as i hate the angsty of the show.

I am really in love with WS, the is the kind of hero we want! Wook can be the gentle one but at the end of the day, he will never step up.

Anyways, i also just want to say that i am looking forward to this clash between Wook and So. 

okay ~bye~~

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3 minutes ago, qwenli said:

Maybe if hs n we ever jump off the cliff the ratings will hit 10. Haha.

The Korean viewers are the evil queen. I never understood her, I never will.:tears:  

I second you on that - I don't even know what is going on there... #shaking my head

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To be completely honest, I really like Wook. I just don't necessarily want him to be with Hae Soo, but I don't want him to suffer either.

On another note: I wonder how the King will die? I know that they edited the preview to seem like it was Wo Hee that stabs him, but I have trouble believing that (just like how in the preview for ep 11 they didn't show that it was Lady Oh that was hanged and instead sort of implied Hae Soo). 

And Baek Ah is now probably one of my favourite princes (just slightly below So, lol). He's such a big sweetheart and that scene with him standing by So's beside with CP and JM wondering why it was always So that was getting injured was really moving. At least So has one brother always by his side (and now hopefully the CP too)!

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8 hours ago, solelylurking said:


Wook knew he'd been manipulated, maybe from the start. Why he make them do that? Because he was kind. He let them take as much from him as long as they are happy. That was change due to HS. His love for her enough to make him be selfish and break out from all that. Eventhough it means he has to lie to himself. He hates being weak. But he was willing to be weak, and go outside the palace wall, as long as HS with him. He wants power a.s.a.p for her, anyway. Because he resents himself for not being able to protect Soo. That's why YH hates HS so much and make her the scape goat to be killed. But she was right to play the HS card to make him change. 

He killed the maid because he can't have loose end. It will endanger his family and himself, and make his sacrifice that night goes sour. I agree with you to Why he didn't visit HS again. It was out of guilt and ashamed. He realised, in the end his promise to her was yet again an empty one. 

In a sense, Wook is a coward and a brave guy at the same time. He wasn't dare to face the problem and confront the King like WS. Yes, he did it not only for himself and I understand the reason why he did it but not being able to be truthful to yourself and your lover and stand up for her is a cowardness too. I pity him. Life always gave him hard choices behind measure and it gave almost no choice to be picked. I myself would pick my own family, well at least my good kind mom, if faced with that kind of a choice. I said he is brave because it was no easy thing to gave up in your lover's life. Wook saw HS as the love of his life, him not being able to do anything is not because he didn't love her but because he was weak and used of waiting until opportunity present him with a better choice. Because his love is deep and true, is why he and YH was not sibling anymore and she own him a huge debt.

So he's a coward with a good cause (I know what most of you guys gonna say: he's a coward anyway! Hahaha). But bear in my mind dear friends, his heart for HS hasn't change although his choices has. He will persue her again when he has enough power to do it. It was the weakness that make him had to let her go, from his point of view. So when he gains power his steps will again lead to her. And he will make everyone who separate him from Soo pay. 

Wook indeed a complicated character because there are so many things that was like yin and yang inside of him. That is what make him interesting. That's why his my dearest wolf hehe. 

@solelylurking Sorry cut your post, and i agree with you about Wook. Yes before i said he's coward and hate to said. I'm actually pity him, i can feel his complex feeling to choose between his own choice or family, it's big burden for his life, it's always sad and tragic story if you think you find your happiness but your close one (family) against it (just like Romeo & Juliet story), in the end you have to choose and let it go, they didn't understand you will suffer for your entire life. But i didn't agree because of this Wook change himself become a bad guy. 

I'm also think about Wang So if he will marry Yeon Hwa, is that mean Wang So just like Wang Wook? He's change...he also couldn't take his promise to Hae Soo. Just like Lady Oh said Hae Soo better don't trust people, but Go Ha Jin and Hae Soo face same problems in her life, her feeling always be betrayed by her close one because she always want to trust someone truly, poor Go Ha Jin and Hae Soo.

I hope Wang So think about this in the end he break her heart with his marriage, Wang So owe her in future life that he should only a man and a friend she can trust, never break his promise again T_T be strong Go Ha Jin and Hae Soo, you will find your true love.

ps.i should catch about 10 pages ^^ wait for me...

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3 minutes ago, Chickpea said:

Just watched Ep. 11 with subs and lots of tissue...

You know... matricide is an ugly, horrific, unconscionable sin.  But in Queen Yoo's case, I'd be willing to overlook all that to see her de-throned...

Favorite lines from today's episode:

WS to HS:  You really know how to cause me problems.

HS to WS:  I don't know what to do with you.

WS to HS:  Always lecturing...

They already sound like a long-time married couple....  :)

Ha ha! Well, I think one would have to be a mother for it to be matricide - The lady was just an incubator, nothing more- even vicious snakes look after their young ones. This woman defies all logic...

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13 minutes ago, Nindia Putri said:

Yoooo FINALLY the sub is here!

I have one important question and asking for your opinion!

When I read all the history and some articles, it stated that WANG MOO will be the second king after taejo ( which is i believe maybe he will take HAESOO back or allow so to marry HAESOO ) and the THIRD king will be WANG YO ( which is i believe he won't be on his throne for a long time since you could see 6 minutes preview where wang yo face looked shocked and being murdered ).

but.. WHY? WAE?

In the 12 preview there is a clip when WANG SO and WANG WOOK were fighting over the throne ? It should be WANG MOO who will be the next king. Don't you think it's too fast ?


I will be waiting for your opinion guys!


Anyway.. try to understand wang WOOK situation with a lot of burdens that he must carry. Wook received a lot of love from his family even tho QUEEN YO give a lot of pain to them and HIS MOTHER LOVE THEIR CHILD. In the other side WANG SO didn't received love from his family for a long of time and HAESOO is the one who gave love to him. So, i think it's normal since WANG SO don't have so much thing to lose over HAESOO. 


Do you think throwing your beloved mom that protect and love you since you were a child over a girl will be fair ? 

 I pity him so much. 

It's good that this episode will turn our eyes and heart strikingly over WANG SO, but i think i still believe that WOOK is a good guy. Just my opinion guys lol lol STILL WAITING FOR SO SOO LOVEY DOVEY moment!! ( i don't know when tho but... lol)


If i'm not mistaken they both are not fighting for the throne but defending their side. Cause I remember in the long trailer there was appearance of crown prince and wang yo so I'm thinking that Wang So is defending Crown Prince side while Wang Wook is fighting for Wang Yo side. They make it look like they are fighting for the throne but really if they are going by history then crown prince than wang yo then wang so but who knows what the writers are thinking now :vicx:

I get Wook is a filial son and wants to give what his mother needed especially being accuse of a crime she didn't commit and his family name was dishonor because of that, if only he has the guts to tell that to Hae Soo that I'm sorry but I cannot protect you any longer because I have to protect my own especially my mother, now he won't be a bad bad person, but then you can't totally blame him since like his mother he wanted to live a peaceful life but his sister likes to stir the pot and now he's involve in order to protect his family and in order to achieve the goal, he has to risk people to do it which is Hae Soo. Yes she's going to be heartbroken but then she realized that all along her true love, soul mate was beside her the whole time trying to threaten to kill her a few times and would argue with her. Without Wook, both Hae Soo and Wang So won't have probably met each other and interact with each other

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10 hours ago, heartforkdrama said:

I think You have right... I mean good eye


Ahaha thanks.. I don't know why I pointed Ji Mong in the background but I was curious if anyone was saying goodbye to Hae Soo as she left the palace and then there's Ji Mong.. perfect..

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1 hour ago, aine7 said:

There is something that strikes me watching the last two episodes: the symbolism of water.

Time travel associated with water. Go Ha Jin drown and “reborn” as Hae Soo (actually emerging out of water directly into trouble… but that’s her path to overcome all sorts of obstacles). There always a transformation associated with water.



I read a comment about the dichotomy Wook – So in expressing their feelings. Cave vs. beach, restrained vs. open.

Including the association of water/body of water, Wook’s feeling will always carve through him without plainly emerging to the surface. So’s feelings unrestrained, opened, raw.

There’s a second manifestation of water through rain: Rain ritual: time for So’s transformation – to overcome his fears, build confidence. There’s a sense of growth, nurturing, cleansing

Rain in break-up scene: Wook’s transformation – resigned, resentful. Bleak, cold, heavy atmosphere, like a corroding factor  




@aine7, I like your observation a lot. And I really like the way they use rain in that last scene. As you pointed out it symbolises different things for each one of them. So is standing in the rain for it is been established that, for him, it's the sign of the heaven's approval... while Wook is walking away for "blood is thicker than water..."

What being noble means, the qualities or the rank? What protecting loved ones means?

This is where their upbringing shows, So being honed in rough battles in the open and actively making life and death choices--yes, So would not leave his people behind, and Wook being relatively sheltered, confined in the palace and marriage, observing and reluctantly playing the intricate schemes  of politics for higher power play--Wook unwillingly chose to leave Soo for "a greater good" (his family's survival).

Actually, I enjoy Wook's arc, not the romance with Soo but of him walking "the noble ground" and slipping...., and Yeon-Hwa's the most in this drama, aside from So-Soo's journey. 



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