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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@littleloony BRAVO, Chingu!!!  That was an AWESOME narration. I actually felt like you were laying the foundation to an interactive game. To be totally honest...this would make a good one. I have a lot more to say, but I have to run and do an errand. I wanted to let you know ASAP however, how excellent this is. I will definitely add more to this when I return.  GOOD JOB!!!  :blush:

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I am a bit torn ... I guess some can relate

on one hand am I like "Is it Monday, yet?"

seeing the stills I'm feel like "No, no, noooo, nonononono NO"

How am I to survive till Monday?
How am I to survive Monday?
How am I ever going to keep up with you mad people posting every other minute way to much?


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I think its unfair that Hae Soo is getting so much criticized for reacting to her visions, first I dont think her visions are completely from her Historical knowledge because no History would record if Eun was shot by arrows first and then made to kneel down , before So in hysterical mad laughter killing him.... this much detail simply cannot be made up of some kind of partial Historical knowledge or even if she did know History correctly.... So these premonitions are the side-effects of her Time Travel where she is been shown the glimpses of the future....now once we established that there are two possibilities... one where she is able to change the future with her actions and the other where the future remains the same irrespective of her actions.... it depends on which context the writer has based the story on... going by the novel the history is set and cannot be changed...so the visions will come to pass.... irrespective of her actions whether she informs 8th prince or not... If you see from her perspective she has witnessed the impossible event of Time Travel, seen the brutality of the Goryeo period... not to mention witnessed first hand what So is capable of in terms of brutality.... in this context when she is shown visions not just hazy dream like ones, but the ones where she can see it clearly as real life happening before her eyes and that too appearing right when the related events are appearing like death of Eun and his wife right at the time of their marriage , ascension of So right at the time of his successful Rain Ritual etc....  have given enough reason and logic for her to be fearful of the events that are supposed to be take place in her visions... not to mention the same theory being repeated by Ji Mong to her that those were future flashes.... Now in this context how can she be blamed for panicking to see her innocent friend being butchered along with his wife....how can she be blamed for  fearing So after seeing the gruesome butchering of Eun in her vision... how can she be blamed for not outright accepting the terrible fate that awaited Eun and Wook and the rest of them and instead trying to convince herself that she would try to save them .....such a reaction is only Human... even though naive....  I think we should not be biased against her just because she hurt So with her actions...we cant expecxt her to be all Zen in all situations... she is just a normal person with average intelligence undergoing extraordinary circumstances.... cant blame her for not being aware of SCiFi dramas or Flow of Time theories... cant blame her for caring about all the princes just not one or two... cant blame her for getting panic attacks that she might have paved the way for the very future she wanted to stop....

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1 hour ago, pigsflyy said:


I just want to add to your discussion.

Do you think Hae Soo is extra afraid of Wang So, because she can see that he is capable of killing many. She saw him in his breakdown when he was all bloody and confessed to her that he killed many.

I agree that Wang So delivers on his promises more with action than Wang Wook. But I also noted that many of the things that he did for Hae Soo like confronting his mother after she interrogated Hae Soo was done behind the scene. Hae Soo is not aware of the many things Wang So has done with her.

Before Wang So realized his feelings for her, they had a friendly relationship, but he was also more gruff with her, and threatened her multiple of times. He never expressed romantic interest until the make up scene, which made her freeze from shock.

I think Hae Soo is as of now only romantically focused on Wang Wook still. So she would be more concerned for Wook's safety and the other princes if anything were to threaten them. Wang So happens to be threat according to her vision, and that scares the hell out of her, because her actions with the make up gave him the opportunity to be the king, so she feels responsible.

Just my take.


I'll add that HS doesn't know the whole truth about WS's tragic story and what's behind that scar...

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3 minutes ago, kdramakrazy said:

omg! this is giving me the chills. how am i supposed to wait till monday now? sail my ship, sail!!!

and where is wook when she is getting tortured? preparing his next apology speach ?

Lol! He is always being sorry! Wook-ah, please do something so you can stop saying sorry!! ☺

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5 hours ago, LyraYoo said:


I was drinking my coffee while reading this, haha. 


That fooling around or goofing around, im pretty sure there's only one person who leads the pack  :lol:

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Gah , happy pills anyone?


/gif  risablacktiger

During the Healing Camp interview he talked in detail about that habit of his to fool around, sing and dance on the set... He says that he even brings his own speakers to pump up the volume and have fun in the silliest way, 'cause he wants the mood to be bright while filming... :D:P:lol:

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2 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:


Meanwhile Wook: "Oh Haesoo were you tortured!!? :o My bad, I didn't knew.:o If I knew I would have help you baby…I promise you noone will treat you lightly again :)". 

Sorry XD.  



And HS said to him :  F*#K OFF!!!

It'll make my day..:P

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28 minutes ago, kdramakrazy said:

omg! this is giving me the chills. how am i supposed to wait till monday now? sail my ship, sail!!!

and where is wook when she is getting tortured? preparing his next apology speach ?


To be fair to Wook, he has an entire household (his sister, all of the servants, and possibly extended family) that he has to worry about. If the king is angry at him, his entire household could be harshly punished. WS doesn't have to choose between the lives of other people who depend on him and HS, when making any decisions. In the earlier episode, we see that Myung-hee worries that the 8th prince will also be punished for HS's hitting the 10th prince and that's so minor compared to poison the crown prince.

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8 hours ago, meahri_1 said:



Episode 10 hasn't even aired yet but I'm already loving how gritty this is going to be. Do you all remember IU's description in one of the interviews when she compares the love HS has for Wook with that of Soo's love for Wangso? For the latter, she said when it begins, they feel responsible for each other. I didn't realize till seeing these photos the events which would solidify that responsibility. These are all major and traumatic to both -- Wangso intentionally taking the poison; Haesoo realizing the extent to which he would protect her; Haesoo's brutal torture (seriously, people...I have never seen this much damage done to a female in any sageuk or crime drama); Haesoo's attempt to save Lady Oh; and Wangso forced to watch Haesoo suffer... I really can see now why it's going to be Haesoo and Wangso to the end. This ship was never in danger of sinking. I feel like it's going to set sail in a blaze and continue on for eternity.


If you have watched Scholar Who Walks the Night, the tortures inflicted on the female lead are far worst.... She's even branded with a scorching metal plaque. 

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 @littleloonyloved reading your post too and @bebebisous33you are right about So saying Soo is his person and interesting interpretation about taking Soo's hand and saying "my person". He is then giving the impression that he will have an equally based relationship with Soo, I love it. I hope Soo will realize how good a man So is. Now, about Wookie playing dirty, wonder how that would play out too.  I remember in the C version that the 8th did just that. The 4th and Rouxie were already in a relationship and 4th had plans to ask the emperor to marry her. 8th Prince accused the 4th of a crime akin to conspiracy of treason and the 13th took the blame and was imprisoned for it. The 4th then had to lie low in order to save the 13th  and himself and their families and his goal to marry Rouxie. He left the palace to become a farmer. His father the emperor visited him much later and discussed farming and the technology of farming and raising healthy crop. From there 4th was summoned more and more to the palace for official duties and consultations. So, it would be interesting how Wook will play this political game of chess to eliminate So and how So will respond. (I don't think farming is So's style though... :lol:


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Soooo crazy in this thread... so hard to catch up as the pages are jumping 50-100 pages every time i visit... 

what interest me tom is HS turning point...turning point of love and attention...!

Tbh, i am actually on  Soo-Wook team... just love how KHN is portraying his role here, soo serious and love is voice every time he deliver his line...you won't even see a tiny clue how playful he is in person too...running man shows how he laughs and get scared on even little things...BUT... LJG, for me, owns historical drama..he's just so perfect for this type of character ..(forgive me, but PBG, i guess follows his footsteps), so needless to say...  i am leaving SLD and looking forward to more HS-WS scenes... 

hope they just no prolong the agony so much..! 

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