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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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45 minutes ago, iloveknovela said:



Thank you for your words of comfort @liddi and @Kasmic.  Truly touching and I sincerely appreciate it.:heart:

Both of you are right for speaking about what strong FAITH does to me.  This is what gives me the confidence that what I hoped for will happen and it gives me the assurance about the things that I cannot see yet. Life is full of surprises but what I treasure the most is time I've spent with my late husband.  Yes, I can say the he indeed is my soulmate because we basically understand each other deeply even without saying it.  By mere looking at each others expression we already know something is wrong and knew what has to be done.  We have deeper connection spiritually.  He used to say that though we are physically apart, in spirit we are.  Now that he is gone, I understood what he meant because I don't feel he is really gone, deep with in my spirit he is there helping me to go on and go through with life. That phrase, "match made in heaven" he kept saying that every time we go through hard times.  He used to say that we are stronger together than we are apart and that we should try to avoid tearing each other apart with hurtful words and comments.  What I am sharing in most of my post here are basically my personal experiences. 

This is just a drama but I can basically relate because our circumstances have lots of similarity.  My late husband, just like WS is deeply hurt from childhood too.  They have lots of similarity being logical and deep thinker, well knowledgeable, good sense and discretion but easily get pissed and a little scary when he gets mad.  Me, on the other hand is kinda stubborn and very outspoken.  A little similar with HS but we just differ in the way we think.  I am not a surface thinker and very firm with what I believe is right.  Watching WS & HS reminds me of our times.  Looking at WS in his early relationship with HS, what really draws him to her is that sense of comfort and peace he got when he is with her.  She may been saying things for the sake of conversation but those same things happened to be what WS needed at that time.  Remember he said, when he comes to her it seems most of his problem lightens?  I could feel him hearing those words because that's how my late husband realized that I am not just a friend or a little sister to him.  I still love reading the poem he gave me entitled "When you first came into my life". That poem speaks so much about us too. I can relate why HS treasured that poem.  WS sleeping in HS lap is something that they are similar to us too.  Sometimes a full grown man acting like that is kinda cute and I enjoy doing those small and maybe a little corny stuff if it makes him happy coz I feel great too.  Other people say it is difficult to please a man.  I don't think so.  Just get to know your man well.   Not all men wants expensive stuff or the likes, sometimes small things done out of the abundance of the heart meant more.  Just pay attention to WS, what he enjoy the most are basically simple things.

"to not try and interfere nor fight against what is meant to be, but to accept and treasure what she has at hand"

I totally agree with this.  When I learned that my husbands days were numbered, making decision is very hard.  We're not married yet so I was like: should I get into this know how it will end?  Just like WS & HS, we tried breaking up too but I felt like hell.  It may be hard but nothing impossible, I thought.  I am not sure how much time we have but God can create miracles.  God indeed prolonged his life a little longer and we spend it wisely, building good memories.  He may have left me behind but I when I think about it, God sent him to be for a reason.  His destiny is to make a difference in other people's lives and that includes me.  I have no regrets nor felt jealous with what other women have now though I remain unmarried.  All I can think of is the good things I enjoyed and treasured in my heart.  When God finally call me home, we will be together again coz he said he will be waiting.  This is why I kept on hoping that HS will remain steadfast and be by WS's side no matter what.  Knowing she has limited time.  If she thinks she endured and sacrificed so much for WS already, doing an extra mile would be worth it because she will be spending it with him.  What's more comforting than to die in the arms of the man you loved.  It may be very hard for WS to send her off but their love and good memories can still give him joy and comfort, like it does to me.  I don't like sad ending but if it can't be helped .... I will just cry about it.

Well, It is kinda weird that I am sharing my own story here but if you could learn and be encouraged by it then it is worth sharing.

I am a Kdrama fanatic and have watched so many already but rarely I get hooked with it, except for MLSHR.  Perhaps due to the fact that it brings me back to my wonderful days. :D  It was an added bonus the LJG is gracing the screen.  He is a complete package!  Beautiful from the inside out!  My stress reliever!!  :D:D  Can't hep but smile thinking how fun it would be if I am watching MLSHR with my late hubby.  I will certainly have a good time teasing him knowing how I can make him jealous.  :D 

I don't discriminate actors/actress by their previous projects... as there is always room for growth once they gain more experience.  IU did well in this drama and I am happy for her.  Being musically inclined, I admire her a a singer.  I think the actor she's working with might have contributed greatly in her performance. I noticed from the BTS that she keeps on asking him question or pointers on how to do things.  LJG seems to be a very generous person, he doesn't mind sharing his knowledge with younger actors to improve themselves and their craft.   No wonder he is being blessed with much more.  We are normally blessed or entrusted with more so we can be a blessing to others.  And if we don't share or make use what we have we might as well lose it


You are an amazing person. Thank you for sharing your story :heart:

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''i think our OTP is forever fated to spiral endlessly into each other through time and space. Its my artistic opinion, but i am sure the writer had similar intentions, had she had the support  and resources to fully flesh out these poetic ambitions.'

@chickenchopflipflop What you said is so illuminating and brilliant...and so sad, really, that they are destined to meet, fall in love and part through the ages, again and again, in a doomed and tragic loop that just repeats itself through the centuries. Like Westworld, the show that has got me hooked currently. Tragedy replays itself over and over again, in different storylines, but always with the same tragic ending.

And yes, it would be terrific in the form of an epic novel, or a movie.


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Sissies, let us hang on to this : 

Note that there’s a mini-fan event where Lee Joon Gi would be watching the last episode with fans of the Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart  Ryeo . One of the representative from Namoo Actors said, “We hope it will be a meaningful and enjoyable experience for fans of ‘Scarlet Heart:  Ryeo ‘ and Lee Joon-gi.”. That probably means that the ending is “ENJOYABLE”, otherwise the cinema would be filled with outrage and  BOO’s  by fans. 

on the other note.. what is a "petty Lolita scandal" of IU? They said this is one reason why the rating  can't sore high and also that Korean fans are not fond that their hallyu star (LJK) will die in a drama. 

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13 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


You are an amazing person. Thank you for sharing your story :heart:


Thank you!  :heart:  And you're welcome!

Like I said, life is full of surprises.  Sometimes God placed us in unthinkable circumstances for us to find out what we are capable of. :blush:

If I am given the chance to speak to Uri WS & HS, I'll tell with them something that I've learned in life.

Every relationship is a learning experience. Getting hurt is inevitable but at the end of the day, it makes you a stronger & better person. Pain and consequence for wrong choices and decisions are just part of the learning process. Sometimes we just learn the hard way so it's like we are paying for our education.  Besides we are all God's work in progress and we will commit many more mistakes in our lifetime.  The important thing is, you get up and start again because it will never be a failure unless you both give up.  So please be strong and stay together, we want to see you happy and give us at least a happy ending. **** praying**** :blush:

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37 minutes ago, chickenchopflipflop said:

anyway, just another thought about the elliptical nature of the writer's style and why she had to write in the part where WS was thrown into a wolf den during his days with the Kangs, its not just to endear viewers to his character:

1) WS is sent to live with the Kangs. Despite being lonely, he retains a speck of his idealism and makes do with the situation by being best friends with a tree called Pat Pat

2) WS gets thrown into the wolf den. The incident teaches him about survival and strips off his idealistic tendencies and yearnings for companionship. In order to stay alive under attack from the animals and the harsh winter, he does what he has to do, he burns down his only companion pat pat in order to survive. 

3) WS is hardened, he is apologetic for this actions but has no regrets. The incident shapes his character significantly. 

4) WS meets another companion in a human form, HS, whose hanja name means "Tree"

5) WS enters the palace, a metaphorical den of wolves (key wolf figures, Empress Yoo, WY, WWon, WWook, YH etc). He fights to survive and but will eventually be forced to make the decision to sacrifice HS, his only true companion. Only this time it is not a tree, but a human with the name of a tree. This eventually makes him into the true GJ.

From the very beginning the writer has given us hints that HS is doomed from the way her name was penned....it also serves to highlight the looping nature that fate likes to operate in (what comes around goes around). The story of WS is often told in circles (i.e. the incident with Eun's birthday). which also cleverly alludes to the theme of reincarnation; i think our OTP is forever fated to spiral endlessly into each other through time and space. Its my artistic opinion, but i am sure the writer had similar intentions, had she had the support  and resources to fully flesh out these poetic ambitions. 

It saddens me that this drama could really be that good. Sometimes i wish that this is not a k-drama, but a movie or some other form of production that is not as dictated and restrained by the demands of commercial success or popularity. However i will stay tuned to the ending, hoping that she will draw parallels from an insignificant incident that happens earlier in the drama and completely change the way we appreciate the story again. I wonder what that'll be. 


Ooo, this is wonderful. I do think that when you find something that you connect with so deeply, it does not matter that naesayers love to point out the flaws. You know what you connect to you and finding that richness is what keeps us compelled to tell more stories. 

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17 hours ago, qwenli said:

oh, I just dived into the book and skimmed through and saw alot of 13th, 14th being mentioned. The book is quite different from the Korean drama. 4th appearances are really few and far in between. I also went to the look at the ending and indeed the book ending is quite sad :tears:, the C-version already improved on this. I wonder what made the original author wrote such a sad ending...perhaps she herself is unattached... I cant imagine a person in a relationship writing such a sad story. in the novel, 13th prince has a daughter and she was featured quite prominently towards the end. :blink:

Just want to bring over the 2011 prologue from the original writer Tong Hua



Wanted to reply yesterday but no time :lol:

K-drama is definitely a different story, nothing like the novel or C-version because the personalities of 4th,8th,RX are different.
What amazes me is how many posts on this thread are still asking and talking about the novel and BBJX which shows the impact of the original novel. 

The book was written from RX's perspective. Her time with 4th prince was not very long. After RX broke up with 8th, she was with 4th for a short time before 4th had to retreat to the rural areas as he got into trouble with the emperor (victim of 8th's plan; repercussion of RX's warning; which also caused 13th to be kept in solitary confinement). Before he left, he told RX he can't honour his promise to marry her anymore, which effectively means breaking up with her but she was already so invested in emotions in him that she disobeyed the emperor's order to marry 14th and was sent to be watermaid. When 4th eventually returned to the palace and found out, he was very moved by RX. So indeed the pair did not have very long time together (as compared to RX-8th) but the dialogues from RX's internal emotions reflected the depth of her love for 4th.

13th and 14th are indeed pillar characters as you said. I just love these 2 characters and the C-version developed them well. 13th was a very loyal friend of RX. 14th was on 8th's camp and eventually love and supported RX. 

13th prince's romance and daughter was another tragic arc. His partner, Lu Wu, was not mentioned very much in novel and appeared briefly in C-version but their love story was very impactful. RX was closely connected to these two : It was RX who caused emperor to allow Lu Wu to be with 13th during his solitary confinement and only RX knew the truth about Lu Wu's death. RX kept her promise to LuWu not to reveal to 13th even when RX was on her deadbed. The story ended with 13th died without knowing Lu Wu sacrificed herself for him. 

13th was the only prince by 4th's side and his daughter was named by 4th. Because RX miscarried and couldn't conceive anymore, I guess 13th's daughter is the "child" element in 4th-RX relationship towards the end of the story.

4th and RX only shared one kiss but there is one segment on the consummation of their marriage (which is quite graphic).

I read Tong Hua's 2 other work and they are both heart-wrenching sad as well. :tears:


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1 hour ago, pass3rby said:

Hi everyone, is the photo collection still open? where can i send it?

I lured my son to go here this morning and then take a picture. I put the photo here. HOpe it's not too late yet.

Here is the link of the details. It is in Page 1 of this thread.



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