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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Dear Wang So,your hair, your lips, your voice, your eyes, your affection, your gaze is sexy  i dont have any idea why hae so continously reject you, stupid girl. this ep is frustrating

But i try to understand her, the palace is dangerous, being closer with many princes made her victim of power struggle, she just want to survive. Remember in early ep, she often said, i want to live

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11 minutes ago, nubianlegalmind said:

Okay Moon Lovers, I am here to bring calm to the angst of the Soo-So shippers.

Soo has a role to play. She is not from this time. We are talking about the year 942-943. She is from over a thousand years later. Her purpose right now is to make sure that So becomes king. Let's all accept and receive this. Jumping on the So- Yeon Hwa bandwagon is counterproductive. YH is the reason all of the mess from episode 11 occurred. She is manipulative and at times cruel, not to mention selfish. She is absolutely NOT what So needs. History tells us, they will likely get married, but as we know, marriages at that time were often very political. It still doesn't mean So and Soo can't have a love of their own.

Somehow, I feel like this story is going to somehow affect her present day life more than what is happening over there. So, hang in there chingus! :) 


You are right.  From the preview, it's possible that she might see changes in WW and realize she might have made him into a political monster when she warned him about WS back in episode 9.  I can see how WW's transformation into a greedy tyrant would turn HS away from him - as that was the original reason she was scared of WS.  Therefore in order to "undo" this, maybe she'll stand by WS's side to help him gain the throne as history expects.  I think she already has feelings for WS, but maybe spending more time with him, she'll give into her feelings.

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Okay, let's get one thing straight.

I think we all would have been more tolerating and patient with this progress of plot in the drama if we knew the drama has up to 25 episodes or if the progress of the "main romance" was more, how do you say it, yes, actually progressing (sarcasm intended). But the drama is not 25 episodes and we are more than half way through without anything big actually being resolved. We still  have a silly, naive HS pinning for Wook, we still have Taejo alive, we still have left to see 3 kings die and up until now the progress of the WS-HS romance has been at a snail pace, no actually there is romance but just a one sided, unrequited love and the writers had the brilliant idea to fit all this in the last 8 episodes?! Well I am no expert but it doesn't seem smart and logical.

I would have been more tolerating and overlooking of the whole WW-HS fiasco and doomed relationship aspect IF Hae So would have been more logical and not plain naive, if she would have been shown having more romantic tendencies and thoughts for WS, if she would have been shown appreciating his efforts to save her life several times, if she wouldn't have shown to be plain mean to him, lashing out at him unjustly so many times, seeing his hurt face every times she opens her mouth to him breaks my heart, he does not deserve this after all he did for her, he comes to her all smiles and hopeful and she crushes him every time, I mean I honestly am so angry with her. Yes, I know many will say HS doesn't owe him her love just because he saved her life but she does owe him respect and consideration, she does owe to give him the benefit of the doubt, she does owe him kinder words and kinder manners after he was there for her at her worst, anyone with enough humanity and sense in him/her self knows that because she sure as hell does have understanding and compassion and tries to justify Wook even after he abandoned her and turned her back on her, the least she could to for WS is be kinder to him.

I know she is battered, broken, disillusioned and ill, I understand where she's coming from, I knew she would not accept WS's love or proposal immediately after being broken up with WW but at least I hoped to not see her pinning after him still after ONE FREAKING YEAR. I thought the whole climax of the 11 episode, with the rain scene marked the end for WW-HS, I thought since this episode she would be shown to move on from him and in this episode we get this?! Was that in vain?! I would be okay if we didn't have time jump but she was still pinning for Wook but after one year how  am I supposed to believe she will give her heart to WS completely after all this?!  Well, not likely. HS has got a lot of redeeming to do in my eyes, the writers have much to show to make me believe that WS is actually the one she loves and he's not the one who's interfering with HS's true love, her dear beloved Wookie.

Look, it's not enough to only show Hae So have her inner thoughts say "why can I not ignore him" and think we can say "oh, look she is having some particles of caring towards him" and get excited or show us some stolen kisses, initiated from WS (duh) saying "hey, look, the kisses happen only between the main couple, we didn't make the second lead kiss HS, so don't forget"!!

I will still watch and support the drama until the end, I am too much emotionally invested in it not to and I respect the hard work of the cast and crew did for months, the fact that it generates so much emotions inside us is an indicator of their success but that doesn't mean we cannot criticize or give our opinions on it.

This is the last time I am watching a drama without ending it's air time, this is a lesson learned.

I am still hoping for better things happening tomorrow, I will not be having high hopes from now on, I will just watch whatever it is shown without high expectations because I get disappointed.

Now, I am off to watch cat videos to calm myself!! Love you all! 


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14 minutes ago, littleloony said:

LOL chingu I love this ship...its so entertaining :D I love the captain :wub: I am in for the long haul. Are you the first mate :P can you let know when the Cap is gonna start with the skinship, wrist grabbing and kiss stealing lesson......I wanna learn.....I am a good and fast learner :P


Yes yes! Welcome welcome!:wub: Aah sadly our captain will be busy fending off the pirates for a while, the pirates are bad because they're supported by the evil queen :P And he still has to rescue the confused damsel in distress, which is our heroine. SIGH

I'm hoping our captain will have time after all that fight to teach us our important lessons, which include fast skinship, wrist grabbing, kiss stealing, back hugging, sexy stare, sexy waist grabbing ooh the list keeps adding! Our captain is doing a great job upgrading and adding to our curriculum! Pffft:w00t:

(OMG.. LOL look what this drama has done to me I need to pirates of the carribeaning myself to meditate for the next episode)


@leekyuphii @solelylurking @dhia205 @junee22 maknae is here, onnie deul, ready to board the assassination squad :phew: so, what should I do? LOL

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Two scenes in tonight episodes stood out for me. The first is the scene between the king and Hae Su with his insightful words which encapsulated the situation in the Chinese version and also this version. He said that if you are not able to view events happening in the palace with cold indifference, no matter where you are, the situation will be the same ( she will be unable to find inner peace), this was the reason why in the chinese version, Ruo Xi had to leave the palace as she put everything on her shoulders, tried to change things, got upset and disillusioned when things happened. The king then said do not be obsessed with the future such that you lose people in the present, another problem in both versions, here as Hae Soo pushes away Wang So because of the visions he has been seeing. 

The second scene is that between Yeon Hwa and Wang So which was intriguing yet somewhat weird and out of character. It was intriguing as on one hand Yeon Hwa seems to be embracing what the king said in his second statement about not being obsessed by the future and decides to pursue her heart desires instead. It is just that the timing is weird considering that only a year ago, she plotted to split Wang Wook and Hae Soo with the result being Wang So being drawn closer to her. If the two have gotten married, she would have a much better chance. The reason she used in her love confession was also out of character as she said that we are fated to be together to Wang So, however, her personality is that of a go getter which believes in internal factors not external ones, thus you would have thought that she would have provided a more rational, analytical explanation for marriage that something like fate.

From her scene with the Queen, it looks like she is probably the only person whom the Queen will possibly fear and can become a worthy adversary to the Queen making her quite an asset, despite being rejected, perhaps from now on, perhaps she will help Wang So with his quest to be king if he wants to be a king. It is disappointing that half of the scene was cut in the international version as I thought that it was rather important.


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22 minutes ago, kriswu said:


If he can smile this bright when they're not yet even together, imagine how big and beautiful his smile will be when Soo accepts and loves him wholeheartedly? *sniffs* :tears:

This baby boy deserves all the stars in Goryeo.

OMG! Your comment made me cry. He'll be like a happy boy, smiling from ear to ear, being showered with love. :bawling: He doesn't deserve this pain! This is CRUEL to him and to US!

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Omo omo omo!!! - insert ajumma grabbing neck in distress- I've been a lurker throughout this drama but after reading the live recap for episode 12 I just had to voice my frustration. Irritated, frustrated tears wanted to spring from my eyes for WS. I'm even glad that WS marries YH in the end (out of my spite for HS's current behavior towards WS).  T-T We better get that intense love IU talked about in a promotional vid I saw - I even dropped Moonlight Drawn by Clouds because this drama consumed me heart and soul, completely. :(

Edited by silfeeah
missed a word
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@theonlyone88 Did the scene with YH and WS happen after WS's marriage proposal? Maybe WW told YH about it and YH realizes that if she doesn't do anything soon, she'll end up married to Yo? Whereas, before she didn't think she had competition for WS's affection.

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@fathiayunia @solelylurking @dhia205 @leekyuphii     If this is going to happen (still happens) in the next ep 13...I'll ask Captain Yoo (my precious Captain) to call the helicopter...and throw her off myself... Well...let's just see what will happen tomorrow night, shall we?*fingers crossed* --- still hoping.....

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53 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

WookSo is not the end game. I am sure. :) Once the bracelet is returned is done! The end of them. 


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She returning the bracelet (not personally) and 8th prince breaking it saying: "So, you chose 4th after all!" was the real end of that couple in BBJX. 



Yes I'm waiting for the episode to come hopefully it will be next week when she realized who he really is behind all the niceness and goodness. He truly is very good at scheming and using sides to get what he wants. 

31 minutes ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Oh! wow, I have not watched episode 12 yet. But base on what other people wrote here make me baffle too, 
as to why they had to drag 8th prince relationship with Hae Soo for so long. 
I think other who had watched the Chinese version already mentioned that the 8th prince and Ruoxi(Hae Soo character)
end their relationship roughly about 40% into the drama. Ummm, we are at episode 12 of a 20 episode long drama,
that's 60% of this drama already wasted on the 8th prince and Hae Soo(Ruoxi character in chinese version).
And they are not the main love line in this novel. It's suppose to be the 4th prince(Wang So) and Hae Soo.
What's going on?.

I have a question for those who know more about Korean history, as I don't know much about Korean history.
Did Wang So kills his brothers in history when he took the throne?. 
I know the son of Taejo of Joseon era did killed his brothers to steal the throne and he did not love his
wife(the queen). Wouldn't this novel better fit to transfer to Taejo of Joseon era instead of Taejo of Gorgeo era?.


From what I remember Ruoxi and 8th didn't end their relationship till at least epi 14 and then she didn't start with 4th until a few episodes later so I guess for the kversion they want to make sure that all roads are cut off with Wook when she ends it so there is no way for her to come back. As for the history, I don't think he killed his brothers probably except for Wang Yo who was the king before but so far from what I read he didn't kill any of his brothers. To me, Hae Soo probably got confused with her history since she didn't remember much of it and that those visions she sees are visions that are going to happen if Wang So doesn't become king. And as for him being ruthless later, I believe that her death will be the cause that pushed him to become who he is later. 

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Just start watching 12 ep original. Do not understand anything but guys her eyes...how she looks at him...how you can say that nothing changed...I see a lot of changes...such softness,tenderness and sorrow...You do not need words to understand....what can' t  be said aloud you should see...and IU is really great in this scene with So in the garden... :wub:

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I think many viewers are conflating the notion that Wang So deserves our empathy with Hae Soo must reciprocate his love immediately. 

Hae soo is experiencing quite the emotional turmoil and I'm of the opinion that she loved Wook, it was not just a mere infatuation. It persevered thoughout the year, compounded with her desperate need to know why he betrayed her. I've said before that she could be experiencing some self delusion as an explaination of the shattering of Wook's gentleman and courteous illusion.

Now we have the wavering of her heart and I find her reaction to Wang So plausible if I examine the episode from the perspective that she loved Wook deeper than I anticipated. 

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14 minutes ago, moonlover399993 said:

OMG! Your comment made me cry. He'll be like a happy boy, smiling from ear to ear, being showered with love. :bawling: He doesn't deserve this pain! This is CRUEL to him and to US!

Right? We and So don't deserve this ;~; I'm actually crying at my own comment too. :lol:

I really dislike Soo right now but she's the only one I want him to be with. She needs to pamper him. If possible, serve him breakfast in bed. Give him all the finest things this world can offer. But we all know he's gonna reject that and will prolly just say Soo's love is enough. :tears:

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just thouhgt

for great plot

HS/WS will come in the end to discuss her fears of hurting him

he could make her a beautiful promise to be her person and not to die without her permission

ohhhhhhhhhhh this be the scene i woulda watch

just my 2 cents.....

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51 minutes ago, Claudia Ximena said:

question guys one of you pointed out that director said this version will be sadder? as of course we know HS dies then WS dies and so forth?? but will they meet in the future and perhaps have happy ending there?? 

I hope anybody know this? I will hate it if it has sad ending 


In the chinese Version they do meet in the future ... 4th prince death is not shown, but as time will take everyone, and so forth ...

some might hate the end
some might love it
most likely some will complain ;)

she dies and he is left behind
tell me a handful person, that liked the ending in
"Mirror of the witch"
"Arang and the magistrate"
"Rooftop Prince"
.... I was NOT happy ... ok, but not happy

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I tought the episode was great hahaha did I watch the same as others? I wonder xD

I really liked the parallel of the baekah x woohe and haesoo x wang so relationship

loved the marriage proposal <3 he keeps pushing her buttons in this episode, It looked almost as she freaked out because she realized she almost said yes XD but her rationality came back hahaha

I liked the haesoo and woohe conversation, both girls needed a friend ;o; sad we skipped the year, we could have see more of maturing haesoo

and finally the game of thrones get really interesting, even if we had to sacrifice the good wang wook for this :D

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2 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

You're certainly more optimistic. I hope it turns out like that. :)... I Just can't accept anymore of the current track and certainly won't be able to handle any more disappointment. Safe to let go while there's few good memories left for me.


at least  do you gonna try 1 or 2 episodes more ?, all know that true and more great love of HS will be WS , I know is irritating but  is a drama no a sweet love story ....  
Think about ti , I think that this drama will have more great scenes and good  moments  than bad or disappointment moments

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20 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

There are two different versions of the BOGOSHIPDA QUESTION SCENE

YK version (could be similar withI-version)

Versus SBS Version
Warning Lengthy post. (I am supposed to cap off the night , but I just saw the naver cast video of the back hug in the laundry line scene. Adding to what this post said



Not discounting the length of this series which is really insufficient for a 20-episode run (the investors won't take a risk to have a longer series knowing this is a pre-produced) , and the fact that the writer must jive two aspects of history of Goryeo + Adaptation. I would be taking this episode as Hae Soo's inner struggle.

Yes. As much as LJG got me with the smiles in this episode, my heart aches for Hae Soo.

You may read this , but I am sharing my take as Team Hae Soo right now because of personal experience.

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Me and my fiance had been together for four years but somewhere along the relationship we ended it, abruptly until I have learned his betrayal after. Like Hae Soo I asked why, but I never get the concrete answer that I got from him. What did I do wrong? Something changed? He had changed? Or Was  I who didn't change the way he wanted to be? 

No answers.

Came another man, but it was feel like a rebound so I ended the relationship right away.

And along those first two years I was hoping he would come back and say he did a mistake and would ask forgiveness and have the relationship a second chance.  I only woke up from reality when I heard he is already married. 

That took me seven years of not engaging to another relationship because of trust issues. There.




Hae Soo's is in her lowest low. And here comes a devoted man as she is asking her to wait for him (sounds like a notting hill plea? LOL). She refused. I would understand her on that part because what just happened when she got herself involved in relationships, someone will get hurt. On her POV, because of her , WS was poisoned, and Lady Oh died. How can she possibly accept a proposal for her to wait for that man whom she almost killed?

A year had passed. She had beaten to hard labour, to cynical remarks, she was stigmatized in a place far away worst from what she had perceived an unfair workplace in Damiwon (remember her whining during her first few days).How can she move forward when she is surrounded by people in a depressing environment? None from the prince show themselves to visit her.  She can't complain . She can't be defensive. Because she think she deserves this punishment because one fine court lady was hanged in order to save her. 

And the person who promised to come back, returned. She dismissed the thought, that it is an illusion on her part. But he was there.When she heard his voice--


She realized he was real.

 And immediately hugged her and said he missed her.

Without asking, that man said he missed her.


She was tearing up. And yet she need to restraint her emotion because she almost killed that person hugging him right now.

Back to the river dark of doom scene. 

*From I-version* She stated those I missed you ..even so i missed you. But she was not looking at him. 

That question looks like a rhetorical question to me. She is interrupting Wook's alibis, and promises . After a year , even if he is closer to her place, he never visited her. He never let his presence known to her. That is why she felt all alone all in that one year (which I really felt her deep sighs, when Wang So hugged her. She almost break down again, but she can't. She can't afford to cause anymore trouble by being herself).

She only looked at WW 's eyes when she asked that question. (while she was looking all the time at Wang So after she pulled herself from his back hug. While Wang So is checking her bruised hands, she was staring at him all the time, teary eyed.) I can feel a mix of bitterness from that. And she said that okay that is enough. At least after all his broken promises /false hopes you missed me. It is more of a resignation from Hae Soo. 

Surprisingly, I am not feeling frustrated for Hae Soo because of  her series of rejections to Wang So. My heart aches to this lady who only want to forget for her dilemma in the present but taken back to a more complicated period of which she has no armor but herself. She is loosing the Go Ha Jin as the time passes and yet she is even dragged more into the politics she doesn't want to get involved too. Plus the fact that she has a biggie secret to hide all the time, that she is not Hae Soo. She is Go Ha Jin.






Well said! Agreed!

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