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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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4 hours ago, outofspace said:

Right now, I feel like the most important thing that they have to do with Woohee's character is get her into the palace and mingling with other characters. That way, her scenes with Baek Ah wouldn't be so disjointed. If they could do her character justice, we could have another interesting female character in our hands. Maybe she could actually end up saving the king - she could kill the assassin and then that gets her entry into the palace, haha or...idk. XD But hopefully she does manage to get into the mix of things. It'd help a lot.

Does anyone else feel like we might be getting this scene below next week? Haha. I'm not sure, but I feel like since those two guards are holding Yo down like that, maybe someone finds out that Yo was the one who sent the bandits that delayed CP's return for the rain festival or that Yo hired the assassin that tried to attack the king or one of the million other bad things Yo has done, lmao. XD Also, I think that the way that Junki + Haneul are dressed in the scene matches what we got at the end of the episode 12 preview.

Two things that make me curious though: first, why would Wook & So be fighting, and second, why are they all looking back? I guess the king made a grand entrance or something? Hm...why isn't it Monday yet? :P



Hi there @outofspace

I was commenting on this on my previous post but attachment got lost somewhere in the void (I'm a newb so that's why there's a technological mistake).

But yes! I wonder what scene is this and when would it happen? Why is Yo 'captured'?

Anyway, I think prior to that image above, this happens: Screen%20Shot%202016-09-30%20at%2010.29.

Is that HS I saw in near the entrance? Everybody was on their knees except for CP (news of King's death?) After seeing the preview for ep 12, I dont think the King is dead by the hand of WH. Some of you speculate that he will have a heart attack - I concur, and will be on his sickbed. CP then become 'acting King' until the news of the King's death. 


This could be a mock war exercise (red against silver) or audition on who's going to be CP's right hand? 

Too many speculations.. aarrggh!

What do you guys think?


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6 minutes ago, solelylurking said:

The only thing wrong with the BTS is the 'where' part. If it happens at least in the boat, I'll be much more please. A horse will get me ecstatic.

And if other notice the duration, I myself where the hands at. 

But It's just a friendly gesture. I do that often to my close friends. If you ever have a wild, but as virgin as the virgin coconut oil, imagination, please share with us. Isn't that right, my girl @dhia205 @junee22?

oh sure my dear @solelylurking we surely don't wanna have fun by our self, just brace your self and welcome to the wild :D.

place? boat is great, but if WS lying down then who will be paddle the boat? we surely don't wanna see HS do it aren't we? it not gonna romantic... what about garden? the place where WS take a nap and hiding behind the bush?

@junee22 add another color? what color? another red? blood red? are you sure?





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6 hours ago, dears said:

I'm curious to know is there such thing as immune to poison? And they said the General taught such kind of practice to Wang So.


Hey, not sure if anyone answered you yet, but I think the answer is like our body when taking certain medicine and gradually becoming immune to the medicine and having to take a higher dosage next time. I think it works the same for poison? So perhaps, hypothetically speaking, the General has probably train him with different dosages of poison with antidote before to train his body to become immune to poiison so that he is not affeced so easily?

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1 hour ago, hiluna said:

You haven't convinced me. Yes the evil Queen can use Soo against So, but Lady Oh qualified her warning to Soo "if you can't give your whole heart to him" which says to me that she is more concerned about what So would do if he doesn't have Soo's wholehearted love. The conflict between the princes will be dangerous to Soo let alone the fact that she will be the weakness in them that can be used by their enemies, as seen in the poison plan which was YH's doing (to use HS) and not the Queen's.  I don't think the Queen knew yet what HS means to WS until he drank the poison. She only knew that Soo was Wook's weakness.

@hiluna  The Queen knew because she had been warned by WS before about messing with those women thats under Lady Oh. Because he even told her don't take out on them because she couldn't get the Kings love.. It was a clear warning not to mess with Hs and let's not forget the fun facts YH and the maid whispered in her ear..

50 minutes ago, deabakdrama said:

Can someone explain to me about WS adoptive mother from Kang clan ?  CheaRyung said to HS  that WS has two powerful families, first family is his birth mother Queen Yoo and second is his adoptive mother concubines Kang. In fact, who is Kang family and why they powerful.?

@deabakdrama  Now this is a very interesting family, Being that I thought it could be the general that trained him in the army then I thought   this  isn't it because why would the general marry his daughter to the weak prince when WS would be the one he choose for his daughter no matter what.. I think this family is connected to Queen Yoo family how else could this family get away with throwing a young WS  out in the dark to fend for himself among the wolves.. He even had to learn to fight at a young age to stay alive because they even tried to kill him.. How they can  not be held accountable for this if the wasn't in direct relation to the Queen and King..

15 minutes ago, smitten1710 said:

In my opinion Wang So knows from early on that there's a special bond between Hae Su and Wang Wook, remember after the hairpin and punishment incident by Yeon Hwa and Wang So declared Hae Su is his and Wang Wook corrected him by saying that both Yeon Hwa and Hae Su is his.  Wang So couldn't miss the look those two gave to each other (he's a trained fighter, very alert to everything around him) especially the look and demeanor of Hae Su every time she's around Wang Wook because she's after all naive, who cannot hide her feelings. I think Wang So knew or at least suspected but he just doesn't care very much. Not that I think he's a total brute. He loves her, he respect her and after discovering his love for Hae Su he will never ever want to hurt her (the forced kiss was a onetime incident, coz after all he's very passionate and it happened after he had a stressful dinner with "Mommy Dearest").

@smitten1710  I think your so right it wasn't so much about his confrontation with WW but WS seen his reaction about HS and then he decided to chanllenge him for her affection because WS knew more about HS just with those few short incidents and time they spent together more then WW ever knew about her.. He knew she wsd intrested in him from the moment they encountered each other in the market..


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34 minutes ago, lisethvr said:
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@Mona Ys, @freckledbelle Lee Yoo Bi closed her Instagram months after it ended the drama by attacks of antifans who spoke ill of her father, I not think it was for JoonGi, she already had many antifans before the drama SWWTN, although there were some immature fans of JoonGi that they attacked her because she posted on her Instagram photos with he and for her interaction with he at the press conference thought she was in love with he, but that was just the beginning of the drama



yes, the anti-fans pushed her to the limit for months for many reasons, form LJG, her acting in SWWTN etc... poor LYB, at the end she couldn't stand it anymore when they attacked her father as well. I think she said something like it's ok if they bothered her only, but please leave my family alone... something like that. Then finally she closed her IG account and let it rest. But now she already reopen her IG and life is back to normal, I guess those anti-fans forget about her and now they have others to bashed. Crazy knetz...


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4 hours ago, ruizaio said:

Regarding the poison, what general Park had done was to expose Wang So to small amounts gradually to increase resistance/immune response? to various poisons. Don't know if that really works biologically, but it is a classic kingmaking element in fiction. Korean fans are just relieved that the director didn't keep Wang So in bed for the whole episode (it's been done before in another Goryeo time leap drama...)


Also, we finally have volunteers for requesting a no-cut version for the DVD/Blu-ray release! Somebody with a lot of experience is now on board! Things will probably start out next week to get this going.

Please do update us with that! If we could also add a request for the BTS as an extra xDD being greedy too much kekeke I'm just really in love with this drama xD At first I was excited, I thought I was gonna watch a drama turns out I'm watching a life commitment ahaha. Really love Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo. Especially our ScarCouple. They're always burning with chemistry on and off the screen that now I ship them in reel and real xDD

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@dhia205 I don't think blood red will enough though...you know our prince WS..would he be content to only add one color? ;)

I'd prefer places like beach..you know, HS-WS could spent night together..while watching the sun sets...and until the sun rises...sure,I'll love it if they "clean" each other wounds.... :phew:

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14 minutes ago, Mona Ys said:
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yes, the anti-fans pushed her to the limit for months for many reasons, form LJG, her acting in SWWTN etc... poor LYB, at the end she couldn't stand it anymore when they attacked her father as well. I think she said something like it's ok if they bothered her only, but please leave my family alone... something like that. Then finally she closed her IG account and let it rest. But now she already reopen her IG and life is back to normal, I guess those anti-fans forget about her and now they have others to bashed. Crazy knetz...



Yes they do IU  is next on they list they talks about her something terrible especially her acting skills but I liked her in that one drama were she was trying to be a singer.. But Knetz who knows what they think is good acting and your right theres always some haters out there. I refuse to read anything they have to say, as good as this drama is you see how bad they critize it..


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what i mean is that WS don't really care about HS liking other person because he really confident that he will get HS in the end..  HS just mention liking a person , not loving or marrying other man.. so its mean he still have a chance to get her and yes BaekAh is the only guy that WS willing to step back because HS and BaekAh is his person.. but still i don't think WS can stand aside seeing them together.. his mind maybe telling him to let her go but his action and heart would't let it be.. also he did ask BaekAh whether he like HS or not in eps 6 but he said no...

overall WS would never let HS go.. its in his vow 'without his permission she can't leave or die'... 

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@junee22 Well, she can 'accidentally' slipped her hands and say 'sowry' for it. That kind a touch is still in the 'safe zone'. For the crowd, a lil bit lower will be dangerous. But we like dangerous thing, so bring on SoSoo couple!!! Our heart can take more than this. Just not with Wook and not in the library. Ooohhh my precious heater!

@dhia205 he doesn't need to row the boat. He can do another kind of exercises. Less hand more mouth this time, please!!

Color suggestion : chocolate. Like in melting chocolate. So he can li... It probably not suitable here. But you know what the word is. *wink wink*

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20 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@penelop3 Thanks for collecting these three pictures. I had an idea what is going to happen. Crown Prince discovered Yo's treachery and asked for Wang Wook and Wang So's support. Both had to fight in order to know who would be the leader next to Crown Prince. Yo got defeated therefore he is brought to the palace.  Now they are waiting for the king's verdict and punishment. But as you noticed it, someone is coming from the palace bringing the news that Taejo has just died.

Now, Crown Prince has become the new King hence everybody kneel down and bow as a sign that he is the new King. They are all pleadging allegiance to him. 



@bebebisous33 Whoa, that's a very good theory and very plausible!

I guess that would happen in ep 13. Follow by 14 with CP as the King, WS as the right hand man, HS as the sanggung. 

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20... lalala *head spinning

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5 hours ago, qwenli said:

Iu is so sweet. What I find funny,was after finding the page for ljg, she used her hand to Pat his chest area like comforting a baby :D:wub: she will be a good mummy. 

I truly think ljg was temp distracted while lying on her. Lol:D


I have been trying to find this part of the bts but not able to find it :(

Can you pls post the link to this? Thank you :))

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4 hours ago, edensor said:

You're not touching your sister like that :lol:

Ah to add... I think she did notice. No women in this world not notice when someone touch them, especially there are many around her. It's just a matter who is that people and how she'll react. Some care, some don't, some... pretending not to notice XD

i think he touches everyone like this, Jong Hyun HN and Joo Hyuk as well

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55 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

Hi there @outofspace

I was commenting on this on my previous post but attachment got lost somewhere in the void (I'm a newb so that's why there's a technological mistake).

But yes! I wonder what scene is this and when would it happen? Why is Yo 'captured'?

Anyway, I think prior to that image above, this happens: 

Is that HS I saw in near the entrance? Everybody was on their knees except for CP (news of King's death?) After seeing the preview for ep 12, I dont think the King is dead by the hand of WH. Some of you speculate that he will have a heart attack - I concur, and will be on his sickbed. CP then become 'acting King' until the news of the King's death. 

This could be a mock war exercise (red against silver) or audition on who's going to be CP's right hand? 

Too many speculations.. aarrggh!

What do you guys think?

You've collected a nice set of pictures. Thank you! :D

I think it might be Soo as well now that you've pointed it out. After all, practically everyone is on their knees except for the person dressed in the laundry maid uniform. It would make sense that she wouldn't be kneeling since her modern instincts may have shown through at that moment, and thus, while everyone drops to their knee, she's the one who's still standing in the back. A laundry maid would've knelt for sure if someone had just announced that CP had officially become the king. 

I like the idea of it being a mock war exercise, because I think that CP trusts So more than Wook. After all, So knows about the CP's condition and not Wook, so I don't see why they would still have to audition for the role. So saved him from getting poisoned too. Though, the matter of Yo being on his knees is still an interesting situation to me. XD CP is quite gentle from what we've seen of him so far, but considering a possible attempted assassination of his father, I guess he planned to shame Yo publicly? Like, maybe he planned it as some military training, but it really was just a plot to have Yo arrested instead, and with so many soldiers present, there'd be no way for Yo to try to snake his way out of getting caught. 

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