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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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9 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

yes thats very correct... all throne fighting against WS will be just his way to keep his image intact in front of HS, also to keep that pretense that he loves her more than WS alive... and obviously he cant bear his ego if gets hurt seeing HS-WS togeter...

I alrady said in this show we will see Overly good WW turning Worst and Bad by WS turning good and soft..so we will have to wait and watch how that transition will happen.

@KdramaSwimmer  The thing is WW knows very well how to be manipulative.. I think he would use WY hatred for the throne to attack WS as well as WY using him to back his siding.. Palace life isn't going to be fun at all for HS she's going to wish she took WS advice and run away with him..  I do see WW becoming unbearable to her..

9 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

i am with your about Scholar.. i couldnt get past epi 3 for two reasons... my type chemistry missing and then all that blood and vampires ... (I am one of the person who can get scared of just listening ads of Ghost tv shows let alone watch it ) so i prefferd to stay away from it and thought to wait till LJK comes in next Saeguk and here he is.....yaaayyy...

How could you not get past it I loved scholar it was a very interesting story and the ratings was some what like this one but I watch just for the one that played Gwi and LJK those was the most handsome vamps I ever seen in vampire TV.. LOL But I have to ask this question there's one mask thats shown in this story on pg 476 looks just like the mask LJK hide behind in Iljimae.. Being that I'm a fan of LJK no matter what it is I'll watch..

I'm wondering what will the Queens reaction will be when she sees WS scar isn't visible like before will she treat him different and more like a Prince or will she still vent her anger at resentment towards him..


9 hours ago, jerboa83 said:


I wonder where they're going with this...
Some history pills, first.
As far as I know, Gwangjong was a great ruler, who strengthened the central power by wiping off the local warlords in the entire empire and introduce fundamental reforms like the meritocratic bureaucracy with exams open to everybody; in the same year (958), he freed the people enslaved after the wars. He appeared to have a strong sense of the role of the individual auto-determination within society (a trait that fits fictional Wang So's personality as shown in the drama)... BUT he was remembered also as a ruthless sovereign, capable of killing his own family members when they opposed his ascend to power and his political choices. It seems to me that he had a pretty ahead-of-his-time attitude to things and we might even say quite a "modern" political view (compatible with his character in the drama... kudos to the writer), but he also had a very merciless, "medieval" way of achieving his goals (this too compatible with his dark side shown in the first episodes). 
Not the typical protagonist for a romance... 
However, I'm really interested in the story also for this specific reason: if they don't edulcorate it for narrative purposes, it might be an original and quite off-track take on the genre... Will the writer choose to portrait the female lead's dive into the past as a (at least partial) history-changing event? Kunggeum he...

What do you think, @briseis? I'd like to know your opinion on this...

@jerboa83  Interesting observation on WS being ahead of his time I guess it has a lot to do with being thrown to the wolves at such a young age but I'm also more interested in the political aspect of this story.. Even though things will be gloss over due to it being a 20 episode drama it would have been nice if they could have made it 50 episodes and go into more details of this story..But I will be looking and reading the deep thinkers prospects on all these to help shed light on past events in history..

9 hours ago, jerboa83 said:

Also, when we think of all the stuff WS did for his mother to try to win her affection, what do you think he'll do to win HS's affection?! 

This is a very intersting question.. Wow hoping WS don't confuse the two him needing motherly affection that HS will be giving..

7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Here we go... After reading posts from our beloved @40somethingahjumma and @briseis about Hae Soo and the difference of her behaviour towards Wang Wook and Wang So, I came to realise that we never paid attention to the identity about our heroine: Is she Hae Soo or Hae Jin?

While me and briseis commented that Hae Soo was herself with Wang So and less with Wang Wook, @40somethingahjumma saw it a little differently, however this made me realise that we never asked ourselves: Is the heroine Hae Jin or Hae Soo?


@bebebisous33  I come to think of her character in two different forms.. She's HS when she with WW and she's HJ when she's with WS.With WS she is really herself and don't have to worry about one correcting or questioning what she do.. To WW HS is a facinastion and what I find strange is why after she wakes up from her coma he sees her differently.. Differently to love and why not before Is she not the same person how is it that she has change so much that it attracts him or maybe I'm missing something.. So the being two different people in one body is a mix up on the writers part because this transformation wasn't detailed enough on her character.. But thanks to your post I understand a great deal more about her character..It's like the writer gave us a drama off of cliff notes and your comments or more in depths to this story remind me to have the writer to send you a check.. $$$$

4 hours ago, intanr said:

Otoke... decided not to watch the drama.... but ended up marathon the whole SUNDAY to watched all the 7th episodes.  My only take it have a lot of A-LIST actors and actresses... and too many story plots.., that kind lost focus... hence probably the reason of low rating...but am not gonna go there... . It requires someone who appreciate the history in totality will appreciate the drama....in totality... for me, I ended up crazy searching all the available write up about the history.... and the drama... is not gonna be easy to over turn the drama..it requires literally a different angle... I wanted to root for this drama... hope they would received the fair love from everyone....; am still looking at the wow factor..... 

I think the problem is with the knetz is the viwers wanted to see more of the original of the story then the twist on the story and the history of the story some of the knetz are funny about history especially there history.. I for one appreciate the writers creativity on the twist of the story even though some wasn't well thought out take for instance HJ character but being the obsessed soompi memeber that I'am thanks to the forum I get to learn more about these characters as the writers seems to have missed certain things..






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Hey eclipses....how goes the wait for the rain....hehehe. @bebebisous33 your analysis of our heroine's dilemma about her self- Su or Hajin was so well done and it got me thinking. I am of the opinion that she will remain Hajin in spirit, emotions and thinking while being what a girl like Hae Su might have been in the Goryeo period in behaviour and action.....i.e. she will start to think things through and be responsible and wary of consequences as time goes on in Goryeo but her values, idealogy and emotional core will still remain as Hajin.

Now all this thinking led me off to a tangent- what is the purpose of HaeSu in Goryeo.....was she always meant to be the catalyst for the battle for the throne or did Hajin ending up in Su's body change her destiny and make her the trigger (i.e hajin is the actual trigger). In either case why? and it led me to read a bit about time travel-----future and past. Now besides Einstein's theory and how its still physically impossible to break the light barrier to be able to travel back to the past, one of most important concerns is that the time traveller will knowingly or unknowingly cause a change in events that will the alter the history with respect to the future generation and create a different reality. In other words, if you go back you can/ might do something to kill yourself in the past so that there will no longer be a future you :P Anyhow I found this article that gives logic to the whole thing and it can be used in our context of SHR to define Hajin's purpose of being transported to the past. Here is the relevant part of the article -

Does the very concept of travel into the past entail contradictions? Does the possibility of murdering yourself as a child show that backward-directed time travel is an impossibility?

     The answer is: there is no possibility, if you travel into the past, of murdering yourself as a child. The very fact that you are here now logically  guarantees that no one – neither you nor anyone else – murdered you as a child, for there is no possibility of changing the past.

     This notion that one cannot change the past needs careful attention. There is nothing special about the past in this particular regard. For you can no more change the past than you can change the present or change the future. And yet this is not fatalism. I am not arguing that our deliberations and actions are futile.

     I cannot change the future – by anything I have done, am doing, or will do – from what it is going to be. But I can change the future from what it might have been. I may carefully consider the appearance of my garden, and after a bit of thought, mulling over a few alternatives, I decide to cut down the apple tree. By so doing, I change the future from what it might have been. But I do not change it from what it will be. Indeed, by my doing what I do, I – in small measure – contribute to making the future the very way it will be.

     Similarly, I cannot change the present from the way it is. I can only change the present from the way it might have been, from the way it would have been were I not doing what I am doing right now. And finally, I cannot change the past from the way it was. In the past, I changed it from what it might have been, from what it would have been had I not done what I did.

     We can change the world from what it might have been; but in doing that we contribute to making the world the way it was, is, and will be. We cannot – on pain of logical contradiction – change the world from the way it was, is, or will be.

     The application of these logical principles for time travel becomes clear. If one travels into the past, then one does not change the past; one does in the past only what in fact happened. If you are alive today, having grown up in the preceding years, then you were not murdered. If, then, you or anyone else travels into the past, then that time traveler simply does not  murder you. What does  that time traveler do in the past? From our perspective, looking backward in time, that traveler does whatever in fact happened, and that – since you are alive today – does not include murdering you.

     Time travel into the past involves no intrinsic contradiction. The appearance of contradiction arises only if one illicitly hypothesizes that the time traveler can change the past from what it was. But that sort of contradiction has nothing whatever to do with time travel per se. One would encounter the same sort of contradiction if one were to hypothesize that someone now were to change the present from the way it is or someone in the future were to change the future from the way it will be. All these latter notions are  logically impossible. But none of them is intrinsic to the concept of time travel.

     One should take care in describing time travelers not to give them logically impossible capabilities, e.g. the capacity to change the past from the way it was, the present from the way it is, or the future from the way it will be. But once one has done that, then there is no need to think the concept of time travel to be logically impossible. 
From Beyond Experience  by Norman Swartz

Okay so applying this logic to our Su/Hajin....I think that the moment Go Hajin got transported back to Goryeo and into the body of Hae Su, the past/history that she had read as that which had happened ceased to be an absolute truth or objective truth and instead became a potential truth or what might have happened. The moment Hajin becomes HaeSu, the Goryeo period becomes her present time line and so anything that she will do or not do in this present will shape the present as it is going to be.....i.e. even if she is afraid of changing the past , any of her actions/words will just make the present happen the way it is going to happen and the future as it is going to be because she can't change the past. Thus the past that we the modern era people will read about (including Go Hajin) will actually be because Hajin went back triggered the battle. So Hajin going back is the instrument needed to make the rest of Goryeo history happen regardless of whether she wants to change it or not. Now I hope I have thoroughly confused you all :crazy::sweatingbullets::P

As another article I read said- Waiting is a form of time travelling to the future hehehe.....I am travelling to EP 8! \^0^/

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4 hours ago, bingewatcherinsomniac said:

@bebebisous33 as usual your analysis is very well said ;) one of the quality that I like from this drama is how well written it's characters are. Each individual has many layers of emotions and has a mixed trait of personality that's so fascinated to see.

I agree with you, maybe we too emotionally invested on the romance part (understandable:P) and almost forgot to discuss the heroine of this story. Unfortunately we only got a bit and pieces about who go hajin really is, and worse we also left in the dark about who the real haesoo is before the accident. She's like uncompleted puzzle right now. What we can guess is based on the reactions of people in 8th Prince Manor (chaeryung, haemyung, yeonhwa and wook), they're completely different in character which is understandable as both came from different centuries. 

HAESOO: She's a young noble lady that came from powerful clan, but since she's an orphan, her only cousin kindly took care of her and cherish her like her own daughter even after her cousin got married she brought her in to her husband Manor. Feeling indebted, she tried her best to not become a burden to her cousin, living quietly and helping behind her cousin's shadows, cheering her especially after knowing her health condition. She's good in playing musical instruments and has talent in making crafty beautiful things like that lotus shaped lantern. Which probably explain why yeonhwa a bit jealous of her before. She has much more polished, gentle, and reserved character. My guess is real haesoo has much more similarities with wook. Both genuinely kind-hearted but need to put a mask, a perfect facade for different reason. For her it's all for her cousin sake. Chaeryung is the only person who knows who she really is, where she can release her stress and vent her frustration. It's never easy to live in a place she hardly can calls home and as loving her cousin could be, haesoo doesn't wanna add more burdens to her.. And it made me wonder whether real haesoo harbour a feeling towards wang wook, which might explain go hajin instant attractions to him... Right now her life is like a mystery and we have no idea what she's been up to that causing her accident.. 

GO HAJIN: she's a kind-hearted, happy-go-lucky kind of girl (well at least she used to..) who at first has such an optimistic view to the world, naively believes that sincerity and hard work will pays in the end. She impulsively loves helping people around more than she actually could (that sometimes gets her trouble in work place) and put too much trust to people (like her ex bf and BFF that betray and leave her with a huge amount of debt). Basically the world fails her, she hit rock bottom and in despair wishing a new life that surprisingly came true. Although she's a bit overconfident with her skill and boasting around how smart and adaptive she is (albeit in joking light-hearted way), like wangso mention before, she's not using her brain that much and just impulsively act the way her heart wants. She has a temper and cannot stand injustice. Also known as stubborn, staying firm to her believe. All in all, she really puts her heart on her sleeve, and its her sincerity that actually moves people around her. 

With such contrast between real haesoo/go hajin, no wonder people around her had so taken a back with how different she is after the accident and came to the realisation that she forgot her manner entirely. LMAO. :D

And I agree this will be a hindrance for ww-hs's romance to blossoms because unlike wangso, wang wook already has a preconceptions of her, the real haesoo, and set his expectations around it. Like instance, how haesoo change her answer about what kind of poem she like, and how she hesitated to tell him that she's illiterate. She's desperately trying to fit the image he has for her, as exhausting as it is, afraid that someone could busted her covers.

Yes she's cosplaying as haesoo right now but what we might misunderstood is we all following go hajin's adventure to the past. All of different emotions and many sets of personality traits that she display is all go hajin' through and through. It's impossible for her to be real haesoo even on certain occasion, no matter how hard she tried. Why? Because she never knew who real haesoo is. People can fill her in and gave her a general idea, but she can't just copy that 24/7, I believe all of her interaction are genuinely hers even to haesoo's cousin that knows her all her life. What makes her character more nuance is the fact that she learns to adapt to a life that clearly not hers, slowly accept her fate, and embrace haesoo as her new identity without losing herself as go hajin entirely. She's not going to be real haesoo, she's becoming go hajin version of haesoo. 



I don't know if discussed before, but I would very much like to know the meaning of Go Ha Jin and Hae Soo. It may be interesting to find out. 

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9 minutes ago, littleloony said:

Hey eclipses....how goes the wait for the rain....hehehe. @bebebisous33 your analysis of our heroine's dilemma about her self- Su or Hajin was so well done and it got me thinking. I am of the opinion that she will remain Hajin in spirit, emotions and thinking while being what a girl like Hae Su might have been in the Goryeo period in behaviour and action.....i.e. she will start to think things through and be responsible and wary of consequences as time goes on in Goryeo but her values, idealogy and emotional core will still remain as Hajin.

;) sorry to cut your wonderful post!!

As another article I read said- Waiting is a form of time travelling to the future hehehe.....I am travelling to EP 8! \^0^/

I am thinking like you. Our heroine's spirit won't change, like for example she will still fight for justice, tolerance and freedom or f. ex. she will remain a kind person. On the other hand, Hae Soo will become less innocent and learn not to trust people so easily, like she used to in the past. She is still far too naive for my taste.   

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35 minutes ago, littleloony said:

Hey eclipses....how goes the wait for the rain....hehehe. @bebebisous33 your analysis of our heroine's dilemma about her self- Su or Hajin was so well done and it got me thinking. I am of the opinion that she will remain Hajin in spirit, emotions and thinking while being what a girl like Hae Su might have been in the Goryeo period in behaviour and action.....i.e. she will start to think things through and be responsible and wary of consequences as time goes on in Goryeo but her values, idealogy and emotional core will still remain as Hajin.

Now all this thinking led me off to a tangent- what is the purpose of HaeSu in Goryeo.....was she always meant to be the catalyst for the battle for the throne or did Hajin ending up in Su's body change her destiny and make her the trigger (i.e hajin is the actual trigger). In either case why? and it led me to read a bit about time travel-----future and past. Now besides Einstein's theory and how its still physically impossible to break the light barrier to be able to travel back to the past, one of most important concerns is that the time traveller will knowingly or unknowingly cause a change in events that will the alter the history with respect to the future generation and create a different reality. In other words, if you go back you can/ might do something to kill yourself in the past so that there will no longer be a future you :P Anyhow I found this article that gives logic to the whole thing and it can be used in our context of SHR to define Hajin's purpose of being transported to the past. Here is the relevant part of the article -

Does the very concept of travel into the past entail contradictions? Does the possibility of murdering yourself as a child show that backward-directed time travel is an impossibility?

     The answer is: there is no possibility, if you travel into the past, of murdering yourself as a child. The very fact that you are here now logically  guarantees that no one – neither you nor anyone else – murdered you as a child, for there is no possibility of changing the past.

     This notion that one cannot change the past needs careful attention. There is nothing special about the past in this particular regard. For you can no more change the past than you can change the present or change the future. And yet this is not fatalism. I am not arguing that our deliberations and actions are futile.

     I cannot change the future – by anything I have done, am doing, or will do – from what it is going to be. But I can change the future from what it might have been. I may carefully consider the appearance of my garden, and after a bit of thought, mulling over a few alternatives, I decide to cut down the apple tree. By so doing, I change the future from what it might have been. But I do not change it from what it will be. Indeed, by my doing what I do, I – in small measure – contribute to making the future the very way it will be.

     Similarly, I cannot change the present from the way it is. I can only change the present from the way it might have been, from the way it would have been were I not doing what I am doing right now. And finally, I cannot change the past from the way it was. In the past, I changed it from what it might have been, from what it would have been had I not done what I did.

     We can change the world from what it might have been; but in doing that we contribute to making the world the way it was, is, and will be. We cannot – on pain of logical contradiction – change the world from the way it was, is, or will be.

     The application of these logical principles for time travel becomes clear. If one travels into the past, then one does not change the past; one does in the past only what in fact happened. If you are alive today, having grown up in the preceding years, then you were not murdered. If, then, you or anyone else travels into the past, then that time traveler simply does not  murder you. What does  that time traveler do in the past? From our perspective, looking backward in time, that traveler does whatever in fact happened, and that – since you are alive today – does not include murdering you.

     Time travel into the past involves no intrinsic contradiction. The appearance of contradiction arises only if one illicitly hypothesizes that the time traveler can change the past from what it was. But that sort of contradiction has nothing whatever to do with time travel per se. One would encounter the same sort of contradiction if one were to hypothesize that someone now were to change the present from the way it is or someone in the future were to change the future from the way it will be. All these latter notions are  logically impossible. But none of them is intrinsic to the concept of time travel.

     One should take care in describing time travelers not to give them logically impossible capabilities, e.g. the capacity to change the past from the way it was, the present from the way it is, or the future from the way it will be. But once one has done that, then there is no need to think the concept of time travel to be logically impossible. 
From Beyond Experience  by Norman Swartz

Okay so applying this logic to our Su/Hajin....I think that the moment Go Hajin got transported back to Goryeo and into the body of Hae Su, the past/history that she had read as that which had happened ceased to be an absolute truth or objective truth and instead became a potential truth or what might have happened. The moment Hajin becomes HaeSu, the Goryeo period becomes her present time line and so anything that she will do or not do in this present will shape the present as it is going to be.....i.e. even if she is afraid of changing the past , any of her actions/words will just make the present happen the way it is going to happen and the future as it is going to be because she can't change the past. Thus the past that we the modern era people will read about (including Go Hajin) will actually be because Hajin went back triggered the battle. So Hajin going back is the instrument needed to make the rest of Goryeo history happen regardless of whether she wants to change it or not. Now I hope I have thoroughly confused you all :crazy::sweatingbullets::P

As another article I read said- Waiting is a form of time travelling to the future hehehe.....I am travelling to EP 8! \^0^/


Even if possible any time travel may cause the so-called butterfly effect ( a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state). But however, it's a fictional world where logical and scientific principles may take a creative license and be suspended for the sake of the story.  


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6 hours ago, hallyus said:

So, basically after the birthday party, Wang So seems to get even more uncomfortable with his wound and feels the insecurity around him because the reaction of his brothers at the party. As the rain ritual is coming closer, he even dreamed that people will aggressively react to him in such ways like throwing him with stone and dirt, showing nonacceptance (around 0:08-0:14 (and yes I think it is only a DREAM)) causing him even more hesitant whether he should join the ritual or not (0:30-0:32 we see that he seems to be having SO much thought before finally taking his ritual clothes as we heard the Grand General says that So should be commanding). Also if you watched the long trailer, I think Ji Mong is persuading him to come to the ritual but Wang So still not confident about it. Well, thanks to Hae Soo and her magic spell, he got his confidence back and follows the ritual. The confrontation happens between Wang So and Wang Yo to the point Yo slapped him (HARD), only to find out So's "new" face without his scar. The ritual goes smoothly, far from his fear, the people also accepted him (see the long trailer), and later it rains!!! However, not many people are happy about the rain, in the long trailer, again, Yo is talking angrily on his drenched ritual clothes, doesn't believe that the sky is supporting So. There is also another scene in the long trailer shows Wook reaching out his hand to the rain with kind of regretful face(?), he still wearing the ritual clothes too. So I think this will cause So even fall more deeply to Hae Soo as she successfully encouraging him to face the people.

I do agree.

Keep thinking, 08 starts with WW interrupting WS/HS scene, most probably WW yells at WS, and HS, still shocked, will stand silent and still, letting WS go. From this moment jealousy will start in both men, and HS will start looking at WS another way, and she will be more protective, than ever towards him.

Next, there will be announced rain ritual to be, and I am sure too, that stones and dirt appear in fears or dreams of WS, cause his white robe stays clean during all scenes of ritual and after. Smth happens to crown prince, and someone has to replace him, WS and YU are going to fight over that place, may be WW too, as he makes a promise to set HS free. 

HS will stalk WS, feeling guilty, he avoids her, still angry. After his dreams/fears of ritual, WS comes to HS, and there is de-masking scene. Later WS will somehow become a hero of rain ritual, stealing the show from Yu and WW. 

The most important thing is, that WS is going to be the reason to WW's promise to be broken, WS will take privileges and advantages from rain ritual, not WW. And Yu will be very, very angry together with their mother.

So, HS will have reasons to cry, WS will have reasons to take care about it.

Clearly, I don't have sympathy to WW, do not have wish to even write about him and what his scenes might be. HS gets beaten and has a lot of problems, what he must say -"Oops, it happened again, people treated you like garbage" - and start promising again? brrrrr

I cant wait till tomorrow comes. Serial is quite simple, but screened in a beautiful way, so I watch this motion a lot of times, like I stare for long at a picture or beautiful  sight, can't take my eyes off this

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Hey guys, how is everyone doing?  Monday is almost here, at least in my time zone and I never thought I'd see the day when I would be excited that it's Monday, hahaha, this drama has me going crazy, like my phone screen lock is WS-HS right now, every time I want to unlock it I keep staring at it, lol, seriously, I should get help, am I the only one?! 

I will probably hang here until around the time the episode starts and then I will  be off until the subs are out because I don't want to get spoiled, it's more exciting watching it like that, of course I will have to fight my inner curious self to do it, haha.

Anyways, thank you for keeping this thread active and fun, you guys are all amazing, truly, so lucky to be a part of this journey with all of you! 

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WS is expecting HS to shy away from his face.
He is so sure to see pity and fright in her eyes.

But I believe that with that modern soul of hers, she did see enough in the world to know not to judge by the scar but by the actions.
She is able to look behind that scarred and scared face. He hide behind that mask, all those long and lonely years, but she already knows the person that is behind the mask and does not care for the scare. I have a feeling that she tells him off as soon as she get's the chance and that not her offer or pleading gets him the make-up cover, but her putting him into place and dragging him along.

She is way to modern to adapt quietly, why else would they constantly tell her off, slap her for mistakes or push her around.
While being punished she remembers that she is in a different time and place, even thought each cell is rebellious she still takes it as she should for those times. But at times her modern thinking just flips out and she spills future ideas (like while drinking with BA), sings odd songs (like for Eun and later all princes), she steps up and takes matters in her hand without questioning (like with CP and his rash) 

My point is, she will not let WS scare her, as she knows he is not scary ... maybe when WW tries to save her, while being pinned to the pillar by WS she just pushes him away and tells him off shutting him up ... again ;)

Gosh I so anticipate the next episode ... watching a drama that is already ended, you can take a peek at the end and get calmed "ok that's how it ends", but while it is running full speed I am so annoyed that I do not know ahead.
Yes, yes, I watched the original ... but 1) it's some time ago and 2) they are bound to change the plot (due to historical background, length and art) ... they will keep to the main road, but skip and flip here and there (they did the same with Fated to love you)


ok past midnight now ... it's monday ... I need to sleep or my work will suck :D

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