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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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The Moment I wanted to jump in the Screen ( I know wrong Drama ;) )

You don´t need to know what he was talking in the first line - it was sure it was evil...





And he alone loves the outcome... and I loved Mo for stepping in for So !


I hope he can not laugh anymore very very soon!!!


But I must admit - I´m impressed with the Actor  and confused because in RM I liked him sooo much - and I knew back than I will hate in in no time - I was right!!!


Not so funny anmore - right Eun!? I hope he will never again act so stupid... and I hope he will make it up to So later... 





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1 minute ago, solelylurking said:


Sorry to butt in your discussion with @qwenli

Maybe Soo will try stop Wook from getting the throne because she fears Wook will be a ruthless King who kill his own kin. She is suspecting him from the start (kind of interesting to the reason why really. Wook is not known to be brutal nor blood hungry). But Wook still persists because he thinks the only way he can protect, have and marry her is when he becomes a king. Because Soo knows she is the main reason to Wook's ambition, then Soo will leave him so he no longer has the reason to be king and stop. That's why they're breaking up. 

Does it make any sense to you guys for their break up reason?

I taught about it from the ep 2 or 3. He always helpless when it comes to the authority to save Soo and he hates it. He doesn't want his promise to protect her become an empty words. Soo in the other hand doesn't know the right order of the kings and which one among the prince will be the ruthless king. The writer is planning the basic of her doubt in the eps 6. That's why they make Soo suspect Wook not So (who is the more suitable candidate if we see from his background). That is some writing without common sense (I'm sorry for the harsh critics but I've got to say it) but they work hard to pull it off so I put it aside. 

The only thing went wrong from Soo's effort is she runs with Wang So. She probably don't know yet (at that moment in the future) that So is in love with him or haven't change her heart to So yet but he should've known a deep feeling like Wook is trouble to begin with if you walk your way about with another man. Not just any man but a man who clearly have feeling for her, help her countless of time and even beat Wook in the effort to save her many times. She should've known Wook will be beserk because of jelousy and hating So for 'stealing' his girl. 

Thus the history won't change. The fight to the throne will still be a blood bath. Wang So willing to run away with Soo if she wants to but he will not play nice if what Wook's after is not throne only but the girl he loves with all his life and death. The king has the right to marry whom ever he please even if it is against her will. What interesting to me is when it comes to the decision of his offer (to run away) has Soo already know about So's destiny or not? When she does why she's not making him gave up the throne and run away? Is JM is involve in this again? I say he does. 

But this is just a theory and we still got many eps to watch. 

Sorry to intercept your discussion but it is so interesting I couldn't help my self. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.


i think there could be a big twist as to why ji mong wanted to bring Hae soo back to the past; maybe he wanted to kill Wang So or prevent him from ascending the throne. 

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Thank god, we have so much improvement in this episode, with better editing, tighter storyline, and more characters put in the mix, we also witness haesoo gradual change to fit her new role as court lady/palace maid. I guess our patience have paid off, I am one satisfied audience here :blush:

Since wook and haesoo romance still blooming nicely and so much swoon-worthy moments from them, I also wonder how their relationship will grow apart.. In the longer 6 minutes trailer of this series, I saw wook crying and shouting soo's name while holding letter and bracelet.. So my guess is haesoo broke her promise to never let go the bracelet and by doing so also ending her feelings towards him.. And interestingly the next scene we saw soo with no makeup, bruised lip and wearing plain clothes (like she's been punished heavily) and So kissed her! I doubt So is the main reason behind their broke up, it must be something big and probably life threatening situation (probably palace politics) that gets her reconsider her feeling to wook. And in her most difficult days so have been there for her and she gradually grows fond of him while understanding his pains.. *haha just my wild imagination *

One interesting thing to notice is during Princes friendly sport match, black team vs red team, it's kinda foreshadowing future enemies and allies of wang so. In black team there's wang yo (our resident vilain), shady 9th Prince, love rival 8th Prince, and his source of jealousy 14th Prince (evil Queen favourite)) and in red team there's teddy bear crown Prince, baekah, and enjoy (with guilt probably he grow closer and more loyal to 4th Prince later on) ah... I cannot wait until the Prince strife against each other and also forming allies onto one another, must be interesting to watch how their dynamic will change when there's a Throne in the picture. I love their brotherhood but rather than filling the air time with cutesy bubbly filler scene between them since this is something that inevitable, I just curious on how the story will be folded. 

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8 minutes ago, chickenchopflipflop said:

i think there could be a big twist as to why ji mong wanted to bring Hae soo back to the past; maybe he wanted to kill Wang So or prevent him from ascending the throne. 


He or in this case the writers, can not change the past. It will riffled the future. It is been said by his character: you must accept your destiny. If he really knows the future, he already knows So is a future king. That's why he's helping So here and there all this time. 

But maybe, just maybe, she wants Soo to soften So's heart. It is very unlikely from my point of view. More likely is JM don't know where Soo is ended up. She could be somewhere in Silla's dynasty or back in the 60s. 

But all are speculations so everything is possible. Nice to meet and read your point of view. I hope we can do that often. :)

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46 minutes ago, TeBe said:

I know that WW-HS romance is so smooth and cute right now, but it bothers me that this man almost lost HS to his father and yet he can not do anything about protecting her. She is working hard at the palace and he doesn't seem to be a big help for her to get less work. Like seriously he is a f prince not a royal servant or something . I thought he is more powerful than that concubine or whatever she is.  I know he can not go against to king's command about the punishment. However he is doing very little things to get HS out of her misery . I don't know , he plans every step he takes in his life very carefully and I don't see him as someone reliable to HS. Even when he was asking his mother to stop the marriage, he was really hesitating about talking to his mother about HS in front of the evil Queen. If he was so in love with her he would already have married her, even if it means to forget about the throne.  I bet he is going to leave her heartbroken, if his mother and sister prevented him from getting married to HS and found another rich woman for him . He will tell HS to be understanding and wait longer for him and that he needs power in order to be able to protect her. I am also so disappointed about Wook's mother , she did grant lady Hae 's wish about marrying HS to Wook. It is really a shame to ignore her wish this way, and doesn't seem to care a bit about HS's destiny. I wish that HS and BA would have fallen in love. Both are free spirits, who only are longing for freedom. They would have been an unstoppable couple.

As for the last scene in today's episode, I guess only Wang Yo and 9th prince were making fun of WS's scar. All others didn't want to embarrass him and looked away. Not out of disgust, but out of concern . We see the look of regret in 10th , 14th , CP and 8th and even YH didn't like that Yo planned this to humiliate 4th prince.

About Yo,  that bastard, I don't know why he hates his younger brother this much? It is his beloved hateful  mother that ruined his face. It is not that he did that to his own face himself. Why do they treat him so poorly and insist on making a monster out of WS ?  

I can't agreee moreee you said it all  chingu  ...however when it comes to  WW he's not  the   kind  of person  to step up  infront  of his  father and say clearly that he loves HS nd that's clearly because of his character before  he  falls  for HS from the first ep he was presented  as the   kind  of person who thinks thousand  time before acting who deosn't get angry the person who"s shy nd wise nd heart caring  that's why he couldn't say it clearly  about the evil queeen tooo he couldn't confess his love infront of her because he was  scared scared of her saying he couldn't wait till his wife died to be in love with her cosin which will offend him nd his mother too nd since he cares bout his mom reputation he said  she's like my lil sis  nd i tottally understand  his reaction infront of the king nd if you think he didn't stepp up for his love i think you're wrong because  he actually did and he stopped his father which is the first time to doo it

I agree with you normally  WW''s mom should have work with HS's cosin wish nd marry her son to HS which i don't understand why  she didnt say a word about it  when she heared  about  the  marriage??? WW should seriously get  her out from that palace and marry her that's the only solution so  he can end her misery if he truely  loves her AAh chingu about  the C version did Ruoxi marry the  8th prince????:huh:

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2 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:


KHN is fanboying hard,  isn't he? :)))

He often looks smitten by her, the ship might sail in real life no? ;)

Yeayyy to episode full of So tonight, and he's falling hard! 

Last scene broke my heart to pieces :((( 

So's most vulnerable side is being ridiculed and Soo watched the whole thing made him hurt even more.

He said that he hated her way of looking at him, but boy little did he know that she'll be his greatest source of strength.

Scarlet heart is surely my crack and i'm high on LJK right now. 


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1 minute ago, kimsunya said:

I can't agreee moreee you said it all  chingu  ...however when it comes to  WW he's not  the   kind  of person  to step up  infront  of his  father and say clearly that he loves HS nd that's clearly because of his character before  he  falls  for HS from the first ep he was presented  as the   kind  of person who thinks thousand  time before acting who deosn't get angry the person who"s shy nd wise nd heart caring  that's why he couldn't say it clearly  about the evil queeen tooo he couldn't confess his love infront of her because he was  scared scared of her saying he couldn't wait till his wife died to be in love with her cosin which will offend him nd his mother too nd since he cares bout his mom reputation he said  she's like my lil sis  nd i tottally understand  his reaction infront of the king nd if you think he didn't stepp up for his love i think you're wrong because  he actually did and he stopped his father which is the first time to doo it

I agree with you normally  WW''s mom should have work with HS's cosin wish nd marry her son to HS which i don't understand why  she didnt say a word about it  when she heared  about  the  marriage??? WW should seriously get  her out from that palace and marry her that's the only solution so  he can end her misery if he truely  loves her AAh chingu about  the C version did Ruoxi marry the  8th prince????:huh:


No, Ruo Xi didn't marry 8th prince. They were together but when she asked 8th to give up the fight for the throne, he said no, so she left him. It will most likely be different k-version but the concept should be the same.

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22 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:


Kang Ha Neul is tottally into her i reaaallly hope they can end up toogether they're sweet   together she would be lucky to have someone  heartcaring like Ha neulyaaa :heart: at the show party he stood beside her  holding umbrella for her nd that waas supeeeeer cuuuuuuuteee lovey dovey wish i can find someone likee him as hot nd cute he's :wub::wub:

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There's lot of longing in Wang So's gaze when Hae Soo was singing. His reaction walking away from there, was if it cracked the wall around his heart. Still he needs a little more to understand why he feels, but just think when he finally will be able to look beyond his fears and realize that is what he feels for her is love, it will be very intense.

I wonder how the writer will unfold this romance when we're still in Hae Soo - Wang Wook's love line, at least we have seen how gradually, she has become closer to WS and is more aware of his suffering.

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39 minutes ago, ElleSor said:
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If I remember the C-version correctly, the 4th prince couldn't acknowledge Ruoxi publicly even after he became emperor. She was just in the background always, which is why one of the other princes (I think it was the 14th) felt pity for her and asked for her hand in marriage...to get her out of the toxic relationship with the 4th prince. The 4th prince became a tyrant after a while, he punished those who opposed him and sought revenge. It broke Ruoxi's heart to see him like this but she still loved him, as she lay dying she asked her husband to tell the 4th prince but the 4th ignored the letter. I forgot what happened to the 8th prince in the C-version...I think he was also punished for conspiring to get the throne from the 4th prince but I forgot if he was killed.

Please do not open spoilers if you do not want to know the C-version.

No i have not see the C version i was konkomae about how HS will end her love for WW i wasn't trying to give any spoilers chingu;):D

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Ugh the unmasking scene as a 'gift'. Prince Yo certainly has a twisted sense of humor, that bastard. :( 

Poor Wang So...and from the previews it looks like neither he nor Hae Soo are going to have having the greatest of times next week. 

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