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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Have you seen this picture?It's so funny!:joy: Whoever did this is really witty & creative...




Y-aaaahhhh .....:lol: they are so mean to Hong Jong Hyun...hahahahaha ..LMAO ... YO bro...this is so crazy

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2 minutes ago, violet90 said:

i think HS don't even know how to love someone.. both WS and HS is a little bit lost in term of love but they learning through each other BUT its just like a saying 'once broken it will never be the same'... HS trust is being broken first from her bf and now WW.. i think she will enter a relationship with WS with a cautious heart.. no matter how much HS will love him her heart is always guarded.. about WS once he learn and taste the love from HS it will be a drug for him.. it will slowly destroy him ...

you can see how beautiful WS and HS love story is but their love is a little bit dysfunction for me... both of them is broken inside so in a way their love is broken too.... maybe that's the point of the story..

love no matter how deep or beautiful sometime not enough..

@violet90  I totally agree with this sometimes that love can be dysfunctional and not enough, She will keep trying to repair him and he will continue trying to make her see things thats not as they appear to be..(the shades of roses in her eyes) That it's self is challenging enough, I somehow thinks there a different meaning to this story.. I think Jimong took her back in time for her to change something about her past that effects her future. If it's her to become Queen it would be nice but I do think it has something to do with her choice of staying with WS.. This is why HS / HJ couldn't recognizes the betrayal in the past and presence thats the key factor here. So she will guard her heart just as you said against the wrong person.. 

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2 minutes ago, valsava said:

@violet90  I totally agree with this sometimes that love can be dysfunctional and not enough, She will keep trying to repair him and he will continue trying to make her see things thats not as they appear to be..(the shades of roses in her eyes) That it's self is challenging enough, I somehow thinks there a different meaning to this story.. I think Jimong took her back in time for her to change something about her past that effects her future. If it's her to become Queen it would be nice but I do think it has something to do with her choice of staying with WS.. This is why HS / HJ couldn't recognizes the betrayal in the past and presence thats the key factor here. So she will guard her heart just as you said against the wrong person.. 


HS will likely judge WS too much when WS became a king... again just like RX in BBJX cause both of RX and HS love the person that they think will be a cruel person in the end... this is the key point on why HS will likely hate WS as a king...

HS judgment will always lean on WS as a cruel KG even when she love him... that a minus point for WS in term of make HS understand in palace this is how life work.. she will never understand that no matter how much betrayal she been through... this is why it will be tiring for both of them... and WS will likely change himself too in order to protect HS IF the theory of miscarriage happen.. 

they both bound to love each other deeply but not fated to be together..... 

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3 minutes ago, briseis said:

THE DOOMED LOVERS - Predicting Eun’s and SD’s Fate

“I don't want to deal with the stress of having many wives like my father. I’m going to find someone perfect and be with her for 100 years.” - Prince Eun (EP04)

Doomed! They are doomed! This scene doomed them!

They won’t by dying alone! Of course, they won’t!

Why else do you think there is a smile on Eun’s face when he is looking at SD one last time, reaching his hand to her? He is happy that he will be with her again, joined in death.

After So kills him to put him out of his misery, ending his suffering. Why else would he kill a man pierced by many arrows, a man who is already dying, other than to put him out of his misery?  WHY WOULD HE ORDER THE SOLDIERS TO SHOOT EUN IF HE ENDS UP KILLING HIM IN THE END ANYWAY? (you can read more about the vision here).


I'm dreading this moment and actually in a state of denial. Eventhough it's mercy killing (like you all predicted), I cannot explain why So would laugh like that. There's nothing funny in killing your brother and his wife. 

In my state of denial, I am actually hoping that: 

1. This is only Soo's hallucinations not real vision. She's not psychic and if we have to grade her history knowledge, she probably get a C. You guys know more tha her (thanks to the Internet). She has a predetermined idea of what So would be - someone who will kill his brothers for the throne, hence the vision.

2. The vision will happen in reality but maybe, juuust maybe, instead of So doing the killing, it is actually Wook? Or Yo? She is so convinved that So is the bad guy that in her visions about death etc, So will be the main culprit.

3. The Director just teases us with this horrid vision to throw us of our balances. If that's the case, NOT FUN.

I'm crossing my fingers for this NOT to happen. :tears:

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5 hours ago, littleloony said:

@Hanazumi Wow chingu...that's so much good news from Tumblr and FanFiction :D I am eagerly waiting for more stories of SHR......thanks for sharing the info.

@littleloony No problem.

2 hours ago, wackeemarie said:

Dears, friendly reminder. Please dont quote images,videos. Our MODS have been editing quite a lot of posts these past days. Our thread might be locked or suspended (not sure of correct term to use) if this persist.

I know it's hard especially when on mobile phones but we need to manually delete images when quoting a post with pictures.

If you need that image, please upload that image in your new message rather than quoting it.

Or when replying just tag the member by using his/her username, the same way we do on FB,Twitter or IG.

Thank you and Happy Weekend!


Just want to repost this so we all can avoid getting in trouble!

2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I don't think it's harsh at all and I, from my interactions with women who have left controlling and/or abusive relationships, can see a ring of truth in what you're saying. It's not that I think Su and Uk had an abusive relationship... not at all... but I agree that Su wants to think the best of people even when faced with evidence to the contrary. That worked well with So... because the core of who he was largely misunderstood by everyone and he was trying to belong somewhere. In this instance her desire to help him did bring out the best in him. However, her do-gooding is a double-edged sword as we saw in Ep. 10 and 11, as it was used against her to implicate her in a capital crime.

I believe she stuck it out to the very end with Uk for two reasons. Firstly, it was important for her to believe that their romance wasn't a lie, that somehow she was some kind of idiot to believe that she was loved. On top of all that she had suffered from Lady O's death and the attempted poisoning of the CP, it would be even more devastating for her to realise that she had given her heart to a man who didn't even love her even just a tad. I think it gave her some comfort to know that he did love her in spite of not delivering at all. Secondly, I think it also goes to the issue of judgement. Was she so wrong about a man who seemed to all intents and purposes, the perfect guy? I can't imagine how earth-shattering it must be to face the fact that the man you gave your heart to wasn't just timid about coming forward to plead your case but that he might be a first class blackguard.  

The fact that he couldn't deliver on even the most simple promises should have set off alarm bells. But of course Su wants to think the best of people. And she's more than willing to give them chance after chance. The fundamental problem was that Su really didn't know Uk that well. All those stolen moments they shared seemed few and far between. In the end, it was the image more than the man that took her fancy. Or the possibility of what this man could offer her.

The part that I think was "controlling" was Uk saying that he did it all for her sake. I'm not sure about anyone else, but it felt a lot like emotional blackmail to me. Telling her that he embarked on the road to hell and throne grabbing because he was too powerless to protect her... puts the onus on her to support him and it gives him a cover for his ambitions. This in turns gives him justification for doing all kinds of heinous things because in his mind, he's only doing it all to protect Su. Still, Uk continues to see himself as the victim in all of this and uses his "victimhood" to justify his ambition to get on board the game of thrones.

That's why I've been saying that we don't really need to feel that sorry for him. He's a guy who doesn't like to get his hands dirty so he piggybacks on others and what they're doing so he doesn't have to look like the bad guy. He's very clever about it but that kind of MO has limitations. That's why he will never be king and even on the off chance that he does... he won't be a good one. Plotting and scheming will only get you so far. To rule or govern, you actually have to do something and take responsibility for it.


I haven't read Candide in years... not since I completed my undergrad studies. But I also remember it as a satire on Utopianism. As I've said on a number of occasions, before the death of Lady O, Su was an unerring optimist. She was wide-eyed about living in the palace thinking that she could go around helping people with happy abandon and not bring negative attention to herself. But yeah, she was mugged by reality in a big way. 

I think it was @liddi who said that we were somehow strong-armed into seeing Uk's negative side. I can imagine someone taking that position if you thought that Uk was not such a bad guy and now suddenly he's scheming and "prioritizing". I guess for me, there were always disturbing tendencies in his personality from Day 2 so I'm not as taken aback by the "prioritizing". That self-centredness, that indecision, that lack of action... they were all pointing to something. All he needed was the right trigger to put him on the present path... and he found it.

ML being a K drama... well, they do love their villains to be villains. ;)

Incidentally Uk being ambitious doesn't bother me but really he's such a weasel about it. The man can't even be open about it like Yeon Hwa or Yo. It is fascinating that he wants to do bad things behind the scenes and come up smelling like roses... but really who is he kidding?

(Good grief, how did I manage to write another essay again? I don't mean to and they just sort of happen)

Keep writing even if the essay is a billion page long. lol

2 hours ago, valsava said:

@violet90  I can believe this but this also could be apart of WW doing because it may be his bright idea to hold HS hostage to get WS to backdown and once again he shows himself to HS trying to make himself the hero again until HS learns differently that WS gave up the fight to protect her..

@jenzotaku  Trust and believe if they say it's play catch day (BaseBall) that's just what it is maybe the game will finish early enough to air the episode but I won't hold my breath on it..

@Visually-wandering  Look on the bright side of things that one episode will move this thread problly another 1000 comments..All the insightful comment analyze comment and the humor comments so it will be some fun times for those one episodes.

@violet90  It will take a minute and a lot of YH comforting but he'll give into her, In the beginning Yh was the only other person that treated him like a human as he said he often wonder what kind of woman she grow up to be.. I think he chooses her to try and keep her from becoming like his vile mother..

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@kissmeStarlight The gif is from episode 1.

1 hour ago, valsava said:

@SizzlerZ@violet90  From the last episode of the King dying the way she behaved show that she's been waiting to get back at the Queen, I also think her family is more powerful then the Queens, So maybe WY first line of business was to take the head clan leaders and hold them hostage this is his payback to WW for stabbing him in the back, Wy may have killed the leaders to show he means business and to weaken that power WW family had.

Yes, I think Queen Hwangbo's family is pretty powerful. The only reason for Queen Yoo to have such influence was because when Queen Hwangbo was exiled or so, Queen Hwangbo was not a queen back then. That's what I think. But since they are both the queens now, anything can happen.


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7 hours ago, addicted2drama said:

i just have this idea ... what if .. HS get pregnant and then Chae Ryung is the reason she have miscarriage ...  CR just follow 9th prince 

Oh la la la what will WS do? WS might kill the 2 but what will HS feel if she heard about the news ... that the reason they were both killed because they killed their unborn child and almost killed HS too. I think this will make HS health deteriorate. 

But the thing is in Hae Soo's vision, it is 10th prince and his wife who are killed by Wang So. It's not 9th prince and Chae Ryung.

I know Chae Ryung was said to be hiding something and it will be a surprise, but I don't think it is like what you predict.

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2 hours ago, briseis said:

THE DOOMED LOVERS - Predicting Eun’s and SD’s Fate

“I don't want to deal with the stress of having many wives like my father. I’m going to find someone perfect and be with her for 100 years.” - Prince Eun (EP04)

Doomed! They are doomed! This scene doomed them!


They won’t by dying alone! Of course, they won’t!


Why else do you think there is a smile on Eun’s face when he is looking at SD one last time, reaching his hand to her? He is happy that he will be with her again, joined in death.


After So kills him to put him out of his misery, ending his suffering. Why else would he kill a man pierced by many arrows, a man who is already dying, other than to put him out of his misery?  WHY WOULD HE ORDER THE SOLDIERS TO SHOOT EUN IF HE ENDS UP KILLING HIM IN THE END ANYWAY? (you can read more about the vision here)


‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that the moment a kdrama OTP decides to live happily ever after, the complete opposite happens.’ - DR2013

But first they are given some epic, swoonworthy, shippy scene. In their case, it’s the one we glimpsed in the long preview - it’s night, there are candles lit and Eun is smiling (at SD) and WEARING HIS UNDERGARMENTS! A BED SCENE OR SOMETHING VERY CLOSE TO THAT! The positive thing is that they will have 2 years together before Yo gains the throne, but then:

MOD EDIT: Please don't quote images!

In the novel the 10th Prince was pretty much the only one who got his HEA; however, the kdrama adaptation had to change the historical background completely, thus making the 10th Prince a completely different man/historical figure, a man who was killed in history therefore he can’t have the same ending as the 10th Prince in the novel/cdrama. It’s logical but heartbreaking. When Yo became the king, he wanted to get rid of his political rivals, therefore he (probably falsely) accused Eun’s maternal grandfather of treason. And once a person is charged with treason most of his family gets killed as well.


This is the part of the drama that I think will absolutely kill me. I'm not prepared to see how this goes down even though we are all aware that it is going to happen.

We KNOW it is going to come to fruition due to SD telling Eun in ep 13 that when a new king takes the thrown he kills off all threats. SHE TOLD HIM WHAT WILL HAPPEN, Even though Eun thinks CP will be the one to do so, we all know for fact that CP is a big softie and loves his brothers, but Yo on the other hand will do everything to make sure there are no threats to him.

I have a feeling that this is when we will see So, Baek Ah and co on the run? Maybe hiding themselves among common people?

Edited by akinahana89
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My favorite kdrama right now. Enjoying how history gets it wrong . HS comes from a time where she is taught the WS kills all his brothers to take the throne because of his own greed. Yet, we are learning he is simply protecting the CP and his father's decree.   Wook threw her under the bus to protect his Mom and sister. As unromantic as that is, I would hope not to throw my family away for a girl I just met.  At the same token its not really all that clear cut either, WS has so much luggage from being the orphaned child. That is the part of the story that is unclear to me, why does the Mom hate him so much?  She is the one who cut his face.  Is is because she knew the king favored him?  Appreciate any thoughts on that.  The incestful nature of the in marrying is gross but understandable as history progresses folks are more enlightened.  I always appreciate the saeguks as they always keep it real with the tough life of being royality....its not all glitz and glory as most would like to think.  

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