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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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1 hour ago, jadecloud said:


@smhelen and LOVERS...sorry you had to wait. It sounds incredulous, but I've just been through a power outage(bad weather) for one precious hour! Glad it was only one hour instead of the notification of 4 hours!

Anyway, here's the convo between HK and SR in today's ep 30...pretty powerful words from HK. But SR deserves all that she's getting. She was the one who started with the hurtful and arrogant talk. Wow! This is how HK has to be to fight the battle she has ahead of her. HK FIGHTING!


CR: SBS / Xref: TSKS csubs


Based on this conversation, I really feel that HK is a good nature person even before 2011, the similar conversation has happened before her amnesia, HK told SR to back out and let them solve their problem by themselves, and telling her that she is just wasting her time if she doing do, she should find her own self and own life instead of delusion on this so call  "LOVE" from JE.  To me, HK is giving a warning to SR with good intension, but SR is just totally an evil person to me, she is shameless, immoral, guiltiness, sneaky and hopeless, how she purposely call BS here and let him hear their conversation and reveal the true nature of HK and make BS hate HK, the way she did to HK is too much,  I really hope that she got punishment at the end not just losing her so love but become miserable.  But so far, I really want her to lose her creditability on her foster family, school, and reveal what she has done before to the public, this is to comfort our viewer, because this character is so annoying and hateful to exist in this drama.


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15 minutes ago, deandraluv said:


I agree with you,  but somehow  I got the impression that HG planned this only for a time being, because she told him to hold on to her no matter what even when she tires him out, he should not give up on her. Otherwise, she should have told him to leave her alone or should not have told him to stick with her when she recovers her memory?  Or maybe she changed her mind and plans afterwards, who knows?

I second you both.

When HG told JE "I love you", she knows that JE will hang on to that. :) 

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32 minutes ago, kikotaichou said:

HG can slay with words! I feel like I just witnessed a combo attack on Mortal Kombat or a beat down in some ninja anime lol


Yeah... SL was pulverized on the spot !  yes SL take that!  you %$#@&* :angry:

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2 hours ago, mdj101 said:

 OMG.... @andy78.......TOO SAD!  The Instagram with the translation:--- She is asking her Lighthouse to help her say GOOD-BYE (?) to Jin Eon?    I never saw THAT coming!    :o   :(  :tears: 

 Why must Writer Bae get so realistic on me NOW?  I've accepted and worked along with her on more than a few highly unlikely things, for the sake of the drama's story line.  Did anyone else see a reason for Hae gang to "say goodbye" to JE?   A little jail time would be a fatal impediment to their love? Doesn't make any sense to me. Even if that should be an outcome of her revealing the truth about everything.

Now I'm really upset!   :huh:   Isn't she simply fearing the worst?  Not having faith in herself --- in her own moral and ethical values and worth?  Not even to mention the legal skills she brings to everything  she does professionally.   :mellow:

This is my thought, why HK has to make a decision to leave JE on part of her plan.

This is the way how she protect JE, even before their divorce she let him stayed out of his family business and live in his paradise without touching any dirts on his hand, and let him leave comfortable.  If she doesn't leave JE, remember JE always emphasis that he will not leave HK this time no matter what and he will do everything together with her, if he kept this promise, then which mean JE will fight against TS together with HK and she just don't want to, HK want to protect him and stay out of this war and danger, otherwise, at the end, we don't know what JE will do if he really want to protect HK from TS, he might hurt or even go to jail.  You know that HK now has her full memory she know TS is a very dangerous person and will do everything to protect himself and his position in CNP.  So, she has to leave JE in order to let him stay away from that dangerous person.

You see, HK ask TS to make him out of his current position - president of R&D, and let him get back to work in the research lab, so she purposely want him live in peace and comfort, so that nobody can harm him like before.

Also, if she did not leave JE and still stay together, it cannot convince JR and TS that she really lost those 4 years memory where she has fall in love with JE again, and they have an impression that HK should hatred JE and take revenge on him once her memory come back, so I guess HK has no choice but to leave JE in order to have her plan move on.

Not sure, whether they will be reunion or not, but that will only happen when HK gave all her justice and get ride of TS from CNP first.

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  @trust71   --- Thank you for bringing up the symbolism of  "THE DRAGON".   I was impressed with the nameplate Baek Seok had prepared for the "reborn" Lawyer Do Hae Gang.  The beauty and simplicity of it.  The Golden twin dragons anchoring each end. The crystal clear nameplate itself, like a pane of glass, nothing hidden from plain view.  I meant to look up "dragons" but never got around to it.

An obvious choice for BS, the believer in magic, the child, then the adult who still believes in "magic" and thinks anything is POSSIBLE.  But others have seen HK as a Dragon, too.  In a part of the world where that is more of a compliment than is usually the case in the West, IMO.  I like it.  I can see it, too.

In Wikipedia, they recognize the differences between West & East vision of a dragon. A Western hero must slay the evil dragon. Whereas In the East, the dragon is a beneficient  creature found in Chinese folklore. 

IIn regard to HK being nick-named "Dragon", I love it.  It is the highest-ranking animal in the Chinese animal hierarchy --- strongly associated at one time with the Emperor (hence, power & majesty. And it's the only mythological animal represented in the Chinese calendar.

Think about the many Korean Kings in sageuks wearing those magnificent red robes with the beautiful embroidered Dragon.  I was confused when the Wardrobe Department gave Seol Ri a  red sweater with a huge embroidered pattern on the back Paired with white slacks) looking so much like a King's royal robe.   And for 2 episodes, too.  I wondered what the message was?

  • https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Dragon
  • http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/12/05/the-dragons-egg ----  the story of the most boring, laughable lecturer at Oxford Univ. in the 1940's, Prof. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, the don who went home each night to write "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings".   Called by some the "father of modern fantasy literature".
  • Oh, the things I've learned as I watch Korean dramas!
  • I didn't even know we had a Dragon sculpture in Philadelphia!


Thank you, @Faythe Le ,  for the comparison of HK and BS to the Warrior bring another trusted warrior, a best friend, into battle by his side, Not a spouse.  I've imagined  HK exactly like that, as the Chairman's most treasured and most gifted General.   Someone else said HK & BS are "soulmates", a love different from romantic love. Not so easy to maintain between a man & a woman, I do believe.   I agree they are like that to each other.

Finally --- holiday decorations appearing in the drama --- a large beautifully decorated and brightly lit tree in the Lobby of the Hotel where HK & JE have their gorgeous suites!       Here's a slightly homier version:




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I want to put down my thought on the coming episode in next week.

1.  From the preview and the ending of ep 30, HK is asking BS to help her to leave JE, and in this episode 30, HK and BS is clearly deliver a message to her mom and his dad separately that they will find another house to live, and HK got 50 billion from TS for compensation, so she will buy a new apartment on her own, and there is high possibility that BS will move in to that apartment and live with together with HK, and that will be much more convince to JE that HK is no longer love him and let him leave her.

2.  But on that other hand, JE will not give up HK that easy this time, and as before he smelt that HK is hiding something and planning something and he realized that what HK now doing is inconsistent to her character before amnesia, so he is suspected that she might not really lost her 4 years memories and kept following on her.

3.  As in the end of episode 29, JE ask the secretary to find out who send the fax information about her daughter's murder, then he found that SR was doing all these in the back, so SR received a second warning from JE, and I am expecting another warning - red card to take her out of his life forever - it means he will no more taking care, treasure her as haobae.

4.  Of course, I wont leave out our cute couple, KS and YK, as KS already promised WJ to be good to YK, so I believe there should have some cute scene in next episode as well.

IHAL fighting!  You team really did a great job and I was completely addict to this drama, and I would say this is the first time I was so addict to a 50 episodes drama!!!

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3 hours ago, lclarakl said:


I'm sure this is coming up. The only person that knows she's carrying this grief is BS because he held her in his arms and sung to her as she was having her nightmares. She would talk to him about the child she think she killed.

I'm sure the writer will have her and JE address that issue---with a little help from SR probably sticking her nose into everything.


Sometimes it takes so long for an obvious idea to finally "click" in my head or just percolate to the top of my brain.  :huh:   When did HK's nightmares start?   This questions came to my mind as I pictured BS comforting HK for 4 years as she had these nightmares.  Just came to my mind as I read @lclarakl's post on p.408, though we've talked about many times here. I wondered why JE never held her then.  Had they stopped sleeping together right after Eun Sol died? and therefore he was not next to her as she dreamed?  Or did the amnesia state enable her deepest fears to come out in those nightmares?

I wondered how if things might have been different between HK & JE  if Jin Eon had cared for her during her nightmare experiences or even knew she was having them!   Something we were not told by Writer Bae.     :(                  



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By the way,  HG looked so gorgeous and sexy in her long dark blue satin kimono at the hotel suite room.  I notice that she showed her low neck line:phew:....it was like a very subtle seduction....No wonder JE was stunned and dropped his jaw when he saw her.  

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19 minutes ago, mdj101 said:


Sometimes it takes so long for an obvious idea to finally "click" in my head or just percolate to the top of my brain.  :huh:   When did HK's nightmares start?   This questions came to my mind as I pictured BS comforting HK for 4 years as she had these nightmares.  Just came to my mind as I read @lclarakl's post on p.408, though we've talked about many times here. I wondered why JE never held her then.  Had they stopped sleeping together right after Eun Sol died? and therefore he was not next to her as she dreamed?  Or did the amnesia state enable her deepest fears to come out in those nightmares?

I wondered how if things might have been different between HK & JE  if Jin Eon had cared for her during her nightmare experiences or even knew she was having them!   Something we were not told by Writer Bae.     :(                  




Grief such as this should be let out...she has to cry if she must after losing her child. But what stopped her from grieving? --- her GUILT??? 
So the suppressed grief manifested through nightmares -- that sprung out of her subconscious when she had amnesia.
JE was not aware of the turmoil going inside HK during that time..as she seems defiant to grieve..keeping that strong front (which as i have also find very perplexling really).

Isn't it that a person who had a serious accident resulting to amnesia - even if the person appears to have recovered physically - should be given support & counselling or scheduled  follow-up treatments addressing the amnesia and psychological impact to that person until fully healed - but none of that was shown in the drama?



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3 hours ago, jadecloud said:


@smhelen and LOVERS...sorry you had to wait. It sounds incredulous, but I've just been through a power outage(bad weather) for one precious hour! Glad it was only one hour instead of the notification of 4 hours!

Anyway, here's the convo between HK and SR in today's ep 30...pretty powerful words from HK. But SR deserves all that she's getting. She was the one who started with the hurtful and arrogant talk. Wow! This is how HK has to be to fight the battle she has ahead of her. HK FIGHTING!


CR: SBS / Xref: TSKS csubs


Thank you, @Jade Cloud I really appreciate this. HK turned SK's plan and slapped her silly. It will be hard to recover from this one. SR had no idea what she will do next. She will lose her mind and will escalate her attacks.

1 hour ago, Lo2015 said:

Based on this conversation, I really feel that HK is a good nature person even before 2011, the similar conversation has happened before her amnesia, HK told SR to back out and let them solve their problem by themselves, and telling her that she is just wasting her time if she doing do, she should find her own self and own life instead of delusion on this so call  "LOVE" from JE.  To me, HK is giving a warning to SR with good intension, but SR is just totally an evil person to me, she is shameless, immoral, guiltiness, sneaky and hopeless, how she purposely call BS here and let him hear their conversation and reveal the true nature of HK and make BS hate HK, the way she did to HK is too much,  I really hope that she got punishment at the end not just losing her so love but become miserable.  But so far, I really want her to lose her creditability on her foster family, school, and reveal what she has done before to the public, this is to comfort our viewer, because this character is so annoying and hateful to exist in this drama.


Thank you so much @Lo2015 I don't want HK to be kind to SR but I get your point that she has not changed her stand. As for SR she might end up hurting herself because of her narcissism and stupid  ways. I can hardly wait until I see her punished.

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hi all, i just started watching this drama and i already fallen for it. I like HaeGang character even when she is the ice queen lawyer. as for SeulRi, i just want her character to be vanished off from everybody's life. 2nd chance is too good for her. she need to be dead in this drama bcoz as long as she is alive, she will be a trouble to HaeGang. 

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30 minutes ago, Lo2015 said:

3.  As in the end of episode 29, JE ask the secretary to find out who send the fax information about her daughter's murder, then he found that SR was doing all these in the back, so SR received a second warning from JE, and I am expecting another warning - red card to take her out of his life forever - it means he will no more taking care, treasure her as haobae.


Hi, @Lo2015 you mean JE has found out SR sent the fax? I must have missed it.

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this drama makes me visit soompi forum again after long time...

IHAL is so addicted...the leads are so great...

I hope in the end, they'll get twins boy and girl baby...lol

but, it's pretty hard to get the subbed fast, except for weekdays drama, but I'll try to bear with that...hahahaha

I rarely watch weekends drama, but this drama tempted me...and for now this weekends drama beat the weekdays drama for me.

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When HK2 told JE " I love you", the look on his face said it all.  When he told her that his wife had never said those words to him....that he had stayed by her side all those years hoping to one day hear those words his adultery made more sense.

I would be the last one to condone his affair and treatment of HK.  I almost stopped watching this show because I was so disgusted with JE.  But there has always been a deep, gnawing question in my mind about their relationship.....what made him do it?  Since we only got bits and pieces of their past and just the tail end of the anger, hate and frustration it always bothered me that there was never a clear reason why it all began....then we have that scene about love and actually saying the words, "I Love You".

Now it makes all the sense in the world to me.  JE has always been the one to chase after HK, convince her to marry, love her unconditionally, whereas HK just needed to go on with her life and career knowing JE would always be there.  I think by saying he was exhausted by his love meant he was tired of always being the one who put 100% into the relationship.  HK was busy helping his father with the family business and they slowly grew apart.  The death of their daughter and HK's inability to share her grief with her husband forced them further apart.  

JE then started rebuffing HK's attempts to reconcile probably out of spite for not turning to him as a source of comfort during their daughters death.  He was frustrated and angry that HK could just get on with her life and become even more distant towards him. He loved HK too much, made her the center of his life which is not a healthy relationship.  His ideal of her was shattered and that in turn made him lash out at her in the most hurtful way.  I don't think he intended to have an affair but with a wife he had started to hate because he hated himself for loving her too much this affair was doomed to happen.  SR was in the right time at the right place and she jumped at the chance to console him.  The affair was his way of doing two things.  Hurt HK  and force himself to be free of loving her.

Never telling her husband that she loved him....something he was starved to hear and needed to hear.  I think JE has never been completely confident about HK's love for him whereas HK has always taken JE's love for granted. Therein lies their core problem.  After their daughter's death JE needed to be loved and comforted by HK but she didn't do that.  He wanted to grieve together and get through the loss together but she didn't do that either.  Their marriage was about to explode with or without SR but the irony is that if they find their way back to each other that affair which was the catalyst for the rebirth of their relationship will be based on a much more balanced and healthy foundation.

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1 hour ago, mdj101 said:

 In Wikipedia, they recognize the differences between West & East vision of a dragon. A Western hero must slay the evil dragon. Whereas In the East, the dragon is a beneficient  creature found in Chinese folklore. 

IIn regard to HK being nick-named "Dragon", I love it.  It is the highest-ranking animal in the Chinese animal hierarchy --- strongly associated at one time with the Emperor (hence, power & majesty. And it's the only mythological animal represented in the Chinese calendar.

Think about the many Korean Kings in sageuks wearing those magnificent red robes with the beautiful embroidered Dragon.  I was confused when the Wardrobe Department gave Seol Ri a  red sweater with a huge embroidered pattern on the back Paired with white slacks) looking so much like a King's royal robe.   And for 2 episodes, too.  I wondered what the message was?

1 hour ago, mdj101 said:
  • https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Dragon
  • http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/12/05/the-dragons-egg ----  the story of the most boring, laughable lecturer at Oxford Univ. in the 1940's, Prof. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, the don who went home each night to write "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings".   Called by some the "father of modern fantasy literature".
  • Oh, the things I've learned as I watch Korean dramas!
  • I didn't even know we had a Dragon sculpture in Philadelphia!


@mdj101 , the newyorker article is very long and discussed many literature that  I've not read(Clueless).  However, I picked up this bit with many terms that I like : 

Modernist ambiguity, or realist emotional ambivalence, is unknown to Tolkien—the good people are very good, the bad people very bad, and though occasionally a character may be tossed between good and evil, like Gollum, it is self-interest, rather than conscience, that makes him tip back and forth. Betrayal and temptation happen; inner doubts do not. Gandalf and Aragorn never say, as even the most patriotic real-world general might, “I don’t know which side I should be on, or, indeed, if any side is worth taking.” Nor does any Mordor general stop to reflect, as even many German officers did, on the tension between duty and morality: there are no Hectors, bad guys we come to admire, or Agamemnons, good guys we come to deplore. (Comic-book moralities, despite their reputation, are craftier; the “X-Men” series is powerful partly because it’s clear that, if you and I were mutants, we would quite possibly side with the evil Magneto.)

I can relate some of these terms to IHAL. Thanks!:blush:

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08the crying debate again... kekeke... so these two men do cry quite a bit but I didn't actually notice it till it was pointed out.

was reminded of this series on Discovery called "I shouldn't be alive' (think that is what is called); it was about folks getting lost in the wilderness and against all odds, they manage to survive. so the series recreated it like a mini movie and it was interspersed with interviews of the actual survivors. the episode that I immediately recalled was about one australian father-daughter duo who got lost in the outback while vacationing. it was supposed to be a fun road trip with his young daughter (think she was around 10) and they ended up running out of gas on some deserted road (they didn't know it was a road that was no longer used). they thought they would just walk along the road to the nearest ranch but the road actually didn't lead anywhere and they got even more lost. before they were found by a lone passing truck a few days later, they almost died of thirst and hunger. the scene that I recalled while reading the crying debate was the interview with the father. he talked about how he realized his daughter was dying and he couldn't do anything. so he left her under this bush/tree and walked a little distance away so he wouldn't have to watch her die. his daughter was now grown up adult but he still cried when he recalled that moment even though it was so many years. is it surprising that he cried? no, it is not because it was a terrible moment for this father.

here, we are watching a melodrama where all characters are being put through a wringer and so I was expecting to see scene after scene of all characters crying. after all this is not a romantic comedy where we have few sad episodes for the obligatory break-up. with a melodrama, we meet the characters mostly at their lowest point. since JE and BS are more emotionally open, it does not surprise me that they cry. the ladies in the drama are actually more emotionally closed and less willing to open up how they feel, especially HK. that said, these men are not crying because they broke a nail. they are crying because they are hurting over the woman they love deeply. except in the hospital, these men are not crying openly in public. instead it is always behind closed doors and they both cry in front of HK -- they have a lot of emotional trust in her which allows them to be vulnerable in front of her. BS cries in front of his father when he shares how he feels and JE cries in front of GN when he first asked for forgiveness -- so it shows they feel close/safe enough to cry..... if we look at the scenes of when they were happy (BS in the beginning of the series was happy; JE in his college years), we see men who are not criers. we as the audience are getting to know these men when life really is quite tough for them... what is tears? is it not an expression of deep emotions inside? and it is not like we women have exclusivity over feeling so sad inside that tears come out.

that said, neither of these men crying really moves me. the only scene that I thought was moving was when JE saw WJ playing in the house and made me think of how difficult it must be for a father to see another child play in the ground his daughter used to..

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12 hours ago, mdj101 said:


How much fun it is to read along in the forum,  make an occasional  comment, or to simply "click" a response!     As I hit "Submit Reply", I had a "mini-flashback" --- to the past and in the present ---as I'm enjoying a drama series or a movie on my computer completely alone.   Different, for sure.  I can really, really enjoy watching a variety of dramas by myself.  True!      :)  :w00t::tears: :(   :angry::o

So why join a forum & return faithfully after each episode to read all the posts?  Rarely do all who comment agree on everything.  And why get so "serious" when it's "only a drama, a fiction, not real people or events'?

I've been thinking about what my answer would be?  And I may want to explain why I find the forums to be one of life's little pleasures, a "good thing".  Someone asked that question here a while back. 

NOTE: ---- Soompi Forums is the place I feel comfortable.  Basic rules of behavior, good manners, and  something in the "make-up" of the people who post comments here --- gracious, kind, overlook all kinds of simple mistakes, etc.

THE DOWNSIDE?--- IT ENDS!:......and the group disperses.  Just like real life.  I feel like a kid at the top of a snowy hill , about to take the exciting long ride to the bottom, and a slow coast to a halt. I will miss everything --- especially the actors and the characters they brought to life. But it's a great way for me when the drama can support a thoughtful and entertaining  forum.  Maybe this IS my answer, after all.     B)


the forum is so much fun @mdj101 . actually, really liked her previous drama "scandal" and this is only an OK drama for me. but what I am really enjoying is the discussion here which is so much more fun than the drama itself. plus, we learn so much from each other that it really makes for a rich viewing experience. it is much more entertaining to laugh or moan together isn't it? but yea, the downside is the group disperses after the drama ends but there is always another drama and when you see a familiar name, it feels like running into old friends and can make you smile. 


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4 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

I love this. Thank you. More to come I hope. SR is like a piece of gum stuck on the bottom\of your shoe, you can't wait to scrape it off !


Haha! Funny you'd talk about gum! That's what's on JE's mind. Not with SR. But with HK. JE wants to be a gum and stick by HK's side. Take a look.... :P


Ep 30 - JE kneels HK, begs for forgiveness - Pt 1 & 2.

(This would give LOVERS many answers...and many specs are proven right...Kudos LOVERS :P )



CR: SBS / Xref - TSKS csubs

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