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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

Ldy Gmerm

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@Ldy Gmerm i completely agree with your post...the writer lost it when she/he added my dad. That whole segment was absolutely pointless and from their it just went down hill.

what i find is shameful on both sides is this will make mh leave the country....everyone is putting the blame on whats happening on mh rather than my.

anywho you say we have two weeks of this left!? What is left since everything is already said and done? I guess we are about to have the kitchen sink tossed at us....

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@Ldy Gmerm i completely agree with your post...the writer lost it when she/he added my dad. That whole segment was absolutely pointless and from their it just went down hill.

what i find is shameful on both sides is this will make mh leave the country....everyone is putting the blame on whats happening on mh rather than my.

anywho you say we have two weeks of this left!? What is left since everything is already said and done? I guess we are about to have the kitchen sink tossed at us....

You best believe the kitchen sink is coming along with the bathtub and all the dishes.. lol with two weeks we will see something completely senseless as this week will prolly be with them exposing MY and everyone adjusting to the truth of that bombshell then they try to make her pay and MY has one last crazy tantrum prolly and tries to hurt GB/ES or TJ and hurts someone else and then in the last week everyone can make up and go on with their lives.

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it  will be real  funny if the writer  makes  MY mentally challenge  by  getting into a  car accident or something, and  MY wakes up all happy lol  not remembering  anything of her bad deeds..MY did so  much  harm  there is no way  to redeem her  except  memory lost/mentally challenge . then  they  all  will forgive  MY,and  GS/MH/MY moves away   to live  together  to  take  care  of  MY.lolol.

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Why IW doesn't have a right to get married with GB? I see some people get married with their ex in real life. Besides, how he was in the past is not very important as people can change. I agree that his action of forcing her love in the last 100 episodes was a bad move. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I thought he forced her again this time but it's not. In the scene of giving her the couple ring, he told her to think about it and give him the answer in the future. It means that if she rejects it, he will accept that. It's better than in the past. Even IW doesn't have the right like you said, GB still has her right to choose to be with him. Remember that, every time IW asked her to come back to him, GB chose to refuse or say nothing and we can see that he didn't force her anymore but stayed by her side. Now, it's also GB's choice. She can stop the marriage if she doesn't want it, but she chose to marry him.

@Thu Thảo Lê Sorry to cut your post. Unlike you I have no confidence that GB would have refused IW even if her heart wasn't fully into it. She was/is in a very vulnerable state, they have a lot of history, and IW put her on the spot in front of both his and her family. Refusing would have been very hard for GB given how indebted she feels to both him and his mother. IW's words that she can think about it and give him her answer in the future don't really relieve any of that heavy burden. Both GB and IW are lucky that it turned out that GB really wanted to marry him and is happy with this outcome. Things could have turned out very differently.


Its highly unlikely my will see jail time or anyone for that matter. Es has played this cat and mouse crap that in true kdrama fashion someone is just going to tell her to stop like they always do the forgivenes card will be played but for me its going to be too late becase they've completely destroyed mh.....the only true victim of both sides.....hell i bet the writer will have mh fall for yr in the end!?

@Triton823 I thought MH's life couldn't get more miserable, but then you remind me of his possibility. I really hope not. I feel like that would be the final insult. Then again, I wouldn't put it past the writer.


Also if they forgot and blamed MH no reason to want to know if he is ok once he takes care of his mother and leaves. IT will be too late for that. If you blamed him for his mothers crimes then continue to do so as what would be the point of realizing after you let him down and pushed him to the side in wanting to still have him act like a son, a grandson or a friend?

@Ldy Gmerm I love your ramblings. You said I lot of things I feel, but much better than I could. Sorry to cut your post. I just wanted to say that I also feel that it will be too late. GB, ES and TJ have missed so many opportunities to talk to MH and offer a comforting word. This is incredibly disappointing to me. (I don't include IW in this. I expected nothing from him.) I feel like they aren't behaving like decent human beings. And yet they claim to care about this man. For all their talk of restraint with MY because of MH, GB and ES have done nothing to relieve his burden. (For example, GB stops IW from telling MH the truth on one occasion, but then later in the same episode she is ready to tell him himself.) TJ doesn't know the full extent of MH's suffering, but he is just as bad. It is completely unrealistic that a father who loves his son so much would not try to talk to him and find out why he looks like a walking corpse these days. To me these are not the same characters I watched in the first 4/5 of this drama. 

I wonder if TJ's lack of involvement in the plot is artificial. Perhaps Jeon No Min's schedule on "Six Flying Dragons" is keeping him too busy. 

Another thing that depresses me about this drama is that seems to send a message that a person's fate is determined by their parents actions. It doesn't matter if you are a twit like YR or a truly good person like MH, if you have a rotten parent, your life will be a mess. :( 


I found a few new instagram photos and videos from filming.

This is from episode 124. I think the caption says that YR is crying and saying that this is her mother's life's price/worth. I wonder if she is trying to save her mother with this money, or if this is the money she got by selling her mother. You never know with YR. :) 

A video of a foot chase with YR.

Another video, probably from the same chase sequence, where we get to see a stunt woman in action. Kinda cool!

It looks like GB and IW in this video - perhaps it's a scene from their honeymoon? There have been a lot of comments about the cold weather on instagram posts lately, I feel bad for the crew with all of these outdoor scenes. 


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I'm so ready for this drama to be over just curious how MH life will be at the end hopefully they dont plan on killing him to make everyone wake up and then pull out these fake regrets, tears,  I can already see Terrible Granny with her white headband on the floor acting like that was her baby lol 

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I stopped watching awhile ago. Poor MH he needs to disown everyone and move on with his life lol. Hopefully the trio end up in jail. 

Random question, but I thought MH was the lead? All the articles I read said he seemed to indicate that unless I missed something? 

Its highly unlikely my will see jail time or anyone for that matter. Es has played this cat and mouse crap that in true kdrama fashion someone is just going to tell her to stop like they always do the forgivenes card will be played but for me its going to be too late becase they've completely destroyed mh.....the only true victim of both sides.....hell i bet the writer will have mh fall for yr in the end!?

I   think  it might  be  that  way . MH  might  ask  them to  forgive  his  mother ,and leave with her .

YR is already  out of prison,can't see  RH going to  prison ,when she was following MY  orders.  with the madness  in these last  episodes   ,YR might just end up with  MH. Unless MH  dies and the  whole cast of this  drama feels so   guilty   ,that  not one soul live  happy ever  after.lolol

I didn't even know YR was in jail lol. Honestly, even in the beginning it was boring and predictable. The only good thing about this whole show was GB and MH's friendship and their dating scenes when they finally got together.  I skipped everything else :lol:


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I wander what Moon Hyung's reaction will be on Monday evening's episode. Will he begged Eun Shil and Kyung Soo to let go of Mi Yeon or hurled his mother and her stooges to the police station?

True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil).

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I wander what Moon Hyung's reaction will be on Monday evening's episode. Will he begged Eun Shil and Kyung Soo to let go of Mi Yeon or hurled his mother and her stooges to the police station?

True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil).

Again....es is making mh the barrer of everything....i think mh should die to teach not only my but es a lesson. What son or daughter regardless if they are good or bad wants to see their parent dragged to jail...es is deliberately tossing mh under the bus for something he had no knowledge in...

my question...what trageic event will stop it....im thinking mh is about to get serious hurt...its the only way to stop both my/es....

the writer has successful made mh the apparent bad guy here....the so-called good guys are allowing the only innocent man to be the torch barer for his mother....as mentioned before the message that comes across is the sins of the parents are the problems of the children....there will be forgiveness but at what cost!

my question is how can gs just stand there and watch as these people use mh this way! They are just as vile and disgusting as my. I hope mh simply leaves and never tells any of them because right now mh has not a friend in the world!

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I wander what Moon Hyung's reaction will be on Monday evening's episode. Will he begged Eun Shil and Kyung Soo to let go of Mi Yeon or hurled his mother and her stooges to the police station?

True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil).

@Jackie1048   thanks.

I did  not know  ES  said

"True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil)."

wow  so, ES is  just  another MY playing low  down and  dirty .all  this  begging for  MH to  stay in the  home  was  fake  from ES,just  to  use and abuse  MH,ES must  have had  fun  watching  Granny  abuse MH  at  every  turn.  so  MY  can  suffer .so, in a  sense  ES really have no compassion for  MH at  all, by taking MH  sinfull mother in  front of  him  is  really killing MH emotionaly.  gosh  how  nasty  ES is  playing  that  evil towards  MH who for a long time was  helping to  find  ES. grrr  hope  the plane with  GB/IW crash and  give  ES a lesson for tricking an innocent  and grateful  MH to believe   she  cared for  him,but in the end  ES is just  fake and a backstabber.



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I wander what Moon Hyung's reaction will be on Monday evening's episode. Will he begged Eun Shil and Kyung Soo to let go of Mi Yeon or hurled his mother and her stooges to the police station?

True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil).

@Jackie1048   thanks.

I did  not know  ES  said

"True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil)."

wow  so, ES is  just  another MY playing low  down and  dirty .all  this  begging for  MH to  stay in the  home  was  fake  from ES,just  to  use and abuse  MH,ES must  have had  fun  watching  Granny  abuse MH  at  every  turn.  so  MY  can  suffer .so, in a  sense  ES really have no compassion for  MH at  all, by taking MH  sinfull mother in  front of  him  is  really killing MH emotionaly.  gosh  how  nasty  ES is  playing  that  evil towards  MH who for a long time was  helping to  find  ES. grrr  hope  the plane with  GB/IW crash and  give  ES a lesson for tricking an innocent  and grateful  MH to believe   she  cared for  him,but in the end  ES is just  fake and a backstabber.



what i want to know is.....how is es going to repay gs for saving her life 10 years ago in japan....its called a life debt....she going to destroy his son and then say,"Thank you for saving me!". I want the writer to kill mh off because he is a tool for both my and es. In true fashion es has become my who simply uses people.

es spewed that crap on how iw can protect gb...thats bs and we all know it. She then knew their feelings and still went with it because shes going to use mh to destroy my. Im sorry but es has become the monster my was and so has gb.

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I wander what Moon Hyung's reaction will be on Monday evening's episode. Will he begged Eun Shil and Kyung Soo to let go of Mi Yeon or hurled his mother and her stooges to the police station?

True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil).

@Jackie1048   thanks.

I did  not know  ES  said

"True to Eun Shil's promise to Mi Yeon that she (Eun Shil) will let Moon Hyung watched her dragged his mother to the police for her crimes against her (Eun Shil)."

wow  so, ES is  just  another MY playing low  down and  dirty .all  this  begging for  MH to  stay in the  home  was  fake  from ES,just  to  use and abuse  MH,ES must  have had  fun  watching  Granny  abuse MH  at  every  turn.  so  MY  can  suffer .so, in a  sense  ES really have no compassion for  MH at  all, by taking MH  sinfull mother in  front of  him  is  really killing MH emotionaly.  gosh  how  nasty  ES is  playing  that  evil towards  MH who for a long time was  helping to  find  ES. grrr  hope  the plane with  GB/IW crash and  give  ES a lesson for tricking an innocent  and grateful  MH to believe   she  cared for  him,but in the end  ES is just  fake and a backstabber.



what i want to know is.....how is es going to repay gs for saving her life 10 years ago in japan....its called a life debt....she going to destroy his son and then say,"Thank you for saving me!". I want the writer to kill mh off because he is a tool for both my and es. In true fashion es has become my who simply uses people.

es spewed that crap on how iw can protect gb...thats bs and we all know it. She then knew their feelings and still went with it because shes going to use mh to destroy my. Im sorry but es has become the monster my was and so has gb.

without GS, ES could not have come  back a  sort of a wealthy woman.GS give ES a  new  life, plus  GS  helped  ES to  reveal what  MY  did and  is  doing. ES is thanking GS for all his  help  by  killing  his  son MH emotionaly  a  thousand  times  over  and over  again.ES making MH  suffer  for  MY  evil doings is also making  GS suffer  and  GS saved  your  life and  made  you  wealthy..

MH never  hurt  GB  .only time  is when he  was blackmailed  by  YR to marry, and IW knew  about it  but  never told  GB.IW was happy  for that  plan .IW knew  that  MH/GB love each  other  and  IW did  not  stand a  chance in hell  being  with   GB. So  YR marries MH   leaves   the  road  open for  IW to  marry  GB. lol  makes  me think  IW at the hospital  was  awake  but pretended  to   still be in a  coma.hearing GB crying  and begging him to  stay alive and  making  that  promise  , to do anything he wants if IW stay alive,seems like IW was waiting for that  to hold her  responsible to  that  promise.

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No matter how hard Mi Yeon or Eun Shil tried to spare the trauma of knowing the truth but it will hurt him when Moon Hyung decided to be the "champion" to solve Eun Shil's accident and disappearance ... well, he is doomed to find out what his mother has done.

Instead of killing him off, i like the idea of him going overseas for a few years ... and returned to Korea as if nothing had happened ... that sort of thing.

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We have hope...this drama will ends on the 12th December...the new drama teaser is out...broadcast date 14th Dec

Episode 116

MH kneel pleading ES for some "timeout" for his mother

MY still goes on a "denial" mode ( I did no wrong)

TJ learns in his investigation trail that the perpetrator is MY...in which ES affirm his query

YR goes to MH to asked in order to save his mother MY is to get the USB footage from Chairman Kim

GB is upset on her return from her honeymoon that MH request "timeout"

MH recalls Chairman Kim looking at the footage, opens the safe to find the USB as GB comes in & they debate...each holding on to their filial to their mothers

GB goes to view the USB footage...both of them are shock in what they are seeing


IW issue a warrant of arrest on RH & MY as the ladies flee while in pursuit

MY propose to RH that she will split 50-50 of TS Group with her (is MY in her own fairytale land)

I am glad this will be over soon.....I am really suffering chronic fatigue from watching the drama

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Thank you for the summary and trans and I am in agreement with you I am tired of this drama as well and can not wait until it is over. (I will borrow your trans to go with the video..)


"Did I hear it correctly that GB & IW didn't do nothing because GB fell asleep ???  "

"Glad that Mh knows everything now that game is over "

LOL, it would be fitting if IW did not get to go to the promise land due to GB falling asleep. Very interesting if that is the case. And with her back and running around after RH, YR and MY and confronting MH I can't see him getting his husband delights into things settle down. This is why they should have waited on the marriage when this was cleared up and GB was not trying to make others pay for it. Her mind is not on marrying and their thinking that doing this would stop her or settle her down is foolish.

Video from Episode 116:


"MH kneel pleading ES for some "timeout" for his mother"

"TJ learns in his investigation trail that the perpetrator is MY...in which ES affirm his query"

"MY still goes on a "denial" mode ( I did no wrong)"

(MY is truly foolish there is video evidence of her wrong doing.. it is only a matter of time before TJ and her son see it.Not sure why she stood there saying she did no wrong and that ES is lying when TJ has found out the truth already.)

"YR goes to MH to asked in order to save his mother MY is to get the USB footage from Chairman Kim" (This is really about saving YR and her own mother lol..)

"GB is upset on her return from her honeymoon that MH request "timeout" (Not sure why she should be upset. MH does not know the full truth because GB and ES have not told him wanting to at first shield him. Did she think he would not want to not save his mother? Even if MY has done wrong she is his mother.)

"MH recalls Chairman Kim looking at the footage, opens the safe to find the USB as GB comes in & they debate...each holding on to their filial to their mothers."

"GB goes to view the USB footage...both of them are shock in what they are seeing"

GB is a stubborn girl and her running out to GS's flat only showed that again.  What was the use of her marrying now? To stop her? Make her let go of wanting MY and the rest to pay? It did nothing that waiting a bit could have taken care of business first because as soon as she is back from her honeymoon she goes running over to confront MH knowing he has not seen or been told the truth. He is not to blame for his mothers actions or for wanting a time out.


"IW issue a warrant of arrest on RH & MY as the ladies flee while in pursuit"

"MY propose to RH that she will split 50-50 of TS Group with her (is MY in her own fairytale land)"

(Yes @gerrytan8063 MY does live in a fairy tale land that would let her think she has the means to split TS group with RH but then RH is also living in that same land to think that she deserves that or not see that MY and her are going down for what they did. Neither will have any shares to split since they will be striped of everything and exposed. )


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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LOL so GB is still gun ho with her revenge, IW still forced his will on GB and look she's still wanting blood but in all honesty that vengence belongs to ES not GB....as in most revenge type drama...you guys know something is going to happen to snap her out of it....I still think MH is going to get seriously hurt....it's the only logical way to end what this has become a nightmare!



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LOL so GB is still gun ho with her revenge, IW still forced his will on GB and look she's still wanting blood but in all honesty that vengence belongs to ES not GB....as in most revenge type drama...you guys know something is going to happen to snap her out of it....I still think MH is going to get seriously hurt....it's the only logical way to end what this has become a nightmare!



This is what I think too. She is being unreasonable and isn't thinking rationally at the moment. When the dust clears, MH will be the casualty of their revenge and she will see that she went too far. Of course it would be too late by then smh. I tell you if halmoni and ES start crying crocodile tears, there will be lots of eye rolling at the tv! 

MY saying that she will split TS Group 50/50 with RH is hilarious. She certainly has delusions of grandeur.:D

Please tell me ES wasn't scolding MH in the preview? I really don't know how much that man can take...these people will end up killing him!

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