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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

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I have a good laugh. Ye Ryung entered the prison cell announcing she is TS Group's Daughter-in-law. She thought she entering a ballroom or what. It held no power as she got beaten up.

I thought her attitude was over the top, I was happy when those women gave her a blanket beatdown. That's her problem. She has never been taught right from wrong and is to arrogant to acknowledge when she's wrong--her mother is not better. She should be in jail too, along with MY and her father. Unfortunately in the case of MY's father, I think the statue of limitations has expired.


Side note: The actor playing MY's father is only about 3 years older than her in real life and she's 4 years older than the actor playing TS and 8 years older than the actress playing ES. I'm always amazed how in Korean dramas they will have some actors playing parents to people either younger than them by a few years or older than them and most of the time we don't notice it.:)

I also hope that GB is marrying MH.  He loves her and he deserves  some happiness.

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I have a good laugh. Ye Ryung entered the prison cell announcing she is TS Group's Daughter-in-law. She thought she entering a ballroom or what. It held no power as she got beaten up.

I thought her attitude was over the top, I was happy when those women gave her a blanket beatdown. That's her problem. She has never been taught right from wrong and is to arrogant to acknowledge when she's wrong--her mother is not better. She should be in jail too, along with MY and her father. Unfortunately in the case of MY's father, I think the statue of limitations has expired.


Side note: The actor playing MY's father is only about 3 years older than her in real life and she's 4 years older than the actor playing TS and 8 years older than the actress playing ES. I'm always amazed how in Korean dramas they will have some actors playing parents to people either younger than them by a few years or older than them and most of the time we don't notice it.:)

I also hope that GB is marrying MH.  He loves her and he deserves  some happiness.

*Sigh* You are so right about that awful man dodging this one but we know he will do something soon that will eventually land him in prison. These people never learn...he would have avoided getting in trouble if only he stayed away from Korea but he just had to come back to cause havoc. Oh well...off to prison he goes in the near future!

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I am sure it is frightening to TJ, GS and MH that MY and her father are so awful. I say this because GS loved her for a long time and did whatever she wanted as long as she was going to marry him. Even 18 years later he did her bidding to try and see his son and she betrayed him.

TJ was married to the witch for 28 years and although he never loved her he at least thought she was honest and would never lie about a child being his when it wasn't only to find out she did indeed do that and then does not want to take responsibility and feels he should just stay married to her.. Now he finds out that her father tried to frame him for tax issues along with ES, and that he has killed someone. When he finds out it is ES's father is he is going to loose it.. its got to be awful to have been with someone for so long and not know their true personality or the personality of an in law.

To watch his former ( I say former cause no matter what is legal TJ is not longer that witches hubby regardless of them waiting to go to court.) father in law smash the picture of a man he loved and admired and hoped to have as his father in law at the man's memorial was too much. This before the truth comes out at what the man did. No one will believe the gall of this man to do this when he is the reason the man was dead.

Then we come to MH who has not only learned his mother is a liar and trapped a man using a baby that was not his but she continues to not want to own up to what she did and let the man go who she knows never loved her. She wants to take his company and ruin his life so he can't find happiness with the woman he always loved and his bio child. All using a child that was not this man's. He can see that this is about hurt pride and jealousy and not about the son that man loved and raised at all for 28 years.

He witnesses his mother and grandfather crash a memorial and smash a photo of ES's father. A true testament of disrespect and evil. 

Then he finds out that his mother put up YR to hurt ES and GB so that they can't be seen as a family unit with TJ. On top of that his mother keeps trying to take the company and will not divorce TJ and tries to hurt him. Now he finds out that his grandfather has killed someone. Once he finds out it is ES's father he will start to withdraw. When the truth comes out about ES's accident and MY being the cause and master mind well he will remove himself completely from that family. No way could he look any of them in the face knowing how evil his own mother and grandfather are. His mother caused so much misery and grief to people it is not funny himself included. His grandfather was no different either. Both very selfish and crazy.


YR was always going to be a virgin because MH never once slept in the same room with her. He slept in another bedroom in the house. The one time he did he left after they got to the hotel after the wedding and stayed out until 2 or 3 am only to come back and sleep on the love seat in the hotel suite. So YR has been frustrated for a long time and for many reasons.. MH was very smart not to let that woman have any access to him that would have her trying to trick him into bed.. Let alone register that marriage he was blackmailed into.. It was awesome..


MY's father will indeed get away with the initial charge but as I said in chat they will have him for newer crimes that will send him away. He has been a very busy bee since coming back to the country and we know he can't sit still and is constantly in someone's face threatening them or having them kidnapped. He will not be able to outrun justice as it in some form is coming for him.

The same way MY will. MY will be exposed for what she did 10 years ago and I expect it will come right around the time she does not win her counter suit against TJ over the divorce. I have a big feeling that she will be betrayed by RH or YR and her dirty deeds told for not helping YR. Or ES and TJ have along with GS have things put in place to out her for those bad things that will make the judge not even go with her silliness that TJ was cheating. Even if she pulls out pictures of ES and TJ together 10 years ago all they did was sit and talk. That was not enough to try to send her and her daughter to Japan nor run her off the road and almost kill the woman then want to keep her from being found out as being back.

MY will have hurt her own self in the end and I think she will finally go of that crazy cliff and try to hurt or kill TJ, GB, or ES one last time when TJ successfully divorces her and she is outed for what she did 10 years ago.  No saving her she is reaching that I have lost everything and I have nothing to loose stage only her son will get caught in the cross fire.

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Scheduling update: There will be no episode on Monday due to baseball.
As for the rest of the week, the tournament semi-finals are on Thursday and Friday, so it's possible that one (hopefully not both) of those episodes will get cancelled too. At this point the TV guide is not showing a cancellation, but that may change later. I'm guessing it will depend on how the Korean team performs in the quarter-finals tomorrow. 

@tinatrix236 I don't know if this is what you had in mind -  YR's grand entry and reception :D   
(I made another gif from this scene, but decided not to post. It somehow ended up looking too violent, and I figured that wouldn't be fun to look at.)


I couldn't help myself: YR's mad dash through the TS building


and eviction from her bathroom hideout :P


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I have a good laugh. Ye Ryung entered the prison cell announcing she is TS Group's Daughter-in-law. She thought she entering a ballroom or what. It held no power as she got beaten up.

I thought her attitude was over the top, I was happy when those women gave her a blanket beatdown. That's her problem. She has never been taught right from wrong and is to arrogant to acknowledge when she's wrong--her mother is not better. She should be in jail too, along with MY and her father. Unfortunately in the case of MY's father, I think the statue of limitations has expired.


Side note: The actor playing MY's father is only about 3 years older than her in real life and she's 4 years older than the actor playing TS and 8 years older than the actress playing ES. I'm always amazed how in Korean dramas they will have some actors playing parents to people either younger than them by a few years or older than them and most of the time we don't notice it.:)

I also hope that GB is marrying MH.  He loves her and he deserves  some happiness.

*Sigh* You are so right about that awful man dodging this one but we know he will do something soon that will eventually land him in prison. These people never learn...he would have avoided getting in trouble if only he stayed away from Korea but he just had to come back to cause havoc. Oh well...off to prison he goes in the near future!

Actually- there is no statute of limitations for murder in South Korea. The limitations was abolished in 2015 this year. The problem is that if MY dad can prove it was just manslaughter and not intent for murder or if it was just an accident, he can get away with it.



Kdrama is affecting my brain- I finally decided to research it because I was so annoyed that the murderers in  kdramas were getting away with it that I finally decided to look it up.

Scheduling update: There will be no episode on Monday due to baseball.
As for the rest of the week, the tournament semi-finals are on Thursday and Friday, so it's possible that one (hopefully not both) of those episodes will get cancelled too. At this point the TV guide is not showing a cancellation, but that may change later. I'm guessing it will depend on how the Korean team performs in the quarter-finals tomorrow. 

@tinatrix236 I don't know if this is what you had in mind -  YR's grand entry and reception :D   
(I made another gif from this scene, but decided not to post. It somehow ended up looking too violent, and I figured that wouldn't be fun to look at.)

Hidden Content

I couldn't help myself: YR's mad dash through the TS building

Hidden Content

and eviction from her bathroom hideout :P

Hidden Content

The only thing that I liked about YR running into the bathroom was the fact that there were a lot of clean stalls... to have that here in the US for the women's restrooms would be wonderful! :)


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Actually- there is no statute of limitations for murder in South Korea. The limitations was abolished in 2015 this year. The problem is that if MY dad can prove it was just manslaughter and not intent for murder or if it was just an accident, he can get away with it.



Kdrama is affecting my brain- I finally decided to research it because I was so annoyed that the murderers in  kdramas were getting away with it that I finally decided to look it up.

THANK YOU!!! I was just on another thread, "I Have a Lover" and one of the character's said that he could get away with his murder because of the statue of limitations. I hope the writer gets up to speed because he deserves to go to jail---just like MY's father. MY as well.


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Another scheduling update: I think there will be no episode on Thursday. 
Korea will be playing Japan in a semi-finals match. (I hope that the game ends on time, I don't want "The Village" cancelled again.)

for @lclarakl and anyone else following "I Have a Lover": The last two games of the tournament are this Saturday. If Korea loses to Japan, their last game will start at 13:00, and if they win, they'll start at 19:00. The latter would likely mean either a delay or another cancellation for that drama.
So far the Naver TV guide isn't showing any of this, but I imagine it will update eventually. My source: http://premier12.wbsc.org/en/tournaments/2015-premier12/schedule-results/2015-premier12-semifinals.html

@noomma thank you for those links. I remember hearing something about this, but I never knew the details. You bring up a great point about the difference between intentional murder and manslaughter, and that anything less than murder in the first degree is still subject to a statute of limitations. It also looks like the new law does not apply to anything that happened before 2000, so MY's father would have nothing to worry about either way. :( 

text preview for episode 108:
아버지를 죽인 사람이 차회장이라는 사실을 알게 된 은실은 이성을 잃은 채 차회장을 찾아간다. 차회장은 자신에게 분노하며 달려드는 은실과 경수를 따돌리고, 은실은 멀어져 가는 차회장의 모습에 오열한다. 한편, 모든 사실을 알게 된 태중은 미연을 찾아가 차회장의 행방을 묻는데...
my attempt to translate
ES finds out that the person who killed her father is chairman Cha, and is besides herself looking for him. Chairman Cha slips away from GS and ES who flew at him in rage, and ES sobs at the sight of his receeding figure. Meanwhile, having found out the whole truth, TJ calls on MY and asks about chairman Cha's whereabouts...

My shaky understanding of the dialogue from the video preview:
ES: I'll make you go through the same thing I did!
chairman Cha: There's nothing to fear.
GB: I cannot contact my mother.
TJ: Call your father immediately!
GS: Grab hold of chairman Cha. 
chairman Cha: You lay even a finger on MY. (smh. more threats from this man?)
MY: You and your daughter.
ES: Brace yourself.
MH: You still haven't come to your senses. I'm done talking. (I think he's using non-polite speech, so I'd guess this is aimed at YR.)

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Okay. I have to say this was the most over the top episode yet. ES being upset at finding out the truth is understandable, but she was extremely over the top. She acted like this just happened instead of 20 something years ago. I would have called IW to bring him to justice instead of running all over the place.  

Poor MH. At least he has his father's genes and TS influence of raising him.

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Video from Episode 108:


ES has found out the truth and goes in search of MY to find out about where her father is. MY's father calls at that moment that he will be on the way there.

GS is waiting outside as they pull up and his men try to take them on but GS makes quick work of them and drags MY's father off to his car and ES comes out and runs over to grab him but his men get up and push her down and put him in the car. ES goes to the ground as GS calls to get someone to find the Chairman.

TJ pulls up and sees ES on the ground crying and asks what is it and she is unable to talk and TJ goes to ask GS what is going on and GS tells him that MY's father killed ES's much to TJ's shock and ES passes out from the shock of it and TJ runs over calling her name lifting her up as GS watches on.

Meanwhile GB is panicking to Halmeoni that she has not been able to reach her mother or TJ and goes running out to find her. No one has seen her so she goes to RH who just had a visit form MY mad that RH has let the truth out. GB wants to know where her mother is and gets a call from TJ to tell her perhaps.

GB and TJ come into the house with ES on his back still passed out to the shock of his mother. They go up to put her in bed and ES wakes up and gets up out of the bed crying wanting to go after them and his mother wants to know what is it. ES tells her that MY's father killed her father and she is shocked and we see GB listening in at the door and hears the truth as well going in to asks if it is true and when ES can't answer she asks her father who nods.  GB sits down in shock as Halmeoni goes to the floor and ES and TJ leave.

MY has made it back to her office tel and tries to call MH to leave a message to tell him not to believe what he hears.. (LOL..sure lady) She is very worried about what TJ will do when he finds out. Too late now MY.

MH has gone to the prison to see crazy and she tells him to pass a message on to her mother that she will spill everything if someone does get her out.. (to bad she is not aware that no one will help her or give her the time of day as they have their own problems.) MH looks at her wondering what she is talking about but she just smirks. (stupid girl)

ES goes to see GS and TJ goes to see MY to find out where her father is and tells her to give up her phone and call him. He answers and TJ says something to him the man dares to say he better not do anything to MY. (does this man still think he is in control?) TJ wants to see him.

GB sits on the bed looking at her grandfathers picture and remembers RH playing the video and MY being scared as she talks about her grandfather and asks what to do and MH comes in from the prison and he sees the photo and asks what is it what is going on and GB is crying and she looks at him and he calls her name wanting to know what is wrong and GB tells him that his grandfather killed her grandfather. MH does not want to believe it but GB tells her that her mother has found out perhaps and MH says no that is not true but GB says it is and hits him over and over asking what to do and MH says no its not true and GB has a fit as well asking what to do crying and MH leaves and GB goes running out to tell MJ and IW who are stunned as well and go chasing after MY and her father.

MY and her father are talking in the car as they perhaps try to make a getaway and she frets again over what TJ will do and her father says to not worry about it.

MH has gone to the office tel to find out the truth and calls them.

His grandfather talks to him in the car and MY asks if it is MH and tries to talk to him but he wont let her.

ES is on the phone in the car telling someone where they are perhaps yelling for them to stop.

IW, GB and ES are in the car and chasing them and he and MY see them and he tells his drive to hurry to lose them but they are still behind them as ES bangs on the window for them to stop and MY looks scared as she flashes to the night she ran ES off the road.

IW manages to over take the car and get them to stop and drags him out and says something and MY tries to say something but ES pushes her out the way and ES grabs that man wanting to know why and MY dares to run her mouth and GB replies and MY says something else and IW raises his voice at her shutting her up and MY's father is arrogant in his response to her finally having the nerve to say that the statue of limitations is over and she can't do anything and IW says something knocking his smirk off his face and ES says something about making him pay and goes around and gets in his car.

ES backs the car up as GB cries Omma and IW calls out as well and ES looks at them through the wind shield and we see TJ pull up. ES hears that man's voice at what he said about her father as she thinks about them putting the sheet over her dead father and we see TJ calling out to her running up and ES puts the car in gear and ..



YR is sentenced to prison it seems as the gavel goes down and runs up to GB to grab her running her mouth blaming her as a bailiff is stopping RH from going over to her. Rh is leaning in the hallway. RH is with ES and GB who hold up a document for her to sign and she looks at them. ES is having a meeting with GS and Loan shark minion in her office at the company and RH bust in (must be after YR gets sentenced lol.) and they all look at her with RH's voice in the background. GB is meeting with MY in MH's office and puts down the photos from 10 years before of RH and MY together meeting to plot the trip to Japan and she says something to her making MY look at her. MY is alone in her office tel looking at the drawing of RH as the part of the accident 10 years ago and we hear GB talking about her mother in the background. IW dares to walk up on MH and grab him talking about ES.. (umm IW stop that he is not to blame for that come on now. He is a victim too.. This guy gets on my nerves so much..) MH has gone to see MY who says something touching his hand but he removes it looking at her. MY for some reason is at the company and reporters have swarmed all over her and she is looking bad as ES looks on. (that is right ES put her out in the press her and her father lay out all their dirt.) MH comes to help his mother pushing the reporters away. MH come up on Secretary lee maybe in the hall on the phone reporting something to someone and he walks over and grabs his arm to turn him around looking angry at him. ES is in bed again crying as TJ tries to comfort her talking about her father.


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

Although ES reactions were a bit over the top I can understand them. For over 28 years she did not know what happen and who killed her beloved father. There was no closure one day he was there and the next gone from her life leaving her alone and pregnant. With TJ also gone from her life it was hard for ES. Only to find out the same hateful awful people that broke up her relationship caused the death of her father and want to not take responsibility even if it was an accident. So her reaction is actually fitting.

No one can believe MY and her father's gall and shamelessness. To have caused a death and be so arrogant as to say you can't do anything about it because the statue of limitations has worn out is insulating. After his behavior at the memorial and his grabbing her and her daughter they are just beyond out there with their mess. They may not be able to legally get him but they can cause enough of a stink in the press with all his other dirty dealings and MY's until there is some form of investigation brought up to get that man. MY has her own problems as her own attempt a murder will be coming out too even though she did not mean to try to kill her she almost did and caused her to go missing for 10 years as wells not owning up and making amends.

MY at no point ever thought about what this would do to her own son who would feel responsible for her and her fathers actions towards GB and ES. If she had she would have stopped, owned up and tried to take her punishment or make amends. All her actions and his grandfathers actions only made things worst as they failed to think they did anything wrong. Well now the damn is about to burst on what they have done and they will be outed to the public for their crimes. And in part taking her son down with her when he is just as innocent as GB and ES.

I do not blame ES for wanting to run them over I would too. None of this would have happen if he had not raised a daughter that would not take no for an answer and would have seen she can't have everything she wants.They have made this woman's life hell along with her daughters all for selfish reasons and still think they can get away with anything.. well nope. Someone has to pay the piper. He will prolly try to go down for MY who will loose her father but MY will loose the rest of her mind when she too is outed for her crimes and will  try to hurt GB and ES I bet.

With us missing another episode on Thursday I hope that we get a lot more progress in the next two episodes.


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Okay. I have to say this was the most over the top episode yet. ES being upset at find out the truth is understandable, but she was extremely over the top. She acted like this just happened instead of 20 something years ago. I would have called IW to bring him to justice instead of running all over the place.  

Poor MH. At least he has his father's genes and TS influence of raising him.

It was a knee jerk reaction which is what a lot of people would have done in the first place. I think she was just shocked at the nerve of that man especially after everything he has done recently. Remember his atrocious behavior at the memorial? I would have tried to find and beat that man senseless before calming down and taking him down using the law. The last scene was very telling...ES has been pushed to the limit and does not care anymore. These people tried to ruin hers and GB's lives and even after being found out, they have shown no remorse whatsoever. As far as ES is concerned, they deserve the  same treatment her poor father got and it will take a lot to get her to calm down at this point.

MH now knows just how evil his grandfather is but wait until he finds out about his mother's crimes. I worry for him and don't know how much more of this he can take.....it's quite surprising he has not stroked out from the stress already. He lived a very comfortable and privileged life while GB and her mother suffered in the hands of his own mother and grandfather. The revelation of his mother's wrongdoings..which should surface anytime from now due to YR losing it in prison and wanting to be let out will make him lose his mind. He will feel responsible for all that has happened and will have to bring down his crazy mother himself. 

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I must say I liked the beginning of the episode giving us the play by play of the last episode just seeing YR getting her but kick all over again was good to me made up for the lost episode yesterday even though I did wake up at three am and went looking for it after it was gone off and it never came on.. My clock was ticking just right to allow me to sleep in.. LOL 

this  episode   was  about  exposing   all the  lies...  lol  so  YR is  still  a  virgin.

@anbud,  Wauit I thought MY had that man to do something to her we don't know if she stayed chaste in the states my guess is with her ambitions I don't think so.. But far as her and MH yes they never slept together.. Her trying to seduce him just didn't work..


Okay. I have to say this was the most over the top episode yet. ES being upset at find out the truth is understandable, but she was extremely over the top. She acted like this just happened instead of 20 something years ago. I would have called IW to bring him to justice instead of running all over the place.  

Poor MH. At least he has his father's genes and TS influence of raising him.

It was a knee jerk reaction which is what a lot of people would have done in the first place. I think she was just shocked at the nerve of that man especially after everything he has done recently. Remember his atrocious behavior at the memorial? I would have tried to find and beat that man senseless before calming down and taking him down using the law. The last scene was very telling...ES has been pushed to the limit and does not care anymore. These people tried to ruin hers and GB's lives and even after being found out, they have shown no remorse whatsoever. As far as ES is concerned, they deserve the  same treatment her poor father got and it will take a lot to get her to calm down at this point.

MH now knows just how evil his grandfather is but wait until he finds out about his mother's crimes. I worry for him and don't know how much more of this he can take.....it's quite surprising he has not stroked out from the stress already. He lived a very comfortable and privileged life while GB and her mother suffered in the hands of his own mother and grandfather. The revelation of his mother's wrongdoings..which should surface anytime from now due to YR losing it in prison and wanting to be let out will make him lose his mind. He will feel responsible for all that has happened and will have to bring down his crazy mother himself. 

Well ladies I enjoyed our chat this morning.   @tinatrix236,  I agree with you I look for YR to spill the beans on all of them and about G/pa giving her the fake ledger to plant in Tj's office what she got to loose if she got to due time she won't be doing it alone she will out MY to MH because MY didn't come through for her finding out that ES has gotten a hold of that USB and her dad is in the papers it's only a matter of time before MY crimes are starting to be exposed and YR or RH will end up telling all..

ES was over the top being all hysterical like that isn't going to help her father nor her yes the statue has change in Korea but it don't apply to ES fathers case that what the arrogant G/pa was talking about but he can be sued one from ES and one from GB.. I guess when MH took over Tj's company the two companies was suppose to merge but at this rate that's not going to happen.. I feel for him once he learns of all the torment his family has caused two families I look for MH to leave and not tell nobody he left..  He has a lot to go through behind his family and if he stays in Korea fingers will be pointed at him and he knows it..  So he will leave GB will end up with IW if it's left up to Halmoni I would like it if she went back to school and got a college education to take over her family company someday..      


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So the last secret is out followed by several days of sitting here boiling with anxiety because of stupid baseball!? Ridiculous! Anyway I agree not sure how much more before MH simply strokes out!

I agree with @valsava, I think when all said and done MH will quietly leave without anyone noticing with GB going to search for him.

SMH at MY attempting to get reassurance from MH but he just flat our rebuked her all because she still thinks she is entitled to what is not hers.

You guys brought up a interesting point about the statutes of limitations. Unfortunately for ES there isn't much they can do about it since it was long ago. I think it's interesting how the writer through that into this drama.

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 So the last secret is out followed by several days of sitting here boiling with anxiety because of stupid baseball!? Ridiculous! Anyway I agree not sure how much more before MH simply strokes out!

I agree with @valsava, I think when all said and done MH will quietly leave without anyone noticing with GB going to search for him.

SMH at MY attempting to get reassurance from MH but he just flat our rebuked her all because she still thinks she is entitled to what is not hers.

You guys brought up a interesting point about the statutes of limitations. Unfortunately for ES there isn't much they can do about it since it was long ago. I think it's interesting how the writer through that into this drama.

As @noomma mentioned in an earlier post, the statues of limitations laws were changed in 2015. So he just may get justice and MY too, and let's not forget RH.

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The last secret is not out as of yet. MY still has to be exposed as the driver of the car that caused ES's accident in Japan killing that taxi driver and fleeing the scene. With the way MY and her father have been going there is no way that ES and GB are not going to push their advantage to expose MY.

I suspect that with RH's help telling it all along with YR and her spiteful blabbing as well MY will be up the creek this week or the beginning of next for what she has done. AS pointed out above they may not be able to prosecute her father but they can possibly sue him for damages as he was the one that pushed that man to his death by chasing him.  They will have to use that confession and the testimony from the other people Loan Shark Minion talked to as well. So even if he does not go to trial for it he will be ruined as he sent someone to their death for the wrong reasons. He is done. Add on any other dirty things he has been up to. Such as the frame ups of ES and TJ then well he will be under investigation for that and will have no choice but to settle as he will have other legal battles so go through.

As I mentioned in chat although though both were accidents and were not intentional the fact that MY and her father at no point showed remorse for their actions and both either killed someone or almost killed someone resulting in a serious injury and a disappearance for 10 years they should be liable. They both ran off with out coming to say sorry or own up to what happen by telling the truth. Both felt they were above this and did not owe anyone an apology for their actions. It made what they did as an accident seem even more vicious and intentional. They continue to do more dirt on top of what they already had to cover up. It smacks of insincerity if you know how a person died and why but did not mean for it to happen but instead of saying sorry and the truth you storm his memorial 28 years later and break his photo showing disrespect and try to frame his SIL and daughter. Then you tell the daughter there is nothing she can do about it as the statue of limitations is over. MMMM, well there is always a law suit and even if they loose they will have exposed you to the press.

Both of them should have tried to do whatever to go away quietly instead of stirring up more trouble. But now since they did not ES is a loose cannon and I don't blame her in doing anything she can to make these two pay.

MY should be very afraid because the two people she was so scared of telling on her in the first place have no more to loose in outing the truth about what she did. I have a feeling that ES made RH sign a statement about what happen as a possible leaner judgement on YR. Not saying she will not go to prison but maybe not for long. Looks like whatever the verdict was in the preview YR did not like but I think Jail is just the place for her and RH needs to be there too.

AS for MH once he figures out or hears that his mother is the master mind he will indeed realize he needs to leave that family and go away.

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 So the last secret is out followed by several days of sitting here boiling with anxiety because of stupid baseball!? Ridiculous! Anyway I agree not sure how much more before MH simply strokes out!

I agree with @valsava, I think when all said and done MH will quietly leave without anyone noticing with GB going to search for him.

SMH at MY attempting to get reassurance from MH but he just flat our rebuked her all because she still thinks she is entitled to what is not hers.

You guys brought up a interesting point about the statutes of limitations. Unfortunately for ES there isn't much they can do about it since it was long ago. I think it's interesting how the writer through that into this drama.

As @noomma mentioned in an earlier post, the statues of limitations laws were changed in 2015. So he just may get justice and MY too, and let's not forget RH.

All depends on how far back they want to retroactive that law...ah...the law though does not count "The new revision does not apply to second-degree murder, manslaughter and other kinds of death resulting from accidents".

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Episode 109

GB for the first time called TJ "Abeoji" for him to regain a sense of composure after ES & then him goes "streak of madness" mode...ES attempt to "mow down" Chairman Cha while TJ dragging him onto a busy traffic highway together, to get "knock down"

YR gets a 2 years sentence for the lighting "accident" (currently will be out of the picture to do anymore damage, now the 3 stooges have become a duo - Tweedledee & Tweedledum)

MY asked MH to go with her to US, while MH refuse that he needs on their behalf to "atone" (,贖罪) for his mother & his grandfather grave sins to ES & GB by finding the perpetrator to ES "disappearance"

ES makes a statement to the press that Chairman Cha had killing her father, while GB holds the tablet playing the footage of the confession that RH recorded for the press to hear & see

MY is mob by the press for statement MH comes to his mother rescue 

GB play the game of ratiocination & syllogism on MY & RH on the perpetrator of her Mother's "accident" in Japan, by bringing evidence of MY involvement 

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I think MY was feeling what would happen if it's found out that she was the cause of ES accident 10 years ago and now seeing her action is the cause of these affects because she knows that once her crimes are exposed to the media that her dad and MH are finish this is the reason she ask MH to leave for the states to save them from that shame she's becoming and alcoholic and the more she drinks the more of her tweedledum behavior will come out YR will threaten to spill the beans if they don't get her out but I find that hard to do since she already sentence..  MY has been running around all high and mighty thinking she has the right to treat people anyway she wants and YR and RH followed suit since they feel they have a strong backing but I look for things around My and Dad to start to collapse like the domino effect  

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