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22 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


I need to go back and rematch, because apparently I've missed something about Jung's father. Do you have nay idea which episode told us more about Jung's father? I marathon the episodes, but I thought I was watching carefully---:lol:, but apparently not.

Oh all of that is not in the drama but the webtoon LOL. Yeah we webtoon readers are privy to a bit more info (well depending on how far you've read. I have read all of it up to the current s4 chapter 21 and cannot wait for chapter 22) so we are anticipating/hoping for something but seeing how the drama is portraying him thus far. Your assessment that he's a decent father and not cold and uncaring is right. Sorry for confusing you because drama and webtoon are different but I can't help but watch the drama with all the knowledge that I know and wait on some things to unfold :) 

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2 minutes ago, cloe_1409 said:

the hugs and the smiles they gave to each other in ep 9 were so sweet and adorable:wub: i havent wacthed it with subs, but i think he said he missed her. i keep rewatched that scene over and over again...they way they smiles to each other is love ..it's so real:):wub:

and the preview..oomyyyyy..ootoke i cant even...arghhh ..the looks in PHJ's eyes is soo dreamy,he is so freaking hot..:wub:

the words they say to each other in this scene are epic! which figures because its just before they experience some epic sorrow.  boooooo . . . 

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I don't really know why OYG is still at Weirdo University. In all honesty, someone should call the men in white coats and take him away in the paddy wagon. Doesn't the university have a sexual harassment policy of some kind? I imagine that's why she was trying to get some dirt on him. That guy is a not just a serial pest, he has a history of hassling girls. He should not be at that university. He should either be behind bars or in a padded room.

I have to say I really felt sorry for In-ho in this episode. To be stuck with a sister like that... I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, quite frankly. Just as he's struggling to get his life back in order, she comes back into his wreaking havoc left, right and centre. She really is the aspiring K cousin of Cruella de Ville. The only thing that's missing is the big fur coat. Still I don't blame Jung for cutting her loose either, everyone has their limits as to what they can put up with and by golly, that woman-child can win quite a few prizes for villainy. 

I wonder what happened to those 3. They were siblings in all but name. And to see Jung smiling and playing up for a change -- didn't that guy have a normal childhood? It sounds like he didn't have much fun as a kid.

Okay, I have to be really careful what I say here just in case people think I'm condoning stalking and the like. I believe Jung when he says that he didn't mean for the situation to escalate... he made a poor call and it's come back to bite him which is right. And I also agree that Seol should have heard it from the horses mouth and not from OYG but she should have been a lot more careful about approaching OYG especially when he has a history of showering unwanted attention on girls and showed signs of being a loose canon (at the very least). As I said the other day, it was the perfect storm. Everybody judge the situation poorly and it's blown up in their faces. But I repeat what I said before, what the heck is the guy doing walking around the university plotting and scheming?

I like Seol a lot. She's immensely likable and I admire her work ethic and determination to make something of herself. It's good to see a young lass have so much drive not just in a K drama but in life generally. However, despite that or because of it, there's a layer of lingering insecurity that seems to haunt her. It must be annoying to her that some people saunter confidently through life without second guessing themselves. Like Jun or Jung, for instance. I thought it was interesting that even though she was angry with Jung about the text messages, the thing that seem to occupy her mind most was whether Jung had dated In-ha. It's a repeat of the drunken pub slap down. :D

Although I found this episode tough to watch on a certain level, I really liked it. I liked it for it's acknowledgement that actions have consequences. I like it too because it demonstrates that relationships are quite often messy. Nothing is really straightforward. Whoever Seol ends up with will bring with it a different set of challenges. Even if she meets someone with a lot less baggage post-Cheese in the Trap, she will still need to deal with her own insecurities.

Despite what Jung says, I think the two of them have a lot in common. I wish he would talk more and tell her things about himself. I find that conversation in the avenue (beautiful backdrop and as In-ho says too beautiful for a lovers' quarrel) quite interesting in how male he is :P. I remember being first married and having conversations with the husband who didn't understand why I would dwell on stuff when it was all over. I remember him saying that there was no point in crying over spilt milk. His brain would say, okay, we've talked about it... let's move on. What's done is done. You can't change things. But my brain would be... but I haven't vented enough. Can't you see how angry/upset I am?

That is what I saw happening here. :phew: They're still learning how to be a couple while stumbling along the way, trying to find their rhythm, learning the tango. Baby steps, baby steps. :lol:


Just as an aside, it's really odd for me to see people rugged up in jackets, coats, turtlenecks and cardigans while I'm sweltering in 34 degree heat in my neck of the forest. 


7 hours ago, chrianna said:

psst, i'm a 40somethingahjumma as well . . . we'll be staying in typical foreigner hotels so i'm crossing fingers that i'll be able to watch the eps in the hotel.  i'll download the soompi app before i go.  i wish viki would stream CITT.  dramafever probably won't work from there.  even if it just get to read the recaps to figure out what happened and then enjoy watching those episodes when i get hope--i'll be a happy ahjumma.

In such a popular thread there must be a few of us around here. ;) I'm surprised I'm here though. :lol: No one is more surprised than I am.

Well, PM me if you get fast internet where you're headed.

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Jung looks soo hot when he is pissed.  Those eyes are amazing.   If looks could kill.   I love how much Sol and Jung change each other.  Sol is more confident and Jung is showing his feelings more.  The back hug shows us how desperate Jung has become.  He misses his Sol.

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23 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


I just had a horrible thought!  What if this is a dream?  I'll be so disappointed................:(



I hope not. 

Not long ago there was a poster wishing this bed scene to happen since it's in the webtoon, so I'm assuming this it. Unless they troll us :angry:

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13 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I have to say I really felt sorry for In-ho in this episode. To be stuck with a sister like that... I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, quite frankly. Just as he's struggling to get his life back in order, she comes back into his wreaking havoc left, right and centre. Frankly, I dont care much for Inho until this ep, you know your leg/hand can be broken whatever, but the worst thing in life is to be stuck with a sibling like Inha, they are blood ties, and you cant cut them off. Its even worst then having horrid/abusive parents because they will pass on sooner. But siblings, gosh, they will leech on to you. Come, Inho, let the two of us catch up and have a drink, I really emphathise with you.

I wonder what happened to those 3. They were siblings in all but name. And to see Jung smiling and playing up for a change -- didn't that guy have a normal childhood? It sounds like he didn't have much fun as a kid. erm usually for chaebol kids they are shuttled to tuition here and there, dont have much time for play maybe...

I like Seol a lot. She's immensely likable and I admire her work ethic and determination to make something of herself. It's good to see a young lass have so much drive not just in a K drama but in life generally. However, despite that or because of it, there's a layer of lingering insecurity that seems to haunt her. It must be annoying to her that some people saunter confidently through life without second guessing themselves. She is young and its the first time she is having a boyfriend and her boyfriend is too perfect. Its like winning a million lottery all a sudden, its hard not to doubt here and there. I hope by the time Jung presents her a one-carat ring, she will have full confidence in herself and Sunbae.





Seriouosly PHJ look better now, older than when he was young. LOL

KGE is sweet.


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1 minute ago, namyo said:

I hope not. 

Not long ago there was a poster wishing this bed scene to happen since it's in the webtoon, so I'm assuming this it. Unless they troll us :angry:


yes, i m afraid if it was dream, coz it so dreamy and cozy, with jung being o yummi, see his hair... so smooth.

andwee, dont troll us PD-nim.

thank you for soothing my heart for ur webtoon reading. i hardly focus on my work following this forum. hahahaha:D

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I am about to go shower then watch the ep wth subs :D (LOL why am I sharing this) but before doing that I want to thank you all for the intelligent conversations and spazzing going on in this thread. I really do enjoy reading everyone's post and even if I don't always agree every posts gives me new insight and something to think on (and also so books and TV shows to watch or rewatch). Gosh I wish I had some of ya'll to discuss the webtoon with you all make watching the drama 20 times more enjoyable.Thank you all <3 Also thanks for putting up with my too long posts :P 

 *goes to show and watch. again, why am I sharing this...*

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@MrsSoJiSub, in regards to your post located on page 226, no offense taken.  As I watched episode after episode, I went from Jung is creepy t o Jung is misunderstood. I went from Seol needs to get a back bone, to Seol only thinks the worst of Jung.  I haven't watched ep 9 with subs, but I do think Seol is quick to believe the worse of Jung and Jung is slow to explain himself......which means he continues to be misunderstood.  

Maybe I am being harsh on Seol, but when I see her acting one way with InHo and another way with Jung it makes me wonder why.  I don't get the impression that Seol is an introvert, she seems to be pretty outgoing. However, I do think she's shy around Jung because she likes him. I just wish she would stop listening to other people.

In regards to InHo and Seol being friends.....InHo is interested in being more than friends. Just as Seol keeps wondering if there is or was a relationship between Jung and InHa because a part of her feels a little insecure, then it's only natural Jung would feel the same way about InHo. 

Also, don't get me wrong--I love the two of them as a couple (Seol and Jung), but I wish they would communicate and not jump to conclusions. 

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I had to pause watching the part when Seol is confronting Jung, I get the title now of "cheese in the trap". Jung is the cheese Seol follows and all the problems they have been encountering are the traps that the people around them are setting up. Seol gets lured into the trap by all the things she assumed Jung did to her but he really is the bait. Poor jung!!! Really I wish she would just trust him more. On another note, the bridge scene was fabulous, everytime i see him smile at her i can't stop to think about his pass interview...swoon.

Inha...i don't know the actress but she is annoying, with her facial ticks. I read some parts of the webtoon and I don't think she is portraying the character well but that is MY OPINION. Anyhoo...i can't wait for tomorrow. 

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43 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Oh all of that is not in the drama but the webtoon LOL. Yeah we webtoon readers are privy to a bit more info (well depending on how far you've read. I have read all of it up to the current s4 chapter 21 and cannot wait for chapter 22) so we are anticipating/hoping for something but seeing how the drama is portraying him thus far. Your assessment that he's a decent father and not cold and uncaring is right. Sorry for confusing you because drama and webtoon are different but I can't help but watch the drama with all the knowledge that I know and wait on some things to unfold :) 


I was wondering how did I miss this much detail? :lol:  Okay, got it.  I used to be a big manga reader. Then I would watch the anime and drama if it was made into one.  Thanks for the clarification.  This would also explain @bebebisous33 comment about the father.

Also @qwenli, thank you for the clarification as well. 

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park hae jin you are awesome..i feel so nervous when I saw u standing waiting for seol from th restroom..i knew something will happen and when you gave her a back hug my was explode..and your face while back hugging her showed how much u miss her..how much u longing for her..how much you a so sawry about what had u done to her..unintentionally..kim go eun you are awesome too..lucky u got to worked with him..

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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:

Mod edit: Do not quote pictures.

I just had a horrible thought!  What if this is a dream?  I'll be so disappointed................:(



Don't worry @lclarakl , in the webtoon seol has a big quarrel with her parents and jung comfort her until she sleep and don't want back to her home so they go to jung apartment, but in the webtoon they didn't kiss, just hug each other..so i'm sure that bedscene not a dream but real..sorry for my bad english..

I'm jungxseol shipper foreva :)

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12 minutes ago, KymberleeD said:

is that true...???? Chinca...? 

I read in the other forum that there won't be any CITT next week?????!!!!!!!

andwaeeeeeeeeee.... Waiting for one week is torture enough, how much more for two weeks....??!!!



Yes, pls see my notifications below.

@zia28 repeating my chant do not go to a guy's place if he lives alone...heehee

Rewatching the gif, i can see kge taking a deep breath n pulling phj closer with her arm when phj goes down towards her....

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Ahhhhh, the problem with CitT is that after watching an episode, I'm completely transformed into Baek In Ha.  I want MORE, MORE, MORE, and I want it RIGHT NOW, and I feel like I should run around badgering everybody until I get what I want, which is MORE MORE MORE!  :sweatingbullets:

But in seriousness, can the drama please do something about her?  She's like nails on a chalk board for me.  It's not just her exaggerated reactions to everything (omg, so want to spork those bugging eyeballs of hers), it's literally everything.  How can someone be so incredibly selfish, childish, immature, and just so entitled?  She is a total lost cause and I wish everyone would just cut her off at the source so that she'd really have to learn to fend for herself.

But one mystery is she clearly has her phone back at the end and indicates she got money again from Jung.  So . . . when did they meet and what was said?  Can, will she finally do some good?

I just wanted to smack her after she dropped her ramen on In Ho's books on purpose.  She strikes me as an incredibly insecure person, purposefully trying to rain on her brother's parade out of some fear that she'll be left behind.  That feeling was particularly reinforced in that flashback scene when Jung asked the others they thought they'd all be doing in 10 years.  I bet she felt insulted by In Ho's answer, as well she should, but instead of spurning her to actually to do something with her life and proving them wrong, she decided to go the other direction.  Ugh.  Just, smack, smack, smack!

Really want Young Gon's crazy ways obsessive ways exposed to the rest of the school.

Really want Min Soo to come to her senses before she completely spirals out of control.

And really, really, really want Seol and Jung to make up!  *whimpers*

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