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Jung did mention that he would like it if Seol can be an intern at his dad's company too but Seol said she wants to do it with her own effort. I love how Seol seems to worry if she can't be with Jung after graduation- her silly but cute ramblings abt her future marrying Jung, lol.  

Abt drunk Jung:


Abt the drunk Jung scene, actually it was just the two together but then the usual troublesome gang joins in n start making useless convo which irritates Jung. He drank too much n Seol saw that he might accidentally unleash his dark side again so she calmly asked Jung to follow her out for fresh air at the back alley(this case, garden bench). 

Pls insert spoiler tag for ur comic strip @drynase, some ppl might not want spoiler though I don't mind. Tq.:blush:

@kaftanbatikcantik, it is already s4c21, last I read.

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Frankly I feel there is no chemistry between Jung and Seol in the show.... atleast in the webtoon  there was chemistry between them. Attempts of any kind of physical or emotional intimacy between them look forced in the show.

Infact in the show, Seol and Inho have more of a man - woman chemistry or you can say BF-GF chemistry than Jung and Seol.

It was opposite in webtoon.. Inho and Seol barely had chemistry between them there.

I donno if its an issue with direction or the leads not able to connect with the relationship between characters.

The actor playing Jung looks awkward and forced in romantic scenes, while the actress seems to be comfortable enough.

But the actor playing Jung carries the Dark Scenes well..... bringing in the subtle danger in his character.

The actor playing Inho really shines while doing the warm and friendly character and especially scenes where he longs for her.

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

I dont think we need to go into a shipping fight becos YJ n Inho are really very different personalities that appeal to different people. Its like the mountain vs sea or coffee vs tea. They are both really handsome good guys with good morals.

Yes n mark my words EunTaek is going to be the nxt big thing too after a few years.

I cant help but notice that koreans like violence a lot and then accept beating each other up in fights all that. So many dramas have these. Maybe inplace of action scenes, the beating up serve to appeal to male audience?

Seol is a sweetie n i am glad she is there to be a voice of restrain to YJ. Who could possibly all his life never have much feedback. Kim go eun is so lucky, her first drama n she is the lead n this cheese is only to be one of the iconic kdramas.

Am still out, cant wait to watch the ep with subs!


Work deadline tomolo..but cant resist to lurk in to check this thread...haha..:sweatingbullets:

Agree with @qwenli on the shipping fight thingy..:)

Let's just enjoy the drama as it goes...

3 more hours to go home and watch sub ep7!:P




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I Just feeling glad to see YJ's anxious. whatever he is,however he have inner anger but still he felt concern for Seol deeply! 

In a general person we knwo how to difficoult express our feeling towards that person,and we can't stop worring about them. 

#Haejin oppaaaa.... thats why,you are great!  :wub:

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1 hour ago, drynase said:

I found this from DC Gall. It was written today's drunk scene. Instead of kissing, Yoojung said Seol is noisy.

  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents


Jung is still in doubt whether Seol is having a sincere feeling for him.

Sowry~~ @Ayu Rashid, I totally forgot :sweatingbullets:


He said the place/atmosphere was noisy, not Seol. Lol

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Imma drop this here then go to sleep. Again I was on tumblr and read a lot of interesting insight and such and the majority of what I read has me pondering this: What's the difference between Jung beating up the pervert who tried to kill Seol and Inho beating up creeper Younggon? Inho was going in on Younggon and stopped because Seol's screaming him to stop. 

"It's okay because he did it for me." Does this not apply to both situations. I'm generally curios as to why two similar behaviors are so differently received. 

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ah... we have a kiss scene coming up tomorrow...   thank you for wonderful stills, @demarchelierSmiley

Thank you for the webtoon version, @drynase

Thank you for the articles, @andy78

I just finished watching ep. 7 with subs. Some thoughts on the episode (I have not read the webtoon)

-  I liked the fact that YJ first took care of Seol, when she was hurt by that nasty assailant, and sent the other guys to try to catch him.  To him the first priority, was her well being.

-  I think both YJ and In-Ho have anger issues, but they express it differently.  YJ expresses it with chilling attitude; In-Ho expresses it with exploding.  They are both also fearless (or so it seems - so far). 

- YJ expressed what drove him to go after the assailant, aside from anger about the fact that he hurt Seol:  "Why are people like you living in society," he said. Seems that YJ is dreaming/hoping of a Utopian society where no such evil exists.

The assailant responded that he and YJ are similar; And because of that - no one will stay by YJ's side, including Seol.

- Seol was around the corner, and must have heard a lot of that conversation, and also YJ beating up the assailant.  When approached her right after that she had almost a shocked look and pushed his hand away. 

She had witnessed in earlier episode In-Ho beating up OYG, and she did not have the same reaction. Why?  Because that beating was shorter in time, since OYG was able to escape,  and therefore In-Ho did not inflict as much damage on him?  On the other hand, this assailant seemed also more brutal and dangerous in his attack of Seol.

-  Still, Seol was grateful that YJ got out from the police station, and was not detained.
She was also frank with YJ, in telling him she hopes that in the future he will not take things as far. By saying that, I felt she gave him the acceptance he needed from her; He answered that he regrets it too, and she touches his hand. More acceptance. His smile, in response spoke volumes.

- They are about to start the last semester. Seol thinks: "I don't know what's in store for me, but I have sunbae, so won't I be happier?"

- I thought it was pretty creepy of Son Min-Soo imitating Seol's look and trying to get close to Seol all of a sudden. What's up with that?  (Will she give her back the little lion she found?)

- YJ told the class that he and Seol were dating. Best way to avoid rumors, and bring it into the open.

- Seol is so cute when she reacts to her own thoughts in a shy manner, as if she had an audience who heard her thought. In this episode, she asked herself who she is going to marry? Sunbae?  and immediately, covered her face, first with her hands, and then with a blanket. So adorable.

- Crazy OYG tells Seol he'll show her what kind of a person YJ is.  He is taking out his anger because he cannot compete against YJ, in their group of friends. When OYG wanted to show off his baskeball skills in a game last year,  to impress Bora, seems like YJ got to play instead of him, because he buys dinner for everyone afterwards. YJ is also a skillful player. 

- Because Seol was nice to OYG and even gave him her water (while YJ looking at the scene from the window - this last year, before they dated) OYG now obsessing over Seol to a point it is more than unpleasant. This guy has no social skills. In fact, he is rather scary.

- Why did OYG tell Seol that YJ told him that Seol liked OYG?  Glad that Seol confronted YJ about that.

- About the past, YJ, and the Baek siblings. We got a look at them in the past. YJ and In Ho were quite comfortable with each other. In-Ha, was she in love with YJ genuinely? In the concert she rested her head on his shoulder; Later on, grubbed his arm. One would have thought they were dating, except that he only accepts her motions, but did not reciprocate. She even painted him.

- In the present, YJ offers In-Ho to send him to Europe to study music. Generous offer. I hope In-Ho takes him up on it. Clearly his heart is aching to get back into music.

- Once YJ tells Seol about his background,  she cannot imagine herself in his future. She tells YJ "Will I still be next to you?"

- That precious kiss on the cheek that Seol gave YJ.  She is so charming and lovable; I don't think she realizes how much so. She was not ready for a kiss on the lips, but she wanted to leave YJ with something that will show him her heart...


'Cheese in the Trap’ wraps up filming


The tvN’s drama series “Cheese in the Trap” reportedly finished filming its last episode Sunday.

“Cheese in the Trap,” based on the eponymous Korean webtoon, kicked off filming in September 2015. Its broadcaster tvN is set to air the eighth episode of the drama on Tuesday, marking the halfway point to the finale of the series.

Director Lee Yoon-jung gave flowers to the drama’s cast, including actor Seo Kang-joon and actress Kim Go-eun, in a show of gratitude, at the final filming location. Park Hae-jin was not present at that time as he had already left for Busan to film a Chinese entertainment show “Hi, My Star.” He had reportedly received flowers from the director beforehand.

Actors, actresses and staff will attend a dinner party to celebrate the end of production Wednesday.

Viewer ratings of the show’s fifth episode on Jan. 17 surpassed 6 percent, a record-high among the cable network’s MOnday-Tuesday TV series.





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Been missing in action from the forum. Just watched the subbed episode. And a thought just struck me about Jung's violence. Since it is also related to the webtoon, I shall put it in a spoiler -


There is one particular chapter in the webtoon at the beginning of Season 3 which gives Jung's POV of their relationship. As shown in the latest episode, Jung says that he and Seol are alike. He has a reasoning behind this. In the beginning, Jung overhears a classmate telling Seol to try to be on good terms with Jung and it could be in her benefit. So next time when she is trying to be courteous to him just because he is a sunbae, he starts giving her the cold shoulder assuming she too is like the rest of them. She had clearly smirked at him on the day of their retun back party and now she was clearly kissing up to him for favors or so he thought. Later he is surprised to find that she actually came second in the university and is a hard working student. He starts noticing her more. She seems to be in the same position as him - Always in charge of assignments, always having to do the work of the people who lag behind or do not work, always breaking up fights because that is easier. Then he over hears her fighting with her mom about her dad's unreasonable expectations after having lost the scholarship. To him it is like looking at another part of himself. He re - evaluates that they could be more similar than he originally thought. That's when he starts approaching her.

But a thought struck me yesterday. While hitting the pervert, why is Jung so confident that Seol is like him ? I am going to guess that after seeing Seol approach Youngon when he was sitting alone, Jung assumed that Seol is like him that aspect too. That 'SHE' provoked Youngon to react at Jung like that in the first place. In latter webtoon episodes, Prof. Baek is shown discussing with Jung's dad that Jung has an extreme victim mentality. He thinks people are trying to take things away from him or to take advantage. So he feels justified in paying them back. Jung getting even with Seol was something that is logical to him. By the start of the season 3 of the webtoon, Jung is aware that though Seol and him have similar situations they are different people. But he is too much in love with her to let her go.


I might write my thoughts about In siblings and Jung  dynamics and how Seol has changed that equation if I get the time :) Looking forward to the kiss scene. It will definitely happen :D

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Hey guys... I wonder if it is permitted to talk about this. But at the previous pages someone ever talked about Kim Go Eun;s ability in speaking in Chinese since she lived in China for 10 years. Here I just found the video when she presentated a7th Asian Film Awards.


I think the CiTT's effects make want to know the actors' whereabouts more and more. She's amazing in Chinese I guess. Ahh I hope she can expand her career in China soon too >__>.


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2 hours ago, blademan said:

HAHAHAHAHA was I the only one who could not stop laughing when InHo was running ard the neighbourhood looking for the pervert?!!! THAT was hilarious!!!

Ohhh, youre not alone...me too find it so funny....how will he found the pervert guy if he is that loud and when the camera enlarge the scene, he's shouting in anger that the whole neighborhood hears him....then we saw YJ "in his quite manner" found the guy - to the place that HS had indicated in the earlier episode, where she feels like somebody's hinding in there.

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33 minutes ago, scout said:


He said the place/atmosphere was noisy, not Seol. Lol

Ah, my bad! I missed the first part he said 여기 너무 시끄러워 since i only focused on him kept telling its noisy noisy noisy very noisy to Seol. lol thanks for the correction!

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The more I think about it... it seems to come down to the most basic trait of human psychology..


When dealing with interpersonal relationships, no bad surprises = people not affected = no hard feelings

In Ho's personality is rash.. or so for other characters... they are what they are...none of them is seen as an overly pleasing, genuine kind of personality... and hence whenever they do something wrong.. at some level..other characters expected of it..

1. In Ho - brash personality - him hitting someone is no surprise - he is like tha

2. In Ha - brash personality- gold digger - no surprises 

3. SC (bully), guy with glasses (selfish), MS(zero self confidence), NMJ ( pretty and knows it.. and fake wen need be)... every other character - even if deviates slightly from their day to day personality (for others).. its still within the bandwidth


4. YJ on the other hand.. is a nice guy..always smiles, listens to all, doesn't crib, doesn't argue, good at studies, does assignments on his own, does not fight, treats, lends patient ear, ever so polite.. AND HENCE wen he gets angry..its not a short lived non scary anger...(if you know what i mean)..but he becomes a dominating figure when angry..and that basically lets you think that he is fake..


Truth be told, all of us think like this.. if someone is being nice to us..and later we find he was bitching behind our back..all of us start calling such people fake.. its the most common occurence..

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@Ahpheng  i love your c-strips! thanks for doing one about their highly expected kiss!  looking forward to tonight's episode.  I wonder how Seol would react after the kiss (I'm already claiming that they will kiss - no, they need to kiss! we demand it! hehe!).  Would she run and mess her hair?... or would she stay and embrace Jung?... hmmm.... 

@Gitakawaii agree with what you said about Jung probably not having anything to do with why In Ho broke his fingers.  Honestly, the flashback scene between the three (Jung, In Ho and In Ha) gave me the creeps - well mostly because of In Ha.  As I was watching that scene unfold, I felt slightly happy that In Ha has something that she can try to excel in.  She seems to have an interest for painting since she's has a bad habit of taking advantage of others.  But I got scared when she turned violent and almost stepped on In Ho's fingers.  

I haven't watched the subbed version yet, only the raw one but one scene which I found really touching was when In Ho tried to play the piano again. My heart broke for him yet at the same time I was cheering that yay! he finally laid his hands on piano keys again.  I just hope he won't get too discouraged when he encounters or experiences not having the same fluidity in playing the piano as in the past. I still don't know how extensive the damages are to his hand that would hinder complex finger movements across the ivories.  

I also love how Seol noticed that he wanted an extension cord so he could play the keyboard.  Those two are seriously cute together!  But I miss how violent In Ho could be - I know, weird me!  I seriously had fun watching him scream and rant as they were looking for the person who attacked Seol and broke into her apartment.

@irilight  Loved your insights!  I also found it creepy that Min Soo decided to copy Seol's hairstyle.  I wish Seol would be able to rescue her little lion from her clutches.  I found it endearing that she went and search high and low for it behind the bushes and Jung had to carry her to get her out of it.  Sweet!

Can't wait for tonight's episode... although I need to find a way to squeeze in watching the English subbed version before the show starts.  Hmm.. well, I'm off to continue work again!  Hope to spazz with you guys later!

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20 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Truth be told, all of us think like this.. if someone is being nice to us..and later we find he was bitching behind our back..all of us start calling such people fake.. its the most common occurence..

Again......... you are the makjang here!

I think there is no such a good guy nor bad guy in this world. We all have sins! it just what dominating in the end. Honestly, I can tolerate all antagonist ones in this drama. I believe they have their own reason that we havent figured it out yet. The antagonist ones deserve a better life so we can call it happy ever after.  

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17 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

The more I think about it... it seems to come down to the most basic trait of human psychology..


When dealing with interpersonal relationships, no bad surprises = people not affected = no hard feelings

In Ho's personality is rash.. or so for other characters... they are what they are...none of them is seen as an overly pleasing, genuine kind of personality... and hence whenever they do something wrong.. at some level..other characters expected of it..

1. In Ho - brash personality - him hitting someone is no surprise - he is like tha

2. In Ha - brash personality- gold digger - no surprises 

3. SC (bully), guy with glasses (selfish), MS(zero self confidence), NMJ ( pretty and knows it.. and fake wen need be)... every other character - even if deviates slightly from their day to day personality (for others).. its still within the bandwidth


4. YJ on the other hand.. is a nice guy..always smiles, listens to all, doesn't crib, doesn't argue, good at studies, does assignments on his own, does not fight, treats, lends patient ear, ever so polite.. AND HENCE wen he gets angry..its not a short lived non scary anger...(if you know what i mean)..but he becomes a dominating figure when angry..and that basically lets you think that he is fake..


Truth be told, all of us think like this.. if someone is being nice to us..and later we find he was bitching behind our back..all of us start calling such people fake.. its the most common occurence..

if someone is being nice to us..and later we find he was bitching behind our back..all of us start calling such people fake.. its the most common occurence..'' totally agree with this opinion. it's all about us not only YJ or them. 

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26 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:



Truth be told, all of us think like this.. if someone is being nice to us..and later we find he was bitching behind our back..all of us start calling such people fake.. its the most common occurence..

But I haven't seen Jung gossip behind anyone's back in this drama. Does he do it in the webtoon? You'd think that during the little chat he had with Seol outside the hospital would have been an ideal time to badmouth In-ho but all he did was give her the Cliff Notes version of what happened. At the pub, In-ho was the one who blabbed about Jung having loads of disposable women at his side. Not even then did he open his mouth to say anything bad about In-ho apart from some snide remark about his needing to work hard and support his sister.

Jung doesn't go out of his way to deal harshly with just anyone. As far as I can tell he keeps himself to himself most of the time. Only when provoked does he react.

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Watched with subs.. Finally.

I felt for Inho, his passion and love being hard on him. Loves that seol could see through him and just by getting him that cord was enough. I got pissed off when Jung came acting all," don't involve my gf into your problems" kinda way. Geez...was that the reason he followed her? To be that way? That wasn't what Inho needed at that moment. Urgh! Until I see a change in Jung's character, I'm just gonna stay by inho and his piano' side lol. 

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