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New actors were added to the cast.

Yi Saek 이색 (李穡, 1328~1396) / Kim Jong-Soo 김종수
Mokeun Yi Saek is the grandmaster of all Sadaebu scholars in Goryeo. Jung Do-Jeon and Jung Mong-Joo also learned Confucianism from him.
Actor Kim Jong-Soo is famous for his role in Misaeng. (Mr. Kim Boo-Ryeon ; Mr Oh's boss)

Jo Joon 조준 (趙浚, 1346∼1405) / Yi Myeong-Haeng 이명행 (stage actor)
According to the official SBS homepage, Jo Joon is a civil servant during the late Goryeo and the early Joseon. Although he belongs to Pyeong-An Jo clan (one of the Haedong Gapjok), he’s been raised as a Confucian scholar. He is also a specialist in land system issue and economics which is the top priority of the Goryeo's reform agenda. He helps Jung Do-Jeon’s reformative politics but will oppose him later on.
( * He is a very important historical figure. Yi Bang-Won's 2nd daughter married his son. )

Yoon So-Jong 윤소종 (尹紹宗, 1345~1393) / Yoon Gil 윤길 (Musical actor)
A civil servant during the late Goryeo. Jo Joon and Jung Do-Jeon's supporter.

Yi Sook-Beon 이숙번 (李叔蕃, 1373-1440) / Park Hoon 박훈 (Musical actor)
Yi Bang-Won's right-hand man during the 1st and 2nd strife of princes.

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Much as I loved and will miss the sassy but baddie character of GTM, I am now more intrigued with the twin brother Gil Sun Mae The last time we saw him with the young Dang Sae, he was thinking to himself, what do I do with this child as if he were asking someone to give him an answer. I wonder if he knows that the man who killed his brother is that child? Even if he does not know yet will he recognize the fighting style of Bang JI as that of the master whom he asked to take the young DS as his student? I am curious to know if he returns as a character who will play a significant role in impacting the lives of BY and BJ.WE will see the actor again sans the eyeshadow. It will be nice to see him in a fight scene too as he was supposed to be better than GTM.

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13 hours ago, homura said:

Frankly speaking, in my eyes, SFD is a bloody love-hate bromance between Yi Bang-Won and Jung Do-Jeon. (LOL)

@homura - As usual, brilliant insight!  This is the primary relationship in the drama.  Every other relationship is subordinated to this relationship...  LBW's relationship with his father is in support of JDJ's cause; LBW's relationship with BY is in support of JDJ's cause (by her choice); LBW's relationship with his wife is in support of JDJ's cause; the relationship between YH and LBJ is that both are supporters of JDJ's cause and every other character in the drama, Moo Hyul, etc., is brought into the drama in support of one of the characters supporting JDJ's cause.

Ultimately I think we will see the evil I spoke about in my last post work itself out in this relationship as well and then we will see the beginning of the end of Joseon...


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source : Daum News

Yi Seong-Gye's Military withdrawl at Wihwa island (1388). Maybe ep 20 or 21?



When a Ming Chinese messenger came to Goryeo in 1388 (the 14th year of King U) to demand the return of a significant portion of Goryeo’s northern territory, General Choi Young seized the opportunity and played upon the prevailing anti-Ming atmosphere to argue for the invasion of the Liaodong Peninsula (Goryeo claimed to be the successor of the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo; as such, restoring Manchuria as part of Korean territory was a tenet of its foreign policy throughout its history).

A staunchly opposed Yi Seong-Gye was chosen to lead the invasion; however, at Wihwa Island on the Yalu River, he made a momentous decision, commonly called "Turning back the army from Wihwa Island", that would alter the course of Korean history. Knowing of the support he enjoyed both from high-ranking government officials, the general populace, and the great deterrent of Ming Empire under the Hongwu Emperor, he decided to revolt and swept back to the capital, Gaesong, to secure control of the government.



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On 11/25/2015, 3:39:37, chajoowon said:


Dark Lord ?  Taejong is nothing specially evil or brutal by historical king standards.  He is just the winner of history vs JDJ, other ministers scholars.   Just like YSG,JDJ was the winners of the brutal war against Goryeo ministers, generals like Choi Young.  They did kill one of the most famous Korean generals in Choi Young.  From those last nobles,kings of Goryoe JDJ and co are evil villains....

TWD,Maids and co are just dramas that overly play the dark lord side of Taejong.   Sejong would not have become king if not for Taejong.   Also LBW did not kill any of his brothers with the same mother, only exiled them.  He killed the other half brothers who wanted the throne and lost that war to him.  

thank you very much for defending him....



You deserve this:):lol:

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On 12/5/2015, 3:55:01, homura said:


Frankly speaking, in my eyes, SFD is a bloody love-hate bromance between Yi Bang-Won and Jung Do-Jeon. (LOL) :P

Even when Yi Bang-Won didn't know who the owner of the cave was, he said  "I want to see him. I want to be like him, and I want to know him." (ep. 5) Being harshly scolded and expelled by Jung Do-Jeon when they first met in the cave, Bang-Won was discouraged at first but said to himself "He's awesome. So awesome. Teacher Sambong, take good care of my room in the cave. I'll definitely be back." (ep 10)  After hearing the balance and check system Jung Do-Jeon is creating in his mind, Bang-Won thinks "I want to have them. All of them" "Really, he is a genius I cannot mimic."

At first it was admiration and yearning. Now it slowly changes into envy and Jealousy. It can be inferiority complex, possessiveness, obsession in the future. After founding Joseon, he may feel betrayal, being abandoned, and being ignored.  

I'm curious about how SFD writers will describe the reasons of their conflicts, and when the worm inside Bang-Won will finally start whispering to him. My guess is that Yi Bang-Won will get fed up with his longtime one-sided crush on Jung Do-Jeon in the future. In proportion to his unrequited love for Sambong, his hatred will be growing worse. It reminds me of the relationships between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri in the movie Amadeus (1984).



This is a profound and telling analysis of the story so far. This drama consists of a series of bromances, it's true, and the ultimate bromance would be that of YBW and JDJ. I am fascinated and intrigued at what is to follow - how this relationship goes to hell eventually. Thank God it's Monday tomorrow. :)

Also I realised that you have already posted the lyrics for Muyiyiya on your tumblr.  Is this the same lyrics that BYH sings in the official OST? It is very very profound and hard hitting. If you don't mind I'd just like to post the translations here, I love it so much. Please let me know if it's OK to post it.

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3 hours ago, azzurri said:

Also I realised that you have already posted the lyrics for Muyiyiya on your tumblr.  Is this the same lyrics that BYH sings in the official OST? It is very very profound and hard hitting. If you don't mind I'd just like to post the translations here, I love it so much. Please let me know if it's OK to post it.


OK. Let me post it here again. :)

Byun Ho-Han's version has the same lyrics as the choir version (ep 2).





original source : SBS official homepage (x)


The scene at the end of ep. 2 is half history and half fiction.

In 1375, the Dodang triumvirates appointed Jung Do-Jeon as a greeter for Mongol envoy. After the reformist (=anti-Mongol) King Gongmin was killed, the nobles wanted to reestablish the ties with North Yuan dynasty (=the declining Mongol empire) which might lead to a war with Ming China. Jung Do-Jeon rejected the order, declaring “It is against the late king’s will. If you appoint me as a greeter, I will either kill the Mongol envoy or sent him away to Ming China!” So, Jung Do-Jeon was arrested by the raged nobles and spent 4 years in exile in Naju, Jeolla province, where he learned a lot about the impoverished conditions of Goryeo commoners and designed the revolution plan.

His song “Mu-Yi-Yi-Ya (Is there any difference?)” at the end of ep.2 is a fictional device for dramatic effect.


무이이야 (無以異也)
Song title : Mu-Yi-Yi-Ya (Is there any difference)?

Melody : Warak
Lyrics : Kim Young-Hyeon, Park Sang-Yeon, Warak


Original Korean Lyrics

칼춤에 꽃놀이 도화전에 노랫가락 시리게 흥겨운데
오백년 공들여 애써온 대업 모두 허사로다
아비는 칼 맞아 스러지고 자식들은 세금에 찢겨죽고
잿가루 날리는 만월대에 통곡소리 구슬퍼라
무이이야(無以異也) 무이이야(無以異也)
세상에 묻노니 생사를 가름에 정치와 칼이 다를 게 무어냐
천중의 이름 없는 새야 왜 그리도 구슬프게 우느냐
어차피 들꽃의 진자리는 찾을 수 없지 않느냐


English Translation

Sword dance and flower-viewing, the melody of Dohwajeon is shivery cheerful.
(* Dohwajeon, 도화전 : The name of Yi In-Gyem’s luxurious mansion)

All the great works for the past 500 years went for nothing.
(* This drama takes place 500 years after Goryeo’s founding.)

Fathers get stabbed to death by sword, children get torn to death under taxes.

The wail of pain is echoing through Manwoldae in the flying ashes (of cremated bodies).
(* Manwoldae 만월대 滿月臺 : The palace of Goryeo dynasty)

Mu-Yi-Yi-Ya (Is there any difference)?, Mu-Yi-Yi-Ya?

I’m asking the world, on deciding life and death
Is there any difference between politics and swords?

You, the nameless bird in the sky, why are you wailing so sadly?

You can’t find where wildflowers have fallen anyway.


* According to the official SBS homepage, the song’s title “Mu-Yi-Yi-Ya” came from Mencius. (The Work of Mencius Book 1, Part 1)

King Hûi of Liang : I wish quietly to receive your instructions
Mencius : Is there any difference between killing a man with a stick and with a sword?
King Hûi of Liang : There is no difference!
Mencius : Is there any differnce between doing it with a sword and with politics(the act of the government)?
King Hûi of Liang : No difference.


Korean netizens are calling the scene “Yuknyong-serables” (Six dragons + Les Miserables) because it resembles “Do you hear the people sing?” scene at the end of the movie Les Miserables.


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@homura, thank you for the repost! Love it absolutely, such an awesome song. I had it on repeat while I got some work done today. So cute that it's being called 'Yuknyong-serables'. Loved Les Miserables too. :)

(oh and incidentally, funny that you mentioned Amadeus, because that's also a favorite movie of mine. ;) )

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I have started watching Tree With Deep Roots... OMG! the writers are really consistent with their characters linking TWDR and 6FD. Great job. The first 2 episodes were pretty intense, but once you get over those episodes, you just can't stop watching it. Now I understand why the production have chosen some of the actors/actresses in TWDR to be in 6FD. Their acting and portrayal of each character are really awesome. So I'm loving both dramas

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