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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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17 hours ago, gilaswan said:

I read the article on the rumours about SJK not appearing in DOTS2 if there were one, reason being he's upset with the fame he's gotten. I find that to be such an absurd reason. Which actor goes into acting rejecting the potential of fame? He's upset with the invasion of privacy to the extent that people related to him (and not just himself - he's clearly willing to subject himself to fame) including his ex-gf have been inconvenienced. I think it's fair to make such a statement of regret (by him). But I somehow never like how "english" articles of K-entertainment are written, whether originally in English or as a translation. Don't know if anyone feels this way, but very often the way they write make these reactions or responses by Korean actors/idols sound so negative. I cannot imagine them to actually think this way or present themselves as such to the public. "I don't like the attention I'm getting as a star so I won't take up another such project"? How is that even logical? :P 

In other words, they put too much icing on the cake.  Some of them are not verbatim and yet they make it appear so.  That's why SHK has very little interview on most of her appearances because a simple sentence becomes a whole paragraph when published.  Just like what Jin Goo said, SHK is someone who is very careful with what she says - otherwise ..........    I'm sure what was published was not exactly how SJK said it - I read the same article somewhere with a different translation. 

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7 hours ago, vu_hoa1983 said:

Soldiers always live with a shroud on. When you die in a nameless land for the sake of your country the place of your death becomes your grave and your uniform becomes your shroud. This should be your mind-set whenever you put on your uniform. If you have put it on with such mind-set. be honourable at every moment. There is no reason to fall short.


I solemnly take an oath to spend the rest of my life volunteering to save people's lives. I will think about my patients' health and lives first and foremost. Regardless of race, religion, nationality, or social status, I will fulfill my obligations to my patients. Even if I am in danger, I will not misuse any of my knowledge. This oath I take, of my own volition, I devote my honor to it


These are oaths that SJ and MY took. They didn't just say it, they meant it sincerely. It's who they are. MY might temporarily forget her oath when she compromised with her reality and climbed the social ladder but she always has the doctor's conscience in her (unlike the bratty fellow doctor in the hospital). For each, their profession means the world to them.


We always say MY is not SJ's everything. But exactly what "everything" means? That she will always be his top priority, that he needs to do all he can to not make her sad or worry, that he will dedicate his life for her and does everything to make her happy? That he will choose her over his country?

But is that the "everything" that MY really needs when it means SJ will not fulfill his oath and fails as a personr?

SJ and DY are very much alike, they are true soldiers. They don't just have an instinct of saving people: they also have a deep, unbroken love for their country  - a country they believe strives to protect its citizen at all cost. See what happens when DY tries to give up his military career for a chance to be recognized by MJ's father and to be with her: that's not MJ wants because it means he gives up his life and his nature as a soldier. In the end, DY can't give up himself.

SJ won't do the same but even if he does, MY won't let him. 

Before MY knew SJ, he has always been doing what suits him best. He has already swore to give up his life for a great cause. And he has already owned his life to the captain who saved him so he is even more determined to pay it forward.


When I listen to DOTS' OST, the word "my everything" comes up a lot.  Now that DOTS is over and I think back about it, I do believe MY is SJ's everything. Just that "everything" does not mean the same for a normal person and someone like SJ. He will always be sorry for making MY worry but there are things that need to be done and she knows that.  By being a solider, SJ believes he is doing what is necessary to bring peace for people, including MY's family.

Ever since he knew MY, his life really revolves around her. He helps her find back her true self. He cares about what she cares. He helps her uphold her oath as a doctor by telling her to save Argus. He always has his eyes on her, even during the earthquake: he  looked for her first and foremost when he came back to Uruk, smiled while listening to her conversation on the radio channel, exchanged eyes with her before going to the ruin. He saves and protects her. He lets her know beautiful, charming and special she is. In their relationship, he lets MY have the upper hand. And he just loves her so much that he asks her to forget him soon when he is gone. He has complete faith in her. The fanboy incident with Red Velvet is just a minor one - when he has her in his heart, she is the only one.

Because of how SJ loves her, MY comes to accept what his "everything" means, It is something he never promises but she knows it. It is the price she accepts for loving a honorable man like SJ.

I agree with you about "everything" truly meaning to SJ and MY....both of them really compatible with each other

Still in WITHDRAWAL MODE FROM DOTS...:dissapointed_relieved::dissapointed_relieved::dissapointed_relieved:

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I've started watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal actually, only because many have said it's quite a nice show. I'm very much taken by how SJK is able to look both mischievous and serious almost all at once. It's him. His look. I can't imagine any other actor pulling it off as well as he does. That's what made CPT Yoo such a successful character. Honestly, when I watched all those DOTS trailers before it aired, just his look alone caught my attention. Before that I had heard his name but never watched any of his shows. He always seemed too pretty to watch. But I must say he's matured very nicely through MS... very nicely indeed... ;) Nice enough for uri SHK, I'd say. They're such a good looking couple on and off screen. Can they date openly please? hahaha... Maaaaan...

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On 5/3/2016 at 11:17 PM, themarchioness said:

I've tried visiting the Kikyo thread, but it's so fast-paced it makes me go crazy.  I kind of prefer the slower pace that this thread has taken on.  It's easier to catch up on posts and participate.  (It's why I didn't join this thread until later, frankly.) 

Same. As much as I am shipping them, I find the Kikyo thread too overwhelming. That's why I'm hanging out here instead as well. There are so many questions I want to ask there but honestly don't dare to cos it's just moving so quickly, I can't keep up. Not with the nature of my work anyway - I can't update myself through gazillion back-reads. But I sooooo want to know what's up with them though. :P 


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Finally, I found time to finish my third fic.  It's funny how you set out to write one story and end up writing something else entirely.  :P

As always, hope you all enjoy!


How Long Will I Love You

Summary: As part of his preparations for his next mission, Yoo Shi Jin sits down to write his first letter to Kang Mo Yeon.

Disclaimer: The portions in italics are subbed translations from DotS and not my own; they are used herein for limited purposes under fair use.



Alpha Team, it’s a combined operation.  After putting on winter military gear, come to the 463 airport by 21:00 today.  It will be a three-month long mission.

Just like always, as soon as Captain Yoo Shi Jin and his men received the call, they began their preparations immediately. 

Now his bags were packed.

He’d made a phone call to his father.

And he’d stopped by the hospital to say good-bye.

All that remained, as he and his men reconvened in their barracks for one last time, was the final step in their preparations.  God willing, they would all return to this place in three months.  But, if not . . . .

Yoo Shi Jin glanced around the room.  The others were huddled over their pieces of paper with busy pens in hand.  Next to him, he imagined his best friend and second in command, Seo Dae Young, was writing his letter to Yoon Myung Joo, just like he always did.

This time, he also had a letter to write for a woman in his life.  It was unfamiliar territory and he didn’t know quite what to say.  Or how to say what he wanted and needed to say.

In the past, he’d only had his father to write to.  That letter was written already and laid next to him in a white envelope.  But this second letter was proving more difficult to write.  He’d never had to write a letter like this before.  How could he express everything that was in his heart in the space of one sheet?

He thought about their meeting earlier and how he’d had to tell her he was leaving to go to the department store again.  He was proud of how calmly and bravely she’d accepted his news that he was leaving for a long-term mission.  He was also touched by the way she’d tried to send him off with a smile on her face.  But even still.  Despite her best efforts.  She’d cried.

He hated that he’d made her cry.

He hated that he’d made her cry again.

He still remembered how he’d made her cry when he was brought to the hospital in an ambulance and she’d thought him dead.  He remembered the promise he’d made to her then; that he wouldn’t show up covered in blood again.

Even now, her pleas from the afternoon played on repeat in his head: to not get hurt and to not be late. 

He remembered his promises as well.

I won’t get hurt.

I won’t die.

I’ll be sure to return. 

But when one was fighting a war, he knew that despite the sincerity of his promises.  Despite the fact that he’d meant every single one of his words.  Despite the fact that he fully intended to be back once the seasons changed.  Nothing was a guarantee.

As he’d once told her, a soldier’s uniform was his shroud.

He knew she knew it too.

Which was why he needed to write this one last letter, and tell her what was in his heart.  Reaching for his blank piece of paper, Yoo Shi Jin began to write.

Before we go on a mission, we write a will. 

Ultimately, I hope that this letter will never be given to you.  But, if by rare chance you are reading this will right now, then I have not been able to keep my promise.

The promise for you to not be worried.

The promise not to be hurt.

The promise not to die.

The promise that I would come back for sure . . . .

I haven’t kept any of those promises.  I’m sorry.

The recognition that he might actually fail in his mission, never return to her alive, or see her face again, it sat like a giant weight in his heart. 

Sometimes, for her sake, he wished they’d never met.  Dating a man like him came with inherent risks and he regretted both bringing those worries into her life and being a source of those worries.  He thought about all the times he’d already had to apologize for making her worry.  He also thought about all the times they’d thanked each other for saving the other’s life.  The last time they’d had such a conversation, Kang Mo Yeon had wondered why they always had to be thankful to each other for such a thing.

Other couples were thankful for giving each other rides home, for celebrating their anniversaries, and other similar, mundane type of activities.  But theirs was a love story built around earthquakes, land mines, hostage situations, and cars hanging off of cliffs.  Would there ever be a time when they wouldn’t have to face life and death situations?

Yoo Shi Jin thought about what her life might be like without him.  She’d get up in the morning, go to work, treat her patients, spend time with her friends, and at the end of the day, go home to someone who’d have dinner waiting for her.  There would be no department store runs.  No concern that the next ambulance door she opened might contain the man she loved inside.

There would only be love, laughter, and beauty, because that was the type of woman she was.  Which was why, for his own sake, he couldn’t let her go.  It might have been selfish, and there were days when he hated himself for it, but he loved her.  And he needed her. 

He hoped that no matter what happened, she would always know how happy and grateful he was to have met her.  And to have been a part of her life.

Yet, at the same time, he hoped and prayed that if things went wrong, she wouldn’t hurt for too long.  He hated the thought of her being in pain, and if he could, he would willingly bear all of her suffering for her.  It was, he thought, the least he could do for her considering all she’d done for him.

He wanted her to know:

In the place where you are, it is always bright. 

I met you.  And I loved you.  And for being apart from you, I’m really sorry for that. 

I know it’s shameless.  But I would like for you not to cry for too long.  More than anyone else, you have to live well and brightly.  And . . . don’t remember me for too long.  I’m asking this favor of you.

As Yoo Shi Jin finished his letter and tucked it into its envelope, he hoped that whatever happened, Kang Mo Yeon would know how much he’d loved her.  And that he would be with her.  Always.


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Some say DOTS is overrated - very ordinary.  Oh well - different folks, different strokes - we all see them differently.  I've watched too many Korean and Chinese and Japanese dramas and DOTS story is different from the others - SJK himself said it - he has never encountered a script that involves a soldier.

To me, what makes this story different from the others is - none of the characters are sick - that means, none of the usual diseases, i.e., cancer, tumor, do not exist - or no one is hiding he or she has a disease that needs to be sacrificed; none has a birth secret (we all know YSJ is an only child; we don't know  about KMY);  and most  of all, no  love triangle involved.  The only thing a bit similar to some dramas is the commander choosing a husband for his daughter.   

Geez - I keep coming here - that only means one thing - I haven't turned my back from DOTS yet.  And no matter how many times I've watched the drama, I still laugh, cry, and most of all cringe at the special scenes (especially the romantic scenes).  I just now realized after watching so many times that after each kiss he plants on KMY's lips, YSJ would look at her for a few seconds before he speaks. 

Right now, I am watching them in the drama not as YSJ and KMY - I am watching them as SJK and SHK - I can't help it - I think I am going over my imagination.  This ahjumma might lose it soon!!!!!

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3 hours ago, gilaswan said:

I've started watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal actually, only because many have said it's quite a nice show. I'm very much taken by how SJK is able to look both mischievous and serious almost all at once. It's him. His look. I can't imagine any other actor pulling it off as well as he does. That's what made CPT Yoo such a successful character. Honestly, when I watched all those DOTS trailers before it aired, just his look alone caught my attention. Before that I had heard his name but never watched any of his shows. He always seemed too pretty to watch. But I must say he's matured very nicely through MS... very nicely indeed... ;) Nice enough for uri SHK, I'd say. They're such a good looking couple on and off screen. Can they date openly please? hahaha... Maaaaan...

I also watched SS and I was surprised when he only got one award on his participation in this drama - most popular character award is what he got when his acting as a rookie was already outstanding that time.  He could have gotten at least a rookie award or most promising actor.  Those two characters he played in SS and DOTS, like what SHK said regarding DOTS, only SJK can fit into the character.

I do wish they would date for real - who knows - the way the crew and co-stars respond to the question 'are they for real' seem a bit fishy to me.  Why would the director speak for the rest of the crew and say THEY DON'T BELIEVE THEY ARE DATING'.   Just because the director thinks so doesn't mean the others think the same way.  Even Jasper Cho, when asked in Happy Together, the way he denies it is unreal.  Yoo Jae Sook don't believe so.

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2 hours ago, themarchioness said:

Finally, I found time to finish my third fic.  It's funny how you set out to write one story and end up writing something else entirely.  :P

As always, hope you all enjoy!


How Long Will I Love You


Summary: As part of his preparations for his next mission, Yoo Shi Jin sits down to write his first letter to Kang Mo Yeon.




Disclaimer: The portions in italics are subbed translations from DotS and not my own; they are used herein for limited purposes under fair use.


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Alpha Team, it’s a combined operation.  After putting on winter military gear, come to the 463 airport by 21:00 today.  It will be a three-month long mission.




Just like always, as soon as Captain Yoo Shi Jin and his men received the call, they began their preparations immediately. 




Now his bags were packed.


He’d made a phone call to his father.


And he’d stopped by the hospital to say good-bye.


All that remained, as he and his men reconvened in their barracks for one last time, was the final step in their preparations.  God willing, they would all return to this place in three months.  But, if not . . . .


Yoo Shi Jin glanced around the room.  The others were huddled over their pieces of paper with busy pens in hand.  Next to him, he imagined his best friend and second in command, Seo Dae Young, was writing his letter to Yoon Myung Joo, just like he always did.


This time, he also had a letter to write for a woman in his life.  It was unfamiliar territory and he didn’t know quite what to say.  Or how to say what he wanted and needed to say.


In the past, he’d only had his father to write to.  That letter was written already and laid next to him in a white envelope.  But this second letter was proving more difficult to write.  He’d never had to write a letter like this before.  How could he express everything that was in his heart in the space of one sheet?


He thought about their meeting earlier and how he’d had to tell her he was leaving to go to the department store again.  He was proud of how calmly and bravely she’d accepted his news that he was leaving for a long-term mission.  He was also touched by the way she’d tried to send him off with a smile on her face.  But even still.  Despite her best efforts.  She’d cried.


He hated that he’d made her cry.


He hated that he’d made her cry again.


He still remembered how he’d made her cry when he was brought to the hospital in an ambulance and she’d thought him dead.  He remembered the promise he’d made to her then; that he wouldn’t show up covered in blood again.


Even now, her pleas from the afternoon played on repeat in his head: to not get hurt and to not be late. 


He remembered his promises as well.


I won’t get hurt.


I won’t die.


I’ll be sure to return. 


But when one was fighting a war, he knew that despite the sincerity of his promises.  Despite the fact that he’d meant every single one of his words.  Despite the fact that he fully intended to be back once the seasons changed.  Nothing was a guarantee.

As he’d once told her, a soldier’s uniform was his shroud.


He knew she knew it too.


Which was why he needed to write this one last letter, and tell her what was in his heart.  Reaching for his blank piece of paper, Yoo Shi Jin began to write.


Before we go on a mission, we write a will. 


Ultimately, I hope that this letter will never be given to you.  But, if by rare chance you are reading this will right now, then I have not been able to keep my promise.


The promise for you to not be worried.


The promise not to be hurt.


The promise not to die.


The promise that I would come back for sure . . . .


I haven’t kept any of those promises.  I’m sorry.


The recognition that he might actually fail in his mission, never return to her alive, or see her face again, it sat like a giant weight in his heart. 


Sometimes, for her sake, he wished they’d never met.  Dating a man like him came with inherent risks and he regretted both bringing those worries into her life and being a source of those worries.  He thought about all the times he’d already had to apologize for making her worry.  He also thought about all the times they’d thanked each other for saving the other’s life.  The last time they’d had such a conversation, Kang Mo Yeon had wondered why they always had to be thankful to each other for such a thing.


Other couples were thankful for giving each other rides home, for celebrating their anniversaries, and other similar, mundane type of activities.  But theirs was a love story built around earthquakes, land mines, hostage situations, and cars hanging off of cliffs.  Would there ever be a time when they wouldn’t have to face life and death situations?


Yoo Shi Jin thought about what her life might be like without him.  She’d get up in the morning, go to work, treat her patients, spend time with her friends, and at the end of the day, go home to someone who’d have dinner waiting for her.  There would be no department store runs.  No concern that the next ambulance door she opened might contain the man she loved inside.


There would only be love, laughter, and beauty, because that was the type of woman she was.  Which was why, for his own sake, he couldn’t let her go.  It might have been selfish, and there were days when he hated himself for it, but he loved her.  And he needed her. 


He hoped that no matter what happened, she would always know how happy and grateful he was to have met her.  And to have been a part of her life.


Yet, at the same time, he hoped and prayed that if things went wrong, she wouldn’t hurt for too long.  He hated the thought of her being in pain, and if he could, he would willingly bear all of her suffering for her.  It was, he thought, the least he could do for her considering all she’d done for him.


He wanted her to know:


In the place where you are, it is always bright. 


I met you.  And I loved you.  And for being apart from you, I’m really sorry for that. 


I know it’s shameless.  But I would like for you not to cry for too long.  More than anyone else, you have to live well and brightly.  And . . . don’t remember me for too long.  I’m asking this favor of you.


As Yoo Shi Jin finished his letter and tucked it into its envelope, he hoped that whatever happened, Kang Mo Yeon would know how much he’d loved her.  And that he would be with her.  Always.



Omo... you write it beautifully.... I cried imagining YSJ really have this scene. 

Well I guess DOTS will be very much alive in our hearts even its over.... no primary casts in season 2 as predicted so no YSJ and KMY in next DOTS I guess. I love DOTS even now I am having repeating syndrome hard to move on with DOTS kekekekkek.



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try to stay away from the thread, failed eventually :D:lol: I think at this rate, if I keep re-watching DOTS, I might be able to memorize all the line of the characters, even the line of that diamond jerk :phew:

@vu_hoa1983 agreed and love everything you said so far in this thread, :heart: KMY is YSJ's everything, haha, but when I read this, can't help myself but ROFL, I wonder if KMY know how YSJ and SDY used to look at the girl at the bar in Urk, how would she re-act? In another word, I just love to see both of them being jealous :phew:


14 hours ago, vu_hoa1983 said:

Ever since he knew MY, his life really revolves around her. He helps her find back her true self. He cares about what she cares. He helps her uphold her oath as a doctor by telling her to save Argus. He always has his eyes on her, even during the earthquake: he  looked for her first and foremost when he came back to Uruk, smiled while listening to her conversation on the radio channel, exchanged eyes with her before going to the ruin. He saves and protects her. He lets her know beautiful, charming and special she is. In their relationship, he lets MY have the upper hand. And he just loves her so much that he asks her to forget him soon when he is gone. He has complete faith in her. The fanboy incident with Red Velvet is just a minor one - when he has her in his heart, she is the only one.

Because of how SJ loves her, MY comes to accept what his "everything" means, It is something he never promises but she knows it. It is the price she accepts for loving a honorable man like SJ.


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3 hours ago, themarchioness said:

Finally, I found time to finish my third fic.  It's funny how you set out to write one story and end up writing something else entirely.  :P

As always, hope you all enjoy!


How Long Will I Love You


Summary: As part of his preparations for his next mission, Yoo Shi Jin sits down to write his first letter to Kang Mo Yeon.




Disclaimer: The portions in italics are subbed translations from DotS and not my own; they are used herein for limited purposes under fair use.


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Alpha Team, it’s a combined operation.  After putting on winter military gear, come to the 463 airport by 21:00 today.  It will be a three-month long mission.




Just like always, as soon as Captain Yoo Shi Jin and his men received the call, they began their preparations immediately. 




Now his bags were packed.


He’d made a phone call to his father.


And he’d stopped by the hospital to say good-bye.


All that remained, as he and his men reconvened in their barracks for one last time, was the final step in their preparations.  God willing, they would all return to this place in three months.  But, if not . . . .


Yoo Shi Jin glanced around the room.  The others were huddled over their pieces of paper with busy pens in hand.  Next to him, he imagined his best friend and second in command, Seo Dae Young, was writing his letter to Yoon Myung Joo, just like he always did.


This time, he also had a letter to write for a woman in his life.  It was unfamiliar territory and he didn’t know quite what to say.  Or how to say what he wanted and needed to say.


In the past, he’d only had his father to write to.  That letter was written already and laid next to him in a white envelope.  But this second letter was proving more difficult to write.  He’d never had to write a letter like this before.  How could he express everything that was in his heart in the space of one sheet?


He thought about their meeting earlier and how he’d had to tell her he was leaving to go to the department store again.  He was proud of how calmly and bravely she’d accepted his news that he was leaving for a long-term mission.  He was also touched by the way she’d tried to send him off with a smile on her face.  But even still.  Despite her best efforts.  She’d cried.


He hated that he’d made her cry.


He hated that he’d made her cry again.


He still remembered how he’d made her cry when he was brought to the hospital in an ambulance and she’d thought him dead.  He remembered the promise he’d made to her then; that he wouldn’t show up covered in blood again.


Even now, her pleas from the afternoon played on repeat in his head: to not get hurt and to not be late. 


He remembered his promises as well.


I won’t get hurt.


I won’t die.


I’ll be sure to return. 


But when one was fighting a war, he knew that despite the sincerity of his promises.  Despite the fact that he’d meant every single one of his words.  Despite the fact that he fully intended to be back once the seasons changed.  Nothing was a guarantee.

As he’d once told her, a soldier’s uniform was his shroud.


He knew she knew it too.


Which was why he needed to write this one last letter, and tell her what was in his heart.  Reaching for his blank piece of paper, Yoo Shi Jin began to write.


Before we go on a mission, we write a will. 


Ultimately, I hope that this letter will never be given to you.  But, if by rare chance you are reading this will right now, then I have not been able to keep my promise.


The promise for you to not be worried.


The promise not to be hurt.


The promise not to die.


The promise that I would come back for sure . . . .


I haven’t kept any of those promises.  I’m sorry.


The recognition that he might actually fail in his mission, never return to her alive, or see her face again, it sat like a giant weight in his heart. 


Sometimes, for her sake, he wished they’d never met.  Dating a man like him came with inherent risks and he regretted both bringing those worries into her life and being a source of those worries.  He thought about all the times he’d already had to apologize for making her worry.  He also thought about all the times they’d thanked each other for saving the other’s life.  The last time they’d had such a conversation, Kang Mo Yeon had wondered why they always had to be thankful to each other for such a thing.


Other couples were thankful for giving each other rides home, for celebrating their anniversaries, and other similar, mundane type of activities.  But theirs was a love story built around earthquakes, land mines, hostage situations, and cars hanging off of cliffs.  Would there ever be a time when they wouldn’t have to face life and death situations?


Yoo Shi Jin thought about what her life might be like without him.  She’d get up in the morning, go to work, treat her patients, spend time with her friends, and at the end of the day, go home to someone who’d have dinner waiting for her.  There would be no department store runs.  No concern that the next ambulance door she opened might contain the man she loved inside.


There would only be love, laughter, and beauty, because that was the type of woman she was.  Which was why, for his own sake, he couldn’t let her go.  It might have been selfish, and there were days when he hated himself for it, but he loved her.  And he needed her. 


He hoped that no matter what happened, she would always know how happy and grateful he was to have met her.  And to have been a part of her life.


Yet, at the same time, he hoped and prayed that if things went wrong, she wouldn’t hurt for too long.  He hated the thought of her being in pain, and if he could, he would willingly bear all of her suffering for her.  It was, he thought, the least he could do for her considering all she’d done for him.


He wanted her to know:


In the place where you are, it is always bright. 


I met you.  And I loved you.  And for being apart from you, I’m really sorry for that. 


I know it’s shameless.  But I would like for you not to cry for too long.  More than anyone else, you have to live well and brightly.  And . . . don’t remember me for too long.  I’m asking this favor of you.


As Yoo Shi Jin finished his letter and tucked it into its envelope, he hoped that whatever happened, Kang Mo Yeon would know how much he’d loved her.  And that he would be with her.  Always.




Ahhhhhhh!!! Made me cry!!!!!

1 hour ago, viyra said:

I also watched SS and I was surprised when he only got one award on his participation in this drama - most popular character award is what he got when his acting as a rookie was already outstanding that time.  He could have gotten at least a rookie award or most promising actor.  Those two characters he played in SS and DOTS, like what SHK said regarding DOTS, only SJK can fit into the character.

I do wish they would date for real - who knows - the way the crew and co-stars respond to the question 'are they for real' seem a bit fishy to me.  Why would the director speak for the rest of the crew and say THEY DON'T BELIEVE THEY ARE DATING'.   Just because the director thinks so doesn't mean the others think the same way.  Even Jasper Cho, when asked in Happy Together, the way he denies it is unreal.  Yoo Jae Sook don't believe so.

Oh? He didn't believe whom?

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@vu_hoa1983 Yes, I agree as well with what you said.   One reason that people should not feel sorry for MY is that she chose SJ and loves him for the person he is.  If he were not the person he is (and with the job he has) she wouldn't respect and love him as much as he does.   She even said so herself when he asked if she'd be better with him if he had a different job.  Same with him to her.   SJ being true to his values and wanting to keep the peace does not mean that he doesn't value MY as much as he values his job at all.  Their jobs are an extension of who they are, and they both bring each other peace and courage.  I also agree that he has complete faith in her, that is more than just boyfriend and girlfriend.  He knows she might worry, but that she'll understand in the end.  His use of the word comrade is true in every sense. 

As for Red Velvet, we know who he's actually a fanboy of right? Who he'd actually have a poster on his wall of (and I wouldn't be surprised if he had one, the man has his ways to get stuff...).  We also know what his real favorite song is right? :P 



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1 hour ago, melissala said:

Speaking of his favorite song, how'd he even get this.  I guess being part of Alpha Team has it's advantages

When he stayed at hospital and huged dr.Kang,he opened dr.KMY phone cell when she slept first,I guess :phew:.....

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@gilaswan I'm also watching SKKS now as per many people's recommendations. Its my first time watching a historical drama and i gave it a try only bcoz of SJK. And OMG whenever he comes i squeal so hard. He looks too pretty to be real. I am just abusing my replay button to watch his scenes. I just cant take my eyes of him. He is soooo adorable.The way he winks and swirls around arghhhh its too much for my heart.

Sorry for spazzing too much, anyways now i understand why there was so much disappointment about yoo ah in's cameo in dots.How dare they didnt make a scene in which both of them are together in a single frame. It would have been epic. Atleast they should have made him yoon gi oppa. Sighhh

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