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@Dhakra fighting for the one you love.. sounds so romantic! LOL


I, too, agree that it's human to want to fight for the person you love. I would too, although to me there is a line that shouldn't be crossed where one becomes malicious. The heart can be treacherous so we must also use our power of reason. 

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1 hour ago, Dhakra said:

Do I look like someone who knows how the californian state flag looks like? :D You sure? Did you ever try? I remember a time where each day you revealed a talent of yours. Iirc you are also a good mechanic! 

Yes... Yes you do. SEE vvvv



I have never tried it because nature and I don't really get along. I like hiking in the summer/fall and that's about it. I don't do that camping thing. I like electricity and warmth! 


I am... a decent mechanic I suppose. I know enough to keep my car running and I have google fu for everything else. I suppose this means it's time to reveal another talent eh? I'll post a pic of my current knitting project when I finish it. :lol: 


1 hour ago, Dhakra said:

But imagine a squirrel taming phikyl riding a bear while flexing her gym-proofed muscles! AWESOME! :D

Soooo I'm Princess Merida now? Odd but I love her hair so I guess I'll take it! 



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@mouse007Omg I had these discussions so often that I automatically tagged @triplem frist. 

 The line is very thin imo. I read so often that girls find other girls behavior malicious when I actually didn't think like that. Well, we are not talking about the real evil stuff of course, but sometimes you have to try and show that you do really care. 

Sigh.....these Shi-Ho vibes.


@phikylHonestly......I expected something.....different after you told me about a state flag. Something more.....sunny. Without the text I would the flag looks more like.....Wisconsin. 

Well, Nature (like real nature, not the Kpop Band) and I aren't friends also, I tried camping once as a child and hated it. I mean, who wants to sleep in a tent anyway.  


Weren't you working on a truck or something about a year or two ago? Or manage to fix your broken car? 

I'm interested to see what you do currently. Knitting? Oh gosh, self knitted scarfs are the best and also, one of the most romantic gifts I can imagine. Scarfs are fun. 


12 minutes ago, phikyl said:

Soooo I'm Princess Merida now? Odd but I love her hair so I guess I'll take it! 


Princess who? Lemme google that.


Okay....don't know, never heard of her.....does she ride bears?

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23 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

Honestly......I expected something.....different after you told me about a state flag. Something more.....sunny. Without the text I would the flag looks more like.....Wisconsin. 

Well, technically, California isn't the sunshine state.... That would be Florida....


Last year.... I replaced the master and slave cylinder in my car. Is that what you're talking about? That was super easy though. 


I made a bunch of scarves for Christmas gifts last year. They're kind of boring to make if you're not doing a pretty intarsia pattern [intarsia = weaving different colored strands of yarn into a project to make a pattern/picture] or cables or something though. 




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I haven't encountered a lot of bears in my lifetime. Probably about 5 times? Mostly when we're in Alaska.  We stay clear but the bears leave us alone and they know where they're headed.   


But not in our part of the woods so I'm surprised when I see road signs warning bear crossings. 



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