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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Could it be that the reason why Seung Nyang is in pain is due to the broken pieces of Lady Noh's mirror because of the stunts that had happened to hair just to be safe? Kkk. Just kidding. Maybe that mirror fell somewhere, and it could be found by either Wang Yoo (if it's true that he might be in the rescue), or Hong Dan who knows who the owner of that mirror now is. Perhaps, Wang Yoo might see Hong Dan along the way, and both of them see that mirror. Lol. 

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@larabn wow! that was interesting.. i was thinking really that there is a possibility WY's son would live. But say that the baby SN was about to deliver would live then I don't think WY would allow his son to be the Emperor of Yuan right? because in the beginning when SN married TH, you can see WY being so broken and I think that is because 1.) he loves her so much and 2. both of them wanted to be in Goryeo and not in Yuan so that was like a broken promise. And also I don't SN would want to be a concubine any longer because if her son is alive and then she has WY already then she wouldn't want anything else in the world anymore regardless if WY would be reinstated as the king of Goryeo. But that's just my thought. heheh

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Pavla Osminskaya said: End of the Novel
Someone that child due to circumstances and mistake becomes the Crown Prince of Yuan at some point. In the end, Seung Nyang loves only Wang Yoo but she spends her life married to Ta Hwa as his Empress. When he dies, he asks again if she ever loved him, even once, even for a moment. She smiles and says she was his woman but never tells him she loves him. He dies before her. What Wang Yoo has from Seung Nyang is her love, what Ta Hwan has from Seung Nyang is most of her time spent with him

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I think we have 2 plots at hand here

1- SN delivers the baby and the baby lives, but DK comes takes the baby and gives it to his sister
(WY won't know of this baby being his after it shows up even after SN knows)
SN believes the baby is dead and I have no clue why WY will be sending her back to the palace when he knows she lost a baby and was in danger

SN doesn't deliver the baby and her baby really dies and again I have no clue why WY will send her back to the palace after she lost a baby and was in danger

but in both of these options , to SN her baby is dead so she seeks revenge
but in option one SN knows later about the baby and he somehow becomes the crown prince of yuan

but one is painful and unfair to all the 3 and ridiculous and almost impossible due to timeline
while the other one is painful and heartbreaking too

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Seriously at this point I can not get myself to pity DS in anyway!!!
I would've liked it much more if they had made her pregnant, suffer a miscarriage, then find out she can never get pregnant again!!  That family has to die and burn in he!!
I'm just worried that the revenge will be too quick on the ET family and BS, I want them all to suffer, and not just quickly get their throats slit.  They need to be put through the same torture and pain the inflicted on SN.
All through the story, SN has been the only character suffering losses of close ones.  TH doesn't count because his father was already dead when he was introduced.
I just hope it won't be like another 100 Yrs Inheritance where you see the leading lady finally toughening up, then toughness sizzles down in like seconds because she's just a nice, kind hearted person.  This is a sageuk, let all there be blood shed on those who inflicted pain to our SN.  Let her revenge be sweet and long.
By the way, I think people are confused with this Park Bul-Hwa with the eunuch Park Bul-Hwa.  Apparently in real history there are two PBH.  One is the eunuch, and the other is the general, they both existed.  The eunuch PBH in history was one of TH's favourite eunuchs, I think they replaced him with Golta.
I was quite disappointed to hear that PBH got killed by BS.  What the heck, that's just a bunch of crap!!!  I was hoping he'd be SN's aid when she returns to the palace.  I guess now she'll only have Dok Man, and maybe Hong Dan if she survives, oh lord Jesus Christ, and great Buddha, please let Hong Dan survive, SN can't suffer another lost.

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I just read old comments about if a a number of certain ship scenes might affect the ratings, there is two things i have to said :
- SN-TH scenes don't increase ratings
- nor does SN-WY scenes decrease it.

The ratings are not daebak (like the other drama airing Wed-Thurs), it's only because of the history distortion, even if we'd all forget it, but the k-netizen don't, all Empress Ki articles are down voted to the max, there was a stir when SN kiss and slept with WY, because in the history she's a Yuan Empress, like today, k-netizen were agitated over the pregnancy issue because of the same reasons. There are even some who are calling Empress Ki --> Empress Aurora...

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pegster said: OMG, I just saw the last scene raw from MBC Drama youtube account.  
Where the heck did those candles come from??!!!
I guess since there was no electricity in ancient times, people there are always prepared to be stranded in a cave, so a good samaritan purposely leaves candles in every cave in case if someone needs hide in there and have a baby.
Is kind of weird that SN is sitting up and not lying down...if she was going into early labour, shouldn't she be lying down.  It looked more like she was trying to hold in the pain then if she was going in labour, or having a miscarriage.

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Guest anjshin

Thank you. Hihi. I know it was placed there, but I wonder what happened to that mirror. SN fell so many times, and that mirror is big. Haha. I wonder if it will also survive or not. Lol. 

@shaym: if the baby will survive, i guess the mirror will too,. kdrma magic. :))

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pegster said: Seriously at this point I can not get myself to pity DS in anyway!!!
I would've liked it much more if they had made her pregnant, suffer a miscarriage, then find out she can never get pregnant again!!  That family has to die and burn in he!!
I'm just worried that the revenge will be too quick on the ET family and BS, I want them all to suffer, and not just quickly get their throats slit.  They need to be put through the same torture and pain the inflicted on SN.
All through the story, SN has been the only character suffering losses of close ones.  TH doesn't count because his father was already dead when he was introduced.
I just hope it won't be like another 100 Yrs Inheritance where you see the leading lady finally toughening up, then toughness sizzles down in like seconds because she's just a nice, kind hearted person.  This is a sageuk, let all there be blood shed on those who inflicted pain to our SN.  Let her revenge be sweet and long.
By the way, I think people are confused with the Park Bo Hwa with the eunuch.  Apparently in real history there are two PBH.  One is the eunuch, and the other is the general, they both existed.
I was quick disappointed to hear that PBH got killed by BS.  What the heck, that's just a bunch of crap!!!  I was hoping he'd be SN's aid when she returns to the palace.  I guess now she'll only have Dok Man, and maybe Hong Dan if she survives, oh lord Jesus Christ, and great Buddha, please let Hong Dan survive, SN can't suffer another lost.

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I loved her hairstyle and dress too in that scene
it's really nice away from the maids' and boys' clothes (although I love her in boys clothes too)
but this one was really cute and feminine with the dress and the braid

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Finally managed to watch RAW, still clueless as I am a non Korean speaker. However, while on the run with Eunuch Bang, she noticed bloodstains on her skirt. A definite miscarriage. May I presume she is about 5 months pregnant, seen cases of first time mums with huge tummies pregnant at 5 mths. Lady Park is well over 9 months, I don't understand how TH was crazy enough to allow her to travel in tht condition?
Cruel deaths of parents and now baby (probable) of her beloved Chona, Lady Park, Lady Jo and all her other Koryon friends may give strong determination for her to want to head back to Yuan to get her revenge? Having a man's baby is an ultimate gesture of love, probably writer want to put this point across to us viewers that WY is SN true love?
Timeline both ladies being pregnant is quite acceptable. Lady Park must be around 2mths when Empress attempted to poison her. LP may be 4mths pregnant when SN slept with WY.

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Guest suwan1430273820

@anjshin: Hahaha i loveeeeeeeeeeeees your signature !!
This whole pregnancy thing is giving me a headache. I feel like the writers are feeding us with drugs. They give us a high in one episode then the next one here ya go, crash, bam , boom , making us go in withdrawal and cant stop but wanting more. Ayayeye

Lets talk about something else than babies : when lady Noh gave SY that mirror i was like wohhhh, how can she fit that underneath her clothes ? Isnt her chest supposed to look super square-ish ?! [-X Also, in the cave she looks like shes sitting and biting on that white thing, i think its the bear the pain....not deliver....

Anybody else here think that when WY returned to Goryo he looked even more glorious ? When he walked in to meet the yuan convoys...holly mo he looks sooooooo imposing, sooooo mighty, soooo smart & powerful...i love his outfits in this episode.
The scene where SY was talking to herself and the baby saying that the child will soon meet his dad....omgomgomg sooo touchingg

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