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Hyun Bin 현빈 [Movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2” | Upcoming: Movie “Harbin”]


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Just dropping by this thread just to say that HB has again impressed me with his acting with the CLOY drama under his belt. I have yet to watch The Negotiation and Confidential Assignment which I’m hoping to be awesome because action/thriller. 


Anyhow, I’ve been following HBs work from Daddy Long Legs, A Millionaire’s First Love, MNIKSS, Rampant, parts of MoA and now CLOY. 

Not a super fan. Just appreciating HB. 


Thanks for keeping this thread alive :) 

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On 2/19/2020 at 7:40 PM, KimSooHanMoo said:

There is one very good review/commentary written by Jung Si Woo, a Film Columnist about Hyun Bin as an actor in romance dramas.




 I provide here my translation of that commentary. 





A look at Hyun Bin - A man who is like a lie! 

(the phrase which I have translated as “lie” is 후라이 (hu rai) Pyo Chil Su’s pet phrase) 


Thanks for translating this! It was a pretty long article to translate into English! The reviewer has a pretty interesting take of Hyun Bin and the title "A man who is like a lie" is such a unique one. Can you explain a little more about the word "LIE" to describe HB as I'm a little unsure. Does it mean that HB's acting is able to "lie" or deceive the audience?


I've actually been a long-time fan or an admirer of HB since MNIKSS. The drama was a classic, and I've watched it many times. Recently I watched it again in between CLOY's long break and it was still as good, even if a bit out-dated in terms of costume, hairstyles and make-up. HB really killed it as Sam Sik esp being such a new actor then, and his chemistry with Kim Sun Ah was both fun and touching at the same time. After MNIKSS, he took up roles that were more serious and melo, and I guess I wasn't so interested in those type of dramas/ films during that period. He kinda slipped away from public eyes with the less popular works, but burst out again with Secret Garden. At that time I was not into kdramas and did not catch it until much, much later. I was one of the few that didn't quite get into SeGa nor his role (a bit too arrogant and domineering for my taste), plus I actually didn't quite buy into the OTP.  I also watched MOtA, and HB was really good in this drama - his acting was superb plus he looked gorgeous! But the gaming theme was not exactly my cup-of-tea and it moving a bit slow initially, though the drama picked up a lot 2nd half and I enjoyed it much more.


Then CLOY came along, and there was quite a lot of articles and teasers promoting it in blog sites and entertainment news. It perked my interest as I was still fond of Hyun Bin and I also like Son Ye Jin from all her movies (esp the earlier ones). I was sceptical going into CLOY cuz of the negative comments from netizens and the plot does seem too fantastical - I was concerned it will turn out one big mess and too cheesy for my taste. I didn't want a big failure in HB's or SYJ's resume as I like both of them. Then BAM!! CLOY totally addicted me - HB and SYJ's chemistry, the script, the side characters, the North Korean setting - everything about it was LOVE! And now it has ended its run with a record-breaking ratings!!


Seriously, I am really really happy for HB (and also SYJ). I've always had a soft spot for him since MNIKSS and am so glad CLOY is yet another turning point in his career and popularity as an actor and Hallyu-star. This can only bring in more and more good production to his plate, cuz whether we like it or not, popularity and international influence plus being the "IT ACTOR" really does count a lot.


Wishing HB all the best for his new movie Bargaining and hopefully another drama in the future (it's still more satisfying to watch him for 16 episodes vs a 2 hour film LOL).

Edited by TotoroSY
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11 hours ago, willenette said:


Hi hibiscus, I don't think you owe anybody here an apology, dear. So, you're free to express your own opinion here. Please keep them coming............. :blush:

@willenette thnx chingu - i didn't think so but i was a bit offended :) we're all fans of HB here and I thought we're here to enjoy each other's company for we only have one quest --- to support him!:blush:

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On 2/20/2020 at 2:46 PM, willenette said:


Hi KimSooHanMoo, thanks for sharing this article. About the upcoming movie, "Bargaining", I hope we could get to hear MORE updates on this project. About the holding hands, I also posted here what his Agency's side & I also posted what my take on this. :lol:

As much as I agree that they look good together but I’m kinda happy at the same time that they’re not haha haha. I really don’t know Hyun bin much tho I’ve just recently been following his shows and his such a great actor. He portrayed his roles incredibly, I like him bcoz his very mature and decent man and most of all I admire his work ethic. but on other hand I hope,  I can’t really say cuz I don’t personally know him well none of us does, but in life its not all about work and making money. True happiness is not how much money you have in the bank it’s is the simplicity and contentment. I used to work like a dog and earned hundreds of thousand dollars per year. then one day I decided to turn my back on it and become a full time mum. For the first time of my life I found my true happiness as I woke up next my my gorgeous little baby’s smile :) 

I hope one day I wanna read that Hyun Bin found his true mate for life aaawww! 




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On 1/26/2020 at 11:04 PM, willenette said:


Hi Lily_Lovlyplease try to watch it not because I'm biased when it becomes to him but I find the drama good. I feel that you will enjoy this, too, since the writing is really good. What I appreciated right away was how well the characters are written. As the series progresses, you get to see these characters fleshed out as they interact with each other. It's just that I can't watch it continuously because of lack of time but for sure I will have to buy the DVD copy of this series once it's available in the market after Korea's airing............ Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin were cast as leads for the action crime thriller film "The Negotiation" but mostly filmed separately. Here, I can clearly see their good chemistry on screen. During the drama press conference, Hyun Bin admitted that he wished he could [have shared] scenes with her.  This is Hyun Bin's second time playing a North Korean character but I don't see it as he's "typecast" in this kind of role.  Some of the military scenes made me question how much of this is based on real-life situations. Very little is known about the daily life of North Korean citizens. Most of the information I know is because of news bits of the dictatorial regime. HB appeal always hit me full force every time I watch him on the screen.  I enjoy the light-hearted moments of the series and the comedic moments. After watching, you can discuss all your ~feels~ in this thread!  You may stream "Crash Landing On You" on Netflix. :lol:

Thank you for replying back. I was busy but did finally got a chance to watch Crash Landing On You last weekend. It's an easy and lighthearted drama. I like it too. The writer did an awesome job with the directions for every characters. Hyun Bin as always have so much charisma and give a solid performance. Watch this with my dad and he enjoyed it. Hehe miss Hyun Bin on the screen already. I can't wait to see him on the big screen again. Had rewatch his movie The Fatal Encounter, Confidential Assignment, and A millionaire First Love again because those are my favorite movies of his. I'm super excited about Bargaining the movie. I have always wanted to see him play a serious role just like The Fatal Encounter and it's happening. I look forward to see more updates from you and others who share here. Have a great day.

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On 2/19/2020 at 7:40 PM, KimSooHanMoo said:

There is one very good review/commentary written by Jung Si Woo, a Film Columnist about Hyun Bin as an actor in romance dramas.




 I provide here my translation of that commentary. 





A look at Hyun Bin - A man who is like a lie! 

(the phrase which I have translated as “lie” is 후라이 (hu rai) Pyo Chil Su’s pet phrase) 




This winter of 2019, with the arrival of "Crash Landing on You", actor Hyun Bin created another life-like character - Comrade Ri Jung Hyuk!


The TV series did end in a little bit of an underwhelming sort of way.  The tension accumulated until the middle of the drama was loosely dismantled, and the tangled contradictions were resolved with a sense of absurdity but with ease.  Not to mention that the man and woman in love would meet only once a year for two weeks. The open ending of them meeting each other at the bridge in Switzerland is ambiguous - though it isn’t a complete reunion, it is also not considered a "tragedy".  Maybe the writer wants us to believe that this is the best choice that can be found out of the reality of two countries that are split, but because it was a bright ending, it was also a little colourlesss.  Besides, hasn't writer Park Ji-eun used a similar type of ending of "long-distance love" for “You Who Come from the Stars"? Nevertheless, the "Crash Landing on You” still fully embodies this truth: that the success of a romance drama depends entirely on the main characters.  While SYJ’s charm is also dazzling, but the person I want to talk about here is the actor Hyun Bin.


The genre that shows off Hyun Bin's greatest strength is romance.  In this field, he has already experienced two peak moments. For most actors, it is difficult to experience a peak moment even once in a lifetime.  But for Hyun Bin, he has already experienced it twice. This was the case with "My name is Kim Sam Soon" which awakened the love cells of women, and caused them to harbor the desire to be Jeon Ji Hyun, or Kim Tae Hee. The same is the case for The Secret Garden.  Now, once again, Hyun Bin has attracted the audience to enter into the "Hyun Bin World" through the tvN’s “Crash Landing on You” which ended on February 16.


You might ask why is that so amazing? Let me tell you IT IS REALLY AMAZING.  This is because this art of seduction which can capture an unspecified number of minds at all age groups with his beautiful look and charms, is not an ability given to all. This is an area that even Song Kang-ho or Choi Min-sik, who have great achievements in their own careers in acting, have not experienced. It's not that so and so is better than so and so.  I want to say that every actor has his own unique talent/charisma in his own field. Here, I am talking about the attributes of one Star who has the ability to become the object of desires and daydreaming to the masses through his romance dramas.


However, Hyun Bin is nicknamed the "king of melodramas" not simply because he had three powerful turning points through romance dramas.  The nickname stems from his various styles in the theme of love.  When Hyun Bin made his debut appearance in the melodrama “Ireland” as the bodyguard Kang Gook, he used his infectious voice to convey the emotional lines created by writer In Jeong Ok in such a way that left behind a long aftertaste, displaying a power much unlike a newcomer.  His wife (Lee Na Young) fell in love with another man, and instead of being angry, he said, "It seems that he is smarter than me, that guy. I seem to be a bit inadequate."  Kang Gook, the fool in love who forcefully concealed his pain and continued to love persistently and unchangingly, will go on to become one of the characteristics often captured in Hyun Bin's acting in the future.




In the series “My Name is Kim Sam-soon," he revealed the face of Prince Charming, and in "The World They Live” which was a work by writer Noh Hee-kyung, he landed in the real world and so realistically and vividly portrayed Jeong Ji-oh who was "always cool but often nasty” that people have the illusion that Jeong Ji-oh (Hyun Bin) was really a living person outside of the drama. Whenever there is an opportunity to express feelings, there are always actors who use their tears as a starting point to show their emotions. Among such actors, Hyun Bin's naturally easy, unexaggerated acting with the right degree of emotions is quite new; in a movie like “I am very happy", which shows the daily mundane life, his real value in acting really comes out with even more dazzling results.  He is never exaggerated when playing as a romantic character.  Even when playing a playboy character, he didn’t portray merely a swoonsome figure. In the movie of the same name, which remade director Lee Man-hee's "Late Autumn” of 1966, he breathed life into the character by infusing details into the “playboy” man, Hun, who was a “very compassionate, deeply-thoughtful” man and who gave off feels of loneliness and cuteness at the same time. Therefore, Hyun Bin is a man who, while being Prince Charming in the fantasy world, at the same time, he is also an ordinary man who lives somewhere around us in this world. Few actors can skillfully coordinate between these two extreme charms as the foundation of romance melodramas the way Hyun Bin does.


 It is for this reason that Hyun Bin is regarded as the most suitable actor for a TV series like "Crash Landing on You", which took the "fantasy-love" of a North Korean military officer and a South Korean chaebol into South Korea's most sensitive "reality". "Crash Landing on You" is by Park Ji-Eun who has authored "You Who Come from the Stars" that tells the love story between an alien and a top actress and "Legend of the Blue Sea", a work inspired by the legend of the mermaid. There is also fantasy in “Crash Landing on You” and that is the truce line that cuts the north from the south.  The main background is set in North Korea, a place located on the other side of the Republic of Korea, that is physically near, but psychologically farther away than Argentina - an unknown land.  But this world is not like the completely fantasy world of "You Who Come from the Stars" and "Legend of the Blue Sea".  Those kinds of fantasy space allows unlimited imagination but in this fantasy world, you are playing in a space that actually exists; so the fantasy in “Crash Landing on You” is different in nature. "Crash Landing on You" needs to be both powered by fantasy and yet, rooted in reality.  This is why Hyun Bin, who has the ability to travel freely between the two worlds, is perfect for this work.



In a way, the Ri Jung Hyuk we see in "Crash Landing on You" is an embodiment of all the roles that Hyun Bin has shown so far.  When hiding his love inside a cold, indifferent facade, Ri Jung Hyuk is Samshik in "My Name is Kim Sam Soon"; when he doesn’t know how to shake off his love and finds himself desperately committed to his beloved woman like a fool, he is Kang Gook in "Ireland"; when he uses the power he has by virtue of his birthright to protect his love, he displays the 2nd generation chaebol Kim Joo Won in "The Secret Garden"; when he dreams of spending a trivial day with his love, he becomes Ji-Oh in “World Within Us”. All in all, he is a man who is romantic but not cringe-worthy, honest but not boring, calm and yet, deep. The typical frame of the drama, in which the man protects the woman, could have been too old-fashioned, but thanks to Hyun Bin, we have a man with the delicate sensibilities that Hyun Bin has given him - a man who  transcends magic and exists like a lie. 


The actor, Hyun Bin, who has carved out extraordinary records in the melodrama genre, doesn't seem to have any intention to just remain in the melodrama genre. With his on-screen moves in recent years as a readable hint, showing his choices of action, crime and historical genres, Hyun Bin has quietly expanded his scope. Although there is currently no work that has fully shown his own strength and competence in the way romance melodramas have shown of him, which is a problem he needs to solve, but his determination and his vision to not only be a handsome actor is clear.  Therefore, people are even more curious what action this man who is like a lie will show in the future.


Written by 

정시우 Jung Si-woo (Columnist, Film Journalist)


Please note that the original version in Korean shall prevail. My translation is only a translation for reference only.  


PS: I am eagerly awaiting his new movie, Bargaining. 

@willenette I just want to let you know that his agency has strongly refuted that he was holding her hands in that picture. There was an OSEN report that came out yesterday that reported this :

“Someone who is close to Hyun Bin said this to OSEN, “Hyun Bin is very distressed by these dating rumors that have cropped up time and again. It is understandable that many people, after seeing their great chemistry in the drama, want them to date in real life but the truth is, they were never lovers in the past and at present, they are also not lovers.”


My impression from what I have read in Korean is that the denial is categorical. So yes, I think that as fans of Hyun Bin, we should take at face value what has been stated to be his stand on this. They have not been dating and are presently not dating partners as well. I for one, won’t want to add to his “distress” at all. Like many, I had also thought they might be dating too and was also hoping that they are since they look so good together. But after reading the reports that have come out yesterday and the day before (I can’t remember if the hot news was over 2 days or just 1 day haha), I realized I was wrong. Also, we have his past practice of openly and coolly admitting to his relationships. So yes, there is no reason to go behind what has been stated. I will trust him and support all his choices. I want to remain a “career fan” that supports him in all his projects and not be overly concerned about his private life except when it is necessary to protect his reputation against malicious rumors :blush:


Thank you very much for this translation. This gives us a better view of what's happening in SK after CLOY.

Edited by LyraYoo
please do not quote images. thank you
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On 2/21/2020 at 12:16 AM, hibiscus23 said:

@KimSooHanMoo first of sorry for wrong posting here, didn't realize that my comment s/b posted in shipper's thread I'm willing to delete it and maybe no longer post here for HB and just be a silent lurker much as I wanted to share a lot about him such as photos, articles. It's hard to keep up with a lot of do's & dont's that it's hard to be on our toes! I only thot of responding to my chingu willenette and for one thing i didn't even know he's got his own thread until @willenette mentioned this to me not too long ago! So again apologies & TBH i didn't want to cause any ruckus here at all, I was simply expressing my fondness for HB and don't wish to harm anybody or offend anyone for HB and my other fave actress Son ye jin!


Aaww..you don’t have to feel sorry..you didn’t do anything wrong. I am sorry that I made you feel sorry :anguished:

I  do agree with you that there’s nothing wrong with the picture even if the rumors were true. I spoke up to explain that his agency has taken a stand on this. It was also reported that Hyun Bin was distressed over these speculations. So my post was done in the hope that we won’t not discuss such things any further over here. That was all. It is not my intention to make you feel sorry. I also took a longer time to apologise to you because I was locked out of Soompi for two days - it kept giving me a “no connection to server” notice. I had to email Soompi support to get back my access.

Please do continue to love Hyun Bin and share all of your wonderful gifs and pics. 
I too like SYJ and have shared about this quite a few times in the shipper thread and drama thread. However I remain only a fan of Hyun Bin- thus, if “shipping” him with her or liking the idea that they are together in real life would cause rumors and further “troubles” for him, then I would stop. But, that is just my personal stand on things. Korean entertainment industry is difficult to understand- they see things quite differently, for example, dating between adults is considered a “scandal”; dating while at work is also considered to be very unprofessional. And a dating couple working together on a project is considered to be having their own romance at the expense of public money. As a non-Korean, I can’t fathom what is so scandalous about a relationship between a single man and woman. But well, this is Korea. As celebs’ lives are “ruled” by their  netizens, this may also explain why the celebs do the things they do with many celeb couples resorting to lying about their relationships. But when I look at things as a fan, things become simpler haha. I choose to believe whatever official information that has been given because that’s how I show support and respect as a fan :blush:

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12 hours ago, TotoroSY said:


Thanks for translating this! It was a pretty long article to translate into English! The reviewer has a pretty interesting take of Hyun Bin and the title "A man who is like a lie" is such a unique one. Can you explain a little more about the word "LIE" to describe HB as I'm a little unsure. Does it mean that HB's acting is able to "lie" or deceive the audience?

The word used is “후라이” - pronounced as “hurai”, a  word that Pyo Chi Su keeps saying - huraigajimarao - meaning, “don’t tell lies”. It’s a coined word - I consulted my Korean teacher and she said this is a coined term and she does not know the origin of it. In the beginning of the drama, it was also promoted with the theme, “Like a lie, you crash landed into my world” but the word “lie” used is the normal word for “lie” in Korean. As for the meaning of “a man who is like a lie” in the commentary, I think writer is just using the drama’s coined term and theme in a metaphorical way - that this man who can show romantic acting that transcends between the two worlds (fantasy world and real world) is like an “unbelievable existence”. That’s just my own reading of it. And I kinda understand why “lie” is used. Coz the romance portrayed is also too good to be true in real life, isn’t it? :D

Doing translations take time and effort. I do feel the burden to ensure that I try not to mistranslate. And for this commentary I also had to discuss with my Korean teacher and we ended up spending some time researching on that word.

Haha.. will probably not be that active here for a while as I will be busy with quite a few dramas that are coming up. Thank you all for your appreciation :blush:

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@KimSooHanMoo That's fine :) thanks for clarifying things, no worries, i'll always be a huge fan of our HB regardless of any rumors whatsoever, we love him as an actor and we're all here with one and honest intention and that is - to support him unconditionally! :blush: I completely u/stand your stance and let's just forget about it and no worries, i'll be here if i got some stuff to share about him! Cheers! Thanks again for your reply, I appreciate it wholeheartedly and nice to meet you here!

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I must have been watching many of Binnie's video that youtube recommended me this NGs from KSS


MBC posted this recently .... I am pretty glad they did! I was like he looks so young and calculated the age! 


He was just 23 OMG ...such a baby! My current age is so much older than he is ...so innocent :wub:


He has come such a long way!! So proud of him...:)



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On 2/22/2020 at 11:04 AM, KimSooHanMoo said:

The word used is “후라이” - pronounced as “hurai”, a  word that Pyo Chi Su keeps saying - huraigajimarao - meaning, “don’t tell lies”. It’s a coined word - I consulted my Korean teacher and she said this is a coined term and she does not know the origin of it. In the beginning of the drama, it was also promoted with the theme, “Like a lie, you crash landed into my world” but the word “lie” used is the normal word for “lie” in Korean. As for the meaning of “a man who is like a lie” in the commentary, I think writer is just using the drama’s coined term and theme in a metaphorical way - that this man who can show romantic acting that transcends between the two worlds (fantasy world and real world) is like an “unbelievable existence”. That’s just my own reading of it. And I kinda understand why “lie” is used. Coz the romance portrayed is also too good to be true in real life, isn’t it? :D

Doing translations take time and effort. I do feel the burden to ensure that I try not to mistranslate. And for this commentary I also had to discuss with my Korean teacher and we ended up spending some time researching on that word.

Haha.. will probably not be that active here for a while as I will be busy with quite a few dramas that are coming up. Thank you all for your appreciation :blush:


Many thanks for the detailed explanation! “Unbelievable existence” sounds like a great explanation of the word used to describe HB. I think the writer did a good job trying to explain the impact and presence of HB as an actor. As part of the audience, I can totally understand what the writer was trying to get at. Even from MNIKSS, at the young age of 23, he was already exuding that presence on screen. He can be the worst jerk but you’ll get totally sucked into his honeyed eye as soon as he turns on the soft emotions in his expression. Quite deadly actually hahaha!


Thanks again for the translations? I’ve done it myself previously (Chinese to English) and it does take a lot of effort and time. But I improved my mandarin skill alongside the way so no regrets!



I notice a lot of reposting of old HB videos like MNIKSS BTS and NG videos, Secret Gardens videos etc. The tv stations like MBC and KBS are smart to take advantage of HB’s current “hot potato” status to promote their shows LOL!


Just came across this video of HB and my oh my, he looks exceptionally gorgeous in all the scenes! The video editor did a good job selecting the best shots!



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Hyun Bin is someone who has been on my mind throughout these 14 years. And this time, he has created the butterflies and storms in me once again. 


'My Name is Kim Sam Soon' was my very first drama from Hyun Bin, and he was the one of the actor whom will be able to capture your attention. I could still remember even after watching on TV, I even got myself VCD just to rewatch again. Followed by 'Secret Garden', I would just sticked onto my laptop to watch the drama live streaming before his army enlistment, I could still remember I was very sad of not seeing him on-screen for exactly 2 years. I may not have watch all of his works, but I knew most of his works will always leave the deepest impressions to all of us isn't it? 


The best memory I've had was I rushed to his press conference straight after I ended my work and started all my fangirling, I will always remember this for life. 


To me, Hyun Bin is someone who can create the heart flutterings and best impression to everyone.


Best One Man, Hyun Bin. :wub:

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25 minutes ago, sillygal said:

To me, Hyun Bin is someone who can create the heart flutterings and best impression to everyone.


Best One Man, Hyun Bin

I totally second you! :wub: 
He has this gentleman aura that catch you, plus he is really talented (many abilities!) 

25 minutes ago, sillygal said:

I could still remember I was very sad of not seeing him on-screen for exactly 2 years.

Ohh I still remember that 2 yrs hiatus too...  I was really really sad :tears: . And that December 6 I was a very very happy fan, with true tears in my eyes watching his comeback speech video.  

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Due to Jordan’s entry ban of South Koreans because of the COVID-19 virus, there’s a possibility that the commencement of shooting for Bargaining, originally scheduled for end March, might be delayed. However, at the moment, the production crew is still confident that this would not unduly disrupt the movie’s schedule. 


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I'm almost certain one of you chingus must've posted it here awhile back but just came across this YT vid of him and he was already cute/handsome while growing up - gifted with talent, beauty, etc...! Enjoy!


cr: Stars Kdrama


Woah i love this song from him, such a nice voice! :):heart:

cr: Christian Sanchez


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*** This also explains how the ratings for "Crash Landing On You" is high.  They are both professionals that act extremely well together! I also just want to say that both the second leads, Kim Jung Hyun and Seo Ji Hye, gave stellar performances. Loved the storyline. Such a great drama and a top class cast. And that is what we call a great chemistry! Gorgeous cinematography too! :lol:





Kim Jung Hyun Talks About Hyun Bin + Son Ye Jin’s Dating Rumors And Chemistry In “Crash Landing On You”




Kim Jung Hyun has shared his thoughts on the on-screen chemistry between his “Crash Landing on You” co-stars Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin!


The two actors, who previously starred together in the film “The Negotiation,” were swept up in dating rumors multiple times last year—and Hyun Bin’s agency recently denied rumors of their romantic involvement a third time, after a fan suggested that the two appeared to be holding hands in behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of “Crash Landing on You.”


In an interview with Korean news outlet Segye Ilbo, Kim Jung Hyun praised the professionalism of his two co-stars, explaining that their intense romantic chemistry in the drama—which has led to legions of fans hoping that life will imitate art—was the product of their acting skills.


“When they were rehearsing, there weren’t any of the rosy, romantic vibes that the media talked about in articles [about their dating rumors],” he shared. “But as soon as the cameras began rolling, they would gaze at each other lovingly, with honey dripping from their eyes. When I saw that, I thought they were really cool.”


“It made me think that I was working together with really amazing senior actors,” he continued. “They were cool to the extent that I thought, ‘This must be what a real professional looks like.'”




Kim Jung Hyun went on to enthuse, “Both Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin look really cool when they’re acting. They were very active in terms of coming up with ideas, and they spoke everything that was on their mind. Even though I was standing beside them as a junior actor, they treated me as a same-level colleague. They made it possible for me to act comfortably.”


The actor also spoke highly of his co-star Seo Ji Hye, commenting, “Seo Ji Hye helped me a lot so that I could act act comfortably.


When I first saw her, I thought that she looked very cold and untalkative, but she was so nice to me that it made it easy for me to prepare for my scenes.”


“During rehearsals, she would share her opinions with me, and she was also great at listening to my own ideas,” he recalled. “So there weren’t any difficulties in working together on scenes.”


“Crash Landing on You” aired its final episode on February 16, setting a new record for the highest viewership ratings in tvN history.




Source (1) / soompi news

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