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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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I’m so proud of SHK, always handle the chaotic situation in the upmost classy and gracious manner.

I wish SHK will be always happy, and healthy and I will be waiting for your next project. Please rest well and know that there are always fans who continue supporting you.

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They always twist her words, actions in a different light it seems. They seem to relish in her sorrow, hardship and downfall . I just wish that she will have a safe haven where she can unwind, relax, de stress and put herself back together and when she is ready to face the world. Face it with her head held high, with a smile and her beauty radiating . Most of all I want her to have peace and happiness in life always. :heart:



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Nice to see longtime fans of SHK visiting SHK thread again showing their love and support ! I am happy that someone was able to set the record straight on SHKs Chaumet interview that was "maliciously" presented by K media with twisted facts that puts SHK image in bad light. For those kind of K media , they dont care who's reputation will be affected as long as they earn from it , for them sensationalism even with twisted facts would garnered much attention than presenting it with the boring truth .The influence of media is indeed such a SCARY thing , it would be unfortunate to those victimized by them as they have the power to write or speak anything and they just dont care even if they can ruin anyone.  SHK fans really appreciated much the effort of "Ms J" for speaking up and set the record straight , this indeed did a lot of justice for SHK who has been the target of rude comments, senseless/ baseless rumors and image distortion.  Now that this news is out to straighten out the correct information, what did these unprofessional K media have to say????? Are they going to apologize for their actions ????? Are they happy that they generated fame and fortune over twisted facts and have enjoyed reading the rude and malicious  comments on SHK based on their bias report????  Are they not ashamed of themselves ????  Though Koreaboo and Allkpop is much more of a fan site , at least they have posted something that clear things up for this controversy , this can help spreading the correct info and the exact thoughts of SHK on that interview:  Love this line in this article of Allkpop which is true indeed :


Miss J claimed it was unfortunate that the Korean media made her sound like a privileged princess when Song Hye Kyo was actually humble and down to Earth.


"I don’t know why the reports didn’t talk about how Song Hye Kyo is a ‘natural person who likes to dress in minimalistic styles. I’m very upset."

— Miss J









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I guess most persons are still stuck in structure.  The idea that you should't stand out in a crowd. That you can't be a nail that protrudes because you're bound to be hammered down.


Sad. It's they who are missing out on witnessing the beauty of how she is making herself whole again. A beautiful masterpiece of broken pottery put back together by her own hands. It takes a lot of courage to leave someone who you thought you would be with forever. She could have crumbled, but she didn't. She makes no apologies for how she chooses to repair what he broke. She wanted a hero but, finding him lacking, is becoming her own hero. Because no matter how epically people may think she has failed, it's still better than not trying at all. 


So she stepped on a lego for him. She always has, for those she has loved. Admirably, she's one of those rare persons who has the ability to move through life's crucibles and rise to the surface to show for those of us who are willing to see that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, that it shouldn't matter whom you love, whom you kiss, or even how many, or where or or why because all of us, without exception, are wired for love, that karma is the most patient gangster ever, that there are better things to do than being mean and sending hate someone else's way, that not everyone deserves a seat at the table of one's life, and that he can go disappoint the next woman because he is now irrelevant. Ha ha


My wish for her now is to continue believing in magic, in what's-meant-to-be-will-find-its-way-to-you, in happy endings and in the thought that the world is not as cruel as it seems. I hope no one ever steals her smile, that she continues chasing sunsets, dancing in the moonlight, and coloring outside the lines. And,  I pray her next love will be her last and ever after.

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6 minutes ago, pegasus1003 said:

I guess most persons are still stuck in structure.  The idea that you should't stand out in a crowd. That you can't be a nail that protrudes because you're bound to be hammered down.


Sad. It's they who are missing out on witnessing the beauty of how she is making herself whole again. A beautiful masterpiece of broken pottery put back together by her own hands. It takes a lot of courage to leave someone who you thought you would be with forever. She could have crumbled, but she didn't. She makes no apologies for how she chooses to repair what he broke. She wanted a hero but, finding him lacking, is becoming her own hero. Because no matter how epically people may think she has failed, it's still better than not trying at all. 


So she stepped on a lego for him. She always has, for those she has loved. Admirably, she's one of those rare persons who has the ability to move through life's crucibles and rise to the surface to show for those of us who are willing to see that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, that it shouldn't matter whom you love, whom you kiss, or even how many, or where or or why because all of us, without exception, are wired for love, that karma is the most patient gangster ever, that there are better things to do than being mean and sending hate someone else's way, that not everyone deserves a seat at the table of one's life, and that he can go disappoint the next woman because he is now irrelevant. Ha ha


My wish for her now is to continue believing in magic, in what's-meant-to-be-will-find-its-way-to-you, in happy endings and in the thought that the world is not as cruel as it seems. I hope no one ever steals her smile, that she continues chasing sunsets, dancing in the moonlight, and coloring outside the lines. And,  I pray her next love will be her last and ever after.

Very well said

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well i just read this article and found myself very angry, why those people treat her so bad....






Song Hye Kyo’s Words Were Twisted By Korean Media So The Original Interviewer Set The Record Straight


Song Hye Kyo had recently sat down for an interview while she was in Monaco for a promotional event. There, she opened up about her future plans, thoughts on fate, and her desire to wear a tiara on her birthday.


However, various Korean news reports twisted her words to make it seem as if she thought it was her fate to get divorced and that she wanted to be treated like a princess . As netizens began to believe the news reports and criticize Song Hye Kyo.

Article: [Exclusive] Song Hye Gyo shares feelings after finalization of divorce... "I need time alone to myself this year"... "I feel like a princess.

Source: SpoTV News via Nate (netizenbuzz translation)

1. [+666, -206] Doesn't sound like something that should be said from the party at fault???

2. [+592, -156] I support Song Joong Ki!! I hope he finds happiness with a better woman

3. [+548, -139] I wonder who her next man will be

4. [+60, -27] Can she even sleep a night without a man?

5. [+49, -9] She means she's taking a break this year and getting back to dating next year

6. [+48, -21] What's with the rumors about how she has a rich old man in China? She should clarify that too. And take some time to herself not just this year but for a long time, especially after all those scandals with all those men.

7. [+45, -20] Take all the time you need in Hong Kong~ you can even move there if you want to

8. [+40, -6] She has such beauty and wealth, what is she like in real life that all those male actors leave her in the end?

9. [+39, -3] She wants to wear a crown on her birthday...?

10. [+33, -4] She wants to wear a crown on her birhtday? Because it makes her feel like a princess? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's not a little kid.. isn't she almost 40?

11. [+33, -7] She's 40 next year but wanting to feel like a princess... what a dream... please start acting your age and stop being so immature...

12. [+32, -18] I bet there's an unspoken ban on Song Hye Gyo among male celebrities... although I'm sure another one will fall into her trap thinking "It'll be different with me"


The translator named Miss J, who helped Song Hye Kyo with the original interview, stepped up to set the record straight.


"Many misunderstandings arose because the media took out much of the interview’s context and only reported on selected parts of her answers. This was the first time experiencing this, so I was first shocked and angry and now I’m even scared."

— Miss J

First, the Korean media reported Song Hye Kyo’s answer about wearing a tiara as if she suddenly brought it up herself to express her desire to be treated like a princess. However, the original interviewer was the first to bring up the subject of tiaras as she was referring to Chaumet’s new line of tiaras.


The original question was: If you were allowed to wear one of the tiaras, when would that be? That was why Song Hye Kyo claimed she wished to wear one on her birthday. Her full response was: If I were allowed, I would love to be able to wear a tiara on my birthday, on November 22. When I put on a tiara, I feel like a princess.


The interview question was a common question in the fashion world that fit the TPO (Time, Place, Occasion). Song Hye Kyo simply responded with a fitting answer.


"The media reported her answer with a difference nuiance. Song Hye Kyo thought of a princess when asked about a tiara, and she expressed that anyone would feel like a princess if they were given the opportunity to wear a tiara for even a little while."

— Miss J

Secondly, Miss J clarified that Song Hye Kyo wasn’t referring to her recent divorce when talking about “fate”. The original question asked about how she chooses her next projects. How do you decide what projects to work on?


The interviewer’s question was about what she considers when choosing her next project. Song Hye Kyo replied, "I believe the projects come to you like fate, not by how much effort you put in."

— Miss J

Lastly, Miss J revealed that the Korean press failed to report on Song Hye Kyo’s answer about her preferred fashion style. When the interviewer asked What type of jewelry do you prefer?, Song Hye Kyo replied, Of course, I wear luxurious jewelry when I’m working but I prefer to dress in minimalistic styles on a daily basis. I think that’s just my style.


Miss J claimed it was unfortunate that the Korean media made her sound like a privileged princess when Song Hye Kyo was actually humble and down to Earth.


"I don’t know why the reports didn’t talk about how Song Hye Kyo is a ‘natural person who likes to dress in minimalistic styles. I’m very upset."

— Miss J

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I never posted anything here ever since I have soompi acc, but I always come and read the support of Kyo long time fans here. We need to stand for her in every situation, I'm glad we did it

I always love that statement she ever made, she trust us guys, so lets keep support her and trust her no matter what




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" Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions aren't your problems. You stay kind, committed to love and free in your authenticity. No matter what they do or say, don't you doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. Just keep Shining like you always do." - Heartfelt quotes.bblogspotlogspot.com

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Food for thought:

_" No more tears, because I didn't lose you. You lost me."

- "  I'm someone you'll regret losing. I can promise you that."

- ". Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The Best is yet to come SHK."



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51 minutes ago, Angie Naces said:

Food for thought:

_" No more tears, because I didn't lose you. You lost me."

- "  I'm someone you'll regret losing. I can promise you that."

- ". Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The Best is yet to come SHK."



True chingu

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The rogue Korean Celebrity Blogger (her Ex's senior in University) is all over the Chinese News yesterday.  I like the way the Chinese News are presented.  They just show a Screenshot of him & his report.  After that the News proceed to elaborate in details: how - over the 22 years of her career, Kyo has succeeded, purely based on her own determination & hard work. Nothing else.  They mentioned that she is a good daughter, a kind and patient person.  (I want to "tear up" now) 


I would like to share 1 salient point which was mentioned in the news.  It says whatever properties her Ex acquire, prior to & after the  marriage, were all put either in his Own Name, or in His Brother's Name. (No wonder his brother defend him so vigorously).  None in Kyo's name or Jointly in their names.  (That is how much he had Loved or Trusted her).


Her Ex never had a wildly successful Drama before. His 1st Lead Role was in "The Innocent Man" - which was "fairly" successful.  But DOTS (only his 2nd Lead Role) was phenomenal & gave him his 1st taste of Worldwide Success.  No wonder he had to marry her.    When they were about to divorce, I believe he "panicked".  He realised he was about to lose his Mascot, His Lucky Charm.  That is why he has to "strike first" i.e.announce that he filed for Divorce to the World & played Victim.  Why?  Because he is Desperate for his Success - his Career.  We can all see now - how he rush from 1 big Project to another.  


While our Kyo is different. She rests, she rejuvenates  & re-brands herself, she plans


Ahdrianaa, I have read your post about this Rogue Blogger in Kyo's Twitter.  You have worked very hard. We are all very Grateful. I'm sure Kyo do notice that too.  There are a lot of people who do not go to Twitter or Instagram. They go instead to Youtube.  Whenever I read some very Vicious Comments on Kyo in Youtube,  I would repeat the 2 factual sentences : It was Kyo who suggested a Mediation Divorce.  Her Ex refused, only to announce to the World that he has filed for Divorce when she was out of the country.   (I feel that this is the Least I can do for her)



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47 minutes ago, hush puppy said:

The rogue Korean Celebrity Blogger (her Ex's senior in University) is all over the Chinese News yesterday.  I like the way the Chinese News are presented.  They just show a Screenshot of him & his report.  After that the News proceed to elaborate in details: how - over the 22 years of her career, Kyo has succeeded, purely based on her own determination & hard work. Nothing else.  They mentioned that she is a good daughter, a kind and patient person.  (I want to "tear up" now) 


I would like to share 1 salient point which was mentioned in the news.  It says whatever properties her Ex acquire, prior to & after the  marriage, were all put either in his Own Name, or in His Brother's Name. (No wonder his brother defend him so vigorously).  None in Kyo's name or Jointly in their names.  (That is how much he had Loved or Trusted her).


Her Ex never had a wildly successful Drama before. His 1st Lead Role was in "The Innocent Man" - which was "fairly" successful.  But DOTS (only his 2nd Lead Role) was phenomenal & gave him his 1st taste of Worldwide Success.  No wonder he had to marry her.    When they were about to divorce, I believe he "panicked".  He realised he was about to lose his Mascot, His Lucky Charm.  That is why he has to "strike first" i.e.announce that he filed for Divorce to the World & played Victim.  Why?  Because he is Desperate for his Success - his Career.  We can all see now - how he rush from 1 big Project to another.  


While our Kyo is different. She rests, she rejuvenates  & re-brands herself, she plans


Ahdrianaa, I have read your post about this Rogue Blogger in Kyo's Twitter.  You have worked very hard. We are all very Grateful. I'm sure Kyo do notice that too.  There are a lot of people who do not go to Twitter or Instagram. They go instead to Youtube.  Whenever I read some very Vicious Comments on Kyo in Youtube,  I would repeat the 2 factual sentences : It was Kyo who suggested a Mediation Divorce.  Her Ex refused, only to announce to the World that he has filed for Divorce when she was out of the country.   (I feel that this is the Least I can do for her)



Your quote is really insightful..thnks for that..and u know I have always had that feeling about the ex brother I feel he is the guiding force behind this all and also the ex is so much influence by him not having his own opinion.we can say that it's really a male dominated society..the ex have not come from a broken family unlike kyo who have to look after herself and her mother..it becomes difficult in dealing with people who does not value the hardship one have gone through..

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2 hours ago, hush puppy said:

The rogue Korean Celebrity Blogger (her Ex's senior in University) is all over the Chinese News yesterday.  I like the way the Chinese News are presented.  They just show a Screenshot of him & his report.  After that the News proceed to elaborate in details: how - over the 22 years of her career, Kyo has succeeded, purely based on her own determination & hard work. Nothing else.  They mentioned that she is a good daughter, a kind and patient person.  (I want to "tear up" now) 


I would like to share 1 salient point which was mentioned in the news.  It says whatever properties her Ex acquire, prior to & after the  marriage, were all put either in his Own Name, or in His Brother's Name. (No wonder his brother defend him so vigorously).  None in Kyo's name or Jointly in their names.  (That is how much he had Loved or Trusted her).


Her Ex never had a wildly successful Drama before. His 1st Lead Role was in "The Innocent Man" - which was "fairly" successful.  But DOTS (only his 2nd Lead Role) was phenomenal & gave him his 1st taste of Worldwide Success.  No wonder he had to marry her.    When they were about to divorce, I believe he "panicked".  He realised he was about to lose his Mascot, His Lucky Charm.  That is why he has to "strike first" i.e.announce that he filed for Divorce to the World & played Victim.  Why?  Because he is Desperate for his Success - his Career.  We can all see now - how he rush from 1 big Project to another.  


While our Kyo is different. She rests, she rejuvenates  & re-brands herself, she plans


Ahdrianaa, I have read your post about this Rogue Blogger in Kyo's Twitter.  You have worked very hard. We are all very Grateful. I'm sure Kyo do notice that too.  There are a lot of people who do not go to Twitter or Instagram. They go instead to Youtube.  Whenever I read some very Vicious Comments on Kyo in Youtube,  I would repeat the 2 factual sentences : It was Kyo who suggested a Mediation Divorce.  Her Ex refused, only to announce to the World that he has filed for Divorce when she was out of the country.   (I feel that this is the Least I can do for her)



Very much agree. i remember read somewhere the fortune teller said that SHK is his star if his star gone his career would not be the same again 

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Maybe those journalist were paid by someone or just someone that didn't have any decent thing to do or they just have pure hate for song hye kyo,so disgusting..


The main thing I know about korean drama because of her work,if in the future she really want to leave korea n never look back at her own country,then at that time maybe I will not watch korean drama again (this is impossible though,to know her as a loyal patriot of her own country)


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Warning!!!!Sorry this will be a looong rant...I really want to get it out on my system..Some people can be too much..Kindness people please..:bawling:








To all the Korean journalist who twisted the article,


How can you sleep soundly at night knowing you are releasing/writing crap articles which are baseless and meant to destroy someone's reputation/hardwork??? And dont you know there's something called "responsible journalism"?How can you attain that position?How did you manage to be a journalist?Where did you left your conscience?Did you have one to begin with? She worked hard to where she is since childhood. Not only for herself but for her mother as well...She carefully had chosen projects after projects and worked hard for it. Where she is now did not happen overnight.. She doesnt deserve to be destroyed by a single article which are written by an irresponsible journalist who doesnt even know the basic about research!!! Are you proud at the food you serve your family knowing how dirty you had gotten to get it?? Look at the suicide rate in your country. One of the reason for it are the toxic judgemental society you have. You mourn at every soul you've lost but think why it led to that... Kindness is cheap. Dont be too selfish and just share it. 




To the ones who believes she has a sponsor and think she's at fault,



In the past she was accused as well but she sued them and she won. I want to hope that she is just resting and mending her wounds but once she regain her strength, I hope she sues them again.Be careful and kind on what you write.Not to be boastful but she never runs out of offer for a project since her debut days, she is beautiful, talented, she has tons of hit dramas and she is famous all over Asia. Do you think she needs one?


She might be at fault or her ex but it takes two to tango... You can hate her but dont go spreading malicious rumors or generate more hate. She is trying to be strong here. She knows its gonna be difficult but she went on with the divorce instead in living with people's expectations.



To her ex,


I dont have the right to judge you as I'm a nobody and an outsider..I just cant help to be disappointed and ask where are those promises??The maturity you have shown? When "She" was played in the background while unni was entering your FM, I thought, he could be the one. When you hurriedly run to give her a tissue when she cried and promises her fans that it would only be a flowery path, the words in every interview and the vow, the way you look at her and how proud you were. Were those empty words like what you said about your wife in your drama presscon?? I wish not.Sad that personality difference were such a factor. Love can be scary. It can be sour the next thing you know. I'm not gonna curse at you but I cant still bring myself to wish you luck. You have a lot of fans so sorry if I'll just skip on you because I can't help but to feel sad and disappointed whenever I look at you.



To unni,

Rest if you must..Surround yourself with good people and all of this shall pass too. Will always support you. And so they say.   For every setback there is a major comeback!!



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