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[Drama 2022] Twenty-Five Twenty-One ​⌛ 스물다섯 스물하나


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16 minutes ago, Skysky said:


 And the song 25 21 that they used by jaurim is also about the age


There is no direct mention of age in the song. Just 25 and 21. That could be interperted to alot of things. 


16 minutes ago, Skysky said:


 Just the story of heedoo trying to meet yoorim


Now, do you understand? LOL. 

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18 minutes ago, kboramint said:


Now, do you understand? LOL. 


What I mean about the begining of eps 1? The story about yoorim is start of heedoo dairy, and minchae thought its about her mom ex boyfriend but it's not. And obviously her mom diary is mostly still about yijin, yijin is her mom first love, even minchae herself is rooting for yijin and heedoo and never mention about yoorim. 


About 25 21 I already mention it since they always referencing about the age, in teaser, synopsis, preview etc. We can agree or disagree about this, I dont think its about anything else rather than age, well its obviously only for marketing thing


Well anyway I am happy at least the theory about yijin and yoorim D word is debunked, so yoorim being in overseas is true now only the last plot twist that yijin is actually minchae father lol

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How can I survive the night? LOL. After trying to convince myself I’m okay with whomever they’ll end up with, watching them all broke their heart in this episode really hurt me hahaha. Hopefully, it won’t be an open ending. If their love story ended, I hope they ended it with a proper closure. That way we also can move on.

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44 minutes ago, Skysky said:



Well anyway I am happy at least the theory about yijin and yoorim D word is debunked,


Yoorim being dead wasn't really debunked. We don't know what happened to her after 2001. All we know is that Hee-Do competed against her in Madrid in 2001.


We also don't know why Hee-Do blocked out the beach trip. 


Like I said before, If Hee-Do got married in 2009 then did she give birth to Min-Chae three years before she got married? 


Today's episode just created new theories and brought life to the theory that Min-Chae was adopted.  


Two more episodes and we find out.       

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Episode 14 - made this drama my first favorite this year. Why is writer-nim so, so good? :heart3:

KYR & NHD friendship - is what I'm missing in my life right now..


The airport kiss - :thumbsup: only but natural..


The husband - who could it be?


So, so ready for the finale! :1646639759_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1):


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i felt so sorry for YR.. the immersed burden she had to carry on her shoulders (thus, the diving part last time).. as if life isn't tough enough for her family, the accident just had to happen.. and she had to "sell" her nationality for the compensation money.. but i'm glad she learned to rely on HD and JW more, and not bottled everything in herself..




2000 YR left Korea for Russia

2001 Madrid tournament, HD won YR (Julia Ko)


2009 San Francisco tournament, HD won.. ; she got married


and he is still being acknowledged as Baek Yi Jin not Kim Yi Jin.. so the previous speculation of him being adopted or real family name Kim is not likely to happen anymore..?



unless MC can find the missing diaries, what happened between 2000 timeline until 2009, she might have to ask adult HD or grandma to narrate to her personally already..





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1 hour ago, kboramint said:

Yoorim being dead wasn't really debunked. We don't know what happened to her after 2001. All we know is that Hee-Do competed against her in Madrid in 2001.


We also don't know why Hee-Do blocked out the beach trip. 


Like I said before, If Hee-Do got married in 2009 then did she give birth to Min-Chae three years before she got married? 


Today's episode just created new theories and brought life to the theory that Min-Chae was adopted.  


Two more episodes and we find out.       


Then if you think like that, yijin being alive also not certain since he is alive only until 2009 not in present day lol


Could it be heedo was hiding her pregnancy? Since she was an athletes and she probably still want to compete. Honestly I cant think of yoorim being d, then michae is her daughter, that would be super makjang, I'm just trying to be positive. Yoorim also already had very tragic story, I don't think the writer would going too far with that. Yijin is adopted now minchae is also adopted? Nah I dont think so.


Also yoorim had many screentime already eps 15 is basically about her, I think her story would ended there since we dont have many time left, only 2 eps left, one is for heedoo and yijin sweet moments (from preview) and how they ended (separation/married) and they also need to explain what happened in present day, minchae story about her ballet and diary, grandma being sick is also still there,  I think eps 16 is mostly about the present day



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2 minutes ago, Skysky said:


Then if you think like that, yijin being alive also not certain since he is alive only until 2009 not present day lol


Could be heedo was hiding her pregnancy? Since she was an athletes and she still want to compete. Honestly I cant think of yoorim being d, then michae is her daughter, that would be super makjang, also yoorim also already had very tragic story, I don't think the writer would going too far with that. Yijin is adopted now minchae is also adopted? Nah I dont think so


Also yoorim had much screentime already, I think her story would ended there since we dont have many time left, 2 eps left for heedoo and yijin sweet moment and present day isnt enough tbh. .




Well, I wouldn't say YiJin being alive is uncertain since Hee-Do's mom did say she met YiJin a month ago in 2021. What we don't know is what happened between 2001-2009. 


Based off the preview, I think we'll see sweet moments of Hee-Do and Yi-Jin leading towards the events that will happen in Madrid 2001.









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32 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

perhaps if we want to stretch the plot far and wide for MC, then who knows.. maybe SW is the answer..

just saying..


Yes that could be, there are so many possibilities lol. I'm nervous now since we dont have many time left! 


Honestly I'm still trying to be positive that yijin is actually minchae dad and he is actually married to heedoo lol. Well back then everyone also didnt know that heedoo's mom was actually famous reporter, no? the drama keep telling us about how bad the relationship between reporter and athletes and they need to keep the distance between them, so yijin and heedoo keep their relationship in secret. It is necessary for both of them.

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5 minutes ago, Skysky said:

there are so many possibilities lol

haha sounds like lotto probability and permutations..


if keeping the potential dad or mom within the group of 5..


MC’s intelligence (grandma commented she is smart) is either from YJ or SW..


so that will lead to whether she is actually SW’s daughter adopted by HD (due to mishap or something that also made HD forgot the beach outing..)


YJ’s daughter.. but who is his wife? or HD is only the godmom?


HD’s real daughter with another guy she fell in love with and married in 2009..


Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff


i’m actually hoping its the last one though..



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28 minutes ago, Skysky said:



Well back then everyone also didnt know that heedoo's mom was actually famous reporter, no? the drama keep telling us about how bad the relationship between reporter and athletes and they need to keep the distance between them, so yijin and heedoo keep their relationship in secret. It is necessary for both of them.


In 2009, BYJ congratuated Hee-Do on her marriage. She's a public figure, the media would try figuring out who the groom/husband is.    



13 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:



MC’s intelligence (grandma commented she is smart) is either from YJ or SW..





From the 2009 video she watched, MC will figure out that she was born three years before her mom got married. You would think she'll ask questions about that.   


Unless BYJ is late on congratuating Hee-Do's marriage that happened 3 years ago? LOL.  

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4 hours ago, kboramint said:


In 2009, BYJ congratuated Hee-Do on her marriage. She's a public figure, the media would try figuring out who the groom/husband is. 


It could be just a formality that he congratulate her since he is reporter and being profesional. But the whole conversation is weird when they said they will supporting each other, especially heedoo to yijin tho, no? Like why you said that to a reporter lol. Especially if heedoo already married to another person, heedoo said that on national tv? Nah. Idk if heedoo being pregnant first (baekdo was still in secret relationship) then only revelead later after they getting married? 


Well whataver it is, I still believe it (baekdo end game) because of some hints from the album, and the heedoo room is full of yijin, minchae bag and the 2521 name too, well minchae is also being weird that she is rooting for her mom ex? Unless that ex is her own father lol


I think the writer want to troll us, I dont think it would be that obvious if yijin wasnt the father for this guessing game and they actually want make a twist in the end. We will see it next week though

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I was majorly SHOOKETH by the very last part of eps. 14, and this whole father thing has been nothing but a mood-killer, so i've completely decided to skip any 'future' present scenes, and focus solely on Hee Do and Yi Jin's 'past' present moments.





THAT KISS on eps 13..wooohhooohhh...dangggg, it was everything.

Come what may now, it wont take away the joy i've had since eps. 1 to date for one bit, let alone make me forget all their happier moments together.


It's all gon' be over within a week anyway, so why bother going thru all those agonizing confusion about who is who. I personally refuse to ruin my BaekDo precious memories with such matters.




Also, when i heard this particular line 'I wanted to call you but i couldn't', my eyes just started to bawl like for real...kid you not, guys. Goodness, been ages while since i cried over a simple single line. I could almost feel how much she missed her man even though i had absolutely no idea why she said that.




AARRGHHHH.... one more week to go.

I dont know if i should be relieved or sad.

Feels like it was only yesterday i saw HeeDo made an attempt to return partially ripped Full House to YiJin, now everything's almost coming to an end.




#TwentyFiveTwentyOne , think it'll take me quite some time before picking up another rom-com genre again this year, perhaps on the next one just to be safe, cuz Kim Tae Ri and Nam Joo Hyuk owned it.



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as my previous posts showed, i was really ok with them not ending up together. but I'm still a mess after that congratulatory message. I think the show did not really have to do that. I suppose the interview went faster in real time. the pauses probably did not happen so the tension is only for us drama watchers to see and not the in-universe news audience.


I'm consoling myself by imagining what would make them not ending up together a bit less bitter.

Like lee sung kyung cameoing as covered faced da eun and marrying yijin. Impossible but that somehow lessens the pain.


This is out there and I dont know korean, but this works in english and I would applaud the writers if they pull this:  "yijin just proposed to her live on the news when he congratulated her for her wedding, and apologized bec it was a bit late."


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Now that i'm a bit calmer, my rational cell keep me in tact again. I smile at all the new theories floating around. I do find some details odds. Like the fact min chae is supposed to be born in 2007 if she's 15 (korean age) in 2021, but Hee Do got married in 2009.


Hee Do and Yi Jin's eyes at that 2009 interview clearly showed 2 people who hadn't met each other for a long time. The eyes that's filled with emotions and unspoken words. This is why i still don't think baekdo is thr end game. This drama takes la la land/the one that got away route. But contrasting to la la land, the blow is harder on me when watching 2521 because i get to witness the progress from the very beginning how they support and love each other then grow into the person they are today by being at each other's side at their lowest/most turbulent point of their life.

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The way Hee Do's daughter got anxious anticipating what happened between her mom and Yi Jin LoL! 

    I really hope that congratulations thing is just a red herring .. and why do they keep making Yoo Rim so miserable? I think in every K-Drama, a character either get scammed or is bogged down by massive debt or both.

    Find it funny how Yoo Rim didn't switch to US as Koreans love USA. Heck why not France LoL? The Russia one was surprising & more so with their political turmoil.

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Here are my guesses after watching ep 14 and the teaser for ep 15. Either:



1. Hee Do and Yi Jin got er, super close in ep 15, resulting in Minchae, and they hid that (I know of female runners who run throughout their entire pregnancies--I think at some point you would take a break for fencing, hello, large belly, long sword there), but I think she could still hide it for a while. But to avoid speculation in public, maybe they get married privately (you don't need a wedding in Korea, just sign a paper with witnesses and file it with the government), and his "congratulations" is a reference to themselves.




2. They really did split over that news story, or he felt he could not be a burden and danger to her life, and excused himself (even though he is still in love with her). In any case, I really don't think they have seen each other for a while. That moment when they "meet" on screen in the news report really has the sense of two people who really, really miss each other and have some painful history together. And maybe she is marrying some random stranger but still is forever in love with him. If so, then I hope rando guy is divorced from her by now and the way is clear for some kind of reconciliation. Because after 14 episodes of soul mates...it would be really sucky to conclude, welp, that was it, it's all downhill from now. Besides, even Minchae is on Yi Jin's side!


Also, I'm guessing that the last two episodes will deal with the present, and some kind of closure. 


As for ep 14, it was super sad to see how the public treated Yurim. No one even bothered to ask why she might go to Russia. I was so glad to see Ji Woong make it on time (yay driving skillz!). Poor Yoorim, she really has had a hard life. I hope she lets Ji Woong stick by her. She needs to have have something good in her life that she can just accept. Also, the show has done a nice job with female friendships. I feel like we see a ton of bromance in Kdramas, so it's nice to see girl besties here. Makes me think of my college besties who have had a massive impact on my life ever after, even if we don't live close. (They were also fencers. :) )


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