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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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Just had conversation with my mom & told her briefly about all the characters.


My mom said - once the man or woman cheated, that's it. But, remember, it all came with a reason. Yes, all cheaters are b@st4rD (my mom agreed too) but we can't deny they all have their own reason(s). And after I described all the couples, my mom told me about "what if" things to avoid the cheating. She said.....


"What if I dress well for my husband, put on make up, smell nice for my husband, have sex once a while, will he cheats on me?" - for Writer Lee's case

"What if I try to cook, come home early, spend precious time with my husband, talk and listen to him and most of all, having his baby, will he cheats on me?" - for BHR's case

"What if I don't put my trust on him too much, have some doubts with him, don't be so judgmental and don't be too strict with everything, will he cheats on me? - for SPY's case.


If the husband still cheats, yeahhhh that the endgame for the marriage.


Yeahh, it's applicable to man as well. But for man is "what will"

"What will happen to my wife after I cheat? What will happen to my kids if I cheat? What will my parents feel if I cheat?" If all man have this senses, cheating will not be happened.


Life is so unpredictable. One time you can be a saint, but one time you can be a greedy evil. The choice is yours. 

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8 minutes ago, hsmz said:

"What if I don't put my trust on him too much, have some doubts and don't be too strict with everything, will he cheats on me? - for SPY's case.


If the husband still cheats, yeahhhh that the endgame for the marriage.


Yeahh, it's applicable to man as well. But for man is "what"

"What will happen to my wife after I cheat? What will happen to my kids if I cheat? What will my parents feel if I cheat?" If all man have this senses, cheating will not be happened.


Life is so unpredictable. One time you can be a saint, but one time you can be a greedy evil. The choice is yours. 


If SPY was less trustful, that wouldn't change 40s husband cheating. I think he just loves flirting too much. I'm assuming they still sleep together, unlike 50s marriage which was kind of stale, but with kids and age it tends to end up like that. 


However in the 40s case I see a man who is just predisposed to cheat, from the way he treats his stepmom, excuse me, Noona (even refusing to call her mother) and to the way he got to know his mistress. There wasn't friends stage before for him. 

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6 hours ago, agenth said:

If SPY was less trustful, that wouldn't change 40s husband cheating. I think he just loves flirting too much. I'm assuming they still sleep together, unlike 50s marriage which was kind of stale, but with kids and age it tends to end up like that. 


However in the 40s case I see a man who is just predisposed to cheat, from the way he treats his stepmom, excuse me, Noona (even refusing to call her mother) and to the way he got to know his mistress. There wasn't friends stage before for him.

Yeahh, practically I guess it will be an endgame for SPY. My sympathy is with SPY and their daughter, totally. SPY will have 2 cheaters in her life. Her late father who cheated on her mom & her husband who cheated on her, not only physically (with Ami) but emotionally too (with his NOONA, uwekkksss!)

 Food Poisoning Reaction GIF by lilcozynostril

And I guess, SPY will do exactly what her mother did, prevent the daughter to meet the father. She will quit her job, cut all her ties in S.Korea and move to Philippines with her mother.

But it's just a maybe... or she will tag team with BHR & Writer Lee to ruin the life of their cheater b@st4rD$ husbands?

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32 minutes ago, hsmz said:


"What if I try to cook, come home early, spend precious time with my husband, talk and listen to him and most of all, having his baby, will he cheats on me?" - for BHR's case


This is advice for her to become a different person. If you ask any psychologist, he will say, that this tactic will lead to a decrease in self-esteem and result in depression. You should respect your partner the way he is. If you don't like so many thing about your partner, you should break up. If you had to change so much for your partner to be happy it means that this relationship is toxic.

I'm really sad to read advises like this. They mean, that woman is the only one who is responsible for the success of the marriage. They mean, that the husbands still have the privilege to cheat no matter what. Wives had to try everything to please their husband and never be sure if this was enough. But husbands had to do nothing. Are all this husbands perfect? Why not ask them to change for their wives? Why not ask them just not to cheat?

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46 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

This is advice for her to become a different person. If you ask any psychologist, he will say, that this tactic will lead to a decrease in self-esteem and result in depression. You should respect your partner the way he is. If you don't like so many thing about your partner, you should break up. If you had to change so much for your partner to be happy it means that this relationship is toxic.



I partially agree with you here Chingu. I never supported the whole household thing BHR had to do. So yeah, I also agree with the whole cooking and other stuff, since they could just hire a maid for that. Working married couples who can afford it do that. 


But at the same time, what I think is, when you start living with someone, the lifestyle of both of them changes. For example, if I don't really clean my house for a couple of week, and my partner does so everyday, we got to reach to an agreement for it, and can't just continue living our own way. So, change is bound to happen when you live with someone, it is natural, but not to the point of completely changing yourself. 


When I say change should happen, I mean the living partners got to be considerate of each other while living together. As I said, when living with someone, we just can't continue living like we were when we lived alone. 


While in relationship, I think it is the same. When one gets into a relationship with someone, they got to accept some of their partners habits, while asking them to change one if possible, and expect the same for themselves. Like if one of them does gaming for hours while being single, they just can't do the same while being in a relationship with someone. they got to give them time, which means they need to take out some time for them from their daily schedule which would not be the case when they were single. Which means, changing yourself, some of your habits is bound to happen. 


Now this is where the 30s couple failed. Like you said, we can't expect our partner to become a completely different person. I totally agree with you here, and this is exactly what happened in their case. The 30s dude expected certain things which the wife would not do, he could try asking, but maybe knew she would a fit and didn't go for it.


While, the wife also kept making him do things he didn't want to, since he expected him to be the person she wanted. Like making him go to gym, since she wanted him to be fit. Yes, we can say she did it for him, but it was not what he wanted. So this is also kind of making him like she wanted, or telling her friends she trained him like that, or not letting him drink with his friends. She controlled him, not mainly because she wanted to control him, there is a chance that she did so since she wanted him to become a person like that. Meaning, she wanted him to change. 


What both of them lacked was, a proper communication. Both of them wanted something of each other to change, they could sit and speak about it. But it never happened. One thing has been evident in their relationship, and that is, BHR is a kind of person who wants things to be perfect the way she wants to, and so dictates things, while SH is not really the type of person who can properly take a stand for himself. So this property of theirs led to their relationship going the way it shouldn't have. Who was responsible for it, both of them. 


Now you see Chingu, I would never blame BHR for pushing SH to cheat on her. Nope. But I will certainly blame her for their marriage life going down the drains, and I would equally blame SH for it. Both are equally responsible here. With their marriage down the drains, SH went for the affair with a lady who was totally opposite of what his wife is. Is he loving this lady, I think he does. Was there a way for them to save this marriage, yes, but for this both of them had to work together. While one took things for granted, the other one didn't really try to take a stand. Both of them decided not to have a proper communication.


So once again, BHR is not responsible for being cheated on. But she is equally responsible as SH for their relationship deteriorating. And I honestly do believe that both of them no longer love each other. 

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23 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

This is advice for her to become a different person. If you ask any psychologist, he will say, that this tactic will lead to a decrease in self-esteem and result in depression. You should respect your partner the way he is. If you don't like so many thing about your partner, you should break up. If you had to change so much for your partner to be happy it means that this relationship is toxic.

I'm really sad to read advises like this. They mean, that woman is the only one who is responsible for the success of the marriage. They mean, that the husbands still have the privilege to cheat no matter what. Wives had to try everything to please their husband and never be sure if this was enough. But husbands had to do nothing. Are all this husbands perfect? Why not ask them to change for their wives? Why not ask them just not to cheat?


I don't think BHR should become subservile and become a maid like her mother in law. Like others have said, they are rich and can afford maid or cook or whatever they need. 


What I do think, for this marriage to work, would be the two of them communicating better, which takes work from both of them. BHR needs to be less dismissive and controlling, and PSH needs to be less of a whiner. What he really needs is someone who listens to him, what she really needs is someone who can challenge her. Both people need to be less self-centered, as they both don't really try with the other. BHR is so much in love with herself and her image that she doesn't really care about her own husband. PSH is someone who was blinded by her stardom and beauty that he forgot himself - who is he really? 


Since neither of them have the desired attributes, their marriage is just weak sauce. 



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53 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

When I say change should happen, I mean the living partners got to be considerate of each other while living together. As I said, when living with someone, we just can't continue living like we were when we lived alone


Of course, but not in everything and not always. Every relationship challenge our borders. And it a very sensitive question what changes you can accept. Sometimes you can change in something big, but can be stressed about something little.

Yes, communication is the key. And I'm sure, that every relationship is a hard work. But sometimes it's better to end things earlier then to overwork yourself. 

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7 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

While, the wife also kept making him do things he didn't want to, since he expected him to be the person she wanted. Like making him go to gym, since she wanted him to be fit. Yes, we can say she did it for him, but it was not what he wanted. So this is also kind of making him like she wanted, or telling her friends she trained him like that, or not letting him drink with his friends. She controlled him, not mainly because she wanted to control him, there is a chance that she did so since she wanted him to become a person like that. Meaning, she wanted him to change. 

I just so agree with this part. So BHR wanted him to change the way she wanted him to be, to be a person that she wanted him to be, just the way she wants. She doesn't want her husband to be a fat ahjushi and have a big beer belly by forcing him to go to the gym which he didn't like to go, just because to maintain her image as celebrity & didn't want people to see her big fat celebrity husband in public. No, thank you she said. Even PSH reluctant and said NO, but he willingly to. And when PSH asked her to prepare the salad that he wants, she said "are you kidding me? Am i a housewife?" Yeahhhh... BHR is just being herself, not a housewife and straight away hesitate to prepare the salad that he requested. Yes, he wants the salad after he saw SW bring some. That's normal in life, we always try to eat, to dress after we saw at someone else. I know, most of you will say, if he wants salad, go and make himself. Yeah, I believe he can prepare it as much as he wants, can buy as many as he wants, but from what I see, he wanted his wife to "take part" as well. It's normal in relationship, one relies with another, right? And how about sometimes you'll try to surprise your husband by packing his salad without him knowing. Man also loves surprises right? It make no harm actually for BHR to prepare it, instead it will make PSH feels more appreciated & happy as she knows her husband so well. Maybe this not be the main reason for him to not to cheat, but somehow it become his fond memories whenever he thinks about his wife. What a successful things happened in life? One of it should be people smiled when think of us, what we have done to them to make them happy right?

And not really ask her to change 100% because of her husband and become someone else but at least try to change a lil bit to make the marriage more happier. Agree with the gaming things, some things that we love to do during our single days, we have to LET IT GO go after we found our partner. When we're single, we can gaming 10 hrs straight yeahhhhh no problemooo, but after married, yes you can still can gaming, but lesser than that, maybe 2 hrs. Just like smoking, when you have kids, of course your partner will ask you to quit (if your partner is non smoker), of course because it bad for your family's health. When a man or woman asked their spouse to quit smoking, is their spouse asked to change and be someone else? No of course. The spouse listen & quit because they know, what's good to have a healthy relationship by listening & understanding to each other. (not applicable for those who quit smoking on their own)

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30s couple - It was *hilarious* how the 30s husband's father changed his tune *fast* once he met Song Won.


40s couple - Speaking of controlling, the most controlling guy is the 40s husband. This was from Ep. 1 or 2, but his wife was a bit mad at him, and he *forced* her to smile. He was cajoling and coaxing on the surface, "Come on, smile for me, my day isn't complete without your smile, blah blah... " No, that was forcing her to do something that she didn't want to do.


Aside from being a cheater and a maybe-incestuous creep, he's a major control freak. Like when he told his girlfriend Ami because she wants more from him, "You wouldn't want me to break up my happy family, would you?" Uhhh, maybe not cheat on your wife in the first place?


Speaking of Master Manipuator - his step-mom Dong-Mi is the same. The way she eased the wife's worries about her husband, what an evil mastermind. 40s husband must have learned to manipulate people from watching his stepmom play his father like a fiddle for 40 years.


And Dong-Mi. What a piece of work. After learning that her husband's ghost is haunting her, her first thought is to use it to move herself into her step-son's home. Guess what, lady? Ghosts can haunt you anywhere, apparently!


(Also, this show features ghosts. Like, for real.)


50s couple - The husband is just pathetic and sad. I'll bet he never made dumplings for his wife. I feel terrible for the wife, who never did anything wrong. Her wounds were freshly ripped open this week, and Ga-Bin needs to not mess with her. Glad to see the daughter giving her a good verbal slashing next week. Bring the fire, girl!




I am interested in knowing more about Mr. Producer who the 30s and 40s wives are having sexy dreams about. And yes, if he's into the 50s wife, I am here for it! It would be a great way to put smug husband-stealer Ga-Bin in her place. Si-Eun ends up with the hot-n-sexy guy that she can't get over, and she ends up with Milquetoast Professor.


What is up with his brother, though?


And that oriental medicine doctor? Is he going to fall in love with his own daughter, Ami? (Can't rule it out in this nutty show.)

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Finally, finished this week's episodes.  I was surprised how quickly the 30's husband's father (that's a mouth full!) warmed up to the mistress.  Another surprise was the convo between the 40's wife and the mother in law.  The mother in law sounded much more likeable.  Interesting.  I felt so bad for the 50's wife hearing how lovely Ga bin is and breaking down crying in her room.  I still think the 40's husband is the worst of the bunch, because he seemed the perfect husband --and still seems that way if you look at it from the wife's perspective.  I was disappointed, last season, to find out that he also is cheating on his wife.  

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7 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

He should follow his brother motto

Seo Ban is one mysterious man. I hope the writer-nim will show his painful past & end up happily with Writer Lee (I have mentioned this quite few before)

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7 hours ago, agenth said:

I don't think BHR should become subservile and become a maid like her mother in law. Like others have said, they are rich and can afford maid or cook or whatever they need. 

Didn't say she should be full time housewife, cooks and clean all by herself like a maid. As the money is not an issue, yes, they can hire 100 maids if they want. But sometimes, cooking for husband & husband cooks for wife is one of the best way to make the marriage more healthy. Of course, if we can cook like a chef, if the husband/wife wants to cheat, they will cheats, but in BHR's case, I believe PSH will appreciate her more and he will smile widely if his wife can come back home early & prepare dinner for them (before he start the cheating of course) 

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2 minutes ago, backstreetboysfan said:

I hope these ladies get their happy endings.

Yes me too, as woman's bias. Reality bites but what has happened, can't be undone right.. 

And I hope all the mistresses come to their senses as well because everybody deserves to be happy. 

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Only in drama we get to see punishment on mistresses. In real life, those happening around me, cheaters and mistresses all still living their life.


P.S, I have watched 'Sweet & Sour' on Netflix, another movie on cheating. quite interesting.

Edited by Gudetamama
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4 hours ago, hsmz said:

Seo Ban is one mysterious man. I hope the writer-nim will show his painful past & end up happily with Writer Lee (I have mentioned this quite few before)

just imagine if he had secret office romance with 40 years  :sweat_smile:  

# you go , I need  to go see my woman quickly before the show start at rooftop  lol 




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3 hours ago, Gudetamama said:

Only in drama we get to see punishment on mistresses. In real life, those happening around me, cheaters and mistresses all still living their life.

Yeah, it came to my mind just now.


In my country, there's a celebrity who cheated on her husband with her husband's own staff. The husband, also a celebrity, known as a bad temper man. Their marriage crisis often being shown on media & press. One day, they made statement that they divorced already. Later we heard the ex-wife, married the ex-husband's staff, who also a celebrity as well. Then the ex-husband appeared in one show, some kind like an interview show for celebrity & that's when he spilled the tea that his staff (ohhhh can be called his ex-staff tho) became a "good listener" to his ex-wife before they were divorce and starting from that point, they had an affair. He found out about the affair, he got mad & threw flower vast to the ex-wife and almost hurt their son. And then the wife filed the divorce because he tried to hurt her & their kid (ohhhh not his first time tho). Their divorce trial was so havoc during end of 1999. The authorized department then approved their divorce in year 2000.



(p/s : sorrehhhh, it's not the same celebrity)


Now, both cheater & her "secret boyfriend", have a bless, happy marriage and have 2 kids together since 2003. Yeahhhh, that's why I said, most cheaters have their own story to tell. It's not easy for woman in my country to file a divorce as the husband often didn't wanna agree to that. The best way is to cheat and that's when the husband have no other choice but to let her go.


 But, unlike PSH, he was the one who cheats, and instead of his wife let him go, she won't and try to hold him, despite she knew there are no love left (maybe) & of course the trust has been broken. Maybe she have plan to build up the trust later with their kid, but how about PSH? Can he accept it, forget about SW & start new leaf with BHR? 


3 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

# you go , I need  to go see my woman quickly before the show start at rooftop  lol 

Yeah, turned out that they have dark secret affair too.. hahahahah just joking...


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