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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上


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@BreezeC agree ZYC look beautiful when he cries, how can he make tears flow from the center of his eyes so stunningly like that, but then again he is blessed with gorgeous expressive eyes. 


Agreeing with you all, for me personally open endings are the worst, open ending for me equal to lazy writings then masking it with letting the audience imagination decide. Even sad ending is fine, because some people really love tragedy drama (not my cup of tead tho')


And XY attempting suicide by bringing along CY? Cmmon that is so out of character, more so after all XM's sacrifice for CY, XY would take care and fight to revive CY till the end. I believe he was not trying to commit suicide (perhaps this will be explain in the epilogue).

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The part that hit me hard was the scene xy carried sleeping cy back to xue mansion. That scene with the background music was so touching that tears blinded my eyes.                                                         Everything was so sad after that scene but the final part was the worst, open ending !  I dont mind accepting sad ending but a No-No for open ending .

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20 minutes ago, suzy0604 said:

@BreezeC agree ZYC look beautiful when he cries, how can he make tears flow from the center of his eyes so stunningly like that, but then again he is blessed with gorgeous expressive eyes. 


Agreeing with you all, for me personally open endings are the worst, open ending for me equal to lazy writings then masking it with letting the audience imagination decide. Even sad ending is fine, because some people really love tragedy drama (not my cup of tead tho')


And XY attempting suicide by bringing along CY? Cmmon that so out of character, more so after all XM's sacrife for CY, XY would take care and fight to revive CY till the end. I believe he was not trying to commit suicide (perhaps this will be explain in the epilogue).


I also would like to believe that XY would not commit suicide, but also, being realistic he would get worn down more and more after time passed, he just seems so lifeless at that point, I think the switching of wardrobe shows the "fantasy" which is Mr.GS, sweetly and patiently taking his wife on adventures even though she's comatose, but the reality is XY, in the black robe, feeling despair after CY has not woken up. The montage of him after he brings her back, he still has hope, he thinks maybe the scent of their flower will wake her, eating wontons from the shop where they sweetly fed each other might coax her to wake up, but nothing does, he thinks at that point on the cliff it would be better to die, together.


Which is not what I hope,  but I can understand could happen.

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48 minutes ago, BreezeC said:

Episode 33 Thoughts

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- Too many NX and NW’s scenes, it is too late and kind of pointless at this time (2 episodes away from the finale and I don’t really care about them at all)

- I love XC in this episode. When he found the divorce paper, I was literally shouting “Please don’t take it away!” I was hoping once CY got her sight back she will read it herself but XC surprised me by not only not hiding the paper but he actually told CY that XY and NX are divorced!!! XC, you are the best!!!

- Firework kiss – I love how they are staring at each other after the misunderstanding is gone and when they sealed their commitment to each other with the second kiss…with XY’s tear running down his face at that exact moment - That was so beautifully captured…:fullofhearts:

- Poor XC, I think he finally realized that he will never express his love for CY and it will be hidden forever while continuing to protect her, just like XM

:Cornykiss: He deserves a sweet girl…


Episode 34 Thoughts

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- Why kill off TY? Her death is pointless except for finally being with XM. They look good together but TY, I want to continue seeing you and CY giggling and hugging like two cute dolls…:bawling:

The ending of this episode is pretty off – XY just got stab and he dropped his sword and fell down??? He learned of his brother’s death, and threw up blood and fainted???


Episode 35 Thoughts

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- I gave up on rationalizing some of the plot holes lol especially everything that happened in the hidden lair of the evil dude

- Two of the best scenes so far are -

1) When XY won’t leave CY as she turned into a tiger, she wants to pound on him and he end up spinning her beautifully around (all their spins are so beautifully done – bet ZYC can save some weight lifting lol) Then CY was worried about hurting XY since tiger are vicious, she said her teeth will tear his guts out – and then that smile on XY face (God, I melt right then and there!!!) He found her to be so cute like a kitten and then she started biting him – argh, adorable – I bet this time he finally got turned on and managed to complete the ‘deed’ with no problem lol But why is it always CY initiating it… Not sure did you all notice the detail here but I noticed that XY released CY’s arms before kissing her lips – I think he is waiting to see if she will struggle or lose her conscious again and pound on him again but she didn’t and smiled back at him which means to him that she is conscious before he started kissing her again and then their palms met….for him to proceed hehehe

2) The next scene in their white robes, they felt so comfortable and natural together but also intimate… love it when he tease her for being shy after last night and tickle her ear… Then the atmosphere changed as XY asked the question will she be asleep forever after the twelfth transformation – I can see in XY’s expression that he is scare of the answer and then was extremely sad as CY confirmed it and finally forcing himself to appear to be accepting of their short time together – All this time, tears keep coming out of his eyes silently and even when they kissed I can see a tear dropping down his chin – God, that was one of the most beautiful and nature scene but also sooooooo heart wrenching…ZYC's acting here had some many layers :tears:


I need to stop here and take a break before proceeding to the confusing ending lol But seriously I may be weird but I love seeing ZYC's crying silently...it is just sooooo sad but beautifully done... (I felt the same way in Let's shake it S2 and Love of thousand year) One of my top actor who touched my heart with his tear...:wub:

Thanks for sharing. You described it so beautifully and I fully agree with you. I managed to watch the previous episodes w/o dropping a tear but the moment XY asked when they were in their white robes hit me in the heart like a dagger. His micro expressions and CY's response was so heartbreaking I can still feel the emotions when reading your views. They are both indeed wonderful actors. 


And also the detail about him releasing her hands for a bit, seeking affirmation before proceeding with the actual deed, totally slipped me but it makes it even more beautiful, as I was wondering why of all occasions, the writers choose for them to consummate when she is transforming and probably won't remember her first time the next day.... 

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1 hour ago, SC2019 said:

So, I was curious as to what was happening after Episode 35 (this is a screenshot from MangoTV itself) and wanted to confirm how many so-call Epilogues (or are those not Epilogues and something else? in Chinese it's literally Colourful Egg - hubby and son who both confirmed the translation are not drama fans so have no clue as to the meaning of the jargon... LOL) we are getting and this is what I saw.... I think without any translation, we can see 7...but I have no idea how long each one will be - someone more resourceful can find out?


The extra seven episodes must be included with interview and bts. If not I don't know how they could stretch until 7 episode with just the ending scenes:rubchin: 

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@enzek LOL yes I've seen my fair share of historical cdramas and i see the magical spin of love so often xDD it's also like a requirement in cdramas that fl has to fall and be saved by ml's strong arms holding her up - which leads to the couple staring into each other's eyes and magically falling in love with each other lollll it's honestly such a silly trope(?) but here i am, loving XY and CY's magical twirling and intense eye-contact x__x oh and thanks for sharing that informative comment!! i see you in the comments section on there heheh


for me, I'm okay with open endings as long as it's executed well and most of the questions in the story were answered, the overall storyline was really good, and the actors had lots of good scenes together. buttttt for TSP's "open ending", it just....doesn’t make sense and really didn't do justice to the characters. but i mean i still Love this drama even with this mess, and I'm sure all of us do too


@BreezeC thanks for sharing your thoughts! sighs XC.......i had really wished that he'd also have his own love interest but alas, sometimes that's real life...you love someone so deeply but it's only one-sided..but maybe this makes XC's character have a deeper impression on all of us :(( i know for me he's one of my favorite characters bc of how loving, sincere, and true he is to CY


1 hour ago, BreezeC said:

Episode 35 Thoughts

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Not sure did you all notice the detail here but I noticed that XY released CY’s arms before kissing her lips – I think he is waiting to see if she will struggle or lose her conscious again and pound on him again but she didn’t and smiled back at him which means to him that she is conscious before he started kissing her again and then their palms met….for him to proceed hehehe


but omgggg that is so sweet and thoughtful of XY, but mostly to whoever emphasized that detail for the scene....literally my heart feels soooooo happy for that detail bc it really takes CY into consideration and it's just so much more romantic ♡__♡ great, just another reason to love TSP


1 hour ago, xiaoxf said:

I think the switching of wardrobe shows the "fantasy" which is Mr.GS, sweetly and patiently taking his wife on adventures even though she's comatose, but the reality is XY, in the black robe, feeling despair after CY has not woken up. The montage of him after he brings her back, he still has hope, he thinks maybe the scent of their flower will wake her, eating wontons from the shop where they sweetly fed each other might coax her to wake up, but nothing does, he thinks at that point on the cliff it would be better to die, together.

i also agree with @suzy0604 that committing suicide seems out of character for XY, but @xiaoxf you make a really good point, esp about the switching of wardrobes...it's a contrast between a lovely dream and a sad reality.....i also hope that's not the case huhu x(((

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I feel so disapointed, I woke  an hour earlier today to watch the last eps. That open end killed my ilusion. XY fought several years, lost his brother, went thru everything to finally be with our princess and at the end they wanna leave you the impression that he is gonna commit suicide, for real??? And on top someone posted an interview from the writer or whatever telling us that the end is reality.If we would want reality we would watch a reality show!!! We are watching a drama, that has not a drop of reality on it, the FL transform into differents animals, what can be more irreal!! But reality hit at the end in the last 2 mim. Im waiting to see that will they do on the epilogue, because we as a loyals fan of the drama since day 1 don't deserve this.

Which i could write chinese I would be complaining of mangotv in every website.

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14 hours ago, pa ma said:

The ending of ep35 is super depressing....Good that there is going to be an epilogue. 

yes, they don't stop the eps. with the car hanging on a cliff, but now the couple, standing on the edge of a cliff, one is in persistent vegetative state & one is so sad.:sweatingbullets:

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9 hours ago, xiaoxf said:

Are we being emotionally manipulated by Mango to pay more for the epilogue? Very likely. I didn't realize it was them that started the "early access" VIP trend. It's pretty despicable to end the show like this, whule dangling a happy ending but with conditions,, but what can we do? Does anyone find it funny that their message is basically more money will bring about a happy ending?  JK, I'm just a bit bitter. I'm actually paying for VIP even though the subs suck, but to me it's about supporting the work of the production crew and showing that they have value, esp. productions like these,  I wish for more dramas with this kind of heart.


Even though my hearts says that CY and XY and all our beloved TSP characters deserve happiness (except the Emperor, Consort Su, NX and Marquis Beize) I can understand why this ending works. Logically, life is not a fairy tail, you'll loose the people you love, and life is not fair, sometimes the people who deserve a happy ending don't get it. The ending doesn't  subtract how much I still love this drama, in time I might even grow to accept and understand it better even if the epilogue continues to leave it open ended. There's so much that I miss from not having good subs, but from what I have been able to understand it still leaves a good impression; the acting is top tier, the sadness, turmoil, and angst is realistic, the sweetness is short, but lingers. Maybe there's a little bitterness now, but it will get better. I have you all to share in the joy and pain too!


I hope CY wakes up, I would be lying if I said I would not be disappointed if she did not wake up. We all feel like they gave us the feeling that XY was her cure, right? XM helped cure her loneliness, with his stories, and XY made her wishes come true: falling in love, and sleeping at night. If anything, I have faith in XY to be able to wake her, the curse is no match for his menacing killing aura (lol)!

Couldn't agree more! if XY could fen doff the dreams with his mere presence, then why can't he wake her up? Maybe it's a Sleeping beauty sitch, where true love's kiss (LOLLL) will wake  her up. I think that fans loving the show even without subs is a testament to how good this drama actually is.

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18 hours ago, WinCee said:

Ep 33 part 2 


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Back at XY's house, Mr Bai says that with their help, LJ should have arrived at (a place he points to on a map).  XY says that the important thing now is the Emperor.  Mr Bai says Old Man Liu said that the previous Diviner had rescue dS from a beggar, and took him in as a disciple as he was smart and loyal. Now he thinks about it, DS had done that to get into the palace so he could see Fei Xue/Lady Yun (I'm gonna call her FX here). XY says that so DS's original plan was to come to the palace and take FX away, but she died trying to protect him half a year ago, so he is now after the birth stone inside CY to resurrect her.  Mr Bai : "No wonder XM wanted to put extra patrols around CY, if not for him, CY would have come to harm long ago" XY : "We cannot waste my brother's sacrifice.  XC and I already have a plan, he will stabilise the situation in the palace, and we will look for where DS is hiding" Mr Bai asks when XY will do that, XY says ASAP, but before he leaves he has something to return to CY.


LJ approaches the carriage with LW and NX in it. He starts fighting with NX's guard, the horse and carriage runs away. LW is tied up and nearly falls out of the carriage, begging NX to help him.  She rescues him and he thanks her but she says she only did it so her prisoner doesn't get killed by someone else. LJ points his sword at NX"s guard who is on the ground.


Back at CY's palace her servant is feeding her bitter medicine. XC arrives and takes over, reporting that the Emperor is a bit better.  CY says it's TY's birthday tomorrow and asks XC to give her a jade bangle in a box for her.  XC says she can't give it away, the bangle was from the Empress when CY was young and had fallen sick, to give her blessing and protection.  CY says that she doesn't need it, TY needs it more being alone in the King's palace.  XC agress, but CY drops the box as she is still blind.  This leads to XC seeing the piece of paper XY had thrown at CY, which was the divorce request from NX that XY had made her write. XC reads the paper and NX had written the divorce paper requesting that SHE divorces him because he had been unfaithful. As XC reads it, CY says that she must be hallucinating, but she feels like every night someone is there looking after her, but when she reaches out she can't find anyone. XC asks if CY wishes that person was XY?

CY: " I thought we agreed not to talk about him any more"

XC : "If we don't talk about him, would you not think about him then?"

CY : "I hope it's him, and I hope it's not him.  He his a new wife, how can we still be entangled? Give me a bit of time, I'll be better" 

XC : "What if XY and NX are no longer married?"

CY : "Have you heard something?"  

XC : "Nothing" Stands. Hesitates.  CY: "That's okay, you go, I can look after myself......... why haven't you left yet?"
XC " I just heard of a most amazing news in a thousand years - what if a man was divorced by a woman?"

CY :"I've not heard of that, how can a woman divorce a man, if that's the case, the man will be the laughing stock of the city"

XC hands CY the paper "Then XY will that laughing stock"

CY flashes back to when XY accusing her of not knowing what he has done for her, and not caring if they have a future or not.  She rushes to stand to go to XY telling XC that XY was here and she had said a lot of hurtful things to him.  XC says XY is away investigation the DS mystery and may not be in town. CY chastises XC for not telling her that XY and NX were divorced earlier.  XC admits he didn't want XY to hurt CY anymore, but when he saw the divorce paper, he realised that for a proud man like XY would give away his reputation, showing that he must love CY a lot. If XC had kept that away from CY, she would hate him her whole life.  CY calls for her servant who writes on her hand that he knows where XY is and leads her out.


It's night time and we see XY holding CY's hand walking in a garden (it's his house, with their special flower blooming around them) CY asks where they are, why can she smell the flowers? She puts her hand out for him to write on. XY writes on her hand and she holds his hand in both her hands, thinking to herself that these hands are hands that hold a sword. (and clearly not her servant's)

CY : "You're XY, aren't you?"  XY pulls his hand away. "You're the one who pulls up my cover and looks after me every night, is that right?"

XY : "That's right, it's me going against the order and looked for you.  I'm worried about you so I came to look after you. I know what you want to say, you want me to leave, you us to be separate, you want us to seek happiness separately. But without you I can't be happy. CY, just for tonight, please don't say any words to hurt me. I'll take you to somewhere."


Fireworks goes off  (fireworks = kissing in Chinese dramas, yes I feel good about what's coming!).

XY : "Can you hear it? I prepared the fireworks for you, this was supposed to be for your birthday. But in the end we missed it. I wish you can see this. But if you can see it, you won't want to see me. Today, after letting you hear the fireworks, I've completed one of my wishes. Just pretend I'm crazy, only a crazy man would bring a blind person to see fire works (YEP you said it buddy, but the acting is so good I'll forgive you!)"  A tear runs down XY's face (very prettily)  and....... CY can see it! She reaches out to touch his face and wipes his tear. He realises she can see again, and knocks her hand away and wipes his tears.

XY : "Since you can see, I should leave. Look after yourself, look after your baby" XY  tries to walk away and CY grabs his hand and tells him she's not pregnant (yay yay yay finally!) She explains that the pregnancy is just a plan XC had to protect her.  "I am your Xu Chu Yue, always have been"

KISS! and fireworks keep going off in the background!


Crying and smiling.

XY : "Your lies made me suffer so!"  CY :"You lied to me too, suffered so much!"

XY: "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

CY : "No name no title (ie/ they are not "married" or "betrothed") why did you kiss me?"

XY : "Middle of the night, what title do you want?"

CY : "The person in your heart (this is a play of the words in the Chinese title of the drama, like "beloved")
XY : "The person in your heart?"

CY : "You are the person in my heart, in exchange, I want to be the person in your heart. That's the title I want for us"

Smiles. CY : Sign! XY : Contract!  More kissing, more fireworks.


Mr Bai and the servant sees them kissing, Mr Bai smiles and covers the servant's eyes (he's too young to see this!)

XC sees them kissing, and asks his guard "How do you think XY felt at the start? Even though there's no hope, he kept by her side everynight" Th guard doesn't know.

XC says : "I think I know, but also don't think I know." The guard doesn't understand. XC continues : "I used to never understand people like XM, either you love or you don't love someone, why keep hiding but trying to please them secretly, that's not what a man should do. But in the end, I've become like XM."



omg im reading this while listening to the OSTs....right now Flower of Departure is playing and I'm getting teary :crymeme:

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The ending is confusing. I thought she would wake up. Someone told me there will be alternative ending next week. 
I  thought Tao Yao died but there she was with Bai Li Qi at marketplace. It was like all the cast there bar Xue Mo.


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  • Guest changed the title to [Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] The Sleepless Princess 离人心上

I just stop cleaning my house because something came to my mind and I have that need to share it somewhere. So I was thinking after seeing the episodes till 35 and it just occurs to me that we have like two Guan Shan. One is the man in the first episode telling the story and the other is the book "Chronicles of Guanshan". And now we know that the chronicles were written by XM. So could that means that we kind of experienced one of his books, were thrown into the world of that book. And we get the open ending because XM died and couldn't finish it. Maybe we have three worlds intertwined here. One is the real world, second is the world of the book and third is the world of the story that Guan Shan is telling in the book. I'm sure there are many loopholes here and it seems crazy but I just couldn't help myself :crazymad:

But really after episode 35 I feel like I'm standing on that cliff together with them :confused:

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3 hours ago, Yoong said:

@Michelle Goh-Chin they cut it, and we get extra episode next week, will be airing next wednesday.. don’t worry, its happy ending 

I wonder if it’s a proper episode or just 10 minutes to show the happy ending we all want. 

Is it me or does ZYC get more handsome with every new show of his? 




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2 hours ago, lovehuche said:

Those whose understand Chinese, what does this person said about the drama ending 



From my brief understanding of it, they're saying that XY and CY are merely characters in Mr Guan Shan's story and they don't actually exist in real life. As we see from the scene where XY takes CY to the marketplace, all the supporting characters disappear.


And that there's potentially two endings to the story - where CY wakes up and hence we see the two kiss in some of the previews.


Please feel free to add to the above, as my mandarin is somewhat limited! :) 


Also somewhat off-topic but I found some videos on ZYC's acting journey below, unfortunately no subs!

Part 1



Part 2



He mentions how he had a difficult time getting role  and spent a lot of time in his room playing games to avoid people asking him about it. It's nice to see how far he's come and hopefully he will get many more roles!

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Reality vs Fairytale – My interpretation


I had been pondering for over a day after watching the last episode and came to the final conclusion (Please note this is my personal thoughts and interpretation, subject to changes depending on the actual ending next week lol and I am sure there are flaws here as well but open for discussion hehe)


Life is about choices and in this drama, it is like two sides of a coin – we can choose one side over the other but at the end of the day, whichever side you chose, it is the same coin…


Spoiler Alert – Suggest to watch the final episode before reading this


Interpretation One:


*The Adult’s Fairytale = The Reality*


GS and his wife, WW is reality. XY and CY is the fairytale that GS wants to give to his wife and himself. However, can we say XY and CY is fake? No, because XY and CY are a replication of GS and his wife WW. In reality, GS and WW is simply a normal couple. WW fell into a coma and GS stayed by her side, taking care of her and creating stories after stories for her as it is her favorite interest. The stories he made up were based on real life people, real circumstances, and their own love story. Yes, maybe there are no fairytale general and princess, no extreme circumstances like assassins, evil plots,  waring kingdoms, magical transformation etc. but the basic elements of their love, their personality, and their life does exist, maybe not in the exaggerated and enhanced version like a fairytale but who is to say that it didn’t happen in GS and WW’s life. For instance, (making up scenarios here to use as example) XY saved CY from assassin when they first met and in real life GS saved WW from rascals who were trying to harass her. XY and CY got married under the emperor’s order, and in reality, WW adopted father trick WW into marrying GS for his own personal gain…the possibilities and imaginations to explore here are endless because we don’t know GS and WW’s story but who can say they are less impactful than XY and CY when XY and CY is a version of GS and WW, in which GS added additional elements and plot driving situations to favor up the storyline. Everything that happened to XY and CY may happened to GS and WW but not as dramatic… At the end, when we stripped away their identity and everything else, XY is GS and CY is WW. Even if they are characters of a story by GS, it is a different version of GS and WW and their love story is real. As for all the other characters in his story, when GS was pushing his wife in the wheelchair on the streets with all the people looking at them, people who he based off of in his story – They may all look different with different identity but they are the same people with the same personality. SNN is still together with LQ, Mr. White is still outgoing and enthusiastic, TY is still friendly and sweet (and alive!), NX is arrogant, and XC is boyish and wealthy etc… If GS and WW is real, it doesn’t mean XY and CY is not real. The emotions and feelings we invested in GS’s story with XY/CY/XC/SNN etc is real because they do exist, maybe not with the same identity or background but their love, interaction, and story does exist in real life.


Interpretation Two:


*The Adult Fairytale = Fairytale*


XY and CY is a real life fairytale. After everything happened in the last episode, XY no longer are bound by his duties and responsibilities. The country is no longer at war, QZ the foreign country is no longer a threat, and in the palace there is XC to assist the emperor and LQ to watch over the palace security. His aunt is still healthy to take care of X mansion; therefore, he stayed by CY’s side hoping that by reading her favorite book, she will wake up (similar to how XC tried to read to her to wake her up in episode one) but when that didn’t work, XY started bringing CY to live the life of the book, turning himself to GS and her as WW and travel the places mentioned in the book written by his brother. (To avoid complication since I am sure XY is well known as a war hero, he also tells people his name is GS.) When he finished reading her his brother’s book, and she still didn’t wake up – He started making up stories for her to listen to, using people they know as characters in his stories for her to continue to remember them (Another interpretation of the street scene with all the characters is actually XY made up characters in his stories told to CY) and the last story he told to her and to those children is their own story…


At the end, whichever side of the coin you choose to believe, the reality or the fairytale, the story of reality or the reality becoming the story, XY or GS, CY or WW, their love for each other is real – We have a husband traveling the world with his sleeping wife, reading and creating stories for her every day, and desperately hoping his wife will wake up one day…

Whichever side of the story you believe, I hope and pray that both side of this story would have a happy ending because no matter what, human should always hope for the best, the happiness, the brightness for love and miracles.


After thought: Wow… after finish typing this I realized that this is really not just any rom-com, we went into this drama to hope for cute interactions, great chemistry and sweet love story with a happy ending but this turned out to be more complicated and insightful than I thought… it kept you thinking and analyzing…which will definitely have a lasting impression on us other than a simple typical rom-com.

Amazing work to the creators, writers, directors, actors and actresses *Millions thumbs up*  

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