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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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1 hour ago, asul_03 said:

i think so too. besides, the body of the young LG was never shown when he apparently died while he was still young. LR merely told LG's mother in ROK that young LG is already dead as seen in episode 1 or 2.


i don't think he is aware that his real father is not the same guy who he thinks he is.


@Heretorant @asul_03

What I understood in terms of Kdramas. in ROK the Father and Son in question has a company which is a big corporate in SK ( kinda like what Kim Tan's father in Heirs was) , the Son in ROK wants to Inherit and Run the company which might not be what his original ROK Father wants yet or never will. SOn wanted the hold of comapny and wanted to get rid of the father somewhw..at that time Self proclaimed God LR appeared and offered to help him.


Son in ROK knows his father has been replaced by a doppleganger. ANd LR helps him, the doppleganger was one of the few men originally from KOC who followed LR and still salutes him ( here the role reversal /mirror is diff so The KOC one is poor and ROK is rich ). The SON in ROK knows that doppleganger treats LR as God whereas the son only sees him as some sort of gangster helping him thus he badmouths him which clearly angers LR and LR preplanned to replace ROK son with his KOC dopplenganger. So when the ROK son made him mad, he asked the Oroginal son of KOC Doppleganger to come forward and carry on his plan to overtake the company from background.


LR wants to rule both the worlds in short.

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The first half of ep 7 was a huge flashback of what happened before the hug at the end of 6. I was so miffed. They could have told it in chronological order, show them investigating, Taeul remembering Gon and then sees him at her driveway...that way the hug between Gon and Taeul would have more emotional depth. Instead of shoving it abruptly at ep 6 ending. Sigh.


Anyways...the 2nd half of ep7 was good. Gon and Taeul are working together, they now have a similar goal to capture whoever is disrupting the balance of the 2 worlds. Finally I’m convinced Gon is smart and collected, he used the time stop well and managed to convince JY that he was telling the truth. Luna appeared and she reminds me of KGE in Coin Locker Girl.


I've been saying this from the beginning that I think uncle didn't kill doppelganger Lee Gon. And kept him somewhere in Korea for whatever agenda he has. I think he plans to use doppelganger Gon to be his proxy and be ruler of Corea, since clearly uncle can't, because on record he is dead in both worlds. What uncle wants seems to be ultimate power. To do so he needs minions and proxies. In ep 7, it was shown that uncle now has power over a conglomerate in Korea. He replaced the conglomerates in Korea with doppelgangers. Let's suspend our beliefs and assume all doppelgangers uncle bring in are superb actors that can fit in into any situation lol. 


All in all...Keep on this exciting track show! Don’t give us unnecessary flashbacks again. Excited for Ep 8. Luna in action! Shin Jae vs JoYoung! And Gon realizing he might exist in this parallel world. Wohhoooo~





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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Has anyone seen that there is a reference to the famous movie "Back to the future" in this episode? JTE has the title of the movie on her cellphone indicating that Lee Gon will travel to the past. 

Yes, she's had that phone case since episode 1, it's one of the earliest time travel hints we got together with the clock running backwards in the logo.


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10 minutes ago, mrsj3n said:



He told the "father" not to bow with the face of his father.

Else why did he call him an idiot?


So he is aware of the swapping because he thought it would benefit him.


What a son! I can say that seeing him being killed is actually satisfying.  :naughty:


SON: it keeps getting postponed.
SON: why don't you do something? i'm sure he'll listen to you.
LR: what do you want to do after the succession process is over?
SON: it's simple. we'll say he got sick and retired and send him off somewhere abroad since he's done with his work.
LR: do you agree with that?
FAKE FATHER:  i will do as you order. your highness.
SON: he's acting like that again! what a load of nonsense. i'm the one who asked you to bring that idiot. but he only listens to you. and not me. damn it!
LR: the succession will end smoothly.
SON: that's obvious! i'm asking when that will happen! $h!t. and if it's nothing urgent. let's just talk over the phone. all right? stop ordering me to go back and forth.


right. my apologies. he knows that his father is gone somewhere, if not yet dead, judging from what he said above (the statements in bold).

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1 hour ago, mrsj3n said:


Er.. wait. I'm confused!

Not sure if anyone replied as I have so much to catch up again. :sweat_smile:


I thought the detective said they couldn't locate her because she was already in jail?

He also questioned JY over the voice message how did he get her prints then if she was already in jail?


I will need to do a rewatch of episode 7 soon!



Just did a rewatch. 


He didn't questioned JY but he only commented  that it's strange that the fingerprints he gave her matched with Luna's and that it's a funny thing as she was already arrested for larceny so she was actually in jail. 




So it wasn't clear if he meant Luna was just arrested or have been in jail for a while.


@asul_03 No worries! we help each other here so as not to be confused. Hahaha

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@mrsj3n, been rewatching portions of episode 7 myself. when i reached the scene where JTE and SJ were at the firing range and finished a round of shots, my reaction was, "i hope their ears are okay because they forgot to use the earmuffs that's meant to protect their ears.":glasses:


i am not so sure if this has been asked here, but the dark room/red room of LR where he develops the pictures of his minions and potential minions is located in ROK right?


thank you in advance.

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Waht nari said about a doppleganger should die or kill by the counterpart came true. With the rich son killed by his dopple and started with LR killed his dopple, make me realise those were LR wants to rule both worlds and avoid all the chaos when two worlds collide. I believe that LJH who is LG dopple still alive under LR.

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1 hour ago, katakwasabi said:

The first half of ep 7 was a huge flashback of what happened before the hug at the end of 6. I was so miffed. They could have told it in chronological order, show them investigating, Taeul remembering Gon and then sees him at her driveway...that way the hug between Gon and Taeul would have more emotional depth. Instead of shoving it abruptly at ep 6 ending. Sigh.


Anyways...the 2nd half of ep7 was good. Gon and Taeul are working together, they now have a similar goal to capture whoever is disrupting the balance of the 2 worlds. Finally I’m convinced Gon is smart and collected, he used the time stop well and managed to convince JY that he was telling the truth. Luna appeared and she reminds me of KGE in Coin Locker Girl.


I've been saying this from the beginning that I think uncle didn't kill doppelganger Lee Gon. And kept him somewhere in Korea for whatever agenda he has. I think he plans to use doppelganger Gon to be his proxy and be ruler of Corea, since clearly uncle can't, because on record he is dead in both worlds. What uncle wants seems to be ultimate power. To do so he needs minions and proxies. In ep 7, it was shown that uncle now has power over a conglomerate in Korea. He replaced the conglomerates in Korea with doppelgangers. Let's suspend our beliefs and assume all doppelgangers uncle bring in are superb actors that can fit in into any situation lol. 


All in all...Keep on this exciting track show! Don’t give us unnecessary flashbacks again. Excited for Ep 8. Luna in action! Shin Jae vs JoYoung! And Gon realizing he might exist in this parallel world. Wohhoooo~

I think the reason why the 1st half of every episode is a flashback is because this was originally conceptualized for tvn so that means around 30 mins cut. I think they insert the lost 30 mins into the next episode as flashback. Just my two cents.

Edited by bebebisous33
don't quote videos, gifs and pictures. Remove these next time please
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13 minutes ago, asul_03 said:



i am not so sure if this has been asked here, but the dark room/red room of LR where he develops the pictures of his minions and potential minions is located in ROK right?


thank you in advance.


Yes, that's in Korea.  For most of Episode 7, Lee Rim was in Korea.  


Thanks to all who responded to my questions regarding the scene with Lee Rim and the HG father and son.  Now it makes sense:

1. Korea father is delaying succession

2.  Korea son getting impatient.  Lee Rim and his henchmen probably reached out to Korea son and offered to swap his real father with Corea doppelganger to hasten succession

3.  So the guy who meets Lee Rim is Corea doppelganger of the father, and the Korea son

4.  Korea son goes there thinking that succession will be hastened and he will take over, only to find out that Lee Rim's plan is actually to replace him with his Korea doppelganger too (hence the line "your real son" was said to father's Corea doppelganger?)

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I think I am of the very few people who does not get Confused watchng this show in terms of dialoges , but yes I do need reference to dopplegangers. The thing is in most if not all the K dramas I see the next episode does not really kick start from the point where they left it on last episode, it has some builduo then they get to the actual point in next episode.


The show editing is being questioned because editors are getting confused in what kind of chronology will it please the audience.


Back in Episode 4-5 when episode 4 ended with JTE and LG crossing the Pasagge and episode 5 started on the point where they landed in KOC and were travelling to the Palace , in the middle they showed what JTE and LG saw in the passage. People Cried that THIS IS BAD EDITING and Critized of it NOT being builtup or chronologically displayed.  it should have started with  ROK LG and JTE crossing the bamboo forest---The No wind no water Passage where time stops---KOC.


Now in episode 6-7 , IT was shown chronologically, Episode 6 ended in the Hug---- episode 7 shows what happened in ROK while KING was fighting for KOC and what else did our Heroine did except missing the KING---( I am sure had this been not shown, JTE would have been criticized for being turned into a crying weak bubble over missing a King who just acts creepy at times in normal people words with her by some people)---This scene was necessary as after ROK person was murdered the 2 people associated with the Lady were shown close contact with KING which can lead to treasury, had this been shown in middle People would definately would have not understood it or the motive.---Then we saw the KING going to stable getting Maximus and crossing the PASSAGE with JY, and then The Epic HUG scene.


Shown Like  Epiphany...Editing storyline Criticized . Shown Chronologically, Boring start being criticized. Its Just that this show cannot be understood while doing daily chores or not understanding the basic gist otherwise It will confuse. kinda like a math equation (a + b)2 =a2 + 2ab + b2

and below Both are same just 2ab comes before or after confuses people leading them to render it boring or intresting ...

 (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab


This is not to say everyone should Love this story, but This is Not everyone's cup of Tea these Genres are Not. I do not love a Mystery Thriller that easily similarly My Friend does not like a sappy romance. To get a 20%+ people intrested in a story as complexly simple as this needs everyone to use their brains beyond the normal Detective shows, you kill you find clues and you chase you win.They have a different set of audience, for me Writer needs to stick to her original storyline and not succumb under chronological or not chronological sequences, anyhow this will be dissatifactory in some aspect no matter what they do.I am still loving it as it gives me somewhat Adult Harry Potter Nostaglia with Time Travel mixed properly with KES and LMH.KES weaves an overall story which is beyond the OTP  that is her forte. I am invested in the Story as a whole, and not every writes makes someone get invested in side characters other than OTP. Here We get a SHIN JAE who is sad because of no companionship, we have a JY who is sad because of commitment to the very companionship. To actually get us audience discussing with a passion is in itself an achievement.

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16 minutes ago, Jad068 said:

I think the reason why almost 1st half of every episode is a flashback is because this was originally conceptualized for tvn so that means around 30 mins cut. I think they insert the lost 30 mins into the next episode as flashback. Just my two cents.


Wow! Really? It was actually made for tvN? What happened, why didn't it air on tvN? It does somewhat make sense since cable dramas do tend to have super long eps. Huhuhuhu

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54 minutes ago, asul_03 said:

@mrsj3n, been rewatching portions of episode 7 myself. when i reached the scene where JTE and SJ were at the firing range and finished a round of shots, my reaction was, "i hope their ears are okay because they forgot to use the earmuffs that's meant to protect their ears.":glasses:


i am not so sure if this has been asked here, but the dark room/red room of LR where he develops the pictures of his minions and potential minions is located in ROK right?


thank you in advance.


LOL. Now that you said it...

 Think I missed that earmuffs part! Lol


Dark room is definitely located in ROK because it is just beside the room where he locked LG's doppelganger mum?

I also would believe that he is able to move more freely in ROK as no eyes on him yet.


And suddenly it dawned on me that the reason why LR is able to move freely between 2 worlds especially to Corea is because of his minors among the Royal Guards! (Hence we are introduced to the doppelganger of one of the lad guard right?)

So let's say there's only 1 door and is through the bamboo forest.....

Can you imagine how many of the guards are LR's minions?


So back to my original rant for episode 7...

JTE, please show LG all the murdered people face!!!!

Quick quick quick!!


Add on:

@madmad min I tend to believe that everyone in Corea and Korea has the same family members.

Hence why the "father" reacted to the real son.

So that could one of the reason why LR is keeping LG's doppelganger's mum alive?

Either to tempt LG to his crazy proposal or to use her as bargaining chips to exchange her for the half of the flute.

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4 minutes ago, mrsj3n said:


And suddenly it dawned on me that the reason why LR is able to move freely between 2 worlds especially to Corea is because of his minors among the Royal Guards! (Hence we are introduced to the doppelganger of one of the lad guard right?)

So let's say there's only 1 door and is through the bamboo forest.....

Can you imagine how many of the guards are LR's minions?




And if this is true Bamboo Forest is monitored by Royal Guards reporting to JY. So he is the trump Card? :bawling::bawling::bawling:

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some of the things i learned after watching this episode specifically with regard to doppelgangers are:


* in ROK, the character lee sang-do (mentioned in episode 2) is one of the stable workers in KOC.
* in ROK, jang yeon-ji, one of the suspects in the murder of a masked woman is one of the palace security guards (probably a mole/minion of LR too)
* at least 2 minions of LR are now running the HG group.

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3 hours ago, zaingh said:

I don't understand why other dramas fans can't leave this thread alone, always pop-up every week to talk about rating. Please if you don't have anything better to do keep watching your favorite drama and leave this thread alone for those who are enjoying the drama. that is why every drama has it own thread for people who like it.


I know right? these people don't discuss anything at all about story but come here every week to discuss about ratings like their livelihood is dependent on tkem's success.. I'm pretty sure they are not even watching this drama but come here just to give us lectures on how ratings work. 

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