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The translation of Haha’s post according to Papago is: 

Jeon So-bari, Jeon So-bari, Jeon So-bari.
Somin, happy birthday!
Let's get well and work betraying each other! Congratulations! Stay healthy!Boyfriend is handsome!!
#Jeon So-min #Jeon So-bari #Running Man #Yang Sebastian #Boy #Girlfriend #Happy #Complete #Fun






The Chanmin video on Naver with the highest view count is sitting pretty at 27k. The LL is slowly losing steam, king. Let it slowly fade, haha. :lol:


Anyway, I do appreciate all the BD posts to Somin from the cast, obviously, KJK’s post is my fav. :wub:

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13 minutes ago, HappyVirusRM said:

The translation of Haha’s post according to Papago is: 

Jeon So-bari, Jeon So-bari, Jeon So-bari.
Somin, happy birthday!
Let's get well and work betraying each other! Congratulations! Stay healthy!Boyfriend is handsome!!
#Jeon So-min #Jeon So-bari #Running Man #Yang Sebastian #Boy #Girlfriend #Happy #Complete #Fun






The Chanmin video on Naver with the highest view count is sitting pretty at 27k. The LL is slowly losing steam, king. Let it slowly fade, haha. :lol:


Anyway, I do appreciate all the BD posts to Somin from the cast, obviously, KJK’s post is my fav. :wub:


KJK was the first to wish as well.


Haha hashtagged 'Sebastian' ? LMAOOO  YSC 's english name. I laughed so hard at this. 

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1 hour ago, YellowDress said:

I can't understand his post, the translation in insta is weird. Jsm and kjk have both liked his post. 


I remember Haha received a lot of backlash after he commented on jsm's post about her not wearing make up. 

He was just teasing her but it backfired massively. 


Whatever it may be, he wished her. Looking at the bright side of things. Lol. 


 i think they have given up on haha doing anything different, they have accepted him for what he is. i think we should too. 

1 hour ago, andaer kim said:

KJK wished JSM get well soon (still worried/concern about JSM health), meanwhile Haha wished for JSM and YSC to be together (still try to push/forced LL)?? LOL


Haha never dissapointed me with his character after failed with KJK and SJH, he try to ship JSM and YSC instead, it really showed how differently KJK and Haha is,  so now waiting for LKS and JSJ or probably KangHana, hope they wish JSM differently also  :sweatingbullets:


JSJ wished jsm as the seniormost member on the team, hoping to see her back in the dressing room as soon as possible. hope the other members and pds would wish too. hwan jin pd used to wish every year. 



can someone tell me what is going on with the hands in this pic?is kjk sitting down? is ysc's arm on kjk's thigh since there is a bit of black cloth you can see near ysc's armpit. jsm's hand is resting on something  @MandelBrot


1 hour ago, kukumarq1 said:

Living up to his character tbh.


He might get attacked by Korean feminists. As you know, they really dislike this kind of post.


i can understand why haha gets into trouble. lol even jsm's cf group has posted her pics alone though they could have made it a couple post with ysc. 

this is my favorite birthday wish for jsm for the day  because it is her solo pic


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i expected this wish from kjk because jsm is not feeling well and this being her birthday gives him the perfect excuse. like others noted, he seems to have searched long and hard for a very safe pic. since he was her official photographer for a while, he must have a lot of jsm pics on his phone, but i guess very few are 'safe' pics to be uploaded publicly without giving rise to shipper frenzy. :P 


the good things - 1) kookmin sns interactions have re-started after a long break 2)since kjk's last sns interaction with jsm was one where he brought in chanmin though it royally backfired, this one is a welcome change where he just wishes her as 'sominah' and though ysc is there, he is seen as part of the maknae line 3) haha had uploaded another post in the morning related to his son, so seems like kjk was the first to make the effort to wish jsm publicly. jsj is wishing jsm happy birthday from the entire cast which is why he uploaded a group pic of the cast, but kjk just beat him to it. he has to be the one to always initiate anything related to jsm. 


i wish jsm would return the favor and post a safe pic with kjk for his birthday. ^_^


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15 minutes ago, kookminclan RunningMan said:

can someone tell me what is going on with the hands in this pic?is kjk sitting down? is ysc's arm on kjk's thigh since there is a bit of black cloth you can see near ysc's armpit. jsm's hand is resting on something  @MandelBrot


Seems like they decided to take a group pic during a soundcheck for their previous FM. If anything, it looks like the black thing must have been the seats. 

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@kookminclan RunningMan I got the super zoom on the pic and it looks like it’s; 

YSC then KJK’s leg (he appears to be wearing black shorts) then YSC’s arm. It looks like Somin may be resting on KJK’s knee but I’m not entirely sure. I believe the photo was cut at the bottom, either by KJK or insta, just by the way everything is slightly stretched out :ph34r:

I hope Sominie finds a ‘safe’ picture and feels safe enough herself to post on her insta for KJK’s B-Day. She is getting bolder with her flirting recently so I really do hope she finds a lil bravery and posts a picture. Take the bull by the horns, Sominie! TAKE IT lol feed me my Kookmin crumbs like KJK did today. (I’ll still love her if she doesn’t tho, lol, obviously :P)

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3 hours ago, YellowDress said:


Agree 100%. 


I hope no one bothers to reply to any hate messages/trolls or similar kind of posts. They are not going to stop, so best is to just ignore and not feed into their negativity. They gain relevance only when we react. Just look at KJK's wonderful gesture and amazing gifts that somin's fans have sent her. If anyone of them is here in this forum, then hats off to you. You've done a brilliant job and I'm sure Somin is super thankful for all your efforts. 


Side note- KJK's last birthday dedication post was in 2017, for Haha.

Yes, I went through his posts LOL. I came across this really funny short video of ysc slapping lks after winning a mini pingpong match. Watch it !! 

jsm makes a guest appearance in that video.


i agree about not giving attention to the haters. she has got some really wonderful friends and wonderful fans. she is not going away like some people hope as all her birthday wishes show. they all want her back as soon as possible and are missing her. so why shouldn't we celebrate the love instead of getting distracted by the hate?


Edited by kookminclan RunningMan
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Just now, kookminclan RunningMan said:

i wish jsm would return the favor and post a safe pic with kjk for his birthday.

JSM is Queen of Poet aka Happy Virus, so i believe on KJK birthday she probably wrote a heartwarming plus teasing letter or poet to KJK but of course she will done it indrectly or something similar with that. lol

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15 minutes ago, HappyVirusRM said:

@kookminclan RunningMan I got the super zoom on the pic and it looks like it’s; 

YSC then KJK’s leg (he appears to be wearing black shorts) then YSC’s arm. It looks like Somin may be resting on KJK’s knee but I’m not entirely sure. I believe the photo was cut at the bottom, either by KJK or insta, just by the way everything is slightly stretched out :ph34r:

I hope Sominie finds a ‘safe’ picture and feels safe enough herself to post on her insta for KJK’s B-Day. She is getting bolder with her flirting recently so I really do hope she finds a lil bravery and posts a picture. Take the bull by the horns, Sominie! TAKE IT lol feed me my Kookmin crumbs like KJK did today. (I’ll still love her if she doesn’t tho, lol, obviously :P)


my super zoom also told me the same, but then we don't know. :ph34r:

as colleagues, all of them must be quite relaxed with the skinship , so a pic like that won't surprise me where the maknaes have gathered around kjk.  what tickles my funny bone is that even the 'safe' pic may not be as safe if you take a closer look. :D

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9 minutes ago, andaer kim said:

JSM is Queen of Poet aka Happy Virus, so i believe on KJK birthday she probably wrote a heartwarming plus teasing letter or poet to KJK but of course she will done it indrectly or something similar with that. lol


jsm made soup on ysc's birthday. for kjk's birthday,  she has to do something, otherwise the man will hold a grudge. :D

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42 minutes ago, YellowDress said:


Yes, I very much hope so !


Hwajin PD has posted a birthday wish for Somin. 


i just saw the wish. it is so sweet. i  can see that he also wished ysc recently for his birthday. it is good the pd still wishes the members even though he is not working with them any longer.

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1 hour ago, kookminclan RunningMan said:

can someone tell me what is going on with the hands in this pic?is kjk sitting down? is ysc's arm on kjk's thigh since there is a bit of black cloth you can see near ysc's armpit. jsm's hand is resting on something  @MandelBrot




i think YES (click on the img)





nice catch... :)







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Just saw a lot of articles were published regarding the posts Somin's oppas posted to celebrate her birthday. She even trended, so happy she got so much love on her day especially as she's sick now. To all the Somin fans that contributed to send her gifts, a huge thank you to you all. I hope I can help next year too.


And since this is our shipping forum I can't help but gush over the fact that kjk wished her a happy birthday:wub: (I don't wanna hear other members did too, KJK's is the only one that matters to my shipping heart lol). 

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shipping aside, i am glad kjk is there for jsm when it comes to things like this. many korean and chinese kjk fans definitely see her as part of his gang now. kjk is like a mother hen when it comes to his dongsaengs. he will be there for them all the way. i am glad he set the ball rolling for jsm's birthday wishes from the cast and the crew today. all of their support must mean a lot to her when she is sick. hwan jin pd's wish was also really sweet. it just shows how much even the crew love her.


conclusion: you can't take jeon so min out of running man whether she is physically present or not. :))


jsm fans trending her name on naver is another sweet gift. plus her fans have sent her the kind of gifts jsm really enjoys - creative and handmade. 


i just wonder how long it will take for jsm to recover. there must be more to her fatigue than they are telling us. but from the wishes that are pouring forth today, perhaps she is on the road to recovery? 


it breaks my heart a little that the 500th episode won't have her but since her health is most important right now, we have to wait. 


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