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[Drama 2018-2019] Top Star Yoo Baek 톱스타 유백이


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@joonminfan A million hearts for you . Thank you so much . I know it really took a lot of your time . 


I feel a little sorry for MD . He’s a really nice fellow , and he’s always been sweet & protective of KS. But I still hope that she & YB are the end game. From what I understand , she is already having feelings for YB . She was so concerned that YB knows she’s not married to MD. She did not want him to misunderstand .She’s embarrassed to do the pollack fish manoeuvre.I think grandma knows KS’s heart . She cleverly says she wants KS to stay with her instead.


can we safely say both YB & KS are already falling for each other ? 


54 minutes ago, joonminfan said:

YB: My schedule is a secret from everyone except my agency. You have lived outside the island before, so you must know a top star like me.

MD: Sea captains only get acquainted with the sea. We don’t care much about what happens on land. Well it’s fated that we met. You are the Top Star of the Land, and I’m the Top Star of the Sea. We are both Top Stars. Let’s shake hands.

YB: I’m sorry, I don’t shake hands with just anyone.

MD: I’m not just anyone. I am the famous, good-looking, youngest sea captain who fought off pirates. It’s an honour to know me.

Goodness - these two TOP stars are equally as cocky ! So much testosterone   :joy:. YB has found his match . 


3 hours ago, nikki7 said:

Question is, where can I find this island?

Lol! It’s a pretty place yeah . I feel so happy just seeing the setting .filmed in Wando island .





edit : Also in the IG , JSM posted of herself & KJS, he replied by saying he’s been asking her to post it like 900 times. He’s such a joker ! 

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The last part:


YB sits by himself near the sea and thinks about what happened when he was younger and still an idol.

YB’s birth mother visits him at the hospital after he was poisoned by a fan at his fan meeting. She brings him home made kimbap, his favourite food. He looks happy to see her. He asks her where she has been, as he couldn’t contact her for days. She apologises and says that she was abroad and so didn’t know what happened. She asks if he is still in pain. A man appears at the door, saying YB’s name and calling himself “Appa”.  YB doesn’t look happy to see him, but Mum beckons him in. Dad says how they are meeting for the first time after the wedding, and says he feels bad seeing YB like that. Stepdad advises YB not to eat anything from fans anymore. YB coldly asks him to leave as he wants to talk to Mum in private. Stepdad asks if it’s not ok for him to be present, as he is now his Dad. YB just stares at him coldly, and Mum quickly asks Stepdad to leave the room. Stepdad does so, but not before giving Mum a LOOK.

After Stepdad leaves, YB tells Mum that he wants to quit. Mum is shocked and asked him not to decide so quickly since there is still some time before school starts again. YB tells her that the fan who poisoned him is someone who writes him fanmail almost everyday, and says how he is her whole world. He says that he is really afraid, and that someone whom he trusted will just betray him.


Outside YB’s room, Mum asks CEO to dissuade YB. CEO says that she shouldn’t be saying such things now. Mum admits they were too impatient. CEO tells Stepdad that he never expected him to show YB any fatherly love, but they have to be reasonable. Stepdad yells at CEO, asking who he is to talk to him in that manner. CEO says that he is the president of YB’s agency, and YB’s birth father’s junior in school. CEO asks Mum how she could do such a thing as YB’s birth mother. He adds that YB has just returned from the gates of Hell barely two days ago, so how could she say such a thing? Mum says that she has no choice, as she had gotten a lot of investment funds using YB’s name. She begs CEO not to let YB quit, as YB listens the most to CEO.

YB was actually outside his room, listening to the whole conversation. He drops his cup on the floor, alerting the three adults to his presence. Mum is shocked to see him. Back in the hospital room, YB yells to his Mum not to worry as he won’t quit. From now on, she should just suck his blood dry. He will strive to get to the top, and asks her never to bring him kimbap again. He tells her not to pretend to care about him when all she cares about is money, and sweeps the kimbap to the floor.


Back in the present, YB looks frustrated, and chides himself for being crazy to lose his temper at an innocent person.


Back at KS’s house, KS is washing clothes angrily, murmuring about how she does not understand. YB walks in, and KS glares at him before going back to her laundry. YB starts to say something to her but is interrupted by MD’s arrival. He informs YB that the boat will come for him the next morning at 9 am. KS and YB look at each other in shock, and YB says good. Hearing that, KS starts beating the laundry with a stick and YB goes back to his room. She glares after YB and hits the clothes even harder.


YB packs his luggage in his room at night, looking pensive. KS is in her hideout, looking lost in thoughts as well.


The next morning, YB walks out of his room with his luggage and DM greets him. He says that he is sad that YB is leaving so soon, and asks him to teach him how to win at arm wrestling. YB tells him not to consider who his opponent is, and not to care how despicable his actions are, he has to make sure he hits his opponent’s weak spots. He says that using brute strength is only for someone like DM who comes last in class. DM says that he is not, and leaves in a huff.


Grandma comes out of the kitchen and asks YB not to leave so soon, as KS went out at dawn to catch something for him as a present. YB is surprised, but looks at his watch and asks Grandma to tell KS that he left. Grandma thinks that it’s not right, but does not force him to stay. She passes him some home-made food and herbal soup in case he gets hungry on the boat, and YB looks touched and accepts it, thanking her with a bow. He takes his leave, and Grandma stares after him.


KS comes up for air, and gets a shock when she spots YB standing on the rocks looking at her.

KS: Oh my, you scared me. When did you arrive?

YB: Just. I thought that I should at least bid you goodbye.

KS: Wait a while more. Let me go and catch some more of those.

YB: What are you catching now?

KS: Those things over there.

YB picks up a jar of sea urchins.

YB: What are these?

KS: Sea urchins. Sea urchins have a lot of spikes on the outside, just like you, so I want to give them to you as a present.

YB: What?

KS: Although sea urchins are full of spikes on the outside, they are very soft and tender on the inside. Sea urchins need their spikes to protect themselves and survive. I can understand the sea urchins. I tried so hard to catch them so that I can give you some encouragement. I need a few more to fill up that jar, so just wait for me for one minute.

YB: It’s ok I need to leave now. I said it doesn’t matter!

YB waits for KS to surface, but she doesn’t appear after one minute. He gets worried.

YB: OKS! It’s been one minute! Come back quickly! OKS! Stop fooling around and come back quickly! Ya, OKS! (he dives into the sea to look for her)


YB fails to find her and goes back up for air. He spots her already on shore and swims back.

KS (spots YB): Oh my, Mr Top Star, haven’t you left? Why did you come out of the sea? Goodness, your clothes are all wet. What happened to you?

YB: are you crazy? Do you want to die? Didn’t you say one minute?

KS: What? Oh, my one minute isn’t very accurate sometimes. Sometimes I will take longer. But then, why are you angry again?

YB: Because of you, I really.. What do I look like now, seriously?

KS: Did I ask you to jump in? Why do you keep losing your temper at me?  Quick, tell me why! You can’t be worried about me, right?

YB: are you crazy? Why would I worry about you? Why? (walks away)

KS: Such a horrible temper!


YB walks off by himself, deep in thoughts. He recalls KS’s words about him bring worried about her and sighs, shaking his head.


In school, DM asks Teacher what a meteor shower is and why stars fall out of the sky. Teacher explains that a meteor shower happens because of some stars that have lost their way and gets sucked into the stratosphere by an unknown force on Earth. On the way to Earth, they catch fire. In the eyes of humans, these stars on fire look like beautiful things falling down to Earth. DM nods and comments that these stars will die when they lose their shine, and they are left with nothing.


KS removes the laundry from the line, complaining about YB’s temper and how she should have knocked his head one last time. As she removes the second sheet, she sees YB standing in the yard looking at her. They stare at each other for a while, then..

YB: Who gave you permission to say bad things about me behind my back?

KS: What happened? Haven’t you gotten on the boat? Why not? Did you forget something?

YB’s bangle sparkles again in the sunlight. On his boat, the captain looks up at the sky and comments that there will be a meteor shower that night.

After YB walks up to KS and stops in front of her…

YB: Oh Kang Soon, it’s you. It’s you who barged in. You barged into my world. (looks at her some more. And my heart is fluttering!)


Ep 4 Preview:

MD(???): You said you were leaving. Why did you change your mind?

YB: I wanted to confirm something.

KS: Do men and women think differently?

YB: You don’t really know men very well.

KS: What makes you think I don’t know men well?

YB: Even after I explain, would you understand?

KS: Why don’t you explain to me then? What men are like? I am after all a grown woman with a mature mindset.

MD: You silly girl. Which man in the world would behave badly towards a woman he likes?

MD: A man would become very insignificant/small in front of the woman he likes.

MD: Argh I’m so angry!

MD: You are afraid of being rejected, so that’s why you have not confessed until now?

KS: Does Oppa behave this way in front of the woman you like?

YB: Everyone will refer to you as the woman in charge of the fishery! (???)

KS: I was never in charge of any fishery.

KS: Shhh! Come out for a while.

KS: This is amazing. Lying in the water like this makes me feel like I’m being surrounded by warmth. This must be how it feels like to be hugged by parents.

KS: My parents’ ashes were scattered in this very sea.

KS: I knew it! You are actually a good person!



I swear my eyes are falling out from my head, but KS and YB are totally worth it. I just wish that more people will watch this drama and support them. Too tired but just want to say I really like the writing. And to pose a very very important question.













When and where and how would KS and YB have their first kiss? :blush:

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@joonminfan My heart is racing just reading .  I really appreciate it . So true the script is really well written & the way they tie everything to him being a person who lost his way and now is beginning to have his life restored ( nicely weaved in there in the conversation btwn teacher & the kid ) . I like that they have these cute bickering sessions. I like how much she understands him . She compared him to a sea urchin! :joy:. That’s exactly who he is .


i hope they kiss at the end of that preview here: 



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@joonminfan, Thank you so much for the translation, I can imagine the time and energy you put into it, and wanted to let you know that I totally appreciate it!!! Looks like the last scene, he sort of gave her a confession, didn’t he?  Letting her know that she shook him up, he’s interested.  Now, I wonder HOW he is going to get her to Seoul? And why is that MD goes, too?

KS will totally be like a “fish out of water”, I am worried about how she will adapt to being in the big city.  Her satoori is sooooo strong!


Although, judging by YB’s recent speech to her at her hideout, it seems that he is still FULL OF HIMSELF. Ugh!  And he did the hand on the wall thing to prove his point that he could unsettle her.  That surely was the action of a jerk!!! Not something a man should do if he’s trying to win a woman’s heart, for sure!!!  KS does seem to be attracted to him, but I’m not convinced that she has totally fallen for him yet, as he seems to have fallen for her.  I’m looking forward to seeing how he will win her over.  I get that KS seems to care for MD as an older brother, her feelings for him doesn’t seem to be anything more.  So YB has a really good chance!!!!! Am rooting for him and his journey to becoming a better person because of KS!


Poor YB, now I understand the driving force behind his becoming a star, because of his mother.  Apparently he lacks love, it turned him into such a sad, hard, narcissistic person.  I guess you have to overly love yourself if no one else does!  So so sad!  That, to me, is the price of success as a celebrity:  although you become famous and make lots of money, you lose many other precious things, such as privacy, your identity, etc.  Everything has a price.

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@auntyem Being a Jerk with a heart of Gold Is the classic way a dude wins a K drama girls heart... with a few exceptions The more narcissistic vain and overbearing the behavior the quicker they fall in love.  She will straighten the hero out one way or another. 

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I watched Ep 3 again with subs by another team and I saw some differences in the translation. Just wanted to share one difference in the preview for Ep 4.


Ep 4 Preview:

MD(???): You said you were leaving. Why did you change your mind?

YB: I wanted to confirm something.

KS: Do men and women think differently?

YB: You don’t really know men very well.

KS: What makes you think I don’t know men well?

YB: Even after I explain, would you understand?

KS: Why don’t you explain to me then? What men are like? I am after all a grown woman with a mature mindset.

MD: You silly girl. Which man in the world would behave badly towards a woman he likes?

MD: A man would become very insignificant/small in front of the woman he likes.

MD: Argh I’m so angry!

MD: You are afraid of being rejected, so that’s why you have not confessed until now?

KS: Does Oppa behave this way in front of the woman you like?

YB: Everyone will refer to you as the woman in charge of the fishery! (???) (Everyone will think you are a two timer / a loose woman)

KS: I was never in charge of any fishery.

KS: Shhh! Come out for a while.

KS: This is amazing. Lying in the water like this makes me feel like I’m being surrounded by warmth. This must be how it feels like to be hugged by parents.

KS: My parents’ ashes were scattered in this very sea.

KS: I knew it! You are actually a good person!



That was one line in the preview I didn’t understand last night when I did the translation. Now that I’m seeing a different translation, I get it better. I think YB is commenting on how close KS seems to be with MD and him, so he is mocking / warning her that people may think she is two timing them. It’s probably a Korean slang, but KS didn’t get it and thought that YB was literally saying that she owns a fishery. If anyone who is fluent in Korean understands this, pls let me know. Thank you!

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Something tells me that Yoo baek will end up permanently in the island.Say..he came to stay for two weeks but decides to stay for a lifetime..Such serendipitous fate!!! 

The island is everything that he needs - a home he never had and am sure he will fall in love with Kang Soon and the island...Am crying...This drama is so beautiful.It soothes my mind and at the same time gives me the dose of comedy that I so crave for.:smile:

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@joonminfan If using the Indonesian subs , I think he’s actually jealous of her interactions with MD- they have a lot of physical interactions ( she & MD ) but of course she does not think of it as something wrong. The fishery reference I suppose may mean  she seems to be flirting or easy with any guy . Interesting here with these subs , MD asked her if she’s confessed yet . So this means MD knows she likes YB right ? And she’s wondering if she should ..and she’s not done it yet cause she’s wondering if he’s worth it - like why would he be so mean to her if he likes her.


YB better show some good character development or I’ll volunteer to slap his lovely abs . 


@ashbelle It’s not a bad idea for him to reside in the island . He seems a lot more at peace there . 

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15 hours ago, triplem said:


i hope they kiss at the end of that preview here: 


1 hour ago, triplem said:

@joonminfan If using the Indonesian subs , I think he’s actually jealous of her interactions with MD- they have a lot of physical interactions ( she & MD ) but of course she does not think of it as something wrong. The fishery reference I suppose may mean  she seems to be flirting or easy with any guy . Interesting here with these subs , MD asked her if she’s confessed yet . So this means MD knows she likes YB right ? And she’s wondering if she should ..and she’s not done it yet cause she’s wondering if he’s worth it - like why would he be so mean to her if he likes her.


YB better show some good character development or I’ll volunteer to slap his lovely abs . 


Thanks @triplem for the clarification. I guess I do need to see the preview as a whole rather than it line by line as that would give me a better picture of what's going to happen next.


Isn't there a running joke that the audience can predict by which episode a kiss will take place in a 16-ep kdrama? By the 9th or 10th? As a member of the PAC, of course I would like a kiss to take place as soon as possible. :wub: But KS is a very pure and uncomplicated girl, while YB is more worldly and experienced. As @auntyem and @RobinM mentioned, YB has not been nice to KS so far. I would like him to sort out his issues first, treat her better and show her (and us) that he is worthy of her, before the kiss happens. I don't want YB to be too hasty and scare KS off, or break her heart. On the other hand though, I look at YB's behaviour and wonder if he had any dating experience, or is it only KS that causes him to be an immature man, akin to a little man pulling the pigtails of the girl he likes.



14 hours ago, auntyem said:

Although, judging by YB’s recent speech to her at her hideout, it seems that he is still FULL OF HIMSELF. Ugh!  And he did the hand on the wall thing to prove his point that he could unsettle her.  That surely was the action of a jerk!!! Not something a man should do if he’s trying to win a woman’s heart, for sure!!!  KS does seem to be attracted to him, but I’m not convinced that she has totally fallen for him yet, as he seems to have fallen for her.  I’m looking forward to seeing how he will win her over.  I get that KS seems to care for MD as an older brother, her feelings for him doesn’t seem to be anything more.  So YB has a really good chance!!!!! Am rooting for him and his journey to becoming a better person because of KS!


Poor YB, now I understand the driving force behind his becoming a star, because of his mother.  Apparently he lacks love, it turned him into such a sad, hard, narcissistic person.  I guess you have to overly love yourself if no one else does!  So so sad!  That, to me, is the price of success as a celebrity:  although you become famous and make lots of money, you lose many other precious things, such as privacy, your identity, etc.  Everything has a price.


I also feel that KS sees MD as an Oppa. Yeah, she is really close to him, but it feels more brotherly than anything else. She might have feelings for him when they were younger, but when I see the way he so seriously tells her it's not a joke that he wants to marry her, then proceeds to tease her by pulling her ear, makes me wonder if he has done that all the while. He is afraid of rejection and afraid of losing KS, so he covers up his insecurity by teasing her. After some time, KS will not believe him anymore when he says that he wants to marry her. I wonder how he will proceed on from here, as @triplem mentioned, it seems as if MD knows that KS is starting to like YB. Don't think he will give up so easily though. :D



12 hours ago, RobinM said:

@auntyem Being a Jerk with a heart of Gold Is the classic way a dude wins a K drama girls heart... with a few exceptions The more narcissistic vain and overbearing the behavior the quicker they fall in love.  She will straighten the hero out one way or another. 


A lot of older kdramas I watched used this trope of a jerky ML who needs to be straightened out by the FL, and it can get quite annoying, especially if I don't see how in the world the FL could fall for the ML despite being treated so badly. So I'm hoping YB can improve his behaviour. He'd better be good!


I really don't want KS to get hurt when she goes to Seoul with YB. She's such a sweetheart, and doesn't deserve to be laughed at for her accent and slightly old-fashioned ways. YB, please protect her!

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5 hours ago, joonminfan said:

A lot of older kdramas I watched used this trope of a jerky ML who needs to be straightened out by the FL, and it can get quite annoying, especially if I don't see how in the world the FL could fall for the ML despite being treated so badly.

Even jeon somin told that she would have chosen MD. relationship with tsundere people work only in kdrama, real life is anyway complicated. I don;t understand the charm of making the lead a complete jerk.

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6 hours ago, akiera said:

Even jeon somin told that she would have chosen MD. relationship with tsundere people work only in kdrama, real life is anyway complicated. I don;t understand the charm of making the lead a complete jerk.


If I were to meet someone like that in real life, I would most prob beat him up first and walk away, never finding out the soft and tender side of him. I guess in real life we do have men like that and we also have women who love them. But I’m glad that in two recent kdramas I watched, the MLs are not jerks, so there is hope after all. I wonder if this is a kdrama thing, or do other dramas often have such MLs? 

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To be fair I have seen Dramas where the Hero  falls for (and reforms ) the spoilt richard simmons heroine not the  sweet girl next door :) 


But enemies to lovers and Girls falling for jerks is a trope that is hundreds of years old at least. Shakespeare’s  Much Ado about Nothing  is  one of the first examples. 

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24 minutes ago, RobinM said:

To be fair I have seen Dramas where the Hero  falls for (and reforms ) the spoilt richard simmons heroine not the  sweet girl next door :) 


But enemies to lovers and Girls falling for jerks is a trope that is hundreds of years old at least. Shakespeare’s  Much Ado about Nothing  is  one of the first examples. 


Haha I’ve never watched a drama with a horrible FL before. That’s interesting! Now that you mentioned it, I remember Much Ado About Nothing from school. Enemies to lovers. But Benedick wasn’t a jerk right? Anyway in dramas, these seemingly completely jerky MLs all turn out to be soft tender caring guys on the inside. That’s why I’m hoping that YB will start to be nicer to KS. If not, even if it’s KJS oppa, it will be hard to root for him.

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To be fair I think YB’s character growth & back story reveal are at the right pace . It’s a ten episode drama , so the love line is also developing as needed . There won’t be much time for them to drag the plot too much . 

Interesting note here 

KJS being a sweetheart 


Love the island folks 

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@triplem I’m just too anxious to watch YB being sweet and caring towards KS, since there are only 7 eps left. And if the writer-nim decides to throw in some angst, that’s less time for sweetness! :joy:


I saw the IG updates too! KJS Oppa is so sweet. It must be really hard for the cast and crew to be filiming on the island. It’s now winter in Korea right? The sea must be cold! And JSM has to dive! I really applaud her bravery and professionalism. That’s why I’m hoping more people can appreciate this drama for everyone has worked so hard. Fighting!

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15 hours ago, joonminfan said:

@triplem I’m just too anxious to watch YB being sweet and caring towards KS, since there are only 7 eps left. And if the writer-nim decides to throw in some angst, that’s less time for sweetness! :joy:


I saw the IG updates too! KJS Oppa is so sweet. It must be really hard for the cast and crew to be filiming on the island. It’s now winter in Korea right? The sea must be cold! And JSM has to dive! I really applaud her bravery and professionalism. That’s why I’m hoping more people can appreciate this drama for everyone has worked so hard. Fighting!

What’s killing us is that it’s once a week . So it feeds into our impatience as well.


Prior to watching this drama , i binged watched 20c Boy & Girl - where KJS was such a sweetheart with zero jerk behaviour - really the kind of guy girls should date or marry . So it’s really good to see his versatility here as a bit of a 1st class jerk :D


True , JSM is so brave . I read she  actually has a fear of water / diving - so it took her a lot of guts to do this. If I’m not mistaken they started filming in Sept when the waters are  warmer . Now it’s really cold . I’m headed to SK this week & I was told to prepare for subzero temps . I’ll try to live cap this Friday from my hotel room .  ( next level obsession   :lol:


the kid actors 



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42 minutes ago, triplem said:

What’s killing us is that it it’s once a week . So it feeds into our impatience as well.


Prior to watching this drama , i binged watched 20c Boy & Girl - where KJS was such a sweetheart with zero jerk behaviour - really the kind of guy girls should date or marry . So it’s really good to see his versatility here as a bit of a 1st class jerk :D


True , JSM is so brave . I read she  actually has a fear of water / diving - so it took her a lot of guts to do this. If I’m not mistaken they started filming in Sept when the waters are  warmer . Now it’s really cold . I’m headed to SK this week & I was told to prepare for subzero temps . I’ll try to live cap this Friday from my hotel room .  ( next level obsession   :lol:


the kid actors 



Yeah sometimes I really regret starting a drama when it’s still being broadcasted. I’ve dropped a few dramas coz I just couldn’t keep up the interest. Thank goodness this drama is only 10 eps!


KJS was great in 20th century. Such a sweetheart. The only other drama I watched him in was Likeable or Not, and his character there was a nice guy too. Didn’t watch anything else of his. I heard he was good in Rebel as the cruel king so I may check that out for variety. :lol:


I’ve never seen JSM in anything else before this, so any recommendations? I really like the vibe she gives off - down to earth and very earnest and sweet. She’s so brave to take on the role when she is afraid of water. I hope they have finished filming all her water scenes as it must be really really cold now.


I’m so envious that you are going to Korea! Have never gone before so that should go on my to-do list. Thanks for being obsessed together with me to the point of doing a live recap on your vacation. :joy:I will also try my best to do the translation. 

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