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[Drama 2018] Tomorrow Is Sunny as Well / Sunny Again Tomorrow, 내일도 맑음


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4 hours ago, mqiuwen said:

They both attended the same university, but I don't think they took the same classes. She has always called in "sunbae". Also, I think he's around 30 years old because when he refused to go on the blind dates because he told his mom he already had a girlfriend, mom wanted him to introduce her. HG didn't want to and ended up arguing with her, then his dad came out of Leo's room and defended HG. Then his mom went on and on about how he is already 30 years which is past the age of casually dating.


If she's there, will they really get time alone? I think she's suspects hat there's something going on between HG and HN because of what her Team Leader said. She may try to get in between them instead... 



Oh btw, I'm not sure if we've ever discussed about this, but how did HN ended up living with EA? What are your thoughts/predictions about this? I really can't come up with one, especially since EA supposedly had twins and one of them die. :blink:

See,the way parents push their children to marry is  very alarming and most times they make mistakes because they want to please their parents. 

Who told that woman that her son has passed the age of casually dating? Is it not Korea we are talking about again? And why always the mum?  I like dads o. They hardly interfere and sees things from different perspectives. 

If the relationship goes south,  I hope they will provide solutions 

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I feel sick just watching the scenes where SH and JE were crying as if they were genuinely devastated by the loss of SJ. My heart broke for JH. All the hopes she had in finding her long lost daughter the past 20 years vanished with that "confirmation." I know they showed JH filling up the form to register SJ's death but did she really submit it? And could it be maternal instinct at play in that final scene?


As expected, the scenes of HG imagining HN were hilarious. I especially loved the one when the real HN was in front of him but he kept mumbling for imagination-HN to disappear. At this rate, poor guy is going to lose his sanity soon enough. HN, only you can save him now :lol:.


HG obviously has feelings for HN. Like some of you shared, I really hope (desperately so) that HN will reciprocate them soon, like in next week's episodes. The preview looks promising! I know some of you are worried about that affectionate look DG gave HN in the preview but i think DG has stepped aside. It's all about HG-HN now.


Was browsing around when I came across this post. The video is actually from the actor, Robin Deiana, who plays Leo. Upcoming scene maybe?


Oh and a new OST has been released. I believe it's the song that played in episode 67 where all 4 leads were by themselves and thinking about each other :). Not sure about the title though. Google translation: "Maybe It's Love"



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I just backwatch from ep 60 and there are several things I'm curious: 


The movie "Summer Days", is it real movie or it's actually 50 Days of Summer? Or other movie?


People praised DG for finally doing the right thing in ep 63, but I think it's long overdue. He should've been doing the right thing a looong time ago. He shouldn't be praised for something that he's supposed to do. It's like a thief being praised and thanked for returning the stolen items, he shouldn't be stealing them in the first place. Gosh... I dislike this guy for being so wishy washy. 


As for HN's feeling for DG. She looks as if she's okay with the way things are now, but it's just the brain telling her heart what to do. I will believe that HN has really let DG go when she takes of the bracelet. It's symbolic and when she takes it off consciously, it means she has truly let him go. 


Oh, I can't help but screenshot this and say, "You and me both, HN's omma" *nod *nod


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I don't think DG did the right the thing at all.  HN and DG may have gone back to being just friends again but he lied to JE. Why lie about wanting to start over with HN when you know that's not what you want. . I think he's pushing JE to make a decision of what she wants because he knows she has feelings for him also. DG is not the smartest bulb in the box either and a bit selfish. It never dawned on him that JE could strike back at HN again by trying to ruin her product line with K1. I also think he has figured out HK likes HN and again it's about JE's feelings not HN's. He wants JE to make up her mind about him or HG but he placed HN in it when there was no need too. 


Then we have JE whose mind set is always what about me. She's a selfish self indulged greedy spoiled brat. Nothing is ever about anyone but herself and it was bread into her by her mother and father. It's the way they all have lived for years. JE has been the bright star in their lives for 20 years and she doesn't know how to be or live any other way.   JE does like DG but has no clue she really likes him because she has no clue what loving someone is about. She really does not know she has to love herself before she can love someone else. JE doesn't know you can't buy or steal love and you have to give it back in return.


JE's parents are the worst examples any child could have. They are greedy self indulged uppity pretenders who latch on and use other people for gain. The father is not as bad as the mother and does have somewhat of a conscience but still has that greedy self indulgence side to him. SH has insecurities that have been eating her up inside her for years. Her jealousy of JH has turned into hate and there's no turning back for her. She knows what she's done is wrong but she can't help herself and this is her way of sticking it to JH. SH is making her sister suffer because of her own faults  and has justified it as helping JE. 


HN is use to rejection and she bounces back from it very quickly. The bracelet is still on her arm because she still hasn't realized she has moved pass her crush on DG. He has been a constant comfortable familiarity in her life and she's holding on to that. She's not ready yet to let go of what's always been a familiar comfortable feeling for her.  HN has no clue she finds HG very comfortable and why his change of attitude towards her bothers her. She hasn't thought about or realized she does have feelings for HG. As some have mentioned this over night trip should do the trick. 


JE and her brother are going to show up on this trip and I think the true feelings of all 4 are going to emerge and the truth will come out. HG could care less if JE shows up but it's going to bother DG. He lied to JE about him and HN and being the selfish person she is she's going to make an attempt to make him make a choice. Once DG shows his true feelings for JE I think the bracelet will finally be removed. 




To me the last scene with JH, EA and HN in the middle was foretelling of what's to come. HN called out to her mother twice and both women turned around. They both saw the bright sunny smiling girl standing there calling out to her mother.  Something is going to click in JH and it's going to bother her. We never got to see JH actually turn in the death notice and I think she didn't. She just could not do it because she's not ready to let go of her child. JE sitting there saying everything is going her way is not going to happen. Things will not go her or her mother's way ever again. The evil in that household blinded JH and she's been living in a fog for years. That one moment of her hearing the worlds mom lifted that fog. As been mentioned by @Saja La  DG's father will be the key that opens the door to JH finding her daughter.  She just needed to step away from the evil of her family to actually see the Sun that has been right in front of her. 


HN has never remembers the past and it's been buried inside of her for 20 years. Everything that has happen in the past has been repeated in some way and nothing has triggered her memory. There is one more thing that has not happen to HN as yet. She loved her bio father and he loved her. The man died because of the loss of his child and I think he will be the one that will triggers her memory. She has to see this mans face and once she does it will probably bring her past memories back. 

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8 hours ago, awsparkle said:

The evil in that household blinded JH and she's been living in a fog for years. That one moment of her hearing the worlds mom lifted that fog. As been mentioned by @Saja La  DG's father will be the key that opens the door to JH finding her daughter.  She just needed to step away from the evil of her family to actually see the Sun that has been right in front of her. 

@awsparkle ... Chingu that evil in JH's household was always there , I pity JH for having to be associated or related by blood to these evilness in her household. JE created a monster in her mother, she hasn't realized that rage and hatred for her sister has been building up for 30 years. Now that it has been unleashed , her mother will be more vicious and at times JE will become scared until she composes herself and keep chanting "this is what i want". I think once Shin Hee  or JE causes Ha Nee physical harm will be the time when JE and SH will wake up from her dream and desires. 

I still don't like DG because I don't know what he wants and I don't trust him. Although he put a stop to being used by JE, if JE finally admits to liking him she will use him because her hatred for Ha Nee is way to strong and she will try to make him choose between them. I don't know his state of mind and I dislike him. :bawling::bawling:


Jin Guk will help Jin Hee through her grief and will reunite her and her daughter. I just can't wait for JH to get close to Ha Nee. I want her to learn what Ha Nee likes, dislikes and start to compare these taste from her baby girl. 

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7 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@awsparkle ... Chingu that evil in JH's household was always there , I pity JH for having to be associated or related by blood to these evilness in her household. JE created a monster in her mother, she hasn't realized that rage and hatred for her sister has been building up for 30 years. Now that it has been unleashed , her mother will be more vicious and at times JE will become scared until she composes herself and keep chanting "this is what i want". I think once Shin Hee  or JE causes Ha Nee physical harm will be the time when JE and SH will wake up from her dream and desires. 



I wonder if it's JE who created the monster out of her mother. Or was the monster always there within SH, just waiting to come out. :mellow:

During SH's morale battle back in earlier episodes, I was hoping that SH would do the right thing. Set things straight and ask for forgiveness to JH, for JE's mistake. JH would be disappointed or angry but eventually she would understand and forgive JE since JE was a child herself at that time. 

But.. since it's drama and show must go on, SH chose the devil's path. She was in fact, worse than her JE. Who in their right mind would do such a thing to a family. All this is making be believe that JE is sociopath not by nurture, but by nature. SH has the genetics of a sociopath, so does JE. Btw, sociopath and psychopath has a subtle difference but the mother-daughter duo are definitely sociopath. 


@awsparkle Yeah.. DG did it right by setting straight with HN .. which is long overdue. But you are right, he does seem to try to push JE to realize her feelings towards him. I guess by now, DG is fully aware of what kind of a person JE is... she wants what she can't have, which is why DG gives unclear answer about his relationship with HN to JE, which is kind of manipulative of him. They are perfect for each other. 


We still have 50 eps more to go. I hate to see HN suffer but the way the setting goes, HN has to suffer to enjoy a happily ever after. Dang.... this drama, why not show a more realistic story like HN and HG adjusting to a steady couple life, or HN after meeting her mother struggling to balance between old mom and new mom. You know stuffs that are likely to happen in real life. But I guess real life is boring huh, that's why we turn to drama. :sweatingbullets:

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I agree evil has always been a part  of the lives of this family but I don't think JE created the monster in her mother. SH is and has always been a monster due to her jealousy of JH. She has always wanted what JH had and that was to live a life of luxury. When JH loss her child and then her husband SH was okay with it. She now had everything JH no longer had and took joy in the fact her children became her mother's favorites. SH knew hiding JH's daughter is wrong but all the hate she's held inside won't allow her to do the right thing.  All JE did was awaken the monster in SH and it's why she keeps telling JE she will handle things. JE going alone with her mother and letting this happen is what's going to cause them both to lose everything. 




I don't think DG has fully figured out the real JE at all. He knows JE likes him and he's pushing her to admit it but he put HN in the middle of their feelings. HN is the third party and has been from the beginning. DG has always put JE before HN which always causes HN to be hurt in someway. He was right in the other things he said to JE but he should have life HN out of it. The only person who is going to be able to untangle this mess is HG. He indirectly told DG he was a jerk and he's right. Only a jerk would keep involving other people in the mess they've made of things. 


I want HN to finally take that bracelet off herself because she finally sees DG is not the person she thought him to be. 

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@awsparkle..Well chingu, that is exactly why DG will be finally realized that he was never a good friend. DG should be raking lesson from his father. His own father Ian choosing between EA and JH. DG needs to be taught a lesson and learn from it. Once he does learn it , it will be too late because HN will have fallen for HK. HK who treats her better, believe in her and will stand up for her. He understands her ethics. DG has never defended HN but he has defended JE. He almost succeeded in convincing HN to leave he shopping network. HN already shown the trust she has on HK is way more stronger than her bond with DG. It is a slow progress but tbh HN isn’t really ready for love when she has company she is trying to run successfully. 


JG will never believe anyone’s lies about Ha Nee. He tell JH everything, especially when HN is suffering. Even JH takes advice from JG when she asked him what kind of woman EA. He told her EA only loves for her kids and that she isn’t interested in any romance. Basically telling her EA will never be interested in Mr. Hwang.



The fault I see JH has is when she doesn’t forcibly tells her mom she is wrong. I kinda understand where she is coming from. I love with a mom who can not be reasoned with. Trying to explain to someone who was raised with different set of value and time. That is different for the time I grew up on. We  always have different values and ethic. Some maybe open to change and some just refuses or can’t change. It is hard when parents BELIEVE THEY ARE RIGHT. smh smh 



@penelop3 you and @awsparkle are in  agreement that SH was a monster already.  What you both wrote make sense and it never occurred to me. The reason why I said JE created it is because of JE hadn’t lost SJ or tried to kill HN. SH would have never unleashed her inner rage.  I think the fact that her successful sister would always help her even though she hated her, would she have ever tried to her her sister. I don’t think so. But you both brought up some good points that made me question what  I wrote previously.   

I say again, I love having the chance to talk to people who have my same interest in dramas. 


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1 hour ago, UnniSarah said:

@penelop3 you and @awsparkle are in  agreement that SH was a monster already.  What you both wrote make sense and it never occurred to me. The reason why I said JE created it is because of JE hadn’t lost SJ or tried to kill HN. SH would have never unleashed her inner rage.  I think the fact that her successful sister would always help her even though she hated her, would she have ever tried to her her sister. I don’t think so. But you both brought up some good points that made me question what  I wrote previously.   

I say again, I love having the chance to talk to people who have my same interest in dramas. 


@penelop3, @awsparkle & @UnniSarah Wow! Your opinions about JE's and SH's are well spotted on. I knew these 2 ladies were evil monsters, but I never really thought about whether they were by nature or nurture. After reading your thoughts I started to think about it and in my opinion, I think both of them are monsters by nurture. SH and JE grew up in an environment were the "oldest" sibling/cousin was favored all the time. We never saw scenes of how SH's life was when she was younger, but we can definitely tell based on the way her mom treats her. SH was always the least favorite, the unsuccessful and even the one who picked the wrong husband. I'm guessing no matter how hard she tried, she was never able to surpass her sister in her mom's eyes and this caused her jealousy to nurture, grow and bottle up as time passed. However, when JH lost her child and husband, just like @awsparkle mentioned, she was able to beat JH on something. I think because of this and seen her sister suffered after loosing her family made SH's hatred/jealousy towards her to subside. The monster within her soul went to sleep. However, after she learnt that HN/SJ was still alive, all those bottled up feelings emerged. She knew that if JH brought her daughter back into the house, JE's life would become miserable as her... always being compared to HN/SJ and always being the least favorite. She didn't want her daughter to go thru the same misery and therefore she acted on it. Her mother instincts will never allow for her child to thru so much misery and will protect her at all costs even if it means to become a monster. 

Now, on JE... we were able to see a few images from her childhood that showed she was probably in the same situation as her mother was while growing up. The difference, however, is that JE only dealt with it for a few years compared to her mother who is still experiencing it. I don't think JE was a monster when she was a kid. I don't even think that when she kept quiet about HN/SJ disappearance turned her into one yet. I consider her act as the one of a scared child that missed the opportunity to speak the truth when she could. She becoming evil was when she found out that her cousin was alive and still decided to keep quiet about it; knowing her aunt's longing and sadness for her missing child and not saying a word about it is just wrong. Now, she becoming a monster was when she attempted to kill her cousin by running her over. That is just something that only monsters would attempt to do. I don't care how much you hate a person, killing is just an abominable act and just by having the thoughts of doing it can make a person become a monster. 

There are no excuses for the actions that these 2 ladies are doing, but if I really have to pick someone that has instigated SH's monstrous behavior, I would say her mom. Her mom's verbal attacks and behavior towards SH has made her feel the way she does and somehow traumatized her as well. It is understandable that there will always be comparisons between siblings, but always siding with one and not the other one will make, even the most resilient person, go crazy. No wonder why SH is doing all of these crazy things... She just doesn't want her child to grow up as the "loser" of the family. 

Regarding DG, after watching the last couple of episodes, I was one of the few people that gave him credit for standing up to JE and being honest with HN. After reading your comments, now I don't know what to think of him. I think what you're writing about him is accurate, but I think part of me expects him to be the "good friend" that he has always been. When he told JE that he wanted to start over with HN, I think he meant it in a way to just brush JE off and a way to end things with her... for her not to look or call for him anymore. He knows that since JE hates HN, then she wouldn't look for him anymore. Up until this point, DG was always the one looking for, inviting and trying to get to JE. Her excuse to reject his invitations was because he is friends or got along with HN. Since this was an excuse that he couldn't argued because it is true, then maybe for this reason he just blurted "yes" to her so he could ended up things. 


Sorry for the long post! :lol: I didn't realize it was this long after finishing it. After reading your comments, I just got too excited and decided to write. :PJust as @UnniSarah wrote, I also love having the chance to read, write, comment and share opinions about the same interests in dramas. :wub:

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5 minutes ago, meoooooowwww said:

Is there any text preview? 

하늬(설인아)의 워크숍 초대에 고민하던 한결(진주형)은 도경(이창욱)을 의식하고 따라나선다. 지은(하승리)은 도경을 찾아가 하늬 대신 자신과 있어달라고 붙잡는데...

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44 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

하늬(설인아)의 워크숍 초대에 고민하던 한결(진주형)은 도경(이창욱)을 의식하고 따라나선다. 지은(하승리)은 도경을 찾아가 하늬 대신 자신과 있어달라고 붙잡는데...


Thanks @dramaninja 


Google Translation:

I am worried about the invitation of the workshop of Seo-in (Seo-ina), and I am aware of Dae-gyeong (Lee Chang-wook) and follow it. Ji-eun (Hae-seung-ri) visits the city and catches him to stay with him instead.


I can pretty much figure out the first part but not the second :sweatingbullets:

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2 minutes ago, torresnn said:


Thanks @dramaninja 


Google Translation:

I am worried about the invitation of the workshop of Seo-in (Seo-ina), and I am aware of Dae-gyeong (Lee Chang-wook) and follow it. Ji-eun (Hae-seung-ri) visits the city and catches him to stay with him instead.


I can pretty much figure out the first part but not the second :sweatingbullets:

Thank you. Based on the rough translation JiEun will be together with HN, HG and DG? :mellow: WOW!

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42 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

하늬(설인아)의 워크숍 초대에 고민하던 한결(진주형)은 도경(이창욱)을 의식하고 따라나선다. 지은(하승리)은 도경을 찾아가 하늬 대신 자신과 있어달라고 붙잡는데...

Here's what I'm getting. Not sure if it's the exact wording but the basic idea. 


HG is contemplating the workshop invitation from HN and becomes worried when he hears DG is going along so he shows up.


JE seeks out DG to grab a hold of him instead of HN. . 

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12 minutes ago, torresnn said:


Thanks @dramaninja 


Google Translation:

I am worried about the invitation of the workshop of Seo-in (Seo-ina), and I am aware of Dae-gyeong (Lee Chang-wook) and follow it. Ji-eun (Hae-seung-ri) visits the city and catches him to stay with him instead.


I can pretty much figure out the first part but not the second :sweatingbullets:


I think the second part is saying something about JE begging DG to stay with her instead of looking for HN. :huh:

Maybe HN sees DG and JE talking about their relationship and HN overhears. Then HN will turn around and leave and DG will try to follow her... :sweatingbullets:

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@penelop3, @awsparkle & @UnniSarah   - Thank you all for the exhilarating conversation about the drama.  Pretty enticing to read all your discussion.  


SH and JE character is very similar.  Until they knew the other are beneath them, they are friendly and cozy with them.  The minute they figure out that their territory is going to be stepped on, they go on the offensive and formulate methodologies that makes the other person humble.  For eg. when JE figured out that HG like the sunny nature of HN, she met with her and disclosed who she loves.  She knew that HN being a friend would not compete with her for a man.  Even though she was not aware of it.  They live in a bubble since they know the things they have done wrong and that they cannot have the cushy life if they left it untouched.  


JH on the other hand has always been the darling daughter since she could not tolerate her mother being abused by her grandparents for not giving birth to a boy.  She might have felt that her not being a boy and over compensated for it.  She became the head of the household.  She took charge taking care of her mother after losing her child and husband.  She worked hard to keep up with her mental state and when the sister had hardships, she let them come to her home and live there with the rest of the family.  SH instead of being grateful and appreciative of what her sister is doing, wants to make sure that does not stop since neither she nor her husband have anything to be proud of.  Her way of saving her daughter will be the last straw that will break the camel's back.  As some of my elders say, the universe has had enough of separation between mother and child.  Either it will be Jin Gook who would facilitate the union of mother and child or JH by herself will start reminiscing the sound uttered by HN and start to investigate without telling anyone since everyone thinks that SJ is not alive anymore.  The money transactions in the ledgers will raise a red flag which she might investigate further.  She might even see HN baby pictures and might hear of a break-in in their complex and wonder why they did not take anything.  OR she might go to the police station to thank the detective and he might inform that hers is a cold case and then start wondering how these people called her and brought her the death news.  I think she might start seeing the resemblances between her, her husband and HN.  With the child calling the mother, the inner heart of the mother is awoken.  She would want to investigate.  


DG -  I kind of don't like his character at all.  Even before all of you kind of gave up on him, and gave him one chance after another, I had given up much earlier and everything that he does is very calculative especially after JE came into his circle.  HN was a girl who he grew up with and even though HN was head over heels, he did not reciprocate her feelings.  HN is a bit slow right now.  She does bounce back after a hardship.  But when she was a child, she was a bright girl smarter than JE.  She has a pure heart which JH will see as she gets to know more about HN from JG.  The accident probably made her lose something or stagnated her memories  which could be the cause of her poor grades.  DG, even though he seems to have let HN go, and everyone knows about it, he seems to have a weird look on his face when he encounters HN.  I thought I must be seeing things that were not spoken, but I see him watching and smiling again at HN in the preview.  I don't think it is total friendship and as you all have spoken, he is using her - which is the worst kind of friendship.  


HN is naive, a quick learner, a pure hearted soul, caring and considerate in my opinion.  HN will hook on to HG when her birth secret comes out and she will have to deal with the emotions one way or another.  I truly want JH to get some peace and strength in dealing with the issues that will prop up and as she gets to know what her real sister did to her and who was the cause of SJ's accident, JH will blow up.  I want JH to trample SH like an elephant trampling an ant and show her how it is to feel that pain.  

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Seriously, this drama is the only reason I'm excited for weekdays... :lol::lol::lol:


2 hours ago, awsparkle said:

Here's what I'm getting. Not sure if it's the exact wording but the basic idea. 


HG is contemplating the workshop invitation from HN and becomes worried when he hears DG is going along so he shows up.


JE seeks out DG to grab a hold of him instead of HN. . 


So, HG is joining the workshop, but is JE joining too? I hope not. This love squarish is not something I want to see. 
If it's true and all 4 of them are in the workshop, I hope the writers will create a progress between HN-HG instead of HN-DG-JE. No point for HN in getting entangled in DG-JE's drama. :mellow:


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