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[Drama 2017-2018] A Korean Odyssey/Hwayugi 화유기


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 I think we should let this person continue wrting what she wants lol


While OG must be super happy thst he finally gets to eat his samjang after holding back for so long  :tongue:


what to dooo... when this drama ended there won't be interesting and fun conversation anymore. I'm so gonna miss this thread more than anything

we rode this blind roller coaster together feeling scared, sad, happy, thrilled and how this this drama otp always manages  to give us so much butterfly effects in our stomachs... My no. 1 OTP :bawling:

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@Emma Gudiy Caresia you are entitled to your opinions and free to express your discomfort. However there's very little need to insist that your point of view is correct.


Most of the commenters here have been faithfully watching and analyzing and contributing to the forum from the start. & I think most of us are also very wary when people take a dump on JSM/ OYS because there have been SO MANY who have done so flagrantly in other blogs, etc.


I don't think you are, but it would be good to read through @stroppyse's latest post & think about it. Your point is only vaguely plausible if you remove the scene and take it completely out of context from the rest of the drama.


And I would also hazard to say that even if you just looked at the scene itself, how it was played out was that SOG was restraining himself and the final "I love you" from JSM was actually the FINAL consent needed. I don't think most people sign contracts to indicate 100% mutual consent as foreplay- and the scene was actually one of precious few in kdramaland where I felt that both characters were actually seeking consent from each other and once that was cleared, throwing themselves into the emotions that they had been holding back for a long time already. 


To take a step further (hypothetically)- I think if JSM had seen the GGG glow or turn black when she kissed him, she would have run away. Throughout the whole show, SOG has been the proactive one initiating the physicality in their relationship- the stillness that he portrays in that scene is him trying to ascertain whether SHE is really ok with taking things further, since he knows that she had been holding back all this while. He doesn't want to hurt her (hence the choice of keeping the GGG on to keep her in the dark longer, in case he gets killed by the dragon) but he's also been longing so so much to be with her.


I hope that helps give some clarity to the various perspectives articulated here. I really thought the scene was really sensitively portrayed and well done so your view of it propogating rape culture seems quite overwrought and not something I agree with.

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I have been a long lurker on here and I had to actually make an account because I could not believe what I was reading from user Emma Gudiy Caresia.


As a rape victim, reading your post and response is hurtful. You try to make it logical but it's not and you keep on ignoring and trying to refute what everyone is saying to push your own beliefs, which is really disgusting that you'd even accuse it of being part of r*pe culture. My trauma is not something that you have any right to throw around so carelessly to say this drama is part of r*pe culture. How you watch dramas is very questionable if you are 100% believing in what you are saying. Yes, you are a troll, even if you say you aren't because you come into this thread, knowing that we support the OTP and love this drama, by trying to be fake woke and painting this drama in such a bad light. In effect, trying to make us all guilty for supporting this OTP. You are exactly what is wrong with those who say they support victims and are trying to fight for what is right, yet only doing it to help your 'knight in shining armor syndrome' and making yourself feel superior to others. There are discussions on here that are not always the same, and there is respect given when one opposes to another, but what you are doing in this case is coming with a fighting mentality and wanting to stir up things. That is truly what a troll is. You add nothing to the discussion except trying to bring shame and negativity here.


If you feel so badly about the drama and OTP, go make a blog post somewhere else and talk bad about it there. Or, go on 'those' websites and join in with everyone talking bad about this drama. Just reading what you have been saying has made me feel so sick, both physically and mentally. You might not understand this but words can be a weapon, both to protect and hurt. You need to think before saying something that can make your weapon hurt others.


I'm not trying to feed more to this but I felt that I had to write this. I'm looking forward to these next episodes even though it will be the end... thanks to all who have made this enjoyable with conversation and analysis. This drama is truly one of my favorites that I hold dear to me. I've not loved a drama or OTP as much as I have here, I've realized. So happy with the cast and story, even with frustrating times we've all had to go through. I really believe we will have a happy ending and put my full trust in Hong Sisters to deliver to us.

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No offense to fans But I will invite our trolling visitor Go watch Secret Garden or BOF  to see Real examples of what she keeps insisting and then she can talk. 


Edited by stroppyse
Mod edit: Put in a spoiler since post solely discusses other drama, so is off topic.
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16 minutes ago, dramaalpaca said:

@Emma Gudiy Caresia you are entitled to your opinions and free to express your discomfort. However there's very little need to insist that your point of view is correct.


Most of the commenters here have been faithfully watching and analyzing and contributing to the forum from the start. & I think most of us are also very wary when people take a dump on JSM/ OYS because there have been SO MANY who have done so flagrantly in other blogs, etc.


I don't think you are, but it would be good to read through @stroppyse's latest post & think about it. Your point is only vaguely plausible if you remove the scene and take it completely out of context from the rest of the drama.


And I would also hazard to say that even if you just looked at the scene itself, how it was played out was that SOG was restraining himself and the final "I love you" from JSM was actually the FINAL consent needed. I don't think most people sign contracts to indicate 100% mutual consent as foreplay- and the scene was actually one of precious few in kdramaland where I felt that both characters were actually seeking consent from each other and once that was cleared, throwing themselves into the emotions that they had been holding back for a long time already. 


To take a step further (hypothetically)- I think if JSM had seen the GGG glow or turn black when she kissed him, she would have run away. Throughout the whole show, SOG has been the proactive one initiating the physicality in their relationship- the stillness that he portrays in that scene is him trying to ascertain whether SHE is really ok with taking things further, since he knows that she had been holding back all this while. He doesn't want to hurt her (hence the choice of keeping the GGG on to keep her in the dark longer, in case he gets killed by the dragon) but he's also been longing so so much to be with her.


I hope that helps give some clarity to the various perspectives articulated here. I really thought the scene was really sensitively portrayed and well done so your view of it propogating rape culture seems quite overwrought and not something I agree with.

I have had enough of those triolls actually but i don't even bother to comment

let me point out what funny things those trolls said:

1. Oh Yeon Seo face is paralyzed in this drama


2. Her eyes are dead (?????) . When someone said her eyes are very expressive. That troll said: "you know you can only call her eyes expressive if her eyes are like Baby Sol from Waikiki drama "


3 . When people pointed out her eys are sad and she can cry really well . They say " She is using eyedrops, don't u know that?" :D *crazy*


4. They said they need prove that her face is not paralyzed if she can cry out loud. *really?*

*didn't they watch ep 15 at all?*


i just thouht these trolls are funny because they are full of  insulting nonsenses but amusing and creative at the same time 

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16 minutes ago, RobinM said:

No offense to fans But I will invite our trolling visitor Go watch Secret Garden or BOF  to see Real examples of what she keeps insisting and then she can talk. 



Heirs forced messy closet kisses too...


Statutory rape in Goblin


Attempted rape from the King's Daughter


Attempted rape (multiple times) from Maids


Could go on...


BOF - fwiw - was pretty decent in how they handled the date rape scenario from the victim's view.


Edited by stroppyse
mod edit: Placed in a spoiler since discusses other dramas entirely, so off topic to this drama.
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28 minutes ago, dramaalpaca said:

@Emma Gudiy Caresia you are entitled to your opinions and free to express your discomfort. However there's very little need to insist that your point of view is correct.


Most of the commenters here have been faithfully watching and analyzing and contributing to the forum from the start. & I think most of us are also very wary when people take a dump on JSM/ OYS because there have been SO MANY who have done so flagrantly in other blogs, etc.


I don't think you are, but it would be good to read through @stroppyse's latest post & think about it. Your point is only vaguely plausible if you remove the scene and take it completely out of context from the rest of the drama.


And I would also hazard to say that even if you just looked at the scene itself, how it was played out was that SOG was restraining himself and the final "I love you" from JSM was actually the FINAL consent needed. I don't think most people sign contracts to indicate 100% mutual consent as foreplay- and the scene was actually one of precious few in kdramaland where I felt that both characters were actually seeking consent from each other and once that was cleared, throwing themselves into the emotions that they had been holding back for a long time already. 


To take a step further (hypothetically)- I think if JSM had seen the GGG glow or turn black when she kissed him, she would have run away. Throughout the whole show, SOG has been the proactive one initiating the physicality in their relationship- the stillness that he portrays in that scene is him trying to ascertain whether SHE is really ok with taking things further, since he knows that she had been holding back all this while. He doesn't want to hurt her (hence the choice of keeping the GGG on to keep her in the dark longer, in case he gets killed by the dragon) but he's also been longing so so much to be with her.


I hope that helps give some clarity to the various perspectives articulated here. I really thought the scene was really sensitively portrayed and well done so your view of it propogating rape culture seems quite overwrought and not something I agree with.

Users here are free to not agree with my opinion. I actually can't tell who is right or wrong, because there isn't absolute black or white in ethics, just telling how I saw it and that it disappointed me. By commenting further I was just trying to explain better my concerns since many users seem to missed my point and I also ignore those who simple attack me or make assumptions because my intention is not to flood or troll here. Knowing the personality of JSM, I think too that she would have run away if she saw it glowing. But still, as far as she knows about the work of GGG device, it makes people who wear them think they love it's owner, without showing signs like glowing.

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@anon8888888888888888 I’m trying to play devils advocate and to understand your point, but I just can’t. The Hong Sisters did write and touch upon in this show ; suicide (assisted), the negative effects of trolling/comenting online, escapism,  bullying,  isolation,  child abuse, and corruption (political & economical). But rape? That’s a little bit of a stretch. 



Others have given their views about the GGG and the effects or affects. But I’ll give you one more, he was interested in JSM before the bracelet. Actually, SOG put the bracelet on himself in the end. This to me is the definite sign. And the fact he didn’t kill her when GW was suggesting to use MW (when MW ingested JSM’s blood).  He evaded. Another sign. 


Im also curious, did you watch all the episodes or did you just skip? 


I don't think you are a troll per say. However, if you want to use the moral card, why aren’t you disgusted by the fact that SOG wanted to eat her and kill her (in the beginning )?  Why are you placing the bed scene in episode 18 or kissing section the absolute worst moment for you? I’m scratching my head. You should be bothered about the whole show. So, I suggest watch something else. 





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For the love of god, stop trying to validate yourself Emma. It’s clear to me, and many others here that you just don’t like the female character. You need to stop and take a step outside if you think a woman taking the initiative to kiss a guy is immoral. If you were trying to better explain your concerns you sure did a richard simmons job at it, and best not to post at all since all your posts have been trolling whether you think so or not.

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So during the bookseller episode, the bookseller supposably kidnapped the 'kid' JSM, so the contract that JSM made with SOG when she was a kid transferred over to her. But how in the world did the bookseller became SJ or how JSM was no longer SJ.:blink:

Because JSM was decided to be SJ even before she was born (as opposed to punished for releasing OG).

Am I thinking too much or is this some kind of early withdrawal symptoms? :cry:



I can't believe that I almost missed this lively discussion about rape culture and what not...

I think we should all thank her for giving us this topic to talk about and stop ourselves from agonizing over the preview and the last two episodes...

With that I'm out. 

Edited by Jillia
Please do not post consecutively, edit you previous post instead. Thanks! :)
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May I just remind everyone that since this thread has been pretty respectful about other people's viewpoints, whether we agree with them or not, that airing our own points of view on any topic is fine and welcome, but that speculation about other member's inclinations, activities, etc. is best just left alone. I really love this drama and reading people's posts, and I would just prefer it not to degenerate away from the appreciation and analysis of this drama. Thanks.



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3 hours ago, anon8888888888888888 said:

As a kind,compassionate and rightful human being Sunmi first worried about controlling someone's mind with the power of the bracelet. Still when she fell in love with SO , even if she thought his love was fake, that he didn't really and consciously love her, she not only kissed him, but had sex with him in the last ep. 
Don't know how you felt about it (maybe you were blinded by their hotness), but I felt pretty much disgusted. We don't need TV series with rape culture messages in it. Forcing someone to intimacy is wrong (even if he did love her, she didn't know that so it's not an excuse for her). 


Girl are you Buzz lightyear ? Because I feel like you're reaching infinity and beyond :blink:. I am seriously baffled that you consider this rape culture, please do not trivialise something as serious as rape  especially in a scene that was clearly consensual on both sides. 

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12 minutes ago, ravenbleu said:


So during the bookseller episode, the bookseller supposably kidnapped the 'kid' JSM, so the contract that JSM made with SOG when she was a kid transferred over to her. But how in the world did the bookseller became SJ or how JSM was no longer SJ.:blink:

Because JSM was decided to be SJ even before she was born (as opposed to punished for releasing OG).

Am I thinking too much or is this some kind of early withdrawal symptoms? :cry:


Oh, good point you bring up! If SM was SJ from the day she was born, then the contract with OG should have transferred to the bookseller, but the bookseller couldn't have taken over as SJ, so why did SM stop becoming SJ, e.g. SM's blood no longer affect BJ and MW? The only thought that I had about it is that for whatever reason, it had still been dormant and hidden that SM was SJ while SM was still a child. So that when the bookseller took away SM's childhood, the SJ's obligation went dormant again as well.


Reading back what I just wrote, it may be a weak explanation, but the only other thing I have is that the writing hit a tiny bit of a logic inconsistency in order to make for a better story. Perhaps @YourHighness . has a better line of thought about this?


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23 minutes ago, nrbrown said:

@anon8888888888888888 I’m trying to play devils advocate and to understand your point, but I just can’t. The Hong Sisters did write and touch upon in this show ; suicide (assisted), the negative effects of trolling/comenting online, escapism,  bullying,  isolation,  child abuse, and corruption (political & economical). But rape? That’s a little bit of a stretch. 



Others have given their views about the GGG and the effects or affects. But I’ll give you one more, he was interested in JSM before the bracelet. Actually, SOG put the bracelet on himself in the end. This to me is the definite sign. And the fact he didn’t kill her when GW was suggesting to use MW (when MW ingested JSM blood).  He evaded. Another sign. 


Im also curious, did you watch all the episodes or did you just skip? 


I don't think you are a troll per say. However, if you want to use the moral card, why aren’t you disgusted by the fact that SOG wanted to eat her and kill her (in the beginning )?  Why are you placing the bed scene in episode 18 or kissing section the absolute worst moment for you? I’m scratching my head. You should be bothered about the whole show. So, I suggest watch something else. 





I'm not bothered by the whole show, but quite the opposite. So far it touched different important topics, like you mentioned yourself (+ the topic of eating disorders) , so that choice was incoherent with the high morals of her character and of the show so far (which I saw entirely). That's the reason I used the term "disappointment". I really think too that he was interested in her before, but she only thought he wanted to eat her (and said that herself when she said she was actually happy someone so handsome wanted to eat her). As for the demons eating human souls to "power up", is a bit like us humans eating animals. Demons don't see humans as equals at the beginning, but the drama showed that they can actually care by showing the friendship between demons, gods, zombies and humans. I actually liked that a lot. It was like showing that no matter how different people can be, we still share the same feelings and can get along. 

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21 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Oh, good point you bring up! If SM was SJ from the day she was born, then the contract with OG should have transferred to the bookseller, but the bookseller couldn't have taken over as SJ, so why did SM stop becoming SJ, e.g. SM's blood no longer affect BJ and MW? The only thought that I had about it is that for whatever reason, it had still been dormant and hidden that SM was SJ while SM was still a child. So that when the bookseller took away SM's childhood, the SJ's obligation went dormant again as well.




The way I got it was she was born to be SJ, but did not become SJ until AFTER she turned OG loose from his marble mountain. They said that she did not smell like lotus flowers until AFTER she turned OG loose. Her blood was apparently not delish until AFTER she turned OG loose (the scene with the tree happened possibly 1-2 years after, and her grandma was dead and promising that OG would come back and take care of her).


If she had never met MW and never interacted with and turned OG loose (including making that contract with OG), she probably would never have become SJ.


***Alternatively, could simply be that everything extraordinary about SM was stripped away by the book lady. That was her childhood right up to the point when she "came of age" and became SJ for reals (after freeing OG and making her contract with him). 


The bookman episode per MW in ep18 was the point when it was clear that OG was in love with SM. So who knows, maybe that was the point when it had no power anymore. Remember we all were trying to figure out why the GGG wasn't working for the book monster. :) This past episode gives us one other reason why. 

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3 minutes ago, tweets said:


The way I got it was she was born to be SJ, but did not become SJ until AFTER she turned OG loose from his marble mountain. They said that she did not smell like lotus flowers until AFTER she turned OG loose. Her blood was apparently not delish until AFTER she turned OG loose (the scene with the tree happened possibly 1-2 years after, and her grandma was dead and promising that OG would come back and take care of her).


That's true. They did mention that SM's blood didn't start smelling like lotus flower until after she met OG. So, perhaps she had to meet OG who is her fated protector before her Sam Jang-ness can be activated, as you point out.


Btw, whenever I see that word "activation" now, I can't help but giggle a little. Does that make me more of a perv? Oh gosh, please don't answer that. I fear the answer. :D

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4 minutes ago, tweets said:


The way I got it was she was born to be SJ, but did not become SJ until AFTER she turned OG loose from his marble mountain. They said that she did not smell like lotus flowers until AFTER she turned OG loose. Her blood was apparently not delish until AFTER she turned OG loose (the scene with the tree happened possibly 1-2 years after, and her grandma was dead and promising that OG would come back and take care of her).


If she had never met MW and never interacted with and turned OG loose (including making that contract with OG), she probably would never have become SJ.

In the episode with the Heron, in her conversation with OG and SM, she told them when baby SJ was born its blood saved many lives (during an epidemic).  So, my take is that SM has always been SJ and that it played a part in her unhappy childhood, so it went with her child's soul into the book.  

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JSM as she is SJ saved the entire village just by being born. But it was only explained in the show that SM gained the 'lotus - scent' when she met her guardian (i.e. OG) when she was a kid, so the the bookseller 'taking' her kid-self it shouldn't affect her scent or the power her blood had on others as by then she had already met OG again after 25 years

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