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[Drama 2017-2018] The Secret of My Love / My man's secret, 내 남자의 비밀, Mon-Fri 19:50


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7 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@Ldy Gmerm.... He surrounded by crazy and selfish woman. I am looking forward to see how Ji sub will turn evil now. I think in the end he will choose his family but it will be too late. 

I thought he screamed because he heard Lady Wi say that they will make him vanish him from the face of earth  after the real Jw wakes up. Which anyone with a brain in their head would know anyway, since she is such an evil depraved being without conscience.

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After subs.. what was said was true that Madam Wi is wanting to get rid of Ji Sub if JW wakes up. Her minion seemed uncomfy and thought she would just let him go back to his family. Of course she can't since she has tricked him about the loan shark dying. Ji Sub now realizes how foolish he was and ticked.


MR is going to be a problem. These people will not be able to get rid of her like they want to. It will not take long before she realizes that SR is the real YR I think .


So just as I thought IW and SR are suspecting that this JW is really Ji Sub. Of course I am happy for her to see her possible husband hugging HR. HR is not going to want to get rid of the fake JW. She likes this nicer one and I have already said the added bonus is she was YR's hubby. I can see her trying to get rid of the real JW so Ji Sub can stay.


Ji Sub is about to do something foolish I think. Why is he trying to grab a hold of the man who the thought was dead? It looks like SR either gets in the way or someone tries to hurt her and he saves her. Was that HR who was also looking on? She is such a stalker!


Will this start to change him. His anger and despair at how she used him and his loss of his family? Will he end up crazy by the end of this drama all because of selfish , greedy people?

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4 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

After subs.. what was said was true that Madam Wi is wanting to get rid of Ji Sub if JW wakes up. Her minion seemed uncomfy and thought she would just let him go back to his family. Of course she can't since she has tricked him about the loan shark dying. Ji Sub now realizes how foolish he was and ticked.


MR is going to be a problem. These people will not be able to get rid of her like they want to. It will not take long before she realizes that SR is the real YR I think .


So just as I thought IW and SR are suspecting that this JW is really Ji Sub. Of course I am happy for her to see her possible husband hugging HR. HR is not going to want to get rid of the fake JW. She likes this nicer one and I have already said the added bonus is she was YR's hubby. I can see her trying to get rid of the real JW so Ji Sub can stay.


Ji Sub is about to do something foolish I think. Why is he trying to grab a hold of the man who the thought was dead? It looks like SR either gets in the way or someone tries to hurt her and he saves her. Was that HR who was also looking on? She is such a stalker!


Will this start to change him. His anger and despair at how she used him and his loss of his family? Will he end up crazy by the end of this drama all because of selfish , greedy people?

Of course all this is going to change him. I think with this new revelation should smarten Ji Sub up. Make him realize that he need to take charge now. I think because of how he was raised, he has never been able to really take charge of his life. HIs mom/aunt is always doing whatever she wants and leaving him to fix all her mistakes ruined him a bit. @Ldy Gmerm Right now JS needs to start thinking about how to protect his family and protect his brother. He doesn't even know that JW is his twin. He has no idea that his aunt lied to him his whole lifeeee and made his life miserable. She is also untrustworthy.... I would like to thank you for keeping me in the loop.   

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Ji Sub is not going to come out of this unscratched in some way. I still do not want him back with SR but I do not want him to die either. His choices have brought him here. Even though he felt he had no choice in this matter and was tricked. He could have told the truth to his wife, he could have told IW or the grandfather. He may not realize that he and JW are related by blood but something has to make him think how is it a man can look exactly like him? Eventually the aunt will spill that there were two babies and that one was suppose to have died. But how long before a connection to the real JW is found?


Ji Sub has no real power to do anything now. Even if he decides to take over this company he still has no right to do that IW is the true blood to inherit. What is his ultimate goal in trying to take control of the mess his life is in now? To get back to his wife SR? To protect her and his daughter? Or to get back at Madam Wi for what she has done? Perhaps it will be all three with as the drama goes on he will realize it may be better to stay gone from his wife when she learns who she really is. I think one of his worst mistakes is in going to HR. In thinking she is the one to go to for comfort. His doing this will ruin everything perhaps in his going back to his wife. I am just waiting for HR to tell SR she slept with him. HE can forget it then. HR will do anything to keep him from going back to SR.


What I hated in this episode is HR daring to call SR out to the hall to warn her off and wanting to tell her about IW being JW's brother or mentioning IW not being qualified to run that company because of his past malpractice suit and jail time. WHEN SHE IS THE REASON THAT MAN WENT TO JAIL!! I hope in the end she end up in jail as the true person who did the malpractice and IW is cleared of all charges and can be a doctor again. I would love to see SR and IW together.. but I am still unsure if they will be or she will be alone. Her daughter is a big part of how things will turn out I think.


I have to question is gramps really out of it and has no remembrance of what happened or is he faking. I cringe to see the aunt anywhere near him. But I also think she is the best bet to keep him safe at the moment.


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MR is one smart cookie.. After talking with SR who recognized the photo she went back home and realized that SR is the real YR and that HR knew it and is trying to not only steal her husband but her family as well. MR said "I may love money but HR is a monster!" She also said that HR is evil when HR keeps dangling getting revenge on Madam Wi for locking up MR.


I keep waiting for the moment that Madam Wi gets that SR is the Assemblyman's daughter YR and that HR knew it and kept it quiet wanting to keep the fake JW to put him in the place of the real JW.


Now how long before MR's lie to SR makes her realize that it was her picture and for her to get her memory back. What accident will trigger that memory that HR keeps banking on not coming back to keep SR from realizing who she really is?

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1 hour ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

What accident will trigger that memory that HR keeps banking on not coming back to keep SR from realizing who she really is?

@Ldy Gmerm  For her to get her memory is by having it rain and her bumping her head again. I noticed in Kdrama land the lead must always be in life and death situation , feeling the same anxiety she felt on the day of the accident.  

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On 12/5/2017 at 8:43 PM, Ldy Gmerm said:

Ji Sub is about to do something foolish I think. Why is he trying to grab a hold of the man who the thought was dead? It looks like SR either gets in the way or someone tries to hurt her and he saves her. Was that HR who was also looking on? She is such a stalker!

@Ldy Gmerm... It was Hae Rim who caught JW saving SR. Yes , I agree JW will be messing up. It is because he can't break from the habit of saving his wife. At first I thought it was going all evil and then he saves her. He gets jealous when IW say he like SR. LOL......  JW doesn't know what to do with himself. I think JW should fess up and let his wife in on how much danger she is in. But the man is just to scared that his wife is going to get hurt. LOL LOL.... TBH this episode confused the crap out of me ching. I like know who is the evil party and who is good.  

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So Ji Sub did it. He married HR in JW's place. EWW on so many levels. He has to know he will never be able to go back to SR now. She gave him a chance before that wedding to come clean and he lied so whatever happens later is all on him.


I loved that MR knows the truth and threw at HR how her mother gave SR a dress and combed her hair. HR basically stole that woman's family (not that the father is a catch).


I am so happy that Ji Sub got to see the pics and he is not stupid ,he seems to realize what it means in the  next episode preview. I guess he confronts HR and she possibly admits its due to him that she did it. But we all know its not about Ji Sub its about her driving need to take that family from SR and now her husband too. DR is going to figure out as well that the pictures of SR are of the real YR. 


Can I say how awesome is it that IW is moving forward with his pursuit of SR. He turns up at the house at the end of today's episode to greet her parents. Go for it IW...


JW is waking up in the next episode. Now the real problem is Madam Wi learning this and trying to get rid of Ji Sub. Will MR , JW or even HR move the real JW  or he gets mistaken for Ji Sub and is killed?

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On 12/8/2017 at 11:41 PM, Ldy Gmerm said:

So Ji Sub did it. He married HR in JW's place. EWW on so many levels. He has to know he will never be able to go back to SR now. She gave him a chance before that wedding to come clean and he lied so whatever happens later is all on him.


I loved that MR knows the truth and threw at HR how her

mother gave SR a dress and combed her hair. HR basically stole that woman's family (not that the father is a catch).


I am so happy that Ji Sub got to see the picks and he is not stupid he looks to realize what it means in the  next episode preview. I guess he confronts HR and she possibly admits its due to him that she did it. But we all know its not about Ji Sub its about her driving need to take that family from SR and now her husband too. DR is going to figure out as well that the pictures of SR are of the real YR. 


Can I say how awesome is it that IW is moving forward with his pursuit of SR. He turns up at the house at the end of today's episode to greet her parents. Go for it IW...


JW is waking up in the next episode. Now the real problem is Madam Wi learning this and trying to get rid of Ji Sub. Will MR , JW or even HR move the real JW  or he gets mistaken for Ji Sub and is killed?

@Ldy Gmerm  That was difficult for me, that and when he found out Lady Wi planned to kill him when JW woke up, his impulse was to fall into the arms of HR.   And his determination to take over the company.......  it is all so difficult to understand. He was a nice guy, who tried so hard and Ldy Wi entrapped and threatened him into giving his life up temporarily to fill in for JW. But now he knows he didn't kill the loan shark thug.  Yes, ldy Wi paid off his debt but she has reneged on the agreement by making plans to kill him, so he owes her nothing.  She never planned to let him go back to his life. He even knows she killed his unborn child....  so why keep up the hoax?


Trouble is, grandpa is either senile or feigning senility.. so he can't confide in him, but why doesn't he just come clean to IW and together they can go before the Board of Directors,  ... make a clean breast of it, and GO HOME To HIS WIFE AND CHILD.   Does he really love Hr now?  It seems he was on to her warped personality in the beginning when he told IW what a waste of time it was for him to pursue her and she was so selfish, she did everything only for herself.       I don't think the writers have fully given us an understanding of what is motivating JW at this point.  What is the point of him remaining in the persona of another man, and marrying a woman who was cruel and who he never loved? 

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2 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

@Ldy Gmerm  That was difficult for me, that and when he found out Lady Wi planned to kill him with JW woke up, his impulse was to fall into the arms of HR.   And his determination to take over the company.......  it is all so difficult to understand. He was a nice guy, who tried so hard and Ldy Wi entrapped and threatened him into giving his life up temporarily to fill in for JW. But now he knows he didn't kill the loan shark thug.  Yes, ldy Wi paid off his debt but she has reneged on the agreement by making plans to kill him, so he owes her nothing, but she never planned to let him to back to his life. He even knows she killed his unborn child.... 

Trouble is, grandpa is either senile or feigning senility.. so he can't confide in him, but why doesn't he just come to clean to IW and together go before the Board of Directors,  ... make a clean breast of it, and GO HOME To HIS WIFE AND CHILD.   Does he really love Hr now?  It seems he was really on to her in the beginning when he told IW what a waste of time it was for him to pursue her and she was so selfish, she did everything only for herself.   I don't think the writers have fully given us an understanding of what is motivating JW at this point.

I think his motivation is revenge against Madam Wi for lying to him and pulling him away from his family all to be a fill in for JW. Her betrayal to kill him has made him realize what a fool he has been to ever hope that woman was going to do what she said. That was his nativity at this woman's promises. If she was trying to be so nice as to hide he may have killed someone and pay off the debt he should have realized something was not right before the offer was made. He went in trying to protect his wife and children only the woman has shown him every step of the way she will harm those he cared about if he does not toe the line.


Now I feel he thinks if he takes that company he will have the power to deal with her and make her pay for what she has done to him. But there is a flip side to all of that. Revenge is not the answer because he would have to stoop to her level to take her on and taint himself more and more by his actions and lies.


As of now I think he has no idea that HR knows who he really is and wants to keep him. But I feel like he will realize this fact soon. If it comes from the knowledge that SR is the real YR and that HR put in a fake to PROTECT him from being exposed or if its just his eyes open up fully to her true personality of wanting that family all to herself I am not sure. But he is in bed with a nest of vipers.


What will happen with the real JW waking up? It looks like Ji Sub wants to kill JW but he wakes up when Ji Sub takes off the oxygen mask in the preview. Will he end up talking to JW? Will JW even want to stay in that bed and pretend to be out of it to let Ji Sub secure everything for him and then come back? Or will he able to slip away or even want to? Will we have to deal with one of them dying in order for the rest to live well?

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7 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

Ok after reading @Ldy Gmerm comments on this drama time to start rewatching again I did see were the girl told the witch that she was no monster..  

I have a feeling the HR and MR may really be bio sisters, because both of them were orphans. In the beginning MR said he understood HR because they were alike, but MR realizes she is no where nearly as bad as HR.  MR always had the capacity to really love and sacrifice - for JW

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1 hour ago, maddymappo said:

I have a feeling the HR and MR may really be bio sisters, because both of them were orphans. In the beginning MR said he understood HR because they were alike, but MR realizes she is no where nearly as bad as HR.  MR always had the capacity to really love and sacrifice - for JW

Don’t forget @maddymappo she started early one. Meanwhile MR has a brother she is taking care of . Remember Madame Wi threatened her brother at one time. She is able to love but HR may not have the capacity for love.  IF they make them true sisters it will mess up the story for me. This is a 100 eisode drama and where will they get the chance to explore everything. 

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