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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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1 hour ago, nianderson said:

There are so many things to await, not to mention the DVD isn’t out yet, so probably by April or May, we may get to enjoy Suspicious Partner Season 2!!

Haha u always posted at the right time when i need something rational to be feed in, I dont know how to show my gratitude to you,  I just love what ever you had written but your last simple sentence "we may get to enjoy Suspicious Partner Season 2" after we got Director's dvd cut, myself unconsciously smile & started imagine how this thread will be on fire!!!!!:mrgreen: 

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@nianderson Dear this is me always throwing a big welcome back party every time I see your post.


I just love your take on our couple so once again I'd like to extend my sincere gratitude for taking the time here to share your knowledge. I don't even know how many times I've said 'thank you' but here I go again saying thank you so much. I'm looking forward for your next post.

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On 1/12/2018 at 8:07 AM, nianderson said:

Please do not copy the following content in any manner whatsoever and do not repost on any social media site in any form. It is exclusively intended for JiJi shipper’s soompi thread.




Ah, this is what I missed the most during Songs’ courtship. There were many speculative theories and I missed all the major ones simply because I had discovered the ship way later. People would zoom in on pictures of expensive crockery, hotel corridor mirrors, glasses of still water… basically every possible reflective surface there is. An honorable mention goes to the time when 1) Kyo was on a winter vacation and shippers were scanning if there were any extra shadows cast on the snowy ground in addition to the actual number of people seen in the snap & 2) Zooming onto the photographer’s bright nail paint to see if a human shape could be discerned.


And in addition to all of that, there were flowcharts and timelines prepared to find out recurring themes and patterns, lessons on flowers and their symbolism, decoding travel schedules, keeping tabs on SS friends’ online activities- you name it. If it were a paid job, SS Sherlocks might’ve skipped their way to the bank, singing tra-la-la-la-la-la-laaaaaiiika, pulling out of the corporate rat race forever.


As for JiJi, the recent developments have been similarly interesting, all the more so because I can actively take part in the theories this time. Of course, the whole thing comes with a disclaimer because none of it is a confirmed, concrete fact. All speculations are made through observations and thereby employing probable deductions.


22nd Nov- Hyunnie’s Meogbang Vlive.

1st Dec- Wook’s soccer update.

6th Dec- Wook’s departing & Hyunnie’s ‘I like you’ song posts.

9th Dec- Jinkee Pacquiao’s Instagram post showing gifts. A Wook calendar, CD and an autographed photo which he apparently sent her himself. I am unable to decipher her caption and could only manage to find a few uncredited written articles about the same, so I cannot confirm as yet exactly how she got them.

20th Dec- Janet Jamora, Jinkee’s identical twin, posts that she is on a South Korean trip.

22nd Dec- Hyunnie’s Vlive.

24th Dec- Hyunnie posts a late pic wearing the Vlive sweater, caption says she collected fans’ gifts when she went to the company. So it can be hypothesized that Hyunnie was off the radar post-Vlive since 22nd.

26th Dec- Jinkee’s post showing one of the twins wearing a pair of pants that is later seen on Janet in her Wook IG story.

27th Dec- Jinkee’s post about a happy surprise her husband gave her. Written articles speculated that Pacquiao may have arranged a dinner with Wook for his fangirling wife and sis-in-law. Janet’s IG story does seem to corroborate the theory. (Based on the posts, they may have met Wook either on 26th or 27th)

27th Dec- Janet and Jinkee depart SK.

30th Dec- After being AWOL for 6 days, Hyunnie posts again.

10th Jan- SP get-together pic is uploaded. Since I myself cannot discern the caption, I browsed around and the general consensus seems to be that Mr. Bang mentioned the meeting happening yesterday (i.e 1 day before the upload) but it has NOT YET BEEN CONFIRMED that they did meet up on 9th.


As for the pic, I don't think we should repost it anywhere since it was taken from a private account. The deed is done though, and for those who did manage to see it, here goes:


--It is a small gathering with only the core members present. The fact that PD and writer-nim both managed to attend states that it’s not a random, casual meeting. Their schedules were such that they couldn’t even make it to the DVD commentary. Besides, it’s probably not the most ideal time for a reunion. We are not yet sure when it actually happened but if it was closer to 27th Dec, most folks would be with their families or on trips. If it was around 9th Jan, it’s an inclement weather to meet up in, not to mention everybody recovering from the festivities and trying to catch up with pending worklists. So if the PD and writer-nim both made it, it’s not far-fetched to think there might have been a very special reason. There’s them, Hyunnie, Tae Joon, Mr. Bang, and two from the crew. To the best of my knowledge and observation, the man on the extreme right is the same one in the hospital BTS. He can be seen in the vid at around 02:45, wearing a pale gray shirt over a black tee, grinning as Wook was being told to leave the set.


--Nearly as important to note are the people who were absent. Kim Ye Won is pretty chummy with Hyunnie and even attended Wook’s pre-enlistment party. Why she didn’t make it for the latest one is anybody guess. It could be a schedule conflict or… maybe she is not totally-in-the-know about certain things as these people are. PD is basically Mr. Chief Shipper-in-Command. Choi Tae Joon belongs to Wook’s inner circle. I just mentioned the guy in specs. Why was he grinning knowledgeably when Wook was literally being pushed out of the hospital? As for writer-nim, she was not specifically mentioned as having attended the pre-enlistment party, according to Ye Won’s article. She did manage to make it now, seeming almost as if to make up for something she couldn’t do before. Is there something going on that only the people present in the pic know?


--It can be argued that they asked their server to take a group snap. But the sheer amount of bevvy speaks a different tale, not to mention the cutlery-crockery arithmetic. A vigorous celebration was underway and, quite probably, one among their own volunteered to take the picture. And that someone probably couldn’t or shouldn’t be included in the snap, because if he/she could, then they might simply have used a selfie stick.


--The setting is pretty intimate. As one can observe, it seems as though several small tables were stacked together. The one before Hyunnie is different in size to the one before Tae Joon. And there is a small gap between Joon’s table and the one on which the ice bucket is placed. There are drapes around, the light arrangement is soft and muted.

 Upscale restaurants have secluded spots or floors reserved for exclusive dining. Celebs, VIPs, couples celebrating special events often book such places knowing that the staff is discreet and service impeccable. Because the theme primarily focuses on one-on-one dining, they usually have these small tables. Larger groups are accommodated in private rooms.

 This might explain that were Wook really present, they’d make use of such an arrangement. When soldiers get breaks and return for a while as civilians, they are usually greeted by family and friends with a wide choice of drinks and food- all the things they miss out on while being conscripted. Other than that, few things could explain why 7 people have nearly double their number in bottles. I’m sure they can hold their wine, but not that much wine.


--With regards to Hyunnie’s appearance, well, she does seem to have a helmet-headed, windswept look, but considering the weather and snow-piled roads, I don’t think anyone was risking their lives on a motorbike. But if they were, that's gotta be one of the most romantic JiJi moments EVER....

As for speculations about a Hermes wallet lookalike being spotted on the table, it doesn’t seem like Wook's, but for all we know, he simply uses a different one now.


All in all, we are closing in on the 1400th yard with a bunch of pretty hopeful news. I remember most shippers being wary of an absolute drought after August 14th, but we’re doing well, all things considered. There are so many things to await, not to mention the DVD isn’t out yet, so probably by April or May, we may get to enjoy Suspicious Partner Season 2!!


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Now with the post of @nianderson and the translation of @daloula in the recently shared SP meeting and the IG story of Janet the twin sister of Jinkee Pacquio.  


I am now in the delulu land.  I am thinking the post of Mr.  Bang for SP team up is to celebrate the winning of JH in the awards night.  But why did not mention anything in the caption??? Like congratulation JH for winning blah blah!!! My delulu take is that pic happen before the awards night.  They have meet up coz the captain and the co captain are available it is weird that they do it in another day, coz I do believe if I used my rational thinking CTJ knows that CW will be available in Xmas time. Delulu thinking JH will know also.  Hahaha.  


There are not just 7 persons in that private room coz of lots of wine in the table ,  unless they are all hard drinkers.  Hahahaha.  


Any chingu can debunk me here coz now I really need a slap in the face.  

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It quite tense discussion yesterday.. wish we had a blessed & happily life today onwards..:blush:

Knew it have been share here before (in spoiler 20 of their moments pick by soompi's writter), let just go back & memoir their moments that made us swoon,gasp,laugh & feel butterflies :wub:  to celebrate 1400 pages of our thread.. 


These is the moments which I found myself feel butterflies in regards how many times I watched it & even wonder if it is EBHxNJW or JCWxNJH (just drop my best top 3 moments other than their kiss scene where actually top 3 undeniable moments which made me 'swoon' )

1. The squishy big bear hug, how I can say more when those undeniable deep eyes looking into her with much love & the way he pulled her into hug & squeeze her a bit in his embrace..:ph34r:



2. Jagiya scene, the butterflies started when Ji Wook attempts to hug Bong Hee & she refused since it just their 2nd day.. she know how to play hard to get..hehe



3. When they bicker  truthfully enticing me & give me such a warm feelings, for my view  it look the most genuine arguments I ever watch in Kdrama & I never knew such bickering can give me a fluttering butterflies feels..:heart:




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Has anyone else seen this? http://www.pep.ph/lifestyle/celebrations/36771/confirmed-jinkee-pacquiao-meets-ji-chang-wook-in-south-korea?utm_source=Facebook-FN&utm_medium=Siteshare&utm_campaign=20180112-pacquiao-meets-ji


Things that money makes possible :bawling: So jellyyyyy


My only good takeaway from this is that if jinkee pacquiao was able to meet wookie during his christmas break (and have dinner), what more hyunnie right??? They surely met if this kind of sorcery happened right???? hahahahah

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On 1/12/2018 at 2:48 PM, babyval22 said:

@masthu thank you dearie for voicing out what some of us feels here! I don't care abt which ship win or lose. I dun care abt anything between any fanwar apart from the fact that i just want to protect namji. Even if we don't know anything now, or even if there might not be anything, all i want for namji is that they be happy, extra extra extra x unlimited counts of extra if they find happiness with each other. I just want to protect what they have. Even if it might not be what we are hoping for, at the very least, we know they are definitely close but at the rate things are going, i'm more afraid that they can't even be friends. Dun misunderstand me. I believe in them, my gut instinct screams there is def sth suspicious between them. BUT! If i were wrong, at the very least i am def sure they became close friends and i don't wish for them to lose it cos of the fans. 


On a happier note, thank you all for helping SP, hyunni, namji win the poll for hancinema! Hehe. See? Even if SBS doesn't acknowledge it, the fact is there for all to see. Hehehe. 


Thank you for putting up with my rant chinguya! I totally agree with you! I totally love that all our shippers here at soompi are so protective of our OTP and their friends. I think i'm blessed to have such matured and rational shippers in this thread. How I wish that people on IG would be the same (atleast shippers on twitter are  pretty matured).


Don't worry chinguya no amount of haters nor crazy shippers can harm the relationship between our OTP if they are meant to be together. Hyuni and wookie strike  me as people who wouldn't let hate and crazy shippers get in the way of their relationship. So don't lose hope and faith on our OTP chinguya. Their love can overcome anything if the Almighty wills. Yet it doesn't give those crazy shippers the excuse to invade their privacy and to publicize it!!!!


On 1/12/2018 at 3:56 PM, Harry97 said:

@masthu  chingu I so agree with you. Shipping should be fun but now a days it feels more like a competition.

I really get anxious when I see posts about njh friends or jcw friends and their activities posted on a public platform. We can't be sure about their current status until they officially announce it. We are all here shipping them based on our gut instincts. So by tagging people surrounding njh and jcw and posting their activities on IG is disruption of their privacy and a big threat to our ship that's what I believe. Of course antis will burn when they see things like this but that won't help us to sail our ship smoothly. 


I really don't want our otp to get media attention at least till 2019. To maintain a healthy relationship in celebrity world is a difficult challenge. I want their bond to grow so strong within these 2 years that they are more than ready to face the challenges of being in a relationship especially the pressure and hate from the unknown parties.




Same here! I feel anxious behalf of our OTP too. Media attention and hate is what i fear the most. I hope they realize sooner than late that their actions they believe to be helping their ship to sail is backfiring on their own ship! Please ship our OTP with responsibility. At the end of the it's not the privacy of your very life you are exposing but of others we hardly know which looks down right cheap! 


On 1/12/2018 at 5:18 PM, adi2019jiji said:

Im totally agreed with u.. thank u @masthu for voicing it this issue..

im totally not agreed when they started to analyse their friends social media, & making it public into worldwide social media platform, it may jeopardize their daily private life, we knew how social media work, it can give u good thing & bad things,whereby the major incidents more towards the bad things.. if you girls(s) see something, maybe if you are so dying to share from their friends post if may related to this ship perhaps you just can share your thought/finding here in this thread instead of tagging them in social media, here we have a bunch of brilliant people who can give an advise either the 'finding' are truely worthwhile to be our additional evidences of their relationship or we may concluded as delulu if we wish to have some fun shiping them, maybe for some of shipper may said this is my own personal social media I can do anything I want, dont follow if u dont like it bla bla.. which for me atleast please do have some courtesy for our otp life & their friend.. they also want to have their life to be normal like us, when they started to be cautious of their posting, the post they liked, it hurt my feeling tho, i feel bad for her especially when previous before SP she seems easily liked or posted a pic with her co-star or her daily life..  now seems so hard for her when every liked or post she wnt to upload she must be super conscious..(hope someone may understand what im trying to ramble here)


(Hope no one will be mad at me, i just threw out my pov, I wish us even myself to be a fans to them either shipping them to be together or as individually, let be a fans who had an integrity which people may admire us & may join us to love them as much as we love them..) :smiley:


Thank you for your pov chinguya! I feel so proud to call you and the others at soompi as my fellow shipper! I think we should start calling these shippers who expose the privacy of our OTP and their friends on public platforms and publicize it on SNS as "saesang shippers".


Thank you everyone for respecting my rant and not shrugging it off! Respect to all! The post exposing Mr.CEO got me chincha pissed because do they think that Mr CEO is so jobless that he keeps lurking on shippers IG's and even like a shippers post??!!! He got a company to run and employees to look after! So shippers need to understand that Mr CEO's actions are very telling and they need to protect him and his actions and not expose his actions for some cheap reason like winning! Can we JiJi /NamJi shippers on IG or what ever SNS think about the long time benefit instead of some short time fun. So in order to have hapiness in the long time we need to give up some short time fun. 

This wil be my last post regarding this and happy vibes here on! 



SARANGAE :heart:


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Wow!!!! I'm so overjoyed with all good/great news lately.


SP drama bewitched me body and soul. I cannot seem to move on. 


I'm not even ready to watch another JCW drama because if I do, I feel like I'll be hurt for my sweet Hyunie. Just like when I watched Empress Ki. Oh how my heart aches. 


Back to SP, the way JCW and NJH portrayed the drama is geniune romance. It's probably because they felt it in real life and are truly in love with each other. They seem to share the level of comfort and trust that only lovers do. (That's what I feel).


I don't post/quote much these days but I surely read the posts. It's tax season so I have to be serious, no more time to goof around. I have to compile financial statements for my clients. 


Our NamJi ship is sailing smoothly and I'm so enjoying the sail. :heart:


More power to SP and NamJi! We're always here to support you.  :heart:


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When JCW chose to sing this song in his Jiscovery concert...:)


It’s a beautiful life
I’ll be by your side
It’s a beautiful life
I’ll be behind you
Beautiful love
If I am with you under the sun
Even just breathing feels good

It’s a beautiful life
Beautiful day
I’ll be living in the memories of you
Beautiful life
Beautiful day
Please stay by my side

Beautiful my love
Beautiful your heart
It’s a beautiful life
It’s a beautiful life

It’s a beautiful life
Always I’ll protect you
It’s a beautiful life
Be able to lean on me
Beautiful love
Your tears and your smiles
Be able to share

It’s a beautiful life
Beautiful day
The day I loved you so badly
Beautiful life beautiful day
I don’t want to lose you
Beautiful my love
Beautiful your heart
It’s a beautiful life

The memories which resemble with you in the world
Those are remained to me
The memories of you, the memories with you
It’s a sorrowful life
Sorrowful day

To me who can’t overcome a sadness
Sorrowful life sorrowful day
Please don’t leave me
So I won’t be living in the memories
It’s a beautiful life

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30 minutes ago, thealchemist said:


When JCW chose to sing this song in his Jiscovery concert...:)


It’s a beautiful life
I’ll be by your side
It’s a beautiful life
I’ll be behind you
Beautiful love
If I am with you under the sun
Even just breathing feels good

It’s a beautiful life
Beautiful day
I’ll be living in the memories of you
Beautiful life
Beautiful day
Please stay by my side

Beautiful my love
Beautiful your heart
It’s a beautiful life
It’s a beautiful life

It’s a beautiful life
Always I’ll protect you
It’s a beautiful life
Be able to lean on me
Beautiful love
Your tears and your smiles
Be able to share

It’s a beautiful life
Beautiful day
The day I loved you so badly
Beautiful life beautiful day
I don’t want to lose you
Beautiful my love
Beautiful your heart
It’s a beautiful life

The memories which resemble with you in the world
Those are remained to me
The memories of you, the memories with you
It’s a sorrowful life
Sorrowful day

To me who can’t overcome a sadness
Sorrowful life sorrowful day
Please don’t leave me
So I won’t be living in the memories
It’s a beautiful life

Happy 1400 pages !!Lets party ! :D


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It’s already the seventh month since the start of this thread and half a year since suspicious partner ended. We survived JCW’s first five months in the army and the drought with both of them being back to their lives as normal people with him as a soldier and her as a college student. I honestly didn’t think we would be so active in such difficult circumstances and getting really scarce updates from the two. But here we are still going strong and having fun together. Let’s continue to have fun and love this ship. 



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3 hours ago, daloula said:

It’s already the seventh month since the start of this thread and half a year since suspicious partner ended. We survived JCW’s first five months in the army and the drought with both of them being back to their lives as normal people with him as a soldier and her as a college student. I honestly didn’t think we would be so active in such difficult circumstances and getting really scarce updates from the two. But here we are still going strong and having fun together. Let’s continue to have fun and love this ship. 


Dayum! That kiss, never fails. RAWR!


Happy 1400 pages everyone. Words is not enough to thank you esp. those who keeps this thread going like the Energizer bunny. Much, much appreciated. Mwah!


3 hours ago, MaRosa_JRee said:

Happy 1400 pages!!!



Don't make trouble with this pretty lady:D




Btw, this off-shoulder polkadot dress is from Paradise Airline Korea



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Thanks for the ID on her dress at the GDA 2018. But I'm curious is that the name of the Brand? 


Anyhoo, Hyunie looks simply fabulous. She's been on roll this Awards season. Though I would have preferred she wore in other colors. At least her black and white combo ensembles have something different and not some boring stuff worn by the known "fashionista" actresses in K-Ent.

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