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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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On 16/10/2017 at 2:26 AM, findingserendipity said:

Sorry for my late reply, chingu! Thanks for compiling the list. Let me add a few more. I’m way behind on backreading, so hope these weren’t shared, yet. Hehe


Dance rehearsal- top right hand corner where Hyunnie is looking at Wookie. Might have to squint a little or zoom in on the pic. Haha. I wish we got a BTS of this! It looks like they were confused again with the spin move. Lolol


Second press-con or is it a third one? It looks like they are seating around a table. I wonder what Wookie was talking about here that made Hyunnie smile like that. He was probably teasing her again.:lol::wub: I wish there was a video of this!


Yes, why not. We got time. Lol. I’ll post my entries to the “staring contest” in another post. Haha:D

Looking forward to it, dear! 

And thanks for adding even more examples of Hyunie sneaking glances at her Oppa -_-:D


19 hours ago, masthu said:


@midorinokerochan Mianhe for not quoting you unnie! My connection is acting up!!! I just LUV LUV LUUUUUUV your theory about the glorious pic of wookie and hyunnie! I gotta agree upon your theory! *clap clap* :heart:


Btw unnie I support your idea about you getting two kittens and naming them wookie and hyunnie just to see them cuddle <3 . Thats gonna be super cute and  can we expect video updates from you right :wink: . Non shippers might think of as a crazy bunch but it gives a cute feel seeing those two kittens cuddle. Should we start uploading kitten cuddling videos over here? keke 

Don't worry, chingu, no problem at all :D

We should probably all get our own pets, name them Hyunie and Wookie to watch them play and cuddle together to help us cope with the drought and long wait ahead :lol: 


Now, a bit more seriously... I could only take a very quick look yesterday but I see that Hyunie's latest radio show appearance caused a bit of a commotion :huh: Since I don't have time to watch the show for myself right now because I am having another crazy week at work, I think I will try to stay away from here and social media for NamJi related stuff till I can watch first. I'll read everyone's opinion later, 'cause I don't want to have any kind of "prejudice". So, please don't think that I have jumped off this ship if you don't see me liking your posts or comment here for a while, ok? <_< On the contrary,  I can tell you that for now I am not worried. :D I will share more thoughts as soon as I can. Till then, please stay strong, keep calm and ship on! :heart:

(I guess I'll still sneak in here from time to time because I otherwise I'll miss NamJi and I  will miss you all too much, so behave, ok? ^_^:tongue:


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1 hour ago, pauliza said:

Honestly speaking ,after being a Jiji shipper I received quite a huge numbers of hatred Dms & comments from the haters.I try to put myself in Hyunie's neutral fans shoes & why they don't ship Jiji.Everyday reading insulting comments to Hyunie is kind of pressure & I don't think this kind hearted girl deserved to receive all this.Maybe those Hyunie's neutral fans want to protect Hyunie from this kind of haters & thats why they don't ship Jiji.This is just my pov.


After constantly receiving Dms from haters ,I was also thinking to jump ship because I am too tired of fan war with wookie's  & hyunie's other ships.But then I am asking myself " is it worth it to left something that we have just because of those brainless haters ?" Of course the answer is NO .Just keep going till we got the confirmation from our OTPs either this ship gonna to sail or sink .I have my own reasons to stay & believe in this ship.The most important part are  I believe on what I see & I trust my instincts :D


All this hatred is beyond me and thank you for your IG posts about Nam Ji which keeps us all entertained. Haters who DM NamJi shippers r pure n simple evil, self confidence lacking individuals.

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6 minutes ago, waveoflove said:

All this hatred is beyond me and thank you for your IG posts about Nam Ji which keeps us all entertained. Haters who DM NamJi shippers r pure n simple evil, self confidence lacking individuals.

To stay positive I have to block anything related to them + anything related to their bias(s)  too because my blood pressure will easily increase after saw their posts,dms or comments .I just stay on my ig ,other jiji's shippers ig & this thread .So far so good .No more dms,comments ,tagging & their posts also doesn't exist on my ig's explorer.What a peaceful life I have now :lol:


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Actually don't be shaken by hyunie words from yesterday interview...as I know many celebrity couple won't mention that they want to act again with their spouse... so it is safe that hyunie did not said want to act with Wookie again... let's just believe what we feel and see from the last few months ago.... Hwaiting!!! Happy shipping :wub::wub::wub:



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A big thank you for everyone who set our ship staright!!! Even though i didnt quote all of you I kept nodding with agreement with each sentence! Lets have fun shipping and keep the momentum going! 


7 hours ago, tomago said:

bravo.. i for one support hyunnie with her future works with other people, but it doesn't mean i don't believe in this ship.  it will be great for hyunnie to work with many more other people, so as to build up her career and portfolio. and hopefully recognize as one of the top hallyu star like SHK in the near future. definitely will be weird seeing them pairing with other actors/actress in the future, but we got to separate work and real life :wink: (delulu mind/or not: namji is real).


So it not just me who thinks that hyunnie has the potential to be the next song hye ki , the next hallyu star if the Almighty wills!!! With the passion and dedication she can achive it if the almighty wills! Lets all keep rooting for uri nam ji hyun!


haha its definitely gonna feel weird and i'll be looking and thinking of wookie when ever hyunnie acts LOL but we as fans of both uri hyunnie and wookie will support and promote their respective work along with shipping hhyunnie and wookie over here <3


@gglex6275 i've got this gut feeling just like you that she already did meet her oppa with chicken and pizza. She must have visited him before her exams so she could study with a calm and happy mood. 


@hazel30  Thank you for eloborating chingu! Btw I do feel you chingu! hope you are bzck to shipping with a good mood> Fighting!!


@genxv you are welcome unnie


@pauliza these haters gotta get a life!!! When their ship feels threatened they lash out at other ships and our OTP. I feel terrible that you are getting some of the hate unnie :( . *hugs* . This shall pass as well and we shall recieve good news in 2019 if the Almighty will! Until then Fighting unnie! <3

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Translation "#ThePretty #NamJiHyun #ThankYouForComing #LeeGukJoo #YoungStreet #InvitedGuest #ChattingTime" . Cr to haneulnariru





Translation of hyunnies latest IG update.

Edited by masthu
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7 hours ago, pauliza said:

Honestly speaking ,after being a Jiji shipper I received quite a huge numbers of hatred Dms & comments from the haters.I try to put myself in Hyunie's neutral fans shoes & why they don't ship Jiji.Everyday reading insulting comments to Hyunie is kind of pressure & I don't think this kind hearted girl deserved to receive all this.Maybe those Hyunie's neutral fans want to protect Hyunie from this kind of haters & thats why they don't ship Jiji.This is just my pov.


After constantly receiving Dms from haters ,I was also thinking to jump ship because I am too tired of fan war with wookie's  & hyunie's other ships.But then I am asking myself " is it worth it to left something that we have just because of those brainless haters ?" Of course the answer is NO .Just keep going till we got the confirmation from our OTPs either this ship gonna to sail or sink .I have my own reasons to stay & believe in this ship.The most important part are  I believe on what I see & I trust my instincts :D



Chingu... technically speaking you don't know each other. Don't allow those things to get to your skin. There is a trash icon (or delete button) where those hate comments belong. Your choice in shipping is what you want to do for you especially after what you shared about your own personal struggles. Do not let anyone affect you nor tell you anything different, the hell with them. If this shipping thing brings you joy... GO!! you have a boat load of chingus here feeling the exact same thing. Use @Huntergal (who we miss a lot) kimchislap not just slap but to smother in their faces okay??

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22 minutes ago, songsongdiehard said:


if that is intimate to your ears, how about when Wookie said in his interview:: I told her not to worry, OPPA will be fine. that to me was like... woooh!! iit was really telling. He could have said, "I" will be fine or everything will be fine. But NO, infront of his MyOppa fans (and all of us) he categorically addressed himself as her OPPA. And then finished it up with that meaningful, sweet smile and look at the screen as if talking directly to her. How about that??


It feels like flying to heaven for me..... :heart: His address was tooooo obvious, so who can deny? No body!!  And TBH, i just saw Hyuni IG update, And look at her hair style, definitely her OPPA's ideal type..... 


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35 minutes ago, songsongdiehard said:


Chingu... technically speaking you don't know each other. Don't allow those things to get to your skin. There is a trash icon (or delete button) where those hate comments belong. Your choice in shipping is what you want to do for you especially after what you shared about your own personal struggles. Do not let anyone affect you nor tell you anything different, the hell with them. If this shipping thing brings you joy... GO!! you have a boat load of chingus here feeling the exact same thing. Use @Huntergal (who we miss a lot) kimchislap not just slap but to smother in their faces okay??

Hahaha..thank you unnie .My life getting better & just full of joy after I block anything related to them .And I also stop lurking around & just stay on our lane :D


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11 minutes ago, pauliza said:

Hahaha..thank you unnie .My life getting better & just full of joy after I block anything related to them .And I also stop lurking around & just stay on our lane :D



Yes, just stay here because this is our home and this is your safe zone. We can spazz, delulu and chat all we want until we are dry. Any visitors, even the uninvited ones have to follow our protocol of respect. We set the rules here.

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19 minutes ago, mydarjen said:

Did LGJ mention wookie? Yesterday i read someone post on twitter said that actually LGJ teased hyunie about she said skj to cover someone. My delulu mind said LGJ know something about her story... :lol:

The first name mentioned ..I think I heard Ji Chang Wook ssi...or I could be  wrong :lol: I kept on playing it and it's what I'm hearing still,lolz.:lol:

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17 hours ago, nianderson said:

Please do not copy the following content in any manner whatsoever and do not repost on any social media site in any form. It is exclusively intended for JiJi shipper’s soompi thread.




Muchas gracias Vitamin Hyunnie for the wonderful presence you graced us with!!! Looking forward to seeing you just the same at least once every month.


She was every bit the natural born charmer, setting hearts afire by just being herself. Looking at her bouncing around in her seat, clapping and nodding and giggling with abandon, talking away, utterly unconscious of the fact that her complete obliviousness to her own appeal and the soul-melting humility in her accomplishments has led me to the point where my life now is a series of days for me to fall deeper and deeper in love.


Those lucky enough to have known her since forever, those who made her acquaintance along the way, the multitudes of blessed ones that will enter her sphere of influence in the future… not to mention the legion of fans past, present and upcoming- it is such a joy to realize that here at last we stand as witnesses to the rise of a worthy soul, a lady so pure of heart and bright of mind, brimming with character, integrity and radiance, blinding one and all with serene charms, gracious smiles, eloquent words and a disarmingly amiable personality. She is the kind of gal that makes you believe there’s hope for this world yet.


When one thinks how she made a famously reserved personality like Song Hye Kyo blurt out of the left field that she’d love to have a daughter like Hyunnie one day, one can begin to discern how helplessly, crazily, passionately Hyunnie can make you fall in love with her. Truly, I love Mr and Mrs. Song and wish them only the best of the best in everything, but even I feel Kyo might have been a bit too ambitious in wanting a baby like Ji Hyun. Such masterpieces of God can never be replaced or replicated. Just ask Wookie…


The poor bloke did see it coming, but never realized it’d have the impact of a thousand wrecking balls. He was willing to charm, but never realized he’d be even more charmed himself. And once he was, he pulled out all stops to make her fall for him, but never could estimate how much deeper he’d himself fall. He is used to women loving him with various intensities of devotion in their own myriad ways, he is used to loving women in turn, in his own way, searching for the destiny that his closet-romantic heart yearns for. But once Hyunnie entered his life, he learned that if he wanted her, no half measures would work. This time around, he will be allowed no open ends, no loose threads, no lukewarm promises. With each passing day, gazillion more are falling in love with her, inspired to do only the right things by her, inspired to be better versions of themselves for her sake. And for probably the first time in his life, the man who made the world swoon absolutely does not have the upper hand in the romance department.


While everyone is busy melting under his gazes, the one woman he wants is seemingly able to resist those dark eyes oh so well. She welcomes his touch, but doesn’t seem to lose her head at the contact; she kisses as good as she gets, but is still able to snap back with nary a fumble; her heart flutters as much his, but she maintains her poise like nobody’s business. It is not her lack of love, it is her devastatingly quiet charm. She gets under the skin just so that even the pain brings a sweet pleasure, until you don’t ever want to let her go, until you like her just where she is, a part of you, for now and forever.


He knows what it means- and what it entails -to love Hyunnie, that’s why he is so confident his love is strong and capable enough to withstand anything that comes between them in these 21 months. Army service doesn’t really make a difference, because it is that degree of love. I’ll love her and when I return, if she’s still waiting, I’ll keep on loving her. So as well-wishers of that love, our prayers should remain just as steadfast and constant. If they can keep the faith, so can we.


It’s not easy… matters of the heart seldom are. That is why this ship is even more blessed. If mere mention of Hyunnie’s wish for future co-stars is causing ripples, it wouldn’t have helped if she were gearing up for a new project right now. Of course, she will have a blazing chemistry with her future leads, just the way she did in the past, because she is an incredible spark generator as much as a terrific actress. One noticed in SP alone, there wasn’t one person who didn’t mesh with Bong Hee.


So thank God we have considerable time before we get to actually witness that magic with some other man. Praise heavens even more that Hyunnie’s projects will acclimatize us to the reality of their professions before having to see Wook doing another passionate scene with someone who is NOT Ji Hyun yang. All the rationality in the world could not have saved me if he were on the drama/movie market right now. I could actually hear hearts ripping and propellers blasting among surrounding Wook ships when SP BTS were releasing each week. Not a pretty sight. Not a pretty experience. Even the sanest, calmest and most logical of shippers are going to blow their top if one of the bias goes French kissing the next lead for the sake of perfect character portrayal. I don’t know if Wook will do that in the future too, to maintain script integrity, but I am glad I don’t have to worry about it for a goodish long while.


Meanwhile, we know for a fact that Wook and Hyun are protective of their private lives. It is a wonder to me that Wook, especially, was so forward with his implications because he is ruthless when it comes to speculations. His MO is to do a project, burn post-project rumors to vapor and ash, start clean with the next project, rinse, repeat. He initiates closure with the past before heading into the present. His other ships were actually pleading that he does the same with Hyunnie too, so that every ship will suffer the same broken record, none would feel less threatened than the other and no one is stuck in a limbo for the next 21 months. But Mr. Blunt-next-door began playing the subtle card no one knew he had, showed sides of him people thought would always remain behind closed doors, marked an association that is going to stick with him for the remainder of his service. This time, he does not want the dead end.


Hyunnie is the same, but she skirted around the non-denials as well. Presenting a premiere example, months before her wedding, magazines quoted Kyo as stating that she was wary of marriage ever since listening to other people's disillusioned views on the same. Maybe the influx of positive information made us too complacent, thinking that the name dropping, compliments and swoony expressions will be a given in JiJi's public appearances henceforth. Those were unexpected gifts, for if they are true to their nature, odds are we may never hear anything about their future progress. Heck, we only found out about the pre-enlistment get-together because Ye Won volunteered the info. That JiJi are protective of each other is a fact, so it follows to reason that neither would divulge anything to jeopardize or malign the other, even at the cost of being able to express themselves as a couple in love like normal folks do. Let us be grateful for what we know and stay assured in what is to come. If it is any consolation, we know for sure that SBS Awards 2017 is going to make Hyunnie answer questions about her man that she can’t evade or deflect. So hold on to your hats and sail on, dear mates!!





Thank you dearie for sharing such wonderful piece again! Always love love love what you have written here and thank you for helping to lift everyone spirits up! Heheh. 


And thank you the rest too for lifting the spirits up for the rest who needed it! Lets continue to stay in our lane and spazz to our hearts content! Dun let the very first such mentions to rock the ship dearies. We still have to get used to namji working with other costars in future too! *virtual hugs everyone*

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