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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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12 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:

It's actually quite funny how JiJi Shippers just found out about Dong Ha's heartbeat rate. That video was released weeks ago. This just means that us JiJi shippers are all having withdrawals and that to feed our hunger, we keep on watching and analyzing every single detail of all their video. 

we're almost to 600! 2 more pages, chingus! anyways, still stuck in class. just stopped by. byeeee :* 

This means that nothing will escape our eyes now lol!!! All things will be revealed LOL!!!


Jiji is life LOL!!!!


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46 minutes ago, babyval22 said:

You know.. The cute news on DH erratic heart rate envying jibong/jiji? Hahahahha! I was thinking maybe it's because of wookie. Muahahahahahah. Since he said he NGed a few times due to Wookie's handsomeness. Hahahahs. 

And... For some reason I can't get this thought out of my head. What if... When Wookie is away in the military... We are pic of hyunni with his mum? Hahahahs. Sorry I can't get this thought out of my mind. It's really plausible if she spends some time with Wookie's mum too. She's such an angel and you never know! Hahahahs. #delulumode 

This is exactly what i ever thought about, too... Hahaha

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Today will be a good day since I wake up to @MoonlightSerenade's sizzling-hawt-shookttt posts! :lol: *clap clap clap* Daebak, chingu yahh! *hearteu* Mr Boner is out to play, huh...:phew:

That scene where he said, "Don't fall for me"...I remember yelling at the screen, "Waeeee??" lmao...so dramatic. There are so many heart fluttering moments...him covering her hands with his jacket while she was under arrest, the way his hands reach out for her unconsciously, him smiling seeing BH feeling worried he came home late, that let's-bang-right-now-tie-scene, him looking intently at her bruises, him going after that michiensaeki old man who hurt BH....kyaaa so much more. 

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And still thking about their hands and wrist grabbing.

It was my focus during the first quarter of the drama..i found it fuzzy n sexy.

And to recycle back an old edit


I dont know why i always equate Bumkey Breathing ost as their kissing song.  Blame it on the lyrics.

40 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:


Ok now ur explanation really turns me on. I seriously need to re-watch it for the 119th times LOL


K k k we rewatch it like evy other day. On the days we havent rewatch somone would post kissing gifs or kiss analysis and we couldnt help ourselves and go back to revisiting their kiss again 

They rightly deserve first place hands down. So that list is a 2016/2017 list huh.  Our hyunnie is a gifted kisser (and student lol)

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18 hours ago, sharreb said:


Me me me. Haha. I just cant imagine script says nuzzle bonghee / kiss her shouders. And i cant imagine pd saying it either. Intimate scenes tends to hav a lot of input from actors themselves. N u cant imagine jihyun requesting for it right? Haha that leaves the oppa who is amazing in leading her.

Btw i thk i forgot to reply to u yday. Im still not good with the edits but i do it for fun provided the subject matter is what i like. 5yrs ago we dont have all these awesome apps that r userfrenly and get the job done. I actually wanted to make a final fmv with JiBong. But i have been procastinating. I ended up spazzing on the forum instead of editing.

To date this is my fav edit using ost 1





hahaha i cant imagine wookie or PD nim requesting such a thing either!!! OMG So it leaves out wookie waaaaah...! you do have a point unnie!!! im speechless!

ikr! Woaaaaahhhhh did you edit it! Its beautiful :heart:...!!! Thank you for your time and effort unnie!

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43 minutes ago, sharreb said:

They rightly deserve first place hands down. So that list is a 2016/2017 list huh.  Our hyunnie is a gifted kisser (and student lol)


Do u remember their first kiss is supposed to be something that she did not expect at all n usually in kdrama.. when the actress did not see it coming (sudden kiss) they will just stand still with wide eyes - shocked.

but for SP.. altho bong hee took ji wook kiss by surprised.. still.. she responded to it very2 well. This is what i love about their first kiss. No ackwardness altho she did not see it coming. Ohoyy to many good things bout this drama. 

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38 minutes ago, sharreb said:

And still thking about their hands and wrist grabbing.

It was my focus during the first quarter of the drama..i found it fuzzy n sexy.

And to recycle back an old edit


I dont know why i always equate Bumkey Breathing ost as their kissing song.  Blame it on the lyrics.


K k k we rewatch it like evy other day. On the days we havent rewatch somone would post kissing gifs or kiss analysis and we couldnt help ourselves and go back to revisiting their kiss again 

They rightly deserve first place hands down. So that list is a 2016/2017 list huh.  Our hyunnie is a gifted kisser (and student lol)


I love your videos by the way! I love all JiBong videos but with your works, I get the feeling that it was done with so much love! It's as if you know them so well, you chose the right scenes with the right music ! Thank you!

Uri NJH did her "homeworks" with flying colors! Kudos also to her classmate/kissmate! kkk

If I may add also with the heart fluttering scenes... mine was their bed scene. It was sensual, yes but watching it closely, BH didn't do anything, JW did all the "actions". So although it was NJH's first bed scene, it was done  "decently". I felt that the director and JCW did protect her in this scene. I was just wondering when BH faced JW and he hugged her, which part of JW'S topless body did her lips land??? 

As usual I'm just passing by! But I read almost everything you post here! Thank you all!

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1 hour ago, daloula said:

Woah! I can see how NJH can protect her private life and live her life as the human and college student NJH and not the actress. She can just go under the radar whenever she decides to. I guess our drought days will really be dry.

yup she is amazing. Excellent stealth skills!! What if maybe, just maybe they are in the same place together. After all, a person can use SNS anywhere! LOL!  We haven't heard from her in 3 days? or 2? since the concert? I am amazed at her skill, chincha!

2 minutes ago, lhej07 said:


I love your videos by the way! I love all JiBong videos but with your works, I get the feeling that it was done with so much love! It's as if you know them so well, you chose the right scenes with the right music ! Thank you!

Uri NJH did her "homeworks" with flying colors! Kudos also to her classmate/kissmate! kkk

If I may add also with the heart fluttering scenes... mine was their bed scene. It was sensual, yes but watching it closely, BH didn't do anything, JW did all the "actions". So although it was NJH's first bed scene, it was done  "decently". I felt that the director and CJW did protect her in this scene. I was just wondering when BH faced JW and he hugged her, which part of JW'S topless body did her lips land??? 

As usual I'm just passing by! But I read almost everything you post here! Thank you all!

Uhmm, under the blanket? hahaha I wondered as well. She hugged him but I think he pulled the blanket a little over her, since it was just her head that can be seen LMAO! Hey, Ji Hyunie.. What were you doing under the blanket?

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56 minutes ago, sharreb said:

I dont know why i always equate Bumkey Breathing ost as their kissing song.  Blame it on the lyrics.

I feel the same way too. It is their kissing song. As I said before, I always hear "im BREEDING your love" in the chorus everytime they kiss. This song is apt with the emotions in their kisses I guess. 


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26 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

Uhmm, under the blanket? hahaha I wondered as well. She hugged him but I think he pulled the blanket a little over her, since it was just her head that can be seen LMAO! Hey, Ji Hyunie.. What were you doing under the blanket?


here, what is he doing instead?


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22 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:


Uhmm, under the blanket? hahaha I wondered as well. She hugged him but I think he pulled the blanket a little over her, since it was just her head that can be seen LMAO! Hey, Ji Hyunie.. What were you doing under the blanket?

the hug might be tight..probably her eyes were closed, smelled him and felt his heartbeat. (this probably the wholesome version - anyone, for another version??) 

sorry, if came out of the blue. i have the time to react.

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2 minutes ago, lizzywizzy said:

the hug might be tight..probably her eyes were closed, smelled him and felt his heartbeat. (this probably the wholesome version - anyone, for another version??) 

sorry, if came out of the blue. i have the time to react.

uh, were you looking for the #byeontae version? anybody who would like to oblige? @Dingy Conk @lovethatlook @Huntergal @MoonlightSerenade ohhhh welcome back @attriste 

Her face was nestled at his neck sooooo... there are a lot of possible things she could have done there... use of tongue is possible LMAO! *gasps* But I am not going to say for fear of incriminating myself!

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now i get why some of you stay up late on this thread...i went to bed and i have to play catch up like 6 pages ahhhhh

good morning.....and good night to some of you. =) lets see if sbs catch post anything....they already post the other drama video but nothing about SP ...yet....hopefully 

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