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Hi chingudeul :lol:

I'm newbie here, nice to meet you all..

Sorry for my broken english, I'm not fluently anyway :D


11 hours ago, glee77 said:

According to a user on dramabeans, the eng subtitles are on a Indonesian app.

It's called tribe and I downloaded it, but unfortunately my vpn could do nothing about it :(

No idea if the app really has it or not :(

Yes, there are eng sub and also indo sub in tribe app. I'm not sure if other countries beside indonesia can access it or not :blink:

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11 hours ago, glee77 said:

According to a user on dramabeans, the eng subtitles are on a Indonesian app.

It's called tribe and I downloaded it, but unfortunately my vpn could do nothing about it :(

No idea if the app really has it or not :(

Thanks for the info. I try that and it works.:)

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I tried downloading the Tribe app but it's only available in the indo App Store so my country account doesn't work for them.. sigh

Now that ODK is out of the game I guess whe should really wait for the whole thing to air and maybe then Dramafever will upload all the episodes?

I still hope someone will rip the subs though, because I'm sure I won't the able to stop myself getting spoiled during all this weeks.. maybe I'll just read DB's recaps and be done with it lol

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Hello!! It is sad there is no eng subs yet...

I have actually translated the first cut of EP1 on YT but the subs have not been reviewed or approved yet.... 

I have watched the chinese subbed ver of EP1 and 2 and my korean is up to a certain level, so I may try? (But I only have a certain period of the day I can sub if I really start this)

If I really start this, it will be great if someone can help me! So that we can review each other's work

Or should I not? 

I'm just worried my subs may be inaccurate since I'm not a native korean. 

Let me know what you all think!

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Can someone who has watched with subs in Indonesian program write the transcript?

I bet that would help a lot in making the subtitles for @sljj .

Or you can film it with one of those phone-recording apps and then upload it to a private site.(or YouTube as a private video). 

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16 hours ago, stroppyse said:

This is the episode 2, but in a spoiler because it's pretty lengthy, especially when actually not that much happened in the episode. :) Still trying to get used to who everyone is so wrote up a too lengthy recap about nearly every scene. 

  Reveal hidden contents

The girls are cleaning up for the new prospective girl who might move in. They discuss the other girls who have tried to live there and not lasted. One girl in particular had gone around talking smack about them: how one girl nagged at her for running the water while she brushed her teeth and didn’t turn her lights off, and how the girls made her an outcast, talking about people that only they knew about. As JW starts scolding the girls for making her feel outcast, the girl talks about how one girl in the house who talked all the time was just the worst. Then Jo Eun comes to see the house. She doesn’t have any questions for them, just looks around and then leaves. Since she’s not very friendly, the girls aren’t thrilled about having her as their new housemate, and decide to tell the landlady that they dont’ want JE to live with them. However, as JM is talking to the landlady, JM tells the landlady that JW seems like a good candidate. 

Once she gets off the phone, JM tells the other girls that the grandmother who was their landlady had said that she was going to rent to one of her friends then since they couldn’t find another student to live with them. Another woman comes to the door, looking to see the room, but is turned away since the room has just been taken. 

JE seems to not have a good relationship with her mother since she just tells her mother that she’s leaving. The mother asks how she could go, but JE just responds that she’s always her to leave. Then JE leaves and goes to Belle Epoque. 

At Belle Epoque, EJ, the youngest, is the only one there. EJ tries to show JE around the house, but JE just ignores her, and challenging the rules already in terms of where they can keep their stuff, finally asking EJ if she has much more to say. EJ is totally downcast as JE continues to ignore her. JW and YE come home then, and go into JE’s room, trying to make conversation with her. She shuts them down completely, refusing to answer questions and saying that she doesn’t like her things being touched. JW and YE retire to the living room in defeat. 

JM comes home then and takes charge. She tells JE to come out to the living room and have a beer with the roommates. JE is reluctant, but JM insists, so the roommates sit down and have a beer. JM asks JE if she’s ever roomed anywhere before to which JE says no. JM asks if JE had any siblings to which JE asks why she wants to know. JM bluntly says that JE doesn’t seem to be able to get along with people, so she must not have had any siblings. JE confirms that. The four girls then do a frantic silent communication of things to talk to the new girl about. Finally, EJ comes up with “Do you like Beyonce?” to which JE just answers no.

JW finally slides over to JE, putting a hand around JE’s shoulder to ask “Do you have an oppa?” JE reminds her that she had said she didn’t have any siblings. Undeterred, JW says “Well, you must have an uncle then. How old is your uncle?” JE just looks at her. JW starts to gab that this is actually a fun line of joking as an icebreaker, but JE has to respond for it to go anywhere. The other girls just hide their faces as JE just lets out a deep sigh. 

JM says that they’ll probably come into conflict since they don’t know each other well, but they should try to do well together. JE says basically “Whatever”, then saying they must be done now, she gets up to leave. JM stops her to say that since they drank together, they need to clean up together. JE takes her plate and beer, pouring the beer down the drain and washing her plate, before going into her room and slamming the door. 

The girls talk about JE as being a rude, insufferable jerk. JM reminds them that if JE leaves that the grandmother landlady’s friend would probably move in, so they should just think that JE lacks social skills as yet and give her some leeway. JE listens to their conversation from the other side of her door. 

In the next days, the four girls talk about JE. YE and EJ are unnerved by JE who quietly walks around the house, side-eyeing them, asking them about the other, what the other had done last year. JW thinks that it could just be that JE wants to know more about them to get friendlier, but EJ doesn’t think that’s so since JE could have asked questions directly rather than asking one about another. JM, after some thought, thinks that maybe she had seen JE at the crematorium when she had gone to visit her brother’s ashes. JW becomes upset saying that JE hasn’t done anything at all to her, she hasn’t side-eyed her or asked her questions or followed her secretly anywhere. JW wonders if this is what being an outcast feels like. Just then, JE knocks on the door to ask whether someone had left something on the stove. 

JE mentions that she’s left her share of the rent on the table, however, she’s awkward about how to address JM. The girls tell JM to call her Sister or Senior. JE says that calling her Sister is too cringey and calling her Sunbae is weird since they don’t go to the same scool. 

JE has a friend come calling with a room warming gift. The friend asks if those girls are the ones. JE confirms they are. JE wonders why she brought a gift when she wasn’t going to be there for very long. The gifts are a pair of recordable bears. JW, EJ, and YE all gossip to JM about how strange that a friend of JE’s came over and that they went straight into JE”s room, shutting the door firmly. Later on, YW and JW see JE and her friend out on the street with the friend having a lot of aegyo.

Later on, JM mentions that if a friend or family member is coming for a visit, they would appreciate a little notice. JW mentions to JE that her friend is very cute, and make remarks that could be construed as saying that JE and her friend are a cute couple. JE just asks what she’s talking about and go into her room.  JW wonders if she did or said anything untoward, but the girls reassure her that she was just being herself. LOL. The girls discuss whether JE is a lesbian and whether that makes them uncomfortable. 

YE has to go to the convenience store, but she’s still not comfortable going around by herself, so she asks EJ to go with her. They see the woman who had come to their door about seeing a room before after they had agreed to rent the room to JE. That woman is talking about how she went to see a room and was rudely turned away. Hearing that, the girls run out of the convenience store and all the way home.

At home, YE and EJ ask to speak with JE, with JW coming along to see what was going on. YE and EJ ask how JE had known to about the room being available for rent, and JE says that she heard it from a friend. YE says that she had said that she had seen the room available for rent on a website, but JE denies she ever said that. Anyway, it turns out that JE had not been the woman that they were waiting to show the room to after all. 

JE talks to her friend later while shopping, saying that it’s as if she were living in a war zone, though they weren’t all that friendly before. The friend asks if JE has been caught out then, and JE responds she doesn’t know yet. JE goes home where she is hailed by her dad before she can go in the house. The dad says that her mom had told him where she was, though JE responds that she’s not her mother, she’s still dad’s wife. Her dad asks if she’s left home. JE just mentions that she had seen dad before, as she flashes back to seeing her father with another woman and a little girl. Her dad wants to know where JE saw him, but JE just mentions that he was smiling very brightly and that made her angry. JE stalks into the house, then goes onto the roof to watch her father walk away. EJ is up there as well, but hides from JE. JE lets out a scream of anger and frustration, breaking a piece of furniture before going inside. 

Next morning, JM rushes off to an interview.  EJ avoids JE in a scared fashion, and is clearly not feeling well, falling asleep on the couch. YE wonders who she’ll go to the hospital with later, but JW says she can’t since she has an appointment later. EJ dreams about being attacked by a dog and being rescued by her father. She starts awake to find JE feeling her forehead saying she thought EJ might be ill. EJ is just unnerved by JE and becomes paranoid about being in the house alone with JE. 

JE, however, goes and buys some medicine for EJ. She knocks on EJ’s door, but EJ has gone to bed with earphones in and doesn’t answer. JE is about to walk away, but remembers how sick EJ had been earlier and clearly wonders if EJ has collapsed. JE goes and finds the master keyring, and tries to open EJ’s door, freaking EJ out. EJ calls JM in a panic. EJ tries to call JW and YW, but they’re both doing things that mean they can’t take her call. JE continues to try to open the door, and finally gets it open. EJ runs out the door screaming as soon as her bedroom door opens.JE runs after her in concern. EJ keeps running, followed by JE. EJ finally stops, realizing that she’s in a public park. 

JE asks EJ what’s wrong. They walk back home. 

At the interview, the interviewers ask JM what she’s been doing with her time since she doesn’t have any specs, so she mentions that she’s been working part time jobs since she needs the money. They say that if she was working so hard, she must not know English or music very well. JM agrees. The only idol band that she knows the members of are Big Bang. 

EJ’s voiceover starts of how she’s a coward. 

JM sees a guy in clown face asking various people to use their handphone to make an important call, but being turned away. 

EJ’s voiceover continues of how she’s scared of everything. And so unfamiliar things become strange things, and then strange things become scary things, and scary things then become bad things. And, that is how unfamiliar things become bad things that should be avoided. 

During this part of the voiceover, YE and a friend come across a mentally challenged person getting into a lift with his mother, and automatically avoid him.

JW and SM are at a pool. SM seems fed up with JW, though JW just splashes SM.

EJ’s voiceover continues of how she’s a coward, and she’s afraid to seem like a weirdo to other people. So, she tries her hardest to become like other people. 

Approaching back home, JE remarks that she ran a far distance, asking why she ran so far. EJ asks why JE chased her. JE says because EJ was running away. EJ washes up to find the medicine that JE had bought for her on the table. 

EJ’s voiceover continues that she’s a coward, and that she’s afraid that the fists that she throws while her eyes are closed might hit someone. However, she’s also scared that perhaps she’s not as good a person as she thinks she is. EJ drinks one of the tonics that JE had bought for her. 

The five girls go to a public bath since their house doesn’t have hot water for the day. As they pay to go in, the attendant tries to stop JE, but JE insists that she’s a really woman, gets her outfit, and goes in. 

Afterwards, the four girls talk to JE about being mistaken for a guy which happens to her from time to time. She doesn’t really think about it, but the girls have become comfortable with her now and try to tell her that she should put on more feminine airs. 

JM is collecting laundry and gets a text message that she’s been hired in the job she had interviewed for. She calls her mother with the news. 

The girls water the plants on the rooftop. They overhear JM talking to someone, and exchanging phone kisses, and asking someone when the person was coming to Seoul. EJ hiccups, alerting JM to their presence. JM hangs up and walks over to the girls. She tells them that she’s been hired which they all take in stride. They’re more shocked by the aegyo in JM’s voice as she had talked on the phone. They tease JM that they had expected her to be all formal even when she’s dating. 

JE writes in her diary, then takes out a letter from a book that she re-reads. The letter is pretty threatening, containing phrases such as: Are you happy now? I’m not going to leave you alone. You must be joking. I’m going to kill you. 

End episode. 

Epilogue: At the public bathhouse, the four girls weigh themselves all to their own characteristic reactions. JE looks at the scales, but then looks at the height chart which gives her height as 180cm (or 5 ft 11 in). 


Commentary: So there is a mystery with JE's presence in the house, and this letter that she got is part of it. Since we don't know how or why JE has this letter, and how she thinks it's related to the occupants of Belle Epoque, not sure what to make of it yet. It was nice to see JE finally break some ice with the girls.

I think JE for whatever reason isn't very well socialized. She's not anti-social or phobic, she just doesn't think about it much nor does she overly care what others think or do. However, she is a caring person as shown by her actions in getting EJ medicine for her illness, caring enough to find a way to open EJ's door for fear that EJ might have collapsed, and then chasing EJ when EJ freaks out and races outside. JE had no way of knowing that EJ was running away from her, all that JE knew is that EJ is running around outside barefoot and ill. 

So, I take it that EJ's basic characteristic is to be afraid, since she talks about it in her voiceover, but also because there have been enough comments in the first two episodes of how EJ has finally developed some courage. It'll be interesting now since YW has become more fearful than EJ in a lot of ways which actually puts the youngest EJ as a protector from time to time rather than always receiving protection. 

I felt episode 2 was a little slower than episode 1, but still looking forward to episode 3. 



 thank you so much @stroppyse for the recaps.. tenor.gif

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On 8/31/2017 at 1:28 AM, glee77 said:

Can someone who has watched with subs in Indonesian program write the transcript?

I bet that would help a lot in making the subtitles for @sljj .

Or you can film it with one of those phone-recording apps and then upload it to a private site.(or YouTube as a private video). 

Recorder app being blocked by this app.


I am trying to rewrite the subs anytime i have time.


Hello My Twenties 2
Episode 1

00.08 In accordance with the  flight security regulations...

00.11 When you open the rack please make sure your belongings won't fall.

And check if your belongings are with you before you leave.

00.24 "Congrats! Jin Myung's arriving today.

00.25 "Right! Jin Myung, I missed you my entire life."

00.31 "Is she bringing presents for us?"

00.33 "Don't say that. Spanking, spanking."

00.34 "Yeah, spanking, spanking."

00.36 "just having her here is enough to make me happy.

00.39 Jin Myung herself is my present."

00.41 "Eun Jae's changed."
"The youngest became wily."

00.44 "That's how I've always been."
"I wonder if Jin Myung changed."

00.47 "You lazy thing."
"What? Lazy thing?"

00.52 "Jin Myung and laziness? I'd like to see that combination."

"The chubby, then."

00.54 "That's possible because Chinesse food is greasy."

00.56 "No, she might be even leaner. She couldn't afford food."

01.00 She's landing at 2.30 p.m. 
When is she arriving home?"

01.03 After baggage claim and stuff, it'd be around 6.00 p.m. ?"

01.06 "Should we go and pick her up?"

01.08 "Let's pick her up. All of us. Surprise!"

01.11 "The moment you mention it here, it isn't a surprise anymore."

01.15 "Should we go really?" 

01.17 "Me too."
"I have a class."

01.18 "Skip it!"
"Skip it!"

01.20 "I'm skipping it!"
"Jin Myung, we'll pick you up!"

01.24 "Wait for us, Jin Myung."

01.26 "We'll be on our way to the airport to see you."

02.11 Hi

02.12 You're here.

02.14 Let's go now before it gets dark.

(Episode 1, I Get Mad Over Little Things We)

03.24 (Five hours before Jin Myung's arrival)

03.43 (Today's schedule, Jin Myung's coming home)

03.49 (Congrats!)

03.55 Congrats!
Jin Myung's arriving today.

03.57 Right! Jin Myung, we missed you. Come home quickly.

04.02 Jin Myung. I missed you my entire life. 

04.07 Jongdal. Jongdal. Are you up?

04.10 Is she bringing presents for us?

04.12  Don't say that. Spanking, spanking.

04.13 Yeah, spanking spanking.

04.15 Just having her here is enough to make me happy.

04.19 Jin Myung is my present.

04.22 I'm half awake.
Eun Jae's changed.

04.24 The youngest became wily.

04.27 That's how I've always been.

04.28 The prince is up, thanks to the princess' kiss.

04.32 You lazy thing.

04.34 What? Lazy thing?

04.36 Jin Myung and laziness?

04.38 I'd like to see that combination.

04.41 The chubby, then.

04.42 That's possible because Chinese food is greasy.

04.46 No, she might be even leaner because she couldn't afford food.

04.53 Can I use the bathroom now?

05.05 She's landing at 2:30 p.m.
When is she arriving home?

05.08 After baggage claim and stuff, it's be around 6:00 p.m.?

05.11 Should we go and pick her up?

05.13 Let's pick her up. All of us. Surprise!

05.37 I didn't really mean it. But the girls took it seriously.

05.42 I don't feel safe to go out yet...

05.46 but they all wanted.

05.50 I didn't want to be the only one to miss it.

05.55 I was going to hang out with Jong Yeol after class.

05.59 But I thought they would get jealous if I said that.

06.05 I'm the only one that has a boyfriend.

06.09 I didn't mind coming. It's not a big deal.

06.17 This is exciting!

06.21 Quickly. Come, come.

06.33 It's cool!

06.36 Ladies and gentlemen! 
Fasten your seat belts, please!

06.39 Yes, sir.

06.42 Why are we leaving so early? 
It only takes an hour.

06.44 We'll find a nice cafe on the way.

06.47 And we have to have a cup of coffee there.

06.50 That's right!
That's right!

06.52 The weather's so nice. 

06.55 Let's go!

07.18 I'm your cute DJ. DJ Song. Nice meeting you all.

From 07.22


07.22 The first song that we'll listen...

07.24 Make a right turn.
Yes, sir.

07.39 What's wrong?

07.43 I think they're honking at us.

07.44 No, I didn't do anything wrong.

07.46 Make a right turn after 100 meters.

08.01 What are you doing?

08.04 You're supposed to slow down before entering.

08.07 Why? 
What do you mean why?

08.09 You must first let the cars pass.

08.11 Then, you can turn left and then, you can turn right.

08.13 Really?

08.15 Really?

08.18 So you weren't being daring when you just cut in?

08.24 We could have died without even knowing why?

08.37 What's wrong? What is it now?

08.39 Look ahead!

08.47 What?

08.49 The rear view! 
The rear view mirror.

08.52 What? This?

08.53 How do you move this?

08.59 There!

09.03 You've never moved it before?

09.06 No, I did a couple of times. 
I'm getting out of this car.

09.09 You can't get out of the car here. Just stay inside.

09.20 How did she get her driver's licence?

09.22 She doesn't even know about letting the cars pass first.

09.25 I knew she was inexperienced. But then she should be alert.

09.29 She's not even alert.

09.31 Then, why did she suggest the idea?

09.34 My mom said this year I might go through three bad things.

09.37 I should have asked her for an amulet.

09.38 I was doing fine ...

09.42 Until they started screaming.

09.44 I got more nervous ever since.

09.55 Make a left turn after 100 meters

09.58 And take the first or second lane.

10.03 Look into the rear view mirror. 
The rear view mirror.

10.06 Look ahead!

10.20 Off course.

10.22 Researching it. Make a right turn after 100 meters.

10.24 Make a right turn. To the right.

10.32 Off course. Off course. Researching it

10.37 A U-turn.
To the left again.

10.42 Look ahead, please!

10.55 We'll end up going to North Korea.

10.56 It's all your fault. 
You think you know it all.

10.59 At least, we know more than you.

11.02 Is this how you've been driving?

11.04 I didn't cause any accidents.
No accidents for one month.

11.06 Or maybe you caused others to cause accidents.

11.08 Off course. Off course.

11.11 I got it!

11.19 I'm sorry. Just a little...

11.24 Cut in. Cut in.
You can do this. You can do it!

11.28 Eun Jae, move out of the way. 
I can't see it because of you.

11.30 Just cut in!

11.42 Wait, please.
Sir, please.

11.46 Please slow down for us.
Just this once.

11.49 The driver's inexperienced. We'd like to make a right turn.

11.55 Cut in now.

11.56 Now is the time to cut in.

11.59 Thank you. 
Thank you.

12.10 Enter the expressway on your right hand side.

12.16 Fasten your seat belt.

12.23 (Incheon Airport Expressway)

12.32 It's all right. Just follow the car in front of you, okay?

12.36 You can do it.

12.48 Wait. 
Stop the car.

12.57 I'm sorry.

13.00 I don't want to cause any trouble.

13.03 what?
Look. Over there.

13.06 It's going to crash. Over there.

13.13 Help!

13.18 Someone help us!
Oh, no!

13.25 I'm sorry.

13.28 Are you okay?
I'm okay.

13.31 Let's leave here.
As soon as possible, please.

13.42 What's this sound?

13.44 The belt. Someone tighten up my seat belt.

13.46 The belt.

13.51 I can't see it!
Then, just don't and go!

14.02 Jin Myung...

14.27 Did anything happen?

14.32 What's going on?

14.35 Jin Myung, why are you here?

14.38 What?
Let's call a driver.

14.41 Yes, let's collect some money and call a driver.

14.43 I have 20 dollars.

14.46 I have... 
Then, we'll need one more seat.

14.53 What's going on?

14.56 She's an inexperienced driver. It's very serious.

15.00 Oh, is that what happened? Everyone starts as inexperienced.

15.03 And when you're inexperienced, you can have a car accident.

15.04 But it's never serious.

15.16 You can't all get in the car.

15.19 One of you has to help me pull it out.

15.24 Oh, no. Seriously?

15.33 You can reverse it now.

15.40 Unlock the hand brake.

15.45 Slow down.

16.03 Turn it when you're out.

16.07 Stop going in there!

17.07 We have a long way to go.

17.08 I don't want to sit in the middle.

17.11 And I don't trust that seat belt.

17.16 What?

17.18 And it's the youngest that should sit in the middle.

17.22 You look unfamiliar somehow.

17.26 It's all in your mind.

17.29 Jin Myung, how was China?
Did you have fun?

17.33 It was fun and a lot of work too.

17.38 Where did you visit? 
The Great Wall...

17.40 Did you like the food?

17.42 Not really. It wasn't to my taste.

17.44 That's because you didn't try really nice food.

17.46 There are so many nice Chinese dishes.

17.48 Among the photos that you sent, I liked the one with...

17.51 Did you try fried pork belly in soy sauce?

17.53 No.

17.55 She kept interrupting me.

17.56 She never does that to others, only to me. Only me.

18.00 She thinks I'm easy. I'll do the same to her.

18.04 What did you eat, then? 
Did you try dimsum?

18.07 Yes, I tried it. 
That's very...

18.08 Jin Myung. Give me the tangerine peels if you're done.

18.14 This tangerine is good. 
Where did you get it?

18.32 I got so nervous that I got thirsty.

18.34 And she wouldn't share with me.

18.35 She's supposed to help me

18.37 if she's sitting in the front seat.

18.39 What about our presents?

18.42 Girls, please. She couldn't even try pork belly in soy sauce.

18.46 You don't have to buy a present. It could be from the heart.

18.51 A rock from the great wall or a shard of glass

18.52 from the Forbidden City.

18.57 I thought she'd give me some after she ate that piece.

19.00 I did buy something.

19.03 Really? Awesome.

19.05 You didn't have to. 
You don't even have the money.

19.09 It's not much.

19.10 Yes, it is! And it's special! You bought it for me.

19.15 It's not a key chain, is it?

19 18 No way.

19.27 I wonder what it is.

19.30 No, I shouldn't be too curious about it.

19.34 I wonder what she bought for me.

19.37 I'm so curious.

19.40 Yi Na, the rest area!
Why? Let's just go.

19.43 I need to go to the restroom.
Try to hold it.

19.45 I can't.

19.47 It's because you gobbled up too many tangerines.

19.51 Why does she vent it out on me? 
I'm not the only one.

19.53 It's not because I'm about to pee. I think my period just started.

From 20.03


20.03 There...

20.10 Who cares if the seat gets stained with blood?

20.13 It's hercar, not mine.

20.16 It's okay. We can get out in the next exit.

20.18 Then, we take it again.

20.20 It's easier said than done.

20.24 One, two, three.

20.43 I need to use the restroom now.

20.46 Is there nothing around?

20.47 Let's ask him in that car.

20.57 Ahjussi, is there any gas station nearby?

21.01 Make a left turn here.

21.03 Thank you.
Thank you.

21.11 Go now.
Thank you.

21.15 God bless you.
Thank you.

21.17 Thank you.

21.20 The world is still a nice place to be.

21.32 Welcome.

21.41 How much?
Thirty dollars.

21.43 Thirty dollars! Please open the gas tank.

21.45 The gas tank.

21.53 Where is it? The gas tank.

21.58 You can't find the button? Let me help you.

21.59 Excuse me. I opened it.

22.03 Thanks. 
The gas is going on.

22.07 Eun Jae, come.

22.28 Why aren't you getting in? 
You get in first.

22.42 You were thirsty.

22.51 Wait.
What now?

22.52 The bill is incorret.
Let's just go.

22.56 How incorrect is it?

23.13 My mistake.

23.16 It'd look petty to say it.

23.18 Don't ever get confused again.

23.24 Done? We're leaving. 
All right.

23.38 These two go well perfectly together.

23.41 Sweet and salty.

23.42 Make a right turn to the roundabout 500 meters ahead.

23.44 would you mind giving me that?

23.45 Then, enter the way at 10 o'clock to Seoul.

23.50 Will you keep quite? I can't hear what the navigator is saying.

23.52 Then enter the way at 10 o'clock to Seoul.

23.56 What after the right turn?

23.57 Make a right turn to the roundabout 100 meters.

23.59 Oh no. What happened?

24.04 We don't have a navigator now?

24.05 What do we do?
Does anyone have it?

24.10 I have a charger.
You should've told us earlier.

24.13 Quickly.

24.14 Does anyone have a GPS app?

24.16 Why would I need one when I don't even have a car?

24.18 Anyone heard what the navigator said after the roundabout?

24.20 Make for the exit at 10 o'clock.
Which way?

24.22 This way. 
This way.

24.26 No, wait.
This way.

24.27 This way.
Hang on.

24.30 We just went around it.

24.32 Here. 
Be quite.

24.37 Keep going.
Which way?

24.40 There must be the way to the opposite side that way.

24.48 Drive gently, please.

24.57 Jin Myung.
As expected.

25.00 You look ahead, Yi Na.

24.24 It seems we're going too far.

25.26 It doesn't seem to be the right way.

25.29 Are we going the right way?

24.59 It's too dark in here.

25.52 Yeah, and there is no light.

25.55 It'll be brighter if we turn on the light.

25.59 Find the switch for me.

26.01 You don't know where it is?
I've never driven at night.

26.09 What? It's easy to find.
How could you not find it?

26.11 Your phone must be charged now.

26.21 Please.

26.23 Passcode.
Well, 0,4,1,6.

26.31 We don't have internet connection.

26.34 Do we have to go back?
Here? I can't do that.

26.37 Just keep going.

26.39 What if this road ends?
The road never ends.

26.42 Are you sure?
I guess.

26.46 Please.

26.58 (Be careful of roads)

27.13 (Be careful of wild animals)

27.25 (Be careful of mines)

27.41 What? Did you see?

27.44 See what? 

27.46 I think I saw someone.
You didn't see it?

27.49 Someone?
How can there be soneone here?

27.51 Stop kidding.

28.04 It's the light.

28.08 We're safe now!

28.26 Then, what do we do?
Simple. I can't drive anymore.

28.30 We sleep here and leave in the morning.

28.31 I wonder how much they'll charge us.

28.33 Five hundred dollars a night is basic for an unshared house.

28.35 I don't know. 
I can't drive anymore.

28.42 Hello.

28.46 Hello.

28.55 Oh?

28.57 Who...

29.00 We met on the road at the intersection.

29.02 You let me go first.

29.05 Did I?

29.07 Can we stay here just for tonight?

29.10 Well, I haven't cleaned and I'm taking a break so...

29.16 I'm sorry.

29.21 Can I use your phone?

29.24 What?
My phone doesn't work here.

29.29 I'm an inexperienced driver and I don't know the route.

29.32 I want to ask someone for help.

29.35 Please.

29.37 Well...

29.41 Then, you can stay here tonight though the room's not ready.

29.45 You can't drive at nigt when you're inexperienced.

29.47 Thank you!

29.51 How much is it?

29.54 One hundred dollars.

29.57 What? 

30.00 The room aren't cleaned so I'm offering you a discount.

30.05 Fifty dollars.

30.10 Give him the money.

30.31 We'd need the key.

30.36 Seeing five beautiful women at once confused me.

30.43 Hold on.

30.51 It's so cheap.
It is.

30.52 It cost us 500 dollars last time when we went on a trip

30.54 with the school newspaper and it was a lousy place.

30.57 Don't show it too much.
He will ask for more money.

30.59 Maybe the room is shabby inside?

31.13 Okay. Then, get a good rest.

31.16 Thank you.
Good night.

31.33 There are two rooms upstairs.

31.38 They must grow herbs here. The smell is so...

31.40 Did you see the bathroom? They have a jacuzzi.

31.43 He looks like a really nice guy.

31.48 Don't show it too much.
He'll ask for more money.

32.03 Don't worry, be happy.

From 32.33


32.33 Don't worry, be happy.

32.58 I'm hungry!

33.02 I'm hungry.

33.04 I'm hungry.

33.06 All I had was leftover rice in the morning.

33.11 So, what?

33.12 You had tangerines and apples in the car.

33.15 Get up.

33.18 My back hurts.
I sat in the middle.

33.23 What?

33.25 Barbeque service for 10 dollars.

33.30 We offer meat and vegetables.

33.50 Ahjussi!

33.52 We'd like to have a barbeque.

33.53 We want meat. A lot of it.

33.57 Ahjussi!

34.02 Ahjussi, we want a barbeque. We need meat.

34.05 Meat?

34.07 You need the grill and meat? For how many?

34.15 We have 28.50 dollars.

34.19 That's all we have right now so give us that much.

34.33 Okay, okay.

34.35 I'll prepare it for you.
Wait in your room.

34.37 Thank you.
Thank you.

34.40 By the way...

34.44 I'm sorry to say this in this situation...

34.48 But do you have some leftover rice too?

34.51 Hey.

34.52 We need sauce and garlic.

34.55 Oh, come on. That's it.
Never mind, sir.

34.59 Rice is more important.
I can't eat meat without garlic.

35.03 Geez.
Rice is better.

35.06 We should have asked for kimchi.
I missed kimchi for three months.

35.09 He'll give us some.

35.12 He'll probably have kimchi.
Of course.

35.48 Meat for 28.50 dollars?

35.55 And...

36.11 Oh sorry. I forgot.

36.18 Where's the charcoal?

36.21 In the balcony.

36.36 This is so good.
It is.

36.39 Put more charcoal in when the fire is weak.

36.41 How long have you been in this business?

36.43 It hasn't been long.
Let's take a photo.

36.45 Great.
I came here after I retired.

36.49 Though the house looks quite old.

36.51 Ahjussi.
Turn the lever to the right

36.53 to adjust the fire.

36.55 Will you post it on your social media?

36.56 A nice place like this deserves good marketing.

37.00 Come join us for the photo.

37.05 All right. 
Us too?

37.08 One, two.

37.10 The kimchi is so nice.
Is it?

37.13 Yes.
Help yourself.

37.19 If only we had some alcohol.

37.22 If I drink now, I'm going to pass out.

37.23 Me too. I got too nervous.
My back hurts.

37.26 It was a long day.
You can give us that.

37.27 We'll grill it now.
Will you?

37.30 Enjoy your barbeque.

37.32 Thanks.

37.35 Quickly, quickly.
I want to eat it now.

37.44 I can't believe I'm eating meat purely.

37.45 It's good.

37.47 I'll post this on my social media as soon as I go back home.

37.50 Social media?

37.51 I can't let you do that.

38.23 Thirty eight?

38.28 The meat alone was too greasy.

38.29 Then, stop eating.

38.82 Jin Myung, did you get alcohol from China?

38.34 If you did, let's open it.

38.36 I didn't.

38.39 Are you enjoying it?

38.41 It's so delicious.

38.44 I got this as a present but I stopped drinking

38.46 for health issues.

38.49 It'd be a waste if I throw it away.

38.52 And looking at it entices me.

38.56 You could have this if you want.

38.58 Hallelujah!

39.00 Thanks.

39.02 Enjoy.
Thank you.

39.06 It's a beautiful world.

39.08 I recognize this.
It's the royal thing.

39.10. This is 20 dollars per glass.

39.13 Then, how much is the bottle?

39.16 More than 500 dollars.

39.20 This is too much.

39.22 Maybe that man...

39.27 Maybe he doesn't know it's so expensive.

39.31 I guess, he doesn't . Let's just have it.

39.32 Hurry before he cones back. 

39.34 No, he fell in love with us.

39.36 With me, to be precise.

39.40 We could sell it, instead.

39.46 Drink up!

40.09 An old couple is found dead in western Gyeonggi.

40.13 The police are investigating.

40.15 Three cars crashed after falling asleep at the wheel.

40.18 In the expressway.

40.19 You shouldn't fall asleep at the wheel.

40.23 The accident caused a family's death and four injured people.

40.25 The police have acquired security cameras and dash cameras...

From 41.56


41.56 Hey! Song Ji Won!

41.58 Jin Myung, what's going on?

42.00 Where's Song Ji Won?

42.04 Why? Did Ji Won do something wrong?

42.11 Ji Won, wake up.

42.12 What? Why?

42.15 Have this.

42.18 It's the present from China.

42.22 You hoped it wasn't a key chain?
Well, it is. So what?

42.25 What will you do about it?

42.30 You have one too!

42.32 I don't care if you don't need i!

42.37 Anything you want to say? 

42.40 Thank you.

42.43 Thank you.
And you?

42.47 Thanks.

42.50 Okay.

42.52 Now, sleep.

42.56 Sleep.

43.10 Jin Myung, geez.

43.14 You hold grudges against the smallest things.

43.41 Hey, Yoo Eun Jae!
What now?

43.44 You're the youngest and you're supposed to sit in the middle!

43.48 What are you talking about?

43.50 Are you going to do that again?

43.53 Okay, I got it.
I won't do that again.

43.58 Don't mess with me.

44.05 What is she saying in the middle of the night?

44.26 Darn!

44.29 You. Why do you keep cutting in on me?

44.32 You don't do that to others.

44.34 Do you think I'm so easy?

44.36 I'm sorry. It's my fault.
I did wrong.

44.41 Be careful the next time.

45.33 How strange. Why does it hurt?

46.00 (Jinkwang Pension)

46.13 What the...

46.20 Darn.

46.42 (Zolpidem)

46.55 Take care.

47.10 When are you leaving?
We're leaving now.

47.16 Have some of this.
Thank you.

47.24 Do we get to the local road if we go straight this way?

47.26 Yes. The road is steep so be careful.

47.30 Thanks.

47.52 Are you up?
Yeah. You were really tired.

47.54 I slept like a dead man.
Have this.

48.00 To thank you for the key chain.

48.09 Wake up, Ji Won.

48.10 Get this.

48.13 It's the key chain you didn't wish to have.

48.19 Are you up?

48.27 Last night...

48.30 What happened last night?

48.32 You don't remember?
I remember.

48.38 You yelled at me.

48.43 That was a big surprise.

48.45 It helped me realize that you're human.

48.48 You aren't a robot.

48.52 I think it's the jet lag.

48.55 Sorry.
It's all right.

48.57 Coffee. Do you want it?

49.00 Thanks.

49.04 Wash and get ready.

49.13 It's hot.

49.17 Ji won!

49.19 I'm here.

49.20 We're leaving now.
Okay. I'm coming.

49.24 You'll sit in the middle if you're late.

49.26 The coffee is over there.
Do you want it?

49.33 They want you to come out now.

49.37 But why does my cheek hurt so much?

49.41 Did anything hapoen last night?

49.44 Do you want this?

49.46 What is it? Coffee?

49.50 Thanks.

49.51 Hurry up.

49.58 It's cold.

50.05 What are you doing here? Everyone else is waiting.

From 50.06


50.06 Get your belonging and come out right now.

50.10 All right.

50.13 Geez.

50.19 Take care.
Safe trip.

50.21 We have a good rest and meal, thanks to you.

50.22 Thank you.

50.26 Thanks for the coffee.
Are you leaving now?

50.29 Yes, I had a good rest, thanks to you.

50.31 Thank you.
Don't mention it.

50.39 Have this coffee.
I made it for you.

50.41 Oh, no, you didn't have to.

50.43 Thank you. I'll come here again next time.

50.45 Safe trip.
Okay. Take care.

51.13 Dozing off at the wheel is bad.

51.18 No drunk driving.

51.26 Your driving has improved a lot.

51.28 You know I'm very athletic.

51.30 I think he is a really nice guy.

51.33 I think so too.

51.34 Or you'll kick the bucket.

51.39 No dozing off at the wheel.

It isn't easy to stay overnight for that cheap price.

51.47 I know, right? I don't get it. It was incredibly cheap.

51.50 Right.
Maybe we got lucky.

51.57 No dozing off at the wheel.

52.03 Or you'll be in big trouble.

53.15 Welcome. 
Ta da!

53.18 I almost forgot.

53.22 Hurry, Jin Myung.

53.23 Hurry up.

53.27 Welcome back, Jin Myung!

53.33 Wait a second.

53.36 All right. One, two, three.
One, two, three.

53.43 Let's pop one more.
One more.

53.46 One, two three.
One, two, three.

53.50 Welcome back 

53.54 You even prepared a cake?

53.55 I didn't know about this.
Did you buy it, Yi Na?

53.58 To celebrate we gathered together again.

54.06 We're five and complete again.

54.08 Nothing can stop us!
Soon, we won't be anymore.

54.11 What?

54.13 I'm moving out. I wanted to tell you yesterday but.. 

54.24 Why?

54.25 My boss opened a store in Suwon and asked me to manage it.

54.31 But.  
When are you leaving?

54.35 I should have left already this morning but...

54.39 I wanted to blow out the candles together.

54.42 You can't do that.

54.45 Yes, I can.

55.38 Hey, don't cry. Don't be sad. I'm not leaving the country.

55.42 I'm only going to Suwon.

55.44 But still...

55.46 We'll keep in touch and I'll come to visit.

55.49 But you're not living with us.

55.53 You'll visit us occasionally and then, you'll stop coming.

55.55 Then, we'll stop seeing each other.

55.58 That's how it is, we'll all go our separate ways.

56.01 We'll end up going our ways like that.

56.10 Eun Jae...

56.14 Don't leave us.

56.22 You won't forget me, will you?

56.25 You Shouldn't forget me. I'll kill you if you do.

56.28 I won't.

56.30 Call us if anything happens.
And visit us often, okay?

56.35 Promise that you will.
Okay, i promise.

56.39 Jin Myung, thanks for everything.

56.42 I didn't do much.

56.45 I learned a lot from you.

56.50 Don't say that. I learned from you.

57.00 Take care.

57.17 Stop crying.

57.21 I love you.
I love you too.

57.24 I really love you.
Don't forget me.

57.28 We won't.

57.33 Drive safely.
Don't die.

57.38 Drive safely.

57.40 Don't skip your meal.

57.51 Bye.

58.04 Bye.

58.14 What's wrong?

58.16 My car won't start.

58.19 What?

58.21 It hasn't been a month since I bought the car.

58.25 Please come here as soon as possible.

58.27 Okay.

58.33 They'll be here in an hour.

58.37 You silly.

58.42 They caught the serial killer who targeted only solitary houses.

58.44 He was caught seeping.

58.47 Seriously.

58.49 It's hot.

58.52 It's hot.

58.54 I didn't have to cry.
My eyes are puffy.

58.58 Stay one more night here before you leave.

59.01 Yeah, stay one more night here.

59.07 (10 months later)

59.21 (22, Yeonnam ro)

59.24 (22, Yeonnam ro, Mapo gu)

Episode 2 preview


1.00.13 Hello.

1.00.14 Is this 22 Yeonnam ro?

1.00.17 Have you shared a house before?

1.00.18 Do you have siblings?
Why ask?

1.00.21 She doesn't look like a newbie at all.

1.00.22 You're a girl but you have only black clothes.

1.00.26 They'll think the chemistry between...

1.00.29 What do you mean by that?

1.00.31 She's just rude.
This is unfair.

1.00 33 Why do we have to walk on eggshells because of the newbie?

1.00.35 She's very suspicious.
She's hiding something.

1.00.38 No!
What's going on?

1.00.41 I passed it.
A congratulatory kiss.

1.00.43 They say...

1.00.45 We get upset when the truth we want to hide is revealed.

1.00 48 So, what are you going to do about it?

1.00.50 When you find the one who will receive the letter?

1.00.51 Who is it? 
Who is it that is laughing?

1.00.56 After ruining someone else's life?

1.00.58 (I'll kill you.)

You're welcome @glee77 , @einYoshiChanand  @sljj, fighting.:)

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thank you so much @mira08 , i don't know why until now they still not subbed this drama, because i m waiting for a more discussion ,.. but since many of us do not understand korean, it's difficult to discuss the mystery in this drama  just like last year.. 


it is because onew left and they boycott  to do it ? i hope not.. they should be professional.:)


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8 hours ago, mira08 said:

Recorder app being blocked by this app.


I am trying to rewrite the subs anytime i have time.

  Reveal hidden contents

Hello My Twenties 2
Episode 1

00.08 In accordance with the  flight security regulations...

00.11 When you open the rack please make sure your belongings won't fall.

And check if your belongings are with you before you leave.

00.24 "Congrats! Jin Myung's arriving today.

00.25 "Right! Jin Myung, I missed you my entire life."

00.31 "Is she bringing presents for us?"

00.33 "Don't say that. Spanking, spanking."

00.34 "Yeah, spanking, spanking."

00.36 "just having her here is enough to make me happy.

00.39 Jin Myung herself is my present."

00.41 "Eun Jae's changed."
"The youngest became wily."

00.44 "That's how I've always been."
"I wonder if Jin Myung changed."

00.47 "You lazy thing."
"What? Lazy thing?"

00.52 "Jin Myung and laziness? I'd like to see that combination."

"The chubby, then."

00.54 "That's possible because Chinesse food is greasy."

00.56 "No, she might be even leaner. She couldn't afford food."

01.00 She's landing at 2.30 p.m. 
When is she arriving home?"

01.03 After baggage claim and stuff, it'd be around 6.00 p.m. ?"

01.06 "Should we go and pick her up?"

01.08 "Let's pick her up. All of us. Surprise!"

01.11 "The moment you mention it here, it isn't a surprise anymore."

01.15 "Should we go really?" 

01.17 "Me too."
"I have a class."

01.18 "Skip it!"
"Skip it!"

01.20 "I'm skipping it!"
"Jin Myung, we'll pick you up!"

01.24 "Wait for us, Jin Myung."

01.26 "We'll be on our way to the airport to see you."

02.11 Hi

02.12 You're here.

02.14 Let's go now before it gets dark.

(Episode 1, I Get Mad Over Little Things We)

03.24 (Five hours before Jin Myung's arrival)

03.43 (Today's schedule, Jin Myung's coming home)

03.49 (Congrats!)

03.55 Congrats!
Jin Myung's arriving today.

03.57 Right! Jin Myung, we missed you. Come home quickly.

04.02 Jin Myung. I missed you my entire life. 

04.07 Jongdal. Jongdal. Are you up?

04.10 Is she bringing presents for us?

04.12  Don't say that. Spanking, spanking.

04.13 Yeah, spanking spanking.

04.15 Just having her here is enough to make me happy.

04.19 Jin Myung is my present.

04.22 I'm half awake.
Eun Jae's changed.

04.24 The youngest became wily.

04.27 That's how I've always been.

04.28 The prince is up, thanks to the princess' kiss.

04.32 You lazy thing.

04.34 What? Lazy thing?

04.36 Jin Myung and laziness?

04.38 I'd like to see that combination.

04.41 The chubby, then.

04.42 That's possible because Chinese food is greasy.

04.46 No, she might be even leaner because she couldn't afford food.

04.53 Can I use the bathroom now?

05.05 She's landing at 2:30 p.m.
When is she arriving home?

05.08 After baggage claim and stuff, it's be around 6:00 p.m.?

05.11 Should we go and pick her up?

05.13 Let's pick her up. All of us. Surprise!

05.37 I didn't really mean it. But the girls took it seriously.

05.42 I don't feel safe to go out yet...

05.46 but they all wanted.

05.50 I didn't want to be the only one to miss it.

05.55 I was going to hang out with Jong Yeol after class.

05.59 But I thought they would get jealous if I said that.

06.05 I'm the only one that has a boyfriend.

06.09 I didn't mind coming. It's not a big deal.

06.17 This is exciting!

06.21 Quickly. Come, come.

06.33 It's cool!

06.36 Ladies and gentlemen! 
Fasten your seat belts, please!

06.39 Yes, sir.

06.42 Why are we leaving so early? 
It only takes an hour.

06.44 We'll find a nice cafe on the way.

06.47 And we have to have a cup of coffee there.

06.50 That's right!
That's right!

06.52 The weather's so nice. 

06.55 Let's go!

07.18 I'm your cute DJ. DJ Song. Nice meeting you all.

From 07.22

  Reveal hidden contents

07.22 The first song that we'll listen...

07.24 Make a right turn.
Yes, sir.

07.39 What's wrong?

07.43 I think they're honking at us.

07.44 No, I didn't do anything wrong.

07.46 Make a right turn after 100 meters.

08.01 What are you doing?

08.04 You're supposed to slow down before entering.

08.07 Why? 
What do you mean why?

08.09 You must first let the cars pass.

08.11 Then, you can turn left and then, you can turn right.

08.13 Really?

08.15 Really?

08.18 So you weren't being daring when you just cut in?

08.24 We could have died without even knowing why?

08.37 What's wrong? What is it now?

08.39 Look ahead!

08.47 What?

08.49 The rear view! 
The rear view mirror.

08.52 What? This?

08.53 How do you move this?

08.59 There!

09.03 You've never moved it before?

09.06 No, I did a couple of times. 
I'm getting out of this car.

09.09 You can't get out of the car here. Just stay inside.

09.20 How did she get her driver's licence?

09.22 She doesn't even know about letting the cars pass first.

09.25 I knew she was inexperienced. But then she should be alert.

09.29 She's not even alert.

09.31 Then, why did she suggest the idea?

09.34 My mom said this year I might go through three bad things.

09.37 I should have asked her for an amulet.

09.38 I was doing fine ...

09.42 Until they started screaming.

09.44 I got more nervous ever since.

09.55 Make a left turn after 100 meters

09.58 And take the first or second lane.

10.03 Look into the rear view mirror. 
The rear view mirror.

10.06 Look ahead!

10.20 Off course.

10.22 Researching it. Make a right turn after 100 meters.

10.24 Make a right turn. To the right.

10.32 Off course. Off course. Researching it

10.37 A U-turn.
To the left again.

10.42 Look ahead, please!

10.55 We'll end up going to North Korea.

10.56 It's all your fault. 
You think you know it all.

10.59 At least, we know more than you.

11.02 Is this how you've been driving?

11.04 I didn't cause any accidents.
No accidents for one month.

11.06 Or maybe you caused others to cause accidents.

11.08 Off course. Off course.

11.11 I got it!

11.19 I'm sorry. Just a little...

11.24 Cut in. Cut in.
You can do this. You can do it!

11.28 Eun Jae, move out of the way. 
I can't see it because of you.

11.30 Just cut in!

11.42 Wait, please.
Sir, please.

11.46 Please slow down for us.
Just this once.

11.49 The driver's inexperienced. We'd like to make a right turn.

11.55 Cut in now.

11.56 Now is the time to cut in.

11.59 Thank you. 
Thank you.

12.10 Enter the expressway on your right hand side.

12.16 Fasten your seat belt.

12.23 (Incheon Airport Expressway)

12.32 It's all right. Just follow the car in front of you, okay?

12.36 You can do it.

12.48 Wait. 
Stop the car.

12.57 I'm sorry.

13.00 I don't want to cause any trouble.

13.03 what?
Look. Over there.

13.06 It's going to crash. Over there.

13.13 Help!

13.18 Someone help us!
Oh, no!

13.25 I'm sorry.

13.28 Are you okay?
I'm okay.

13.31 Let's leave here.
As soon as possible, please.

13.42 What's this sound?

13.44 The belt. Someone tighten up my seat belt.

13.46 The belt.

13.51 I can't see it!
Then, just don't and go!

14.02 Jin Myung...

14.27 Did anything happen?

14.32 What's going on?

14.35 Jin Myung, why are you here?

14.38 What?
Let's call a driver.

14.41 Yes, let's collect some money and call a driver.

14.43 I have 20 dollars.

14.46 I have... 
Then, we'll need one more seat.

14.53 What's going on?

14.56 She's an inexperienced driver. It's very serious.

15.00 Oh, is that what happened? Everyone starts as inexperienced.

15.03 And when you're inexperienced, you can have a car accident.

15.04 But it's never serious.

15.16 You can't all get in the car.

15.19 One of you has to help me pull it out.

15.24 Oh, no. Seriously?

15.33 You can reverse it now.

15.40 Unlock the hand brake.

15.45 Slow down.

16.03 Turn it when you're out.

16.07 Stop going in there!

17.07 We have a long way to go.

17.08 I don't want to sit in the middle.

17.11 And I don't trust that seat belt.

17.16 What?

17.18 And it's the youngest that should sit in the middle.

17.22 You look unfamiliar somehow.

17.26 It's all in your mind.

17.29 Jin Myung, how was China?
Did you have fun?

17.33 It was fun and a lot of work too.

17.38 Where did you visit? 
The Great Wall...

17.40 Did you like the food?

17.42 Not really. It wasn't to my taste.

17.44 That's because you didn't try really nice food.

17.46 There are so many nice Chinese dishes.

17.48 Among the photos that you sent, I liked the one with...

17.51 Did you try fried pork belly in soy sauce?

17.53 No.

17.55 She kept interrupting me.

17.56 She never does that to others, only to me. Only me.

18.00 She thinks I'm easy. I'll do the same to her.

18.04 What did you eat, then? 
Did you try dimsum?

18.07 Yes, I tried it. 
That's very...

18.08 Jin Myung. Give me the tangerine peels if you're done.

18.14 This tangerine is good. 
Where did you get it?

18.32 I got so nervous that I got thirsty.

18.34 And she wouldn't share with me.

18.35 She's supposed to help me

18.37 if she's sitting in the front seat.

18.39 What about our presents?

18.42 Girls, please. She couldn't even try pork belly in soy sauce.

18.46 You don't have to buy a present. It could be from the heart.

18.51 A rock from the great wall or a shard of glass

18.52 from the Forbidden City.

18.57 I thought she'd give me some after she ate that piece.

19.00 I did buy something.

19.03 Really? Awesome.

19.05 You didn't have to. 
You don't even have the money.

19.09 It's not much.

19.10 Yes, it is! And it's special! You bought it for me.

19.15 It's not a key chain, is it?

19 18 No way.

19.27 I wonder what it is.

19.30 No, I shouldn't be too curious about it.

19.34 I wonder what she bought for me.

19.37 I'm so curious.

19.40 Yi Na, the rest area!
Why? Let's just go.

19.43 I need to go to the restroom.
Try to hold it.

19.45 I can't.

19.47 It's because you gobbled up too many tangerines.

19.51 Why does she vent it out on me? 
I'm not the only one.

19.53 It's not because I'm about to pee. I think my period just started.

You're welcome @glee77 and @einYoshiChan. I will update episode 1 in this one post. Is it okay?

From 20.03

  Hide contents

20.03 There...

20.10 Who cares if the seat gets stained with blood?

20.13 It's hercar, not mine.

20.16 It's okay. We can get out in the next exit.

20.18 Then, we take it again.

20.20 It's easier said than done.

20.24 One, two, three.

20.43 I need to use the restroom now.

20.46 Is there nothing around?

20.47 Let's ask him in that car.

20.57 Ahjussi, is there any gas station nearby?

21.01 Make a left turn here.

21.03 Thank you.
Thank you.

21.11 Go now.
Thank you.

21.15 God bless you.
Thank you.

21.17 Thank you.

21.20 The world is still a nice place to be.

21.32 Welcome.

21.41 How much?
Thirty dollars.

21.43 Thirty dollars! Please open the gas tank.

21.45 The gas tank.

21.53 Where is it? The gas tank.

21.58 You can't find the button? Let me help you.

21.59 Excuse me. I opened it.

22.03 Thanks. 
The gas is going on.

22.07 Eun Jae, come.

22.28 Why aren't you getting in? 
You get in first.

22.42 You were thirsty.

22.51 Wait.
What now?

22.52 The bill is incorret.
Let's just go.

22.56 How incorrect is it?

23.13 My mistake.

23.16 It'd look petty to say it.

23.18 Don't ever get confused again.

23.24 Done? We're leaving. 
All right.

23.38 These two go well perfectly together.

23.41 Sweet and salty.

23.42 Make a right turn to the roundabout 500 meters ahead.

23.44 would you mind giving me that?

23.45 Then, enter the way at 10 o'clock to Seoul.

23.50 Will you keep quite? I can't hear what the navigator is saying.

23.52 Then enter the way at 10 o'clock to Seoul.

23.56 What after the right turn?

23.57 Make a right turn to the roundabout 100 meters.

23.59 Oh no. What happened?

24.04 We don't have a navigator now?

24.05 What do we do?
Does anyone have it?

24.10 I have a charger.
You should've told us earlier.

24.13 Quickly.

24.14 Does anyone have a GPS app?

24.16 Why would I need one when I don't even have a car?

24.18 Anyone heard what the navigator said after the roundabout?

24.20 Make for the exit at 10 o'clock.
Which way?

24.22 This way. 
This way.

24.26 No, wait.
This way.

24.27 This way.
Hang on.

24.30 We just went around it.

24.32 Here. 
Be quite.

24.37 Keep going.
Which way?

24.40 There must be the way to the opposite side that way.

24.48 Drive gently, please.

24.57 Jin Myung.
As expected.

25.00 You look ahead, Yi Na.

24.24 It seems we're going too far.

25.26 It doesn't seem to be the right way.

25.29 Are we going the right way?

24.59 It's too dark in here.

25.52 Yeah, and there is no light.

25.55 It'll be brighter if we turn on the light.

25.59 Find the switch for me.

26.01 You don't know where it is?
I've never driven at night.

26.09 What? It's easy to find.
How could you not find it?

26.11 Your phone must be charged now.

26.21 Please.

26.23 Passcode.
Well, 0,4,1,6.

26.31 We don't have internet connection.

26.34 Do we have to go back?
Here? I can't do that.

26.37 Just keep going.

26.39 What if this road ends?
The road never ends.

26.42 Are you sure?
I guess.

26.46 Please.

26.58 (Be careful of roads)

27.13 (Be careful of wild animals)

27.25 (Be careful of mines)

27.41 What? Did you see?

27.44 See what? 

27.46 I think I saw someone.
You didn't see it?

27.49 Someone?
How can there be soneone here?

27.51 Stop kidding.

28.04 It's the light.

28.08 We're safe now!

28.26 Then, what do we do?
Simple. I can't drive anymore.

28.30 We sleep here and leave in the morning.

28.31 I wonder how much they'll charge us.

28.33 Five hundred dollars a night is basic for an unshared house.

28.35 I don't know. 
I can't drive anymore.

28.42 Hello.

28.46 Hello.

28.55 Oh?

28.57 Who...

29.00 We met on the road at the intersection.

29.02 You let me go first.

29.05 Did I?

29.07 Can we stay here just for tonight?

29.10 Well, I haven't cleaned and I'm taking a break so...

29.16 I'm sorry.

29.21 Can I use your phone?

29.24 What?
My phone doesn't work here.

29.29 I'm an inexperienced driver and I don't know the route.

29.32 I want to ask someone for help.

29.35 Please.

29.37 Well...

29.41 Then, you can stay here tonight though the room's not ready.

29.45 You can't drive at nigt when you're inexperienced.

29.47 Thank you!

29.51 How much is it?

29.54 One hundred dollars.

29.57 What? 

30.00 The room aren't cleaned so I'm offering you a discount.

30.05 Fifty dollars.

30.10 Give him the money.

30.31 We'd need the key.

30.36 Seeing five beautiful women at once confused me.

30.43 Hold on.

30.51 It's so cheap.
It is.

30.52 It cost us 500 dollars last time when we went on a trip

30.54 with the school newspaper and it was a lousy place.

30.57 Don't show it too much.
He will ask for more money.

30.59 Maybe the room is shabby inside?

31.13 Okay. Then, get a good rest.

31.16 Thank you.
Good night.

31.33 There are two rooms upstairs.

31.38 They must grow herbs here. The smell is so...

31.40 Did you see the bathroom? They have a jacuzzi.

31.43 He looks like a really nice guy.

31.48 Don't show it too much.
He'll ask for more money.

32.03 Don't worry, be happy.



Thanks for this! It really helps! =) 

I will try my best! 

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If anyone has a .srt or .sub file in whatever language, the modification to convert it into English will be very easy, since that file will have the correct timelines.

It can be in chinese too, so long as it's a file for soft sub :)

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Episode 2


00.31 Darn.

00.33  Do we really have to do this?

00.35 Yes!

00.36 All right.

00.40 Does it always take so long to find a new roommate?

00.43 No. It never takes more than a month.

00.45 Then, why is it taking so long? Seriously.

00.48 I talked to Granny yesterday and she complained.

00.51 She says we're too picky.

00.56 I know why we can't find a new roommate.

01.01 A classmate was looking for a room so I recommended her this house.

01.05 But she said something strange.

01.07 She said she heard bad rumors about our house.

01.11 So the rumor's already spreading? If that's the case.. 

01.15 Yes, I heard that too.

01.16 Yoon Jin's been talking gibberish.

01.18 It's not gibberish. This house has been cursed.

01.22 Yoon Jin?
You know her?

01.24 She came last May and didn't last one month.

01.27 Oh. What did she say? 

01.29 They are so mean.

01.32 They're smiling at you but they're ostracizing you.

01.34 We're not in high school anymore.

01.36 We're college students. How can they still do that?

01.39 We ostracized her?
You tell me.

01.41 Right?

01.43 They nagged at me ever since the first day.

01.45 Don't go out with the Wi-Fi on, don't leave the water running

01.47 when you brush your teeth.

01.49 They even sighed saying the hot water bill was higher.

01.52 They're like a proctor!

01.57 Do you know what's even worse?

01.58 As soon as I entered the house, everyone stop talking.

02.03 I asked them what they were talking about

02.05 And they'd say it was nothing.

02.06 Then, why would you stop talking as soin as I come in?

02.08 That can feel really offensive.

02.11 They talk about people that only they know about.

02.13 They make jokes only they understand.

02.15 How would I know who's Yi Na?

02.17 Yi Na was like this.
Yi Na was like that.

02.19 We did wrong.
We're educated people.

02.22 We shouldn't ostracize anyone. It happened again just now.

02.24 I was trying to say something...

02.26 Especially, that talkative girl. She's the worst.

02.30 She's... Oh my gosh, she's like...

02.33 I've never seen anyone like her.

02.36 She'd be in prison by now if she were a man.

02.37 For sexual harrasment.

02.39 That's all she talks about.

02.42 How can she ask what my favorite position is.

02.45 When we just met?

02.52 What time is it?

02.54 3:45 p.m.

02.56 When did she say she's coming?

02.57 Around 4:00.
But did you see the ID?

03.03 The ID of the girl that's coming to see the room.

03.04 What's her ID?
Beyonce. Almost Beyonce.

03.08 Almost Beyonce?
That means she has fat legs.

03.17 What? She's already here?

03.19 Coming.

03.23 Are you done? Ready?

03.47 (Episode 2, I Am A Coward Stranger)

03.51 Hello.

04.01 Are you here to see the room?

04.05 Is this 22, Yeonnam ro?

04.08 Yeah.

04.10 Yes, it is. Come in.

04.25 Are you sure she's female?

04.27 I wonder how tall she is.

04.50 I'll show you the room. It's this way.

04.53 The room?
Yes, this way.

05.11 You checked the details on the website, didn't you?

05.14 Well, yeah.

05.32 Anything you'd like to ask?

05.36 Well...

05.38 Do you all live here?

05.41 Yes.

05.44 For a long time?

05.45 I don't know how you'd define a long time

05.47 but we've all lived here more than a year.

06.03 We'll talk to the owner and call you.

06.20 She hardly speaks. 
And she's really tall.

06.22 Yeah, she looks like she's snobbish.

06.24 And she's tall.

06.25 I was surprised because I thought she was a man.

06.27 She's so tall.
Why is her ID Almost Beyonce?

06.30 She's just tall.

06.33 I'll drop by the house tomorrow at 4:00. See you.

06.36 Yeah. People usually use Beyonce when they have fat legs.

06.42 She's the Kim Yeon Koung or Seo Jang Hoon type.

06.45 So,what do you say. Yes? No?

06.49. I'm not sure.

06.52 Right? Me Neither.

06.56 We already have one weird person.

07.00 At least you know.

07.01 Then, that's a no.

07.07 Yes, Granny. Where are you?

07.10 How is the weather?

07.13 I'm glad for you.

07.16 The room? Well.. 

07.21 No, no. We just found a roommate.

07.25 Yes, of course.

07.28 Her number?

07.30 Her name is Jo Eun.

07.32 Yes, one syllable.

07.34 What? Why?

07.35 I guess Granny complaining.

07.40 What time is it in Chile that she's calling now?

07.44 What was that? You can't decide on your own.

07.48 She said her friend will come if we don't find a roommate.

07.52 Rather than with a granny...

07.57 A tall Beyonce 

08.00 A tall and unfriendly Beyonce.

08.13 Who is it?
I'm here to see the room.

08.16 Oh, we already found a roommate.

08.20 We found one just now. Sorry.
What the heck?

08.57 I'm moving out.

09.05 Why?

09.08 I need to find out about something.

09.11 You're kidding me.

09.13 What? You told me to move out.

09.17 Oh, because I told you?

09.22 Whatever you want.

09.24 Leave and come as you please.

09.28 Like I can control you.

09.31 I can't even control myself.

09.47 Yes, I'm coming!

09.53 Hi. Come on in.

09.58 Is that all you have?

10.00 Yes.

From 10.11


10.11 No, i just remembered something.

10.15 On my first day here.

10.17 I also poured everything from my bag.

10.22 Never mind. It's nothing.

10.26 You can use the bottom shelf.

10.29 Why do I have to use the bottom shelf?

10.35 Oh, you're too tall. Then, we can exchange.

11.04 We each use our own bathroom products.

11.06 We use baskets of different colors to distinguish.

11.10 Pink, blue, purple, and white are taken.

11.14 Choose any other color.

11.22 We separated the shelves of fridge as well.

11.25 But nobody really sticks to it.

11.26 The best way is writing your name on your food.

11.30 And we buy ramyeon and rice together.

11.33 We used to buy it separately but it's cheaper in bundles.

11.36 Besides, we don't have enough space.

11.38 We buy groceries once every two weeks.

11.43 What? Any questions?

11.47 That's very long. Do you have more to say?

12.05 Why the long face?

12.07 She's not here yet?

12.09 She's here.

12.11 So, what? I thought you said you'll be nice to her.

12.14 Yeah. You said you'll explain to her everything one by one,

12.17 Just like you wanted on your first day here.

12.20 Well, that was the plan, but...

12.24 So, what? You got intimidated by the newbie?

12.28 Already?

12.30 Eun Jae, my Eun Jae. You're so dumb.

12.35 Look at us.

12.39 Watch and learn.

12.44 We're coming in!

12.47 Are you unpacking?

12.53 Oh, is this all you've brought? It's all in black.

12.58 This one is black and this one is black too.

13.13 You live a simple live. It's good! Minimal life.

13.18 You're a Korean Literature major? 
Language and Literature.

13.22 Oh, Language and Literature.
Books for Language and Liteature.

13.30 Well, not all those majoring in Language & Literature 

13.32 Read good books.

13 36 Is this good to read?

13.42 I hate it when people touch my stuff.

13.50 Sorry.

13.53 So anything else you want to say.

14.20 Why?

14.22 What?

14.25 She's...

14.29 Come in.

14.34 Would you come out for a second?

14.37 Why?

14.41 It's your first day. Let's have a beer together.

14.46 Well, I'm a little tired.

14.52 It won't take long. We need to tell you something.

15.09 Cheers to your first day!

15.11 Cheers.

15.23 Have you ever lived in a shared house?

15.26 No.
Any siblings?

15.33 Why do you ask?

15.36 You don't seem to like to hang out with your peers.

15.39 You don't have siblings, do you?

15.42 Well, no.

15.52 (You wanted to ask her things.)

15.57 Ask her about that. Beyonce.

16.03 Do you like Beyonce?

16.07 No.

16.33 Do you have an older brother?

16.38 I just said i have no siblings.

16.41 Oh, right. Do you have an uncle?

16.44 How old is your youngest uncle?

16.53 No, it's a really funny joke.

16.58 You have to answer so I can ask you to set me up with him.

17.04 Then, you'll burst into laughter.

17.08 Burst.

17.10 It won't be easy at first. You don't know us.

17.15 Sometimes, you have to set your boundaries.

17.17 But sometimes, you'd have to bear with it.

17.19 Anyway, let's get along well with each other.

17.24 Well, okay.

17.27 Are we done now?

17.30 Hey.

17.36 We clean up together when we share a table.

18.21 She's really eccentric.

18.24 Eccentric?

18.26 She's just full of snobbish.
You're right.

18.29 She should act like a newbie.

18.31 She's clumsy and self-concious trying to read our minds.

18.34 Right.

18.37 Eun Jae was the best newbie in that sense.

18.40 Right?

18.44 Yes. You were so nervous like a puppy holding number two.

18.52 So, what do we do? 
Do we ask her to leave?

18.56 Do you prefer living with a granny?

19.02 I guess she's not used to hang out with people yet.

19.07 If she leaves, we will be in trouble.

19.18 That room must be have bad energy.

19.19 You know how Yi Na also had a temper.

19.22 Yina wasn't that bad.

19.57 Geez.

20.00 You scared me.

From 20.20


20.20 What? Why does she look at me like that?

20.23 Mrs. Jung, did you wash yourself?

20.26 Shall we lie down together now?

20.28 Shut up!

21.28 It was just a coincidence. 
You think so?

21.31 No, she has a strange way of looking at people.

21.34 She doesn't look like this. She looks like this.

21.38 Yes. Like this. I don't like it.

21.42 Really? I didn't notice that.

21.45 Actually, I was picking tomatoes yesterday in the rooftop.

21.49 And she came and asked about you.

21.53 About me? What about me?

21.57 She asked if you were fine last year.

21.59 Really? How strange. She asked me about you 

22.05 She asked if you were fine last year.

22.07 What's wrong with her?
I don't like her.

22.10 Maybe she's just trying to get to know us better.

22.12 Then, she should ask us personally, not others.

22.14 That's what I'm saying.

22.17 Now that you mention it...

22.20 What?

22.22 Did she do something to you?

22.24 No, not really.

22.27 I thought I was wrong but...

22.29 (The blessed Yoon Soomyung)

22.42 Was it Jo Eun?

22.45 I'm not really sure.

22.47 Now, I think she was.

22.50 She was tall and slouching and wearing all black.

22.55 Then, it was her.

22.56 No one else but her would wear all in black in the middle of summer.

22.59 Who is she? I got goosebumps.

23.02 She was tailing you.

23.08 What? Did she do anything to you?

23.13 What is it? It's okay. You can tell us.

23.16 What happened?

23.20 Nothing.

23.23 She didn't do anything to me.

She didn't peek at me or ask me strange questions.

23.29 She didn't follow me.

23.32 I don't like this. Is this how you feel when you ostracized?

23.35 Are you serious?

23.38 I don't know about other things.

23.39 But we need to fix the bathroom's door knob quickly.

23.44 What is it?

23.49 Someone left water boiling on the stove.

23.56 Is it all burnt?

23.58 Thank God. It didn't burn.

23.59 It didn't burn? 

24.01 I was out of it.

24.05 I sent the money for the living expenses

24.07 to that account.

24.09 My name is Yoon Jinmyung.

24.12 I know, but I don't know hiw to treat you.

24.17 You can treat me like a senior or big sister.

24.19 They all do.

24.21 Big sister is too corny.

24.23 And we attend different schools so a senior is not an option.

24.31 I'll call you by the name No matter what you say. (Ji Won is singing Seunggi's song)

24.37 (the sing continue)
Because you're my girl
Because you're my girl 

24.59 Who is it?
I'm looking for Jo Eun.

25.02 There's no one called Jo Eun here.

25.10 Oh, wait. Hold on.

25.17 It's me.

25.19 She said it's not your house.

25.25 You're early.

25.28 Well, I thought...
Come in.

25.39 Who is it? 

25.43 I'm Eun's friend.

25.45 She said she moved in here.

25.46 Come quickly.
So I came to visit her.

25.55 Were you in bed?

25.56 You have a bird's nest on your head.

26.11 So it's the four of them?

26.14 Yes.

26.15 Did you find out who they are?

26.17 No, not yet.

26.20 They all look normal.

26.26 Here. It's my present.

26.29 You didn't have to.
I'm not going to stay here long.

26.32 Anyway. Open it.

26.40 It's cute, right?

26.44 Look.

26.48 So cute.

26.53 Hey, don't.

26.55 Stop it, don't!

26.58 Don't take it off.

27.09 What are you doing?

27.11 Well...

27.15 She brought her friend.

27.18 Yeah, she woke me up too early.

27.22 And they're locked inside. Just the two of them.

27.27 Is it a guy?

27.29 No.

27.39 Bye. 
Take me to the bus stop.

27.42 Are you kidding?

27.44 Come on.

28.04 What?
The onions.

28.06 I told you not to get many.

28.10 Is it too sweet?
Put it in my mouth.

28.12 Here.

28.15 It's so hot.

28.26 Did your friend leave?

28.28 Yeah.

28.30 Let us know in advance when you have visitors.

28.33 That's the rules.

28.35 Oh, okay.

28.37 Your friend looked so cute.

28.40 I know, right?
I saw you together and...

28.44 You two were really... I mean, everyone could tell that...

28.47 The chemistry between you...

28.49 What are you talking about?

28.52 What?

28.59 I mean...

29.02 You two looked the opposite so you'd make a good match.

29.17 I was just kidding.

29.20 Did it sound offensive?

29.22 Not really.
You were just being you.

28.27 Right?

29.30 My goodness. She gets mad for nothing.

29.34 What do we do now?

29.36 Do we call her out?

29.39 I don't think I'll digest my food if I eat with her.

29.43 But we can't leave her out.

29.50 This feels unfair.

29.52 Why do we have to be careful because of the newbie?

29.54 You spilled it.

29.56 Others would say that we're leaving her out in the cold.

30.00 People snap when you tell them the truth.

From 30.05


30.05 What?

30.08 Psycgology.

30.12 So you're saying that Jo Eun...

30.15 No way. That's not so common.

30.20 It's not common but it's not impossible.

30.23 What if she is?

30.25 What about it? Let her be.

30.28 But...
But what?

30.29 Are you discriminating minorities?

30.32 No, I don't mean that. I just...

30.34 I just don't like her.

30.37 Right? I feel uncomfortable.

30.40 I don't feel uncomfortable.

30.45 It's just a little...

30.51 Eunjae, would you feel uneasy if she's a lesbian?

30.57 Yes.

30.58 I might be to conversative but I've never met one before.

31.04 It'd be like living with Guy.

31.10 You think so?

31.13 So we ask her to leave?

31.14 I don' t mean we should discriminate.

31.16 But if it's uncomfortable, one of us has to leave.

31.19 That's called discrimination.

31.22 Are you really okay with this?

31.26 I'm fine.

31.27 It's because you never met one. You'll get used to it.

31.33 Your lectures begin next week. Will you be fine?

31.36 I don't have a choice.

31.38 I can't take two consecutive years off. I have to do it.

31.44 What about you?

31.46 I can't take my time off because of that either.

31.50 When is your final interview?

31.55 This friday.

32.22 What are you doing?
I'm watching movie.

32.27 Do you want to go to the convenience store?

32.30 convenience store?

32.32 Yes.

32.34 Can we go a little later?

32.37 Well, I need to send a package today.

32.44 Give me a second.

33.07 You need to get used to walking the streets alone.

33.10 I know.

33.14 How do you plan to go to school?

33.18 I have you and Jiwon.

33.20 Yookyung and Kyungah too.

33.39 Your room is so noisy.

32.40 I know. Even after I close the window.

33.43 That's why it was so cheap.

33.44 And it's nothing like the photo.

33.47 It looked nice in the photo with the garden and everything.

33.50 No, it's not that house. The one in the photo is in Yeonnam dong.

33.52 It's called Belle Epoque.

33.54 The people in that house are so rude.

33.57 I told them in advance that I'll go and see the room.

33.58 They said they already found a roommate

34.00 and didn't even open the door.
Let go, Eunjae.

34.02 And you just left?
Look, over there.

34.04 I'm too old to make a fuss.

34.05 Beyonce.
What about Beyonce?

34.19 What?

34.21 You need your ID to buy beer.

34.31 Do I look so young.

That's ridiculous. You don't.

34.40 Where have you been.

34.43 Did Anything happen?

34.55 Come in.
We need to talk.

35.18 How did you find this house?

35.22 How did you know?

35.25 My friends told me that you were looking for a roommate.

35.29 No, you said you saw it on the website.

35.33 Almost Beyonce!

35.37 I didn't say that.

35.39 You did.

35.41 She did, didn't she?

35.48 Are you here to see the room?

Is this 22, Yeonnam ro?

35.56 I'll show you the room.

35.58 The room?

36.02 We'll talk to tje owner and call you.

36.09 That's strange. 
I'm sure she said it.

36.14 But you knew we mistook you for another person, right?

36.18 You knew, right?

36.20 I thought it was a little weird but.. 

36.23 Then, why didn't you say anything?

36.27 Well, I mean...

36.28 I didn't think I had to go into details.

36.34 If that's all...

36.36 Where does your family live?
Seongsan dong.

36.40 You said your school is in Bukgajwa dong.

36.42 So?
So why do you stay here?

36.46 Can't I stay here?

36.57 What about Seongsan dong?

36.58 Seongsan dong is very close to Bukgajwa dong.

37.05 What?
She's not Beyonce.

37.08 What? Someone else was.

37.11 She's suspicious.

37.14 Yes, she's hiding something.

37.19 Hide what?

37.30 It's like they're so defensive. 

37.32 Well, they weren't very kind to start with.

 37.35 So they found out?

37.37 I'm not really sure.

37.39 So, what are you going to do?

37.42 What can I do? If they find out, they find out.

37.46 What? That's it?

37.48 Then, why did you move in that house?

37.50 You should have a big fight like crazy.

37.54 Is this funny to you? 

37.56 It's funny because it doesn't concern me.

37.59 How do I look?

38.04 Pretty. It was made for you.

38.07 Isn't she pretty?

38.18 Eun.

38.25 I was just about to call you.

38.29 Well, your mom told me that...

38.34 She's still your wife because she's not my mom.

38.41 You left home?

38.47 I was worried.

38.49 Is everything all right?

38.50 I saw you not long ago.

38.53 Really?

38.55 Where?

39.09 You had such a big smile.

39.12 It must have been a good day for you.

39.15 Really? When was it?

39.17 So that really annoyed me.

From 40.40


40.40 Good morning.
Good morning. Ouch.

40.53 Good morning.

40.55 Good morning .
Did you have a good sleep?

40.56 Yes.

41.07 I'm off.

41.08 To your interview?

41.10 Good luck. You can do it!
You can do it.

41.20 How many interviews did she go to?

41.23 More than a dozen times. I stopped counting.

41.30 It'll get harder after this year.

41.56 What? Are you sick?

41.59 Yes, a little.

42.07 Who will go with me to the doctor, then?

42.11 I can't. I have an appointment.

42.34 Dad!

42.38 Dad!

42.40 Go away.

42.44 It's okay.

42.46 Were you scared? It's ok.

42.58 What? What are you doing?

43.01 I thought you had a paralyzing nightmare.

43.11 Nobody's home?

43.14 What?

43.17 Why?

43.19 No, it's just too quiet.

43.21 They'll be here soon.
They're somewhere around.

43.27 That's strange.

43.28 I thought everyone said they'll be late today.

43.34 Then, why did you ask me that?

43.29 No reason. I just forgot.

43.41 I forgot too.

43.47 I should go inside.

44.05 What did she mean? 
What if nobody's here?

44.10 What if they're all late?

45.27 Good morning.
God morning.

45.29 Did you have a good sleep? 

45.46 Hey!

45.52 Are you okay?

47.01 (Yoo Eunjae, rejecting the call)

47.03 I'm the star tonight.

47.07 I've waited only for you.

47.10 I'm the one who can steal your heart.

47.13 I'm the one who fell in love with you.

47.20 I'll sing every day if you pick me.

47.28 (Songs of girlbands)

47.46 Oh, no.

48.04 The lectures begin next week.

48.06 Sometimes, i feel like it's going to be fine.

48.09 But sometimes, I feel likeI really can't do this.

48.13 It's still hard for me to go out alone.

48.41 It feels so good.

48.43 Jiwon. Jiwon, please pick up.

48.46 Please.

48.57 Hey!

49.10 Hey!

49.14 Eunjae

49.19 Geez.

From 50.38


50.38 What's wrong with you?

50.41 I don't know.

51.06 I put top priority on my relationship with my team mates.

51.09 My goal was to help everyone have better communication.

51.13 And you don't have much experience.

51.16 What did you do?

51.18 I had a part time job. Six to seven hours a day.

51.21 Not for the experience but because I need the money.

51.24 If that's the case, 

51.25 you wouldn't know much about the film and music industry.

51.28 No, I don't know much 

51.30 "Train to Busan" was the last mivie that I saw.

51.36 Any popular boy and girl bands that you know?

51.38 If I must know names and faces, I only know Big Bang.

51.42 (Applicant's information card)

52.02 I'm a coward.

52.05 I'm like a child swinging a punch in the air with my eyes closed.

52.11 Like a dog barking out of fear.

52.17 Excuse me.

52.19 Can I use your phone? It's very urgent.

52.23 I'm not going to hurt you. Please.

52.24 Excuse me, can I use your phone? It's very urgent.

52.30 It's...52.33 I'm a coward. I'm always scared.

52.36 That's good. Going to school will be much easier then.

52.40 Everything unfamiliar feels strange.

52.43 Going alone...

52.46 Everything strange becomes scary.

52.49 And what's scary becomes bad.

52 52 I want to use the toilet.
Me too.

52.57 And so what's unfamiliar becomes something scary I must avoid.

53.05 Good, isn't it?

53.11 Are you enjoying yourself?

54.13 It feels like heaven.

53.24 Where are you going?

53.29 I'm scared again

53.32 That I'll look unfamiliar to others.

53.37 Strange to others.

53.40 So I'm desperately trying to be like everyone else.

53.46 You came a long way.
Why did you do that?

53.50 What about you? Why did you chase me?

53.53 Because you ran away.

54.27 I'm scared again.. 

54.32 That someone will get hurt by the punch I throw

54.36 with my eyes closed.

54.47 And I'm scared that I might not be the good person...

54.43 that I think I am.

54.55 (For headcahe, toothache, and cramps)

55.08 We don't have hot water.

55.10 Really? What do we do? Have a cold shower instead?

55.26 Let's go.
To the sauna.

55.36 Welcome
Hi, we're five.

55.37 How Much? 
Thirty five dollars.

55.39 Welcome.

55.42 Welcome.

55.45 Welcome.

55.52 I'm a girl. 
Are you?

55.58 They often mistake you as a guy, don't they?

56.02 The ladies get scared sonetimea when I go to the ladies room.

56.06 Don't you feel uncomfortable?

56.08 I just got used to it.
You should try wearing a skirt.

56.11 They say I look like a drag queen.

56.13 You could let your hair grow.

56.15 It's too much work.

56.18 Don't you get mad when people mistake you as a guy?

56.22 I've never thought about that.

56.24 When did you get so close?

56.26 We're the same age so...

56.30 I started college earlier.

56.32 It's not how you look. It's your attitude.

56.35 You always slouch like this.

56.38 Straighten up your shoulders and walk like a lady.

56.43 Got it? Try it.

56.46 Come on. 
Your shoulders.

56.48 She's so stiff.

56.51 Look how awkward she is.

56.53 She's a giraffe. Giraffe Jo.

57.38 (Congratulations, you passed the final interview at Oh & Park.)

58.00 Mom!

58.04 When is Granny coming?

58.07 When it's time.

58.11 Was this always like this?

58.18 I don't know.

58.19 But it's going to be harder for us to meet often.

58.27 Yes, i passed it.

58.35 A kiss to celebrate!

58.38 One more!

58.47 When are you coming to Seoul?

58.51 Oh, no!

59.00 Okay. I'll call you again later.

59.06 Were you guys here?

59.11 I got the job.

59.14 I see.

59.17 You won't congratulate me?

59.19 Congratulations.

59.22 What's wrong?

59.24 Oh no! Kiss!

59.29 So, what? Did you expect me to be cold even when I'm dating?

59.33 Yes.

59.35 Like, "Can I kiss you, sir?"

59.36 "Yes, please do so!"

59.40 Jinmyung.

59.52 (Yoo Eunjae)

59.53 (The scar on her palm...)

59.55 (... Seems to have been slit by a knife.)

1.00.18 (22, Yeonnam ro, Mapo gu)

1.00.34 (I'm a mess right now because of you.)

1.00.37 (And you're smiling like nothing. Are you happy?)

1.00.41 (I'll rip your smiling mouth.)

1.00.44 (You'll feel exactly the same pain I felt.)

1.00.48 (I'll kill you.)

Episode 3 preview


1.01.04 Jung Yeeun, is it her?

1.01.06 She has changed.

1.01.07 I hear you've suffered from dating abuse.

1.01.10 And you've been abducted too.

1.01.13 I don't want to talk about it.

1.01.14 My goodness.

1.01.17 They broke up.

1.01.19 The team will be divided by the order in roll-call as usual.

1.01.21 How poor. You have to see him until you graduate.

1.01.24 You can't take a year off either.

1.01.26 I'm Yoon Jinmyung of management Support team.

1.01.28 Sorry, but don't tell them anything about me.

1.01.30 Celebrities need privacy too.

1.01.33 It's very rude to stare at someone at the table.

1.01.35 No one would try so hard to deliver soneone's letter like her.

1.01.37 She even moved out. What have I done so far?

1.01.40 Is it true that

1.01.41 sleeping with a guy is your number one, not getting a job?

1.01.44 I like you. Let's go.

1.01.48 Jiwon!
I know I need to tell him.

1.01.50 But I couldn't tell someone very close

1.01.53 because I know he'll suffer as much as I do.

1.01.55 Fancy shoes.


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9 hours ago, glee77 said:

If anyone has a .srt or .sub file in whatever language, the modification to convert it into English will be very easy, since that file will have the correct timelines.

It can be in chinese too, so long as it's a file for soft sub :)

According to @Yippeuni, Indonesian sub for episode 1 is now available on subscene. I hope this is a good sign for engsub availability soon.:)

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