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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Hi guys! Not entirely new in Soompi but new to the Goblin thread. I'm honestly loving it. It has an intriguing plot and a good chemistry between the leads. As much as I want to rattle on why I'm enjoying this show much, I came here for more intriguing theories. Specifically because of all the those surrounding Deok-hwa. I wasn't really convinced that he was God or another deity but then I stumbled upon this post (not on twitter) stating that Samshin Grandma speaks formally to Deok-hwa. I'm not entirely sure if she does though. Can someone confirm?

Added to that was the whole journal translating thing. I screenshot the episodes where the journal appeared. One where Eun-tak first found it, another where Shin first wrote and narrated the journal entry, and lastly Eun-tak's copy of the entry which she handed to Deok-hwa to translate. I placed them inside the spoiler tag for better organization. I had to double check but they contained the same writing. As we know, the journal entry talks about Shin asking for death and the gods not hearing his prayers but when Deok-hwa translates it he says it is a love letter. He then proceeded to recite Shin's promise to tell Eun-tak his feelings in verbatim ("After 100 years, on a good enough day. . .").


Episode 5: Eun-tak finds the journal


Episode 5: Shin narrates what he was writing


Episode 8: Deok-hwa reads Eun-tak's copy of the journal entry


It makes no sense for DH to know exactly what Shin wanted to tell Eun-tak. Shin has never spoken this out loud. This has been his prayer to God (or to the heavens) to let Shin tell Eun-tak that she was his first love. Unless DH is some sort of god or something other than a human being, there's no way he could have known. There have been other instances, like DH buying the book Eun-tak placed the maple leaf on, him renting the mansion to Grim Reaper, and the butterfly ski-resort scene with DH voice-over. They look like just small coincidences or just plain nothing really. But after reading the theories, I can't help but wonder if there's something more to DH character. 

That's all for now. I can't wait for next week's episodes and the other surprises that awaits us.  


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When I look at you, tears keep falling
I don’t know why

Did you go round and round
To come to me?
I can’t avoid this love



I love u love u love u
I call it fate

And I miss u miss u
You are my destiny

Why are you looking at me
With those sad eyes?
Don’t cry

Did you recognize me right away?
Why did you come to me now?

I love u love u love u
I felt that it was fate

And I miss u miss u
You are my destiny

Even if I’m born again
Wherever you are hiding

I will find you
Let’s never be apart now

Don’t leave me
Don’t leave me






Please touch my heart, just once
All day, it’s so cold

The sky is colder than the winter
I’m standing beneath
Even my tears are frozen



Please quietly call out to me, just once
My name that you countlessly called out
Even if I go past eternity
And look only one day, no, just one minute

If only I could, I’ll endure

At the end of this wait
I hope you will be standing there

Memories with you are like a picture
A day that was like a present I’ve waited for a long time

After a long time passes, I’ll reach you
You are the first snow in my heart

You are always faraway to me

Times with you, each day
Why does it hurt so much?

The day I stood next to you
And we smiled
I can’t draw it out so I’m crying

If this is a dream
I would tell you my heart

Memories with you are like a picture
A day that was like a present I’ve waited for a long time

After a long time passes, I’ll reach you
You are the first snow in my heart

We cried together, we laughed so much
Such beautiful and dazzling times

I’m turning it back
Memories with you that felt like a day
Times with you that were so beautiful
That my heart raced

I’m saying goodbye to your lips now
To your eyes, to your breath
I’m hugging you till you crumble

Quietly listen
To my softly crying heart




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Sorry  no

I thought about it, but no way (in my opinion) would ETs father be the reincarnation of the "vice-general"

The "vice-general" was loyal to Kim Shin till death, he would rather go against the kings wishes, then to disobey his hero, his general.

From episode 1 on, thru the "granny" we know that the stupid*ss of a father left ETs pregnant mother
Thru the scene in the coffee shop, where KS "glued" those two "evil" humans together we know that reincarnations are not just looks but also character trades. 

Why would a loyal man, who followed his beloved general into death, develop such an *ssh*l* personality and leave a pregnant woman without a trace?
To me, men who do leave their wife&children/pregnant woman have no sense of loyalty (I might be a burned child in that matter, but still)

IF the father would have been a reincarnation then of the other General, that ran off as he saw KS on the battlefield, abandoning his soldiers ...


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Weird thought.



I think the bicycle pick-pocket is a god/demon.

Think about it.

He got into it with Goblin 

Then he picked the Grim Weeper's pocket causing him grief and embarrassment. 

Then he  got into it with Goblin again because he almost caused ET's death and Goblin broke his arm.

Then he got together with his little demon punks and fought Goblin.

Goblin rendered him incapable of having children but . . . 

He survived all these encounters.

There is no way he could be human. 

He must be a demon god.

There is only one god I can think of who causes such mischief




I know he's from another culture but it works.


That immoral, trouble making, pain in the richard simmons, pick-pocketing, bicycle riding god.



That's really weird.

I should go to bed.

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6 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

@vangsweetie637 totally agreed regarding the ghost part. in fact right from the beginning ep1. it shows the focus of the drama on a sombre note. beyond what we expected it to be, with just a light supernatural-rom-com genre.. at least that was what i perceived it to be, while wooing Lee minho's mermaid. now i am totally smitten by goblins and reapers, brides and queens.

remembrance, though painful, but nobody wants to let it go. because it is the last thing we can still give the ones departed.

remember i in an earlier post was saying 3 themes surfaced in this drama which is precious, Remembrance, Redemption, Relationships.
relationship here include even parents with child, brotherhood (not just in bromance sense, which will include the Deokhwa in the equation of teh already awesome goblin/reaper duo. from ep1 to ep10, parental relationship stand touching.


All the little side stories in this drama make me think so deeply about life and death. TBH I've only watched 4 kdramas in 2016: CITT, thru which I truly fell in love with KGE; DOTS, KES's other well-known piece in 2016; Goblin, and Let's Fight Ghost (hereandafter LFG), another supernatural-rom-drama (with a lot more scary content LOL). The side stories in Goblin reminded me of LFG, which also had a lot of side stories at almost one per episode. I think I cried through almost every episode that was related to family relationships, I'm just real a sucker for those. Supernatural themed dramas bring out such strong emotions since they go into some deep aspects of death like the aftermath of someone's death and how the living mourn and move on. They just really make me reflect and cherish the people in my life I would otherwise take for granted.

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30 minutes ago, hairuchii said:

Today, I had my last Korean language lesson with my sonsaengnim and it was super fun because we spoke about Dokkaebi. He taught me words to describe how well the role of the Grim Reaper suited Lee Dong Wook and it is now considered his "인생 개릭터" (literally "life character", or a role / character that defines his career). 

We spoke about our Writer-nim's previous works too - My sonsaengnim was a student of our Writer-nim at university when he did his creative writing course. 

This drama, Dokkaebi, is just... something miraculous that she has created. It is as if all her experience garnered from her previous works have culminated in this one drama. She has toned down the cheesy lines and has chosen the right actors who could embody the characters she has in her mind. I remember reading an article which describes how she accepts Gong Yoo's interpretation of a shy and introverted Dokkaebi.

Gong Yoo could just speak and raw emotions seem to just pour forth. His lips may not even utter a word, and his eyes could reflect all the tortured suffering his character feels. I am really glad that he has not been playing characters in romcom series as much - I feel that, as an actor, he has taken the time to take up different roles and to expand his repertoire. I have just watched A Man and A Woman this afternoon and I have not felt that I was watching our Dokkaebi on screen (by the way, if any of you have not seen it, please be prepared. There are some scenes in here that.... are very intimate :vicx:). 

I am just awash with so much gratitude and... nostalgia? That we now only have six episodes left to what is one of the best drama series that I may have seen. 

There are still so many things that have yet to be uncovered. I belong to the camp who thinks that Deok Hwa is a regular human being, with regular human powers. He has just been living in contact with a divine being for so long that, as a character of his intelligence, he has spent most of his life doing research and observing his Samchoon closely. Episode 9 does seem to suggest that Deok Hwa could have been the butterfly who flew through the evening sky at the resort, but I reckon that the butterfly is  a divine being and it is not necessarily Deok Hwa. Deok Hwa has most likely sought help with human means (i.e. the crazy techy things they have at his company) or he has probably informed our Samshin Grandma of the situation, and she has sent help - Samshin Grandma may have wanted to expedite the progress of their relationship and bring about our Dokkaebi's death, for reasons which she has mentioned to our Dokkaebi. Or, Deok Hwa has been recruited by our Samshin Grandma from when he was a teenager and Deok Hwa has always been working closely with her.

Anyway, looking forward to the next few days of reading various interpretations and theories from everyone here on the forum. :) And stay strong, everyone! Six episodes left. :( 


Thank you for your inside (other than the media)  information on Wookie being accepted by people and how the role as GR suited him the most. Part of the reason he accepted Blademan before is because of the fantasy element in it-but the production not creative enough.

Through Goblin I think he can poured all his talent because the writer lets them interpreted it on their own way, and also through his addiction to manga or comic book and he is known as Manga Otaku.


and Yes, Gong Yoo too, he only accepted the role if the writer allows him to express the character in his own way.


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The one with the gleaming face...  From King to Grim Reaper...


Sometimes real life gets in the way of watching an episode no matter how much you want to.  But it was nice to sit down after a busy two weeks and enjoy this episode.  What's not to like about seeing the Goblin & ET having a tic for tac fuss about being jealous they seem like an old married couple.  The Goblin reminding her that he is her one and only boyfriend and don't forget it or his temper.  I think having an almost death experience would change so many things and ET seems to have aged and they both have not only grown closer they understand each other so much better...

Listening to the Goblin along with the flash backs of his past I didn't realize until watching him walking along side his sister the mixed emotions he must have been feeling handing over something so precious knowing the dangers as well.  On the outside he seems almost as hard as the armor he wears with very little emotion.  But his sister sees right through him her smile says she knows how much she is loved by him...

Nor was I prepared to be so touched when I saw his sister all dressed in white so innocent running towards her fate with the beauty of white blossoms in the background and bumping into the king all dressed in black who caught her in is arms.  I really loved this moment it's the very foundation and the first love story and it would seem at least for the king love at first sight until an evil voice and person confused his mind & heart which we will find haunted him a lifetime and are the very roots to everything else this drama was built upon...

I think ET over hearing and understanding the Goblins past enlightened her to who he really was and still is.  Her style anywhere, anytime she was beaming in her pride letting him know loudly & proudly that everything about him was great!  For in those few moments he wasn't a Goblin at all he was in fact a real Knight who believed in justice, protecting the weak, keeping his promises even if it meant his own life and loving his family... And he isn't to bad at mopping up neighborhood bullies either LOL:phew:

Remembering how the Goblin described ET as always shinning so it is with him as well she sees his goodness strange and beautiful.

How touching it was realizing the added story of Go Jung Hyun who was ET's Moms friend only to find out she wasn't just any ghost she was a guardian angel placed by a promise made to her mother what a precious thought and what I love most about our writer, that she has the ability to create side stories that are as moving as the main flow of the drama itself.  Which gives the drama even more depth and meaning...

The legal date came as no surprise it was simple and natural seeing them excited and ET feeling the warmth of Soju giving her the courage in an attempt to be bold and kiss him rather than wait.  In the background hearing music we all know so well and the words beautiful life once again like a soft alarm making us aware that a moment worth remembering is about to happen.  ET saying you can't escape me and his reply I wasn't trying to. Then as he softly cups her face within the palms of his hands.  You just know that this kiss was  being given in tenderness of respecting her youth yet lovingly as his lips close in upon hers there is a sense of him giving into her needs and even more giving into his as well.  As he gently draws back her eyes still closed but his eyes  are open wide capturing the beauty of everything he wants, needs and is all of her.  As she opens her eyes there is a rush of happiness that can be seen in their smiles and a cute second kiss that lights up their faces like the sun you can feel the love and warmth because they are both shinning... And we are too LOL:w00t:

By the way who would believe that sending a couple of tall handsome, cool dudes to the store to by leeks would & could look so dang sexy? This writer knows how to use fog and shadows and darkness to her advantage and creates a winner moment every time:w00t:

Watching the Goblin & ET being match makers was so cute and I love how the Grim Reaper dressed like an angel love is in the air and every direction...  We also see that death is a real part of life as Chairman Yoo's life will come to an end and although the Goblin pretty much has guessed about his sister the GR confirms his belief to be fact and we are left with a picture of the king who we all know as the GR the pieces continue to be placed...

My last thought is about the flash back favorite picture of mine the Goblin & ET 

Related imageI can almost hear the Goblin saying...

Let me wrap my arms around you... Let me place my heart within you... Let us hold on to one another until we are no more...:heart:

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Wookie, Gong Yoo and In Na filming at Olivia Chicken. Taking into account that Wookie wears same shirt as in last scene in ep10, they have visited Sunny immediately after GR revealed who she is to Goblin.

On a sad note that means last night's Fancam when he stalked Sunny was for later scene. Oh how long writer will be totruring uri Grim Reaper. I hate seeing him sad...moreover big angst from the past is approaching. 


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38 minutes ago, wink said:


Thank you for posting Kim So Hyun  aka Kim Sun's picture. :)

Anyone have a picture of Gong Yoo and Kim So Hyun together???

there aren't any BTS scenes together of them. He does appear in the background if you watch the video.  KSH said that she's very thankful to the production crew, director (she did a special drama with him before so they're close), and Gong Yoo sunbae

but here's this picture of them that made me lol... my brother calls me ugly all the time too but he means it. they're sibling goals and kim shin is such a tsundere:wub:I can't wait to see him with current kim sun, it's nice to see them bicker and that their relationship hasn't changed much. 




And I agree with everyone on KGE's beauty. She has her own charm and unique beauty, not to mention acting talent. I think people with monolids are so pretty... It's sad that Korea always puts so much emphasis on conventional beauty rather than acting talent and I'm so glad KGE proved her haters wrong. I've been defending her ever since the hate towards her after CITT debacle and when Knetz and inetz made rude comments towards her when she was casted for goblin, I knew she she would prove them wrong:)

and I have to say I need LDW and Gong yoo in a sageuk after this drama...If I'm not wrong they never did a saguek before?

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42 minutes ago, samzz said:


Thank you for your inside (other than the media)  information on Wookie being accepted by people and how the role as GR suited him the most. Part of the reason he accepted Blademan before is because of the fantasy element in it-but the production not creative enough.

Through Goblin I think he can poured all his talent because the writer lets them interpreted it on their own way, and also through his addiction to manga or comic book and he is known as Manga Otaku.


and Yes, Gong Yoo too, he only accepted the role if the writer allows him to express the character in his own way.



I am so glad Wookie is finally being accepted by knetz after being his fan since Hotel King. Actually I could not think of another actor more suitable for the role in the kdrama industry who is more suavve, more handsome, more charming and funny, plus what is more admirable is he took this second lead role and made it his own.

The nicest lesson from the drama is even if the deity has a destiny for you, you can still use human will and try to make your own path and take your fate into your own hands. I had been rooting for Wookie for so long, but ever since Hotel King, the path had seemed so challenging for him as an actor, it is so competitive in the kdrama industry but I was always rooting for him, and I felt sad for him when the ratings were not good no matter how hard he tried and didn't give up, actually I was so scared he would just give up and I would never see him in a drama again....then at the last part of 2016, which I consider a tough year myself, a miracle happened...because he was in bubble gum, and knew the production team, he made his own connections and fought for the grim reaper role himself because he liked the character and liked Gong Yoo, then like a fairy tale people began to love him again, with each episode, I was so impressed with his humor and what he brought to the character, that the role seemed perfect for him, or maybe he was giving it his all and his best shot. Thanks to God for this Miracle at the end of 2016, it gives me all the hope of human will for the coming 2017 and I am proud of Wookie for never giving up.

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2 hours ago, an05 said:

there aren't any BTS scenes together of them. He does appear in the background if you watch the video.  KSH said that she's very thankful to the production crew, director (she did a special drama with him before so they're close), and Gong Yoo sunbae

but here's this picture of them that made me lol... my brother calls me ugly all the time too but he means it. they're sibling goals and kim shin is such a tsundere:wub:I can't wait to see him with current kim sun, it's nice to see them bicker and that their relationship hasn't changed much. 


And I agree with everyone on KGE's beauty. She has her own charm and unique beauty, not to mention acting talent. I think people with monolids are so pretty... It's sad that Korea always puts so much emphasis on conventional beauty rather than acting talent and I'm so glad KGE proved her haters wrong. I've been defending her ever since the hate towards her after CITT debacle and when Knetz and inetz made rude comments towards her when she was casted for goblin, I knew she she would prove them wrong:)

and I have to say I need LDW and Gong yoo in a sageuk after this drama...If I'm not wrong they never did a saguek before?


no sageuk for gong yoo, but for LDW, there was a drama series called 'Chun-myung'  which aired back in......2013 i believe. He did an interview saying that he looked really bad [apperance wise] in the drama. I think he just found it awkward. =P


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2 hours ago, S Kim said:


no sageuk for gong yoo, but for LDW, there was a drama series called 'Chun-myung'  which aired back in......2013 i believe. He did an interview saying that he looked really bad [apperance wise] in the drama. I think he just found it awkward. =P



Try Mandate of Heaven AKA Fugitive of Joseon. The drama is really great though the second leads steal the show TBH


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10 minutes ago, S Kim said:


no sageuk for gong yoo, but for LDW, there was a drama series called 'Chun-myung'  which aired back in......2013 i believe. He did an interview saying that he looked really bad [apperance wise] in the drama. I think he just found it awkward. =P


wow he's really modest because he looks so good. I read Knetz comments regarding goblin ep 10 and they said that LDW looks like a handsome European model in modern clothes but he also looks like Korean royalty when he's was in his sagueuk attire in ep 10:wub: I'm so happy he found a project that really showcases his skills. He's always been an amazing actor but some of the projects he starred in after My Girl were not on par with his skills. 

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"Eh, she’s a good actress but I would prefer someone more “visually stunning” like Kim Jiwon.
Kim Eun Sook’s past female leads – Ha Jiwon, Park Shinhye, Song Hye Kyo are all beautiful so I don’t know why she would choose Kim Go Eun this time round…"

thus a comment from dramabeans. Hm, why indeed :D

I cannot find one of her pic: it was posted in IG showing her tired, happy face lack of sleep (airport look?), devoid of any makeup whatsoever. Her appearance was so potato compared to idols with wide, starry eyes and multiple eyelashes (perhaps because she's a full time actress?) that I can't help but LOL.

and just then I happen to read some past news of Knetz bashing her for blaming Park Hae Jin on many "dramas" surrounding CITT. Can someone tell me what actually happened? :o

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