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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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11 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

dramabeans mentioned this:
"Granted, the separation gave us Eun-tak’s declaration of love and Shin’s latest heroic slo-mo rescue, but the core of their relationship dynamic still hasn’t changed. If given the chance to do it all over again, I’m sure Shin would have kept the truth from her, and that small amount of power she had in knowing it was swept under the rug once Shin became aware of a much bigger truth—which, like the last big truth, he’s still stubbornly keeping from her.

I’m not too worried about it at the moment, since I hope that part of the evolution of his character is that he learns to let Eun-tak in and trust her to make decisions with him, but if there was ever a wakeup call, her leaving was it. Right now she only knows that he’ll die if she removes the sword, but how mad does he think she’ll be if she finds out that he’ll die if she doesn’t? Not because of the whole dying part, but because he kept it from her?"

yes, that was the last main problem i have with Shin-Tak's relationship.,.... since it is then unknown that Shin told Euntak that she will died by fatal accidents if both refused to follow their fate.... i wish Shin will be more transparent with EnTak, and totally open up to her... so is it proven that Shin did NOT tell EunTak about what will become of her.... how i loath her hurt upon him keeping that greatest dark secret from her.. i totally want a transparent relationship between them.
and just like Girlfriday, i trusted in EunTak 's decision when danger approach, that she is mature enough to make the right decision, and having character enough to be self-less, and not blindly go noble idiocy when danger arise.
loved eunTak for her even recognising her fondness toward that Baseball boy TaeHee is just puppyfirstlove... i could say, she can tell the diff between what she felt for Shin and what for TH are diff.... jsut have this feeling at 29 yrs back in Quecbec, the man in the resturant should be Shin himself, Since Euntak was shown to touch her necklace fondly before her "mysterious man' appear. if she know who is the person who gave her the necklace (her ex bf), yet meeting another 'new bf' , how could she touches her necklace with much anticipation ... as if the giver of that necklance will be meeting her.

Edit:  Goosh, i was chatting away, didnt realised, it is Page 501. and Post 10001. thank God for a beautiful space to meet great fans of 3 ships here, who most of us simply loved all 4 casts together!



Hi thank you for sharing the issue remained, I actually had thought the same when KS still hides this Red lady's warning from ET. But then, I persuaded myself that KS chose his own way, by not telling her the warning, he wished she could live freely, brightly and cheerfully as she has been without any fears of life risks. How can a person live comfortably if well aware that she can face severe deadly accidents at any seconds. Each time ET says she must go out, KS insists that he will go with her, together like a package, that's the way KS cares and protects ET, what's more touching and beautiful than that? 

Besides, through the waiter at Quebec restaurant, KS did see ET future at her 29 years old, so he might be somewhat assured that within 10 years, she will still be safe; that may also be partially why KS told GR when they were sitting on chair drinking wine watching the 'kids', that (thanks to seeing the miracle of desperation of the mortal guy in the tea shop) he would desperately look for a variable in the deity's plan, a door to open the chance to live for both even it may take 10 (months?) or (100?) years.

Btw, by teleporting to Quebec to buy that vintage necklace before ET will buy it herself in the future, KS actually is changing the future, a small act that may surprisingly contribute to vary the deity's plan later on, who knows :))

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@theseasasleep Thanks for sharing that awesome post from http://supalia. She pretty well summarized everything I loved about that episode, wow. I loved, loved all the thoughtful moments from Shin, especially the way he kept looking at ET. He is mature, and wise, and ET is petty at times,[ like how she freaked out when he wasn't there when she blew the match out, it shows how she has no qualm showing her own insecure self in front of him, when he isn't there at her beck and call. We the normal people would be just jumping up and down, seeing he showed up after all, but no, ET has her own way of showing her true emotions always lol.], but by this contrast, by being yin and yang, they complete each other. So most of the times, the cinematography focuses on the landscape in the background, and their silhouette standing side by side, and parallel, but we can pretty much see their own traits screaming in those still images too. I loved that scene when Shin was walking behind her, all those times she knew it was 'him', but didn't bother to look back just because of the assurance of him being there, but once she could sense his absence, her face changed, the vulnerability in her eyes gave away how she was feeling all that time, this was a 'classic romance scene' which makes a pair memorable and you can go back to,even in your mind once in a while. By chemistry, this is the type, which makes a show/book works out for me...not the 'intoxicating, steaming one' but the angst, the push and pull, the conflicts that comes from misunderstandings and withholding our true feelings.I think KES truly nailed it this time.

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21 minutes ago, sally_b said:

Hello All ~ :)

Just finished reading 10 pages - and Love that everyone keeps this thread alive with all the theories and guesses. <3

I'll toss out a few too.

* Regarding Goblin hopping up (in flip flops- ha!) to travel to Quebec to buy Eun Tak a necklace...I think it's his first effort to "open the door of desperate change".
He'd said to Grim Reaper that it may take him 100 years or 10 months, but he was willing to try (like the man who burst into the tea-room-of-the-dead to use the toilet) whatever means/doors it took to create the change that would allow him to stay by Eun Tak's side. He literally opened the door to Canada to bring back a gift that he knew (foresaw) Eun Tak wearing in the future, desperately (?) hoping that he would still be connected to her by some means in future.
Nice interpretation of his action. At first it seemed like a reactive calculation, but it has more power as a proactive move on the part of Goblin. 

* Deok Hwa as a god-being. Not yet convinced.
Option A) Red Lady spied him as a child and watched him grow up until she could recruit him as a clueless pawn.
Example: It was not long after they first had drinks that Deok Hwa rented out Goblin's house to Grim Reaper. Just how did he contact/meet up with THAT specific Grim Reaper - especially one with the cash to rent a mansion for 20 years?
I'm with you on this.  I don't think he is a god/godling,or if he is the evidence hasn't been provided as yet.

Option B ) Red Lady is the goddess of birth, presumably ALL births - so she created Deok Hwa (either as a new being or reincarnation) specifically to be her subordinate in bringing together our 4 Leads. He either: knows nothing of being manipulated, knows enough to catch on- as he tends to do...or has been fairly fully informed by Red and will at some point create a major catalyst/turning point. (finding Eun Tak at the ski resort could count as a start) edit: I don't think he was the white butterfly to find her - I think when she turned on her phone to read the news about the fog & red super moon - he tracked her by her smart phone. Remember when DH & Reaper covered up the giant car smash-up? ...they had a room full of computers and staff to make the "fix", it wouldn't be out of DH's ability to track a single smart phone.
Your interpretation makes sense. I mentioned that I wouldn't be surprised if Duk Hwa was working for Granny god.  It is clear he's willing to take on side projects. 

* Eun Tak's father is reincarnation of evil Eunuch. Doubtful.
Even if he /father was described as selfish/unfaithful ~ the character of Eun Tak's Mom was clearly a loving, doting mother with a gentle/pure heart and Red Lady said that she truly enjoyed creating Eun Tak. Speculating that Eun Tak's Mom would never have given her heart & body to a man with such a vile nature as the Eunuch ...nor would the birth goddess have "enjoyed" creating Eun Tak through violence or force. Also, random thought, Eunuchs can't procreate and I think the universe of gods & goddesses would have unilaterally, collectively voted to pitch evil Eunuch to the flames 4ever...he poisoned generations of the Royal family and was spooky crazy. (props to the actor)
I tend to think the father will be a bit of a surprise...but a Eunuch reincarnation would make our lovely Eun Tak too pitiful - I'm hoping it's not.
The lack of information about Eun Tak's father has just began to hit my consciousness.  I've been thinking of the more immediate plot point. ET's mom's near death experience is kind of weird.  It sounds like an accident, but the way the ground looked it didn't seem as if the car had hit her. Yet the driver seemed shocked. For a moment I wondered if she had been dumped for dead by the driver or someone else. Also, ET's father was never in their lives.  If the father predeceased ET's birth that would make sense, if he is alive then I have no idea. I think I was not curious because ET didn't seem curious.  
* Other missing soul - completely stumped, unless it's Kim Sun for some quirky reason. But somehow I think Shaman Lady would have shaken her bells and fan and figured that out. <--- she's goofy/funny, but she does seem to have some skill. How horrified would Reaper be to get Sunny's name on a card? (wondering if Eun Tak is the only missing soul who can see Reapers or if they all can, if so, that counts out Sunny)

* Grandpa's passing- I'll be crying for sure. His sweetly silly " heh, heh, heh" at the end of every scene will be missed.


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5 hours ago, gutibear said:

I am definitely sure we're gonna have a happy ending. Remember the letter that ET wrote in the hotel in Quebec? It doesn't have destination address on the envelope. Well, my theory is, the letter is addressed to the hotel CEO. And from episode 2, we know that the hotel is belong to KS. I also hope that this mean there will be no memory lost and separation between KS & ET. 

ET said to Sunny on the phone about her being first time abroad. Maybe it is true that it is her first time abroad in normal way, that is by plane and not through KS's magic door. Maybe what she wrote in the letter was asking KS to meet her in the restaurant 10 years later. 

oooo.. nice..

while everything else fits.. but memory loss is for sure.. because she also said that oddly enough she is able to find her way around and is extremely comfortably given this is her first trip .. so memory loss is definitely there..

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Love you all who love Kim Go Eun !!! 

It was an ongoing topic in the beginning even when the first few episodes aired about her appearance. She may not be the classic beauty but she is pretty and best of all, talented! 


About Dokkaebi going to Quebec to buy the necklace, he did say something in the same episode which may be linked to his actions.


If Grim had changed his clothes, would that have prevented the breakup? 


By buying the necklace (and successfully giving it to Eun Tak), would it mean that he fulfilled the vision. Don't you think it was strange that he could see her future (I believe it is hers and not the waiter) when he normally couldn't? In the first episode, he only got bits and pieces which would lead me to believe that her future was not set yet and can still change.

PS. I kinda like the petty, jealous Dokkaebi. ^^

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1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I am so glad KS knows the truth about Sunny now. I really love that scene. One of my favorites. Now, I can totally see a protective KS over his sister. And I look forward to it. I don't think DH is a diety, but I do think he is the balance of GR and KS, and possibly even the one that will foresee the r/s when KS knows GR is the king. The last scene shows an expression of loneliness and regret (a little too late for that) but we will see how he came to feel that. Also, I wonder why KS was so keen on reaching the king, that even after he came back, he was still faraway from reaching the king. It's sad he never could reach him, and now he is so close to King (GR) and don't even realize it.

On a lighter note, that second runway show was hilarious. Had me laughing hard! and that kiss, cute and innoncent. Love it.

Now, please PD-nim, use our Goblin and GR's kissing skills, and put them to the fullest potential of a kiss fest :phew::w00t:

my thought is the same about DH being a deity  i am sure he bring KS and GR together for GR and his lost memories and what lies behind their past without realizing it and not to forget they have bast bromance so far 


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y does everyone keep saying that the sword did not have bloodied cloth when ET tried to pull it out the first time..


But its always there..although I am truly confused till date.. why ET could pull out the sword this time and not the other time.. there was no change in relationship

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Hello fellow Goblin nuts! I am on the hunt for a certain song from this drama and I'm not receiving much luck hunting for it elsewhere. If anyone here could help at all I would appreciate it greatly. First instance of this song playing is when Eun Tak is saying goodbye to her ghost mother, another instance, and a most recent one, is where she is saying goodbye to her mother's ghost school friend after finding out the location of the insurance money. 

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@hushhh - re: " The lack of information about Eun Tak's father has just began to hit my consciousness.  I've been thinking of the more immediate plot point. ET's mom's near death experience is kind of weird.  It sounds like an accident, but the way the ground looked it didn't seem as if the car had hit her. Yet the driver seemed shocked. For a moment I wondered if she had been dumped for dead by the driver or someone else. Also, ET's father was never in their lives.  If the father predeceased ET's birth that would make sense, if he is alive then I have no idea. I think I was not curious because ET didn't seem curious."

I had previously presumed that the father had died prior to Eun Tak's birth....or he was a brief, but passionate love that the Red Lady caused to breeze through Mom's life in order to create Eun Tak. Because, like you, ET does not seem interested in some 'great birth secret'. But I've recently read several comments postulating the Eunuch as father and, to me, it doesn't make narrative sense.

Also, regarding Mom's death cause - I think Reaper said to the drunken driver, in the tea room, "It's not the first time you've killed". (or something like that) followed by the umpteenth re-showing of the death scene. But yeah -- does the writer intend to let the father be a permanent mystery? If it's not a major plot twist, I personally have no problem with simply accepting that Red Lady created Eun Tak with a purpose and that the father's back story is simply..."guy who fathered ET and left". (shrug)

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6 hours ago, sia3 said:


Hmm, do most of you here fear we may get a sad ending? Based on past KES's dramas, she doesn't write sad endings and she wouldn't if she wants to keep her legendary good record, LOLLL. But logically, it would not make sense for her to give us a sad ending since I strongly believe the point of this show is character growth, redemption and closure.

Hahaha I'm opposite of you. I've been very cautious not to invest too much into her dramas because I find her previous shows disappointing due to lack of substance/depth. Don't get me wrong, they were enjoyable to watch at the time of airing, but then I can't say the scripts were well-written and I am not a fan of her cheesy lines. But Goblin has so far been different to her past dramas, and she has toned down the cheesy lines too, so I not only enjoy it but the fondness is growing bigger and bigger.  :wub:

Ahahaha oh dear, I'm not sure I want Goblin breaking the record of tvN's Reply 88. I love that show to bits. It's a classic and would love that it keeps its record for a couple more years before someone else breaks it. :w00t: Ohhhh the dilemmaaaaa.



I loveeeeee KES's cheesy line!!! :wub: I think that's one of her charms. In my opinion, she is still quite cheesy with Goblin as I often found myself giggling watching them. I guess Gong Yoo has been nothing but a brilliant, awesome actor so the cheesiness felt subtly delivered rather than not. I mean, that scene when Goblin went all shy when JET said uri ahjussi just made me thought pffftttt you cheesy Goblin! :w00t:

I have not watched Reply 1988 though! Some of my K-drama enthusiast friends already highly recommended that drama telling it was great and it feels nostalgic, just like when we were growing up. Taking notes, I have already downloaded all episodes but since I am currently too invested in Goblin I cannot start any new K-drama yet. Maybe soon, and I'll share whether I still want Goblin to win Top 1 spot or not! :wub: Maybe I still do but with K-drama, I can be easily swayed sometimes! 

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i watched eps 10 with subs,i believe this drama have a happy ending. When kim shin sees eun tak future about she meets someone in canada,and the necklace that kim shin actually bought for her and she wears at that meeting. maybe they both meets and eun tak called him mister not ajushi. when they first meet in the rain, kim shin sees eun tak future


some of the event already occurs,maybe theres more but kinda blurry.

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I like how all the characters are connected to each other in one way or another and it lead to a certain path. What's in the path? Is it a happy or sad? I have no idea, only our writer knows. But the way I see it, it's pretty obvious she put great effort in the script, paying attention to small details that to us may seem irrelevant but in fact are most important hints that will lead to the final conclusion. So far, there hasn’t been a single character that was pointless or a scene that was boring or unnecessary. Everything is there for a reason, which will be revealed sooner or later. I've watched and liked ALL Kim Eun Sook dramas in the past, but Goblin is by far my favorite work of her. By the end, it could be one of my top dramas but it depends on the remaining episodes.

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