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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Not sure if this has been posted here already so I'm just sharing again:




It makes me happy knowing that the PD wants to give us viewers a spectacular ending and that they really put a lot of effort in perfecting the CGI. For a fantasy drama such as Goblin, it really makes a difference.

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I actually can't wait to see how KGE will portray ET at 29 y/o.. i really am enjoying the drama but i also so eager to see her acting... i bet she just has to be herself.. a lovelier and more mature ET... to finally match up the 900+KS...

Talking about ET losing her memories... this remind me to "your name" the famous Japanese anime in 2016.. the characters do have the longing feeling to someone or something, though they don't really know it... and it is a sad feeling.. but the ending is quite satisfying to me... (i'm trying not to give spoiler to another good movie...:sweatingbullets: so i hope i'm not)... 

Here the trailer.. you guys should watch it.. the ending...it's quite fulfilling... so i don't really mind if both KS and ET lost their memories.. because we still has 3 more episodes to go... as long as they have the feeling....:wub:




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@sooyoungdaebak somebody already disproof that shaman sister can not be the granny of the little boy, I forgot who did that @maryofbethany who was that darling?  That hospital ghost somehow related to Eunuch, bec he needed someone ET trusts to get into the circle!!! generally there are  higher rank ghosts and lower ranks ghosts  ( I am using my knowledge on paranormal business and trying to get to a logic) who chose not to cross over, or the one who has unfinished business, and  some stay earthbound for revenge,  to do nasty things ( incubus &  succubus) , basically that Eunuch is a demon in ghostly world, while higher ranks ghosts have the right to come & go in between 2 worlds, the ones who have unfinished business here stay earth bound until they finish their business.  So this Eunuch gained the trust of the ghosts with the help of the other hospital ghost, otherwise the other ghosts won't let him to go near ET. 




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3 hours ago, hairuchii said:

I'm sure that someone must have tried to write a better argument for this, but, to me, Kim Shin is comparable to Hamlet. Except... perhaps... Kim Shin does return from "the undiscover'd country from whose bourn / No traveller returns" .

Kim Eun Sook writer-nim. You are amazing. This is your masterpiece. 


P.S. I have included the famous Hamlet soliloquy under the spoiler.

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To be, or not to be: that is the question: 
 Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer 
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, 
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, 
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; 
 No more; and by a sleep to say we end 
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks 

That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation 
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; 
 To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; 
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come 
 When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

Must give us pause: there's the respect 
That makes calamity of so long life; 
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, 
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay, 
The insolence of office and the spurns 

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make 
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, 
To grunt and sweat under a weary life, 
But that the dread of something after death, 
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn 
No traveller returns, puzzles the will 
And makes us rather bear those ills we have 
 Than fly to others that we know not of? 
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution 
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry, 
And lose the name of action.-- Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons 
Be all my sins remember'd.



As a lover of Shakespearean work, I squealed a little seeing someone finding the parallels :love:

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3 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

I knew it, all of them forgot their shared past and now, what happens to my STP, my WangSun somebody, anybody, I am going to go mad. 


I am sure the writer will not disappoint.  I have faith that however it turns out, it will be awesome.  

Just hang in there.

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1 hour ago, Sarang21 said:


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this looks like the same place as KS is standing with Goryeo cloth in a glass house. Do you think the 900 years he lived has been wiped out and he is 39 years Goryeo warrior in modern time. Something similar to time travling.

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@pnaysurfer84 i hope this comes out right. i'm still not sure how to tag people here.

you're welcome. ^_^ i'm in to Asian culture, philosophy, mythology and especially history by default...lately it's been on Korea. previously Japan. so i was naturally inclined to reply. plus, my sister lived in Korea for a few years, so i felt more obliged to learn more. it's awesome that your friend to watch the last three episodes with you. it'll be fun to know the gist of the story before the rest of us gets the English sub. haha.

i'm so glad KES did this in tVn....there's a whole new depth to her work here, like she had a different kind of freedom to expand and refine her work. she's doing really well in this genre. i don't think she'll repeat anything as heavily set with realistic-fantasy as this one, anytime soon. but, i hope there would be more of this kind of work from other Korean screenwriters in the future. something deep and dark, similarly with American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

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I am actually surprised they are going to 10 years later in this episode. I was hoping they would do it in the last one. 

If everyone forgets about Kim Shin, does that mean everyone forgets about GR too? Because I don't see how they can seperate the memories, they are so connected? But even GR forgets about KS in the first place?? 

My only concern is Sunny right now. Will she forget about her past life again now that she forgets about KS? That means she forgets about GR too? So they live unhappy for another 10 years? And she will be almost 40. And then she will find her happiness?? richard simmons this. I hope some kind of a twist happens :bawling: I am not so excited for this friday. <_<

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Ep 14 Preview Eng Sub

The two people who truly love Eun Tak and who Eun Tak truly love are force to leave her behind all alone

But unbeknownst to her, Kim Shin will find his way back to her and she will never be alone again


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hence this is not the entire episode only a 4 minute video from the episode I am hoping it won't be a problem...   

one other thing her ma dies on her bd right.   so she was about the blew off the candle her mother appeared

he ma passed 13 Sept 1998 Sunday so here our is first clue circled 13 September

2nd if Goblin appears when she blows the fire or candle where was he when she was 9... 

notice the pink flower & whatever that red thing is. 

2nd who was that grocery lady? was that Granny Shim / red lady??



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Why were you in my dreams last night?
Like coincidence, we keep running into each other

I’m getting used to your indifferent way of talking
This heart fluttering feeling isn’t because I like you

My empty heart feels weird these days
Even the moonlit night makes me feel complicated

You you you if you still awake
What are you thinking?
You you you if you feel alone
Do you feel the same?

Sometimes, things get awkward for no reason
Only foolish words are said

Even the countless stars look beautiful
This trembling feeling isn’t because I like you

My empty heart feels weird these days
Even the moonlit night makes me feel complicated

I used to be the center of my life
But the ranking has changed in one moment
I think the love cells have entered again
You make me shine
Honestly, it tickles so much, I can’t take it
This dream-like timing

My empty heart feels weird these days
Even the moonlit night makes me feel complicated

You you you if you still awake
What are you thinking?
You you you if you feel alone
Do you feel the same?


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@makeuptemple - I wonder too on the significance of sept 13. That crying scene by the little actress is very touching. Poor ET indeed. 

I wonder if Goblin appears again because ET blows the candle when she's 29. We know KS appears again but now what I'm worried is that everything is just momentary for a short period of time. 

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24 minutes ago, jigah said:

@makeuptemple - I wonder too on the significance of sept 13. That crying scene by the little actress is very touching. Poor ET indeed. 

I wonder if Goblin appears again because ET blows the candle when she's 29. We know KS appears again but now what I'm worried is that everything is just momentary for a short period of time. 


I'm hoping it's not like how it was for the movie Pirate of the Caribbean in which the lovers can only meet certain times. Something is better than nothing but JET and KS definitely deserves some happiness

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now going through ep1 videos on youtube

so Granny Samshin tell as the story that immortal Goblin may still be hanging in this world now,  ET ma finds it sad, Goblin needs a bride 2 die and also finds it selfish. She admires the jade ring in Samshins belongings

Granny nods that they are indeed mean- selfish  and warns her if thee is a life & death sit. pray with all your heart maybe a good soft hearted god is listening...

Now cut it short.   Actually Goblin's not a god.  

Maybe it's himself in prev life when he was a general he saw himself like a god, powerful, can kill ppl not even feeling anything even though it was in war, but he also have a good heart.   

God's do not have human feelings. 

Goblin did not appear when she was 9 but why did he appear when she was 19???? 

also this is posted on youtube under comments section 

Someone erased her memory. This ep is basically about Eun Tak as the detective to find out the culprit of erasing her memory. The one who can only do that is Grim reaper or maybe, by any chance it is the female Grim reaper (who poisoned almost everyone in the palace.. what's the reason of writer mentioning her for so many times? That's the butthole eunich's revenge plan B- to make ET forget everything anout her first love and KS will be lonely even when he dies(thats my another prediction)) Eun Tak said desperately "What is the memory that I have forgotten all the time, someone... pls save me". So I was thinking Kim Shin could have pleaded Grim reaper to erase all her memory related to Kim Shin or even the grim reaper. So KS sort of forgive GR too because of his help. Similar to grim reaper first seeing the Kim Sun's ring, Eun Tak could have accidentally found the necklace and the Kim Shin's writing "First Love" on her book "physics of love" and she cried without knowing why. I guess Kim Shin wanted to disappear completely but still didnt wanna take away the necklace.. Because the necklace represents the ONLY evidence/memory of love existed between them. I think I understand why he said sth like " In the end, it still doesnt work." when forseeing the 29 years old ET. The "WORK" here means EunTak can never remember me even she will wear his necklace ten years later... YES, SHE MEET HIM AT 29 yet she has forgotten him. BUT HEY, Dont forget that the POWER OF ACCESSORIES IS VERY IMPORTANT IN THIS DRAMA.

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6 hours ago, makeuptemple said:

let's think this way amnesia card is a necessity in most K-Dramas, I have watched 4 versions of "Fated to Love You" and on both they had amnesia..  

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Boys over Flowers

Fated to Love you


Oh My Venus 

Dream High

Shining Inheritance

Trot Lovers

I hear your voice

Master's Sun

Stairway to Heaven

Nice Guy 

that i can remmeber of 



I wondered who would but no one did

So you watched 4 versions of both FTLY? :D:wink:
And there where amnesia in both?:huh:
I watched the 1 TW-version and the 1 K-version, too, but I remember just one time amnesia (K-version had short amnesia when LeeGun had an attack on the street, while rushing to Kim MiYoung)
I might not have seen all drama you say in the spoiler, but at least one I know no amnesia in OMY, but there I am also happy to be corrected :wink::rolleyes:

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I am still a firm believer that there will not be amnesia ... ok, I might be wrong (I hope not), but even if she "forgot" KS, it might be after weeks, month of missing and suffering, that she merrily suppressed her memories of him.
I want her still to know DH, Sunny, GR (WY) and have her happy memories, naturally I do not want her to suffer, but forgetting him complete and forever, would be such a cruel thing.
Having her memories fixed by GR would mean she will not remember, maybe never.
But suppressed could at least trigger memories, when seeing flowers bloom in winter or standing vis-a-vis from KS

I want to trust KES to make it less painful, but also believable ... it is a fantasy drama, so we can expect a lot, but still it should be believable, so that one things "Meeting a GR after death for a last cup of tea would be nice" or "There could be higher beings living among us" could just be a nice thought.

Instead of "Wow, what a lot of horse***t, that would never be happening"
I want to believe that there is something after death, so that idea is quite nice

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7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I know that we have only had 36 seconds of the preview and some lines from the text preview, but we could assume that she does spend the rest of the nine years after his death, wondering who she has forgotten and agonising over the great empty chasm in her heart that used to be occupied by something and someone whom she could no longer remember. It is utterly even more devastating than if she has not forgotten her memories. She could have at least cherished her memories of having once loved. 

@hairuchii..sorry , as i could not back track to find your post..(this thread moves way too fast, lol!) and I'm quoting from @bebebisous33 I wanted to say I definitely agree with you. Although KS' intention was to protect ET and he wanted her to continue to really live, I felt that it was a greater punishment/ torture for ET. Imagine, constantly feeling sorrow/ sadness in your heart but never knowing why. 9 years - I will be depressed.

@bebebisous33 I'm equally curious about the pictures in the camera. It will have to be erased somehow or the perhaps someone has to take the camera away from her.


If there's anything I've learned after 13 episodes and the recent preview, is that no matter how KS tries to "play God" , it seems he can't beat destiny or fate. From countless times trying to save ET from death and preventing the pulling of the sword, fate wins somehow.  To me he tries to play God again by getting GR to erase those memories, but the emotions don't go away. Everytime KS and GR intervenes to prevent things, they pretty much mess up the order of things and we can see the repercussions are often great and they never truly succeed. So despite being immortals, they are not god and cannot seem to change their fate/ destiny. 

Anyway, looking forward to what Friday will bring.



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