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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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14 hours ago, mitheone said:


Hello Goblin troopers.... It's been a while since I was last able to login and post something in this thread.  Work and travel do not make it easy for a k drama fan like me.  I had to marathon the last 4 episodes and by the end of episode 13, I was literally drained, emotionally.  I was somewhat prepared to be 'drained' as I had read the recaps at DB (since I couldn't watch the episodes) but watching each episode to unfold was completely a different ball game altogether.

Anyhow, just like what @fikachuuu had mentioned earlier, it did cross my mind that PJH's death/demise/ending/punishment? seemed to "easy" compared to his 900 years worth of vendetta along with what he had done in the past. He confronted the court lady /female GR just to confirm that Sunny is indeed Kim Sun but we didn't get to know what actually happened to the court lady/female GR after PJH threatened to reveal her 'secret.'  Will this be a plot device that will be left ignored?  Will we get to know what her fate will be?  She seemed hesitant through out all her 'flashbacks' as if she's not 100% willing to do the dirty deed, or it could just be me.

However, that being said, I really hope that that's the last time we'll ever see PJH.  I hope he'll be roasted and toasted in hell for his crimes.  TBH, I was wondering how KES will get the whole sword-pulling out of the way since our OTP clearly had a problem executing the task.  PJH's ending made it even more critical and significant IMO.  Don't forget that the same sword that shed the blood of thousands, resulting in the Goblin's punishment was also responsible for his immortality which brings miracles to a lot of people.  I'm sure God will not overlook the good deeds that our Goblin had done with the same sword at the center of his heart.  Yes, our Goblin is punished by remembering the deaths of the people whom he cared, the pain in his chest but hey, he gets to make gold, has awesome super power, enjoys fine dining and meets the love of his life.  I doubt that PJH got to experience all that judging by his filthy fingers, tattered garb and that horrible purple lips!  I bet he didn't even get a bite of Subway ever in his 900 years of existence!!!  The way he 'stretched' his neck and his sometimes-weak-walk showed how pathetic his demon life was.  His wish was to get rid of Kim Sun which he didn't get to, yet he seemed 'content' that he's able to 'kill' Kim Shin the second time with the sword. He got his wish and so he ought to disappear forever since his wish was fulfilled.

As for my wish:

Lets add more to that 900 years to another hmm let say 80 years spent with ET and GR and Sunny in future? Please writer nim....

I want to move from this current state so very much.

credit to the original owner of both images.

@mitheone I too hope PJW disappeared forever but I just got a gut feeling that something else is up with PJW since I thought he had an easy end.
But I guess when you put it in that perspective it does seem like PJW is being punished through his 900 years  limbo state of neither death nor life. 900 years is a pretty long time for him to have to withstand such a pitiful state. However I feel like compared to GR and KS he hasn't been tormented enough. Instead it seems like he was satiated by the fact that he was given an opportunity to exact revenge on KS (though what revenge I don't know since KS never really wronged him in anyway :/). And that isn't fair. Then again maybe PJW's punishment and GR's punishment was different because what is considered "hell" is different for different people? Like before becoming grim reapers they had to be tormented through  constant reminder of their sins which should mean that they should have some sort of guilt and remorse for what they have done right? But as I look at the way PJW was, tormenting him in the same method would probably not work as(for the psycopath that he is) he has never once shown remorse towards the sins he had committed throughout thise 900 years. Instead he continues to sin even as someone who has died by getting humans to sin for him (to feed on their dark energy) and pitted KS and GR against each other. So I suppose why he didn't become a GR (even for having commited a million sins) is because an apt punishment for him would be something different. Probably through rotting in hell, handing out purple lippies like @LyraYoo mentioned lol or reincarnated in his 4th life as a dartboard with every dart thrown at him feel like the physical and emotional pain every single one of those innocent people who has been stabbed,beheaded,shot, felt or tormented due to his actions.

Also I think Grim reapers go through different stages of punishment (just like humans have those 4 lives) since the first stage was however many years of torment and reminder of your sins until you can't withstand it anymore and move on to the next stage of getting their memories erased and get a chance to "do good" by guiding dead souls to cross over or get punishment. Hopefully the last stage then will be that with all that work as a grim reaper it would lead to them getting to reap what they sow by getting their reward. For example one of those rewards could include meeting your long lost wife again, regaining your memories of her and run away with her haha. (Of course this will work for those who truly repent and show remorse). Or this is just me just trying to figure out a way Sunny and GR can have a happy ending lol.

14 hours ago, LyraYoo said:


I forgot to answer this, thanks for mentioning it again.

I guess he still have the aftermath after being killed by the Goblin . We already have an idea on the hit and run driver who wasn't given the obliterate tea . Like Wang Yeo pre-grim reaper , the driver suffered "Hell" by having those memories tormented him. Same as Wang Yeo that is why he asked to have the memories be removed. At the same time, being a grim reaper is equivalent of suffering where they still need to sustain themselves like human with their peculiar job.


Being a slave demon that he is, he could be somewhere wandering in hell distributing purple lippies in the underworld. 


 I find giving grim reapers the ability and option to appear amongst live humans a curious thing. Like shy do they need to appear amongst humans and live like them but not really? Hmm..Also another thought is that why is it that the Butterfly deity needs the grim reapers to fill in and submit forms of the names of missing souls if he is omni-aware (As in aware of everything at the same time dunno if this word even exists) of everyone? I mean he is easily able to find missing soul like Eun Tak why does he need forms to be filled in order to get notified of their existence? Can't they just grab them and get them to cross over? I don't know I always find that part of a grim reaper's job weird haha.

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Hi all ~ I don't know exactly what I'm watching right now...but it appears to be a tVN special on Goblin called: Every Moment Shined

Secretary Kim is hosting. I'll report back afterwards.

EDIT: just skimmed through..never mind..it IS a special, but it's compacted clips of the entire series hosted by Sec. Kim.
Actually I think it's not a bad move on behalf of the cable network. Folks who won't/or can't commit to watching all the episodes can get a mini-synopsis and then just watch the final 3 episodes. I'm especially pleased if it means the live-filming is paused so that the actors can rest.


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for what it's worth, this is my theory for the ending..

Kim Shin returns to the field in which the butterfly-god decided to make him a goblin. now he gets a chance to live as a mortal due to his retributions in the last 900 years. He returns to modern life, in which Secretary/CEO Kim and DeokHwa will greet him (there was a spoiler picture)


The person in the tan coat could be CEO Kim, and the patterned suit could be DeokHwa. I know neither is the Grim Reaper lol

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As for EunTak, I think she will nearly die of a heart attack (more like heartbreak) as suggested by GR's death card, but GR gets her help in time. He wants to erase her memories to soothe her heartbreak as promised to Kim Shin. She pleads him not to, but he does so anyway, cuz lol that's what he does (like did Sunny ask for her memories to be erased??). 

I can't really envision an ending in which both will keep their memory, I imagine it's possible for KS to do so, but EunTak will lose it (confirmed by the Canada restaurant flashforward in the earlier episodes). If he keeps his memories, then he lets her live as a normal 20 something without interfering in her life, which he can't really do without his powers, no summoning and teleportation and all.. Of course, fate brings them together when she's 29, and they fall in love again. 


KS will lose his memory as well. I think this will still bring the ending, of them meeting together when he's 37, she's 29, as renewed individuals.

I think the whole memory loss or no memory loss is just dependent on the viewer, whether it is good/bad they carry the baggage of their memories with them. 

Oh and I think there will be a hopeful ending for Sunny and GR, it's a little bit too packaged nice and neat for them to be a couple married with children by the end, but I think it'd be cool for them to possibly meet again on that pedestrian bridge under different circumstances (no ring, no fated deaths, no fated anything). 

I'm one of those people that don't mind sad endings as long as they're appropriate and makes sense, don't think we will get a sad ending BUT We shall see what happens :wink:

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17 minutes ago, kiranzz said:

I have one week for speculating whether ET will be amnesia or not, what a hard week. But I hope she wont :confounded:

@Amanda Soo it's even worse than DOTS, because the feeling when KS disappeared in front of ET is like heart attack:heartbreak:

its heart attack make our heart become crazy..It also increase our stress because to wait on week to measure is ET will be ok or not..

And time will be long again..I need to find new stills and make humor caption again..Oh...we just have sad moments only:(


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My heart broke into thousands pf pieces after watching ep 13. ShinTak separation is just so sad for me :(

I was rewatching Ep 1 yesterday and I saw the scene that ShinTak met for the first time. When their eyes met and Shin saw some of EunTak future. I just realized in that future scene EunTak hair was short like 29years old of her. Maybe that was the hint that they'll met again in Quebec? 

And I got a feeling that GR will erase EunTak memory of her about Shin. But maybe he also said to her that you'll remember all again after meeting Shin :D

Friday come faster please! Have a nice Sunday chingu :)

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I also realise if ET doesnt get amnesia then she will life for 9 years in misery, I cant even imagine..... I remember the saddest dramas with amnesia inside (Winter Sonata and Stairway to Heaven)

About WY-Sunny, i think being couple is harder for them unless miracle really happens because WY should be grim reaper to pay the sins he has done before. Oh why so complicated


*drinking my hot chocolate* CHILL

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The following is just my thoughts about the never far away ost. (I hope its true though hahaha)

I think kim go eun is the one singing 'never far away'. She does have a nice voice. We have seen her sing in this drama. She even sang an ost for CITT. And since never far away is yet to be released, maybe the singer is kim go eun. Making it a surprise to viewers.

Here's a clip of kge singing make you feel my love (credits to vid owner)

Edit: i seriously think it is KGE singing never far away. I really hope it is her. I dont know why i want it to be kge though. Heh.

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9 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

after rewatched ep13 about 5 times.. suddenly Ailee's ost haunt me much, telepot me back old times at the beginning when i was super young watching Winter Sonata and Autumn Tales, Summer Scent and fall in love with those OST back then... so i proceed to discover what Ailee's songs about. and this is the result. sorry if this is already post before.. there is no way i could thoroughly back read all pages... so here you go>

see spoiler for Ailee's I will go to you like the first snow

  Reveal hidden contents

Ailee – I will Go To You Like The First Snow English Translation

Before I held you, I didn’t know
That the world I was in
Was this bright
I reached you with a small breath of life
It’s a love that called out to me fearlessly
I liked it so much
Watching over you, my heart fluttering
Even when I was ridiculously jealous
All of those ordinary moments
In the dark eternity
In that long wait
Like sunshine, you fell down to me
Before I let go of you, I didn’t know
That the world I am in
Was this lonely

Pretty flowers bloomed and withered here
The season of you will never come again
I started to become greedy
I wanted to live with you, grow old with you
Hold your wrinkled hands
And say how warm my life was
It was just one blessing

After that short encounter
You cried like the rain
I wanted to be happy for once
But that made you cry
Forget everything and move on
Because I will go to you

When your breath calls out to me again
I won’t ever forget
Watching over you, my heart fluttering
Even when I was ridiculously jealous
All of those moments that you gave to me
Some day, we’ll meet again
It’ll be the happiest day
I will go to you like the first snow
I will go to you

"i started to become greedy,
i wanted to live with you, grow old with you,
hold your wrinkled hands.. and say how warm my life was
It was just one blessing."

"Some day, we’ll meet again
It’ll be the happiest day
I will go to you like the first snow, I will go to you"

because of last nigh scene.. this song took on new meaning. i used to loved Who Are you a great deal. i guess i started to truly appreciate.

KS “you are my life, and my death. And I like you. Thus I keep this secret and ask above for permission. May you not know for one more day. May you not know for 100 more days.
One day, after 100 years, when the weather is good enough. I hope I’ll be able to tell her she was my first love. I asked above for permission.”
for her, he has his first kiss, his first love, his first tear shed for a woman like a man does,.. and then, miraclously, his first reconciled with his Above, His first Peace in heart, his First Hope to live meaningfully,
EunTak given his a lot of "first", among this, the most precious of them all...

i was pondering the last sentence "already did that back then.." for super long.. couldnt post anything. then i realised what he meant by "i, already did that...back then." it was referring to him loving her, as his first love, loving her since long ago, back then, even when she told him the second time she loved him... she was after all, his First Love, already, back then."

"Meeting you, was the reward of my life...  i will come as the rain. i will comes as the first snowfall.... i will beg the Divinity to let me do just that.  (upon EunTak's "triple I love you")....
So do i. i love you. i, already did that, back then."
"I hope I’ll be able to tell her she was my first love. I asked above for permission.”


Above, how many times do you wound this man, Killed twice, died twice, lived twice... But Loved Once, and he counted it a blessing, a reward he wasnt waiting for, wasnt dreaming for, too blessed that he finally forgive the one most indebted to him his enemy...

this must be the heart of shin, hoping That Divinity one day may grant, a meeting, here .. or up there... the first few times i was broken because of EunTak's complete hysterical breaking down... then the very last 5th time, i was then realising i couldnt decide who is more sad, ET or KS.. or perhaps there wont be any of them one ounce sadder than the other.. because we just cannot weigh the excruciating heart-shredding of ET's wanting to retain or stop upon realising all hope is but lost... or that of Shin anticipating the heart broken Entak be wasting her life away and wanting to die with him day after day until ... to shin, the only gladness he truly can smile thru, is able to tell her, He loved her has his first love, to him this makes the differences... a life worth living, worth leaving...
then, asking for permission to come back to see her.. .. the needs and desire so overwhelming that it finally humbled him before the God that he has been blaming ....
i will beg.. beg for life was then, now.. beg just to see you......
so painful even just to imagine exacly what passes his mind or hers that moment.

Kim Eunsook, how did you do that? and Goeun, what experienes in life you went thru that can make you wail like that even if is it not real.. .. Gongyoo, am fearful now, the amount of breaking you allow yourself to experience to put yourself in Shin's shoe to feel the utter helplessness and abyss deep angst...
actress and actors are marvellous people, to be willing to go thru 'hell' to help us visualize these life and death moment.
last night our viewing journey was... heart-wrenchingly,.

WHY @maryofbethany WHY... 

this is me when i'm reading your post


the way he look at ET, like, every last breath he have that time , he just want to look at the one he treasure the most...



gifs cre : griffinclarkes @ tumblr


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@Erin Lokanata

These are all of the scenes from the future that KS sees when their eyes meet for the first time in episode 1. In the show, the images were black and white but in the trailer, they were coloured so better for us. Can anyone cross reference which scenes happened with pics and which didnt? Maybe provide exact eps?

Slowed down gif of the scenes






Spoiler for people who don't want to see:


We know the last pic is from when they meet at the restaurant. The thick black furry collar is the same! And if that's the same then this is going to be the first moment they see each other in the future.



You can see a hint of his smile. He's home


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6 hours ago, tiki_sg said:


FYI, GR/WY is no longer a Grim Reaper (role), he was stripped of the "job" (Ep 13).

So he is back as WY.  Walking around without his hat with him, since the interrogation/confession session with the Internal Audit team.

Still banking on a miracle from "Wind Blow" boy, whose grandma is RL.

Whilst watching the "Special" episode, a thot came to me that maybe "Wind Blow" boy is like our Goblin Bride . . . there is a purpose to his mystical "wind blow" 

Looking forward to watching Secy Kim's TT dance.

@tiki_sg thanks for the info on GR/WY status. However, my understanding, and correct me if I am wrong...is that he is "under probation" pending final - review. So, still has the job. No powers and just the man child King?  Nope, our man stillzzz got the magic!  Why?  He met with the young GR i.e. see him and interact with him at the café when he was giving our favorite crown lapel pin wearing GR - ET's death notice, and also, when he showed up for the "main event" "ready to rumble" last showdown with Mr. Grape flavored popsicle mouth a.k.a crazy, creepy - Evil Eunuch....Our favorite GR was wearing his hat and dressed in his GR regalia.  He says, " Park Joon Heon, answer this Grim Reaper, Deceased Soul. Park Joon Heon, (and finally) PARK JOON HEON!!!" and our favorite demon spirit is "OUT" of ET ready to get sliced by our Goblin.  So, I don't agree with your comments that WY has been stripped of the "job" i.e. powers and responsibilities...he is still the GR and not just WY.  So, will still use GR and WY interchangeably by force of habit if nothing more. 


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Just now, aoife11 said:

KIM GO EUN's acting in the last scene tho! its insane!!

i just want to put it out there, she's incredible! 



They were NEXT LEVEL. Like you could hear the sobs, the desperation, the panic attack, the disbelief. I felt the sword in MY chest when I saw the episode close screen with just her sobs. AMAZING!

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9 hours ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

I actually feel sorry for those actresses that have been kissed by Gong Yoo. His kiss simply ruin other namjha's kisses. Eg: Yoon Eun Hye still chose GY's kiss as THE best kiss till today even though Coffee Prince was years ago and she had acted with many other actors... :lol: 

I love how in this kissing scene, GY took charge in the beginning and then he let KGE took over without losing his control over her lips. And that tongue did taste her. Yes, there's tongue involved after I zoomed it in till my screen is filled up with their mouth only...:lol:B) Not his whole tongue, just the tip to touch and taste her. 

I dunno why I'm even analyzing this scene. *drinking clorox shots* *Walking to Sunil Mental Hospital* :crazy:

@Visually-wandering Thanks for sharing the vid!  


LOL :lol: :D I'm imagining the size of your screen now.

Really wish the LOL button come back. 

I'm sorry if someone had already posted it before, anyway the background music she played it's quite wonderful.



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