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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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2 hours ago, packmule3 said:



Why is the setting in Quebec City?

Perhaps, it's because of the motto of the province of Quebec where Quebec City is located. Its motto is "Je me souviens."

Meaning, I remember. 

Shin buries his dead there on the hill because he will never forget and will forever remember the lineage of those who faithfully served him. For all eternity.

One of my brothers studied at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, a long time ago. His beat-up station wagon had that "Je me souviens" on the license plate, and I always thought it romantic.

Also, more useless trivia. 

Shin mentioned that his dishes were from the time of Louis XV. Louis XV was the inept French king who lost the French colonies in North America to the British. The French had control over the whole midsection of the American continent -- from Louisiana in the south all the way up north in Canada. Meanwhile, the British only controlled the thin strip of land along the east coast of the continent. 

Louis XV was a weak king, easily manipulated by his advisors (sounds like Yeo) and mistress. He lost "New France" including Quebec City in the Seven Year War with the British and Spanish army. He ceded most of the French colonies in the Americas to the British and ceded parts of the western portion of Louisiana to Spain. British rule in the American continent was consolidated and there was a major shift in the balance of power -- from France to England -- in Europe as well. 

It would be funny if Shin took those dinnerware from Louis XV's china cabinet as spoils of war. :)







Leaf symbolises Tree of Life, our ancestral heritage depicted in ‘family trees’, how we ‘put down roots’ when we create lasting relationships, and in the phrase ‘turning over a new leaf’ when we experience significant change for the better. Trees and leaves are ubiquitous in the fabric of our lives.

Maple is a tree, whose loving spirit will help us to bring a balance to the male and female energies within. This is particularly true of the sugar maple, from which maple syrup is developed. Europeans learned the art of sugaring from the Native Americans, and htey each developed their own techniques. For the most part, a tap is inserted into the tree in the early spring, allowing the sap to flow out. It is then slowly boiled down. It takes about 30 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. This insertion of the spout to produce a flow that leads to sweetness has been likened to the sexual act. When the male and female come together there is always a new birth. 

The Native Americans have a strong connection to the maple and they often speak of its spirit loving the company of humans. The love works both ways though. Humans love the maple just as fervently. 

All maple trees though are associated with the linking and balancing of the male and female. Maple trees balance the yin and yang, the electrical and the magnetic. This tree's spirit and the archetypal energies behind it help the individual to ground psychic and spiritual energies and to find practical means of expressing them within their lives. 

It is activating to the chakras in the arches of the fet, which enable the individual to stay tied to the energies of Mother Earth. It was a popular tree for making and using magic wands - especially for sex magic and for awakening th intuition. For men, a staff or wand of maple is often beneficial to work with as it facilitates the awakening and proper expression of the feminine aspects of nurturing, intution, and creativity. For women, the staff or wand of maple helps them stimulate more outward creative expression. 

The beautiful maples have the energies of sweet promises and aspirations. They awaken the inner fire, which illumines without burning. Maples remind us to keep a balance between our masculine and feminine side. When they are in balance, our intuition is sharper, our creativity is stronger and we are healthier. 

Maple portrays current benefits or gifts that one hasn't yet recognized or acknowledged.

Also a symbol of determination, change, patience

so this is another way of looking 

That a leaf signifies truth, is evident from many passages in the Word where man is compared to a tree, or is called a tree, and where fruits signify the good of charity, and a leaf the truth therefrom (which indeed they are like); as in Ezekiel:--

And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, there cometh up every tree for food, whose leaf doth not fall, neither is the fruit consumed, it is reborn every month, because the waters thereof issue out of the sanctuary; and the fruit thereof shall be for food, and the leaf thereof for medicine (Ezekiel 47:12; Rev. 22:2).

Here tree denotes the man of the church in whom is the kingdom of the Lord; its fruit, the good of love and of charity; its leaf, the truths therefrom, which serve for the instruction of the human race and for their regeneration, for which reason the leaf is said to be for medicine. Again:--

Shall He not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof that it wither? it shall wither in all the plucked off (leaves) of its shoot (Ezekiel 17:9).

This is said of the vine, that is, the church, in a state of vastation, whose good, which is the fruit, and whose truth, which is the plucked off (leaf) of the shoot, thus withers.

[2] In Jeremiah:--

Blessed is the man that trusteth in Jehovah; he shall be like a tree planted by the waters; his leaf shall be green; and he shall not be anxious in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit (Jeremiah 17:7, 8);

where the green leaf denotes the truth of faith, thus the very faith which is from charity. So in (Ps. 1:3); and again in Jeremiah:--

There shall be no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig-tree, and the leaf is fallen (Jeremiah 8:13);

grapes on the vine, denote spiritual good; figs on the fig-tree, natural good; leaf, truth, which in this case is fallen. Likewise in (Isaiah 34:4). The same is meant by the fig-tree which Jesus saw and found nothing thereon but leaves, and which therefore withered away (Matt. 21:19, 20; Mark 11:13, 14, 20). Specifically, by this fig-tree there was meant the Jewish Church, in which there was no longer anything of natural good; and the religious teaching or truth that was preserved in it, are the leaves; for a vastated church is such that it knows truth, but is not willing to understand it. Similar are those who say that they know truth or the things of faith, yet have nothing of the good of charity: they are only fig-leaves, and they wither away.


Louis the Beloved

Louis also ceded New France in North America to Spain and Great Britain at the conclusion of the Seven Years' War in 1763. He incorporated the territories of Lorraine and Corsica into the kingdom of France.  Louis XV's decisions damaged the power of France, weakened the treasury, discredited the absolute monarchy, and made it more vulnerable to distrust and destruction, as happened in the French Revolution, which broke out 15 years after his death

He was the first Bourbon ruler whose heart was not, as tradition demanded, cut out and placed in a special coffer.The body was not embalmed for fear of contamination; instead, alcohol was poured into the coffin.The remains were also soaked in quicklime.in a surreptitious late-night ceremony attended by only one courtier, the body was taken to the Saint Denis Basilica.

Louis' death saw the French monarchy at its nadir in political, financial and moral terms  Since Louis XV's son Louis had died nine years earlier, the throne passed to his grandson, the conventional and unimaginative Louis XVI. Two of Louis XV's other grandsons, Louis XVIII and Charles X, would occupy the throne of France after the fall of Napoleon 

As he was getting older, Louis XV was slowly becoming less inclined to visit the brothel-like Parc-aux-Cerfs, and the women of the court soon began planning on throwing themselves at his feet to win the vacant place left open by Madame de Pompadour's death. One notable such lady was the Beatrix de Choiseul-Stainville, Duchess de Gramont, sister of the duc de Choiseul. Louis never really did have any affection towards her, for she was described as being rather rough and manly in appearance.

It coincided that Lebel, the King's valet-de-chambre-, became introduced to a certain Jeanne Bécu, a current mistress of the Maréchal de Richelieu, a friend of the king. Jeanne's pimp, the infamous Jean-Baptiste, Comte du Barry (although the title of comte was truly invented by himself) had long dreamed of giving one of his prostitutes to the king for a 'long term relationship', and with the outstandingly beautiful Jeanne he found hope. After much conniving, Jeanne not only bedazzled the king with her character and appearance, but caused much gossip and hatred between the courtiers who, jealous of the attention the king showered on her, also could not believe that a woman outside the palace circle took the place of the highest rank, second only to a queen.

After having been splendidly presented at court on April 22, 1769 and at the age of just 26, Jeanne took her place as the king's new royal mistress complete with titles and riches, which in future proved to be part of the monarchy's downfall in the French Revolution. To Louis, Jeanne was both entertaining and a means for him to levitate the country's responsibilities off his shoulder. Many opposed this relationship, not only because it was such a scandal for him to have an ex-courtesan living in Versailles, but also because of their age gap which could prove too much for his heart to bear. Louis XV would have none of this, and so defiant was he of this opposition that he even brought Jeanne to dine at the Château de la Muette during Marie Antoinette's arrival festivities from Austria. At first the 14 year-old dauphine found her intriguing, but after the king's daughters explained further her true purpose in court, Marie Antoinette grew to bitterly hate Jeanne.

After five years enjoying Jeanne's company and sexual talents, a second attack of smallpox fatally hit Louis, due to which he broken-heartedly had to send Jeanne away from court in order to receive spiritual pardon.

these will make sense.  

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On 1/10/2017 at 2:22 PM, petalsandleaves said:

lol @ the anti KGE comments all over DB and elsewhere...

that girl is a MOVIE star, gong yoo is a MOVIE star, Lee dong Wook is NOT, and neither is Yoo In Na

I don't think people realize her star power.. shes already had a movie screened at Cannes, and Gong Yoo took over 10 years for Train to Busan to be screened in Cannes, and girl she is only 25 years old. LDW and YIN's careers are nowhere near that, which is fine, but I think it's unfair that people are stuck on that and turning a blind eye to the other cast members. The criticism towards her acting is just taking away from the show..

I suppose you can argue she isn't right for the part, since that's up to the opinion of the audience member, but it's pretty BS to say she's a bad actress. 


why is everyone criticizing her for being young, and not GY for being old? Age works both ways! 


@petalsandleaves Quality tops popularity.There are plenty of actors better at acting than the absolute most popular ones.

Choosing an actor based on popularity rather than acting skills is beyond shallow.

You are exactly doing the same as those anti-fans.what's is the difference? You are criticizing other actors for no fault of theirs. So, that works for you is it?

Lee Dong Wook is very special to many of us. But,we never talk bad about the rest of the cast.

We have maintained a decorum in this forum and hope you respect that

Wishing the cast all good health to pull it through!!!

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To the person who had a question about the S. Korean drama industry, I will try to answer your question. And someone can correct me if I'm wrong. My knowledge of K-Dramas goes back to 2003 but to those who have been around longer, call me out.

@petalsandleaves, this is for you! Anyways, the casting directors are told by either the writer and director who they have in mind for the characters i.e. writer-nim has been "courting" GY to play one of her characters for 5 years. The script is passed on to the actors agency and offered to them and the actors either consider it or don't. But in LDWs case, he wasn't the writers choice. I read somewhere that she was probably considering Kim Woo Bin for the role of Grim Reaper, hence the KWB reference in the drama. LDW fought for his role, which some of us admire (yeah. me included). That means that he wants to dedicate so much to this role when he heard about it. The pay in K-Dramas are not as high as K-movies when dramas takes so much time and effort. Yeah. I don't understand this concept either when actors/actresses get sick during filming because of exhaustion. I hope that this answers your question, said person.

To our beloved Goblin cast and crew, feel better and AJA AJA HWAITING!

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@pnaysurfer84 Thank god that kim woo bin isn't playing the reaper. I loved only his character out of that wreck of a drama 'heirs' [imo of course], but here the goblin and reaper's ship won't have sailed so well, if they were not close in age. The comfort that they share with each other and the rapport level is discernible on screen, and now after so many episodes I kind of can't imagine anyone else in his place. Back in the earlier episodes, I loved how he would do the menial laundry jobs and still leave his own touch here or there, or when Shin and ET would be bickering on 'boyfriends' , he would sit in the back and grump how he can't even call the girl he likes because he doesn't have a name lol. He brings his own quirks in the  character of GR which I saw partly in blade man maybe, though those manners are much in place here. Though I do hope kim woo bin would get his own KES drama somewhere in future lol..

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why do you criticize while there is no accounting for tastes...  

We do not have to like all of the actors & actresses starring in dramas 

I have not watched any dramas or movies of Gong Yoo or Kim Go Eun

But I have watched Lee Dong Wook, Young Sung  Jae  & Yoo In Na

I like Wang Kai but I gave up When a Snail Falls in love because of the leading lady...

I watch LOB because I like and I enjoy watching few actors / actresses in the drama and plot is interesting 

I watch Goblin because I find the storyline interesting. 

I am not saying she's not a good actress, she might be.  

This is the first time I'm seeing her so can't judge her from the first time watching.. 

This is a peaceful forum.  Let's leave it like that.. 

Cannes Movie festival is not like it was before, before it was very selective, now show the money, they will show your movie if they want to, and the rest is depended on the taste of Jury 

Let's see in 1994 the jury 





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Oh the feels..wishing the cast a quick recovery. It's ok don't mind waiting ..plus the special episode may bring a lot of nice juicy trivia ...:)


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19 minutes ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

To the person who had a question about the S. Korean drama industry, I will try to answer your question. And someone can correct me if I'm wrong. My knowledge of K-Dramas goes back to 2003 but to those who have been around longer, call me out.

Anyways, the casting directors are told by either the writer and director who they have in mind for the characters i.e. writer-nim has been "courting" GY to play one of her characters for 5 years. The script is passed on to the actors agency and offered to them and the actors either consider it or don't. But in LDWs case, he wasn't the writers choice. I read somewhere that she was probably considering Kim Woo Bin for the role of Grim Reaper, hence the KWB reference in the drama. LDW fought for his role, which some of us admire (yeah. me included). That means that he wants to dedicate so much to this role when he heard about it. The pay in K-Dramas are not as high as K-movies when dramas takes so much time and effort. Yeah. I don't understand this concept either when actors/actresses get sick during filming because of exhaustion. I hope that this answers your question, said person.

To our beloved Goblin cast and crew, feel better and AJA AJA HWAITING!


I am happy to see Lee as a GRP,   in every corner of the world, scenarist have an actor in the mind, and s/he writes as if that person is the main lady / boy in the drama, s/he tells it to casting directors, casting directors to PR's, PR's to actors / actresses. If they like the scenario they accept, sometimes they ask for a little change in their roles.   

Exhaustion is a new term started to be popular in between actors & actresses...  



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13 minutes ago, seasonsoftheheart32 said:

The episode preview is out by the way. I can't read Korean, but I can translate the Chinese translation for you guys haha. (Terrible I know, going through so many languages)


Episode 13 text preview:

Now, KS and WY finally recognize each other. WY feels terrible now, having to deal with the memories he had once forgotten...

Meanwhile, PJW is about to begin his evil plans for Sunny and ET...

KS starts preparing to put a stop to everything. What will happen to all of them in the face of this terrible destiny?


I'm not a licensed interpreter (fluently bilingual, but translation doesn't work the same way), but the gist is there. By the way, if in future anyone needs any translation between English and Chinese, tag/PM me.


Thank you chinggu :wub:

Preview ep 13


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16 minutes ago, seasonsoftheheart32 said:

The episode preview is out by the way. I can't read Korean, but I can translate the Chinese translation for you guys haha. (Terrible I know, going through so many languages)


Episode 13 text preview:

Now, KS and WY finally recognize each other. WY feels terrible now, having to deal with the memories he had once forgotten...

Meanwhile, PJW is about to begin his evil plans for Sunny and ET...

KS starts preparing to put a stop to everything. What will happen to all of them in the face of this terrible destiny?


I'm not a licensed interpreter (fluently bilingual, but translation doesn't work the same way), but the gist is there. By the way, if in future anyone needs any translation between English and Chinese, tag/PM me.



can you post the link pls? 

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Just saw the news about eps 14 being pushed back to next week. I have to say I'm pretty happy if that let the cast & crew to rest more. I was already surprised both eps 9 & 10 aired normally during the new year when other shows only aired 1 eps that week, more surprising Goblin was already live shooting so they should have take that chance but well...

I'm pretty surprised to read that many people keeps blaming the PPL & the long eps, as reasons why goblin staff are exhausted and need more time to make an episode. I have to say I'm pretty sad every time en eps end, like I could watch so much more so the 1h+ eps doesn't bother me, on contrary ^^

For the PPL, I don't really care! Sure some are coming from nowhere & are sometimes absurd (mainly the subways ones) BUT they need money to create such a show! And let's be real, many people are watching the drama on non official sites so it's not like they're paying to watch it yet when it comes to criticize where the money is coming.... :phew:


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Who's cancelling all their plan for the next two weekends? ME! I made a blunder when I was away to cinema last Saturday night. I will dedicate my next two weekends for Goblin only.

Btw, I love how you all reacts to the cancelling episode 14 positively, because I read some harsh comments in IG *face palm

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15 minutes ago, makeuptemple said:


I am happy to see Lee as a GRP,   in every corner of the world, scenarist have an actor in the mind, and s/he writes as if that person is the main lady / boy in the drama, s/he tells it to casting directors, casting directors to PR's, PR's to actors / actresses. If they like the scenario they accept, sometimes they ask for a little change in their roles.   

Exhaustion is a new term started to be popular in between actors & actresses...  



Actually, exhaustion is not new. Hallyu started in the early 2000s and that required a boost in K-Drama writing and production. I've watched a couple of K-Dramas where the actors/actresses needed the "drip" on site, while filming.

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12 minutes ago, aurelly said:


Thank you chinggu :wub:

Preview ep 13


WHOA...the last shot of KS with his sword ready to slay that creppy eunuch! DAMN! :glasses:

 kim sibling aaaaaaah 

what is ET said to KS tho.....

wangsun :tears:

will waiting patienly for translation B)

in the meantime, enjoy cutest ajusshi



also, his hair.. *swooooon*


cre: owner @ tumblr

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My translation for the preview (not 100% accurate)

KS: I’ll do what should I do but I can’t forgive you
SN: Please go, Brother. In this life, I’ll be happy, brother
GR: Can’t you be on my side for once?
ET: What brings you here?
KS: This sword’s value was that
PJH: Valuable things (?)… In the end, … (?)

@hairuchii can you give some help? What did the evil eunuch said in the end? o.O



드디어 마난 김신과 왕여 !
저승사자 기억나지 않는 자신의 과거와 마주치고 괴로워하는데.

중헌은 써니와 은탁에게 검은 손을 뻗기 시작한다!
이 모든 일의 종지부를 찍기 위한 준비를 시작하는 도깨비
지독한 운명 속에 위태롭게 내물인 이들의 운명은?

Text preview translation (not 100% accurate)

Finally Kim Shin and Wang Yeo met. Grim reaper who doesn't have any memories of his past suffers after regaining those memories.

Jung Heon starts to stretch his evil blackened hands towards Eun Tak and Sunny. Goblin starts to protect and  prepare to put a stop for all problems

What is the fate of those who are in danger in this terrible destiny?

Note: according to Hangul, the evil eunuch name is Park Jung Heon, not Park Jung Won..


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Thank you :wub:@hairuchii  @alleram95


waiting the other one... thank you uri lovely translators.... 

Waiting this one (more under spoiler)








Congratulation to us @jellybellymonster and @itzibitzispider

Our 2nd channel got 2 strikes bc of goblin's translated preview.... this channel might be removed (terminated) soon... LOL,,, if this video removed by that mighty remove media LLC...


you can watch it here (i've uploaded here : https://streamable.com/rv55e ) 

Edited by naritul
add gif...
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