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[Drama 2017] My Father is Strange 아버지가 이상해

Go Seung Ji

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1 hour ago, XiaoChien said:

How are they not siblings? Sorry i only started watching ep 11-13

The dad is using AJH's biological dad's identity after a mix up in a hospital where AJH's dad died in an accident while he was out in a coma.  The two were carrying each other's identification before the accident.  So on paper he would be AJH's dad, but biologically he has nothing to do with him.

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7 minutes ago, zoks said:

The dad is using AJH's biological dad's identity after a mix up in a hospital where AJH's dad died in an accident while he was out in a coma.  The two were carrying each other's identification before the accident.  So on paper he would be AJH's dad, but biologically he has nothing to do with him.

Just to add one detail, none knows about it except him and his wife.

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

Not a Korean speaker.  Her is the subtitle of MY's apology.

MY: First of all I'd like to apologize. 

I behaved rashly. It was selfish of me to think that way.  I only thought about how tough it was for me. I didn't think of you. I wondered why it had to be my Dad. Why something bad like this had to happen to my own family. Why my family has t suffer because of your drama. And why we had to be in misery. The thought made me so angry. (her feelings)

It was hard for me to accept the situation.

But I saw your interview. The interviewer ask about your memory of your father. After seeing you talk about how Dad gave you a slice of gimbap that morning it broke my heart. (his feelings)

My siblings and I were taken aback and felt like you were taking away Dad from us. But when I put myself in your shoes, I thought you could think we were the ones that actually took your father away for the past 35 years. (his feelings)

To be honest I haven't accepted the whole situation yet. Like RY ad JY this is awkward and difficult for me. It is still confusing for me but I think I can understand you a bit.  I am starting to accept our Dad is your Dad as well.(her feelings)

Will you accept my apology?

JH: OK. Since you are asking fro my forgiveness so well. (WTH)

(MY smiles) (WTH)

My analysis, yes MY have behaved unprofessionally, she did not apologize for that. She never said I've been a bad employee, thanks for not firing me.  

She said I'm sorry I put my feeling above your when you were suffering.

She apologized for HER feelings  for putting HER feelings above HIS feelings. Despite MY talking about how hard this all is for her, JH never once apologize for putting her in that situation, or even acknowledge what she is going through emotionally. Yet she was grateful that the wounded puppy forgave her.

This is what is considered normal and expected for women to do, put everyone or mostly men's feelings above their own and be grateful for the privilege. That all I've been saying and the text support it.

Sometimes not everything is fully described solely on words, it's also on their expression which viewer can see. Also why did Joonghee need to apologize for having same father as her or for wanting to live with his own father which he never did for the last 35 years? I kinda agree it's a bit absurd for JH to just accept the apology but he never ask for it too, his expression kinda shows how small he felt at that time for being sympathised by MY, so he just accept the apologies to close the case.

JH is still on a changing arc to his character, remember he used to be someone who lack empathy and emotional feelings as described by his ex girlfriend. 

This is what is considered normal and expected for women to do, put everyone or mostly men's feelings above their own and be grateful for the privilege. That all I've been saying and the text support it. ----> When is this considered normal? 

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7 hours ago, eyjooniesh said:


I'm sure anyone will be having heartbroke or feeling empathy when they noticed that someone they know (doesn't matter if he's handsome or not, or even an ugly guy)  never have any memories with his 'father' which means they never got to taste the love of a father in their whole life, it's not something simple, I just can't explain how complicated, sad or incomplete it is living without father since born because I never experience it which I'm very grateful of, but I can get the idea of how painful it is based on Ahn Joonghee's interview, seeing how he doesn't have any memories of his father except for the memories of him with my father (If I were Miyoung at that time) which is very heartbreaking to watch, even if he's a she,  I would still want to apologize because I know I have made a wrong conclusion about him/her wanting to live with my family and making our life miserable, but the pain of an orphan or a child without father is something you can't compare to because it's unbearable... 

That's why in my religion, it is important to take care of orphan child and giving them love and care as much as their parent would because they have been going through so much pain that no one can understand because we are never in their shoes. For sure Ahn Joonghee is not a child nor an orphan but the feeling must be so painful growing up without father figure in life. 

If having similar life circumstance is key to understanding JH then I should understand him well because what he imagine to be his family configuration is like mine, except I've known my dad from the moment I drew breath.

I'm the eldest and I've lived with my dad, step mom and my Dad's children. Moving into a new family household causes upheaval. The entire family changes.My younger siblings adored me when I lived with them and stuck to me like barnacles which was hard on an introvert. lol Therefore that is why I am adamant that the siblings have a right to their feelings. 

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Actually it was quite clear from that conversation she is apologizing for her behaviour which includes her behaviour at work. She says so that she behaved rashly. That she was upset and her upset behaviour carried its effects even to work which is obvious. You don't have to separate her behaviour from home and work and neither is she making that distinction. She is apologizing for her rash reaction and subsequent behaviour. Well that is what I garnered from what she said.

Further when this thing happened and he turned up at the house it was not JH who behaved poorly or reacted badly it was Mi Young. She was the one who acted that way and carried on that behaviour at work and made it bad for both of them and started to avoid him and her duties and it culminated in asking to be transferred out after she had begged earlier for a second chance from him. Why should he apologize in this case it was not him that reacted rashly  and she is apologizing for how she behaved rather than for the fact that she is entitled to her dad too or her feelings about him being their half brother. Her feelings are not what she is apologizing for at all and neither is placing his feelings above hers by acknowledging them. Just because you acknowledge someone else's feelings it does not mean you're placing your own below theirs. This is not a whole pie calculation just because you cut a piece of pie out of the whole and the pie becomes smaller that is not how feelings work.

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11 hours ago, eyjooniesh said:

Sometimes not everything is fully described solely on words, it's also on their expression which viewer can see.

(There are two audiences, the viewers and the other characters. The viewers have an omniscient perspective. The characters, unless they are established as having telepathic powers should respond to what is said or done, because they have no other way of knowing what other characters feel. That's how it should work in life to avoid false assumptions.  The viewers know turtle guy inner feelings MY does not unless he communicates them to her.)

Also why did Joonghee need to apologize for having same father as her or for wanting to live with his own father which he never did for the last 35 years? I kinda agree it's a bit absurd for JH to just accept the apology but he never ask for it too, his expression kinda shows how small he felt at that time for being sympathised by MY, so he just accept the apologies to close the case.

( I don't think MY needed to apologize for how she felt since her feeling were reasonable, but if she is apologizing for not taking his feelings in consideration he could do the same.)

JH is still on a changing arc to his character, remember he used to be someone who lack empathy and emotional feelings as described by his ex girlfriend.

(Exactly. Like Pinocchio, one day he too will be a real boy. Not recognizing that he is still lacking, and focusing on his needs to the exclusion of acknowledging his flaws and need to grow flattens the pleasure of the character's arc.)

This is what is considered normal and expected for women to do, put everyone or mostly men's feelings above their own and be grateful for the privilege. That all I've been saying and the text support it. ----> When is this considered normal? 

(Check out any drama with a Candy lead. Check out the first 2/3 of Secret-/Secret Love)



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I'm sorry but I see no handmaidens in this drama. When you look at the couples, it's far from anything like that.

The most selfless person in this drama is father. He is the caring heart of the family and mother is the practical brain that makes decisions and takes control. He even made her explain the situation to everybody, because he only knew that he needed to help his friend's kid.

I don't think there is a need to talk about Joon Young and Yoo Joo, the woman always takes control over everything, even telling the news about baby and herself to his parents.

Jung Hwan will do anything for Hye Young, anything in the relationship is happening after she desides, he even happily takes care of cooking and all he wants from her is to be with him and not leave him like she did years ago. I admit now he did something without consulting her, he entered her house to take beating from her parents.



Cheol Soo is timid introvert and Ra Young is outspoken kid, that easily blackmails him into a date but also takes a fall for him in front of a boss.

PD's mom has control over her husband with her money and also wants 100% control over her almost 40yo son. And in the spare time she is making a mess for everybody else.

Even loser uncle's wife protects her husband by scaring his boss to death, not to mention grandma, who makes life hell for anyone she focuses on at the moment.

Between Mi Young and Joong Hee is the power moved to his side, because he is the boss. Yet he does anything she says and tries his best to be more than just a boss. She got the job because director thought she was gutsy enough to manage the spoiled kid with tantrums and persevere. She did not only that but stood up to an old bully. And under her influence (and later also the family's) the spoiled kid is making a progress to turn into a sensible and considerate adult. Mi Young is most like her dad, she is considerate, nice and emotionally mature person. That is why she realized first of all kids that Joong Hee might actually need a family and made up with him. Not because she is a poor abused girl. And that is why audience sees it was the right thing to do. Because it is within the personality of this character. Not because she is a woman. Best example is the scene, where father took all the insults from the hag PD's mother and apologized. It is the personality of the character to take on him everything to protect his loved ones. It was unfair to him but it was his way to at least try to diffuse the conflict.

As for current situation with Hye Young. She doesn't want to get married because of the old hag and it's the same reason mother is most unhappy. And because Hye Young's personality is most like her mother's, their conflict is a storm. Again, I don't think it's about any handmaiden but basic conflict between two generations. This drama shows many different sides and problems of human interaction and generational conflict is as old as time. So this is their take on it. Besides, if it wasn't for the old hag, Hye Young and Jung Hwan might have a kid or two by now. They love each other, always had. And I wouldn't be surprised if he was a stay at home dad, while she would be the breadwinner.


 It was way too long, so I put part of it in the spoiler :) I'm afraid it is also way too serious for an analysis of a kdrama lol

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45 minutes ago, agnescz said:

I'm sorry but I see no handmaidens in this drama. When you look at the couples, it's far from anything like that.

The most selfless person in this drama is father. He is the caring heart of the family and mother is the practical brain that makes decisions and takes control. He even made her explain the situation to everybody, because he only knew that he needed to help his friend's kid.

I don't think there is a need to talk about Joon Young and Yoo Joo, the woman always takes control over everything, even telling the news about baby and herself to his parents.

Jung Hwan will do anything for Hye Young, anything in the relationship is happening after she desides, he even happily takes care of cooking and all he wants from her is to be with him and not leave him like she did years ago. I admit now he did something without consulting her, he entered her house to take beating from her parents.

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Cheol Soo is timid introvert and Ra Young is outspoken kid, that easily blackmails him into a date but also takes a fall for him in front of a boss.

PD's mom has control over her husband with her money and also wants 100% control over her almost 40yo son. And in the spare time she is making a mess for everybody else.

Even loser uncle's wife protects her husband by scaring his boss to death, not to mention grandma, who makes life hell for anyone she focuses on at the moment.

Between Mi Young and Joong Hee is the power moved to his side, because he is the boss. Yet he does anything she says and tries his best to be more than just a boss. She got the job because director thought she was gutsy enough to manage the spoiled kid with tantrums and persevere. She did not only that but stood up to an old bully. And under her influence (and later also the family's) the spoiled kid is making a progress to turn into a sensible and considerate adult. Mi Young is most like her dad, she is considerate, nice and emotionally mature person. That is why she realized first of all kids that Joong Hee might actually need a family and made up with him. Not because she is a poor abused girl. And that is why audience sees it was the right thing to do. Because it is within the personality of this character. Not because she is a woman. Best example is the scene, where father took all the insults from the hag PD's mother and apologized. It is the personality of the character to take on him everything to protect his loved ones. It was unfair to him but it was his way to at least try to diffuse the conflict.

As for current situation with Hye Young. She doesn't want to get married because of the old hag and it's the same reason mother is most unhappy. And because Hye Young's personality is most like her mother's, their conflict is a storm. Again, I don't think it's about any handmaiden but basic conflict between two generations. This drama shows many different sides and problems of human interaction and generational conflict is as old as time. So this is their take on it. Besides, if it wasn't for the old hag, Hye Young and Jung Hwan might have a kid or two by now. They love each other, always had. And I wouldn't be surprised if he was a stay at home dad, while she would be the breadwinner.


 It was way too long, so I put part of it in the spoiler :) I'm afraid it is also way too serious for an analysis of a kdrama lol

Yes it was way too long but it is really really good written and well explained, I agree with every single word you said, you left nothing for me to say... So I ll be just impatiently waiting for weekend and maybe posting few more gifs? :D

PS: Where is the preview? 

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No preview up yet as far as I can tell from the previous sources posted.  We might get one tomorrow because last Thursday was when the youtube video of the preview went up.

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I  think MY's idea that JH was causing her family misery and suffering as stated in her "apologyy" is overblown. I agree with whoever said this was not a real apology. (sorry it was in another post but can't remember)  Especially at her age, these are ADULT CHILDREN not adolescents.She sounds like she is 14 years old not thirty something.  However now she at least developed some empathy for a boy who never had a father like she did for 30+ years.



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Hi, everyone. Like a lot of you guys I have been reading this thread for quite some time now but I couldn't resist anymore so I have to say my thoughts about this drama as well. Lol

I'm not much of a fan of family dramas - the love stories take ages to develope for my liking - but I began watching this one because of the actors and the story really took me by surprise. What I love in this drama is that is fast paced and that the female characters are strong characters and  take control over things. Some of you guys have said great things about it so I'll keep it short about it.

What I really want to say is how much I love Joong Hee. I know everyone has already said that but I cannot resist he's just too damn adorable. He's a great character really well written and really well played as well. It's really funny how he's great with just everyone. I can watch all his scene and I can't be dissapointed. He's great alone, with MY, with Cha PD even with the Turtle (all my love to Al - he really stole my heart - I got sad the episodes he didn't show up) But the scenes I'm coming to love just as well as JH and MY's is the scenes with the Director. They're adorable together. JH can really drive him crazy and the cute thing is that he lets him. Being the boss he can just tell JH to go away and behave himself but no he gets along with all JH's childish behaviors. I loved their last episode's scene JH trying to hanging up the Director's phone, it not only showed how happy JH was after making up with MY but how comfortable he is with his boss. It's not much, it's not like they're besties but for a lonely guy like him it made me happy that he has this kind of relationship. And also their interaction after the boss asked him if there was something going on between him and MY was priceless. <3

Have you guys noticed how adorable MY and JH's similar reactions were when they were told JH got a van? They were both so excited. They are so alike is freaking cute. :wub:

One last thing. I don't want to talk about Joon Young right now otherwise this post is gonna be huge but I think he's gonna be the last one to accept JH. I think it is only because of male pride. After all he was the eldest and the only male sibling. So to lose both positions to a stranger will take him longer to accept that he's no longer the 'first in the line of succession' (if I can put it that way). But I'd really like to a bromance to blossom. I was rewatching the LA scene with JH's father - and like Papa Byun has said JH takes a lot after his dad. Both are cheerful and extrovert. - And I was noticing that JY takes a lot after Papa Byun, they timid and not very talkative. So a beautiful friendship could come from there. (I liked their quick bickering when JH backed up MY over Yoo Joo moving in. And when JH faced JY's bullying him in front of the refrigerator. I'd like seeing more of that.) 

Coming to think of it Yoo Joo and Joon Young are perfect for each other. They are a bully couple. JY trying to bully JH and YJ bullying MY. Bad bad couple, bullying lovely JH and lovely MY. :angry:


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Junghwan and Hyeyeoung relationship, I think Hyeyeoung 's feeling is more prioritized, same goes to Yoojoo and Joonyoung

Joonghee & Miyoung, I think it's shown when Miyoung told Joonghee she wants to be transferred and of course Joonghee looked sad but he prioritized Miyoung's feelings over him and he just followed her order. ~ Done

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After watching 20 eps of this drama I can say that Jonghee and Miyoung are pure, innocent type of person. I've never had bad impression from both of them. Sure, they act a bit immature at some occasion but they never had bad intention (well, at least for me). As we all know, in the beginning Jonghee was a bit arrogant, but that was not his real self, it was because he lack of affection and love from his family, and when he moved in with Byun Family we all can see that he slowly changes for better. As for Miyoung, We all know that she is a bit insecure but is considerate type of person between the siblings. As I said before, she is a bit introvert, I think she is the type of person who will blame herself first instead pointing fingers to others. She is selfless. So,  I doubt that her apology to JH is not sincere. After she watched JH's interview, she said that she feel his pain and that breaks her heart too, she even said that she was unprofessional because she can't separate their personal matters and work, and she apologize for that too. And I'm sure She apologize not because JH is good looking but because she was unprofessional and selfish towards him (which is not her true personality). Well, I'm glad that these two made up, hoping that we'll get more screentime of these two cuties :)


Ps. Lee Joon and Jung Somin have a GREAT chemistry. I mean, there's no skinship scene between these two yet, but everytime I watch their scene together, I always smiling :) I feel like their eyes can speaks to each other. Hahaha

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There are always two audiences, and the one outside the drama usually knows more, and often they forget that the people inside the drama have way less information than then do and expect them to act on think they don't and can't know.  Turtle guy's "heart/feelings" is known only to him, Al Pacino - who don't really seem to care much and the audience. 

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1 hour ago, keyzee61 said:

After watching 20 eps of this drama I can say that Jonghee and Miyoung are pure, innocent type of person. I've never had bad impression from both of them. Sure, they act a bit immature at some occasion but they never had bad intention (well, at least for me). As we all know, in the beginning Jonghee was a bit arrogant, but that was not his real self, it was because he lack of affection and love from his family, and when he moved in with Byun Family we all can see that he slowly changes for better. As for Miyoung, We all know that she is a bit insecure but is considerate type of person between the siblings. As I said before, she is a bit introvert, I think she is the type of person who will blame herself first instead pointing fingers to others. She is selfless. So,  I doubt that her apology to JH is not sincere. After she watched JH's interview, she said that she feel his pain and that breaks her heart too, she even said that she was unprofessional because she can't separate their personal matters and work, and she apologize for that too. And I'm sure She apologize not because JH is good looking but because she was unprofessional and selfish towards him (which is not her true personality). Well, I'm glad that these two made up, hoping that we'll get more screentime of these two cuties :)


Ps. Lee Joon and Jung Somin have a GREAT chemistry. I mean, there's no skinship scene between these two yet, but everytime I watch their scene together, I always smiling :) I feel like their eyes can speaks to each other. Hahaha


You mean those 2 cuties? :D

tumblr_ops1f7KUZ11usimgso1_400.gif       tumblr_ops1f7KUZ11usimgso2_400.gif

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@agnescz thank you for the preview :)

17 minutes ago, RayaAplus said:


JH washing the sisters hair :))

Now there's a scene I wasn't expecting! How lovely!! Especially because JH is in that bathrobe. :wub:

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