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[Drama 2017] My Father is Strange 아버지가 이상해

Go Seung Ji

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I love this drama because the secrets don't last forever! Hope some jealousy will push forward Rayoung and Cheol Soo relationship. :wub: I have to admit that I'm dissapointed about MY and LJ love development, but maybe after few episodes of living together their love will bloom also. Fighting!

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1 hour ago, mariposaazur said:

I love this drama because the secrets don't last forever! Hope some jealousy will push forward Rayoung and Cheol Soo relationship. :wub: I have to admit that I'm dissapointed about MY and LJ love development, but maybe after few episodes of living together their love will bloom also. Fighting!


I think it would be funny if it starts with LJ, because he is not used to having a sibling so when he starts having feelings for her he will be passing it off as oh he loves his sibling. MY has a brother already and would just pass it off as a brother affection..

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Just finished watching ep 19 live stream. Dont see any recaps posted so will do so just briefly for those who havent seen/waiting for raw: scenes not in order:

1) JH became nasty and demanding to YJ when YJ was presenting his outfit concept or something. Clearly he did that for MY because YJ got scolded in front of MY too. JH basically told YJ to redo the outfits again and YJ shouted at her staff, only for JH to overhear and he walked back and defended that staff, yay.

2) YJ was about to blame MY for what happenes but MY stood up for herself and YJ didnt really want to richard simmons her off anyway.

3) MY asked JH why he treated YJ like that. She said she didnt need him to help her. She finally asked if JH can let her go and ask someone else to work for him coz she cant do it and it's too burdensome. Jh looked legit upset.

4) JH told the boss? that he didnt want to work with My anymore. MY and JH ran into each other outside the house as he was coming back and she was taking out the trash. He ignored her and walked past. She got a call telling her she wont work with jh anymore.

5) JY blocked JH from the fridge. He wanted to take some lettuce for Al.

6) three siblings discussed on getting a present? For their parents or something. JH wanted to join in but got told off. He felt hurt and went inside to feed Al. He asked Al why they came here. He took Al in the pet carrier into the car, determined to leave, but couldnt when Mr and Mrs byun (sorry dunnno their names) came home.

7) HY bribed RY with a luxurious handbag to keep her mouth shut. RY eventually spilled the beans to MY. My hit her for keeping a secret like that over a handbag. The sisters talked to JY about it in his room on the rooftop, not realizing their mom overheard as she was hanging the clothes to dry.

8) HY and her senior (JW?) went on a date. She asked him to send the pictures to her phone as she goes for a shower. He yawned tiredly and accidentally sent the pics to his mom instead.

9) both moms came to their children's apartment. Saw each other and HY in a bath robe. End of ep here.

10) Ry teaches couple's yoga and CS's twin dragged him to join the class. He asked if RY is CS's friend. He kept signalling to CS how interested he is in RY. He asked for Ry's number after class and she gave him, thinking it isnt wrong to give her friend's BF her number. But when he mentioned going on a date, RY decided to report to CS, and he was clueless when she mentioned his BF.

11) Mrs Byun asked JH to have kimbao at the restaurant. my was there helping her dad roll kimbap. JH looked awkward coz MY is there. Her dad fed all of them kimbap. jH even help to fold the boxes for the kimbap.



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Preview ep 20:

- HY comes home to beg for her parents' forgiveness. They are angry. Her mom hit her, saying how could she of all people do this to them. Lots of crying 

-JW comes to visit to get permission for him and HY to marry. Neither his mom nor HY's mom will allow it. They hate each other and dont want to be in-laws.

- MY is nicer to JH. She passes him a cup of smoothie during breakfast.

- Seems like Dad is ok with HY's decision to marry. Mom is livid because she doesnt want to become family with the landlady 

And that's all i can remember..

@alekaonu You're welcome :D

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3 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

Just finished watching ep 19 live stream. Dont see any recaps posted so will do so just briefly for those who havent seen/waiting for raw: scenes not in order:

1) JH became nasty and demanding to YJ when YJ was presenting his outfit concept or something. Clearly he did that for MY because YJ got scolded in front of MY too. JH basically told YJ to redo the outfits again and YJ shouted at her staff, only for JH to overhear and he walked back and defended that staff, yay.

2) YJ was about to blame MY for what happenes but MY stood up for herself and YJ didnt really want to richard simmons her off anyway.

3) MY asked JH why he treated YJ like that. She said she didnt need him to help her. She finally asked if JH can let her go and ask someone else to work for him coz she cant do it and it's too burdensome. Jh looked legit upset.

4) JH told the boss? that he didnt want to work with My anymore. MY and JH ran into each other outside the house as he was coming back and she was taking out the trash. He ignored her and walked past. She got a call telling her she wont work with jh anymore.

5) JY blocked JH from the fridge. He wanted to take some lettuce for Al.

6) three siblings discussed on getting a present? For their parents or something. JH wanted to join in but got told off. He felt hurt and went inside to feed Al. He asked Al why they came here. He took Al in the pet carrier into the car, determined to leave, but couldnt when Mr and Mrs byun (sorry dunnno their names) came home.

7) HY bribed RY with a luxurious handbag to keep her mouth shut. RY eventually spilled the beans to MY. My hit her for keeping a secret like that over a handbag. The sisters talked to JY about it in his room on the rooftop, not realizing their mom overheard as she was hanging the clothes to dry.

8) HY and her senior (JW?) went on a date. She asked him to send the pictures to her phone as she goes for a shower. He yawned tiredly and accidentally sent the pics to his mom instead.

9) both moms came to their children's apartment. Saw each other and HY in a bath robe. End of ep here.

10) Ry teaches couple's yoga and CS's twin dragged him to join the class. He asked if RY is CS's friend. He kept signalling to CS how interested he is in RY. He asked for Ry's number after class and she gave him, thinking it isnt wrong to give her friend's BF her number. But when he mentioned going on a date, RY decided to report to CS, and he was clueless when she mentioned his BF.

11) Mrs Byun asked JH to have kimbao at the restaurant. my was there helping her dad roll kimbap. JH looked awkward coz MY is there. Her dad fed all of them kimbap. jH even help to fold the boxes for the kimbap.



Number 10) will generate a lot of laugh in the next episodes. Looking forward to a date between RY and CS twin. Hope MY will continue to work with JH. I like that Mom and Dad are trying to integrate JH in the family even if their children are not happy with their new 'brother'. Hope HY and her boyfriend will resist both moms and get married and be happy. Maybe the truth about what happenned 8 years ago will go out.(The fact that JW's mom forced HY to break up with his son. )

Looking forward for tomorrow episode. 

Thanks for the recap. :)

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7 hours ago, mariposaazur said:

I love this drama because the secrets don't last forever! Hope some jealousy will push forward Rayoung and Cheol Soo relationship. :wub: I have to admit that I'm dissapointed about MY and LJ love development, but maybe after few episodes of living together their love will bloom also. Fighting!


@mariposaazurI can understand your disappointment because JH and MY  love story hasn’t develop yet, but we need to take in account that for now they are siblings and it would be strange to have a different feeling for his sister.  Unfortunately we have to wait a little more. 

I watched it without subs. :wink:

It was nice to see MY  smiling to JH when they were helping at the restaurant.  
The brother is acting like an idiot totally. The person that must have being helping at the restaurant was he and not MY. This guy need to stop being lazy.

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Ep.19 thoughts:

- I love how this show deals with conflicts and issues pretty quickly, instead of dragging it out for weeks.

- I love how in the preview Hye Young tries to talk back to her parents. That is so like her.

I'm glad they're dealing with this issue. I hope they bring up how his mom is the reason they broke up 8 years ago. I'm glad Jung-hwan will fight for this relationship. Predictable, but it's nice.

I hope people call the wicked mom out for her nasty behavior. Nothing feels good like watching bullies being called to answer for their misdeeds. Yoo Joo got a taste of hers, now it's time for Shrieky Landlady's turn.

Her husband is going to laugh in her face. He's so mean to her. Ha ha, OMG. Of course, someone else should tell him off for that behavior, too.

- OMG, poor dad. We knew there was something weird about his past that he had to use someone else's name, and now we know why. What a messed up, cruel thing he had to deal with. I was sad.

Also, it reminded me how much the setup is kind of like Mad Men (living with someone's identity after they were killed). Except the main guy is a much nicer person, and had much better reason to do it.

Al the turtle lives! Hurray!

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Hi dear all, :))

It is my first time commenting here. I am usually in another thread. But i reallyyyy Love this drama. :)) The cliffhangers are awesome!! This is not a typical Korean family drama. It also doesn't drag stuff, which I love so much. Jung hee and MY are great togther.  

I noticed in episode 19 that when Junghee ignored MY a couple times, MY kinda felt sad. 

I was also wondering why MY has decided to be nice with Junghee. She suddenly is changing her attitude. 

I have being feeling so bad for Junghee. The brother of the family doesn't treat him right. The rest of the siblings are also mean and ignore him. So I am really glad that MY is starting to be nice to him.

What I am looking forward to most is MY's parents figuring out that KYJ bullied MY. I kinda feel like she is not sincere and still hasn't reflected on her actions. 

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I too am loving the fast paced resolution of conflict in this drama. I think it might take a while for them to get married, seeing how against it both their mom's are, and his mom will probably insist they live with her for she can torture HY.

At first I was frustrated with how MY was treating JH, it was unlike her character. But, I see that it was a necessary thing if the writers are trying to build a "love" relationship for them. It was kind of like their first fight and make up scene. I think that MY might fall for JH first, and she might justify it as sibling love since she already has siblings. JH will develop feelings shortly after, mom/dad will notice their growing attachment and feel guilty about their lie and what it could mean.

I am also glad there was not a lot of focus on the younger sister story line. 

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I need to say something UUrrrgggg

How can be possible that the son, aside he is bringing his girlfriend to live with them he is asking for the best room at home. OMG I can’t believe it.  Mother agrees whatever the son wants. She never says not to him. Now HY will return home and they will have the three sister in the same room, what a mess. 

The son doesn’t has a formal job, he doesn’t help with the expenses at home, even  he doesn’t has enough money to buy a gift for his parents,  but he has insolence enough to be rude with JH. This guy needs a lesson and I think it will be his dear wife who gives him one.  yellow-onion-head-emoticon-28.gif?1301920890

I don’t know but I think MY is feeling uncomfortable with JH for another reason that she hasn’t realize yet. They seem a lover couple in conflict. 

HY and JW situation is getting more and more interesting. This will be a mothers war. Is understandable that HY mother is angry  and disapointed and went to find her daughter but JW mother…what is the strange about  your son has a girlfriend? What the hell? This woman likes controlling her family members life.

Father’s story is really sad. They had a great reason to do what they did. 

It was nice to see RY to give up to the branded bag and said what she knew about HY. 

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Watched the ep with subs.. Happy to know i wasnt far off with the recaps and preview that i watched raw hehe..

Thoughts on ep 20: 

1) Feeling bad for JH and tearing up over how the siblings were mean to him. Granted, they had their reasons but it wasnt like JH was being a diva celeb or anything. He was surprisingly normal and kind, and he took mean comments well. I cant wait for this nightmare to be over. Either the siblings learn the truth, or JH moves out again (unlikely) or they change their treatment of him.

2) Not a fan of MY right now but at least she seemed to have the guilty conscience over how she acted in regards to the whole JH issue. Maybe she will finally crack so that's why she will apologize to him. If she could accept YJ, then it makes no sense not to accept JH as what YJ did was thousands of times worse. 

3) Hope to see JW and HY get married soon. Not a fan of how these two are handling their situation. Did they not think of the consequences when they decided to shack up? Yes, they're adults but they shouldnt do something if they werent prepared for the consequences. Yes, i get that his mom caused them to break up, but if they really loved each other enough to defy their parents, then why not just get married? Make things legal so they'd be stronger as a couple. Pulling off something like this will only make the protest from both sides grow. I guess HY will move back in now (crowd control problem) and they will struggle to get their parents' blessings. Although, with HY's personality, i dunno if she'll take his mom's insults silently. Also, why is JW meeting JH anyway?

4) i thought RY's misunderstanding on CS being gay would clear up when his twin asked for her number. But now, we get another confusion between boy friend/boyfriend. Cant believe RY thought CS had tons of BF lol. CS clearly liked RY but at this point, he's still too timid. Will the prosoect of losing a girl he likes to his own twin change CS? 

5) At this point, some characters are underutilized with redundant storylines IMO. jw's dad and his diminished respect from his own wife who is the actual head of the house, grandma, mom's brother and his family, i will usually skip their scenes.. 


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8 hours ago, nika94 said:

Hi dear all, :))

It is my first time commenting here. I am usually in another thread. But i reallyyyy Love this drama. :)) The cliffhangers are awesome!! This is not a typical Korean family drama. It also doesn't drag stuff, which I love so much. Jung hee and MY are great togther.  

I noticed in episode 19 that when Junghee ignored MY a couple times, MY kinda felt sad. 

I was also wondering why MY has decided to be nice with Junghee. She suddenly is changing her attitude. 

I have being feeling so bad for Junghee. The brother of the family doesn't treat him right. The rest of the siblings are also mean and ignore him. So I am really glad that MY is starting to be nice to him.

What I am looking forward to most is MY's parents figuring out that KYJ bullied MY. I kinda feel like she is not sincere and still hasn't reflected on her actions. 


My thoughts as well... exactly.

I guess the reason why MY felt sad when JH ignored her is because she knows she hurt JH during their confrontation at the office.  If you noticed, after their heart to heart talk, she fell down on her knees feeling kinda guilty for what she said.  

MY basically is the most kind hearted among the four siblings. JH mentioned to her that he grew up without siblings and that's the reason why he decided to move in with the family in which she also agreed that can help him with his drama role.  KYJ also mentioned during her recent visit that it's okey with her living with them since she's been living alone for so long coz she has no parents and that she's envious of those with big family.  I noticed that kinda touched MY after hearing that.  That maybe also made MY come to realize what JH needs in life.  So in the preview we can see the change in her  towards JH.  I am expecting too that somehow she'll change her attitude in dealing with KYJ.

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Another good episode.

One question and a couple of comments.

1- What was JH wearing as trousers today?  It looked like a 1970s Christmas concept someone left behind.  I am sure it is fashionable and quite the rage, but I gave myself wrinkles trying to figure it out.

2- Well, today proves that YJ has a ways to go before understanding she can't take out her pain and any random person in proximity. The bully lives on.

3- RY's loveline hasn't caught my attention. I'm only interested in her when she is interacting with the family.  I understand the function/purpose of a character like RY in a drama, but it doesn't mean I have to like them. She is the pot-stirrer and her action drives the plot from time to time. But her snooping and invading people privacy makes my hair stand on end. I didn't mind her seeing her sister and Jung-Hwan at the supermarket and following them because that happened accidentally, but her snooping in her sister's phone was unacceptable. The behavior put me off the character.

4- HY is still my favorite. I love how she is fierce,  brilliant, vain and comic.  I totally gets why she doesn't want to marry anyone, particularly Jung-Hwan who comes with an overbearing mother as a liability.  I wonder when Oh Bok-Nyeo will recognize HY as the girl she tried to buy off.

5- I'm totally in MY's corner.  Right now she is burdened being the keeper of the awful secrets.  She knows information that will hurt other's if she shares it. Telling JY and YJ would create a mess. Also telling her father about JH bad-faith decision to move in with the family for "revenge" and to do better on the drama would hurt her father when MY thinks her father is genuine in wanting a relationship with JH. I think MY not telling her siblings about what she thinks JH's motives are is awfully generous on her part.  JH initial intention could result in his messing with her family member's emotion where they ever to bond to genuinely like him.

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6 hours ago, hushhh said:

5- I'm totally in MY's corner.  Right now she is burdened being the keeper of the awful secrets.  She knows information that will hurt other's if she shares it. Telling JY and YJ would create a mess. Also telling her father about JH bad-faith decision to move in with the family for "revenge" and to do better on the drama would hurt her father when MY thinks her father is genuine in wanting a relationship with JH. I think MY not telling her siblings about what she thinks JH's motives are is awfully generous on her part.  JH initial intention could result in his messing with her family member's emotion where they ever to bond to genuinely like him.

I don't totally agree with you in this point. JH reason to come to their family doesn't really look like 'the big' secrect between them. Also he denied the revenge thing, he said that he was saying that because he was drunk. I also think he said that back then to encourage her to get her revenge too, He was telling the truth because he didn't deny that he came to her house for his drama sake. JH didn't even ask her to not tell her family or was he shocked because she knows his 'secret'. We saw that after his fist shock gone when he entred their house he was happy with her being part of his new family. 

When they were talking in EP19 and asked her what she wants him to do to make her feel better, she didn't ask him to tell her family the truth or to apologize (like she did with YJ) or even to leave her house, she only asked to not be part of his team anymore, he was hurt but he did as she wanted. I don't think MY reason to treat JH that way is his reason to move to their house, she is smart enought and nice enought to know that he lacks affection and needs family love and has the right to live with his father, she is just confused and unconfortable around someone who used to be her celebrity boss then her half sibling who her father brought home and maybe other feelings that she didn't realize yet and they ll grow up later.

We can't comapre her relationship with JH with the one with YJ. In EP19 we noticed how MY felt guilty after hurting JH and as we saw in preview she is going to apologize in ep 20. 

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I felt so bad for JH when he got snubbed by the Joon Young when he offered to pitch in for the gifts. On the other hand they also feel he should not be part of it because he is not part of the family in their eyes. I can see it from both points of view but it nevertheless makes me sad to see him treated so poorly. He is actually surprisingly tolerant and nice and he really likes the mum and dad you can see it, how he melted when Mama Byun said she had some cabbage for Al Pacino,he practically beamed. Mama Byun has been very nice to him and I bet he felt she might be the harshest having to deal with her husband's child from a previous relationship. That kindness must really rock him to the core which is why he is willing to forgive much.

Mi Young is in a horrible place and I feel bad for her and I like how she fights back now even when YJ asked her if she had told JH about the bullying. Her character is so faceted on the one hand she is insecure,a bit clumsy at times (re the chair lol), kind and a sister both the older and younger siblings look to speak to. I bet she is the favourite sibling to her brother and sisters. She wanted to distance herself from JH but she also realised she hurt him and that is very much against her character and I am glad she is taking steps today to rectify that by apologizing.

Hye Young is wonderful as always she breaks so many Korean drama moulds by questioning her parents. Lee Yu Ri plays her to perfection the vanity,beauty,sassiness and class. I think she can handle Jung Hwan's mum and not be the usual Korean girlfriend who keeps trying to get the mother in law to be to like her by bending over backwards. Please writer don't change her character and make her weak I just love her.

The story of how Papa Byun had to take his dead friend's identity made me so angry at the injustice of it all and at the same time how easy it was to find him in that position and the adage " no good deed goes unpunished " comes to mind. Of course he went to him to help him because that is the type of person he is. He could have just stayed back and avoided it but then he would not be who we know he is, a wonderful person and character. I bet Mama Byun knew this after she got to know him and realised what an unfair and awful thing had been done to him. Anyone meeting him and getting to know him will believe him because his innate goodness just oozes out. Love the character.

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5 hours ago, hushhh said:

Another good episode.

One question and a couple of comments.

1- What was JH wearing as trousers today?  It looked like a 1970s Christmas concept someone left behind.  I am sure it is fashionable and quite the rage, but I gave myself wrinkles trying to figure it out.



@hushhh I read the same opinion in somewhere but do you mean the black shirt a plaid pants?  I hope I am not the only but I love it. I loved those pants.  My taste for clothes is not commun. yellow-hair-girl-emoticon-12.gif?1301940164


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