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[Drama 2017] While You Were Sleeping, 당신이 잠든 사이에


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11 minutes ago, nonski said:

JC on the sofa, sleeping and talking

dongsaeng is trying to wake him up but failed to

JSW tried to carry him bridal style but can't because of his weight

he wanted to piggy back him but still can't and decided to leave him alone

at the HJ bed, she woke up crying

JSW wentn out of his room again and saw JC still sleeping, around 3am

he was startled to see HJ at the screen and quickly called hyung who woke up quickly but startled

he opened the door and HJ entered as soon and passed by JC and hurriedly entering JC room rummaging his closet looking for a certain type of clothes

JC tried to stop her and questioned her

HJ started crying mumbling about what he saw on his dream



Hello noona! Maybe I can't continue to gif-recap. It lags a lot! 133.gif




















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All of them having breakfast at Eomma's house.

Seems like they have gotten wind of HJ's dream.

Even WT is looking at him.

JC received a phone call and walked to the living room.

Switched on the TV to watch the news broadcast of HK's case.

Seems like JC is  being criticised online due to his prosecution.

There is a strike outside the building and among the crowd, there was a fan who was dressed in black clothes and cap.


And yes, HK is dressed likewise.

Dead lady's parents are crying in the same room as YB.


Weird; there were three profiles with their eyes covered:

1. HK

2. Dead lady's father

3. Fan


HJ is arguing with her sunbae in office.

She walked away to call JC.

JC is trying to climb over a fence to get into the building.

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rag-tag family on the breakfast table and everyone is feeling down with most probably with the anticipation of JC's accident

HJ again tell about how it happened

it was only JC who is eating heartily and told all of them to eat

they watched the news and jSW showed him about the comments online, i think hate comments towards JC

archer's family crying

many people are holding placards outside of the prosecution building

one of them is the man on HJ's dream

HJ is quarrelling with her sunbae over the news on the archer's case

she called JC and he reassured her

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JC's sunbae lent him his specs and Now, trying to avoid the crowd.

One person recognised him and mistook JC's sunbae as JC

Hahahahaha :D

He was about to rescue his sunbae when Mr Choi came to rescue him.

The guy in black clothes and cap is monitoring JC all this while.

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6 minutes ago, nonski said:

in the morning JSW opened his door and saw them seated HJ leaning on JC, awake while JC had his eyes closed

she looked at him and spoke and JC talked to him with his eyes closed

HJ still cries and told JC that she likes her




















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JC's brother is being snubbed in class; gossiping about him in Kakao Talk.

A shot of his classmate was shown (another troublemaker?)


JC's sunbae had a hand imprint on his cheek.

His senior colleagues entered the lift, leaving him behind.

He managed to get Mr Choi and they are now walking together.

Bumped into that idiotic YB.

YB grabbed Mr Choi's arm and then, JC grabbed the other arm.

Tug of war until Mr Choi decided to go with YB for lunch.

JC's tummy growled.

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JC can't enter the premises because of the supporters and tried to find a way inside

Sunbae LJK came to him and then arranged to walk with him and to act as him

protesters all came to him, Det DD came and acted like him and shouted at the crowd and ran away

a bit later, LJK clothes were tattered because of the crowd who beat him up but he seems proud showing himself to his fellow prosecutors

they are about to eat and JC called them but they purposely left him behind

JC saw Det DD and came to him and invited him to have lunch with him

they were walking outside when YB came to them and JC and YB are trying to pull him to them

Det DD tried to break free from them and joined YB instead leaving JC with a grumbling stomach


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YB and Mr Choi are talking in the car.

WT is walking towards HK mom's restaurant.

Stopped in his track as he was reminded of his convo with HJ in the morning.
HK seemed mad while scrubbing the graffitti off the door.

WT assisted him, and listened to HK's incessant rants.

HJ was waiting for JC outside his house.
She was hopping mad that JC is dressed in his office clothes.
She scolded him and told him to change his clothes straightaway.

SW followed his hyung into the house.

JC is dressed in snood sweater and wore specs.
HJ dragged him and while waiting for the bus, she noticed some workers hanging the colourful lanterns on the opposite street.
Just like in her dream.

JC was skipping happily to the building.
JC's sunbae was also disguised in hiking clothes but the group recognised him.
The fan was looking at JC all the while.

Archer's housekeeper came to the building, to look for JC.

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Det DD rode on YB's car and they talked and it seems YB is asking something from him


JSW classmates are talking about the prosec on the archers's murder

he went inside the room and noticed everyone messaging one another and checked his KaTalk but there was no message on his phone and called their attention cuz he knew they were talking about his brother


WT friend on a bus stop and students noticed him and are talking behind his back and he hurriedly walks away


WT walking and saw his friend cleaning the graffiti on his moms' store and he came to him remembering HJ's description of the one who will stab JC then he studied his friend's reaction

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JC is now with the archer's housekeeper; giving her side of the story.
Mr Choi is listening in the background.

"Wait a minute... a robo vacuum?"

And HJ was showing the picture to her sunbae; the blood imprints with a dog on the robo vacuum.
She then showed him the video of the murder scene.
He went, "Oh... oh..."

JC is asking about the robo vacuum.
The possibility of how the archer actually fainted, the robo vacuum making those blood imprints, feel to the ground.

JC and Mr Choi are now at the archer's building and asking the security guard some questions.

Apparently, the trash has been removed and now at the trash field.
Both JC and Mr Choi are there to look for the robo vacuum.

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While searching for the trash, he heard voices. He went to search for the voices.
He saw HJ, WT and his sunbae digging the trash.
She too was looking for the robo vacuum.
They were all dressed in their ahjumma pants and gloves going through the trash.
JC hugged HJ and thanked her.
Even WT's sunbae went over to hug him.
And suddenly, HJ's sunbae appeared at the top of the trash and got three robo vacuums.

HJ went, "Sunbae..."

Mr Choi said "Good Job!" and thanked him.

WT and his sunbae soon left now that they have found the evidence.

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HJ waiting outside of their gate and waited until JC and JSW came out of the house and shouted at JC for wearing a his suit and tie.  He went inside and HJ looked at JSW who also went inside

JC came out wearing a sweater.  they sat together at the bus stop and talked about what she saw in her dreams

JC arrived at the office premises, smiling with his disguise

LJK arrived and he was again harassed by the crowd and got beaten up again.


at the office, secretaries walking together when they saw JC and was surprised with his outfit and bid them goodbye to change and his sec ogles on him.  archer's helper came and asked for JC and his sec ushered him to their office

JC interviewed the helper and then the robot topic came up

Det DD and JC came to the archer's home and is talking to the security guard the went to the junkyard and saw the mountain of junk but JC continued on to check and noticed a familiar voice and went to find it and saw HJ and WT with their team rummaging the junk, HJ keep talking and JC hugged him, HJ sunbae showed up on top of the junk carrying a number of robots and Det DD shakes hand with them

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