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15 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

No, it is not! I compared it. Mozart's Requiem is much quicker based on the tempo!

It is an hour long program with 14 different segments. He was listening to it in an earlier episode too.

I can't remember but according to my YouTube research it could be Verdi's. But that's pretty quick too.

I'll definitely have to watch the whole episode again.

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@bebebisous33 Regarding DS being the mole (assuming that he is), and his connection to MTG. DS mentioned to JH that his father is in a nursing home. I wonder whether this has some significance?! For me at least I became even more suspicious at the tone with which DS talks to himself, when he gets into the vehicle after KGJ tells him that JH has gone to meeet NST at the resort. He said something to the effect of, why did JH decide to meet NST, when till now he had not trusted him. The way he talked seemed less from concern, and more like scorn.

Regarding Chairman Mo, one of the interpretations of the "Erlkonig" that I read suggested that the father in the poem had also been affected by the "Erlkonig" himself, hence his inability to "protect" his son. Yes Chairman Mo, protects MTG from the authorities but he does not appear to have sought professional help for his son.

Also I am not sure if the quetion regarding the composer was addresses to me? :lol: If It was just something I got of the net "Dies Irae is part of the requiem mass. When a composer writes a requiem mass for the catholic church one of the texts they set is the Dies Irae. So any composer that writes a requiem will compse a Dies Irae as part of that mass.The most familiar melody that goes with the text is by Thomas of Celano. Many composers would quote or develop Celano's melody in their own Dies Irae setting. " Also "Verdi and W.A. Mozart wrote Requiems, and "Dies Irae" is in the Requiem. So both composers wrote one."

@titania1000 atleast we now know that MTG is the CEO and his father is the Chairman. I also agree that he seems to have a sexual attaction towards KJG. Aside from her not being fearful, different from his other victims and having a level of understanding that no one else seems to have, if we see him as "Erlkonig", she was part of his act of death while he was killing her father. I doubt he sees her as a partner, and we know he intends to kill her, but he seems to have been infatuated with her from that time onwards.:unsure:

Atleast we now know the mystery of the jaw-clicking and where it came from, such cruelty!!!

I am really so glad that we have such a head strong female character! I hope that after all the KJG has done to prove his wife's inncocence that JH will completely trust her.

@40somethingahjumma It did not occur to the me that the talk DS had with his "father" was actually something else :blink: and as usual your comparisons are awesome :D



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47 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

It is an hour long program with 14 different segments. He was listening to it in an earlier episode too.

I can't remember but according to my YouTube research it could be Verdi's. But that's pretty quick too.

I'll definitely have to watch the whole episode again.

No, it is much slower in the drama.

@lexicon I like your interpretation of the Erlkönig. Chairman Mo is the father trying to protect his son from the authorities but also from his delusion by running away from the problems. He is the father riding with his son on his horse. Then the Erlking could be viewed as the personification of his mental illness.  However, the father on the horse keeps denying the existence of the Erlking which could be understood as if chairman Mo is denying MTG's craziness. Being on the horse is like running away. Chairman Mo knew that something was wrong but thought, by scolding MTG and giving him a big brother, this would solve the problem. For me, the father's behaviour contributed to create such a monster. Chairman Mo is treating people under him like trash or dog as well.

I agree with you that DS' comment in the car was really suspicious.The trust issues is important... DS spent so many years and could earn his trust. But for that, he had to work hard. On the other hand, NST had told him that he had killed his wife and he was supposed to be the killer of Mdm JAng and the old ahjumma. Despite all this, MJH decided to trust him.

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Logged in after a million year to support the return of Kim Jae Wook in dramaland (despite as psychopathic killer but wtv).

Though I have learned my lesson very early with the drama that I shouldn't ask technical questions but I have been nitpicking on this one (weell may be several) issue in ep 13:

1. Assuming everybody get to know that Sang Tae's location at about same time, how did MTG arrived there heaps earlier to have a chat, kill him, hang the body on the tree (that he either had a crane or he's body guard is Do Bong Soon) and set up the room? They were all in Seoul at that moment so he can either fly without getting on radar or has a time-turner.

2. How did MTG managed to drive from crime scene to his apartment without washing his bloody hands?!

I don't mind all the close ups of KJW and he's like infinitely pristine and flawless in all that but the camera director zoomed in so much in some recent ones, we get to know that he actually have pores!!! God have mercy!

Also MTG X KGJ ship all the way :wink:

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56 minutes ago, lexicon said:


@40somethingahjumma It did not occur to the me that the talk DS had with his "father" was actually something else :blink: and as usual your comparisons are awesome :D

Thank you. :)

I don't really know it for certain that he was pretending to be talking to someone else but he did speak in that unnaturally high pitched voice which came across as if he was putting on a bit of an act. It may be nothing... and I have watched too many crime shows obviously... but something felt off. He may have other secrets such as he might be secretly dating a man that he's trying to hide. I am trying to reconcile all that with his devotion to JH. I would hate to think that the display of devotion is all part of the act. The police force is already depressingly unreliable, incompetent and corrupt. To discover that your closest colleague has been spying on you is just too heartbreaking for words.

We can't be sure if Dae Shik is a mole for the Mos. I never really considered him a serious contender until this episode. This is exactly how I felt about Lee Jung Moon from Bad Guys the entire time. I was never sure if he was guilty the entire time. 

On another note, I have been wondering what happened to NST as he got older. He was such a good-looking young man. Sorry for sounding so shallow but I am wondering if MTG did do horrible things to his face. After all they gave the ajumma a face transplant. I've always felt that NST aged prematurely to me.

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@bebebisous33 Thank you for expressing that interpretation nicely in words!  :D

@nrlfan4ever I guess we will find out sooner or later what, if any, the relationship between DS and MTG.

@shaz22 LOL at the pores, but the he is still ridiculously handsome :lol: Regarding the washing of hands, if I am not mistaken there was a scene (can't remember the exact sequence) where they show MTG washing his hands. Regarding MTG reaching the location first, maybe his home is just nearer to every crime scene :lol: 

@40somethingahjumma It is interesting to hear everyone's interpretations! I, for one, have always been suspicious of DS, so I tend to watch DS with more of a critical eye. However, this could be the writer's grand plan to give us a twist at the end and we could have been misled all along. Regarding NST, he was their "dog", so I can only imagine what he must have gone through :wacko: and he looks so much more older as well (I remember in one of the episodes it was mentioned that he was in his 40s, but he looks even older than that, at least to me).



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57 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Thank you. :)

I don't really know it for certain that he was pretending to be talking to someone else but he did speak in that unnaturally high pitched voice which came across as if he was putting on a bit of an act. It may be nothing... and I have watched too many crime shows obviously... but something felt off. He may have other secrets such as he might be secretly dating a man that he's trying to hide. I am trying to reconcile all that with his devotion to JH. I would hate to think that the display of devotion is all part of the act. The police force is already depressingly unreliable, incompetent and corrupt. To discover that your closest colleague has been spying on you is just too heartbreaking for words.

We can't be sure if Dae Shik is a mole for the Mos. I never really considered him a serious contender until this episode. This is exactly how I felt about Lee Jung Moon from Bad Guys the entire time. I was never sure if he was guilty the entire time. 

On another note, I have been wondering what happened to NST as he got older. He was such a good-looking young man. Sorry for sounding so shallow but I am wondering if MTG did do horrible things to his face. After all they gave the ajumma a face transplant. I've always felt that NST aged prematurely to me.

Interesting... I was always so convinced that LJM was innocent because the more they kept pointing at him, the more it felt like he was a scapegoat. However, when people kept mentioning from the start that DS was the killer, I never bought it. Yet, I must confess that I had a weird feeling about him, when he accompagnied JH to HJH's body. I agree with you that the phone conversation sounded weird. Like you observed, his voice was much higher. You could sense that the conversation didn't feel natural. I am really torn apart. I don't wish that DS is the betrayer and there is still some hope in my opinion.

Like someone mentioned it before, the timing is off. MTG arrived before MJH. When MTG received the call, he knew the exact location (the appartment). Notice that before MTG received the call, we have a scene where PSE asks why they need to track down the location of MJH's cellphone. Just after that, the director shows us MTG receiving the information. Hence, I do think that PSE could be the mole too. Why show us a scene like that? Just like OHH... PSE and OHH got involved in cases (victim or relative of a victim). Due to that, people exclude them as possible perpetrators. However, PSE's behaviour could definitely fit as betrayer. First, she gives the impression that she doesn't want to be part of the Golden Time Team so that she can not be perceived as a thread and mole. On the other hand, the fact that she was related to a person saved by the team gives her the excuse to join the team. Striking is that HI knew the identity of the serial killer and got killed. PSE knew HI from her childhood. When HI got killed, Jang played a part in it... but he was not alone. 

@lexicon Thanks for the compliment. :)I only explained much more in details your interpretation. 

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@lexicon Yeah there is one and that's why I asked, it was in his home. Did he not have to drive from the resort back to his place or he had a driver? It's still difficult to assume him being suave in the car with all those blood and stuff but than again he killed and mummified Madam Jang in a milisecond so......Everything is possible as long as he stays handsome :)

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2 minutes ago, shaz22 said:

@lexicon Yeah there is one and that's why I asked, it was in his home. Did he not have to drive from the resort back to his place or he had a driver? It's still difficult to assume him being suave in the car with all those blood and stuff but than again he killed and mummified Madam Jang in a milisecond so......Everything is possible as long as he stays handsome :)

No, he has no driver! But you're right. Since he needed to leave no clue behind, the bloody hands are somehow a loop hole. Maybe we can explain it that even if his hands were bloody, he used gloves later. We saw that the rope was so clean. As explanation, he needs to feel the blood in order to feel satisfied with the killing. Notice that he used no gloves when he killed HJH too. However, he left no fingerprint. That's why I believe that he must have some gloves. 

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Every time i begin an episode of Voice, I would be wondering who would be MTG's next victim. I thought his father could possibly be one of them...or  the mole in the police station or Chief Jang.  MTG's macabre sadism reminds me of Hannibal Hector (Silence of the Lamb). Besides those similar gory scenes, Hannibal Hector was also interested in Agent Starling in a bizarre manner.....and yes, he makes Mozart's Requiem spooky.

@triplem i skipped the first lap but the pace is still too fast. I am forgetting what happened in the last 10 episodes.

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

Like someone mentioned it before, the timing is off. MTG arrived before MJH. When MTG received the call, he knew the exact location (the appartment). Notice that before MTG received the call, we have a scene where PSE asks why they need to track down the location of MJH's cellphone. Just after that, the director shows us MTG receiving the information. Hence, I do think that PSE could be the mole too. Why show us a scene like that? Just like OHH... PSE and OHH got involved in cases (victim or relative of a victim). Due to that, people exclude them as possible perpetrators. However, PSE's behaviour could definitely fit as betrayer. First, she gives the impression that she doesn't want to be part of the Golden Time Team so that she can not be perceived as a thread and mole. On the other hand, the fact that she was related to a person saved by the team gives her the excuse to join the team. Striking is that HI knew the identity of the serial killer and got killed. PSE knew HI from her childhood. When HI got killed, Jang played a part in it... but he was not alone. 

Wait im bit lost.. LOL

Who is PSE? You mean Park Eun Soo right?? then it should be PES :sweat_smile:

Well i guess your thoughts bout PES would become a betrayer might happen as well :rolleyes:

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omg...dont tell me Dae Shik is the spy?!! r u serious'!!!! i'd be so mad and disappointed. For sure his dad must have some connection with TaeGu's company...


How else did TaeGu know to come to the villa at the same time when Sang Tae was there? only the girl (forgot her name lol) and Daeshik knows...


and it doesnt make sense they're rulling out his cause of death as suicide!!! anyone can tell it looks like murder!! wth smh


also altho Sang Tae is a murderer & gangster i feel kinda bad on how he died...his brother who he treated  as his own and have lived with since young murdered him just like that, how evil is that. he must have felt so betrayed.

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Dear @bebebisous33 and @40somethingahjumma,

I once thought I could fall head over heels for classical music, but I realised long before I just could not, despite the ever growing rose garden I have in my heart. :)

However, I did my search on youtube and the closest I found is again, as indicated by @40somethingahjumma, the one by Mozart entitled Sequentia (Dies Irae) Requiem. It is quite a longer rendition and a Requiem Mass in D minor. It is divided into 14 parts. The part used in Voice I believe starts around 7.19 till ends. It is entitled Lacrimosa dies illa (the 7th part of the requiem onwards). The uploader is Aleksandar Rankovic. I compared with the one in the scene and to my ears it matches till the end of that scene in the bathtub. The music is a bit haunting, at least for my ears. Cheers! 

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i did like this drama from ep 1 but I soon started loosing intrest midway but then came Kim Jae Wook as psycotic killer and I got my interest back .

I liked Kim Jae wook in Coffe prince even though his role was too short in it and here too he has guest appearence but I look forward to see him. They discribed his looks quit well as a CEO son ' He is handsome and good looking ' , and I was like yes he is :heart:

But then that does not excuse him of his sickness . he deserves to be locked in asylum , keeping him in normal jail will be dangerous for other prisoners !!!

Just wanna see how he gets caught and finally set behind the bars and his fathers powers be crumbled ,the man who has been protecting his psyco killer son for so long and wait will his father will ever be put behind the bars ?? Coz he himself has accepted that he has been a cruel killer lifelong and his son has taken on him !!


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As much as I hate to say this, it seems DS has succumbed to the devil's offer. 

Spoiler alert:


From my little korean understanding I believe his father wants to meet JH because when his wife died he didn't manage to convey his condolence. When he said that perhaps he should give JH a call n that DS reacted strongly against it. I think his father think JH is the one that helped with getting into that facility thus the gratitude. Perhaps the truth is DS received it from someone else but covering it using JH, hence the guilt for JH over it and the promised he made to JH. Not sure if this is a similar blackmail situation as Chief Jang.


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