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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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I have some questions. When HG pricked CP with the needle, she meant to poison him and thus disable him from holding her quiet, right? Why isn't she surprised that nothing happened to him then? If indeed the needle is poisonous, when she pricked herself in same spot as well, she was fine too, does it mean she also has immunity against poisons?

And another one, will DM have known that CP developed immunity because of the antidote he gave? If not, then he is quite lacking in his "product knowledge", lol. Unless CP has a special gift from the heavens to develop the so-called immunity.

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1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

Whoahh... this drama is daebakk, this is the right saeguk that I'm longing for all this time, it brings me the old vibes of TMTETS, QSD, MDBC, ML, they're blending into one.

I love the intriguing storyline and its fast faced. I hope they managed this well through the end. Is this a fully pre-produced? Feel so amazed with its cinematography. It's like watching a blockbuster saeguk movie.

I know saeguk always has same pattern in plots, like fighting over the throne, tragic fate, political intrigue, betrayal and so and so. But somehow even they do the same repertoire, Ruler makes it like it's refreshing and interesting.

from the acting field, no need to say more, both KSH and YSH are the best of the best for this kind of role. Glad to see these two talented young  sters perform their characters so well. Sound so biased huh? But, honestly, I'm stating the fact here. hoho .

"Are you betrhothed to anyone yet?" is one of my most fave line. :D

I know one tragic thing has happened and soon another typhoon will come. I'm so ready... bring it on! Eventhough, maybe I might curse or whine for that later... lol

 Yes daebak!!! the kind of historical drama I like! Dark, gritty, historical, revenge. Fighting for what is just and right! I thought of Chuno! In my kdrama viewing history I've only seen 2 period drama.. Chuno and Gaksital. I'm so happy I'm following this!  I should check TWDT huh?

After watching 3-4 I love cute interaction of  CP (aka Chun Soo) LS, GEU.  The three youngsters as friends ( and possibly rivals). What I like about this is writer knows when to put light cute moments and when to  go full drama  on scenes! Well written drama as well!

Wonderful superb acting for YSH! KSH and L. After four episodes, omg, we'll see even more superb acting turn into brilliant and impressive for these young actors!

I don't know  the actor who plays the Chun woo? the friend of CP, the one with the long hair. I like him!

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@stargazer187 OMG I found it!  Shin Hyun Soo as Chung Woon :tongue: 


I'm crushing on him! and he appeared in Age of Youth and... and and.... REMEMBER with YSH well! he's got that acting chops too! I like!  He's tall, looks good, deep voice.. I can definitely see..  more drama  perhpas 2nd/ lead role.. in the future

BTW I just want to ask.. who's older L or YSH? cos it looks like  L has more mature face. YSH looks boyish. But yeah, at 23 best young actor of his age group!

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1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

I have some questions. When HG pricked CP with the needle, she meant to poison him and thus disable him from holding her quiet, right? Why isn't she surprised that nothing happened to him then? If indeed the needle is poisonous, when she pricked herself in same spot as well, she was fine too, does it mean she also has immunity against poisons?

And another one, will DM have known that CP developed immunity because of the antidote he gave? If not, then he is quite lacking in his "product knowledge", lol. Unless CP has a special gift from the heavens to develop the so-called immunity.


I think for now she's too infatuated with him to put things together. But, over time it will probably come back to her and she will realize he does have immunity. As much as everyone is "hating" the second female lead which is the norm in drama land. I do think she might prove to be an especially interesting character. She know's the shady work or grandfather does, and she has essentially fallen for their enemy, and according to the synopsis she betrays her grandfather to protect the prince. I look forward to seeing how she manages it all. And If LS takes the place of the CP she will know its not the CP so there won't be a marriage for her with the wrong Prince. I can see her ultimately black mailing the CP to get her way.

Oh I can't wait, :D

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For the GH character. I bet she's going to plan something evil to get CP aka Lee Sun /Chun Soo. My bet, is she's going to use peasant Lee Sun or Chung Woo and knowing  the good heart of the CP, he'll succumb.. but that's probably  latter part of the drama.

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@ObsessiveCompulsive yeah..I agree..even the 2nd female lead really p*** me off..I think her character interesting. Ga Eun still maintain her ladylike demenur and good heart. This type of character can be boring over time if it not add with more color. But from the description of KSH character..she is tough lady that are very strong in fighting the injustice. So I cant wait for her to kick some richard simmons later.

* I hope this drama not some kind of male centric. I hope it will balanced up between male and female act.

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6 hours ago, lclarakl said:

I haven't watched episode 4 yet, but I wonder if Lee Sun the commoner is going to turn out to be the King's son that was killed to make way for Crown Prince Lee Sun's father?  Why do the water leader want Lee Sun the commoner killed? What's the connection? Commoner lee son has a photogenic memory, can't wait to see how it's used in this drama. I hope the two Lee Suns become deep friends to conquer the water proble

I dun think he's the previous king's son, because if I'm not mistaken it was after 10 years the present king took over when his son Lee Sun was born.  Remember his queen wasn't able to give birth to a son,  which was most probably why he took a concubine, CP Lee Sun's mother & give birth to him after 10 years of his father's ruling. 

I believe the commoner Lee Sun is truly a commoner unless the present king has affair with another woman outside the palace around the same time his concubine conceived the CP but nobody know of his existence except may be WB.  I don't think any baby swap because the king was protective of his son since he was born, also he has mark on his shoulder since after the poison bath, so no chance of baby swapping.

From what I see commoner LS wud swap place with   royal LS by chance,  and because of his intelligence he got away fooling Pyunsoo Hwee and perhaps even confusing GH. The problem is if commoner LS becomes greedy & wants to be CP for real & eventually the king.  Also I hope he will be smart enuf  to avoid pyunsoo hwee tricks into making him their puppet. I hope he stays loyal to CP & together they win their war against the corrupt system. 

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  • Guest changed the title to [Current Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인 - Wednesdays and Thursdays @ 22:00 KST
19 minutes ago, lxands said:

From what I see commoner LS wud swap place with   royal LS by chance,


My thoughts exactly. Actually during episode 3 I was thinking of that. Commoner LS e might exchange places with CP  LS. ..esp since he's smart. Remember CP gave the medallion  and told commoner LS to keep it. He'll only accept it back once he's able to punish the men behind    death of his father.

What do you guys think, chingus?  I still feel GH will do something nasty and use commoner LS.. which will make him hate CP.



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3 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I have some questions. When HG pricked CP with the needle, she meant to poison him and thus disable him from holding her quiet, right? Why isn't she surprised that nothing happened to him then? If indeed the needle is poisonous, when she pricked herself in same spot as well, she was fine too, does it mean she also has immunity against poisons?

And another one, will DM have known that CP developed immunity because of the antidote he gave? If not, then he is quite lacking in his "product knowledge", lol. Unless CP has a special gift from the heavens to develop the so-called immunity..

 I think her needle wasn't poison, remember she prick herself with the same needle at home to see if it has the same mark as the man wearing the mask. 

I think she's a smart girl. Despite the rumors of him being facial disfigured, she was curious abt him especially when the queen suggested that she'll be one of the bride candidate. She was fully aware where she was, and meeting him closely she took advantage of 'marking' him.Thus using the needle on CP wasn't to poison him but to mark him. That way she can be sure if he is the CP. She has fallen in love with CP but I'm sure she's gonna brew some troubles now that she realized  CP has his heart elsewhere.

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So Chun Soo is the Crown Prince all along! I remember in an interview with Kim So Hyun, she mentioned Chun Soo as her first love. I feel like I've been fooled by her lol. I was expecting a whole different person! Who knew it was the one and only Crown Prince. I love their few moments together and enjoying the drama as well.

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sorry for the late reply @cynkdf i hope I got your question right and my reply would be helpful.  also thanks for asking this, I will edit my post on my blog and add this.  I will find time to create a new post on what to do when you forgot your password/username.


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Finally I finished all 4 episodes which I waited for after about over half a year. I was happy to find out the the ratings was great for first 4 ep but I hope the story will be even more interesting and intriguing next week to see even better ratings and get a stable base of viewers. 

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10 minutes ago, nonski said:

sorry for the late reply @cynkdf i hope I got your question right and my reply would be helpful.  also thanks for asking this, I will edit my post on my blog and add this.  I will find time to create a new post on what to do when you forgot your password/username


@nonski It works - thank you so very much!! 

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Okay so I just finished watching the first two/four episodes and I love it. The whole poison thing aside, after Mirror of the Witch, this was another visually stunning saguek with solid pace for me. I look forward to watching more. Except for Dae Mok's granddaughter, I sort of like everyone. And Kim So Hyun and Yoo Seung Ho are pure love!

You know what, the other day a professor in our class was discussing how right now, major conflict zones are centered more or less around regions rich in energy resources/ fossil fuel of any form but the next big fight will be centered around clean source of water. Then came the drama. I must say I think they can do great things here, I hope they can keep it up.

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I'm so sad when there is so much negativity against HG. Like sure, she's mean, manipulative, downright using people to get to her goals, but I feel like she could have so much potential later on in the story! I think that the face she made when she realized that the CP is with someone else is not necessarily a vicious one (I don't remember but my memory is bad). And she still expressed concern for him when she was summoned by Dak Mok. So no, I don't think she will cause him trouble and be the psycho that ruins his life and try to kill him because she can't get him or something like that.

1 hour ago, lxands said:

Despite the rumors of him being facial disfigured, she was curious abt him especially when the queen suggested that she'll be one of the bride candidate. She was fully aware where she was, and meeting him closely she took advantage of 'marking' him.Thus using the needle on CP wasn't to poison him but to mark him. That way she can be sure if he is the CP. She has fallen in love with CP but I'm sure she's gonna brew some troubles now that she realized  CP has his heart elsewhere.


Personally I don't think that she did it with an intention of marking him so she knows for sure if he is the CP. I think in that moment her *logical* decision is to prick him so he could let go of her (she obviously didn't know she could be killed if she was found). She then pricked herself later as a way to match with him, and honestly it's creepy but judging on how she was brought up I will be understanding of that behavior. 

I'm not saying she is not evil; right now she is evil, but she is also an interesting one that can have a lottt of character development. I remember reading one of the posters and it said that she would betray her family and stuff for "love" so hopefully she would be redeemed? 

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I know that maybe this has nothing to do with the thread theme, but has anyone notice that Kim So Hyun thread since 2012 has been deleted?

I asked the creator since 2015 to pass me the admins rights, but she never answered my private messages. She was idle since then.

What we need to do?


Is it just me who can't see it, or you, too?

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Yeah, that's the one!

This is very odd. I have been using the link I provided since 2012, and I just woke up and "This page does not exist" appear every time I try to enter.

And then I also search for it and "there are not results" etc.


Thanks, @Berou !!!! I owe you this one.

I compare the urls and someone change it but adding an "-" before "kim".

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