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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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1 hour ago, tsukimori said:

i read your summary of the wedding scene, who's RongEr?? who's baby is that... wasn't CQ pregnant at that time?


RongEr is Prince Liiang's son whom CQ got 'custody' of after he was klled by his mother.  CQ will not conceive her first child until another battle soon after she returns with YWY to Wei, as well as post consummation of their relationship.

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4 hours ago, dashmount20 said:


68 is not enough..

must at least 10ep...

Xiao Ce death - xiao ce kids ?

the jade ring man (I believe he is the leader of After life Camp).

the mustache man (double face, one side at Yan Bei and the other side at Yuan chen)..

Lan concubine? finish that is? no more story from her? after sending the killer? she is not in revenge mode? did she know that  "after life camp" murder failed to kill CQ?

Liang Princess?

I thought someone post He Xiao future wife? where is his wife?

CE ? where did YX send her?

YS ? married to MF?

I thought YQ married? how???

Mo Er? what happen to him? he has unsettle business.. he has not call "Niang Ci" to CQ...

wahhhhh... so many unfinish business here.... I need the answer for above ....

please make it sunk..

sunk like YWY...

make our life miserable... damnnn...


Yah i know 1 ep is not enough to explain all, but at least make ywy saved by xe/cq.... Really cant believe this was like a hundred years reputation gone in one day... Really sad n dissapoint when I rewatch ywy n xe/cq, they dont know their ending will that suck. 

Btw i think i missed the scene where yx fighting with ywy on bed, i saw the bts but cant remember which ep, can some enlighten me plz, thx.

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1 hour ago, Melda Hung said:


its  better i read the novel now make me imagine YWY again hahaha .yeah if both of them r returning for PA 2 i will watch it again but if it doesnt them who play the role then sorry i dont want to watch season 2

I would love to read the story but there really isn't one for English ... they have discontinued it from what I heard..

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19 minutes ago, epinklyn said:


Yah i know 1 ep is not enough to explain all, but at least make ywy saved by xe/cq.... Really cant believe this was like a hundred years reputation gone in one day... Really sad n dissapoint when I rewatch ywy n xe/cq, they dont know their ending will that suck. 

Btw i think i missed the scene where yx fighting with ywy on bed, i saw the bts but cant remember which ep, can some enlighten me plz, thx.

Episode 6

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Well, that was an ending we didn't see coming since we've pretty much anticipated something close to the happy ending we all knew  happened in the novel. I'm not really sure what the writers and the director were going for with that ending unless PA2 has already been filmed or a sequel is already in schedule.If nothing was planned ahead for a sequel, why give an incomplete ending to the story? Was it that difficult to follow the novel's ending ?  It's even more than a cliffhanger since there are still unfinished side stories. There's still the ongoing war, YX's fate after losing CQ, the different spy org., Greenhills Court/ Grandpa, YWY's mom, Mo'er/kids, CQ getting her super power back, etc. So many questions left unanswered.

The only consolation for me watching the scenes leading to the end was the outstanding performances by LGX and ZLY. It was beautifully acted. They were mesmerizing, haunting and in such perfect harmony. Kudos to these two great talents and I really hope we get to see them again in another project together. 



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2 hours ago, Bambiina said:

How many people stayed on because of LGX and ZLY? I stayed because I love YWY character and the chemistry between LGX and ZLY .. and in the middle of the story I stayed on because of YWY and LGX. I hate CQ and I hate the almost non-existent interaction between YWY and ZLY – after CQ decided to leave green hill … it was doomed for me but I was stubborn I stayed on. The plot is intriguing though the execution (at time) just not up to my standard.

I was blinded by the chemistry by YWY cool demeanour I stayed on even though at time I felt like killing CQ. I stayed hoping I could see the interaction between them like in the first 20 eps. After eps 20 it went downhill (for me) .. I waited every week hoping the story would pick up again (YWY-XE arc) – ahhh .. no – not this week may be next week – noo nothing happen … same thing again and again happen – I never give up hope … until these last few weeks I knew I can never see them again like in the first 20 ep – so I prayed for at least a decent ending. AT LEAST .. They owe that to us – a decent ending was all I ask – I don’t really expect unicorns farting rainbow kinda ending I know it’s too far fetch but I didn’t expect this crap!!!  

It’s different with Kdrama because I will only lose some serious sleep 2-3 times a week (because on 2 ep each week and it get subbed so fast) for Cdrama it’s like EVERYDAY I am losing sleep .. I look like a zombie for the past 2 months … It’s so difficult to keep up. I watched raw .. and sort through the crazy eps labelling between kissasian, dramacool, dailymotion and youtube ..  kissasian – it was 57 ep, dailymotion-  I can’t figure out until today ? The ep labelling are crazy – youtube – it was 67 …

I felt cheated. I am left with this hollow feeling … dayemmmmmmmmm … seriously I slept average of 3-4 hours only for the past 2 months … And what did I get for all my lack of sleep?



I understand where your coming from very same thing from what your doing and average of sleep because of this drama...outside this forum no one will understand this madness...its just "us" aside from last night its also hard to withdraw in this community...



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1 hour ago, zhoulina0529 said:

ZLY love Chu Qiao so much, she will finish the story, i trust her


Oh! I trust her to be Chu Qiao and finish the journey of Princess Agents. 

1 hour ago, litia said:

Can someone confirm that LGX did say that he will not return for season 2 if ZLY will not reprise her role? Or can someone post a link to that interview?


I've been hearing that, too, but I'm not sure. I hope if it's true that LGX stays true to his words, because there's no point of him being YWY if he doesn't get the same XE. Because didn't he accept this role in the first place because ZLY was being casted to play CQ/XE?

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4 hours ago, The_Joker said:

@ces8yes, I'm all for capitalism but it needs to be balanced with new economy. 

There are ways to generate incomes especially after all the hard work from all involved, and fair is fair.  

Well, I'm all for free market capitalism too :wink: but antagonizing one's loyal fan base ie. core consumers isn't capitalism, it's stupidity. How does one make money by angering one's customers? What they did here by baiting and switching was absolutely bad business practice on so many levels. No planning, no thinking through, no means of getting a commitment from actors to reprise their roles. These people can't run a fundraiser much less a business.

I object to being treated like sheep. If i hadn't gotten that feeling of hope from the finale, I might have taken the first flight out to China and vandalized Hunan's HQ. :tongue: But honestly I can't be bothered now even to write rude letters especially when they didn't even make much of effort in the last couple of weeks in giving us consistently decent television. What sort of guarantee, even with the cast intact, do we have, that they won't butcher the second series as well? All the goodwill that the fans had for the show has been spent.


I suppose I should blame YWY for making me put up with so much these last couple of weeks. :wink: If it weren't for him, I don't know if I would have persevered for as long as I have. Speaking of being CQ's rock, I think he was mine too. A voice of sanity and reason in the PA wilderness for the longest time but it's now fantastic to see Yuan Song taking that baton and running with it.

With all due respect to all of us who hold different views on such things, I really don't see how CQ loved YX in any comparable way. If someone tells me that she loved him with a fraternal love or as a comrade-in-arms... okay, I'd concede that. While they were both in prison I thought perhaps she could have loved him but 3 years later, nothing really progressed beyond camaraderie. I don't have any issues with a woman being in love with two men even at the same time because life can be complicated. However, I am always struck by that scene in which she returns from being at QSY all day pretending to be YWY's maid one last time. How glibly, almost guiltily she reported what had happened to YX that day and then brushed him off as she quickly slipped into her room lying on her bed thinking about what YQ said about YWY faking her death, rushing over to save her only to be waylaid by assassins. Despite what she said about not wanting to keep things from him, she was... probably the most important piece of information. It always seemed to me that there was something that kept CQ and YX from going to the next level.

CQ herself might not have known whether it was love with YX... and that's fine because in the final analysis, love didn't really define the terms of their relationship. What really defined that dynamic was suffering and pain. They had forged their bond through suffering and she did her best to keep him going... to keep him alive by thinking about how to survive their enemies and get even. Her final speech was really instructive... an expanded version of what she said to YWY earlier. For the first time in her life she had a choice to live where she wanted and take a side that she wanted. She made his ideals hers and made his home hers out of her free will but he ended up turning against them... all the people that helped him regain his position. It seems now from what he says at the icy lake that long before they left Chang'an, he already had this agenda. In actual fact he didn't really change from when they left CA, it's just that he kept his true intentions from her. 

However, if she was ever "in love" with YX, it wasn't the man she loved (because it turned out, she didn't really know him at all) but what he represented to her as she was fighting to survive. He was like a symbol to her of everything that was good and bad in that world. In her eyes he was the oppressed underdog fighting for his freedom to get home... the land of the free apparently. That's the part I think she "loved". She pitied him and saw his cause as being just. This is why she had so much difficulty extricating herself from their deteriorating relationship and exiting from Yanbei because more than just being with him, she thought she was building something good with him. And even despite everything he was doing in recent days, she still could. 

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4 minutes ago, dramafansg said:

Which other shows of LGX is good? Journey of flower (ZLY) also has a bad ending ? 


Journey of a flower had good ending.. At the end the master n she flew together. They were sailing together happily even though she didn't have any memory of their previous happenings

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@The_Joker, @40somethingahjumma, We are all agreed Capitalism is not wrong, I am running a business myself and in business the most important thing is to keep the customers happy from your services so they will be back (simply put) This D*ckHead Ciwen is a mountain worth of stupidity, I thought Chinese supposedly good in running a business.  For the life of me I can't understand what made them decided to worked that hard for such drama in the beginning  only to "gave" up at the end. After their stocks plummeted that was the time The CEO felt that he need to say something....#FlipTheBird

I won't be back for PA2 even though LGX and ZLY will reprise they roles (which is I greatly doubt). I considered that an insult to my intelligence. Just like what @40somethingahjumma said, fools me once shame on you, fools me twice shame on me.

I am looking forward to LGX's future projects that won't connected to Ciwen or Hunan TV. Plus any nice dramas that not produce by Ciwen and airs in Hunan TV.


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11 hours ago, jolin_chan said:

@lingnyi ZLY Q&A, what I can grasp :

Q : Between The Journey of Flower's bell, Legend of Chusen's bell, Princess Agent's bell which one do you like most?

A : I already have bell's phobia :bawling::bawling::bawling:


Q : Why not announce your identity sooner?

A : Hero disregard the origin. CQ's mentality is not about rank / status. 


Q : Do you think CQ is handsome or handsome or handsome?

A : Not just handsome, she is also so manly


Q : Li Ying, could you please tell us, how can you always devastatingly beautiful? Ok, I know you won't answer that, just simply ask this nothing more (the one who asked this question didn't hope that LY will answer this question, well surprise surprise LY answered eventhough the answer is so random LOL)

A : Because I want to take revenge against Zhao Xifeng


Q : Ying Bao, CQ believe that freedom is more important than love, and is worthed for her to invest everything into this belief, how about yourself what is your firm belief?

A : go to sleep


Q : For you, what is the biggest touching thing about CQ?

A : I was right. I manage to accomplish. Eventhough I was so exhausted .......


Q : Ying Bao Bao, seeing you filming a modern drama you look very happy, but as I recall after this you gonna filming Ming Lan Chuan, I'm afraid that your body won't be able to sustain it.

A : I'm also scared


Q : Ying Bao, could you please tell us a bit what is the character that you filming right now like? I'm really looking forward to it

A : She is an angel


Add : I didn't notice there are 3 more Q&A that I haven't translated, but I just saw that @mrsyooknit already translated, so I won't translate the other 3. I have to get some sleep now. It's 2 AM here. See you all soon girls :wub:

Add : @mrsyooknit yours is good too, thanks dear :wub:

Add : the rabbit lantern and Libra already translated by @mrsyooknit , I will translate the last one :

Q : Between Yanbei's wolf, and Wei's pekinese/pug (I think he/she referring to dog here), which one you most doted on?

A : I love Chang An's rich and beautiful

Thank you @mrsyooknit

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This year, my crack china drama was ten miles and I really like that show, other than nirvana in fire. Now I am wondering what other china shows are good. I heard in the name of the people and advisors alliance are good. Could anyone advise which shows have good OTP chemistry and nice story line? 


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For all disappointers, here is the true ending.

CQ has regained her power and, luckily her power is time travel. But to use this power, she will have to lose some of her memory. So, she uses her power to save YWY. She is transferred right back at the hunting ground again (ep1). Now, let hope that she will not choose the same path again!


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To be honest, i still pissed off with the ending.. it just that, for me it would be better if they can give us a proper ending that show both of them, YWY-XE is alive, hiding and can't be find by YX.. especially YWY, i just want a guarantee that he is alive.. it is so heartbreaking seeing him to be in pain and hurt physically.. :bawling: and now i keep on watching the last scene as i still can't move on from this drama.. 

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Hello Guys! Woa long day for me!

Finished the last ep, and had to skim through like 20 pages of forums! LOL reading your live commentary, I can agree with most of you! Same thoughts when watching the last ep! I was expecting a sad ending, and was already skeptical of a happy ending! This has to be the most emotional ending I have every watch in Cdrama, and trust me I have been watching Cdrama since 1985 LOL. Watching CQ and YWY cry was probably one of the best crying scenes I've seen in a long time!  Last time I cried this hard was the reunion of Ni Huang and Lin Shu episode 12 of NIF!  I think this really topped it! It felt so heavy like you just want to lift YWY off that icy lake and both character exhaustion of fighting for their lives!! Even more, heatbreaking was watching the BTS raw, wow they really outdid themselves. 

Although I am not a big fan of how they execute this series, it still left a very big impression in my heart! Not a lot of drama can do that! If LGX and ZLY are in for PA2 count me in! I will be up and center, no matter how crappy it is I am sure I am willing to sit there to watch them together lol.  Even if it is a small commercial I will support! :) 

I want to thank you all for a great community, we forever drama sisters/brothers (if any).  

In conclusion, YWY, CQ/XE and YX are all still virgins! HAHAHAHA


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