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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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Isn't it somehow normal these days that the male-lead either works for or hates the police? :D I think every drama I watch the main lead has some trust-issues regarding the police.

4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

But first, let me elaborate a little further about the ramifications between the first case and the second/third case. Now, I would like to explain why the police officer Choi SW was attacked at the restroom. The reason is quite simple. Choi SW had been mistaken for AMH's bodyguard. That's why he had been attacked. The guy didn't need to be killed, but wounded so that AMH would be left unguarded. Since DBS is a petite and small woman, no one suspects her as a bodyguard. Moreover, the fact that CSW followed AMH into the restroom, gave the impression that he was his bodyguard. We shouldn't forget that AMH had no bodyguard before and his enemy knew that. About DBS? The guy mistook her for AMH's new secretary. Notice that his secretary got injured the moment DBS appeared. So that person must have been thinking, DBS is just a replacement. Besides, she went to the hospital in order to find AMH's schedule. She really acts like a secretary. Then the psychopath is not aware that DBS is a witness that's why he is not targeting her right now. The writer intents to make the police officers confused. When AMH will be targeted, they will think, DBS was the real target so that it will take a certain time until they can distinguish that both DBS and AMH are both targeted.

Moreover, we shouldn't neglect the kidnapping from 1997! It will resurface again and in my opinion, it is related to the thread calls! That's why I am now tending to have three different persons involved. 

Since AMH hates police, he enumerated 4 reasons which proves to me that he had many bad experiences with police. They came too late, they never listened to him and they didn't pay attention to his warnings. The first scene in the first episode could be seen as one example. He must have told the police that he was the target but since nothing bad happened, they didn't investigate it. However, the brakes and the tire are clues. Back then, he was just a high school student... so why would he be targeted? They didn't take him seriously. That's why AMH doesn't feel the need to report the threads to the police. Nevertheless. I see here the link between IGD and AMH. Since IGD is a very serious and responsible policeman, he will listen to him at some point, especially when DBS starts explaining why and how she is working for AMH. So far, IGD has no idea about DBS' strength and abilities.

@dhakra @Kasmic@evie7@sava2sava   

Really well written. I had similiar thoughts aswell, but you added a few interesting points and explained them very good. 

I think you are right in the case of AMH and IGD. At some point AMH will start to listen to IGD. But I think this point won't come anytime soon. AMH is starting to get jealous, and jealousy will cloud his mind. He may not be jealous because he's in love (yet), men in general gets jealous if a girl is cute towards another man. But at some point he won't have a choice but to trust IGD and this will start a nice bromance. 

1 hour ago, cmkc109 said:


Really? I thought her mother lost the power because she didnt use the power for the "right thing" . There is a part in the drama says that it was fine when she use the power for herself. Side effects start to appear when she use it to hit the other guys for money. 

I am sure in the later episodes DBS will start to lose power from helping AMH. 

I don't know if she will lose her powers because of this, but I agree with you that in the later stages she will lose her powers temporary (or maybe completely in the last episode). This is something that always happens in this sort of dramas.

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4 hours ago, delal said:

Is it possible that losting of power may relate to findig love? I mean story of  mother seems like that, aspect of starting relationship with her husband.

Nah,the Mom lost her powers because she started using them to bully others and for bad things...They stated that when she used it for the Glory for her Country it was okey but started going down when she started selling her gold medals for her personal gain and bullying innocent people for money...The same happened with all the other women in her line that used the powers for bad stuff...Even her Mother(BS Grandma) got side effects because she hit a man,that more likely was a good one rather than bad,so she didn't loose her powers just by hitting ONE man yet she was punished and like get penalty points....So if she uses against innocents or for her own she will be punished....

The strengh stuff works clearly simple as rule...U do bad stuff u are stripped of it and punished by sickness

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3 hours ago, jeenee said:

Finally a Park Hyung Sik drama that makes me happy. :)

The Killer is the witness. a random thought. 


That's the first thing I thought as soon as they said there was a witness that stopped the attack! It could very well be he did that to throw suspicious off of himself. He did say he lived in that neighborhood so he would also know the area well. The witnesses long hair also looks like the long hair of the killer (when he shows up at the hospital with his face covered with a mask).

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1 hour ago, Nerdy Mina said:


That's the first thing I thought as soon as they said there was a witness that stopped the attack! It could very well be he did that to throw suspicious off of himself. He did say he lived in that neighborhood so he would also know the area well. The witnesses long hair also looks like the long hair of the killer (when he shows up at the hospital with his face covered with a mask).


Wouldn't the police send someone to protect the witness then? 

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I really love how cute PBY is in this drama. She looks so young to be 27! I want to know more about Min-Hyuk's mother. Also, I wonder who those flowers were for in the beginning of episode 1... 

Does anyone else have the feeling that Goo Duk's girlfriend will be a future victim to that psychopath? 

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15 hours ago, jina_bing_bang said:

Hey girl!!! I feel like it’s been a long time lol and excited you are watching this drama too. You sub drama’s?

We are going to have some fun fangirling naughty.png I don't sub dramas, I just feel bad for our subbers at viki having to read those "I demand you have this subbed yesterday" comments. 

On 2/25/2017 at 10:35 AM, ferily said:

Yes!! That's what I was thinking too, how he'll fall in love with her more when he finds out she was his hero :) And I already knew when he called her sexy outside of the police station, he already had a thing for her :wink:

Also Do Bong Soon brings up a good point in the preview about Gook Du... Why does he treat her so well when he already has a girlfriend...? Perhaps he just thinks of her as a real good friend and is overprotective?

I hope that he's just an overprotective friend that has a soft spot for her. He must feel guilty since it was on his watch that she was exposed to the psycho. I'm sure that Min Hyuk is getting on his nerves by telling him no he can't take Bong Soon w/him. I'm sure in Gook Do's mind Min Hyuk is obstructing a police matter. There's too much going on in this drama to have a love square between our otp, Gook Do and his girlfriend. I want to enjoy our otp's romance w/out the usual road blocks, we already have at least one dangerous psycho to deal with.


Omo just look at the way they are gazing into each other's eyes dead-onion-head-emoticon.gif We need more of these type of scenes. Theres no need to muck up the story w/too many lovelines.

@Yongzura  You can watch episode 0 subbed at viki



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Hi :)

Interesting start...love our strong girl and both buys...very very handsome pair of guys...she's lucky one :)

Seems our police guy will realize some things to late...he seemed not interested  but at the end i'm not so sure

That guy abuser/killer is a bit creepy...hope he's not the one whos stalking president

Ajummas were a bit boring...except when they saw BS's boss :D the way they drooled over him was hilarious...don't blame them...he is an eye catcher right? :blush:

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The fact that Min Hyuk managed to notice in just few days what Gook Doo haven’t in 10 years speaks volumes about who of the two men actually really looks at Bong Soon. Particularly when he tells her she treats her friend like a boss and vice versa, he really hits the nail on the head because normally it’s the boss to whom she should be showing that demure and polite facade she reserves for GD. It’s her friend who should have realized all these things about her, not her boss. 


Do Bong Soon is such an incredible girl and by some strange luck she’s inherited the best of her parents - her mother’s frankness and her father’s kindness which makes such a winning combination because she is adorably sassy, outspoken, quick-tempered, spontaneous and stubborn as hell. What makes her such an awesome heroine is that she is comfortable in her own skin; she accepts and likes her super strength even though she must hide it from people and it often brings her problems - it’s an inherent part of her and BS doesn’t want to lose it. 

She might be hiding her power but never her real self, except when she is around GD because she wants to be the kind of woman she thinks he wants instead of the woman she really is. GD clearly cares for BS deeply and thinks of her as a friend, but there is a certain superficiality in the cavalier way he always treats her. In his mind her role is reduced to being his weak friend that needs his protection. The thing is that ironically, it was BS who made him see her that way because she’s been putting on an act for the past 10 years. It’s a little unfair because he didn’t get the chance to fall in love with the real her because she has never showed it to him.


Meanwhile, Min Hyuk has been falling in love with her attitude, charm and sassiness and while he admires her strength for what it is, it’s actually Bong Soon herself and her character that make him fall for her.


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I was wondering why MH hasn't told her yet he is not gay and let her go on with it .... but I guess in a way both of them need this misunderstanding, making it easier for them to get closed .... I don't think she will be so comfortable around him if she would be thinking in this phase that he is attrracted by her, not to speak to go to his place :-) thinking he is just gay and eccentric maybe is somehow protective and safe for her.... I wonder if she will begin liking him when she would be still thinking he is gay or bisexual and how will she cope with it ... also for him is still safe to play the gay card, cause also he is the fastest kdrama  character  to ask the girl to stay the night and to aknowledge he finds her sexy and attractive ( don't remember if I ever saw something like this in the first 2 episodes), I suspect he is somehow insecure or unfamiliar to show openly his intentions and feelings ...

I like AMH character... also he is the usual rich son of a messy chaboel family, with the so known fights for power and the common missing love, untrustful family's relationships, lost of a parent,leaving home, no friends, and so on , he is not at all the usual introvert, distant, traumatized, disorderly hero, who needs half a drama to realise his feelings, being the last one who realise his in love, keeps the girl at distance, needs a lot to open up, and is rather groomy, cold or aggressive ....

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4 hours ago, crazyyo said:

I'm having a very bad second male syndrome! Sincerely praying it won't be a love triangle and he just likes her as a good friend (But he doesn't act like one!!!!) My poor heart! Jisooooah!


Unfortunately its gonna be a typical love triangle :(

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15 hours ago, furu.vu217 said:

His cool snap habit :D


I notice his snap habits, too! Lol! Too amazing :D

14 hours ago, furu.vu217 said:

Park Bo Young & Park Hyung Sik Fashion in SWDBS

I love their fashion style in this drama :heart: Sometimes they wear ton sur ton with each other :blush:


Wow! It's the Park Park Fashion! I am really looking forward to their fashion in their drama. 


And DAEBAK on the ratings! First two episodes only and it's already high! :thumbsup: Looking forward to more great episodes and ratings.


I hope that it's not family that is threatening them, like I don't like the twist of it being her brother, but I do have a feeling somehow it's Park Hyung Sik's side of the family. His side is still a mystery and not much hasn't been mention besides his father. 

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Welcome back @leekyuphii :wink: Glad to see you pop into this thread.

Thanks @bebebisous33 for tagging me to  on your post. I love reading them. But before I get serious let me call @siena407 and perhaps any other SJ fans.  Choi Si Won was called to be DBS bodyguard. I found this funny as technically speaking the real CSW is serving his military duty as a police officer. ahaaah-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286248



Cant wait for his return too :tongue:



Back to the drama, I initially thought that DBS neighbourhood crime was related to MH stalker threats. Now it seems that they arent related or that its perhaps to early to tell. Its seems there's the MH stalker and Dong Bong Gu Psycho killer

From MH theory he thinks that the killer and the one whom abducted the bride are the same person. The 1st victim was an accidental murder where she struggled and he accidentally killed her because he wasnt used to using a knife. This makes me believe that perhaps he/she isnt a doctor though I wouldnt rule it out since they were easily walking in and out of that hospital with so much ease. I just hope its not BS twin brother.. I dunno his giving me a creepy vibe. 

BTW did anyone spot another victim in the killers dungeons. Or is that a mirage for the killer.  There's a hand banging/ knocking the window for help. Also the surroundings appears to have clothes hangers and mannequins so maybe its a old factory for a clothing line. Let's keep a lookout for the killer working perhaps a fashion industry. 






As for MH stalker, I see some goofiness in him already. Hahaha! seriously why make death threats in the middle of the night and constantly calling MH when he ignores his calls. Ha!  I bet his already cursing MH for his sas. I love it though.


Somehow I agree this stalker is as MH puts it an "amateur" in not only I.T but as a person. Makes me wonder if its them -


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Love the hair and if they are gangsters and suppose to look all bad well sorry I dont think so. Im laughing just looking at the pics. It's Manger Jang in Romantic Doctor. Kekeke! t I just still cant get over his character and have yet to picture him as someone serious or a threat to anyone. 


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