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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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@bajing I'm definitely joining you in your circle of prayers! But I'm afraid that the surge in ratings is a sign for more sorrow and frustration. Whether people liked it or not, the episode was pretty emotionally engaging.

@luvsdramas Wasn't that Hawaiian Couple song played in a TY-HW scene? I'm loving the JYH appreciation posts. I just learned how to do automated screencapping so I'll contribute by posting caps of YS in wedding gown and JYH at the awards ceremony. It was actually hard to choose because she looked great in almost all the captures.





While I was at it, here's some more of the gang at the awards. Other than the one with LDG, the rest are caps during his award speech. They all have this "I'm so proud" look on their faces, aww. 








This last Hyun Woo one is here just because he looks so handsome.


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@pinkdicentra I'm not sure if the Hawaiian Couple song was played for TY and HW previously  but the song is so catchy it's in my head! Actually TP's song is scarily catchy as well! I was giggling throughout his performance. CWY can play any role.

On ep 38, for all its sadness, I liked the part where DJ called YS after seeing the mr pretty eyes label and the voice message he left. When is she going to hear that message? As for YS, I liked the part where she paused outside the cafe when it started raining and the memory of the 'toilet' incident makes her smile. Just a lighthearted comment here - DJ and YS have been so romantic.. the one dent of realism was when DJ chose to celebrate NYE with friends instead of YS and even forgot to tell her? Finally he's normal. Yah! Lee Dong Jin! 

Oh the part in ep37 when DJ teases YS abt her posing in the wedding shots was very cute too! I can't wait for the photos to be ready, I hope they'll be important in the story and make the baddies Hj and GP have the right misunderstanding. 

I'm disappointed at all the members of DJ's family. From MS, to GJ to DS, no one seems to be doing anything to share info and help with finding YS. Why have soju and discuss first love when you are not helping your son pursue his first love, MS?? It's a bit difficult now for me to imagine how YS will live under the same roof with DJ's family so I hope she and DJ will make their own home, where there is more equality! DJ, pls find YS quickly! @vaberella do u still think it's Busan? YS drove into Seoul quickly so it's probably nearer eh? 

Side note... did anyone else find the farm lady's caution abt being careless with candles and starting a fire somewhat ominous? No fire please...

I've watched the wolgyesu parts of the 2016 KBS Drama Awards English-subbed on kshowonline. But I missed the Choi Won Young bromance interview with all my Fast forwarding. Now to get to that and to keep replaying the LDG and JYH acceptance speeches. For the obsessive watchers, LDG had a silly smile during JYH's speech when the camera caught him and he became a bit self-conscious, got rid of the smile. She wasn't thanking him yet LOL.. anyway good to see all the wolgyesu actors happy and proud. I loved Hyun Woo's cheering of JYH as she started her speech.

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7 hours ago, bajing said:

... These two episodes broke my heart so badly. I hope next week's episode will be better. Please let Mr. Pretty Eyes finds his Twinkle back..huhuhu...who wants to join my circle of prayer for happier episodes next week?

EDIT: I agree to most of you about YS gett9ng prettier and prettier in the last few episodes. She looks breathtakingly gorgeous (as DJ's eyes seem to agree) in the wedding attire. And this was without heavy make-up. I was a bit of two mind about the wedding picture scene. I was bummed that it was not "real", but  happy to see them look so in love with each 0ther. I hope the pictures will give DJ hope to hold on to his love for YS.


@bajing : sorry for cutting your post.

Yes Yes count me in your circle. Let's pray for DJ-YS quick reunion and their renewed sweet & loving moments next episodes, pali pali .. please writer-nims you still owe us your New Year presents. How can you give me such tearjerker scenes in New Year, you're so mean! You know I had run out of Kleenex and a pile of tissues in my house last weekend now I want to see YS beautiful smile and her lovely doe-eyes, I think I must have been enchanted by her charms after keeping watching her for nearly 3 months .. seem like I have a girl crush, hahaha. And its my first time watching LDG & JYH drama. I can't say that I'm a great TV drama fan because I usually love watching movies & news and I only experienced few Kdramas in the past (the last time I watched is "Faith" starred Lee Min Ho?.. but The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop changes my view of weekend drama, just like that. I will try Korean dramas more from now on.

About wedding photos, YS absolutely has this ethereal beauty sooo beautiful, I'm just silly thinking that if DJ-YS wedding photos were to display at the shop (or a big highway billboard :phew:) then everyone would be mesmerized by these gorgeous bride & groom and the way they looked at each other so blissfully in love since its a photo captured with YS pure heart and their true love so a magic would work its way for them and HJ & HGP might vomit up blood .. I really hate them and GJ will regret deeply for what she has done.

BTW : I enjoy reading all your views very much including @TheMsChelsea91 @effyisme @jimb @pinkdicentra @vaberella @chasen8888 @caranthir_idril @valzki @luvsdramas @inna75 (so sorry if I miss out anyone) since English isn't my native language so I can't articulate my thoughts into writing properly. It took me a long time to write hahaha. that's why I always look forward to reading you guys comments, rants, complaints, character analysis, next episode predictions, spazzing moments, etc. after each episode ends.  See you this weekend. Please be healthy chingus :heart:

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52 minutes ago, luvsdramas said:

Now to get to that and to keep replaying the LDG and JYH acceptance speeches. For the obsessive watchers, LDG had a silly smile during JYH's speech when the camera caught him and he became a bit self-conscious, got rid of the smile. She wasn't thanking him yet LOL..

Sorry to cut your post...  I thought I was the only obsessive watcher that saw this! I thought LDG was looking all shy and smiling to himself when JYH's speech and that was before she thanked him.. When she called him DG oppa and thank him calling him her best partner even though they weren't nominated for the Best Couple category, LDG was laughing and looking all shy again.... 

I know it's wrong but they do make a lovely and compatible couple in real life as he already have a gf... I mean they were all awkward at the start of filming which was obvious during the Happy Together show but now they are very comfy with each other.  It is actually mirroring theirene characters in the drama too... 

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I have been reading all the comments since 2 days ago, feel 100% the same way with you all :bawling: but i was in a family holiday so i couldn't write any comment. So here is my thoughts on both episodes:

@TheMsChelsea91 thank you for the live recap...really helps me to catch up! I was feeding my boys while reading your recap...

@inna75 @effyisme  yes i second that, about the DJ-HS hugging scene...oh My....why DJ is pictured that way, YS will be misunderstood and think that he moved on so quickly...i hope this miserable episodes only lasts for 4-5 eps!

@vaberella sorry i mistakenly type the wrong ep number due to LOT of emotions going LOL

@rubie thank you for the rating information! Glad that the rating is 34.8% but weirdly the rating is really high when the ep is so sad 

@pimsucre i also agree that YS is prettier...with the hair tied, pink lipstick, and thin eyeliner....her beauty is not like synthetic-plastic-surgery but natural innocent face that i like !

@bajing after our group hug last week, i would absolutely join the circle of prayer today....so that next episodes will be better

@gowolgyesu welcome to the club! DJ-YS shipper :heart:

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! 

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Now after watched ep 37-38 again I have a few questions maybe one of my chingus here can share their thoughts :wub:

1. Why did YS stop the strawberry truck in front of the tailor shop? At first I thought there was traffic light but it seems that she really park the truck behind HJ red car. Did she purposively intended to stop by the tailor shop?

2. I thought YS was going to go somewhere and excel in her carrier...but it appears that YS worked in a farm :( this really saddens me, our dream about YS becoming female tailor seems so far away?

3. Why DJ didn't push HJ when she hug him? Is he considerating her idea of coming back and take Meesa over from HS?

That's for now....3 more days to go to the next ep! The scene I waited the most is when DJ finds out that it is GJ who told YS to go and leave him alone.

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@luvsdramas Yes about the candles. I was suspicious when I first saw them but I was too busy crying to think further. I checked the scene again and even searched to see if it's a typical procedure (not really, maybe for small greenhouse owners who are too cheap to use other methods). It's definitely a fire hazard. I'm imagining an over-the-top scenario with GP looking for YS, an accident happens, and he dies in a fire. Not an ideal scenario, but I'd take that over YS getting trapped in the fire and DJ running to the hospital and sobbing beside her. The mood with the candles does look romantic though. Maybe they could use it for something more positive?

Too bad for @vaberella. I don't think YS is in Busan. She's likely in Gyeonggi-do Province, which surrounds Seoul. Supposedly there's a lot of strawberry greenhouses in the area and they are popular as tourist destinations in winter and early spring. If anyone likes strawberry picking and is going to Korea in the next few months, you can check out these sites:  http://iamontheroad.net/blog/strawberry-picking-in-korea/?ckattempt=1, http://blog.funtastickorea.com/strawberry-picking-in-korea-ilsan-yangpyeong/


@delphinium8593 I'll try to give my version of the answers to your questions.

1. I was wondering about that too. No idea, maybe she was planning to stop and reminiscent but didn't expect anyone to be at the shop at the time.

2. YS tried looking for tailoring jobs when she was fired by DJ in the beginning. Since she already knew it was near impossible to find one, and she still needs a place to stay and some money, she probably took a random job that she's capable of doing in the suburbs. Since it's in season, it's also good tourism advertisement and a good reminder for viewers to go strawberry picking.

2. I'm hoping it's just an effect for the ending of the episode and he's also dazed/tired. Hope that he will push her away in the next episode.

Saw this on Instagram earlier. There was also one of YS in the same location but that one got deleted while I was trying to google translate the words at the back of this one. YS was wearing the same jacket as the last scene but with a different shirt inside. The words beside the mic say "credit union" and "corporate promotion hall". Maybe it's a bank. I wonder if they will meet there or if it's going to be one of those annoying "just missed each other because of fate" scenes.


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I think the beauty of this Wolgyesu drama is that everyone acts so in character that it is such a joy to watch them.  And yes, that includes Min Hyo Sang and Choi Ji Yun.  I am not mad at Lee Dong Jin's mom and sis or even his dad for not being able to accept Na Yun Shil because I suppose that's how life is and this drama excels at making us (or at least me) believe why.  Like what Lee Man Sool told Na Yun Shil, he needed time to digest the fact that his son loves her enough for her to be his daughter in-law.  This is why I think Na Yun Shil going away to discover herself is a good thing.  She needs to stop being a doormat.  At the very beginning, she thought she could live her life by marrying Hong Gi-pyo against everyone else's advice to repay his kindness just because she had no other options.  Little did she know that Lee Dong Jin would love her and that earlier decision of her would come to haunt her and cause harm to him and his family.  Of course, Hong Gi-pyo and his mom are mean bullies who need to be taught a lesson, and I'm still skeptical that he really donated his organ to her dad.

With 12 episodes left (sob sob!), I'm sure things will turn out beautifully for Na Yun Shil and Lee Dong Jin.  When she begged his mom to accept her saying that she would be good to him and his family despite not being good enough, my heart broke for her.  I wasn't on board this couple's ship at the start, but recent episodes changed my mind.  It sure is sad when the whole world seemed to be against their relationship (everyone did caution Lee Dong Jin about the obstacles he would be facing in being together with Na Yun Shil), but Lee Dong Jin's love and perseverance won me over.  He is one gem that Min Hyoju will forever regret letting go.  I guess the best Min Hyoju could do was to team up with her former mother in-law to get back with her ex.

I absolutely LOVE how Ms Ko hangs out with Min Hyo Won and Kang Tae Yang.  With the two ladies as his manager and stylist, he is in safe hands.  I wonder whose wish will prevail.  Ms Ko and Min Hyo Won are a hilarious pair.  It's rather sad seeing Kang Tae Yang still not having a stable job, but at least things are looking up.  I guess he's not going to be working at Wolgyesu after all.  Just like Sung Tae Pyung whose career is also taking off.  I also love how he, Dong Sook and Da Jung are forming such a lovely family.  If I can have one wish, I'd want Da Jung paired up with Min Hyo Sang just for the fun of it.  She won't let him order her around, that's for sure.

I am waiting to see the downfall of Min Hyo Sang and Choi Ji Yun.  I'm guessing he'll be kicked out of Meesa Apparel, and who knows if that'll make her leave him as well.  I'm just wondering who'll take over the company if Lee Dong Jin is no longer interested.  I really like how he's developing Wolgyesu to be more than just a traditional tailor shop.  When Kang Tae Yang marries Min Hyo Won, will he takes over the company and be some big shot that Choi Ji Yun will regret looking down upon?

I was sad to see Bae Sam Do cheating on Bok Sun Nyeo, but I'm glad to see that it's been resolved.  Now I'm just going to enjoy the rest of the drama as everyone finds their happy endings.  Less than 6 weeks left.  Omo!!


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@delphinium8593 I believe the scene where HJ hugged DJ was purposely slowed down a thousand times to make us go into complete misery before the next episode :tears:  I am pretty certain that DJ will pushed her away at the start of the next episode or even scream at her but I reckon YS will not get to see this as we can see her crying her heart out in the preview...

I agree with @pinkdicentra with her answers to your questions.. I believe YS was just trying to stop by the tailor shop quietly and it isn't possible for YS to get a job at a tailor shop at such short notice and usually tailor shops are located in cities which mean it is easy for DJ or GP to locate her so by staying at the countryside will be better...

3 more days to go!!!

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On 02/01/2017 at 6:51 PM, pinkdicentra said:

@bajing I'm definitely joining you in your circle of prayers! But I'm afraid that the surge in ratings is a sign for more sorrow and frustration. Whether people liked it or not, the episode was pretty emotionally engaging.

@luvsdramas Wasn't that Hawaiian Couple song played in a TY-HW scene? I'm loving the JYH appreciation posts. I just learned how to do automated screencapping so I'll contribute by posting caps of YS in wedding gown and JYH at the awards ceremony. It was actually hard to choose because she looked great in almost all the captures.



That's my girl.  I loved this scene, when she came out.  I love, love, love, love lace dresses and this one has amazing applique that is breathtaking.  The off the shoulder accentuates her long neck (her breasts look great too---you know we all for that).  I loved the ring on her necklace..  She's the whole nine yards here.

That being said, did you say, "There was a surge in ratings."?  I'm so glad right now you have no idea.  I know it won't be another Smile, You and Me (where they extended the episodes) but I'm loving that they are getting more ratings.  It's as good, personally better, as 

On 02/01/2017 at 10:52 PM, luvsdramas said:

@pinkdicentra I'm not sure if the Hawaiian Couple song was played for TY and HW previously  but the song is so catchy it's in my head! Actually TP's song is scarily catchy as well! I was giggling throughout his performance. CWY can play any role.

On ep 38, for all its sadness, I liked the part where DJ called YS after seeing the mr pretty eyes label and the voice message he left. When is she going to hear that message? As for YS, I liked the part where she paused outside the cafe when it started raining and the memory of the 'toilet' incident makes her smile. Just a lighthearted comment here - DJ and YS have been so romantic.. the one dent of realism was when DJ chose to celebrate NYE with friends instead of YS and even forgot to tell her? Finally he's normal. Yah! Lee Dong Jin! 

Oh the part in ep37 when DJ teases YS abt her posing in the wedding shots was very cute too! I can't wait for the photos to be ready, I hope they'll be important in the story and make the baddies Hj and GP have the right misunderstanding. 

I'm disappointed at all the members of DJ's family. From MS, to GJ to DS, no one seems to be doing anything to share info and help with finding YS. Why have soju and discuss first love when you are not helping your son pursue his first love, MS?? It's a bit difficult now for me to imagine how YS will live under the same roof with DJ's family so I hope she and DJ will make their own home, where there is more equality! DJ, pls find YS quickly! @vaberella do u still think it's Busan? YS drove into Seoul quickly so it's probably nearer eh? 

Side note... did anyone else find the farm lady's caution abt being careless with candles and starting a fire somewhat ominous? No fire please...

I've watched the wolgyesu parts of the 2016 KBS Drama Awards English-subbed on kshowonline. But I missed the Choi Won Young bromance interview with all my Fast forwarding. Now to get to that and to keep replaying the LDG and JYH acceptance speeches. For the obsessive watchers, LDG had a silly smile during JYH's speech when the camera caught him and he became a bit self-conscious, got rid of the smile. She wasn't thanking him yet LOL.. anyway good to see all the wolgyesu actors happy and proud. I loved Hyun Woo's cheering of JYH as she started her speech.

Oh, it's definitely not Busan, they mentioned the town. I do love it when they go to Busan---it's the biggest trope in Kdramas. :grin:  You know what though...this is a kdrama and we have 12 episodes left---anything could happen.   giphy.gif


15 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:

Now after watched ep 37-38 again I have a few questions maybe one of my chingus here can share their thoughts :wub:

1. Why did YS stop the strawberry truck in front of the tailor shop? At first I thought there was traffic light but it seems that she really park the truck behind HJ red car. Did she purposively intended to stop by the tailor shop?

2. I thought YS was going to go somewhere and excel in her carrier...but it appears that YS worked in a farm :( this really saddens me, our dream about YS becoming female tailor seems so far away?

3. Why DJ didn't push HJ when she hug him? Is he considerating her idea of coming back and take Meesa over from HS?

That's for now....3 more days to go to the next ep! The scene I waited the most is when DJ finds out that it is GJ who told YS to go and leave him alone.

1. She was delivering the strawberries to all the bakery shops in the area.  If I remember what DJ said, he was going for drinks in the area with some friends then a bakery o his way back. However, my main thought was YS didn't think DJ would be there and she wannted to drop off some strawberries at the shop. 

2. I know what you mean.  I was thinking the same thing.  However, I can see why she wouldn't go that route. GP knows that she loves her career, his first move in finding her is to run arond the tailor shop and do a DJ and speak to the clothing lenders. Following her career is a massive liability. I think her working on the farm is her way of trying to stay low-key.  Unfortunately, having to send those strawberries out was a problem. I hated that because her cover could be blown. Yet, it's her first job and the ajummonie is older than her---she couldn't say no, about the delivery.  I felt it was risky for her to deliver those strawberries.  I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to go further out---because of this situation.

3. a) I don't know how to explain his actions in words, but it doesn't bother me. Maybe it's because I know the depth of his love for YS, so it wouldn't matter.  Kind of like, if she kissed him--he doesn't kiss her back, then she's seen as the aggressor and feels embarrased. I wasn't surprised by HJ's actions because he will humiliate her in the end. I also think that we don't have the whole picture.  It's a tease.  For instance, in the next episode he's probably going to grab her arms and pull them down.  

b. I don't think DJ has any intention of taking HJ back or go back to Meesa.  What can HJ offer?  The woman was and is completely selfish.  She is pushing the same thing of having him again taking over the company. It's almost like a weird ultimatum. Take me back, so then we can take back Meesa.  She wants him as a prize--her Ken doll because it would bring the company back into her hands and away from the "illegitimates".  I think he sees that and why he would never go back.  

Further more, what can Meesa offer him now? Wolgyseu is prospering despite HS's antics.He's in a specialized field and I can see him building the guild he wants (which is a freakin' brilliant idea).  Meesa has nothing to offer him at this point, especially because it's failing. In actuality, if DJ has any feelings about Meesa, it will because it was his mentor's company that's now failing; a man he clearly appreciated.  


1) Girl, when this ish comes out, it will be crazy. Do you know who I think will throw everything out of the bag? HJ. I feel like in a fit of anger she's going to say something like, "Your mother wants us to get back together, that's why we/she...?' Then he's going to pull it out of her.  

2) Or, by his mum. She won't say anything---unless something happens to YS and someone is called in as her guardian. DJ would be the first one called, like in the case of his father (he's on speed dial). Then DJ's mother is going to break down.

3) The final way...and maybe the most probable...HJ and mummy dearest have a talk about HJ's progress and DJ overhears. At which point---DJ leaves the house.  <---most common trope in Kdramas.

You know what's the worst thing about this whole fiasco. The sheer irony. GJ says to YS that, if she stayed with DJ, he would face a lot of difficulties and his sucess will be hindered.  What do we see in episode 38?  His relationship with Meesa and by default HJ, he's already facing some of the problems she didn't want him to face. Absolutely, ridiculous.

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@gowolgyesu: Welcome to the thread!! So good to see another soul joining our DJ-YS shipper squad, haha.

@pinkdicentra: I hope the recent surge in ratings wont give ideas for the writer to prolong the pain for our otp...*sobs* and thank you for the Jo Yoon Hee's appreciation post. I never get the hatred for her because I think she's quite a great actress (I re-noticed her again after Pied Piper) and very very pretty. Planning to watch Nine once this drama finish (I cant believe I havent watched that one yet!) because I have become quite her fan thanks to this drama.

@delphinium8593: Here're my answers, or rather speculations, to your questions. Some are similar to those already offered, some have different takes on them.

1. Somehow the way the scene was built up made me think that YS DID intend to stop by the shop. Whether that meant she decided to come back or not, that..I dont know. But the whole scene made me think that it was more than just her wanting to reminisce. There was a purposefulness in the way the scene was presented, in particular since she stopped the truck right in front of the shop which was quite a careless behavior for someone who didnt want to be found at all cost. Thus, this made me wonder whether the whole scene implied that she actually planned to come back until she saw HJ hugging DJ.

2. I agree with @effyisme & @pinkdicentra, and would just add one more thing. I think another reason why YS didnt try to find work in tailor shop was because her goal was to disappear. All those around her knew about her dream to become female tailor, thus tailor shops would be the first places that those people would try to find her at. And given Wolgyesu's fame and network of MS' apprentice all over the country, it would be hard for YS to work in those places (at least currently) without giving her location away. I wonder whether this was one of the reason why YS has failed to escape from HGP before, as HGP knew that he just needed to scour tailor shops (which seems to be not too many in Korea) to find the trace of YS.

3. I have two theories. One is exactly the same as @effyisme & @pinkdicentra, another one is based on DJ's character. But in either case, I doubt DJ was considering HJ's proposal (that would be a betrayal of all his character development and the things that he have learned since taking over the shop). The other theory of mine on why DJ did not push HJ immediately was because her hug did not matter, and thus instead of pushing her away, DJ just....detached himself. Let me elaborate on how I came into considering this angle. In the beginning of the drama we saw how cold and emotionless DJ was. He rarely raised his voice even when he was angry. His MO when things getting frustrating for him was to detach himself and respond to them coldly. Strangely, since the very beginning, YS seemed to be able to bring out a whole gamut of emotion out of him that he did not usually show towards other people. Exasperation initially, followed by grudging respect and hysterical hatred due to misunderstanding between them. From the beginning he couldn't seem to fall into his MO in regards to YS, with a sense of detachment and coldness. This is why I wonder whether there's a possibility that he didnt push the hug because he fell back into his old habit of disconnecting himself, especially with HJ whenever she's at her most exasperating behavior. As far as the drama has shown, I cant remember there was a scene where he reciprocated fully any of HJ's attempt at wifely kind of behavior. Even when they're married, he would just stiffly stand whenever HJ hugged him in her attempt to get into his good book. 


Of course all of these might be just my overactive imagination regarding this drama, hahah. Why weekend seems so far awayyyyyyyyyy......



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@bajing Yes I totally agree with you regarding DJ.. At the start of the drama, DJ was portrayed as a cold emotionless robot and they were absolutely NO affection between him and HJ at all... Even though we have seen scenes of HJ trying to be a good wife by hugging him (when it benefited her) DJ was just standing there like a robot and not even hugging her back.. There was no life not to even mention love in his eyes when it comes to HJ.. We only started to see DJ with bursts of emotions when he and YS just started out as enemies.. He got so angry and even hated her to the core and I have to agree with @vaberella that even when DJ wasn't on the best terms with YS, he will look at her many times longingly especially the scene when he carried her home after she got drunk and she passed out after they both knocked into each other.. he was staring at her lying down on the table..  Everyone agreed that DJ was a changed man after meeting YS, he smiles more and is very affectionate as well...  As compared to his marriage life with HJ, DJ and YS marriage life will be very affectionate, romantic and even silly as well :wub:

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On 2017/1/1 at 10:44 AM, pinkdicentra said:

Clips from the KBS drama awards. These videos don't allow embedding, so here are the links:

Ra Miran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv6VcJXI--k

Choi Won Young, Cha In Pyo, Ra Miran interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW7fCBeIDdE

Lee Se Young: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O-fb-moOzs

Best Couples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWMAlFXn9ew



Lee Dong Gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP6e8ee8C78

Jo Yoon Hee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd07WsG9RUw

OnDemandKorea has the whole unsubbed version if anyone is interested. Maybe they or KBS World will have English subs in the future.


Netizens in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and India can watch the legally subbed version (English, Chinese & Indo) via ViuTV:

http://www.viu.com/ott/hk/zh-hk/vod/36151/KBS演技大賞 2016

There's one thing worth mentioning when Cha In-pyo and Ra Mi-ran was receiving the Best Couple Awards; he has subtly expressed his political opinion just minutes before the arrival of 2017, when the broadcasters were avoiding the outdoor countdown because of the regular Saturday candlelight vigil against the impeached president Park. He said he was reaching the age of 50 and felt 3 things in life:






And Three:



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Hola chingus... ahh so happy to see this thread again after being away for 2 days :tears: i just finished watching the last eps with subs too this morning. Lol.. what a busy day :sweatingbullets:

@inna75 @effyisme @pinkdicentra i couldn't agree more with you chingus! What a terrible week for YS. Not 1 week, but 2 weeks! Lol.. pd-nim and writer-nim are so cruel to YS :tears: i will flip all the tables if DJ doesn't push HJ later. But DJ should have known that HJ was going to hug him and he just stood still instead of push her 1230.gif  i'll be angry too to DJ and thank GJ for making YS away from him if he just accept HJ 106.gif  

Arghh...i am afraid DJ will reunite with HJ just because of he wants to put wolgyesu in the department store. What a stupid DJ if he does that :crazy: and will he help Meesa Apparel from failing? Oh gosh... i don't want the story goes this way 1011.gif

I want a happy ending too for all of them @Blizzardistkaputt i will regret watching if the noble idiocy is there until the end of the drama. Yuks... :crazy: i dislike that announcer JY. She is so fake  lol... but she is not a big matter. I don't really care for her.

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I need to backread 2 pages and will be right back at midnight. Lol... 

Before i forget, i will write this first. Haha...i just want to believe what Mr. Lee said to DJ "if she is meant to you, then she will come back to you". I don't want DJ's first love ends like his dad's first love. But if it really goes like this, please find other woman but not HJ. Lol... does HJ really love DJ and is that the reason she wants to reunite with DJ? 

See ya later chingu... :glasses:

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Holllaaa chingus...it's been a loooonngg day I'm not participant in this forum. And how much I missed you all here *hug...

1. Let me wish you "Happy New Year 2017!!" Wish you all the best :blush:

2. Congratulation to our Wolgyesu team get awards on KBS award 2016.  I love their speech and how they support each other there :heart:

3. I'm so happy for another ratings record 34,8% on ep.38. Really hope this drama will reached 40% at the end ep.50. Fighting!

4. I'm still not watching ep.35-38 but now reading your comments, live recap and picture still make me can't wait to watch it asap. Love it!

5. May I said I like JYH shoulder, she's so beautiful gergeous  and sexy in wedding dress and at KBS award 2016

6. In KBS Award 2016 it's lovely how JYH thanks to LDG and we see LDG shy face..Aww so cute

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