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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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@inna75, @TheMsChelsea91, @vaberella, @valzki You all have described how I felt with this episode. No need for words, I'll just emphasize it with emojis:

HJ scene: :angry:; GJ scene: :triumph:; HJ+GJ scene: :angry::triumph:; YS scene: :bawling:; YS+GJ: :bawling::triumph:

Actually, I found the saddest part was in the preview. DJ says, "How am I supposed to handle it alone?" And YS says, "When I think about the heartaches you'll have to endure because of me, I don't think I can handle it." Me: "YS, come back! Don't leave DJ alone!" On a side note, the wedding photos scene was kind of random. But I do hope they will release more of the photos. So beautiful!

About the awards: Pretty good "pie-sharing" from KBS's side (well except for the missing YeonTae/SangMin award for Five Children, but that's off topic). One person from the Wolgyesu team that I think should've been acknowledged is Park Jun Geum (aka Ms. Ko). What I really liked was how supportive the cast are of each other: how they all reacted when one of them got an award, how they mentioned each other in the speeches, and the gestures towards each other during the speeches. I haven't seen a full translation yet, but I do know that JYH said although she and LDG didn't get nominated for best couple, to her, he is the best partner.

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5 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

Clips from the KBS drama awards. These videos don't allow embedding, so here are the links:

Ra Miran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv6VcJXI--k

Choi Won Young, Cha In Pyo, Ra Miran interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW7fCBeIDdE

Lee Se Young: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O-fb-moOzs

Best Couples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWMAlFXn9ew



Lee Dong Gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP6e8ee8C78

Jo Yoon Hee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd07WsG9RUw

OnDemandKorea has the whole unsubbed version if anyone is interested. Maybe they or KBS World will have English subs in the future.

thank you for the link dear.... jo yoon hee is sooooo damn pretty. i like her dress with bareback and long slit. how i wish LDG and JYH will be a real couple but too bad he has a girlfren.  

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Ep 38.

Dj returns from his morning run and goes up the stairs instead to YS's room. He calls her name aloud and asks if she's awake.
He places milk on the bench outside. TP goes inside the house and greets GJ. the entire family is having breakfast. once they're all seated, GJ says something about how
she won't join them at the table or something and asks them to eat without her. They're all wondering what's with her and if she's healthy. Someone asks DJ about YS and DJ gets
up to check up on YS. As he reaches her room, he notices the milk is still outside untouched. He gets into the room and sees a gift box and opens it. There's the couple ring on top of 
a letter in a yellow envelope. There's the suit there too. DJ opens the letter and it's YS's farewell letter. She says something about how this could be shocking for him. She mention about the hardships and 
heartaches. As YS letter is being read out, we see YS in a bus traveling somewhere. YS says that she's happy thanks to DJ.  She wishes him happiness. YS is still wearing one of the rings as a locket though. 
DJ couldn't believe what's going on and calls YS but her phone has been switched off. DS comes into the room and asks what's going on. DJ is quiet and has a look of disbelief on his face. DS grabs the letter 
and reads it and asks if YS has left. 

DS goes down and announces YS's departure to the entire family. they're all surprised to learn the news. MS goes into the room and GJ is lying down. He tells her that YS has left and GJ says she knows. I thinnk 
GJ is trying to rationalise her role in YS's departure. MS is trying to reason with her. MS thinks GJ is wrong but she doesnt' want to hear it. 

Back at YS's house, GP's mom is inside and eating. DJ comes and knocks the door. GP's mom is wondering what's happening. DJ asks if YS is there but she isn't. She asks what happened and DJ says YS left. But he doesn't
stay to explain and leaves immediately. GP's mom is worried too at what this may do to her son. 

DJ goes to the tailor shop and has a flashback of yesterday when Ys said that she wanted to take things easy in the new year. He wondered whether she did that because she was leaving. Mrs Geum and SD come in and they're 
all talking about YS. 

Meanwhile, YS came to this village? and goes into this farm. SHe introduces herself to this lady. I think she's asking if she can help out/get a job. the lady says the job is hard or something but YS doesn't mind. YS is shown to 
a small house and it looks pretty run down. I think she's being instructed to clean up the place so she can stay there? She opens up her luggage and takes out the box of cupcakes DJ bought for her and starts to remember him.

Back to DJ, he is running at the fabric market looking for YS. He goes to  a store and introduces himself and asks about YS. The man doesn't seem to know where she is. 

Meanwhile, at Min household, TY comes for a visit and is greeted by an upset ES while HW hides by the chairs. He asks what's wrong. ES points out what TY did wrong and TY says he was just joking that night. Clearly, ES is dictating 
things for TY. She's snapping at him every time he tries to defend himself She mentions the CF again. I think she wants him to do it. He agrees. ES finally asks Hw to come out. Hw immediately jumps out from her hiding and is about to cry,
saying she misses TY. She even hugs him in front of ES. TY gets a phone call and it's DJ. DJ tells TY that YS is missing. TY says he will go to the tailor shop immediately. ES and HW overhear the conversation and they both wonder if that 
means DJ and YS have broken up. 

TY races to the tailor shop and meets up with SD and DJ. They're all wondering why YS could have left. DJ looks depressed. TY offers to call their village friends and ask around. 

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Meanwhile, YS is learning the ropes of the work at the farm.

Back at the lee household, GJ is lying down in her room and hears ES calling out for her. She wonders why ES is here.
ES comes bringing a gift for GJ and GJ says she feels burdened by this sudden gesture? Anyway, clearly ES is there to suggest that
they get HJ and DJ back together again. ES tells GJ that she knows what happened with DJ and his gf? GJ isn't pleased and tells ES to leave.
ES tells GJ to stop calling her Ms Go. 

Later, ES comes outside and is complaining about GJ. She runs into SN who's just coming downstairs from her room. SHe asks ES to follow her. 
THey go to the bakery to check out on EY. ES is singing praises about "SD dongsaeng's" first love. SN is upset and ES apologizes. I think SN wants ES to help 
her by asking about this matter directly to SD? or go check out EY? She's begging ES and is doing aegyo. ES finally agrees and goes inside the bakery. She asks Sn to wait
outside and SN says she'll trust ES on this. 
ES goes in and introduces herself to EY. She begins interviewing EY. SHe asks EY why she came her to set up a bakery after coming back from America. EY says she forgot to offer ES tea and 
goes to the kitchen to get tea for her. as she does this, ES and SN give each other hand signals.

Meanwhile, TP is getting his makeup done by dajung as DS watches them. He's nervous and warms up his voice. Dajung and DS are very supportive. after the makeup is done, TP says he has to go to the 
toilet and DS points out how many times has he gone already. DS and Dajung talk about TP appearing on TV and how MS and GJ should/will watch him? TP comes back from the toilet and he's looking awful. 
DS gives TP some pills? for his nerves? The crew of the music show comes and tells him to standby. He says he has to go to the toilet again and this drives Dajung and DS crazy. Before he goes to perform, the
three of them do a fighting cheer for TP. He finally performs his trot performance. 
He's playing the piano and singing that song he wrote for DS "Oppa Goes".. Thank god it isn't susanna's handekerchief. DS is in tears already. It's a pretty cool performance I have to admit and it really looks
like a performance you see on TV. The song is quite catchy and there's even a dance number. 

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When GJ came in to the kitchen and seemed to be defending HJ for being in the kitchen (sorry.. I am assuming she is defending HJ because I dont understand korean but there is this "matter of fact' look on GJ's face when DJ was scolding HJ for being in the kitchen), I was really mad. I mean GJ looked as if as HJ deserved to be in the kitchen more than YS..seriously mam? 

I do hope the writer nims would do something to make all of them eps GJ felt sorry..very, very sorry for what they did to YS..

@pinkdicentra..feel your sorrow chinggu..my eyes and heart are still hurting from the last three eps..now..I am at the angry phase more than sad..

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The crowd is mostly made up of the older crowd, as expected because of the trot genre. I guess they're having him perform the whole song..
The audience seems to be having a good time as they all get on their feet and dance along to the song. DS is so touched. Add Dajung to the mix. She's just as googly-eyed at her 
stepfather as her mom. Oh, btw, he is introduced as TP, not SJ. After he finishes, there's a chant of "Encore" going around with standing ovation.

Meanwhile, at the bakery, ES runs out of the bakery to rejoin with SN. She tells SN that EY's husband died in the US. Sn is shocked that Ey came here alone.

Back at the tailor shop, Dj and Sd are still talking about YS. DJ says he doesn't get why YS left. Suddenly, MS comes with Soju. He asks them all to have drink, just for the men.
MS is trying his best to comfort DJ. MS mentions about his love that couldn' be and flashes back to the girl being dragged by her father. The girl was his first love too. DJ says YS is his first love
too? SD asks them to drink to first love? 

At the farm, YS is still learning the jobs there. The lady is very kind. I wish i understand farm work more so i can elaborate more on this but I can't unfortunately. YS says she will work hard. Later, she is seen going into her
new home and quickly warms her body due to the cold she notices stain on the sleeve of her jacket and thinks back to her first encounter with DJ at the grape farm. She gets a voice mailbox call from TY and he asks her to come back 
quickly because DJ is having a hard time 

At Tony's burger, TY is working and HW comes to greet him. She asks him if he met DJ already and he says he has. SHe asks him Ys really like DJ, why would she leave? TY says he doesn't know yet for now.
HW tells TY that no matter what, she'll never leave TY and hugs him. TY thanks her. TY asks HW about HS and JY's wedding announcement. He asks if ES has agreed to it. HW says actually she hasn't. 

At the Min household, JY is learning about ES's favourite dishes? from the ajumma and HS comes in. JY asks him if they can really get married and HS is certain of it.

Back at the tailor shop, the men are still together. I think MS is leaving because it's getting late. MS says something about how if it's fated it wil be? DJ asks SD to come along with them but he says he has somewhere to go.
He arrives at the bakery and EY asks if he had drinks. He asks if he reeks of alcohol. EY offers him tea and he says ok. As EY's making tea, SD stares at her and smiles to himself. DJ and MS arrive home and is greeted by SN, who asks them where
SD is. DJ says he has something to do. SN asks DJ something about YS. After DJ goes inside, SN is angry and leaves the house. 
DJ gets into the kitchen and sees HJ cooking. He asks her what she's doing here. Even if YS has left, she has no reason to be here. HJ is all about how she can do a good job. GJ comes in and asks them about why they're fighting or something. DJ
is upset and actually raises his voice at his moom for having HJ come here to do this (YAY!!!) Dj leaves and HJ apologizes to GJ and runs out after DJ.
DJ is refusing to get back together with HJ at all costs and tells her not to appear in front of him again. He leaves the house and HJ is fuming with anger.

DJ goes to the tailor shop and picks up the tailor sleeves YS embroidered for him. He thinks back to all the times he was mean to her and that time when YS first asked him if he liked her. He starts to break down as tears are forming in his eyes (Sobs :( )

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At the bakery, EY and SD talk and she excuses herself. I think EY mentions about her encounter with ES. Sd calls Es immediately and asks about ES's encounter with EY. EY confesses that she did that because SN asked him to do so. SD is completely shaken and she begins
calling for EY. At the same time, we see SN marching furiously into the bakery and grabs EY's hair. The showdown begins. EY is shocked to learn that Sn is SD's wife. SN is blaming them both and doesn't believe EY at all. SD stops them and I think he pushes SN down (lost connection for a bit).
SD and Sn are shouting at each other. SD gets upset and leaves the bakery. SN tries to go after him and EY stops her, calling her eonni and telling her to let him be. 

Meanwhile, Dajung, Ds, and TP are celebrating the success of his performance. THey're talking about YS. Tp has a theory of how GJ could be the culprit behind YS leaving (he is on point as usual). Ds doesn't believe that could be the case. 

The door opens loudly and SD storms inside. TP offers him a drink but he rejects the offer and storms into his room. TP goes inside to find SD crying like a little kid. He says he's completely embarrassed and tells TP that SN pulls EY's hair. SD is crying his eyes out at how unreasonable SD was. 
DS comes and TP tells her to keep quiet and leave him alone. SD is really like a kid. Outside, the three of them are wondering what happened to SD. At that time, SN comes home. DS tells her that SD is crying and SN is shocked. 
SN goes into the room and asks why SD is crying when he's a man. SD pulls the blanket over his head and SD apologizes to him. This scene is really funny.

Downstairs, DJ finally comes home. He looks around and rather than going in, he goes upstairs to YS's room and looks back at the gift box she left him. He holds the couple ring and the letter and put the letter back into the envelope. He finally takes out the suit she made for him and examines it. (I like the colour ). YS stitched something inside the suit
that got DJ to utter a laugh. He tries calling her again but her phone's turned off. He leaves her a voice message. He sounds rather positive though, but I don't understand what he's saying. He asks her to come back immediately. His voice is shaking at the end of the message. 

Meanwhile, YS is inspecting the plants at the farm at night. she lights up the candles lined up (I guess something to do with farming). She takes a seat on a stool and takes out her phone and types a message for DJ. She's asking him to eat well and do a good job with the shop, and not to be sad about her. She deletes the message though. 

THe morning comes for TY's exam and HW is there to drop him off. She gives him some food to eat and even kisses him for strength. She sticks this thingy that koreans stick on the door during exam? if that makes sense and she prays for his success. ES is there too and even though HW is praying for TY's success, ES is doing the opposite, because she doesn't want 
him to pass so he can be a model. Cue SNSD"s Genie song. Haha what a funny scene. 

At the farm, the lady boss of YS tells her about some kind of delivery that her husband couldn't do so YS is doing it instead. She has to go back to Seoul to deliver it so she does, even though she is hesitant. 

At the tailor shop, DJ is staring outside the window. Mrs Geum mentions YS and SD tells her to keep quiet. DJ gets a call from Jeil and I think there's some problem because of Meesa Apparel? Maybe Wolgyesu and Meesa have to fight out for a spot at the store?? A man is giving this news update to HJ and she's upset at HS. 

Meanwhile, YS makes the delivery to a cafe and quickly leaves. as she leaves, it begins to rain heavily. She feels the rain drops on her palm and thnks back to when she had to go to a toilet urgently during her drive with DJ. It was raining then too. She smiles at the thought and looks sad as she stares at the rain. 
DJ is looking sad while he stares at the rain too from inside the shop. Just then, HJ's car pulls over and she enters the shop. He asks he what she's doing there. She's there to tell him about the whole Wolgyesu-Jeil-Meesa deal. She's there to warn him about HS but DJ doesn't care. HJ wants to be on his side on this one and offers to help him. Just then, the truck YS is driving pulls over in front of the shop
and she sees HJ giving DJ a hug. She looks shocked. 

Episode ends. 


- TY, ES, HW eating together. We see TY later being applied facial mask in HW's room.

- HS shouting something and mentions Ty's name.

- GJ looking worried about something.

- SD giving SN a contract saying if she pulls another woman's hair, they're getting divorced

- SN meeting a doctor. Result about something isn't good. She looks down.

- YS crying her eyes out. 

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9 minutes ago, effyisme said:

OMG why did HJ hug DJ and he didn't push her away!  My stream was lagging, can someone enlightened me pls?

It was the last scene chinggu,,we just got to see HJ hugging (maybe she wanted to console him for the bad news abt the contract or something)..but we probably would see in next week's eps that DJ actually push her away (I think..I hope)

But still I was not happy with the scene at all..and then putting YS just right in front of the shop..too cliche..and again why must YS be hurt even more..seriously..of course she would think how could DJ move on very quickly..it is so 'cruel', to some extent..hmm...sorry...chinggu was so disappointed...

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2 minutes ago, inna75 said:

It was the last scene chinggu,,we just got to see HJ hugging (maybe she wanted to console him for the bad news abt the contract or something)..but we probably would see in next week's eps that DJ actually push her away (I think..I hope)

But still I was not happy with the scene at all..and then putting YS just right in front of the shop..too cliche..and again why must YS be hurt even more..seriously..of course she would think how could DJ move on very quickly..it is so 'cruel', to some extent..hmm...sorry...chinggu was so disappointed...

I totally agree that it's too CRUEL for YS... and if DJ didn't push HJ away next week I will be very angry sad and disappointed!

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21 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

Happy New Year 2017 to everyone here :star::star::star::star:. I'm assuming the New Year has come for most of us here, if not all. 

First off, I want to say that it's been a pleasure recapping as usual. :wink: It gets easier as the drama goes along for sure so I've been really enjoying the ride so far. 

I've been reading a lot of comments especially post ep 37. @delphinium8593: I think today's episode is ep 37, not 38. Gah, how could I not know after watching this series religiously for months??? 

My thoughts so far after watching the raw ep:

1) Absence of any New Year or even NYE mention? Weird. I really wanted to see them celebrating this. Maybe tomorrow we'll get to see this theme play out. 

2) Noble idiocy. Well, I agree to that despite all the sadness in today's episode, I didn't feel as sad as the previous episodes because mentally, I was ready for this moment where YS would really leave. I'm just curious to see how things will revolve around GJ now. She was adamant about YS leaving DJ and she seemed  ready to face the wrath of the entire family and even DJ because of this so I really want to see how she'll react from now on. I really have no respect for this old lady because despite her best intentions on wanting to protect DJ because of YS's dangerous liaison, she also seemed ready to accept HJ back, something I didn't understand because of all the things HJ said to her about DJ. So it meant she was only interested in her money + status even though she knew DJ would be miserable. DJ is way too good a son to openly defy his mom from now on. So, I think the only way he can demonstrate how miserable he is is by rejecting HJ even more firmly and pour his heart and body into work. Become that workaholic who cares about nothing but work and make GJ realise how that she's wrong. 

3) TY-HW: Despite my liking of HW's character despite my general dislike for clingy and immature characters, today was the first time that I utterly felt annoyed with HW. I mean, I got that she had this loyalty for her stepsister and she didn't really know YS enough else she would've sided with her, but she really went too far with TY. I honestly still don't know their full conversation/fight, but if I were TY, it'd annoy me that HW kept saying that he didn't really love her every time she wanted to get her way. TY needs a mature relationship but HW is in a kiddish-style relationship where you'll have disputes over the smallest things and you have to be together like ALL the time. I mean, come on, get a job or something. How could she have just lied down in his bed as he studied was beyond my understanding. Just because they're dating doesn't mean they have to see each other every single day. Maybe it was time for them to have their first fight but I thought that would come when HW learns about JY. I'm really curious to see how they'll make up for now. TY seems really clueless that HW is mad right now. Actually, scratch that, ES is interfering right now. It seems much more convenience for their meetings to be at the gosiwon anyway since HW lives with her family so I don't know how TY will react from here on. 

4) SD-SN: getting more interesting but things are still unfolding. SD should just introduce SN to EY as EY clearly doesn't see SD romantically at all. Did she perhaps suspect that SN could be SD's wife? 

5) HS-JY ; At this point, I don't care. Just get married and be miserable soon. 

As for the KBS Drama Awards, I have to say that I'm so glad so many of the actors got awarded. @natkat: thank you for sharing the pics. hyunwoo and lee seyoung are together again after the entertainment awards. I have to say I thought it was an old picture because Lee se young was dressed in a similar colour as her dress during the entertainment awards. But seriously, 7 best couples? MBC and SBS only had one haha. Clearly the drama was well-received and I'm glad.

Waiting for the subs for now. Happy new year again, guys :heart:


I disagree on several points you made so I will push back.

1.  YS's actions are not based on "noble idiocy," far from it. From the start of the show, she was clearly afraid and disliked GP---however due to a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome she was forced into "marriage".  The man was stalking her and clearly abusing her (emotionally and mentally; if not physically).  She is terrified of him.  Absolutely.  That being said---DJ slowly starts weaning her out of that state.  The man clearly showed her love, he confessed to her first, he stood by his love for her and wouldn't for it on her. She even kept away because of GP threatening her.  She wasn't doing it so much, because she thought DJ would be happier----it's clear to her and to me at least that DJ loves her and he wouldn't be happier without her there.  He even said it himself, and he doesn't lie about his feelings.  YS is doing it because she is terrified to what might happen to him.  I agree this element of NI is in the story---however, it's perpetuated from the way GJ described what life would be like for her and DJ.  How he would destroy her life.  That's where DJ's mother is coming from.   But to men, it's clear that's not why YS is leaving or coming from.  Right after GJ spoke to her the first time asking her to leave---it wasn't until her phone call with GP did she relent.  The man was screaming, "You're Mine."   "You and DJ will pay for what you did to me."  "You know how I can get, don't push me."  <---Yeah, that's complete and utter fear. 

I am sorry; I am as terrified for her and DJ as she would be for DJ and his family.   If I were in her place I would leave because of his threat to DJ and his families life.  I would also leave because I wouldn't want this man to find me and add some physical abuse to the mental and emotional I had to deal with.  This is far from noble idiocy.   She is leaving out of fear.  Not so much it would make DJ happier, she knows for sure he wouldn't be. She's more afriad for their lives.  When a man says, "You know how I can get..." I run.  If I have an idea, I see it as my que to change my name, dye my hair, and move to Busan. 

2. TY- HW:  This is a relationship that I understand and love.  I'm surprised one would expect a mature relationship with HW. Let's break down HW's personality to understand her relationships with TY.  a) the girl is spoiled as hell, b ) making her highly sheletered, c) she clearly even said she's NEVER been in a relationship, d) making her unable to know the ins and outs.   She's also what?! 21-23 with her first boyfriend ever.  I was in high school once in my life...yeah she's acting like every high school girl in their first or 2nd, and 3rd relationship---based on her personality background.  She's possessive and she plays "games".  Those games girl play with boys.  Hanging up on them because she's angry.  Not returning calls, silly threats and demands.  That's what teens due.  You could say she's not a teen, but being a spoiled brat brings you down to teen for me.  However, unlike other children---she can be grounded because TY is very practical.   TY doesn't get caught up in her whirlwind, but keeps her from getting to high in the air. 

Which is actually a good thing.  I think TY needs someone like her, because he can be too serious.  He needs to smile more. I don't remember him smiling much before HW.  I think HW needs someone practical who's not living off of family money but doing what he can.  She would totally go into poverty with him if she could. I think that's a fairly mature act.  That being said, I think the writers are moving to increasing HW's relationship personality when she finds out about JY and TY's past relationship. She's definitely gonig to be experiencing something.  I can see her breaking a bit and having to rise out of that sense of betrayal and blindness she once had.

As for TY being blind to her anger...not to be sexist but he's a guy.  These guys are totally blind. It's like real life to be honest.  I'm watching Weightlifting Fairy and all the men on the show are blind as bats. 

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On 30/12/2016 at 1:33 AM, valzki said:

By any chance, do you guys know how long has GP been in jail already? @pimsucre  @TheMsChelsea91 @ck1Oz @jimb @effyisme @natkat @pinkdicentra @vaberella @hyall @delphinium8593 @wizuwizu @dulceres @rubie




He's coming out in a month.  Remember in the episode when YS went to the prison and met up with DJ's ex.  GP told her he would come out in a month.  Earlier in the ep I think he told her hence the reason YS showed up.  HJ confirmed it as well.  They brought his prison time from 6 months and he served I think 1 month---now he'll be out in another month. I think there's only a couple of weeks left for his release. 

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4 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

Meanwhile, YS is learning the ropes of the work at the farm.

Back at the lee household, GJ is lying down in her room and hears ES calling out for her. She wonders why ES is here.
ES comes bringing a gift for GJ and GJ says she feels burdened by this sudden gesture? Anyway, clearly ES is there to suggest that
they get HJ and DJ back together again. ES tells GJ that she knows what happened with DJ and his gf? GJ isn't pleased and tells ES to leave.
ES tells GJ to stop calling her Ms Go. 

Later, ES comes outside and is complaining about GJ. She runs into SN who's just coming downstairs from her room. SHe asks ES to follow her. 
THey go to the bakery to check out on EY. ES is singing praises about "SD dongsaeng's" first love. SN is upset and ES apologizes. I think SN wants ES to help 
her by asking about this matter directly to SD? or go check out EY? She's begging ES and is doing aegyo. ES finally agrees and goes inside the bakery. She asks Sn to wait
outside and SN says she'll trust ES on this. 
ES goes in and introduces herself to EY. She begins interviewing EY. SHe asks EY why she came her to set up a bakery after coming back from America. EY says she forgot to offer ES tea and 
goes to the kitchen to get tea for her. as she does this, ES and SN give each other hand signals.

Meanwhile, TP is getting his makeup done by dajung as DS watches them. He's nervous and warms up his voice. Dajung and DS are very supportive. after the makeup is done, TP says he has to go to the 
toilet and DS points out how many times has he gone already. DS and Dajung talk about TP appearing on TV and how MS and GJ should/will watch him? TP comes back from the toilet and he's looking awful. 
DS gives TP some pills? for his nerves? The crew of the music show comes and tells him to standby. He says he has to go to the toilet again and this drives Dajung and DS crazy. Before he goes to perform, the
three of them do a fighting cheer for TP. He finally performs his trot performance. 
He's playing the piano and singing that song he wrote for DS "Oppa Goes".. Thank god it isn't susanna's handekerchief. DS is in tears already. It's a pretty cool performance I have to admit and it really looks
like a performance you see on TV. The song is quite catchy and there's even a dance number. 


Thanks for this...I think I'm going to love this episode! It has a lot of juicy bits.  I can't wait. Seriously, I'm loving everything---I was waiting for ES to push TY.  I get it though, he'll do anything for his girls. I know for a fact that ES, HW, and whatever daughter TY and HW have will have TY wrapped around their little finger.  TY holds his own though.  I personally don't see why he can''t model and study for teaching at the same time. I get the test on the same day as the shoot is a problem.  But you can do another commercial. 


Because I want to quote it looks like I'm freakin' spamming!  WHY?!  Mods please connect my posts. Thanks. 

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Though sometimes I cringed at the cheesy and immature things HW does. I think it is perfectly logical for her to root for her own sister. She barely knows YS,  it will be weird to root for YS just coz of TY.  At least she cares for her own family. As I can see from amused expressions from dj and ty , they knew she is good nature and totally not mean spirited in her protests. 

I do wanna address that all these jealousy and anger stemmed from hw's insecurities. Deep down in her heart , she felt that she put so much effort in pursuing that he chose her because he was eventually broken down. We could see from the fourth wall that TY truly care but to her I don't think she truly believe ty loves her as much or even a fraction as much she does. Hence a. She din get why the little bobo  can make his heart race b.Din get he was joking coz well he never this carefree and relax before. So I sorta despite my cringing over certain action understand perfectly. I think deep down inside she shot down his many attempts to bring up the subject of the ex gf.

She is not as confident as most ppl would think she is . 



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